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The world is woven from energies and subtle, unshakable universal laws. Each object and life form has its own purpose, interacts and exchanges invisible energy flows.

Earlier civilizations before ours knew these laws of the Universe and skillfully used them to harmonize their lives. In India, 5000 years ago, people built countries, cities, houses and arranged furniture and other objects in the premises, following the science of vastu. For example, the Taj Mahal still amazes with its beauty and architecture. But it was built in accordance with the laws of Vastu Shastra. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Vastu - harmony of your home

Translated from Sanskrit, vastu means “place, city, house, room.” Its principles and recommendations are equally good for the planning and construction of residential and non-residential premises, religious temples, cities and even countries. The relevance of Vastu postulates has been preserved for modern times without reference to national and religious aspects.

People 50 centuries ago treated everything that surrounded them as a living person. Therefore, we tried to build harmonious and creative relationships with everyone. The same applies to home. In it a person spends most of of your life. And the health of the residents, their family relationships and success in business and career, well-being and harmony of the atmosphere at home.

Vastu aims to form and maintain good relations with the vastu purusha, or brownie. The psychological comfort and spiritual fulfillment of the happiness of the environment in the home depends on how satisfied he is with his place and the care of the residents.

The ideal location of vastu purusha is the corners of the house. So his head faces northeast, and all other parts of the body are correspondingly located in other corners. The owners honored the brownie and never filled its location with anything, that is, the spaces in the corners always remained empty. They were careful not to deprive Vastu Purusha of a part of his body and incur troubles, poverty, hunger and even death of their offspring.

The northeast and southwest diagonals of the house make up the spine of the brownie and balance the chakras of the home. It is prohibited to punch or place anything in these areas.

Ancient knowledge about the structure of a house says that the correct arrangement of rooms in it is the key to a harmonious and healthy life all inhabitants.

The principle is simple - the kitchen should stimulate the appetite and the fire of digestion, the bedroom - relax and calm, the living room - sociability and joy from meeting guests, the bathroom - relieve stress and cleanse the body both on the physical and emotional planes.

How to arrange the rooms in the house in order to balance all the energies and lay the foundation for a blissful and creative atmosphere in it?

The eastern direction is favorable for the hallway and a small corridor from front door
- West - responsible for rain and water. Good for dining
- The north is under the patronage of energy, wealth and prosperity, therefore the location of safes and storage rooms, as well as a well, is appropriate on this side
- The south is favorable for guest bedrooms and adult children's rooms
- The fire element obeys the southeastern direction. It's appropriate to place the kitchen here
- In the southwest, you should not place a bathroom, toilets, bathtubs, or wells, as this can be harmful to humans. This side of the world is good for the location of bedrooms for the head of the family, married newlyweds and children's rooms for the little ones
- The northwestern direction is controlled by the element of wind. It is unfavorable for high-rise buildings and tall trees. However, it is good to plan the toilet room here. It is better if it is located outside the main building. The toilet can also be arranged in the west, north, southeast, south.
- In the northeast there is a water supply and sewerage system, but without toilets
- There should be a place of worship, an altar or a room for prayer in the center of the house. Be sure to keep this part of the home clean so that discord and disease do not penetrate into it.
- The owner of the house grows indoor plants in the northern, eastern and northeastern zones

Shastra translated from Sanskrit means “treatise”, and vastu shastra means “knowledge of the house”.

All Vedic knowledge is closely related to each other. Therefore Vastu is interconnected with Ayurveda - the science of life, or in other words medicine - and Vedic astrology.

In ancient times, when people treated everything and everyone as an individual, honored and respected it, before doing anything, they planned and consulted with more knowledgeable people. It was mandatory to visit a Vedic astrologer, who:
- determined the place and favorable time to start building a house
- compiled its horoscope for the owner
- indicated the housewarming date

Before laying the foundation, the soil of the site and its proximity to human and natural objects were studied.

Vastu teachings are based on the influence of cardinal directions on the layout of a house, both outside and inside. The house should strictly face its walls to the north, east, south and west. If there are angles or displacements in the location of the house, it is impossible to achieve harmony, peace and creativity
- The sun, moon and time play a special role in planning the future construction and rooms of the finished house. According to their cyclical nature, everything in the house is designed to help a person engage in his activities and improve spiritually and physically, and not create tension and irritation of the residents
- For example, the eastern side is ideal for spiritual practices, meditation and ablutions. That is, here is the place for a shower or bathroom and a room for solitude and prayer in the early morning.

