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Siranush Kulidzhanyan

Entertainment script

"World Chocolate Day"

Goals and objectives: introduce children to what chocolate looks like and where it “grows,” conduct a tasting of different types of chocolate, develop cognitive interest and a desire to learn new things.

Characters: presenter (teacher, children.

Leading: Hello, dear guys! Do you know why we have gathered here? Don't know? And I'll give you a hint. Guess the riddle

Lined up into squares

Wrapped in silver

How do you unfold it?

Instantly you will understand

That a sweet treasure was found.

It's delicious. (chocolate)

Right! Today is our holiday! Do you know which one? World Chocolate Day! Do you see how many different goodies are on my table? Do you like chocolate? (Children's answers).

Leading: Tell me how you love chocolate!

Poems told by children:

How quickly it all ends

What a tasty start!

I would like candy

From door to buffet!

Such ordinary chocolate -

And how happy his stomach is!

Already in the morning he has been waiting and waiting,

How sweet it will melt in your mouth!

If you're in a bad mood

Comes a couple of days in a row,

Will come to the rescue without a doubt

Any chocolate of your choice!

He will be able to please, cheer up,

Give a taste of holiday and childhood!

Give a burst of energy, a charge -

Such almighty chocolate!

Whoever came up with it - thanks to that!

It looks both delicious and beautiful,

And it smells the most fragrant -

There is nothing more delicious in the world!

Leading: Guys, you all love chocolate, but do you know how this delicious product produce? Where does it come from? What is it made of? Or maybe chocolate bars grow right on trees? (children's answers)

Leading: I have prepared a short story with pictures for you, let’s see?

Presentation of the presentation “Where does chocolate grow?”

Leading: Now I’ll check, did you look and listen carefully? Tell me

1. What is the name of the tree about which we watched the film?

(chocolate tree)

2. What are the names of the fruits of this tree? (cocoa beans)

3. Do cocoa beans grow on twigs or on the trunk of a chocolate tree?

(on the trunk)

4. Who first brought chocolate to Europe (Hernando Cortez)

5. Why didn’t people like chocolate at first? (he was bitter)

6. Why is chocolate now so tasty, sweet, and why do they add something to it? (sugar)

7. What kind of chocolate is there? (bitter, dark, white, milky, porous, liquid - showing types of chocolate from the table)

Great! You listened carefully, remembered everything, and now you know how chocolate is made.

Leading: Now let's play with you. Look how many different chocolates are on our table, do you want to try (chocolate tasting is held, each child is given a taste various types chocolate)

Leading: Tasty? Great!

And now new game: “Guess the taste”(a child is called, he is blindfolded and given a small piece of this or that chocolate, and the child must guess the type - dark, milky, porous)

And another game called “Collect candies in your baskets.” You need to collect the candies that are scattered on the floor into their own basket (3-4 players are called, the game is played several times).

Leading: Our chocolate holiday has come to an end! Did you guys like it? (children's answers). Children leave the hall to the music

True sweet tooths will always find a reason to indulge favorite sweets. But there is a special day when chocolate becomes the center of everyone's attention and you can eat a lot of it without worrying about extra calories. The sweetest, most delicious, most favorite holiday of those with a sweet tooth is Chocolate Day, which is celebrated all over the world on July 11th. On this day children senior group kindergarten No. 25 got acquainted with the history of chocolate, learned about the chocolate tree, the production of this product, the use of cocoa in cosmetic procedures, chocolate museums, etc., after watching the multimedia presentation “The World of Chocolate” and conducting a sociological survey among adults and children about their attitude towards chocolate, and also held a tasting. We found out that everyone had the most positive impression of this product, both from solid chocolate and hot chocolate. Both girls and boys answered these questions in equal proportions. Regarding the type of chocolate - the choice fell on milk 77%, and bitter only 23%, black is loved by 87%, white 13%, they prefer without adding nuts and fruits. This is understandable, since milk chocolate is sweeter. Adults like dark chocolate more. Based on the amount of chocolate eaten per day, the guys turned out to have a sweet tooth. Many people answered that they consume more than one bar per day. Only adults can do without chocolate completely. Worth thinking about proper nutrition For our health, eat more fruits and vegetables. And move, move! If only there were a world made of chocolate, how glad I would be, if only we didn’t have to be sad! But the Chocolate World is just a dream... Share chocolate with a friend on this day in the height of summer!

