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The most important stage of work when building a garage is the arrangement of the floor. Its surface must be durable and reliable, since during operation it will have to withstand fairly high mechanical loads and the impact of moisture and various aggressive technical fluids on its surface. Therefore, concreting the floor in the garage must be done strictly according to the developed technology, without missing a single recommendation.

The floor in the garage can be concreted even before the walls are erected, or in a ready-made “box”. The best option, of course, is to pour the floor screed, as well as construct an inspection hole (if it is planned) at the foundation construction stage, since at this stage of the work the space is not limited by walls and roof. Thanks to such circumstances, you can use earth-moving equipment and free yourself from the labor-intensive excavation of a pit. In addition, there will be no problems with the delivery and pouring of ready-made concrete, which will significantly speed up the process of arranging the floor, since the solution will not have to be mixed in small portions. However, if it turns out that the walls of the garage are already ready, nothing is impossible.

What are the requirements for a concrete garage floor?

To understand how important it is to follow technology and use high-quality materials for arranging a garage screed, you need to know what requirements it must meet and what qualities it must have.

  • So that cracks do not form on the screed and it does not begin to crumble under the influence of static and dynamic loads on it, the surface and internal structure of the base must be strong and reliable. In achieving these qualities, it is necessary to focus on the weight of the car for which the garage is being built, and choose modern materials and ways to strengthen the structure of the floor and its external covering.

  • It is impossible to live without various aggressive liquids - fuels and lubricants, solvents, detergents and others - in the garage, as well as to exclude the possibility of them getting on the floor surface. This means that the coating must withstand such chemical exposure.
  • The product being created must have high moisture resistance and the ability to reduce excess humidity.
  • To prevent water from pooling in one of the corners of the room during preventive procedures, the floor surface must be perfectly flat or have a slope for organized drainage.
  • The surface should be as smooth as possible - it is much easier to clean, which will significantly reduce the time for this mandatory event.
  • The floor must be fire-resistant, since not only in the garage, but also in the car itself there are flammable substances that can get onto the surface.

  • Durability of the structure. To achieve this floor quality, many owners prefer to cover the surface of the screed with one of the modern flooring materials in the form of ceramic, rubber or plastic tiles. However, ordinary floor tiles will not be suitable for these purposes - a special, increased thickness and strength facing material designed for high weight loads is required. In addition to this quality, the additional coating will be an excellent decorative design for the garage floor, and will also protect the screed from absorbing gasoline and oil stains.

Despite recommendations for the exterior finishing of garage floors, many car owners prefer to make do with screed only. You can do it this way, but in this case the best option would be enhanced waterproofing with deep penetration compounds and special operations to strengthen concrete.

So, no matter what method of arranging the floor surface is chosen, you cannot do without a reliable foundation for it. Therefore, durable work will have to be done in any case, and it must be of high quality.

Cement prices

Materials and tools necessary for arranging a garage floor

Before starting work, if it will be carried out independently, that is, without delivery of the finished solution, you should purchase everything necessary materials for the manufacture of screeds, as well as purchase or rent some tools and equipment.

So, to pour a concrete floor in a garage you will need:

  • Sand will be needed for backfilling on the ground, that is, to create a so-called “cushion”, as well as for making a solution.
  • Crushed stone will also be needed for arranging the pillow.
  • Expanded clay is purchased if you plan to insulate the floor. Typically this layer is installed when constructing garages in regions with harsh winter conditions.
  • To make a concrete solution, you will need, in addition to sand, cement and gravel (crushed stone).

  • To reinforce the screed, you will need ready-made reinforcing cards of a metal mesh or a metal rod with a diameter of 6÷8 mm. If a rod is purchased, it is laid out in the form of a mesh, and a lattice is knitted from it using wire.
  • To set the beacons when leveling the screed, reinforcement with a diameter of 20 mm can be used, which is placed along the room, at a distance between the rods of 600÷700 mm. Often, old, unnecessary VGP steel pipes are used for these purposes.
  • To protect the screed from moisture coming from the ground, a waterproofing material is laid underneath it. Most often, roofing felt or thick polyethylene film is used for such purposes.
  • Leveling the finished screed is sometimes done with a self-leveling compound, sold in the form of a dry building mixture in paper packages. However, this is an optional material, since most craftsmen prefer to level the surface with cement-sand plastic mortar.
  • To build the walls of the inspection pit, you can use ordinary red brick or gas silicate blocks.
  • If the walls of the inspection pit are planned to be made of concrete, then they will require the same materials as for the screed, that is, cement, gravel and sand, as well as waterproofing material for the bottom and walls.
  • To frame the edges of the pit you will need a metal corner.