All moving and stationary objects on our Earth are subject to the influence of the planets:

East - Sun
Southeast - Venus
South to Mars
Southwest - Rahu (dark planet)
West to Saturn
North-West – Moon
North to Mercury
Northeast - Jupiter

This principle is strictly followed in determining the placement of rooms, furniture and other items in the house.

Entrance to the house according to Vastu

According to vastu teachings, the entrance to the house should be from the north or east. Since energy flows move from north to south, they freely enter a person’s living space and spread through it unhindered
- If the entrance doors face east, they meet the sun and its energies, which are associated with the movement of vital energy - prana. It is in the morning that solar energies are most active and powerful. They are beneficial for promoting health, promoting success and mental clarity for all inhabitants of the house.
- The southern direction for entry is extremely unfavorable, since it contradicts the laws of nature. Family troubles, serious illnesses, apathy and depression become the companions of those people whose front doors face south

House according to Vastu diagram

Let's look at several schemes of houses built in accordance with Vastu laws.

And another option

- A house built according to Vastu attracts both with its location and practical interior design. Every person feels comfortable and peaceful in such a house
- The harmony, comfort and logic of the arrangement of interior items and furniture in space are easily noticeable
- After living for some time in such a house, the guest will be able to experience the beneficial effects of balanced energies and a peaceful atmosphere

House according to vastu photo

What does a house built and planned according to Vastu principles look like?

For example, like this:

Or like this:

Vastu Shastra does not recommend building a house near a cemetery or a factory, as well as a lake or river located on the western side of the future house
- If housing is purchased ready-made, then you should first study its history. In case of more than 2 deaths in the previous two months in it, it is considered unsuitable for purchase and living in it
- Also, in accordance with the owner’s zodiac sign, you can buy favorable housing in a city or town. You should know that representatives of the water element will suit the eastern region of the settlement, the air element - the western region, the fire element - the northern region, the earth element - the southern region
- Vastu states that a house facing any direction, north or east, attracts negative situations and diseases to its residents

If you are still ill, this tendency is aggravated if:

The shape of the site was chosen incorrectly; it has slopes or ravines
- the owner neglected the proximity to objects that negatively impact the house from an energy point of view
- lakes, rivers and other bodies of water on the site or beyond are located on unfavorable sides
- the road pattern is intermittent
- incorrect location of the entrance to the settlement

House shape according to vastu

Vastu Shastra defines a strictly square shape with right angles as the best for a house. It balances the influence of all cardinal directions, planets, and energy flows.

However, there are house shapes without corners. In this case, the inhabitants of such a home need to be aware of the possible consequences and imbalances in their lives.

Missing northeast corner is the worst according to vastu shastra. In such a house, the number of women prevails over men, including among children. And financial difficulties and poverty accompany its residents
- Without the southeast corner, there is a high probability of quarrels and disagreements between husband and wife, problems and difficulties for children with their studies
- No southwest, south and/or southeast corners - no good health. Diseases develop that lead to disability and limitations in movement in the future.
- Thefts haunt the owners of a house without a northwest corner

Let's look at one example of the layout of the rooms and space of a built real house

It is built from gas silicate blocks and facing bricks yellow, has many windows for natural penetration large quantity sunlight
Has gable roof covered with turquoise tiles
The house is two-story, the second floor is attic
Strictly oriented to the cardinal directions north-south-east-west, has a strictly square shape. The entrance is on the north side, there is also a veranda

Let's look inside the house.

