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Documentation of the issue finished products.How to reflect the release of finished products in accounting? How to register and account for materials release? Read about this in our article.

Question: The company produces finished products every day. What document should this release be drawn up or what mandatory details should be in this document.

Answer: It is not necessary to use the standard forms of documents that are in the albums of unified forms and approved by the resolutions of the State Statistics Committee of Russia; you can develop your own or make adjustments to the standard forms. The main thing is that the primary document must contain the following mandatory details:

name of the document;

date of document preparation;

Approve the forms of primary documents in the accounting policy (clause 4 of PBU 1/2008).

Our system has document forms that you can use when releasing products.

To determine the moment of actual use of materials in production, additional reporting forms can be used. For example, a report on the use of materials in production

To write off materials, you can also apply the Material Write-off Certificate

Act on the write-off of materials that were transferred to units without indicating the purpose of their use

form No. MX-18) -

In warehouses, financially responsible persons, on the basis of primary documents, maintain quantitative and total records of finished products. For example, to record incoming products, you can use the Product Receipt Log

How to register and account for materials release


What primary documents are used to document the release of materials into production?

Document the release (transfer) of materials into operation (production) with the following documents:

The chief accountant advises: It is not necessary to use standard forms of documents that are in albums of unified forms and approved by resolutions of the State Statistics Committee of Russia. Therefore, organizations have the right to develop a single act for the write-off of materials. It can indicate only mandatory details and those that are important for the organization based on the specifics of the activity.

Use the same documents to write off property worth up to 40,000 rubles. (another limit established in the accounting policy), which in other respects corresponds to fixed assets. This is explained by the fact that in accounting its value is written off similarly to materials (paragraph 4, paragraph 5 of PBU 6/01, letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated May 30, 2006 No. 03-03-04/4/98).


At what point in accounting should you write off materials released into production?

Materials transferred for production (operation) are written off as expenses at the time they are released from the warehouse, that is, at the time of drawing up documents for the transfer of materials into operation (production) (clause 93).

The chief accountant advises: in order to determine the moment of actual use of materials in production, additional reporting forms can be used. For example, a report on the use of materials in production. This will allow you to reduce the costs of the reporting period by the cost of materials whose processing has not begun.

Some industry guidelines also recommend doing this (clause and Methodological Recommendations approved by Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia dated January 31, 2003 No. 26). In addition, the moment of actual consumption of materials is important for tax purposes. For more information about this, see How to take into account material expenses when calculating income tax and How to write off expenses for the purchase of raw materials and materials when simplifying.

In accounting, document the release of materials by posting:

Debit 20 (23, 25, 26, 29, 44, 97...) Credit 10 (16)
- materials written off.

Transfer to units

How to write off materials transferred to an organizational unit in accounting

The transfer of materials to departments can occur without indicating the purpose of their expenditure (at the time of release from the warehouse, the name of the order (product, product) for the manufacture of which materials are released or the name of the costs is unknown). In this case, write them off as expenses based on the act, which is drawn up after the actual use of the materials. Before the act is signed, these materials are listed as the recipient's account. The issue of materials is accounted for as an internal movement (documented by posting to subaccounts within account 10). Such rules are established by the paragraphs and Methodological Instructions approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 28, 2001 No. 119n.

How to reflect the release of finished products in accounting

Transfer to warehouse

How to document the transfer of finished products to the warehouse

After production, the finished products are transferred to the warehouse from the relevant departments (workshop, team). Reflect this movement in the invoice for the transfer of finished products to storage locations (form No. MX-18).

This is provided for in paragraphs , and of the Methodological Instructions approved, and follows from Part 1

Warehouse accounting

How to keep records of finished products in warehouses

In warehouses, financially responsible persons, on the basis of primary documents, keep quantitative and total records of finished products (clause 264 of the Methodological Instructions, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance dated December 28, 2001 No. 119n). Resolution of the State Statistics Committee dated September 13, 2001 No. 66 approved various forms of such documents. For example, to record incoming products, use a product receipt log.

For analytical accounting In places where finished products are stored, use discount prices. Such rules are established in paragraph 204 of the Methodological Instructions, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance dated December 28, 2001 No. 119n. Set the chosen method of accounting for finished products at storage locations in the accounting policy for accounting purposes (clause 7 of PBU 1/2008).