From the tools you need to prepare a tamper, a building level, usually a trowel, a shovel, a container for mixing the mortar, a squeegee for distributing the mixture of the self-leveling floor and a needle roller for removing air bubbles from the leveling finishing layer.

To make the work go faster, it is best to rent a concrete mixer for the period of pouring the screed and arranging the inspection hole, since you will have to make quite a lot of solution.

Any garage owner knows how important a strong and reliable garage floor is. This can be explained very simply - the floor bears a serious load, which is much greater than in residential premises. That is why it is necessary to pay maximum attention to the arrangement of the concrete floor in the garage so that the work is carried out efficiently. This article will discuss how to properly concrete floors in a garage.

It is worth noting right away that the arrangement of the inspection pit and floor is often carried out when pouring the foundation, since in this case the walls do not restrict movement. This option for concreting the floor has a limitation related to the weather - the concrete hardens for a long time, and precipitation that falls at the wrong time can ruin the whole work.

Requirements for a concrete floor

When installing a concrete floor, you need to ensure compliance with the requirements for such a coating. If everything is done correctly, the structure will withstand both long-term loads and one-time loads (like a dropped key).

The concrete floor in the garage must meet the following requirements:

  1. High strength. This indicator directly depends on the weight of the car that will be in the garage. Knowing what loads will be placed on the coating, you need to equip the concrete floor.
  2. Good resistance to aggressive chemicals . The floor of any garage is regularly exposed to fuels and lubricants and technical fluids, which can seriously damage an unprepared surface.
  3. Presence of slope. To ensure that the garage floor is not exposed to moisture, it must be drained. A concrete floor with a slope prevents liquids from stagnating on the surface, and in this case cleaning the garage is much easier.
  4. Moisture resistance. Concrete itself does not have very good resistance to moisture, so this quality must be additionally compensated for at the stage of arranging the coating.
  5. Fire resistance. Every garage contains flammable substances, so the flooring must be resistant to fire.
  6. Durability. Arranging a concrete floor takes a lot of time and effort, which indicates the need to create a high-quality structure that can last for decades.

During work, additional structural elements are often used to strengthen it. Most often used as a finishing floor covering ceramic tiles, but sometimes thin pavement tiles are installed - this not only increases the strength of the coating, but also improves its visual characteristics.

Materials and tools for concrete floors

To concrete a garage floor with your own hands, you will need a considerable set of materials and tools. Their list is as follows:

  • Sand needed to create a sand cushion placed on top of the soil;
  • Expanded clay or medium-fraction crushed stone, compacting the base of a concrete structure and providing insulating properties;
  • Reinforcing mesh for reinforcement and 12 mm metal rod for installing beacons;
  • Waterproofing material (roofing felt, polyethylene film, etc.) that protects the concrete floor from the effects of soil water;
  • Cement, sand and gravel for mixing the mortar with which the screed is poured;
  • Brick from which the walls of the inspection pit are laid;
  • Metal corners placed on the edges of the pit;
  • Self-leveling self-leveling mixture, which is sometimes used to create a finishing coating (more details: "").

The list of tools is quite standard - for independent mixing you will need a concrete mixer, a shovel, usually several different spatulas, a building level and a tamper. When arranging the finished floor using self-leveling mixtures, you will need to add a squeegee and a needle roller to the list of tools.

It is also worth noting that some work may require the help of specialists - for example, for reinforcement it is worth inviting a professional welder if you do not have welding skills.

Construction of an inspection pit

Not a single car owner will argue with the fact that an inspection hole is a mandatory attribute of any garage. With the help of an inspection pit, both preventive and repair work is carried out, so it must be properly equipped.