Cocoa has another interesting feature - its flowers grow not on branches, but on the trunk itself.

Harvesting and extracting beans from fruits is a very labor-intensive process. Almost all actions are performed manually. Cocoa fruits are collected by hand, cutting them off with a special machete knife. Cocoa beans are dried in the sun, stirred regularly, and lose mass.

They are then poured into jute bags and sent for further processing. Chocolate master class at the factory.

Methodical what a development

game program

Circle leaders

"City of Masters"

Zhuravleva O.V.

Shnyrova O.V.




Hello girls!


Hello boys!



You see, Klyopochka, they better say hello to me! Louder! So I'm the best clown in the world.


It's not polite to brag! And why did you decide that they greeted you louder? Let's believe again! So, girls, let's shout "GIRLS" loudly.


And then the boys will shout “BOYS” even louder!



Well, I think that the girls still need to give in.


Well, I agree! Why are we gathered here?


Tyopka, today is World Chocolate Day!


That's great! I love chocolate! Do you children like chocolates?



So, Tepochka, miracles happen not only in New Year's Eve. Hot summer holidays can also be magical. Today is the sweetest, sweetest, most delicious World Chocolate Day! It is celebrated on July 11, at the height of the hot summer.


Who came up with this sweet holiday?


And the French invented this holiday. World Chocolate Day has been celebrated since 1995.


A very young holiday! And I suggest having fun and overeating on chocolate today! Do you agree?




Give me a ticket

To chocolate country

Where the milky wind blows

Chocolate wave.


Where it floats to the cries of seagulls

chocolate steamer,

And at the pier he meets

Chocolate hippopotamus.


Where they grow are a sight to behold

Chocolate forests.

And lies on the plants

Chocolate dew…


Where it is proud of its plumage

Chocolate Cockatoo,

Chocolate reindeer

Chocolate caress awaits.


With chocolate eyes

Chocolate kangaroo

Amuses everyone with jumping

And he invites you to his game.


I searched nonstop

And got myself a ticket:

Chocolate world in a box

Delicious sweets!


I suggest you start celebrating chocolate day with a fun contest!

Two players from each squad are invited to the stage.



And now we will blindfold all the players with scarves. And the audience helps us with applause.



And now the most interesting and delicious part of the competition! We give one of the players candy. You must unwrap the candy wrapper and try to feed your friend the candy. The main thing is not to miss! We don’t throw candy wrappers on the floor, they will come in handy.


So, I'm handing out candy, you're waiting for the team to start the competition. The audience supports their friends with applause! Music! We count: one, two, three, start.



What a delicious competition! The guys are just great! Do you know, Tepa, who was the first to learn how to make chocolate?


No, unfortunately I don’t know.


This happened several thousand years ago. And in those distant times it did not look like a bar or candy. Chocolate was a wonderful drink. He appeared in Spain. The Spaniards carefully guarded the recipe for a drink called “chocolate”. But still they did not save the information and European countries We received a recipe for a wonderful drink.


So interesting! But I suggest moving on to the next competition! Do you guys mind? And turn it up! And even louder! Two players from each squad are invited to the stage! Moreover, it must be a girl and a boy!


And now I will tell you the rules of the competition. The girl holds a plate where sweets are hidden in the depths of the flour. The boy must get the candy from the plate without using his hands and not get dirty. Then he must use his hands to unwrap the candy and feed the girl. The girl should not touch the candy with her hands. The rules must be followed! So, let's count: one, two, three, start.



And you won’t find any kind of chocolate candies these days. Lunch!


And I saw real chocolate medals and paintings!


Have you seen chocolate dances?


Dancing? No.


Well, then look!

A perky ringing rhythm sounds,

The soul jumps to the beat,

And everything is burning under your feet

And the hands move like this...



The guys danced so well and cheerfully. I also wanted to dance to cheerful and sweet music. Guys, do you want to dance? I invite you to have fun with us! Tepa. Let's start the fun dance!



Rustling with candy paper

The cat was playing on the floor.

A well-aimed blow with a clawed paw -

And a forfeit, like a ball, is in my corner!

Yes, our cat is a football player!

I take a candy wrapper from the corner -

Well, get up at the gate, pussy,

Now we will continue the game...


Tepa, we won’t play football with candy wrappers. We’d better let’s see what crafts the guys in their squads made from candy wrappers.