The northwestern square is a room for guests or female relatives. It is bright thanks to large windows. This zone is patronized by the Moon, and it is located to the left of the entrance
- Northern square - hallway
- The northeastern square contains a hall, which is also the living room and work room of the owner of the house. Below it is a cellar with a water tank and pumping station that provide water supply to the house
- The Western square is ruled by Saturn, so there is a room here for elderly relatives who come to stay
- The central square is empty. Due to the lack of overlap of the second floor and additional lighting from the windows in its ceiling, it is bright most of the day
- The eastern square consists of a bathroom and an altar
- In the southwest is the master bedroom. This part is ruled by the planet Rahu, therefore it is the darkest and is conducive to relaxation.
- The southern square consists of a corridor and a toilet, a staircase to the second floor, a small utility room
- In the southeast there is a kitchen, a water heating boiler

You are interested in Vastu and dream of building and planning your house according to the laws of this science, then read Vastu Shastra, listen to lectures in the public domain or consult with a specialist in this field. However, you are quite capable of independently understanding all the nuances of Vastu and creatively approaching the project of realizing your dream home.

Video: Features of house layout according to Vastu

Freedom and freshness

Interior aesthetics


Focus on details

Harmony and spirit

Energy for an active life

Zakhar wanted a home that could help him in his business, inspire him to develop, maintain his health, and energize him for an active life. All this is possible if you make the space of the house light, open and coordinate it with the character of the site. Not every person is suitable for such energy, large glazing and high ceilings. Some may feel uncomfortable with such space and power. But our client has great potential and strong support at home will be very helpful for him.

That's why we're making the southeast facade overlooking the lake completely glass. The gym in the basement and the spa area also offer wide panoramas. This is how we connect the energy of the lake with the inner world in the house, launch it inside, give us the opportunity to connect to it at any time, to feel its calm power.

Freedom and freshness

Many people know that high ceilings create a special feeling of freedom. A spacious living room with second light and a central balcony on the second floor are a kind of energy accumulators. When there is no pressure on the head from low structures, a person feels freer and more natural. There is pure ether for the operation of subtle mechanisms of the body and consciousness. And of course there are many fresh air for inspiration. After all, exhaust gases accumulate under the low ceiling, which we continue to breathe, and unnecessary thoughts that we keep thinking.

Here I want to identify and emphasize the value and even the necessity of second light and high ceilings in the public spaces of the house. If what really matters to you is the feeling of freedom, naturalness, freshness, energy of creativity and development.

Interior aesthetics

A simple, but necessary for comfort, set of rooms - two upper bedrooms with their own dressing rooms and a large bathroom between them, one guest bedroom on the first floor. The open balcony above the living room also offers views of the water surface. This balcony acts as a kind of border between the high active volume of the living room and the quiet chamber area of ​​the bedrooms. More details about the characteristics of the project are in the Description.

In order to give stability and reliability to the dynamic energy of the house, and, of course, bring the warmth and comfort of the hearth, we have developed a special fireplace area. It's a tall strip of concrete wall with built-in fireplaces - one in the living room and another on the terrace. So that you can enjoy a live fire at any time of the year, both inside and outside. This pylon divides the continuous glazing of the lake façade in golden ratio proportions.

Focus on details

This house does not catch the eye with its bright colors, sophisticated shapes, and ornaments. He is calm and confident. He has special and stylish jewelry that is not immediately opened, but because of this its value only increases. For example, street lamps that support the overall style and uniqueness. We designed them ourselves, using metal I-beams and brushed concrete. The drainage system will also attract attention - metal channels in horizontal sections and large-link chain in vertical sections. Natural with slate tiles in the vestibule finishing. A concrete wall with two graphite pipes from fireplaces is like an accent strip of fabric on a designer suit. And other details that attract connoisseurs and esthetes.

Harmony and spirit

For our client, not only a high-quality, aesthetic project is important. The decisive aspects for him are the presence of spirit, conscious life force in his new space, balance and harmony. Our client knows and feels that without this content such complex and expensive work would have no meaning. We, with our experience and intuition, put together a huge array of information, knowledge and sensations: the qualities and features of the site, the wishes and needs of the owners, climate, relief and vegetation, functionality, ergonomics, the most suitable style and building codes, as well as the principles of the sciences of Vastu Shastra and Feng Shui.

We consider only this approach to be holistic and effective. This way we can together achieve harmony between man, architecture and nature.

How do you understand and feel harmony and spirit in your home? What is the criterion for living space for you? Write in the comments below. Your opinion is important to me!

GAP Ivan Tyurin, project architect Alexey Ivanov, project manager Ekatrina Tyurina.

