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Some men neglect vitamin complexes or do not take them regularly. Moreover, often due to constant exposure to stress, many of them suffer from vitamin deficiency. With a lack of nutrients, immune defense deteriorates, energy decreases, and early old age sets in. Therefore, for health and energy at any age, men need to regularly take vitamin supplements.

When you decide to take vitamins, you don’t need to buy the first complex you come across. The choice of drugs must be approached consciously, taking into account many nuances so that the purchased drug is truly beneficial. Particularly important parameters are age, existing diseases, diet and lifestyle characteristics.

Now on the pharmaceutical market there is a large selection of complexes of domestic and imported production. Some are designed to prevent diseases, others help eliminate existing problems. When choosing a specific complex, you need to take into account that the country of production and a high price do not always indicate the reliability and quality of the drug. Many Russian vitamins work no worse than their foreign counterparts.

Before purchasing the drug, it is advisable to consult with your doctor and follow his recommendations. If you choose the product yourself, then you need to carefully study the characteristics before purchasing, look at the release date and expiration date. You need to study the composition especially carefully. It may turn out that some elements in it are not suitable, but the necessary ones are not available.

For men who eat a balanced diet, there is no need to choose drugs that cover daily norm some element completely. It is better to choose those that provide half of the required daily requirement.

Essential vitamins for men

It is a mistake to think that the same multivitamins are suitable for men and women. Experts indicate several vitamins and minerals that men need specifically. The list of mandatory ones includes:

  • Vitamin A, which prevents the formation of malignant tumors, activates the production of testosterone, and has a positive effect on potency.
  • B vitamins improve vision and condition nervous system, have a positive effect on the functioning of the genitourinary organs.
  • Ascorbic acid cleanses the body of bad cholesterol, especially recommended for smokers.
  • Tocopherol strengthens vascular walls, improves potency, and supplies the body with energy.

The male body's need for tocopherol is 22.5 mg. Ascorbic acid requires 60 mg, and vitamin A requires 3 mg. You should not take medications that contain high iron content. Its excess has a bad effect on the functioning of the heart muscle and worsens the condition of blood vessels.

Age characteristics

For men under 40 years of age, complexes that activate protein production are more suitable. Such drugs help strengthen muscles, normalize hormonal levels and improve sperm quality. Such preparations should contain vitamins A, E and B.

After 40 years, men need more ascorbic acid and tocopherol, vitamins A and B9. They help prolong youth and slow down age-related cell destruction.

Upon reaching 50 years of age and older, men need ascorbic acid, tocopherol, vitamins A and B12. They prevent infectious infections and prolong the youth of tissues. They also help maintain normal potency. Vitamin D is needed to maintain heart health and maintain strong bone tissue at this age.

Young men need vitamins only for prevention. But as you grow older, you need to approach the issue of choosing medications consciously. Then in old age there is less chance of developing serious diseases. You need to start taking vitamin complexes regularly in middle age.

Directed action of vitamin complexes

Preparations containing vitamins, macro- and microelements usually have a targeted effect. For preventive purposes, complexes with a high content of B vitamins and ascorbic acid are usually taken.

For men who lead an active lifestyle and play sports regularly, complexes with selenium, vitamins A, B, C, E, and D are suitable. For people with mental work who are often overworked, prone to stress or who are depressed, preparations with a high content of vitamins are suitable group B.

For people with reproductive problems, complexes with tocopherol are suitable. Also, such a preparation should additionally contain selenium and zinc. These substances are useful for normalizing sexual life.

To solve problems with the skin, hair loss and brittleness, products with a high content of vitamin H will help. They should be taken every day. You will also need health-improving drugs that improve immune defense.

List of the best vitamin complexes for men

Duovit for men

The drug is produced in Slovenia and is part of the line of vitamin complexes of the famous pharmaceutical company KRKA. It contains rutin, tocopherol, ascorbic acid, B vitamins, magnesium, iodine, zinc, manganese, iron. The product eliminates the deficiency of these substances in the male body. A contraindication to taking the drug is individual intolerance, childhood up to 10 years. Sometimes while taking the drug there may be a high sensitivity reaction to the components. With constant use of this complex, testosterone synthesis increases, potency and general well-being improve, and performance increases.

Duovit for men


  • strengthens immune defense;
  • the first result is noticeable after a week of regular use;
  • One dose per day is sufficient;
  • One package is enough for the full course;
  • reasonable price.


  • not found.

The cost of the drug is from 290 rubles.