The sequence of work is as follows:

  1. First, the pit is prepared. It can be done at the stage of arranging the foundation, using special equipment - it will be much easier and faster. However, often the pit is dug independently, and this option has a clear advantage - the pit is created after the walls and roof are installed, so you don’t have to worry about weather changes.
  2. The next stage is preparing the bottom of the pit. The soil surface must be compacted using a tamper. Next, the bottom is filled with gravel and compacted, as a result of which a gravel cushion about 10 cm thick is created. In order for the resulting surface to be level, it is necessary to monitor its level, for which stakes with the required height must be installed along the perimeter of the pit in increments of approximately 80 cm.
  3. Once the gravel layer is compacted, sand is poured on top of it. The thickness of the compacted sand cushion should be approximately 10 cm. After compacting the sand, you can move on.
  4. The next step is to install the waterproofing necessary to keep the garage free of dampness and mold. As a rule, when arranging the floor in a garage, a thick polyethylene film is used - its characteristics are sufficient to protect the structure from moisture. Sheet material it is necessary to lay it in such a way that the overlap on the walls is about 50 cm. Construction tape is used to connect individual sheets of waterproofing.
  5. Next, the walls in the pit are built. For this, bricks or concrete mortar are used. In the first case, a reinforcing mesh is laid at the bottom of the pit, and the walls are lined with bricks and plastered. Using concrete to create walls, you will have to use reinforcing mesh over the entire area. In addition, when pouring walls with concrete, the mesh is installed in two layers so that the distance between them determines the thickness of the walls (more details: " ").
  6. After the reinforcement is laid on the floor of the pit, the structure is filled with concrete. To achieve maximum floor strength, you need to add gravel to the concrete solution. The floor of the inspection pit needs to be leveled, but you should not achieve a perfectly smooth surface - it is intended exclusively for walking.
  7. When the solution hardens, formwork is installed near the bottom of the wall. Its height should be approximately half a meter. Concrete is poured into the free space, and after it hardens, the formwork is raised another half a meter and poured again. The operation is repeated until the walls are completely filled.
  8. Last part The formwork must be installed in such a way that the level of the wall is equal to the calculated level of the finished floor. To secure the formwork between the walls you need to place spacers. The formwork can be removed at each stage of pouring only after the solution has completely hardened.
  9. You also need to install formwork around the pit so that its height matches the level of the finishing coating. Reinforcement is installed inside the structure, after which the formwork is filled with concrete.
  10. The frozen solution in the area around the pit must be covered around the perimeter with a metal corner. It is built into the solution, and the edges of the structure are connected by welding.

Concrete takes about a month to completely harden, but waiting that long is absolutely pointless - after filling the inspection hole, you can immediately begin arranging the main floor.

Preparing the base for pouring

Before you concrete the floor in the garage, you need to prepare the surface for work. To do this, you will need to remove unnecessary soil and build a sealing pad. The quality of the future floor directly depends on proper surface preparation.

The preparation algorithm looks like this:

  1. The soil around the inspection hole is loosened - after this it will be much easier to remove and take it out of the garage. After clearing, the surface must be compacted to increase the density of the base.
  2. Next, a gravel layer is poured, the thickness of which is usually within 10 -12 cm. Before compacting the base, it is necessary to calculate in advance the height of the floor - the finishing coating should be flush with the edge of the inspection hole. The gravel is covered with expanded clay or medium-fraction crushed stone on top, after which it is compacted once again.
  3. Next you need to start arranging waterproofing. The material for these purposes is usually rolled roofing felt. The sheets are laid with an overlap of at least 10 cm and secured with construction tape. To join the sheets, in addition to tape, you can use a moisture-resistant sealant or a fusing method using a gas torch.
  4. When installing waterproofing, it is necessary to extend it onto the walls, approximately 25 cm. It is very important to properly cover the corners of the room. In the case of roofing felt, this will not be easy - the material is quite rigid and does not bend well. The problem is solved with the help of wooden blocks, with which sheets of roofing felt are pressed to the corners.
  5. Damper tape is glued to the bottom of the wall. Being located a couple of centimeters above the level of the finished floor, it helps prevent the destruction of the material due to temperature changes.
  6. Reinforcing mesh should be placed on top of the waterproofing layer. To fix it together, steel wire is often used, but a better result can be obtained by welding. The mesh is attached to the surface with staples.
  7. Beacons are placed on the grid. When installing them, you need to focus on the height of the inspection hole. Sometimes a metal corner that lines the edges of the pit is used as beacons.

At this point, the preparatory work is completed, and all that remains is to wait until the solution under the beacons hardens. You can fix the beacons by welding, and in this case you can fill the screed immediately after preparation.

Pouring a concrete floor

Pouring a concrete screed is an important process that needs to be given no less attention than the previous steps. Proper creation of the screed allows you to achieve maximum strength and acceptable visual qualities of the coating (more details: "").

Like all other stages of work, concreting the floor in the garage is carried out according to a certain algorithm.

