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Statuses about dad - Dad should be such that the child misses him, and mom should never think of parting with him.

If a man had a son, then he became a father, and if a man had a daughter, he became a daddy.

Anyone can become a father, but only a special one becomes a father.

Dear dad! I may meet a prince one day, but you will forever be my king!

A father's love is exceptional, it is not like the love of mothers, there are few words in it. But she is priceless.

The best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.

The father is not the one who gave the seed... but the one who raised the DOLL! The one who walks with her, plays, braids her shaggy ponytail... calls her... MY BEAUTIFUL. This is... this is daddy!

Very often, a father cannot raise his son correctly and he follows in his footsteps.

A girl's father is the first and for a long time the only man in my life. He is the best and strongest. There is no need to fight for it, no need to look for it. He loves unconditionally.

They say that only a mother is worthy of love.... well, why only a mother? After all, you still have a loving father who also loves you, understands and worries about you...

A child learns from a wise father from the cradle. Anyone who thinks differently is a fool, he is an enemy to the child and to himself!

I love and trust only one person who, when asked: “Do you love me?”, will answer: “Of course, daughter...”

Soft toys alone are not enough to convince your children that they still have a father.

Give children your presence. This is sometimes much more important to them than any gift.

Even if your dad is a complete asshole, call him and tell him you love him. Even if this is not true at all. You may want this later, when he is gone forever.

By nature, of course, I’m not a sweetheart, thanks to daddy for everything!

A happy childhood is when there is not only a mother, but also a strong, confident and reliable father.

Nothing warms my heart like my mother's smile and the joy in my father's eyes.

The father admonishes only the one he loves; the teacher punishes only the student in whom he notices stronger abilities; the doctor already despairs if he stops treating.

The older I get, the smarter my father seems to me.

And yet it’s cool when you come home, He greets you with the words: “Hello baby” and kisses you... I love you dad!!!

Are you saying that you want to warm your hands in HIS pocket in winter? And you try to walk with DAD, believe me, these hands are warmer!!! After all, the warmth is REAL!

I love my daddy... When I'm not in a mood, he tries to cheer me up in any way... I adore him! He's the one best man in my life... Dad, you are the best!

I love my dad, for him, if I study without grades, it’s good, if without grades, it’s generally great... I wonder if I study without grades, will he go crazy or will he buy me a jeep right away?!

It’s so nice when you come up to your dad and ask: “Dad, am I good with you?” And he replies: “You are my best!

A mother will never teach her child anything bad. Go to dad.

Statuses about fathers - The best father is a father who always finds time for his child, no matter what happened at work, whether he has problems or not.

Dads worry so much about their daughters because they really know what to expect from guys.

When I really want to cry from pain, I remember the words of the Pope as a child, when I was sitting on the asphalt with broken knees, and he said: “Will this nonsense make such beautiful eyes cry?”

Life must be lived in such a way that every child can say “Dad” to you.

He is married. He gives me flowers and toys, indulges my whims, worries when I’m gone until late. He is ready to do anything for me. And he loves me. In short, thank you dad for being here!

Beautiful statuses about dad and son, about dad and daughter with meaning, short and long, touching and sad.

When I was fourteen, my father was so stupid that I could hardly stand him; but when I was twenty-one years old, I was amazed at how much this old man had grown wiser in the last seven years.

A father loves his child because it is his birth; but he must still love him as a future person. Only such love for children is true and worthy of being called love; every other one is egoism, cold self-love.

In order for the atmosphere in the family to always be positive, the father must be quiet and inconspicuous.

The father admonishes only the one he loves; the teacher punishes only the student in whom he notices stronger abilities; the doctor already despairs if he stops treating.

A father's prudence is the most effective instruction for children.

We will never understand how much our parents love us until we become parents ourselves.

Parents least of all forgive their children those vices that they themselves instilled in them.

Soft toys alone are not enough to convince your children that they still have a father.

Fathers should neither be seen nor heard. Only on this basis can a strong family be built.

Treat your parents the way you would want your own children to treat you.

A man who could not understand his father cannot become a good father.

And the only truly beloved man who will never leave one is dad...

It is much easier to become a father than to remain one.

If you want to influence a child, try not to be his father.

If you can instill in your children confidence in their ability to achieve any goal, solve any problem, then you have successfully fulfilled your parental duty, endowing them with the greatest gift.

