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Why is it now customary to write abbreviations for the words kilogram (kg), gram (g), ton (t), centimeter (cm), million (million), billion (billion) without dots, and 1990-2000 for not They put an end to it after the reduction and the score went down. Other words, for example, minute (min), second (sec), page (page), dollar (dollar), on the contrary, must be written with a period after the abbreviation. Thanks for understanding.

Probably, those who lowered the rating were guided by information obtained from spelling dictionaries of those years.

Question No. 302050

Good afternoon If we talk about livestock farming in general, is it possible to write it in combination with the word “industry”? For example, “Currently, the livestock industry remains highly dependent on imports of breeding stock and poultry.” "For further development of the livestock industry, it is necessary to introduce modern technologies, including robotization of certain production processes" "The form reflects the relevant data for each livestock sector in rows: ● cattle, ● pig farming, ● sheep farming, ● poultry farming"

Russian language help desk response

In the first two examples, the word "industry" is redundant.

Question No. 300700

In addition, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that to date JSC “___” has not received any appeals related to damage caused to the owners of the above-mentioned residential building due to incidents on the operated heating network property. Should I put a comma before the word “as a result”?

Russian language help desk response

Comma before due to not required.

Question No. 300662

Good afternoon Previously I asked a question about the transformation of the surname Talamonov into Talamnov (answer to Question No. 300649). I understand that reduction explains language changes from a fairly early period, but I am forced to ask the question again, since it initially provided little introductory information. Please explain what could be the explanation for the fact that in documents (revision tales, etc.) before 1782 (dated according to the last document in which one spelling variant is presented) the surname is written Talamonov, and since 1811 (also a revision tale ) and to this day - Talamnovs (and the Talamnovs of the 20th century are the descendants of the Talamonovs who appeared in the 17th century). It is obvious that the documents were kept by different clerks from the second half of the 17th century. (earlier materials have not survived) to the present day, so we can talk about the traditional existence of the surname, which for some reason is changing (I tried to explain this by reduction). Thus, if we rely on the dates of the documents, we find that from 1782 to 1811 the “o” in the surname disappears - why? It is worth adding that this phenomenon was recorded in the territory of the former Ryazan province. Thank you!

Russian language help desk response

We believe that our colleagues from the research center “Family History” will be able to advise you.

Question No. 300607

Hello! Currently, the word used on social media is “wall”, i.e. place where posts are posted. Question: should this word “wall” be put in quotation marks or not?

Russian language help desk response

The use of quotation marks depends on the context. If it is necessary to emphasize the use of a word in a figurative meaning, quotation marks can be used.

Question No. 299631

Good afternoon. 1. Is a comma necessary in the sentence: I have been working the present time, combining..... What sources do you recommend on punctuation?

Russian language help desk response

Adverbial phrase with adverbial participle combining separated by commas.

You can use any modern spelling reference book.

Question No. 299143

Russian language help desk response

Need a comma before And.

Question No. 298838

Good day to you, dear GRAMOTA! Please help me with the placement of commas. Are the commas placed correctly in the last sentence? Currently, the Society holds an annual audit, a lot of work is being done to justify regulated tariffs for 2019. In this regard, the information specified in your request will be provided as soon as it is ready.

Russian language help desk response

There are no commas needed in the last sentence: In this regard, the information specified in your request will be provided as soon as it is ready.

Question No. 298184

If the subject is expressed by a noun, a numeral in the nominative case, the predicate is also expressed by a noun or a numeral in the nominative case. And the copula is zero, that is, it is not expressed in the predicate, it indicates the present tense of the indicative mood, then we put a dash. This can be checked by inserting “is” after the dash. And if there is a dash in the sentence? For example: The duty of every citizen (-?) is to comply with the laws of the country.

Russian language help desk response

A dash is placed in the place of the missing connective. If the connective is not omitted, then the dash is not required: It is the duty of every citizen to comply with the laws of the country.

Question No. 298172

Hello! I am asking for the third time because I did not receive an answer during the first two attempts, but the question remains relevant: I often come across the use of the word “functional” to mean “functionality” (set of functions). Lately, even respected publications have been guilty of this (PLAS magazine, for example, and I even saw it in Kommersant once). Please tell me, is this usage currently correct or is it still erroneous? Thank you!

Russian language help desk response

Question No. 296930

Hello, dear employees of the portal! I have a question regarding the tense of the verb "will" in the following sentence: Where there was no beginning, there will be no end. The verb “will” is imperfect; such verbs only form a complex form of the future tense, so I think it is a mistake to claim that this is the future tense. It turns out that this is the present time?

Russian language help desk response

Question No. 295982

Currently, construction is underway in the capital of the Republic of Armenia, Yerevan. Is it necessary to separate the words Yerevan with commas?

Russian language help desk response

No separation required.

Question No. 295230

Are both commas needed in this phrase? At present, it is temporarily not possible to make preliminary calculations of the amount of the monthly loan payment, taking into account partial early repayment of the debt.

Russian language help desk response

There is no need to put commas.

Question No. 294471

How to spell Internet or Internet. Which point of view do you think will win out over time?