Alphabet for men

This vitamin complex contains 13 important vitamins, including rutin, tocopherol, ascorbic acid and folic acid, vitamins B, D, K, H. It also contains 9 minerals - zinc, manganese, iron, magnesium, copper, selenium, calcium, iodine, chromium. Additionally, the preparation includes organic acids, carotenoids, and Eleutherococcus extract.

The package contains tablets of three colors, separated by time of administration. This form helps better absorption of nutrients. The drug improves brain activity, physical activity, maintains normal potency. There are several contraindications for taking this vitamin complex: intolerance to certain substances, thyroid dysfunction, high blood pressure, insomnia, high nervous excitability. Sometimes the drug causes allergic reactions.

Alphabet for men


  • no pills large size convenient to take;
  • substances are separated for better absorption;
  • reasonable price.


  • low effectiveness of the drug;
  • inconvenient dosage regimen;
  • sometimes nausea occurs.

The average price of a vitamin complex is 440 rubles.

The basis of the drug produced by the Evalar company is made up of herbal ingredients: ginger, yohimbe, eurycoma. It also includes an extract from deer antlers, tocopherol, zinc, and nicotinamide. Thanks to this composition, the drug activates testosterone synthesis, maintains potency and improves reproductive function. It is commercially available in the form of capsules and liquid concentrate. It can only be taken by adult men. The drug has the only contraindication – individual intolerance to the ingredients. Sometimes taking it can cause adverse reactions in the form of allergic rashes. The concentrate is diluted in any liquid before use. The required course is 15 days.

Parity Evalar


  • improves sexual function in men;
  • increases testosterone synthesis.


  • provokes increased heartbeat;
  • there may be confusion;
  • sometimes there is a tremor;
  • increases blood pressure;
  • high cost.

The price of the drug is from 650 rubles.


This vitamin complex includes rutin, tocopherol, ascorbic acid, vitamins B, H, K and D. It also contains the minerals phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iodine, nickel, selenium, molybdenum, chromium, boron, vanadium and silicon. This drug is intended for men whose age is over 50 years. The vitamin complex helps to recover after a long illness. It strengthens the body's immune defense, prevents age-related changes and reduces the likelihood of common diseases - osteoporosis, diabetes, heart attack, atherosclerosis, stroke.

Spectrum vitamins


  • increases performance;
  • improves well-being;
  • no side effects;
  • convenient regimen.


  • difficult to buy;
  • expensive drug.

The average price of a vitamin complex is 650 rubles.

The vitamin complex is commercially available in the form of capsules. It contains 13 vitamins, including rutin, tocopherol, ascorbic and folic acids, vitamins B, H and H1. It also contains 9 minerals - manganese, copper, iodine, iron, chromium, selenium, zinc, magnesium, silicon. In addition, the product is enriched with amino acids, beta-carotene, bioflavonoids, ginseng root extract and other herbal ingredients.

The product has a complex effect. It is recommended to take it during high mental or physical stress. It relieves fatigue and increases concentration. It is also useful to drink for accelerated recovery after illnesses and chemotherapy courses. It relieves dizziness, migraines, tinnitus and other unpleasant symptoms of impaired blood supply to the brain.

Wellman capsules


  • increased performance;
  • reduction of fatigue and overwork;
  • maintaining energy throughout the day;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • the first improvements are noticeable after a week of regular use;
  • convenient regimen.


  • sometimes there is no increase in performance;
  • provokes dizziness and pressure surges;
  • there is nausea and pain in the stomach;
  • high cost.

On average, a vitamin complex costs from 620 rubles.

Mans Formula Potential Forte

This is not exactly a vitamin complex, but rather a biological supplement. It contains only natural ingredients that provide exceptional benefits to the male body. The ingredients include ginseng root, arginine, zinc, yohimbe and other substances beneficial to men's health. The product completely replenishes the deficiency of nutrients and is suitable for taking every day. Mans Formula Potential Forte has a positive effect on the nervous system and improves immune defense. With constant use, the product alleviates stress, gives strength, improves brain function and promotes physical activity.

Mans Formula Potential Forte


  • vitamins have no contraindications;
  • improves reproductive function;
  • maintains potency;
  • has a pleasant taste.


  • For positive effect needs to be taken for a long time;
  • capsules are large and difficult to swallow;
  • high cost.

The price of the vitamin supplement starts from 790 rubles.

Optimum Nutrition Opti-Men

This vitamin complex consists of natural ingredients. It is intended for men who engage in daily physical activity and sports. It is especially recommended for athletes involved in powerlifting, bodybuilding and other strength sports. The product contains useful substances such as B vitamins, iodine, zinc, biotin, and ascorbic acid. The composition of the vitamin supplement is designed to stimulate growth muscle mass, improves the condition of the nervous system, activates the defenses of the male body.