All fathers want their children to achieve what they themselves failed to achieve.

If you want to influence a child, try not to be his father.

Fathers and children should not wait for requests from each other, but should proactively give what each other needs, with the father taking precedence.

I hate to do this behind his back, but to be a good father sometimes you have to be a bad person.

Every father is a hero to his son. At least until the sons grow up and find new heroes for themselves.

A father's idea of ​​himself is inseparable from his idea of ​​his son, unless the latter has some property that contradicts this idea.

Why does a father love his son more than his father's son? Because the son is his creation. Everyone is favorable to what they themselves have created.

You should know that you are the best dad in the world. Only a wonderful father could get along with an asshole like me.

There is no need for another example, When the example of the father is in the eyes.

Without good fathers there is no good education, despite all the schools.

It will never be possible to replace a good father with the same one.

Father's love is no different from self-love.

If a man has not become a real father to his children, he is not a man.

The merits of the father do not apply to the son.

A father should be a friend and confidante to his children, not a tyrant.

Learn fatherhood from those who know how to be fathers.

If children see their parents only as a source of uninterrupted power supply, then when the source dries up, they begin to see them only as an extra burden.

Becoming a father is very easy. Being a father, on the other hand, is difficult.

The child has his own special ability to see, think and feel; there is nothing more stupid than trying to replace this skill with ours.

We must strive to ensure that everyone sees and knows more than his father and grandfather saw and knew.

If a man loves his children too passionately, you can be sure that he is unhappy.

There are three beloved men in my life. It's dad... Coffee... Chocolate...

In my life, the only thing I've ever been afraid of is spiders. So I don’t give a damn that her dad is a cop.

If I eat porridge, my pussy will grow, that’s what my dad tells me, and my sister – about boobs.

As dad said, it will be like mom’s way!

The last one is the dad...

Love is when my mom makes coffee for my dad and takes a sip before giving him the cup to make sure it tastes good.

My dad is a genius. He can take a car that barely drives and make it into a car that doesn't drive at all!

Dad didn't raise a princess for you idiot!

Recently I hit myself very hard and after the hit I held my head. Instead of feeling sorry for me, my dad said: “Well, that’s okay. If there were brains, there would be a concussion!”

He is married. He gives me flowers and toys, indulges my whims, worries when I’m gone until late. He is ready to do anything for me. And he loves me. In short, thank you dad for being here!

Dad! When they come to ask for my hand, don’t fall on your knees, don’t say “You are our Savior!!!”, but just quietly nod your head.

Dad, why do all the kids eat cotton candy, and I eat regular cotton candy?

Dad is the only male person who loved, loves and will always love me as I am...

Dad quit smoking, switched to a more powerful drug and put the whole family on it...seeds!

Yesterday my dad renamed me on the phone from “Daughter” to “Daddy, give me some money.”

Dad, mom, meet this... This will now live with us...

Dad, dad, who did you want, a boy or a girl? - Oh, son, I actually just wanted to relax!

Dad, why can't children watch this film? - Sit quietly! Now you will see for yourself.

I stuck my tongue out at dad, and he fucked me! We are definitely relatives.

After I brought a fork to my dad instead of a corkscrew, they didn’t pour me any more.

After I introduced my dad to my boyfriend, he told me: “Yes, love is evil - they loved you too!”

Why is it only mom, the most sacred thing, dad also participated!

Let dad hear, Let dad come, Let dad definitely find me, After all, this doesn’t happen in the world. There's a castle outside, and I'm in the toilet!

Today me, tomorrow you, the day after tomorrow mom. - Dad, are you sure that you correctly understand the meaning of the words “family cowards”?

I'm sitting in a SpongeBob T-shirt with huge headphones. yellow and watch spongebob online. Dad walks by: “You need a guy.”

I'm sleeping. Dad flies up on all fours and yells: “Let’s go ride the horse!” I’m half asleep, turning to the wall: “I can ride a horse, but I don’t want to ride a donkey...”

I'm standing in the kitchen. I drink tea. Night. It feels good. Go ahead and blurt out: “P*ck.” Dad says behind his back: “Yeah. F*ck it! Go.”

Son, tell me honestly, do you smoke weed? - Dad... I'm a daughter!

Only my dad can slip, roll along the road, get up, shake himself and say that he almost fell!

I remember how my mother took me to first grade and I remember how my father carried me from graduation!