Our client Zakhar immediately said that he would like a house that would help develop harmoniously and at increased speeds. That the synthesis of practical knowledge and beautiful architecture is important to him. It's great when a client...

The information below is not a guide to action. I present it so that you can familiarize yourself with some of the instructions and have a little idea of ​​what it is Vastu Shastra . This is a very complex science; I do not recommend rushing to put information from the Internet into practice. Although this does not mean that you cannot experiment, for a deeper study and application of Vastu, I advise you to turn to practitioners and primary sources.


1. Choosing a place to live according to Vastu.

Favorable factors:

LIt is best to live in natural conditions - among forests and meadows, rivers and lakes. If the energy of these places is not much disturbed and the forms of the landscape are favorable, then the housing built in nature will have the best Vastu;

It is good if the reservoir is located in close proximity to the house/site;

If you live in a city, then first of all you should look for a house (apartment) located next to a park, pond or environmental area. Plants and water spread beneficial energy;

It is good to live near a temple or a center of spiritual development. Activities that promote spiritual development, create nourishing energy and have a stabilizing, strengthening effect on the entire surrounding area;

It is favorable if there is a kindergarten or play area. Children radiate vital energy, charging the place with vigor and optimism. It’s even better if the playground is located not in the yard, but in a small park;

Various institutions where beneficial communication takes place between people are a source of beneficial energy. These include interest clubs, cozy cafes and small restaurants, local goods stores, and food markets (not wholesale). In general, it is good to live where there is a “spirit of place” that distinguishes the area from others;

All kinds of health institutions are a source of healing energy. These are skating rinks, swimming pools, gyms, fitness and healing, yoga and meditation centers. This does not include hospitals and specialized medical facilities. clinics;

Schools, colleges and lyceums, where the work of teachers and students is aimed at learning and self-improvement, have a beneficial effect;

Unfavorable factors:

It is not favorable to live near plants and factories.

Try not to live near cemeteries, morgues, funeral bureaus, crematoriums and other institutions related to death and funerals. They accumulate and intensify stagnant energy, creating an atmosphere of gloom and despondency.;

It is unfavorable to live near prisons, police stations and other institutions associated with crime. In such areas, streams of wandering aggressive energy are created, caused by excess violence.;

Avoid houses and areas located near power plants and high-voltage power lines. A powerful concentration of energy around these places disrupts the natural movement of energy flows and has a destructive effect on the psyche. You can settle no closer than 2 km from power lines;

Don't live near a landfill or recycling facility. Waste contains a lot of stagnant energy, which is transferred to the surrounding area;

Avoid staying in close proximity to casinos, amusement parks, and crowded shopping centers. The powerful contradictory energy of these places and the constant flow of money can have an impact adverse influence;

You should not live next to a meat processing plant, slaughterhouse or similar places. Any activity related to killing generates destructive energy;

1.2. Roads, proportions and shape of site for construction according to Vastu.

ideal if the house construction site is aligned with the cardinal directions;

the most favorable is a rectangular (or square) area;

Favorable aspect ratio of the site:

1: 1 / 1: 1,25 / 1: 1,5 / 1: 75 / 1: 2.

Areas with an aspect ratio greater than 1:2 are not favorable;

Favorable and unfavorable road structures:

A busy road facing a house has a harmful effects. Avoid areas located on T-shaped and V -shaped intersections;

A road that smoothly goes around the site, but does not “strangle” (surrounds it in a loop), carries favorable energy for residents;

Avoid areas between two closely running parallel roads;

Houses located near railway bridges, overpasses and overpasses are constantly exposed to harmful energy;

Avoid areas on a hill with sloping roads leading to it from different directions;

In general, curving, crooked streets and alleys in older areas are more favorable for housing than neighborhoods with a typical rectangular street layout;

Earthen and gravel roads are more favorable than asphalt and concrete roads. Artificial coverings cover the ground with an impenetrable shield and block its feeding energy.

2. Determination of the sacred energy characteristics of the site.

Before you begin designing a house and planning other buildings on the site, it is necessary to determine the energy features of this site. This is a very important point that cannot be missed. How we will apply Vastu rules when designing depends on what features this area has. This may seem strange to some, but Vastu rules are not always applied equally everywhere!