Russian language help desk response

Currently, both options are normative. The general trend is towards the “legalization” of the capital letter.

Question No. 293092

Hello, Help Desk. I have a question regarding the Russian spelling of the surname "Huntington". There is a neurological disease called “Huntington’s chorea.” Having studied the literature to the best of my ability, I found out that until 1928, in all Russian-language sources this disease was indicated as “Huntington’s chorea,” i.e. the eponym was simply not translated. It was translated as "Huntington's chorea" in a 1928 therapeutic manual and a 1930 neurology textbook. Further in the 1960s and 1970-80s. the spelling "Huntington" was most often used, but "Huntington" was also found. Currently, these two translation options continue to be found. In my opinion, it is advisable to strive for uniformity of terminology, which will make it easier to find the necessary information. Is it justifiable that preference should be given to an eponym spelling such as "Huntington's chorea" rather than "Huntington's"? Thank you!

Russian language help desk response

Both options are fixed. The medical community must agree on preferences.

People think that everything they do

and what they talk about is at the core of their path to happiness.

Tarot Gold 2

Ellen told me that she wanted to quit her drinking bouts. I asked her to pay attention to what happens before she touches the bottle again. After all, despite the fact that alcohol is a bad helper in any case, thanks to it she still satisfied some needs. I wanted to get her to talk a little about the reasons for her behavior so that we could work together to develop a positive strategy. One day she called me, her voice trembling with excitement:

- I understood! I drink when my life feels broken or when I want to have a heart-to-heart talk with someone. Normally I can't do this. Alcohol helps you forget about responsibilities and loosens your tongue. This makes it easier for me to talk about how I really feel.

– How can you achieve the same results differently? – I asked.

Ellen wasn't entirely sure of herself, so I offered her some tips.

– How about when you are about to drink, stop yourself, go to your desk and write down in your journal what you feel at that moment? If you feel like your life is getting stuck, try making a list of what you need to do. Write it down and throw it out of your head so that all thoughts remain only on paper. And if you want to talk to someone, write that person a letter - right there, in your diary. Then you will decide whether you need to tell him everything or whether this is done for its own sake.

Ellen agreed. To this day, thanks to her determination, the support of her friends, and our twelve-point program, she is able to maintain a sober lifestyle.

I recently had lunch with my friend Sue Bender, author of Plain and Simple. It was she who reminded me of one simple truth: no matter what people do, whether harmful or useful, they are thus trying to satisfy their needs.

“In order to change something in your life,” she said, “a person must ask himself what need is being satisfied by his behavior at the current moment.” Otherwise, he will not be able to change anything, no matter how hard he tries.

This is a very important lesson. We do what we do because it leads to the satisfaction of our needs. We develop special habits: perfectionism, a negative attitude towards others, overeating, smoking, workaholism, the desire to spend more than you earn, the desire to hide from others, etc. The important thing is that any of them corresponds to our internal needs. But since we are not aware of what we are doing, all attempts to solve our internal problems become an even bigger problem for us than the one we originally intended to solve. The table at the end of this chapter illustrates the most common examples.

So much effort to change our habits is wasted! And all because we cannot correctly establish the need to which our habit is related. We cannot make positive change unless we are willing to admit it and offer ourselves another option to meet our need.

This was the first time I was faced with such a task, trying to extinguish my own attacks of anger. I tried to suppress him. But at best, all my attempts gave short-term results - from a few days to a few weeks. As a result, I relapsed again, and this was followed by feelings of remorse and guilt. Immediately I promised myself that this would not happen again - and again I found myself in a vicious circle.

But once I realized that my temper tantrums were serving an unknown inner need, I was able to begin to do something to correct the situation. I began to understand that my behavior changed at the moment when I did not see a response from my husband, and, moreover, this need was so unobvious in the context of my real life that I could not even define it. An outburst of anger at that moment was the best way to express my inner need to express myself. Since then, I have worked not to control my condition, but to come to an understanding of the fact that everyone can have their own desires - and it is quite possible to declare them. The more I acknowledged this and stated my desires, the less destructive my behavior became, even if I didn’t like everything.

None of us do bad things just because we ourselves are bad. We just don’t always know how to get out of a given situation, how to cope with our fears, loneliness, the need to say “no” or the desire to be alone - all that determines our behavior.

Remember how you satisfy your own needs through your actions. When you realize that you are acting in favor of a habit that you would like to change, but cannot help yourself, try playing this scene in your mind. Imagine watching a video and seeing yourself from the outside at the moment when you do something that you would not like. For example, try seeing yourself eating an entire chocolate cake, or imagine yourself being extremely depressed. Whisper to yourself in this imaginary video: “Okay, okay... okay...” And then honestly ask: “Why Here good?" Continue to slowly whisper “good” until you understand the connection between what is good and what is bad - and until the connection between the need and the behavior that satisfies it becomes obvious to you.