The sequence of actions when filling is as follows:

  1. First you need to select the solution that will be poured. The most convenient option is to order a ready-made solution from a company specializing in this. However, this option usually turns out to be less profitable than self-cooking concrete mortar.
  2. In any case, when pouring the solution over the reinforcing mesh, it must be leveled with a shovel so that it is evenly distributed. When the concrete level exceeds the height of the beacons, it must be leveled according to the rule.
  3. As a rule, the garage has a considerable area, so filling has to be done in stages. This method is suitable even when pouring a ready-made solution. The floor surface is divided into parts, and each of them is poured separately. It is best to leave the areas conditional, without separating them using formwork - the presence of seams in the screed is undesirable.
  4. Self-production solution takes much more time and effort. In addition to direct mixing, the concrete will have to be moved to the prepared base yourself. The concrete solution is made in a ratio of 1:3:3 (cement, sand and gravel, respectively). Water must be added gradually so that the solution acquires the consistency of sour cream.
  5. The floor screed in the garage must have a thickness of at least 7 cm, so pouring concrete when mixing it yourself will require a considerable amount of time. It will be much more convenient to work with assistants.
  6. When leveling, it is necessary to periodically stick a shovel into the solution - this is necessary in order to remove the air that appeared in the concrete during mixing. If you leave air in the screed, its strength will be significantly reduced.
  7. After pouring the screed, you need to leave it for about a week so that it hardens. After this, you can safely walk on it and check the quality of the screed. If defects are found, it will be necessary to fill them with a self-leveling mixture. For the same purpose, you can use a self-prepared solution of sand, cement, construction adhesive and special fiber.

It will take at least a month for the concrete to completely harden, after which the garage can be used. To finally complete the work, you need to trim the protruding edges of the damper tape.

Additional screed processing

The topping system must be used while the screed is curing. The ideal time comes when the surface has frozen to such a state when the depth of the footprint when walking does not exceed 3 mm, and the screed itself is still wet.

It is at this moment that you need to sprinkle the topping on the floor. It is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the floor. After some time, the mixture will absorb the liquid, and after that the floor is rubbed using a special machine. Grouting should be carried out until the mixture is completely combined with the surface of the screed. Concrete floor repairs in a garage are also carried out in a similar way when required.

Before concreting the floor in the garage, it is worth understanding some of the nuances that can make the operation of the garage even more convenient.

  1. When arranging, you need to pay attention to arranging the exit from the garage. The best solution there will be a connection between the exit and the garage floor. This section must be made with a slight slope, and when pouring, reinforcement and strengthening means must be provided.
  2. If you do not use topping after pouring, then it makes sense to replace it with another coating. Often the garage floor is covered with ordinary floor tiles with a high strength class and good wear resistance.
  3. A fairly popular material for finishing garage floors is regular concrete paint. The use of such a coating increases the strength of the screed and improves its visual qualities. The main thing is to choose the right way to paint the concrete floor in the garage in order to reliably protect the floor.
  4. Before laying tiles or applying paint, you need to treat the floor surface with a primer and wait until it dries.

By using these tips, you can get the most out of your garage in return.


The floor in the garage must be of sufficient quality and reliability - only in this case will the operation of the garage be convenient and enjoyable. Properly concreting a garage floor takes time and effort, but the results are well worth it. If you approach the work of arranging the floor competently, performing the necessary operations step by step, then no problems will arise.

The floor in the garage must be durable and resistant to mechanical damage, which is inevitable during active use of the car. Therefore, the choice of material is obvious - only concrete will be strong enough for a reliable base and further application of protective or decorative coatings. Correctly pouring a concrete floor in a garage with your own hands is not as easy as it might seem at first glance, but it is quite doable.

Construction Basics

Concrete, as a material, has its own set of pros and cons. The main advantage is its durability: it is fireproof, does not deteriorate when exposed to water, and is extremely difficult to cause serious mechanical damage. On the other hand, concrete has a serious disadvantage: it easily and quickly absorbs all kinds of oils, on which dust subsequently settles, turning into dirt. To neutralize this disadvantage, various protective coatings, which avoid permanent contamination.

Correctly pouring a garage floor is a process that requires certain knowledge and skills in this area. If you lack confidence in your abilities, it is better to invite a specialist who will help with the calculations and proper organization. For long life of the floor it is necessary to correctly complete all the work, which is most often divided into the following stages:

To concrete your garage floor correctly, you must first complete the necessary preparation.