The basis of everything that exists is pranic energy (prana). This is the immaterial highest energy that is the basis of life. The features of the flow of prana in the area need to be determined. Prana can move either clockwise or counterclockwise and from this difference arises differences in the application of Vastu rules.

Since prana is immaterial energy, it is impossible to detect it by material means. But there is an indirect method by which you can do this. Read more about this in this article.

The areas in which prana moves clockwise are conventionally called the “northern energetic hemisphere”, and counterclockwise - the “southern energetic hemisphere”. And as I already wrote, Vastu rules are applied differently in the “northern” and “southern” hemispheres.

3. Placement of the house on the plot according to Vastu.

When placing a residential building and other buildings and structures on a site, according to Vastu Shastra, one should be guided by the following basic rules (rules are given for the “northern energy hemisphere”):

It is most favorable if The main entrance to the house should be on the north or east side (the site “facing north or east”)

No matter where the plot faces, always leave more space on the north and east sides.

the minimum distance from the fence that is required to satisfy the energy needs of the house: from the north and east 1/8 of the length of the corresponding side of the site, from the south and west 1/16 of the length of the corresponding side of the site.

An open body of water (pond, swimming pool) or an underground water tank, well, borehole should be located in the north-eastern corner of the site. The same applies to a well, a standpipe, a rainwater tank, etc.

Aboveground water tanks (water tower, cistern) should be located only in the southeast corner.

3. House layout according to Vastu.

Since each planet is “responsible” for a certain functionality of the room, you should adhere to the rules of compatibility of planets - room managers and planets - sector managers. For clarity, below is a diagram of the optimal locations of rooms in the house depending on their purpose:

(Note : The data in the table is given for the Northern Hemisphere; Rooms that cannot be placed in the corresponding zones are highlighted in red)



Guest bedroom



Dog booth

Main entrance


Living room






Main entrance





Underground water tank

(Toilet, Bedroom)

Children's bedroom


Dining room


Septic tank

(cellar, well)

Open space (more air and light - preferably sunny)


Room for children's activities


Dining room


Master bedroom




Water tank

(cellar, well)

Dining room



Food Pantry

(cellar, well)


Boiler room


Electrical room


(cellar, well)

4. Arrangement of furniture in rooms.

Here we should adhere to the same principles as when determining functionality rooms in the house , taking into account the distribution of the influence of planets and primary elements in the cardinal directions. Here are the main principles:

the central part of the rooms should be free;

all heavy furniture, flower pots, built-in wardrobes, stairs should be located in the southern, western and southwestern sectors, and the northern, eastern and northeastern sectors should be as open and light as possible.

Interior items symbolizing certain primary elements must be located in the corresponding sectors of the room (for example, an air conditioner is a symbol of the primary element air - if possible, should be located in the northwestern sector). Read more about this in " Vastu correction methods ".

Here are some examples of the correct placement of furniture in rooms (valid for " northern energy hemisphere "):

Bedroom according to Vastu Kitchen according to Vastu San. node according to Vastu

is a place created in harmony with nature. A house built according to Vastu rules will bring good luck, health and happiness to its residents. In such a house one will feel pure being, peace and tranquility, because it will be filled with the favorable energy of the Universe. Vastu house makes your life easier, protects you from difficulties, enhances peace of mind, thereby even helping to change your destiny at a certain level. A Vastu house will provide comfort to the body, peace of mind and happiness to the soul.

involves the design and construction of houses of regular shape and simple structure so that they are in harmony with nature. Vastu Shastra is a Vedic treatise. The source of Vastu Shastra is Sthapatya Veda, which includes architecture, sculpture and other artistic sciences. The Sthapatya Veda, like all other Vedas, is based on the concept of the holistic source of the universe, according to which the entire Universe is one. Therefore, Vastu Shastra for the home includes many different disciplines and is closely related, for example, to Ayurveda (Vedic medicine) and Jyotish (Vedic astrology). Read more about Vastu Shastra in the article Vastu Shastra.