I'll light a candle in the cemetery,
Let it burn to the ground.
And I’ll whisper at the grave,
Well, here I am, daddy!
In the ground cold and damp,
Perhaps you're freezing?
Get up! Let's go home already!
After all, just like we miss you!
And stop calling it home,
There is a blind hole in the ground.
I want to hug you so bad
Also Brother and Mom.
Well come back! Stop sleeping!
Look how the sun is shining!
I'll help you get up from there,
Just let me know!
Tell me it's a joke
And we'll laugh together.
And holding hands, like in childhood,
let's go home!!

Again sadness squeezes its paws tightly
Digging his claws into the depths of my soul,
I miss my dad more and more...
Six billion people on earth,
But among them - not a single one, believe me,
Who could fill this void...
I live in hope of meeting after death,
Having crossed the threshold of Eternity...
Fatigue is accumulating more and more...
Let melancholy not separate your paws,
I remained there somewhere as a baby,
And daughters love their dads more...

Yes, I'm an adult, I understand everything,
but it doesn’t make life any easier!
I still miss you terribly!
Continuing to love just the same!
Continuing to think about daddy,
And remember him, the living one.
Touching the heart strings,
That it will never be raised.
That he will never be heard
That he will never wait.
He's probably higher than all the clouds
In God's unknown space...
He sees us, of course he sees us,
And just like us, he’s just as bored.
He flies after us like an angel,
To be at least a little closer to us.
Of course he would like to return,
But he will never be able to
In this world he will not wake up,
Nothing will warm his heart.
And that only makes it more painful,
But it’s impossible not to think about him.
Every day my soul becomes heavier,
And it’s hard to come to terms with it, daddy.
And damned time does not heal,
And it doesn’t heal these wounds,
And the emptiness inside cannot be filled,
I'm tired of fighting with myself!
I want to spit on everything, forget myself...
And return home with a smile.
See happy faces there
And so that daddy is alive again...

He was with me. Always and everywhere
Laughed, cried and was sad.
I will not forget the bottomless eyes.
And I know that he loved me.
I know no matter what happens
He always protected me
And only the memory remains for me
About him. And I blame myself
That I couldn't say goodbye
What I didn’t have time to understand
That I am destined to part with him,
Lose him forever.
I know for sure that I deserve it.
I couldn't save him.
But I loved you madly
And I will always love.
Let him not hear me now,
But I know what he sees
How hard it is to breathe without him
The one who called him father...

Days come, nights go...
And the heart cries and calls.
You know... somewhere very close
All the time... my daughter is waiting for you...
And my daughter... keeps her name in her heart...
Keeping it in my chest like a talisman...
And he whispers quietly (you’ll suddenly hear):
"I miss you so much... come..."
And you will come, having heard as if...
And you will protect your sleep...
And like fog you will melt away in the morning...
And my daughter... will wait again.
And the nights will follow the days...
I can't get the melancholy out of my chest...
My daughter keeps whispering... very quietly:
"I miss you so much... come...

When the stars light up in the sky,
One of them is yours - I know it...
For many years you have been shining with a bright light,
But here everything is the same, then winter... then summer.
The same day and exactly the same way to live... people strive.
Your family is tired of tears...
everything is as usual, but only without you.
Tell me, how do you live there in heaven?
Is there anger, envy and lies there?
This probably doesn't happen there.
and no one knows cunning and meanness.
You found peace there and found shelter for yourself,
and you know, they are waiting for you here as before...
Let them say that the years heal, the pain erases,
But why is the heart aching, there is no strength,
from the glance of one at your portrait.
Oh, how short your earthly life was,
My best dad, my closest person.

Time does not heal, time is kind
But my heart still hurts as before.
I won't meet you again, I won't hear you again
How are you, my dear daughter?

Unfortunately, we are not all given
To turn back what I wanted for a long time.
Time doesn't heal, time is in a hurry
It is this that decides all destinies.

We feel sorry for you that we didn’t have time.
Everything you wanted in this life.
It passed by, but alas, it cannot be returned.
I chose the path with the angel on my way.