Preliminary work

Preparatory calculations of the floor must be carried out while observing all the nuances: the location in which the garage will be located, the condition of the soil, the correct selection and characteristics of materials. All this it is best to entrust it to a specialist who will do such work much better than a person who has not previously dealt with construction. You should also take into account that you will need to organize the drainage of water from the garage in such a way that no troubles arise during its operation.

First of all, you should mark the zero level of the floor. This can be done using a laser, water level or level. For comfortable operation, it is best to do it at the gate level. If this is not possible, then a drainage system should be developed. For accurate marking, the zero floor level should be marked on all walls.

Next, you should calculate the thickness of the concrete layer and compaction pad depending on the weight of the machine. For a car weighing up to a ton, the thickness of the floor should be about 10 cm, the cushions - 15 cm. For cars weighing more heavily, this figure should be larger.

In addition, it is necessary to purchase all the necessary materials in sufficient quantities, and preferably with a small margin of 10% for unforeseen cases and possible problems. TO preparatory work should not be taken lightly, since mistakes made at this stage can have a detrimental effect on the entire further construction process or spoil the operation of the finished floor.

Basic materials required for work:

To improve the characteristics of concrete, additional additives are often used to increase the strength of the floor, reduce its cost, or shorten the final hardening time. Additives to the traditional concrete composition are selected depending on the required changes.

Pit preparation

First you need to remove the top layer of soil to a certain height. It depends on the desired characteristics of the floor. If you plan to simply have a concrete floor, then the ground is removed to a height of 25 cm, but if you need to organize an inspection hole, then the value is adjusted depending on the individual wishes of the car owner.

The creation of an inspection hole depends on the presence of groundwater in the area and its depth. If this value is less than two meters, then it is better to get by with a regular concrete floor.

After removing the required amount of soil, the remaining pit is carefully compacted until a dense surface is formed.

Laying the pillow

To create a compacting cushion, materials such as sand and crushed stone are mainly used. In this case, gravel is used much less frequently, since due to its rounded shape it is much more difficult to achieve sufficient density. The sand must be of high quality and carefully sifted.

The ratio of materials is 1:2, that is, there should be half as much sand as concrete. If the preliminary calculations turn out to be erroneous and the cushion is higher than the required level, then it is worth returning to the excavation stage and removing an additional amount of soil. To prevent this from happening, it is worth marking on the walls not only the zero height of the floor, but also the height of the pillow.

A compacting pad is necessary to avoid further shrinkage of the soil and destruction of the concrete layer. If you plan to lay an inspection hole, then a concrete screed is laid at the bottom of the pit, the hardening process of which coincides with the process of laying sand and crushed stone. After the screed has hardened, you can begin installing the walls of the pit.

You can level the pillow yourself, but to achieve normal density, it is better to use a vibration platform. It can be rented from some construction companies.

In this case, a high layer density will be ensured, which will significantly extend the life of the floor. It is also worth considering the presence of a damper gap, which is necessary if the garage building is recently built and has not yet had time to settle. Foam plastic is most often used to organize it. In some cases, an additional layer of waterproofing is placed on top of the sealing pad.

Slab reinforcement

To avoid rapid cracking of the floor as a result of high loads, the concrete slab is pre-reinforced. For this, rods with a diameter of 6-10 mm are used, which are laid in a mesh with a sector size of about 15 cm. The mesh sheets are overlapped and fastened with wire.

To avoid cracking of the floor, the reinforcement must be at least 3 cm deep in the concrete. For this purpose, special supports should be used, since it should not come into contact with the insulation or cushion.

Pouring concrete

This is the main stage of work, requiring a careful approach, since it is difficult to do without sufficient skill to fill the floor in the garage so that it is level and has a uniform layer thickness. For this purpose, a system of beacons is used, which are long strips aligned to the zero floor level. The distance between them should be about 30 cm.

If you fill the garage floor yourself, you will need to rent special equipment:

  • concrete mixer (2 pcs);
  • concrete receiver;
  • submersible vibrator.

The ready-mix receiver allows the solution to be supplied to the center of the room, which facilitates its distribution, and the submersible vibrator levels the concrete layer and removes air trapped inside.

Since the large thickness of the concrete layer requires an appropriate amount of solution (about 2.5 cubic meters), mixing it yourself in one day is likely to cause many problems. In this case, you will need the help of several people.

If you don’t have friends who are ready to help with pouring the floor, and funds are limited, then it is better to use a ready-made solution that does not require mixing. This will be cheaper than hiring a team of workers to mix and level the concrete.