Transportation to another unit

How to arrange transportation of finished products using your own transport from one separate division to another

If an organization transports finished products between its divisions using its own transport, it is necessary to formalize:

Invoice for internal movement - TORG-13 (will confirm the movement of valuables between separate divisions and financially responsible persons within the organization);
- waybill, for example Form No. 4-C (confirms expenses for fuel and lubricants and the fact of using the car for production purposes).

If you are transporting alcoholic products, you also need to fill out a TTN in form 1-T and a certificate for the consignment note for ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products. The fact is that the circulation of alcoholic products is allowed only if these accompanying documents are available (Article 10.2 of Law No. 171-FZ dated November 22, 1995, clarifications of the Federal Alcohol Regulation Agency dated July 8, 2011).
The form of the certificate and the rules for filling it out were approved by Government Decree No. 864 dated December 31, 2005. Organizations transporting alcoholic beverages from one separate unit to another, located at different addresses, must fill out only section B of this document. If separate divisions have the same address (for example, a warehouse and a retail store), accompanying documents do not need to be drawn up (the position is confirmed by the decision of the Arbitration Court of the Volga-Vyatka District dated March 31, 2016 in case No. A29-9002/2015).

How to organize document flow in accounting

Primary documents

The primary document must contain the following mandatory details:

name of the document;

date of document preparation;

name of the economic entity (organization) that compiled the document;

the value of the natural and (or) monetary measurement of a fact of economic life, indicating the units of measurement;

the names of the positions of the persons who completed the transaction, operation, and those responsible for its execution, or the names of the positions of the persons responsible for the execution of the accomplished event;

signatures of these persons with transcripts and other information necessary to identify these persons.

Primary documents are drawn up on paper and (or) in the form of an electronic document signed with an electronic signature (Part 5 of Article 9 of the Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ).

How to use unified and standard forms of documents

Unified forms of documents from albums of unified forms approved by resolutions of the State Statistics Committee are not mandatory for use. At the same time, the forms established by authorized bodies on the basis of federal laws remain mandatory for use. Thus, the organization is obliged to use standard forms of documents approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, the Bank of Russia (for example, payment orders, expenditure and cash receipt orders) and other authorized bodies in pursuance of federal laws. Such clarifications are contained in the information of the Ministry of Finance dated December 4, 2012 No. PZ-10/2012, letter of the Federal Tax Service dated June 23, 2014 No. ED-4-2/11941.

If for any fact of economic life a unified form of the primary document is established by a resolution of the State Statistics Committee, then the organization has the right, at its own choice:

or develop the document form yourself;

or use a unified form.

By general rule The forms of primary documents are determined by the head of the organization upon the recommendation of the person entrusted with accounting (Part 4, Article 9 of Law No. 402-FZ dated December 6, 2011). That is, the manager must approve either the form independently developed by the organization, or the fact that the organization uses unified forms.

In any case, the primary document must contain all the mandatory details listed in Part 2 of Article 9 of the Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ. The information included in this list is identical in composition and content to the details of documents compiled according to forms from albums of unified forms. That is, the current unified forms comply with the requirements of Part 2 of Article 9 of the Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ.

If necessary, you can add details to unified forms (additional rows, columns, etc.) or exclude them. Approve the corrected unified form by order.

Alexander Sorokin answers,

Deputy Head of the Operational Control Department of the Federal Tax Service of Russia

“CCT should be used only in cases where the seller provides the buyer, including its employees, with a deferment or installment plan for payment for its goods, work, and services. It is these cases, according to the Federal Tax Service, that relate to the provision and repayment of a loan to pay for goods, work, and services. If an organization issues a cash loan, receives a repayment of such a loan, or itself receives and repays a loan, do not use the cash register. When exactly you need to punch a check, see the recommendations.”

Finished productsmain result production process enterprises. It appears in the form of products and items, the processing of which in a given organization has been completed in full, complying with the standards and specifications accepted by the quality control department and transferred to the finished product warehouse. Let's look at typical postings for the issue and in accounting for the account.

Tasks of accounting for finished products in accounting:

  • constant control over the volume of finished products and their quality, safety of stocks and their size;
  • timely and competent documentation of products shipped to customers;
  • strict control over the supply of finished products and their compliance with concluded contracts in terms of quantity, nomenclature and assortment;
  • accurate and timely calculation of sales revenue, actual cost and profit.