Today marks 10 years since my dad passed away...
You've been gone for 10 years... 10 years...
10 years is an eternity...
10 years without you... 10 years...
Only now I understand - forever...
How so, dad, dear dear
Forever you left without saying goodbye
10 years, 10 years...
I've been suffocating for 10 years without you...
Dad, dear, look how we have grown -
children and grandchildren!
How we want to cuddle up to your chest
and forget about separation forever...
But now I’m only going to the grave
and I close my eyes tiredly...
10 years for a huge disaster,
10 years is not enough to forget...

Well, hello, dad. .. here, I came to you early.
Sorry I haven't seen you for so long.
I'm so confused, I don't know how to move on.
Trouble comes after trouble again.

Do you remember, dad, how we celebrated birthdays?!
How, rejoicing together, they joked and had fun.
How, all the bad weather seemed like an obsession to us.
How, together they sent TU to hell to attack.

Your advice came in very handy -
So that I can be the strongest in this world.
Believe me, I learned from them like the ABC’s.
I was able to teach my children using them.

Also, you, dad, taught me not to cry.
Don't give in to your destiny for anything.
And if it’s difficult, you should never fall.
And in this life, do not be afraid of anything.

Ehhh. .. if only I knew how much I miss you!
A tear fell! (I promised no tears).
From the heart to the earth, flowing through the soul.
To you, my dear, through the chamomile churchyard

The wind is blowing through the windows. dries wet eyelashes.
How we miss you! to forget on your shoulder,
Irreversible loss. It's like my soul was broken...
I still can’t believe that you are somewhere in stardust.
There is pain in the heart of memories. and lilac shadows
In the indifference of the touch, I lie down on my knees.
The wind blows through the windows. it comes from you.
And you are missing in this world...not enough....

How hard it is in the world
Losing loved ones.
Nothing can replace it
Parental roots.
When my dad died
It was so hard! And the pain in my soul remains,
Even though many years have passed.
He rarely comes in dreams,
But in my thoughts I see
His portrait is distant.
The earth protects him, his soul flies
In the distant skies
He's watching me
With love and tears.
Sometimes it's not enough
His support for me, And my heart knows:
He is in heaven, not in the fire.
I really want to snuggle
And enjoy the meeting.
Just like in childhood, with all my heart! Hear his voice
Affectionate, dear,
Both strict and angry,
Parental like that.
How precious are moments?
All our sweet meetings, And these meetings can
Kindle the fire of the soul.
This fire will help,
Will give me strength to live.
Father! Come to the meeting
At least in my dream!

You are now beyond the heavenly line
My beloved, dear person
Death with a merciless, hard hand
Took you away, dad forever

You won't give me advice
I won't see your loving gaze
I won't be warmed by you
Who is to blame for your death?

No! Nobody! It just happened that way
You are in God's arms now
My life has changed without you,
My heart became like a wounded animal...

Without you it beats differently
And sadness tears him to pieces
My heart yearns and cries
The soul is tightly squeezed in a vice...

I won’t disturb your peace with tears
I will live in bright memory
I learned to listen to silence
And love you endlessly...

Hello, dad, dear... how are you there?..
The most loving man in the world...
You know, if you count the years,
You'd have wrinkles now...

I would kiss them jokingly
Or whined in my sleeve when I felt bad.
You would whisper that the years fly by
But I'm still such a fool...

I stopped dreaming about you completely.
If you don’t come, tell me, is this necessary?
With the rain, give me news - how are you there?.. -
I will be desperately glad to see her.

I'll tell you how I live,
What am I writing, who am I not looking forward to meeting again...
And that I’m barely staying afloat,
All hoping that “time will heal.”

And it ticks rhythmically to the beat,
It takes a long time to sew seams - not for the weak.
You know, if you count the years...
Gray hair would suit you very well...

It’s so exciting when a daughter tells her dad stupid things about personal things and hides them... great, hardly anyone will find them.

A student’s father once came to the professor and asked: “I’m afraid that my son might fail the exam, what should I do?” The professor answers: “We bet you a piece that it will pass?”

Darling, I will be happy if you give birth to a daughter!

At his death, dad began dividing the inheritance between his four daughters. – So damn lucky thought Button!

Best status:
I felt bad all day, I called my dad and tears flowed over his words: Daughter, you are my best!

Dad, am I attractive? - Not an amateur, my daughter, but a big amateur!

- Son, answer me, do you indulge in weed? – Dad, I’m actually a girl!!

If dad solves his son's eighth grade physics problem, then the world will end!

As Dasha Vasnetsova says: “Life is gloomy, the stripe is black, the stripe is getting blacker.”