And now I propose to solve the riddles - chants! Are you ready to solve riddles loudly and together?


1.Here are crispy cookies

And milk chocolate.

You won't even want jam

Only he will make you happy.

Mysterious like Mr. X-

Well of course it is….(twix).

2.It has everything you can possibly want

It's impossible to pass by!

Named after one planet

And we love you with all the white light!

He is a support, just great!

Everyone knows what it is…(Mars).

3.What is this thing?

Focus is a subtle science.

He won't drown in milk

Gentle, it will touch your soul!

Printed it out, hurry up!

Our favorite...(milky-way)

Sweet and tea riddles

On holiday I will come to everyone,

I'm big and sweet.

I have nuts, cream,

Cream, chocolates.(Cake)

He lives in his foil

It quickly melts in your hand.

Very tasty, very sweet,

Smears the kids' faces.(Chocolate)

I'm in a glass, a cone,

Tasty and tender.

Made with milk

More often - snow-white.

I live in freezers,

And in the sun I immediately melt.(Ice cream)

He was baked in the oven, dark-skinned,

Like a steering wheel, also round.

This soft bagel

I'll eat it for breakfast early.(Bagel)

Their granny with sugar

Baked, sweet.

The first one came out - like a lump,

And others are smooth.(Pancakes)

We are with raisins, almonds

We'll bake them for Easter.

And sculpt them in the yard

Kids love it too.(Kulichi)

Maybe it's sandy

And sometimes with cream.

Sometimes it happens with juicy

Delicious jam.

And the meringue can be tiny,

And in a glazed peel

Maybe it's a potato

Just not puree at all.(Cake)

Mom, honey, where are you?

Get the service out quickly.

There are sticky candies

They are called "Kis-Kis".(Taffy)

On top there are diamond patterns,

And the filling is inside them.

Fast tea utensils

Take it from the shelf in the kitchen.

We offer them for tea

Grandfather and baby.

And in their honor we name

Often a towel.(Waffles)

Sweet berry granny

I cooked something.

And it will last us for a year

For tea and compotes.(Jam)

I look like jam

Just worn out.

Will you take me to tea?

And add it to the cake. (Jam)

I'm shaking in my glass

It's like I'm afraid.

For dessert I'll offer you

Its pleasant taste.(Jelly)


Well done, guys! And now we invite you to dance again!



And for the next competition we invite a certain number of participants from each squad. Be careful:



3.CITRUS - 10






9. Squirrel-7





And the conditions of the competition are as follows:

You need to add up the name of the candy from the letters you receive and show it to the audience. So, one, two, three, here we go!



A miracle has grown in our clearing - a tree! It is not simple, but magical! Only one candy ripens on it per year. But how delicious!


And what do you propose to do with it? Eat it?



Do you want to divide one candy among 267 children, counselors and educators???


YES! And you will help me with this!

They go out to get some candy and hand out bags of candy to the children.

ushchy: Good afternoon, dear friends! Who among you doesn't like sweets? Today we will arrange a holiday, a holiday of fun and good mood. Let's start with a cheerful greeting:

Sasha, Kolya and Alyosha-

Everyone raised their hands in unison!

Vladiki everyone, Kolya, Olya

They screamed loudly and loudly!

Alena, Alina and Seryozha-

Let's all clap our hands!

Andrey, Misha and Irina-

Let's all stomp our feet!

Diana, Masha and Vitalia-

They whistled together!

Natasha, Danila and Oksana-

Hurry up and sit down!

Bones, Dasha and Walls -

Come on, meow!

Igori everything and Maxims-

Come on, everyone, grunt!

Who we didn't talk about

And today they remained silent

Like one family

Let’s shout together: “It’s me!”

Sweet Tooth Day is a delicious time.

Adults love him, kids love him.

You can eat apples, raisins and marshmallows

This is why I call the kids sweet tooths.

Did you know that the word “sweet” in Russian also means pleasant? And who can guess: what was the most favorite delicacy in Rus'? I’ll give you a hint: it was swept along the bottom of the barrel, scraped across the barns (Kolobok), this was a festive dish. Previously people feasted on what generous Mother Nature gave: honey,

birch sap, berries.

So now we have a sweet quiz. For each correct answer, classes receive one point. Your teachers evaluate your answers.