Production and release of finished products in postings on accounts 43 and 40

The output of finished products is accounted for at planned or actual cost. In the first case, it is used, from which the actual cost is then written off and the difference between the actual cost and the planned cost is adjusted in correspondence with the account .02 using a separate posting.


Account Dt Kt account Wiring Description Transaction amount Base document
() ( , ) Finished products were released from production and put into storage at their actual cost 5000 Help-calculation, cost calculation
Manufactured finished products are taken into account at their planned cost 5100 Certificate of calculation, certificate of release of finished products
.02 The difference in the cost of manufactured finished products has been adjusted (savings) 100 Help-calculation (closing the month)

How to reflect sales of products in transactions

Sales volume includes all finished products shipped to customers, regardless of whether they have been paid for or not. Products can be sold either with subsequent payment after shipment or with prepayment.


Account Dt Kt account Wiring Description Transaction amount Base document
1. Sale of finished products before payment by the buyer
90.02 Finished products are sent for sale at their actual cost 5000 Invoice (TORG-12)
90.01 Reflected revenue for sold products including VAT 7080 Waybill (TORG-12) and invoice
VAT on products sold is reflected 1080
The supplier's debt for shipped products has been repaid 7080
2. Sale of finished products on prepayment
Received advance payment from buyer 7080 Payment order, bank statement
76 VAT is charged on the prepayment amount 1080 Sales book,
90.02 5000 Waybill (TORG-12), invoice
90.01 Sales revenue taken into account 7080 Waybill (TORG-12), invoice
The prepayment received earlier was taken into account as repayment of the debt to the buyer 7080 Help-calculation
76 VAT is credited from the prepayment amount 1080 Invoice


    K (deviations) = (100,000 + (-500,000))/ (3,000,000 + 12,000,000) = -0.027.

    Let's calculate the amount of deviation attributable to sold products, i.e. the amount of deviation that should be reflected in account 90.2. Based on the calculations carried out, per ruble of planned cost of finished products there are 0.027 rubles of deviations. The minus sign indicates savings in actual production costs relative to planned costs.

    B (deviations) = C (realizations) * K (deviations).

  • C (sales) – planned cost of products sold for the reporting period
  • K (deviation) – deviation coefficient.


B (deviations) = 13,000,000 * -0.027 = -351,000 rubles. The minus sign means savings (credit balance of account 43.2 after closing account 40).

The actual cost of products sold during the reporting period is:

13,000,000 rubles – 351,000 rubles = 12,649,000 rubles.

The amount of deviation attributable to the balance of finished products at the end of the reporting period is:

400,000 – 351,000 = 69,000 rubles. This amount is the credit balance of account 43.2 at the end of the reporting period after reflecting all of the above transactions.

The actual cost of finished products at the end of the reporting period at storage locations will be:

3,000,000 + 12,000,000 – 13,000,000 – 69,000 = 1,931,000 rubles.

Below are accounting entries that reflect this situation.

List of accounts involved in accounting entries:

Account DtKt accountWiring DescriptionTransaction amountBase document
43.01 40 The production of finished products at planned cost is reflected12,000,000 (planned cost)
90.2 43.01 Planned cost of goods sold. The posting is made when reflecting the fact of sale.13,000,000 (planned cost)Consignment note (form No. TORG-12)
40 20 The actual cost of manufactured products is reflected11,500,000 (actual cost)Costing
43.02 40 We adjust the cost of manufactured products-500,000 (deviation)Accounting certificate-calculation
90.2 43.02 We adjust the cost of sales of products by the calculated deviation amount-351,000 (deviation)Accounting certificate-calculation

Accounting for finished products at actual cost

When accounting for the production of finished products at actual cost, it is necessary to indicate in the postings the items and cost elements that make up the cost of production. When accounting for actual production costs, both direct production costs (material, wages of production workers, depreciation of production assets, etc.) and indirect costs (general production and general expenses). There is a technique in which only direct production costs (reduced production costs) are reflected in the cost calculation. This technique makes it somewhat easier to account for the output of finished products. Account 43 “Finished products” when accounting for finished products at actual cost is not required to be divided into subaccounts. Below are accounting entries, reflecting the production of finished products at actual cost.