Application of protective coating

Since pouring concrete into a garage floor is a process that does not make you want to repeat it, it is worth extending the durability of the floor by applying a special coating. This will prevent the accumulation of dirt resulting from oils getting on it.

The following materials are most often used as the final coating:

A properly and carefully installed garage floor can last for decades without losing functionality or cracking. To do this, you should approach the manufacturing process thoughtfully, taking into account all possible nuances, including the organization of the inspection hole. In this case, you can build a garage for a small amount and personally see the quality of its construction.

Garage floors have high demands on strength and reliability. Therefore, it is built in the form of a concrete structure. Today we’ll talk about how to properly pour a concrete floor in a garage. Let's look at the recipe for concrete mortar, how to calculate its quantity, and consider creating a concrete floor with an inspection hole.


Requirements for a garage floor

Let's start with the fact that pouring the floor in a garage with concrete can be done either at the stage of constructing the foundation, or after the building frame has already been assembled. The first option is preferable because the space is not limited in any way, which makes it more convenient to carry out some operations.

Now about the requirements:

    An important component of the technology for constructing a concrete floor is strength and reliability not only the body of the floor base itself, but also the sub-base, as well as the outer covering. Everything in the compartment will resist the formation of cracks and subsequent disintegration. Therefore, it is important to consider the loads to which the floor will be subjected. That is, you will have to first take into account the weight of the car for which the garage is being built.

    Detergents, fuels and lubricants, solvents are substances that have a negative effect on the floor base in the garage. These are aggressive materials that deteriorate not only concrete structures. Therefore, one of the important requirements for a concrete screed in a garage is durable outer coating, which will easily withstand the chemical effects of the above-mentioned materials.

    The concrete floor structure must easily tolerate exposure to moisture and temperature changes.


    During the construction process it is necessary the plane slope is left so that water flows in a certain direction without forming puddles inside the garage.

    Surface smoothness- not the most stringent requirement. But a smooth floor is easier to clean.

    Fire resistance of the floor– an important factor.

    Long-term operation. Today, concrete floors, as such, even with cementation, are no longer left. They try to cover them with durable flooring material. Fortunately, today the construction market offers them in a large assortment. This is additionally a decorative cladding, plus protection of the floor from negative impact gasoline and technical oils.

True, cladding is an additional financial investment, and sometimes a considerable one. And if someone is limited in funds, he should understand that the concrete screed cannot be left in its pure form in the garage. It will quickly fail under significant loads. It is recommended to use deep penetration waterproofing for strengthening and some operations that increase the strength of the concrete structure.

Cracked garage floor Source

Concrete floor pouring technology

Pouring a garage floor begins with determining the grade of concrete and the required quantity. The best option– brand M300. It’s easier to order the solution from the factory and pay a certain amount for it. If the mixture is prepared on site, then the ratio of materials such as cement, sand and crushed stone is 1: 1.9: 3.7. More often, craftsmen use a ratio of 1:2:4, using a bucket to measure. Let us add that M400 cement is used to prepare the M300 mortar. This is exactly what this recipe is used for.

Now to the question of how much concrete is needed to pour the screed. This depends on the size of the area of ​​the base being poured and the thickness of the floor itself. For example, if the dimensions of the building are 3x6 m, then the area is 18 m². As for thickness, the minimum value is 10-12 cm. The greater the mass of the car, the greater the thickness of the concrete garage floor should be. For example, 20 cm or 0.2 m.

We multiply the resulting values ​​together: 18x0.2 = 3.6 m³. This is the volume of the required concrete solution. You will have to order 4 m³ from the factory, part of which can be used, for example, for a blind area or for an entrance.

Ideally, order concrete from a factory Source

Formation of the base (pillow)

Without a cushion, the concrete floor will crack quickly, because the layers of bulk materials laid under the mortar evenly distribute the loads on the ground. And since the surface of the latter is uneven, stresses are formed in places where there is a difference, leading to a fracture of the concrete structure:

    First of all they dig up foundation pit 30-40 cm deep.

    Bottom level out to the maximum.

    Fall asleep and level layer of crushed stone or gravel 15-20 cm thick.

    Fall asleep, level and compact (with water possible) layer of sand 5-10 cm thick.

To accurately know the level of laying layers, marks are drawn on the foundation, marking the required height. Based on them, each material is backfilled.

