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The head of Kuzbass, Aman Tuleyev, who has headed the region since 1997, wrote a letter of resignation of his own free will. This happened after a fire in the Winter Cherry shopping and entertainment center in Kemerovo, which claimed the lives of 64 people. Russian President Vladimir Putin accepted the early resignation of Aman Tuleyev and appointed Vice-Governor Sergei Tsivilev as acting head of the region.

Governor Kemerovo region Aman Tuleyev submitted his resignation. Kommersant was informed about this by the press service of the administration of the Kemerovo region. “Exactly. The governor of the Kemerovo region, Aman Tuleyev, addressed President Vladimir Putin with a statement of resignation of his own free will,” Alexey Dorongov, head of the main department for work with media of the regional administration, told Kommersant. In his address to local residents, Aman Tuleyev said that this was due to a fire that occurred in the Winter Cherry shopping center in Kemerovo. Vladimir Putin accepted the resignation of Mr. Tuleyev, acting. Vice-Governor Sergei Tsivilev was appointed head of Kuzbass. The President also called Aman Tuleyev to thank him for his many years of work as governor of the Kemerovo region.

“Each of us has already passed this through our hearts, through ourselves, this horror, the pain of this catastrophe. Well, all of Russia and the whole world mourns with us. Dear Kuzbass residents, I did everything I could. Met with the families of the victims and tried to resolve issues regarding assistance. Once again I offer my deepest condolences, but we must move on with our lives. Live to cherish the memories of those we have lost. Russian law enforcement agencies are investigating the cause of the fire. Dear fellow countrymen, together with you we have gone through a great, very great life path. From Kuzbass striking, sitting on the rails, banging helmets, hunger strikes, strikes... To Kuzbass creating and supporting our state. And you did all this, you, and I am immensely grateful to you. Quite honestly, like an icon, I can tell you that in my work I have always been guided by the interests of our country, Russia, and our region. Thank you all again for always being there, in sorrow and joy. And take a bow (bowed to the table, sitting at the table in his office. - “Kommersant”). Today, now, I want to tell you, I submitted my resignation to the President of the Russian Federation. I consider it the right, conscious, and only right decision for myself. Because it’s morally impossible to work with such a heavy load as governor. Peace and goodness to you and your families! May God protect each of you and our native Kuzbass land,” said Aman Tuleyev.

Let us remind you that on March 25, a strong fire occurred in the Kemerovo shopping center “Winter Cherry,” which killed 64 people, including 41 children. Seven suspects have been arrested in connection with the fire. The court took into custody the manager of the shopping center, Nadezhda Suddenok, technical director center Georgy Sobolev, security guard Sergei Antyushin, as well as two employees of the company involved in servicing the fire protection system, Igor Polozinenko and Alexander Nikitin, general director of Kemerovo Confectionery Plant LLC (the company that owned the burnt shopping and entertainment center "Winter Cherry") Yulia Bogdanova, former Head of the State Construction Supervision Inspectorate of the Kemerovo Region Tanzilia Komkova.

Aman Tuleyev did not come to the scene of the tragedy. Meanwhile, at a meeting held on March 27 in Kemerovo under the leadership of Russian President Vladimir Putin, the head of the region asked for forgiveness from the head of state: “I apologize to you personally for what happened on our territory.” Shortly before the start of the meeting, a spontaneous rally began in Kemerovo, which lasted more than 10 hours. People demanded the resignation of the city and regional leadership. “Aman Tuleyev has long lost his authority. The people are asking - leave. Let's resign! - the crowd shouted and chanted “Come on, leave!”

The Kemerovo branch of Yabloko also demanded the resignation of the head of the region and the mayor of the city, Ilya Seredyuk. “We believe that in addition to the owners of the building, the control and inspection services that allowed the building of the Winter Cherry shopping and entertainment center to be used, each bearing their share of responsibility for the death of adults and children, responsibility for this tragedy also lies with authorities of Kemerovo and the Kemerovo region,” says a statement from the party’s regional council. The appeal was sent to the presidential administration, the presidential embassy in Siberian federal district, as well as to the State Duma and the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. The head of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganov said that the tragedy in Kemerovo is a consequence of the incompetence and corruption of the authorities. “We insist on the creation of a parliamentary commission to investigate the circumstances of this disaster and develop effective measures to prevent such events,” according to the party’s website.