Optimum Nutrition Opti-Men


  • the product is available in a convenient form;
  • contains amino acids;
  • valid for a short period of time.


  • high price;
  • rarely found in pharmacies.

The average cost of a vitamin supplement is 1,590 rubles

Wellman Tricologic

As you can immediately understand from the name of the drug, its main purpose is to combat hair loss. Although the product is not cheap, the opinion of buyers and trichologists about it is only positive. The advantage of this remedy is the rapid onset of effect. A slowdown in hair loss occurs within 3 weeks from the start of use. But at the same time, you need to wait a very long time for active growth of new hair. It takes at least six months before hair thickness begins to recover.

Wellman Tricologi


  • one package contains the required number of tablets to complete the full course;
  • trichologists speak positively about the effect of the vitamin product;
  • pleasant to the taste;
  • small size;
  • minimal number of contraindications;
  • results come quickly.


  • Expensive;
  • rarely found on sale.

On average, the price of vitamins is from 1160 rubles.

Teravit tonic

This vitamin and mineral product has no analogues in terms of the number of ingredients needed for the body. Teravit tonic contains 13 vitamins and 17 micro- and macroelements, including very rare tin, nickel and vanadium. The product is also enriched with plant adaptogens, for example, lemongrass fruits and ginseng root extract.

Teravit tonic is prescribed to be taken regularly to get rid of the deficiency of certain elements, as well as to improve the health of the male body, give vigor, and eliminate sexual impotence. Additionally, it is recommended to take it in the treatment of asthenic syndrome and during the recovery period after serious illnesses. Teravit tonic is taken every day for two months.

Teravit tonic


  • a huge number of useful elements in the composition;
  • balanced drug.


  • a large list of contraindications;
  • you can’t drink at night;
  • should not be taken with other medications together.

The average price of a vitamin complex is from 680 rubles.

The complex is designed for men involved in strength sports and regularly experiencing peak loads. The complex contains 12 vitamins and 10 minerals. It also contains proteins, 19 amino acids necessary for the body, antioxidant substances, metabolism stimulants, and adaptogens. The product is taken every day during breakfast.

Animal Pak Universal Nutrition


  • the complex includes everything necessary for building muscle mass and energy;
  • the composition includes digestive enzymes to facilitate digestion;
  • the complex is suitable for very high loads.


  • high cost;
  • possible allergy to individual components.

The average price of the complex is 2600 rubles.


This vitamin complex includes substances necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system and its rapid recovery. It is based on B vitamins - thiamine, pyridoxine hydrochloride, cyanocobalamin. The product improves the nutrition of brain cells and promotes the conduction of nerve impulses. It can be used during the treatment of diseases of the nervous system, as well as to relieve the effects of alcohol abuse.



  • vitamins act selectively, only on the nervous system;
  • less allergic reactions than other products;
  • No side effects.


  • does not compensate for the lack of other elements.

The average cost of Neuromultivit is from 400 rubles.

Doppelhertz Active Antistress

The vitamin supplement produced by the famous German company Queisser Pharma contains a wide range of B vitamins, folic and pantothenic acids, and biotin. The right combination and quantity of ingredients act in such a way that the body initially restores the amount of those beneficial substances that are consumed first during the body’s stress reaction. Therefore, it is necessary to drink it for men who are often forced to make important decisions and are in a difficult situation.

Doppelhertz Active Antistress


  • low price;
  • convenient dosage regimen;
  • well-chosen combination of components;
  • Hypersensitivity to the components rarely develops.


  • not identified.

On average, the price of a package is from 370 rubles.

The phytocomplex acts specifically on prostate tissue. It reduces the likelihood of inflammatory processes and normalizes urination. The ingredients include pumpkin seed oil, which contains a large amount of tocopherol. It also contains an extract from nettle leaf, which reduces inflammation and constricts blood vessels. Thanks to useful composition After regular intake of vitamins, urination returns to normal. The product contains tocopherol, which has a pronounced antioxidant effect. It is useful for men in adulthood to prevent problems with the prostate gland or to treat an existing pathology. The course of administration is 60 days, one capsule.

Doppelhertz Active Phytocomplex for the prostate gland


  • targeted action to reduce inflammation and pathological processes;
  • recommendation for use in adulthood and middle age for the treatment of diseases and prevention.


  • the drug alone cannot cope with prostatitis and benign prostatic hyperplasia.

The average price of the complex is 330 rubles.