Autumn has come to the forest

Red torch lit

Lots of birds scurrying everywhere

They chew bright berries. (rowan)
Sits next to us

Looks with dark eyes

Black, small, sweet,

Nice to all the guys. (blueberry)

It's bitter in the hayfield,

And it's sweet in winter. (viburnum)

Alyosha sees on the grass

In a red shirt

Who won't pass

Everyone will bow. (strawberry)

Red beads hanging

They are looking at us from the bushes.

Love these beads very much

Children, birds and bears.

And now the last question

Answer us together

What kind of berry is this?

Striped, large

Weighs many kilograms. (watermelon)

Now let's play in teams of 10 people. Game "Greedy".

Who will eat the bagel faster? The team that eats first is the greedy one. The team that eats the least wins. They are not greedy. Bite once.

Not only children love sweets, but also fairy tale heroes. Guess the heroes with a sweet tooth.
Biggest fan of propeller jam? (Carlson)
Who climbed a tree for honey and sang the song “I am a cloud, a cloud, a cloud, I am not a bear at all. And how pleasant it is for a cloud to fly across the sky.” (Winnie the Pooh)
Who from Chukovsky's poem asked for 5-6 tons of chocolate? (Crocodile)
Who wrote the following poem: “Avoska has a sweet cheesecake under his pillow?” (Dunno)
Which character in a children's fairy tale dreamed that a wizard would give him 500 popsicles on his birthday? (Cheburashka)
What trick did Mashenka come up with to return to her grandparents? (baked pies)

Game “Ball to a neighbor” - 8 people pass the ball with their necks, without hands.

And now I want to see

Sweet kingdom

Delicious State,

Where on every corner

They distribute halva to everyone,

Vyazemskie gingerbreads,

Honey crumpets,


Taffy toffee.

The teams take turns calling out the names of the candies. The last team to say the word wins. Game "Candy".

Everything is clear without question

All questions are ahead

Water Carrier Relay

Water bearers, come out!

“Don’t overfill” relay - pour 3 glasses of water into a bucket with a spoon.

Children love it very much

Chill in a bag

Chill, chill

Let me lick you once.

What is this? (ice cream)

Do you know how ice cream came to be? 100 years ago in the East, where it is very hot, fruit juice, ice and snow were mixed. This is how the ice cream turned out. Assignment: draw a “Fruit Tale” ice cream wrapper. 2 people per class participate.

At this time there is a game with the audience. If the named product is needed to prepare porridge, we say “Yes,” if it is not needed, “No.”

Magpie white-sided

I decided to cook porridge,

To feed the children.

I went to the market

And this is what I took:

Fresh milk, yes

Chicken egg - no

Semolina - no,

Head cabbage - no,

Pickled cucumber - no

Jellied meat - no,

Sugar and salt, yes

White beans - no

Ghee, yes

Salted fish, no

Bay leaf - no

Chinese rice yes

Prunes and raisins, yes,

Chocolate delight - no,

Bell pepper - no,

Tatar sauce - no,

Strawberry jam, yes

Biscuits - no.

And now the chant. Repeat after me:

A mouse for a cat, a cat for a bug, a bug for a granddaughter, a granddaughter for a grandmother, a grandmother for a grandfather - take out the candy. Game "Turnip" - tug of war.

Competition for girls “Edible-Inedible”

Kefir-marshmallow pot-pie

Marmalade-chocolate parsley-rattle

Turnip-candy Gulliver-half-over

Carpet-bonfire tomboys-lollipops

Flute caramel potato matryoshka

Pussy-taffy snouts-zucchini

Mouth-cake meadow-friend

Final relay

“Winder” - winding candy on a string around a pencil.
“Frog” - the participant takes himself by the heels and jumps like a frog.
“Cuttlefish” - running in twos, clasping hands behind each other.
“King” - two carry a third in clasped hands.
“Goats” - two people run, jumping over each other. At the end, grab the candy from the plate with flour with your teeth.
“Get the candy” - standing with your back to the wall, without bending over, take out the candy lying near your heels.

The jury sums up the results.

The hour of fun is over

And it's time for us to say: “Goodbye!”

But we will meet with you more than once

Thank you all for your attention

And now everyone says in unison: “Goodbye!”