73-year-old Aman Tuleyev has headed the Kemerovo region since October 1997. In September 2015, he was again elected head of Kuzbass, gaining 96.69% of the votes. In 2017, the governor went on a long vacation (more than 1.5 months) due to health problems - he underwent spinal surgery in a clinic in Germany, and then postoperative rehabilitation began. Against the backdrop of this information, the possibility of Mr. Tuleyev’s resignation due to his state of health was actively discussed in the Kemerovo region. Last summer, the regional administration issued a statement that the head of the region, Aman Tuleyev, intends to fulfill his duties until the end of his term in 2020. A new wave of speculation about the resignation of Aman Tuleyev appeared in March of this year after the appointment of the general director of the Kolmar coal company Sergei Tsivilev to the post of vice-governor of Kuzbass, whom many considered the most likely successor to the current governor.

Aman Tuleyev nominated his candidacy for presidential elections three times. According to the Civil Society Development Foundation, from 2013 to 2014, Mr. Tuleyev was one of the ten most successful governors of Russia.

Oksana Pavlova, Ilya Galaguz, Novosibirsk; Yulia Matyushchenko, Kemerovo

The possible resignation of the head of the Kemerovo region has been discussed for a long time, and it followed the tragedy in “Winter Cherry”

Ex-governor of the Kemerovo region Aman Tuleyev

Moscow. April 2. website - The resignation of 73-year-old Aman Tuleyev from the post of governor of the Kemerovo region, which evil tongues had unsuccessfully prophesied over the past years, nevertheless took place last Sunday and turned out to be not an April Fool's joke.

The announcement of early resignation was Tuleyev’s reaction to the Winter Cherry shopping and entertainment center in Kemerovo, which claimed the lives of 64 people, most of them children.

“I consider (resignation) for myself the right, conscious, only right decision, because with such a heavy burden as governor, well, it’s impossible, morally impossible,” Tuleyev said in a video message.

Resignation in Telegram channel

The message that the governor submitted his resignation to Russian President Vladimir Putin first appeared on the Telegram channel of the Kemerovo regional administration. A video message from Tuleyev was also published there.

Confirmation that this time everything is for real came from the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Siberian Federal District, Sergei Menyailo.

“Aman Gumirovich (Tuleev - IF) made a resignation letter; this is not an April Fool’s joke. The decision was made by the governor - this is his right,” the plenipotentiary told Interfax on Sunday afternoon.

Vive le Roi

Later it became known that Putin announced the resignation of Tuleyev, and the deputy head of the region, Sergei Tsivilev, was appointed acting governor.

Tsivilev came to the post of vice-governor in early March; before that he headed the Kolmar company, which mines coal in the south of Yakutia. Then he explained to reporters that in recent years he increasingly began to receive offers to change jobs, but he asked everyone to wait until the moment when his enterprise began to develop independently.

“At that time, Tuleyev called me and invited me to his place. I arrived, and he told me: “Sooner or later you will go to the civil service, you have no other option, and since this is how the situation is unfolding, come to me.” I’m glad that I work in his team,” Tsivilev said.

According to him, Tuleyev’s proposal “was the last straw,” after which he decided to leave business and become an official.

At the same time, in early March, informed sources assumed that soon after the presidential elections Tsivilev “would be appointed acting governor.”

In the end, this happened, although in completely different circumstances connected with the tragedy in “Winter Cherry”.

“I am taking over the region at a very difficult moment, when dozens of people and, above all, our children died in a terrible fire. I want to tell you, the residents of Kemerovo and the entire region, that I will do everything to ensure that those responsible for this terrible tragedy suffer the strictest punishment. All information will be provided to punish the perpetrators,” Tsivilev said in a video message.

“No one will be fenced off or hidden. This terrible tragedy has united not only Kemerovo, but the entire country in grief and compassion. We will not leave the victims and relatives of the victims alone with the misfortune. We will and will do everything to support them in these difficult days, provide them with all possible help and support,” he stressed.


In the same video message, Tsivilev promised to preserve all initiatives for the development of the Kemerovo region adopted by the previous administration.

“I want to assure all of you, every resident of the region, that I am implementing all initiatives and decisions for the development of the region... I am convinced that only through dialogue with people will we be able to strengthen the well-being of the region’s residents, ensure their safety, and lay the foundation for the development of new generations of Kemerovo residents.” , - said the acting governor.

What is Tuleyev remembered for?

Ethnic Kazakh Tuleyev was born in 1944 in the city of Krasnovodsk, Turkmen SSR. Graduated from the Novosibirsk Institute of Railway Transport Engineers (1973) and the Academy of Social Sciences under the CPSU Central Committee (1989). Doctor of Science. In 1990, he was elected as a deputy of the Kemerovo Regional Council of People's Deputies and served as its chairman. In 1993-1996. - Deputy of the Federation Council from Kuzbass, head of the Legislative Assembly of the Kemerovo Region.