When my Mom told me to buy eggs at the store, I immediately burst out: “Aren’t yours the same anymore?” “Her surprised eyes looked at me with a strange look for a long time.

Dad, I love you very much, I miss you, please come to me in my dreams, I promise I won’t cry...

And all that will remain is your message history, a folder with photos on your desktop, and a heart beyond repair...

Daughter, wake me up for work when you go to bed)))*Dad*

I admire my dad! He’s the only one who never quit like some people. Envy weaklings)

Grandma told dad: You are a man, not a dishwasher: D

xxx: Yesterday my father, drunk, when he came home, called me Rita xxx: everything would be fine, but I’m fucking Seryozha

You’re wrong, my dad doesn’t need a drinking buddy - he doesn’t drink, and my mother imagines another son-in-law - not an egoist and a womanizer.

Mommy, why is daddy bald? And he’s very smart! Why do you have so much hair? Shut up and eat!

Don’t Cry Girl Don’t Cry.. And leave everything as it is.. Listen to Dad. Dad is right as before... No one loves you as much as he does. No one will regret and forgive for everything...

Set it for yourself

“Where would you be without mommies and daddies!” - that’s why every parent thinks so!

When my dad was washing the dishes, he was sucked into the drain hole and released into the neighbor’s bathtub, just like at the moment when neighbor Nina was washing there. At least that’s what he told my mother.

My daughter had a blast. To the question “Have you packed your briefcase?” (3rd grade) - Mom, don’t pick my brains!” I'm out...

Who do you love more, mom or dad? - both mom and dad! - and who more? - and no one else.

Dad said, in the middle of the argument: “Daughter, don’t fuck me... don’t make fun of yourself...”

You need to love mom, dad, marmalade, chocolate and summer. The rest is crap!

As a child, two questions annoyed me: - Why didn’t the groom show up there? -Who do you love more, mom or dad?

Children's wisdom: if mom laughs at dad's jokes, it means there are guests in the house.

Has anyone had this happen: Parents come home from the store and dad says: “Daughter, we have a gift for you - a doormat.”

Dad bought soap, it says “Bath Soap” and with a malicious face he signed the letter “E” in front, and laughs, the man is 45 years old. Ppt...)

Dad, where did I come from? - from cabbage. - Dad, am I a vegetable? O_O

The daughter returns home very late. Her father meets her on the threshold. - Well, she was hanging around again, drinking, smoking. - Dad, envy is a bad feeling!

- Mom, if a giraffe has horns, isn’t it a deer? - Son, look at dad... He has horns, but he’s still a donkey.

Moscow 2040. – Dad, is it true that Russians lived here? – Nat, Ahmed, this is fantastic.

“- Daughter, why are you crying?..- We had a fight..- And is it necessary to cry because of this?..- Why not..- Only I, dad, are worthy of your tears.. let’s go eat:*.. I love you Mommy:**..

Today I, tomorrow you, the day after tomorrow Mom. - Dad, are you sure that you correctly understand the meaning of the words “family cowards”?

- Mom, look, I’m strong, like dad – I broke a pitchfork too! :)- @la, another asshole is growing:((

I remember how my mother took me to first grade and I remember how my father carried me to graduation!)

Yesterday we had a blast on the flat... Wallpaper, plaster, curtains and chandelier...)

everyone has their own values...some people value mom, dad, money in the bank or something else...but to me the most dear is the one that I call mine... -1

Dad is burning: He’s sitting watching Dom2 with the sound off, a phone in his hands and music from the village of fools playing =P)))

how touching it is to call a folder with porn “byaka”

Dad, I got married!!! I don’t know anything... it’ll get dark when I get home...

A cleaned apartment with a working computer and paid internet – no, this is NOT willpower. This is the fear of getting fucked by dad.

Everyone around you praises you.. they say you have become so sweet and kind.. who influenced you so much?? - he, dad, HIM!

We sit at the table, eat. Choked. Mom: “Clap?” Me: (Nod) She and dad: “Bravoo!” And they laugh.

I admire my dad! He’s the only one who has put up with me for 18 years! And he’s never abandoned me, like some people. Envy weaklings)

There are three beloved men in my life. This is dad... Coffee... Chocolate...

If mom wants a cat and dad wants a dog, then that means there won’t be a brother!