Vastu Shastra for home is based on a holistic approach to creating a living environment. Vastu Shastra describes the principles and rules that teach how to plan a house in harmony with the local and global structure, as well as with the internal space of a person. The local structure is environment, material embodied nature. Global structure, this is the so-called outer space what all living beings are surrounded by. The inner space of a person is his soul or consciousness. When these components are in balance in a house according to Vastu, the residents receive the support of the complete Natural Law. A house according to Vastu implies harmony and beauty, as it corresponds to the ideal order of the Universe. Vastu Shastra for the home can bring health, prosperity and good luck to a person and the entire society.

Vastu Shastra for the home - basic principles of the device

Vastu Shastra for the home, in its desire to harmonize the life of society, indicates the basic principles of construction for buildings in favorable environment: the exact location, proportions, dimensions and orientation of the house on the ground. Vastu Shastra, while planning a house, takes into account important factors such as the shape of the plot, the slope of the land, unobstructed views rising sun, the influence of surrounding bodies of water, plants and other existing buildings.

As Vastu Shastra states, a house should benefit its occupants and relieve them from difficulties. The design of the premises in such a house should be light and simple. According to Vastu, a house must have all the necessary functions for the life of a particular family. For example, the house should provide sufficient space for storage and various amenities. From an aesthetic point of view, the house should please the eye. It should be harmonious and proportional, evoking only positive emotions among its inhabitants and guests. Absolutely all elements of home design, from the largest to the smallest details, must be in tune with each other and obey their own rhythm, just as in a living organism everything is subject to harmony and order. The design of the home should create a feeling of peace and tranquility. The house in which the family is going to live should serve as a generator of positive energy.

House location according to Vastu

House location according to Vastu plays a primary role in the natural environment. Before building a harmonious house, you should choose a favorable site. After the site has been selected, the house should be correctly located on this territory. How to choose a favorable site according to Vastu can be read in the article site according to Vastu. However, if you already have a plot that was not selected according to Vastu rules, and you want to build a Vastu house on this plot, then you should contact a professional architect who knows the rules of harmonious design and has a higher architectural education. An architect who practices Vastu will correctly locate the house on your site. This house will not disturb the harmony of the area and will bring you only good results.

Location of the house on the Vastu plot

The issue of the correct location of a house on a plot according to Vastu should be approached carefully. Once the construction site has been selected, as prescribed in the texts of Vastu Shastra, the first step that the architect must take is to determine the direction of the axes of the house, the location of the house along the cardinal points or the so-called orientation of the house. According to Vastu, a house should face the cardinal directions with its walls. If possible, it is necessary to make a correction of several degrees, since the location of the north magnetic pole does not coincide with the geographic magnetic pole. In this case, the walls of the house must be parallel to the boundaries of the Vastu site, therefore the site must be selected in advance. If your site is not oriented to the cardinal points, then you should not place the house parallel to the boundaries of the site, as this will create disharmony on both gross and subtle plans.

House orientation according to Vastu

House orientation is of paramount importance when designing residential and public buildings. The benefits that houses can provide to residents depend solely on the orientation of the building. Once the construction site is selected for the building as prescribed in the Vastu texts, the main step that the architect has to take is to determine the direction of the cardinal axes with reference to the magnetic compass. These lines are called North-South and East-West. The building must be installed parallel to these axes, and at the same time parallel to the boundaries of the site. However, if the site has a slight deviation from the magnetic axes, then the house according to Vastu should be installed parallel to the boundaries of the site so as not to create an energy imbalance.

A house designed according to Vastu with strict adherence to laws is like a living organism in harmony with the gross and subtle qualities of nature. In our architectural studio you will find designs based on Vastu rules as far as possible in the existing context and modern practice, as well as in integration with customer wishes. With each subsequent project, we try to apply Vastu knowledge even more thoughtfully and accurately, combining it with modern design. Only in our studio we design architectural structures in minimalist and any other styles, introducing into them the ancient Vedic knowledge of Vastu. Our specialists have extensive practical experience and professional architectural education, and not just theoretical knowledge of Vastu. Only continuous design practice allows us to adapt Vastu in a modern context.

To ensure that the life of the inhabitants of a house or apartment is filled with joy, happiness and material prosperity, Vedic astrologers advise take help from Vastu Shastra. The ancient Vedic science Vastu is the doctrine of the harmonious organization of space taking into account the influence of the primary elements, planets, demigods and Avatar. How to arrange your home to live in harmony? Read in this article.