Three times Tuleyev applied for the post of president of the RSFSR and the Russian Federation: in 1991, 1996 and 2000. In 1996-1997 he was a member of the Russian government, the Russian Minister for Cooperation with the CIS countries. In July 1997, he was appointed head of the administration of the Kemerovo region, and in October of the same year he won the election as head of the region.

The 1998 miners’ strike was a “baptism of fire” for Tuleyev, when workers blocked traffic along Trans-Siberian Railway, seeking payment of wage arrears.

Tuleyev also won gubernatorial elections in 2001 and 2015; in 2005, President Putin extended his powers, and in 2010, the decision to approve him as governor was made by the Council of People's Deputies of the Kemerovo Region on the proposal of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.

In public politics, Tuleyev spoke out against the radical economic reforms carried out by Boris Yeltsin, Yegor Gaidar and their supporters. In the 2016 film, which tells the biography of Tuleyev in the context of world history, special attention was devoted to the confrontation between the Tuleyev family and the Gaidar family. As it turned out, the roots of their conflict go back to the period Civil War. The film claimed that Gaidar's grandfather, children's writer Arkady Gaidar, participated in his grandfather's execution Kemerovo governor- White Guard Kaldybai Tuleyev.

In 2016, Tuleyev’s health condition worsened - it was increasingly difficult for him to move without help, and after surgery in 2017, the governor was rarely seen on video cameras.

“Together you and I have come a long, very long journey in life - from Kuzbass on strike, sitting on the rails, banging helmets, to Kuzbass, creating and supporting our state. And all this was done by you, you. And I am immensely grateful. Quite honestly, how in front of the icon, I can tell you that in my work I have always been guided by the interests of our country, Russia and our region,” Tuleyev said in a video message to residents of the region on Sunday.

The governor of the Kemerovo region, Aman Tuleyev, resigned after the tragedy in the Winter Cherry shopping center. "" found out all the details.

"I did everything I could"

On the morning of April 1, Kuzbass was deafened by the news: the governor of the Kemerovo region, Aman Tuleyev, who led the region for more than 20 years, submitted his resignation. At first it even seemed like an April Fool's joke, but the administration's press service confirmed this fact, and later a video appeared in which Aman Tuleyev, addressing the Kuzbass residents, explained why he made such a decision.

In an official video message to Kuzbass residents, Aman Tuleyev returned to the tragedy that occurred in “Winter Cherry” on March 25, and where 64 people died, 41 of whom were children.

Each of us has passed all this through our hearts, all this horror, the pain of this catastrophe.

He addressed the residents of the region:

Dear Kuzbass residents, I did everything I could: I met with the families of the victims; tried to resolve issues of assistance. Once again I offer my deepest condolences. But we must live, continue to live, live to preserve the memory of those we lost. Russian law enforcement agencies are investigating the cause of the fire.

He talked about how, together with everyone else, the region had come a long way in life: from striking and starving to creative Kuzbass:

And you did it all, you. And I am immensely grateful to you.

Aman Tuleyev thanked the people for supporting him and bowed. And he said that he was always guided by the interests of our country, Russia, and the region.

I gave it to the president Russian Federation resignation letter. I consider it to be, well, the right, conscious, and only right decision. Because it is impossible to work as a governor with such a heavy load. Morally it is impossible.
Peace and goodness to you and your families. May the Lord protect each of you and our native Kuznetsk land.

Now the fate of the governor of Kuzbass must be decided by the president.

First comments from the State Duma

The governor of the Kemerovo region, Aman Tuleyev, who resigned, is one of the politicians of the Soviet school, said Russian State Duma deputy Anton Gorelkin.

Tuleyev always treated power with great respect - as something sacred. But the external attributes of power: money, luxury, expensive whims - are incomprehensible to him. This is one of the last politicians of the Soviet school,” TASS quotes Gorelkin as saying, for a long time who worked in Tuleyev’s team.

Political heavyweight

Aman Tuleyev is 73 years old and entered politics in the late 1980s. He headed the Kemerovo region in 1997 and was re-elected head of the region four times with a result of 93.5-96.69% of the votes. His powers for the next gubernatorial term expired in 2020.