Account DtKt accountWiring DescriptionTransaction amountBase document
43 20 Postings reflecting the release of finished products of the main production. In the analytics of account 20, the itemized composition of costs included in the cost is indicatedCertificate of release of finished products
43 23 Postings reflecting the release of finished products from auxiliary industries. The analytics of account 23 indicate the itemized composition of costs included in the costActual cost amountCertificate of release of finished products
43 29 Postings reflecting the production of finished products from service industries and farms. The analytics of account 29 indicate the itemized composition of costs included in the cost priceActual cost amountCertificate of release of finished products

Let's consider accounting for the output of finished products at planned cost using account 40 “Output of products, works, services”. Account 43 “Finished products” has two subaccounts: 43.1 “Finished products at planned cost”; 43.2 “Deviations of the planned cost of finished products from the actual cost.”

Let's look at the topic using an example:

At an enterprise that produces a large range of finished products, the following situation has arisen:

The balance of finished products in storage areas at the beginning of the reporting period, calculated in the amounts of the planned cost, is 3,000,000 rubles (debit balance of account 43.1 at the beginning of the reporting period)

The deviation of the planned cost from the actual cost in terms of the balance of finished products at the beginning of the reporting period is 100,000 rubles (debit balance of account 43.2 at the beginning of the period). This deviation value indicates an overexpenditure of actual production relative to planned indicators.

The output of finished products, calculated in the planned cost, is 12,000,000 rubles for the reporting period (credit turnover of account 40 for the reporting period)

The planned cost of products sold for the reporting period is 13,000,000 rubles (credit turnover of account 43.1 in correspondence with account 90.2 “Cost of sales”).

According to production data, the actual cost of manufactured products for the reporting period is 11,500,000 (debit turnover of account 40 for the reporting period).

The deviation of the planned cost from the actual cost for the reporting period is: 11,500,000 – 12,000,000 = -500,000 rubles (credit balance of account 40 after reflecting the actual cost). This deviation indicates savings in production costs.

Let's calculate the deviation coefficient, which determines the amount of deviation per ruble of the planned cost of balances and finished products.

K (deviations) = (SN 43.2+SC 40)/(SND 43.1+KO 40).

  • CH 43.2 – account balance 43.2 at the beginning of the reporting period;
  • SK 40 – account balance 40 after the actual cost of manufactured products is reflected in the accounting;
  • SND 43.1 – debit balance of account 43.1 at the beginning of the reporting period;
  • KO 40 – credit turnover of account 40 for the reporting period.


K (deviations) = (100,000 + (-500,000))/ (3,000,000 + 12,000,000) = -0.027.

Let's calculate the amount of deviation attributable to sold products, i.e. the amount of deviation that should be reflected in account 90.2. Based on the calculations carried out, per ruble of planned cost of finished products there are 0.027 rubles of deviations. The minus sign indicates savings in actual production costs relative to planned costs.

B (deviations) = C (realizations) * K (deviations).

  • C (sales) – planned cost of products sold for the reporting period
  • K (deviation) – deviation coefficient.


B (deviations) = 13,000,000 * -0.027 = -351,000 rubles. The minus sign means savings (credit balance of account 43.2 after closing account 40).

The actual cost of products sold during the reporting period is:

13,000,000 rubles – 351,000 rubles = 12,649,000 rubles.

The amount of deviation attributable to the balance of finished products at the end of the reporting period is:

400,000 – 351,000 = 69,000 rubles. This amount is the credit balance of account 43.2 at the end of the reporting period after reflecting all of the above transactions.

The actual cost of finished products at the end of the reporting period at storage locations will be:

3,000,000 + 12,000,000 – 13,000,000 – 69,000 = 1,931,000 rubles.

Below are accounting entries that reflect this situation.

Account Dt Kt account Wiring Description Transaction amount Base document
The production of finished products at planned cost is reflected 12,000,000 (planned cost)
Planned cost of goods sold. The posting is made when reflecting the fact of sale. 13,000,000 (planned cost) Consignment note (form No. TORG-12)
The actual cost of manufactured products is reflected 11,500,000 (actual cost) Costing
We adjust the cost of manufactured products -500,000 (deviation) Accounting certificate-calculation
We adjust the cost of sales of products by the calculated deviation amount -351,000 (deviation) Accounting certificate-calculation

Accounting for finished products at actual cost

When accounting for the production of finished products at actual cost, it is necessary to indicate in the postings the items and cost elements that make up the cost of production. When accounting for actual production costs, both direct production costs (material, wages of production workers, depreciation of production assets, etc.) and indirect costs (general production and general business expenses) are indicated. There is a technique in which only direct production costs (reduced production costs) are reflected in the cost calculation. This technique makes it somewhat easier to account for the output of finished products. Account 43 “Finished products” when accounting for finished products at actual cost is not required to be divided into subaccounts. Below are accounting entries reflecting the release of finished products at actual cost.