Forming a cushion of sand and crushed stone Source

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of design development and construction of garages and other small forms for a turnkey country house. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Pouring a concrete floor

Now you need to decide whether the garage floor will be insulated or not. If “YES,” then a layer of expanded clay 10 cm thick is poured over the pillow. Therefore, even at the stage of digging a pit, this must be taken into account.

The next operation is laying the reinforcing frame. It is made of steel reinforcement with a diameter of 6-8 mm in the form of a lattice with cells of 20x20 cm. The reinforcement bars are connected to each other with knitting wire. You can use ready-made grids, which are sold in hardware stores as separate elements, called cards. The latter are connected to each other with wire.

The reinforcing frame is laid in the body of the concrete floor. Therefore, the grate is not placed on a pillow or expanded clay, but on stands that raise it above the surface. It is optimal if the reinforced frame is located in the middle of the thickness of the concrete screed. Bricks, stone, pieces of concrete blocks, metal profiles and other durable elements.

Reinforcing frame Source

Now we need to take care of the floor slope, which is 1.5-2%. To do this, special aluminum beacons are laid along the garage on the reinforced frame. If there are none, wooden slats, metal pipes or a corner will do. Laying is carried out along the entire length of the room with an installation step of 1.0-1.5 m. The angle of inclination is determined by a protractor. The tilt should be towards the gate. The beacons are secured to the floor with concrete mortar, which is distributed along the length of the beacons in small piles.

Everything is ready, now the floor screed in the garage is being formed. Start with the wall farthest from the entrance, evenly distributing the mixture over the area. Alignment is carried out long rule, which is placed on the beacons and pulls the concrete towards itself.

Video description

How to make a concrete floor in a garage is shown in the video:

    A few hours later the floor poured with liquid concrete solution 2-3 cm thick. Thus, maximum leveling of the floor base is achieved.

    In a day the floor rubbed with a special machine.

    After 28 days you can start To floor covering – usually use polymer coatings or paint.

Pouring concrete and forming the floor Source

On our website you can get acquainted with the most from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country”.

Construction of an inspection pit

It is formed before the start of all the above operations. That is, they dig a pit under the hole while the soil is not yet covered with anything. As for sizes, they are usually guided by the following rules:

    width determined by the distance between the wheels of the car, but taking into account that the distance from the edges of the pit to the walls of the garage should not be less than 1 m;

    length selected taking into account the length of the car, plus ease of passage into the pit;

    depth depends on two factors: the height of the person who owns the garage and the groundwater level.

Please note that if the groundwater level is less than 2.5 m, then it is better to abandon the inspection hole. It will fill with water all the time.

Inspection hole in the garage Source

How a hole is formed:

    Make markings taking into account that the walls of the pit will be made of piece building materials. For example, if the width is planned to be within 80-85 cm, then the markings are applied with a width of 120-130 cm.

    Digging a pit, the walls and bottom of which are well leveled.

    Digging a ditch towards one of the walls. Plastic pipes will be installed in it to construct ventilation. The latter can pass through the foundation or wall. We need to decide on this right away.

    The bottom is covered with crushed stone and sand. That is, a pillow is formed. First, sand is poured 10 cm thick, then crushed stone is 10 cm thick. Each layer is compacted.

    Entire pit covered with waterproofing film or roofing felt. The main task of the work manufacturer is to make a bathtub from waterproofing without cracks.

    Conduct installation of pipes for ventilation. The lower edge is lowered closer to the bottom.

Waterproofing the pit pit Source

Now, as for the formation of the inspection hole. They use different technologies. For example, a monolithic structure filled with concrete mortar. It is difficult, time-consuming and expensive. It is easier to use concrete blocks or bricks. They simply lay out the walls of the pit and raise the masonry to the level of pouring the screed. Subsequently, the inside of the masonry can be plastered. Or you can leave it untouched.

AND last stage forming an inspection hole - filling the bottom with concrete. The solution is poured 5-7 cm thick and leveled horizontally. Although there are no strict requirements for the horizontal floor of the pit.


Video description

A visual demonstration of installing a concrete floor in a garage with a pit is shown in the following video:

The screed in the garage is poured using standard technology, which has some nuances.

    Before pouring concrete, they lay along the foundation walls damper tape. It allows the floor base to expand under loads and temperature changes without cracking.

    If they build insulated garage floor, then it is better to cover the filled expanded clay with a waterproofing film, the edges of which extend along the foundation walls 10 cm above the screed.

    If floor area If the garage is large, then the filling is carried out in sections.