What is Vastu Shastra

Translated from Sanskrit as "knowledge of home" and dates back at least 5000 years. In ancient India, sacred knowledge about the creation of perfect buildings was available only to initiates. Nowadays, thanks to the interest in the Vedas, it has become possible to use Vastu for an apartment, home, workspace. You may ask: how is Vastu different from Feng Shui? In fact, Feng Shui is one of the varieties of Vastu, supplemented by Chinese sages. Due to the fact that the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom actively emigrated to the West, Feng Shui is better known outside their country, while Indian Vastu, until recently, could be called more likely “information for internal use.”

Let's start with the fact that Vastu represents a home as a living being, Vastu Purusha, which means that it is necessary to take care of it, like any other family member. If you treat this process consciously, increasing the level of prana (that is, vital energy) in the house, you can significantly improve your karma.

According to Vastu, the main responsibilities for creating comfort in the home fall on the shoulders of the woman. The fact is that male nature is ascetic, and therefore does not have a serious influence on the home space. For women, on the contrary, it is very favorable to “put down roots”, to ground themselves, immersing themselves in the care of the home.

Each compass direction has several rulers according to Vastu, namely:

  • One of the 5 main elements (air, ether, fire, earth, water);
  • One of 8 planets;
  • Demigod;
  • The Lord himself in one of his expansions, or Avatar.

8 sectors of the house according to Vastu: how to organize your space

According to Vastu Shastra, each sector in a building (apartment, house) is responsible for one or several areas of life. Let's look at each of them to figure out how best to organize your living and work space.

Eastern sector

Vedic knowledge says: everything we do, turning our face to the east, will definitely bring wonderful results. The sun rises in the east, so this sector of the house is responsible for career, external life, social fulfillment, creativity, health, influence, business and study. All activities related to the above-mentioned activities are best carried out in the eastern sector of the building (premises). Take care of creating an open, comfortable and warm space in the eastern corner of the apartment!

As you probably guessed, the patron planet of the eastern sector is the Sun and its color is orange.

Advice: Think over the layout of your apartment so that you can see the sunrise, use early rises to activate leadership qualities, self-development, desire and ability to achieve your goals. The Sun is a masculine planet; it would be great if the office of the head of the family, the father, the head of the company was located in this sector.

Northern sector

This direction in the house is responsible for communications, business, study, intelligence, and financial well-being. Pay attention to how the northern sector is “arranged” in your home. If it is overloaded with heavy furniture or littered with unnecessary things, be sure to try to get rid of it all. In this affordable way, you can significantly improve the material component of your life.

Mercury is considered the patron planet of the northern sector. The most favorable color for decoration is light green.

Advice: Astrologers recommend placing an aquarium in the northern sector and placing flowerpots with flowers. It is desirable that these are large plants with fleshy leaves. You can put up photo wallpapers that depict a dense forest, lush jungle with vines and lush greenery. This will activate cash flow in your family.

Northeast sector, most important from Vastu point of view

Through this part of the apartment, the energy of the guna of goodness (sattva), luck, comes into your life. Therefore, it is very important that there are no bulky objects, garbage, or unnecessary things in this area. It is ideal for windows or a door to be located in the northeast, but a bathroom in this area is the worst architectural solution.

The patron planet of the northeastern sector is Jupiter. This direction symbolizes the energy of water. The most successful color for decoration is lemon.

Advice: Keep the northeast sector clean and tidy, take care of pleasant smells and sounds, and never raise your voice or swear in this part of your home or work space. Jupiter is responsible for children, so it is recommended to organize a children's room in the northeastern sector.

Southeast sector

Here it is, the most important sector of the apartment for a woman! If you want to improve relationships within your family, or are just trying to find your soul mate, spend special attention southeastern part of the space. This sector is under the patronage of the feminine and beautiful planet Venus. He is responsible not only for love, mutual understanding and harmony, but also for money.

Use pastel colors to decorate.

Advice: To improve the material component and harmonize relations between family members, it is important to introduce the element of fire into this sector. This can be either a painting or photograph depicting a flame, or a real fireplace. You can create reddish lighting by using original sconces or a floor lamp.