They say your best friend is your mother... yeah, right now, tell her. In the morning, the second girlfriend, Dad, will already know everything.

I will be a great mom... All I have to do is find a dad like her. =)

“My children, I’m dying, bring me a glass of water.” - Dad, January 1st, everyone is dying, take it and bring it yourself!

I put on nylon shorts, to which my dad said: “Warn the guy to cut his nails, otherwise he’ll tear them when he takes them off!”

It’s so nice when you come up to your dad and ask: “Dad, am I good with you?” And he replies: “You are my best!

The last one is the dad...

We’re driving with dad in the car, he’s smoking, I’m out of habit: leave it to me... I made excuses for a long time

I met my classmate. Me: - Hello! Congratulations! I heard your daughter was born... It’s a pity not from you... - ???!!! -...It’s a pity that I didn’t hear from you! What did you think?

Dad quit smoking, switched to an even stronger drug and put the whole family on it...SEEDS!

- Dad! When they come to ask for my hand, don’t fall to your knees, don’t say “You are our Savior!!!”, but just quietly nod your head)

- Dad, can you sign with your eyes closed? - Yes, but what? - Then sign in my diary

For a man, “food” and “love” are synonymous words! (“Daddy's Daughters”)

- Get in the car, I'll give you candy! - No! - How about two? - Dad, I won't get into a Zhiguli! 1

no, but it happens that parents call their children something special, but calling me in the phone book “daddy give me money” is too much!!!

I want my children to call him dad!

- Slavik, who do you listen to more: mom or dad? - Mom. - Why? - She says more.

It’s all dad’s fault... I’m the one who’s so mean to him...==

Mom and Dad wanted me to get better. Well, the point has come out, but the stupidity remains

You know, cat, love is a drug that makes the tummy grow, such a paw will be born, it will open its eyes and say - dad)

- Radio? Tell your dad my congratulations on the holiday from the bottom of my heart to the penis... - Until what? - Daughter. Lena.

Dad, dad, who did you want, a boy or a girl? – Oh son, I actually just wanted to relax! =)

A gentle face, every feature, a snub-nosed sniffling nose... Money, career – it doesn’t matter. The important thing is sleeping nearby!!! I love my daughter!!!

This New Year I only want one thing! Mom, dad, let's put up! :) I love you...

She came at 4 o'clock in the morning. Dad opens the door in shorts. - Why did you come? - Have breakfast

- Dad, how far is it from America? - Shut up and swim.

After I introduced my dad to my boyfriend, he told me: Yes, love is evil - they loved you too...

I'm alone with my mother. But with my dad, I don’t know.

Mom, dad, I fell in love... I left to ruin my life... I'll be back soon. Your fool...

First, your mother persuades you to eat a cake for company at 12 o’clock at night, and then says: “Your butt has gained weight, daughter, you should close your mouth.”

- Darling, you will soon become a dad! - I can’t - I’m leaving!

At the zoo... -Dad! Dad! Why is this monkey looking at me so strangely??? - Don't piss, son! We're just at the checkout!

And he doesn’t give a damn how I feel. He's not worried. What if he becomes a dad? Oh, well, he doesn't care.

Morning... I get up... I go to the bathroom. There’s a scream. He: “Oh, fuck, I went back to bed, I’ll bring coffee right now!” Dad, dad.

Many people simply do not understand that they have everything to be happy... Everything – this does not mean clothes, cars, jewelry. Everything is mom and dad.

– Dad, why can’t children watch this film? - Sit quietly! Now you will see for yourself.

It’s my mom’s birthday today!!! Mom, dad and I love you very much, despite the fact that sometimes we behave badly

How I learned to swim...Dad took me to the middle of the river and threw me out of the ship. At first it was difficult to get out of the bag, but then nothing, I got used to it...

It’s cute when your dad comes up to you in the morning and says: “Get up, I’m going to work..breakfast is on the table..” you get up, go to the kitchen, and there’s a plant there :)

- Daughter, who is this young man who kissed you yesterday evening? - What time is it, daddy?

Only dad can fall asleep watching TV and wake up if you turn it off

You need to love mom, dad, marmalade, chocolate and summer! The rest is just that (hobby)…

You said that I would be nice, mom said that I would be smart, dad looked at me and waved his hand... Dad was right :)

Dad didn't quit drinking, dad didn't quit smoking...and he won't quit you either)

They say that your best friend is your mother... yeah, right now! tell her... your second friend, Dad, will know everything in the morning: D

Dad is in a good mood: He runs around the house, tickles, sticks out his tongue, does some dirty tricks, sings. He's called an adult!!!