Strengthening the concrete floor in the garage

Since the garage floor is subject to serious loads, hardening it should not be avoided. The main task of this process is to bind the concrete particles together so that it does not crumble or gather dust. Let's look at several technologies.


For this purpose special chemical compositions, called sealers. When they are applied to a concrete floor, a chemical reaction occurs between the components of the sealer and the components of concrete (carbonate and lime). A gel-like substance is formed on the floor, which penetrates deeply (up to 10 mm) into the concrete body. Here it hardens, binding the particles of the mixture together.

Applying chemicals to the floor to harden it Source

    Sealers are simple poured out onto the floor and spread evenly with a squeegee or roller.

    Add some water.

    It starts in half an hour gel formation.

    After a couple of hours, the remaining composition remove with water using a squeegee.

Using toppings

Topping is a powder based on cement, chemical additives and fine-grained filler (quartz sand, corundum, metal dust). This technology is quite complex. This requires the presence of a trowel, as well as knowledge of some of the nuances of filling the floor. For example, plasticizers should not be added to concrete mortar for a garage floor. The hardening process itself is carried out 3-6 hours after pouring the screed.

Grout topping Source

It is at this time that the first filling of the powder is carried out, which begins to absorb moisture from the floor. They immediately go through it with a trowel. Then add another layer of powder and grout. If necessary, the process is carried out a third time.

5-8 kg of powder is needed per 1 m². A floor reinforced with topping must be covered with a protective compound: varnish, paint, etc.


Today, manufacturers of paint and varnish products offer a huge range of paints for concrete. For a garage, it is better to choose polyurethane compounds or those based on epoxy resins. They can withstand significant loads.

The method of applying paints is simple. They are applied only to concrete surface floor, which is treated twice with a deep penetration waterproofing compound. Apply paint with a roller.

Staining a concrete floor in a garage Source

Conclusion on the topic

Forming a concrete floor in a garage is not the easiest process. The main requirement for the work is to strictly follow the technology, not forgetting about hardening the surface. Retreat from technological stages and neglect the nuances and useful tips it is forbidden. This will lead to a decrease in the strength of the concrete base.

When constructing a garage, it is necessary to think about the arrangement of the floor and subsequently carry out all the work correctly, which will guarantee the safety and trouble-free operation of the constructed structure. A high-quality coating should be strong, durable and resistant. Filling a garage floor with concrete with your own hands is not difficult, you just need to use quality material and carry out all work in full accordance with technology.

The floor in the garage bears a significant load, so the quality of its arrangement must be given due attention. Such a surface should be characterized by maximum strength and stability, and by choosing the right material used, you can significantly reduce the cost of construction work. It is not difficult to properly pour concrete flooring in a garage, so you can do all the work yourself, saving on turning to professional builders.

Concrete floor has the following advantages:

A properly equipped surface can easily support the weight of a loaded car, while such material does not crack, retains its geometry, and is characterized by maximum durability. Concrete is resistant to various chemicals, so you can carry out various repairs and car maintenance in the garage without fear of damaging your homemade floor.

Given that the right choice The cement coating will easily withstand significant temperature changes, which ensures maximum durability of the constructed structure.

Main stages of construction

A step-by-step guide to making a concrete floor in a garage with your own hands will significantly simplify construction work. You just need to use high-quality design documentation for the construction of the structure. Only in this case will it be possible to guarantee the subsequent trouble-free operation, strength and durability of the constructed garage.

The main stages of construction are as follows:

  • Arrangement of an inspection pit.
  • Demarcation of floor level.
  • Excavation and soil preparation.
  • Arrangement of a cushion made of crushed stone and sand.
  • Additional reinforcement.
  • Pouring concrete.

Having planned everything correctly necessary work, you can independently install a high-quality concrete garage floor that is guaranteed to last for many years. Such work is not particularly difficult, therefore, even without construction experience, you can make a base and foundation with your own hands, make a high-quality sand cushion, pour a screed reinforced with additional reinforcement with wire and steel elements.

Preparing the base

The concrete floor is poured in the garage over the ground, which is pre-leveled, compacted, and a sand cushion is installed on top of the base, which will guarantee maximum strength, durability and quality of work performed. To increase the strength, reliability and density of the base, a cushion of sand and crushed stone is made. It will be necessary to remove the top fertile layer of soil, which allows you to remove some of the microorganisms and organic matter from plant roots and subsequently eliminates problems with unwanted vegetation.


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