Southern sector

This is the sphere of influence of the fiery male planet Mars. If you have a need to activate determination, efficiency, strong-willed and leadership qualities, and increase vitality, then pay attention to how the southern part of the house is arranged. Do you want to achieve fame? Light up the southern sector with fire!

The most optimal shades for decor are burgundy and gray.

Advice: If you have a desire to arrange home gym, or install an exercise bike or a treadmill - choose the southern sector, you won’t go wrong.

Southwestern sector

The patron saint of the southwestern sector in Vastu Shastra is the demonic planet Rahu. This is the heaviest place in the home or office. Experts in Vastu Shastra for the home claim that this direction is responsible for protection from negative influences, troubles, and at the same time, for planning and realizing desires. Interesting combination, isn't it?

Unlike previous directions, the southwestern sector needs maximum load - here you can organize a storage room or place a massive piece of furniture. The southwestern sector is also considered an ideal place for the master bedroom.

This sector symbolizes the energy of the earth. Its colors are brown, khaki, marsh.

Advice: Don’t know where to place your grandmother’s heavy chest of drawers or a multi-door wardrobe? Looking for a place for a ficus in a huge tub or for dumbbells? You won't find a better place than the southwestern sector of the apartment! If you want some things to remain in your apartment for a long time, also place them in this sector.

Western sector

According to the teachings of Vastu Shastra for the home, the western sector of the apartment is under the influence of the strict, serious, slow and oppressive planet Saturn. Thus, this direction requires maximum respect. It is not recommended to open the western side too much, but it is important to take care of order and cleanliness in the room facing the western side.

In the western sector, a waste container, toilet room or dining room should be marked.

Astrologers recommend using purple and blue as the main colors for decoration.

Advice: If there is a schoolchild or student in your family, arrange for him work area it is in the western sector, which, according to Vastu Shastra, is responsible for acquiring knowledge, perseverance, efficiency, discipline, attention, and austerities.

Northwestern sector

The final part of our review is the northwestern sector. According to Vastu for the apartment, it is ruled by another beautiful female planet, the Moon. The North-West is responsible for relationships, well-being, luck and luck, for guests, children, changes and travel, for animals and vehicles.

Don't like to sit in one place and strive for change? Pay close attention to the northwest.

This direction symbolizes the energy of the air. Favorable colors for decoration: light gray and mother-of-pearl.

Advice: If you have a desire to travel more, explore this destination as much as possible. Move a bulky wardrobe or dressing table to the southwest of the apartment and your life will soon be filled with trips and business trips. It has been noticed that people whose bedrooms are in this sector are extremely rarely at home. Draw your conclusions!

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The southern and western sectors must be closed as much as possible in order to block the influence of the guna of ignorance (tamas) on household members. You can place massive pieces of furniture in these directions, place a wardrobe or large house plants - palm tree, ficus, monstera.

Remember that the kitchen is a sacred place. The most best place for cooking - this is the southeastern sector. Vastu experts do not recommend allowing pets into the kitchen, taking out the trash after 8 pm and leaving dirty dishes in the sink. A woman should prepare food for family members herself, but it is important to do this in a good mood. They say that food prepared by a housewife facing east is the healthiest and most delicious.

Make sure that the corridor and hallway are not cluttered with shoes and other accessories. Don't put your shoes by the front door. When you come home and wash your hands, immediately change your street clothes to home clothes.

It is important that the toilet lid is always down.

According to Vastu Shastra, you should not sleep with your head facing north or northeast. Placing a bedroom in the south-eastern part of the house is not recommended.

Mirrors are an effective tool for working with space. Ideal place for them it is east or north. But it is optimal to place the TV in the northwestern sector, where it will take a minimum of energy from household members.

The works of art convey an important message in terms of Vastu Shastra for the home. You cannot keep paintings, photographs and other images of the following content in your house:

  • scenes of hunting, game and fighting animals;
  • naked human bodies;
  • trees devoid of flowers and fruits;
  • bats and owls, crows and vultures, snakes, lions and pigeons;
  • stuffed animals are also prohibited.

Are you into home improvement according to Vastu or Feng Shui? Share in the comments below the article!


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