Hello mom, give me dad. -Now. - Hello dad, did Spartak win? -Yes, sure! -give me mom. -Mom, I heard dad allowed me to dance))

The last one is the dad...

I often fall into ecstasy and remember how my mother took me to first grade, how my father carried me home from graduation...

- Dad, damn it, why if I was at a friend’s birthday party, I immediately drank?!? - I'm mom!

In our house, dad decides everything. And who our dad is - mom decides.

Dad, why do all the kids eat cotton candy, and I eat regular cotton candy?

- Dad, dad, give me some money!? - Son, I don’t have any money right now, go out and get it from mom. - Won’t she burn it???

A Papuan is a friend, comrade and food for a Papuan.

- Dad! Vasya throws a chair at me! - So throw it at him! -I can’t, I have liquid...

Selling a folder with photographs. The folder is mine, the photographs are my mother’s

Hello, mom, dad spilled coffee on a white towel. soak it or what? - Don't touch your father. Throw a towel in the machine, I’ll sort it out in the evening

Where is Dad’s “remind me in 15 minutes” function? 0

honest children love not mom and dad, but tubes of cream...

A boy with dexterous buttocks takes his dad's belt during a spanking..

My happiness - with your eyes, my nose, runs through our house and shouts: “Mommy, look! Dad and I caught a fish!”

Thanks not to me, but to mom and dad for such a creation!

Well, Durov is original... he hung some kind of thin branch and it’s like a holiday (((

There are two types of girlfriends: the best and the worst..(c).

Girls used to learn to cook like their they drink like their fathers

- Dad, what is the difference between a man and a woman? - Look, my feet are size 44, and my mother’s are size 36. That's the difference between the legs...

Dad didn't raise a princess for you idiot!

Dad, I’m not drunk at all (Hic) - I’m mom...

- Dad, dad, who did you want, a boy or a girl? - Oh, son, I actually just wanted to relax!

I'm preparing food in the kitchen. Dad comes in and says, “Fuck, Katya, are you preparing to eat? It’s not for nothing that we THEN took you instead of that boy...”

The last one is the dad...

I come home and there is a note in the kitchen: “Son, borscht is in the pan. Mother". Above is another one: “Daughter, excuse me, there’s Rollton in the refrigerator. Dad".

Vovochka comes home from school and gives her dad a diary to read. Dad reads: - Russian - 2, mathematics - 2, physics - 2, singing - 5 - Lord! This moron also sings!

She was such a good little girl, but she grew up... and she grew up and grew up©Dad

My daughters, I’m leaving on a long journey, what should I bring back from there??? - Dad, is there any way to go buy bread in a less pretentious way?

Mom and dad made it, and judging by the result, they didn’t try very hard

Why is it only mom, the most sacred thing, dad also participated! Papul this heart is for you.

He is married. He gives me flowers and toys, indulges my whims, worries when I’m gone until late. He is ready to do anything for me. And he loves me. In short, thank you dad for being here!

and probably everyone thought what life would be like if her father were president)

You said that I would be sweet... Mom said that I would be smart... Grandfather said that I would be loved by everyone... and Dad sat silently and simply waved his hand... Dad was right...

my dad says that if I step on a rake once, then I’ll step on it again and after that I’ll jump on it again. my rake is trusting you.

My son is drawing a solar circle, the sky around... A woman’s breasts, a fire, a barbecue... And his daddy helped him! 🙂

- Dad, why does our grandmother run in a zigzag? - For some, grandmother, and for others, mother-in-law, give me a second clip.

I’m sitting in a Spongebob T-shirt, with huge yellow headphones, and watching Spongebob online. Dad passes by: “You need a guy.”

- Dad, dad, how did you meet mom? – I’m sitting on VKontakte, and then oops, your mom is being added as a friend!

I went for a walk. I came home in the morning. I fell asleep. I woke up and the whole apartment said: Fuck, I’m on my period! In response to daddy: Huh, periods... =)

Dad, I won’t get married, I will live with you. - Don't you dare threaten your father!

Anyone can become a father, but only a special one becomes a father.

God and dad love me. You'll be third!!!


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