For example, my client Tessa, a workaholic, wondered why she was so attracted to the intense pace of work and realized that it was due to the need for a sense of professionalism, success in work and honor given for her achievements. At home, she constantly quarreled with her twelve-year-old daughter and felt the growing alienation in her relationship with her husband. No wonder she tried to spend as much time as possible at work! The merits associated with workaholism prevented Tessa from feeling as successful in family affairs. But one day she realized that at home you can also be at your best - it’s enough to spend more time with your family and do what your loved ones love. She started playing board games with her daughter in the evenings, and she and her husband decided to study Spanish together every week. Now Tessa feels more confident at home.

How does your behavior satisfy your needs? The answer to this question will help you find the most suitable solution to the problem.

Question: Due to the fact that there is currently a large tax arrears to the federal budget, would it not be advisable to conduct a full or selective amnesty on taxes, fines and penalties?
dated July 14, 1997 N 01-19/04-511
The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, on behalf of the Government of the Russian Federation, has considered your letter about the need for a full or selective tax amnesty on taxes, fines and penalties and reports the following.
The issue of sequestering federal budget expenditures for 1997 is currently being considered, and therefore we believe that holding a tax amnesty in the context of discussing proposals to sequester budget expenditures for the current year is inappropriate.
At the same time, the draft Tax Code, currently adopted in the first reading, contains the concept of tax amnesty, which means the release of a person who has committed a tax violation from liability for this violation. The decision to apply a tax amnesty will be made by the head tax authority. In addition, the tax amnesty will be applied in the manner and under the conditions established by the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation on tax amnesty, and regional authorities and local governments will have the right to make decisions on tax amnesty in relation to persons who have committed tax violations that led to non-payment or partial non-payment of one or more regional and local taxes (fees), respectively.
07/14/97 Deputy Minister of Finance

Russian Federation

“We decided that we would consider twelve as the main ones, four in each time period (future, present and past). As we remember, when choosing the required time in English It is also worth considering the completion of the action or its continuation. This same article will be the first in a series devoted to tenses in the English language. We will talk in more detail about each of them, and some, as they say, will be analyzed “brick by brick.” Let's start with the present tense in English ( Present Tense).

How to express the present tense in English?

Present tense in English can be expressed using the following four tenses: present simple ( Present Indefinite / Simple), present continuous ( / Progressive), present perfect ( ) and present perfect continuous ( / Progressive). Why do they need so many varieties of the present tense in English? As already noted, native speakers care not only about the time period of the action taking place, but also about its process and final result. This also applies to future and past tenses. Let's talk briefly about the categories presented.

The simplest of these present tenses in English is Present Simple. This time is not interested in the nature of the action. They use this tense when they want to convey ordinary, everyday, habitual actions that are not tied to the moment of speech. Here we also include constant phenomena, laws of nature, scientific conclusions, facts, observations, instructions, directions, etc. With the help of this present tense, the feelings and emotions of people are conveyed in English. If we want to tell something (a story, an anecdote, etc.) and strive to present events more realistically for the interlocutor, we choose Present Simple.

If we are talking about the grammatical features of the present tense system in English, it should be noted that Present Simple also needed under the following conditions:

  • in the offer there is always, usually, often, rarely, sometimes, never;
  • it's on if, when, after, before, as soon as, until;
  • in a sentence of thought and sensory perception that are not used in Present Continuous (desire, feel, like, love, know, remember etc.).

The formation of all forms of this time is presented in the article "".

They teach children every summer. - They teach children every summer.

Mike plays basketball twice a week. - Mike plays basketball twice a week.

Cats eat mice. - Cats eat mice.

Side by side with the previous one time goes by present continuous – Present Continuous. The main area of ​​its use is sentences in which actions are related to a specific moment. We use this tense if we have a long (unfinished) action, as well as an action occurring at the moment of speech. Additional markers of this time can be adverbs such as now, at this moment, but this is not a prerequisite. Present Continuous can simply express a long-term action occurring in the present period of time. Using this present tense in English, you can also express the future if the action is already planned.

I am writing this article now. - I am writing this article now.

What time is he coming tomorrow? - What time will he arrive tomorrow?

Time name Present Perfect is translated as present perfect, but it does not always reflect the action of the present tense in English. The main reason for using this tense is an action that has already happened at the time of speech, but is directly related to it. This is the main difference between this time and (expresses the past, which has nothing to do with the present). Transfer Present Perfect in this case it is necessary to use the past tense, although in meaning this tense refers to the present. Present Perfect we use it in the case of an action that happened in the recent past (for example, this morning, and the day is not over yet). You will probably come across adverbs in such sentences already, yet, just or adverbial words today, this week, this month, this year etc. Besides this, the present perfect tense used with verbs that cannot be used in the present perfect continuous tense.

I am not thirsty, I have just drunk a glass of juice. - I don't want to drink. I just drank a glass of juice.

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    A local history museum is a museum whose object of activity is the documentation and presentation of the historical, natural and cultural development of a particular locality or geographic region. The main funds of such a museum are exhibits related to the history of this region, which may include, for example, archaeological finds; works of art or craft; documents and visual materials recording historical events that took place in this area; items...

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    Research Triangle Park (RTP) is one of the largest research parks in the world. It was founded for three major research universities in cities such as Durham, Raleigh and Chapel Hill. About a quarter of the park is in Wake County, but most is located in County Durham.


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