Game summary. Chocolate lucky guy

Intellectual game for children primary school for World Chocolate Day

Tolstikova Tatyana Aleksandrovna, teacher at State Budgetary Educational Institution NJSC "NSHI", Naryan-Mar
Description: I bring to your attention a game for elementary school students dedicated to World Chocolate Day. The game plays out similarly to the popular television game “O Lucky Man!” The material can be used by primary school teachers to organize extracurricular activities.
Target: acquaintance with the holiday - World Chocolate Day
Tasks: expand children's horizons,
introduce the beneficial properties of chocolate,
develop attention, logical thinking,
arouse interest in the works of children's poets,
create a positive mood.

Progress of the game:

Teacher: Guys, each of you has at least once watched the TV game “Oh, Lucky!” or “Who wants to become a millionaire.” Today, each of you will be able to become a participant in our game, which is called “Chocolate Lucky”, because it is dedicated to chocolate. Why chocolate? Yes, because July 11 is World Chocolate Day. This is how the French expressed their love for this product by declaring July 11 as Chocolate Day in 1995. And soon their idea was picked up by other countries, including Russia.
Rules of our game: Our hall is divided into three sectors: 1, 2 and 3. I give each of you a token in the form of a chocolate bar. After my question with 3 possible answers, you must go to the sector whose number matches the number of the correct answer. For a mistake from questions 1 to 5, you hand over your token and leave the fight, but you can continue to participate in the game for fun. Before the 6th question, everyone who remains in the game is given 2 more tokens. This is the right to a hint, and you have two of them. One of the clues is “second try”, i.e. you can make a mistake once and change the sector, but at the same time you give away a spare token. You can refuse to answer once, but also give away a spare token. The next error causes you to leave the game. Everyone who leaves the game after the eighth question receives a consolation prize - chocolate candy. And the winner will receive a large chocolate bar and the title “Chocolate Lucky.” If there are several contenders for victory, they will have to pass an additional test.
And so, let's start our game, and I wish you good luck!

1. How much chocolate did the elephant ask for in Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Telephone”?
1) 5-6 kilograms
2) 5-6 tiles
3) 5-6 pounds

2. Which chocolate toy hung on the Christmas tree in the famous children's song?
1) Fish
2) Cone
3) Teddy bear

3. What is the girl's name of the popular children's chocolate bar?
1) Nastenka
2) Lyubushka
3) Alyonka

4. What part of the body is hidden in the word “chocolate”?
1) Mouth
2) Eye
3) Tooth

5. What is the name of the capital of the state where Chocolate Day began to be celebrated in 1995?
1) Paris
2) London
3) Milan

6. In which children's poem did the doctor try to cure a patient with chocolate?
1) “Greedy Egor”
2) "Glasses"
3) “There are such boys”

7. In which country does each resident eat 12 kg of chocolate per year?
1) Switzerland
2) France
3) England

8. Which confectionery factory produces its products under the “Generous Soul” brand?
1) “Red October”
2) Im. Babaeva
3) "Russia"

9. What beneficial properties not related to chocolate?
1) Improve memory
2) Strengthens tooth enamel
3) Uplifts your mood

10. Look at the photo of the monument. This is the only monument to chocolate. It is installed in the city of Pokrov, Vladimir region and is called:
1) “Miss Chocolate”
2) "Chocolate Fairy"
3) "Queen of Chocolate"

11. English writer Charles Dickens said: “No chocolate, no...”:
1) No breakfast
2) No happiness
3) No health

12. What is the name of a chocolate bar containing roasted peanuts, nougat and caramel, covered in milk chocolate?
1) "Snickers"
2) "Mars"
3) "Twix"

13. What is the abbreviated name for the Museum of the History of Chocolate and Cocoa in Moscow?
1) Sweetie
2) Chocolate

14. Which chocolate is the healthiest?
1) Milk
2) Bitter
3) White

15. What type of transport in Roman Sef's poem was made of chocolate?
1) Bicycle
2) Train
3) Airplane

16. Why is overeating chocolate dangerous for children?
1) Allergies may occur
2) Vision deteriorates
3) Headache

17. How much chocolate can you eat per day?
1) 40g
2) 100g
3) You can eat unlimitedly

Additional test: Who will be the last to form and name a word from the letters of the word CHOCOLATE (shock, stake, code, dol, lad, school, eye, etc.)

Teacher: Our game is over. Today you had to not only show your erudition, but also think and show ingenuity. What new things have you learned about chocolate? What questions did you find most difficult?
I wish that your love for chocolate is reasonable and brings only benefit and pleasure.


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