During Aman Tuleyev’s work as governor of Kuzbass, rumors repeatedly appeared about his health problems and his upcoming resignation. In particular, on May 22, 2017, he went on official leave, which was later extended due to an operation prescribed to him due to a problem with intervertebral discs back in the fall of 2016. Against this background, reports appeared in the media that Tuleyev would leave his post, but the information was not confirmed and on August 12 he returned to work.

The fact is that upon taking office, Tuleyev did not take the oath, as required by local legislation. Kemerovo social activist Maxim Uchvatov drew attention to this.


The man demanded that the Russian Prosecutor General's Office look into the situation and deprive Tuleyev of his deputy mandate, reports. “Aman Gumirovich did not take the oath during the entire session. Based on this, I formed an appeal addressed to the Prosecutor General of Russia Yuri Chaika with a request to take prosecutorial response measures,” Uchvatov explained.

On April 10, the ex-governor of Kuzbass was elected chairman of the Council of People's Deputies of the Kemerovo Region. Aman Tuleyev was the head of the region for more than 20 years. He resigned on April 1 in connection with a major fire in the Winter Cherry shopping center in Kemerovo on March 25. The tragedy claimed the lives of 64 people, including 41 children.

As the site wrote, Kemerovo resident Igor Vostrikov, who lost his family in a fire, was outraged by the appointment of the former head of Kuzbass to a new position. He believes that after the tragedy, the ex-governor should have left politics completely.

After the tragedy in the Winter Cherry shopping center in Kemerovo, the governor of the Kemerovo region, Aman Tuleyev, submitted a request to Vladimir Putin for early resignation from his post on April 1. The President accepted the petition, appointing Vice-Governor Sergei Tsivilev as acting governor. Despite Tuleyev’s statement that his decision to resign was voluntary, social networks considered his resignation forced, and also remembered the governor’s efforts to follow instructions “from above” in everything.

The governor of the Kemerovo region, Aman Tuleyev, resigned early at his own request. Tuleyev announced his decision in a video message to residents of the region. The recording was published on the website of the administration of the Kemerovo region, as well as on the YouTube channel of the press service on April 1. In his address, Tuleyev noted that he had decided to resign in connection with Kemerovo.

Today, now I want to tell you, I submitted my resignation to the President of the Russian Federation. I consider it the right, conscious, and only right decision for myself. Because it’s impossible to work as a governor with such a heavy load. Morally it is impossible.

Some media outlets and users agreed that Tuleyev’s resignation was not at all voluntary and that such a decision was “brought down” on the former governor from above. So, according to Alexei Makarkin, an expert at the Center for Political Technologies, if it weren’t for the fire in the shopping center, Tuleyev would not have given up his post, writes.

Probably, from somewhere above, he was asked, to put it mildly, but it was formalized as his decision, because this is, after all, an era in the history of the region and it would hardly be possible to simply fire a person here. I think that if not for this tragedy, he would have been the head of the region for some time.

There is a version that Tuleyev was convinced to resign by the head Investigative Committee Russia Alexander Bastrykin, writes FlashSiberia with reference to an agency source. According to the agency’s interlocutor, Bastrykin met with Tuleyev in Kemerovo on March 31 and conveyed to him a message about the need to leave his post.

He (Bastyrkin) conveyed to Tuleyev Moscow’s wish to inform him of his voluntary resignation, which he did. In this case, Moscow gave Tuleyev the opportunity to save face as much as possible in a difficult situation. Aman Gumirovich understood everything and did not argue.

Some users also agreed with this opinion. social networks, considering that Tuleyev himself had no intention of resigning as governor.

Stanislav Shkel

Tuleyev’s resignation once again convincingly showed that personnel issues of this level are resolved by a very narrow circle of people and absolutely situationally. Therefore, all these questions from journalists about forecasts of resignations or appointments and the answers of experts to these questions are all empty chatter and blah blah blah.

Other users considered Tuleyev’s departure an April Fool’s joke and, until the very end, refused to believe in the veracity of his intentions.

In connection with the appointment on the VKontakte public page "Typical Kemerovo" Tsivilev’s appeal to the residents of the region was published.

Some users expressed support for the new acting governor, noting that they consider Tuleyev’s resignation to be correct. However, comments dedicated to Tsivilev himself allow us to conclude that Kemerovo residents who saw his speeches in the media are dissatisfied with the appointment.

But I watched the online broadcast of the rally on March 27 from start to finish. This is not a person worthy of respect. He even tried to talk about his beloved self at a rally until they shut him up. And these words about PR on blood are worth something to Igor Vostrikov. Expand


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