Account Dt Kt account Wiring Description Transaction amount Base document
Postings reflecting the release of finished products of the main production. In the analytics of account 20, the itemized composition of costs included in the cost is indicated Certificate of release of finished products
Postings reflecting the release of finished products from auxiliary industries. The analytics of account 23 indicate the itemized composition of costs included in the cost Actual cost amount Certificate of release of finished products
Postings reflecting the production of finished products from service industries and farms. The analytics of account 29 indicate the itemized composition of costs included in the cost price Actual cost amount Certificate of release of finished products

Finished products are a part of inventories intended for sale (the final result of the production cycle, assets completed by processing (assembly), the technical and quality characteristics of which comply with the terms of the contract or the requirements of other documents) (clause 199 of the Methodological Instructions, approved by the Order Ministry of Finance dated December 28, 2001 No. 119n).

An organization can manufacture products on its own or with the involvement of third parties (both individuals and legal entities) under a contract agreement. In the latter case, the use of a tolling scheme is quite common. We talked in more detail about customer-supplied raw materials and the procedure for accounting for them with the customer and contractor in a separate article.

But regardless of the method of production of products, their receipt at the warehouse must be documented with a primary accounting document. As such a document, you can use the product acceptance certificate, a sample of which is given in our material.

We arrange the acceptance and delivery of finished products

When the manufacturer of the product (a structural unit (for example, a workshop) or a third-party company) is ready to transfer the product, a primary accounting document is drawn up. Which one - the parties decide independently (Information of the Ministry of Finance No. PZ-10/2012). If finished products are transferred as a result of work under a contract, the form of the transfer act is usually fixed in the contract between the parties.

For example, you can use a unified form of invoice for the transfer of finished products to storage locations No. MX-18 (approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee dated 08/09/1999 No. 66). We have given an example of filling out this form. Is it possible, incl. and based on it, develop an independent form. The main thing is to ensure that the primary accounting document contains the mandatory details provided for in Part 2 of Art. 9 of the Federal Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ.

For example, you can use a transfer and acceptance act, from which it should follow, in particular, who is transferring, who is receiving, what finished products and in what quantity. If necessary, the product acceptance certificate (form) can also provide information about technical specifications manufactured products, their cost, place of transfer, etc.

A transfer and acceptance certificate can be drawn up not only to reflect the release of finished products and their initial storage, but also, for example, to document the transfer of finished products between structural divisions.

The act of acceptance and transfer of finished products to the seller, as well as in other cases, is drawn up in at least 2 copies - one each for the deliverer and the recipient.

An act of acceptance and transfer of products can be drawn up in addition to the document that formalizes the direct (physical) transfer of products from the contractor to the customer. In this case, the actual transfer of products can be carried out using a separate invoice, for example, in form No. TORG-12 (approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of December 25, 1998 No. 132). And the act is drawn up primarily for settlements between the parties.

For the acceptance certificate of finished products, we provide a sample of how to fill it out.

How to reflect the acceptance and transfer of products in accounting?

Order accounting acceptance and transfer of finished products depends on the specific conditions and circumstances in which this business transaction is carried out.

In the simplest case, when an organization produces finished products independently, using its own production units (shops), the release of products and their transfer to the warehouse will be reflected as follows (Order of the Ministry of Finance dated October 31, 2000 No. 94n):

Debit account 43 “Finished products” - Credit account 20 “Main production”

In the case where the products were manufactured by the contractor from customer-supplied materials, their receipt at the customer’s warehouse is usually accounted for as follows:

Debit account 20 - Credit account 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors”

And only after account 20 has collected all production costs, both incurred by the customer and those presented by contractors, will the output be reflected:

Debit account 43 - Credit account 20

But if finished products are moved between structural divisions, this is reflected in analytical accounting or in subaccounts to account 43. For example, based on the acceptance certificate of printed products from finished goods warehouse No. 1 to warehouse No. 2, the posting will be as follows:

Debit account 43/Warehouse No. 2 - Credit account 43/Warehouse No. 1


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