Dr. Theiss Gerovital

The release form of this product is a liquid elixir. Thanks to this, the product is quickly absorbed by the body and completely replenishes the lack of useful microelements. As a result of taking the drug, cellular respiration is activated, metabolic processes are normalized, and the development of anemia is prevented. The elixir is recommended for men with hypertension, depression and anxiety. It contains 11 vitamins necessary for health, extracts from leaves and berries of hawthorn, and motherwort extract. Additionally, the product helps strengthen immune defense.

Dr. Theiss Gerovital


  • the liquid form allows you to more fully absorb nutrients;
  • reasonable cost of the product;
  • high quality.


  • a large amount of alcohol in the composition;
  • there are contraindications.

The average price is 350 rubles.

No.NameManufacturerBrief description
1 Duovit for menKRKA, SloveniaUniversal composition
2 Alphabet for menRusfik, RussiaBetter digestibility
3 ParityEvalar, Russia
4 SpectrumWALMARK, Czech RepublicFor men over 50 years old
5 WellmanWellman, EnglandComplex action for men of any age
6 Mans Formula Potential FortePharmaMed, USAIncreased sexual function in men
7 Optimum Nutrition Opti-MenOptimum Nutrition, USAFor men involved in sports
8 Wellman TricologicWellman, EnglandAgainst hair loss
9 Teravit tonicSagmel, USAThe richest composition
10 Animal Pak Universal NutritionUniversal Nutrition, USAFor men involved in strength sports
11 NeuromultivitisVALEANT, Russia
12 Doppelhertz Active AntistressQueisser Pharma, GermanyTo normalize the nervous system
13 Doppelhertz Active Phytocomplex for the prostate glandQueisser Pharma, GermanyTo normalize male sexual function
14 Dr. Theiss GerovitalDr. Theiss Naturwaren GmbH, GermanyTo normalize the functioning of the heart and nervous system

The list presented does not cover all possible vitamin supplements that can improve a man’s condition. But the drugs indicated in it can compensate for the deficiency of most useful substances, improve well-being and contribute to the treatment of many diseases.

In modern life, we are subject to frequent stress, which has a negative impact on many processes and events occurring in our lives. For the normal functioning of a man’s body, he needs vitamins and minerals. Unfortunately, they are not supplied with food in full and do not replenish the required supply. That is why every man must take vitamin complexes that are designed taking into account all the needs of his body.

What is the best vitamin complex for men?

  • B vitamins are directly involved in energy metabolism and the functioning of the nervous system; provide all organs with useful substances; improve testosterone production;
  • vitamin A vital for the functioning of the pelvic organs. Its insufficient amount can lead to pathologies such as male infertility;
  • vitamin C improves the overall volume and quality of a man's sperm, and also affects sperm motility and activity. Its deficiency or complete absence leads to weakened functioning of the genital organs;
  • vitamin E– the so-called vitamin of youth. Rejuvenates a man’s body, strengthens the immune system and prevents the development of pathologies. It also makes the walls of blood vessels stronger, participates in the release of testosterone, promotes the active functioning of the sex glands and improves the level of quality.

Vitamins for men in various situations

In pharmacies you can buy functional vitamin complexes designed exclusively for men. They contain a valuable set of vitamins that are indispensable for solving a specific problem.

  1. Vitamins for sports and physiological stress. Sports vitamins are not suitable for everyone. If physical training lasts several hours a day or a man performs heavy physical work, he should take multivitamins, which promote metabolism and better absorption of nutrients by the body. As a rule, sports vitamins are prescribed for complaints of fatigue, rapid loss of strength during sports or physical work, metabolic disorders and during intense training.
  2. Vitamins for conception. Since a man’s body wears out with age (this is influenced by factors such as natural aging of the body, bad habits, diseases), the ability to conceive weakens. It is for this reason that almost every man is recommended to take special vitamin complexes when planning to conceive. This list includes the following vitamins:
    Vitamin E. improves erection, motility and activity of sperm, prevents their damage;
    Folic acid(vitamin B9). Involved in the formation of sperm cells, promotes better activity and quality of sperm, and also increases the total volume of sperm.
    Ascorbic acid(or vitamin C). Increases immunity, promotes the body's resistance to various colds and infectious diseases, participates in the production of testosterone and is responsible for the quality of seminal fluid.
    Vitamin B 11 increases the total sperm count, treats infertility in men.
    Zinc. Improves prostate functioning and sperm activity. Normalizes potency.
    Selenium. Improves male sexual function, takes part in the production of testosterone. Essential for older men.
  3. Vitamins for fatigue. Fatigue can be either temporary or permanent. A temporary loss of strength can be caused by factors such as a viral disease, a stressful situation, worries, a busy pace of life, and more. In this case, to restore strength, you need to start taking B vitamins, zinc, magnesium, potassium and drugs containing Omega 3 and Omega 6.
  4. Vitamins for energy and vitality. Vitamins to restore energy are recommended for fatigue and loss of strength. For a boost of energy, take vitamins C, H, B vitamins, as well as magnesium and iron.
  5. Vitamins for metabolic processes. Add omega 3 fatty acids, folic acid, chromium, calcium and B vitamins to your diet.
  6. Vitamins to improve sexual potency. First of all, vitamin E is recommended for you, which
    improves potency, participates in the production of testosterone and normalizes hormonal levels. It is followed by vitamins from group B, as well as C and D, which enhances libido and improves sperm quality.
  7. Vitamins against hair loss. To restore the hair follicle are prescribed
    B vitamins, especially B5. But the most important vitamin that restores hair thickness and growth in men is vitamin H, which provides normal speed metabolic processes in a man’s body and regulates the functioning of glands that secrete fatty lubricants. If there is a lack of it, the hair first becomes greasy, and then begins to fall out intensively.

The best vitamin and mineral complex for men of all ages

All multivitamins can be divided into several groups:

  • to strengthen bone structure, disease resistance, immunity;
  • to support the cardiovascular system;
  • with hormonal imbalance;
  • to normalize sexual function;
  • for the ability to perform large physiological loads and achieve achievements in sports (help build muscle mass).

Vitamins for men after 30

The male body needs specific vitamins. After 30 years, you need to start monitoring its normal functioning. In particular, it is necessary to maintain hormonal balance and prostate function.

For men over 30, vitamins are prescribed as a preventive measure for various ailments, such as cardiovascular or sexual diseases, and to preserve men’s health.


The main component of the vitamin complex should be B vitamins, because they are simply indispensable for the complete absorption of protein, sperm production and muscle development.

When planning to conceive a healthy baby, future parents are advised to take folic acid. Multivitamins for men must necessarily contain vitamins A, E and F. They are important for normal potency and stimulation of testosterone synthesis. Men who smoke are recommended to take additional lipoic acid.

When choosing a vitamin for men over 30, you should take into account your state of health, existing diseases and the purpose for which they are purchased. For some diseases, for example, problems with blood vessels, the composition should include vitamin C. Indicators such as active hair loss and brittle nails indicate that a person has a lack of vitamin H. If we talk about zinc, it is indispensable for various types of sexual dysfunctions.

Duovit and Velmen are considered the best multivitamins for men over 30.

Vitamins for men after 40 years

Since in such years great changes occur in the male body, caused by changes in hormones, some representatives of the stronger sex begin to notice that they get tired faster. For this reason, doctors recommend that men over 40 years of age take complexes that contain a certain composition of vitamins.


First of all, men over 40 need to choose vitamin complexes that contain vitamin E, which is responsible for normal erection, strengthens blood vessels, stops the aging of the body, improves endurance and gives a surge of strength. No wonder it is called the vitamin of youth.

Vitamin A will be an excellent prevention against cancer. It also improves male libido. Will become indispensable for a man vitamin C, which promotes the renewal of all cells of the body, normalizes blood pressure and lowers the level of bad cholesterol; B vitamins, which give a man a surge of strength and energy, activate brain cells and normalize hormonal levels; vitamin H– a beauty vitamin that helps strengthen hair and nails; vitamin D, necessary for the body to absorb calcium. This is very important, since in men over 40, the bone structure begins to lose its strength.

No less important than vitamins are acids: folic and lipoic, which complement them.

The best multivitamins for men over 40 years old who received good reviews specialists and men who regularly receive them are: Velmen, Alphabet, Duovit, Paritet and Vitrum “Life”.

Vitamins for men after 50 years

After 50, the body increasingly reminds us of its age. This affects your overall well-being. Somehow, increased fatigue, problems with potency and weakening immunity. All this points to one thing: the body needs support in the form of vitamins and minerals. You can compensate for their deficiency with the help of specialized food supplements and multivitamins.


Vitamins for the stronger sex after 50 compensate for their deficiency in case of hypovitaminosis, as they contain the necessary microelements and minerals. What makes the situation worse is the fact that these important substances are poorly absorbed through food. That is why it is necessary to compensate for their lack in the body with the help of drugs.

After 50 years, most men experience andropause, the syndrome of which is a disruption in the hormonal system and a reduction in testosterone levels. Moreover, for a 50-year-old man, if he often does hard physical work, leads an energetic lifestyle, plays sports and is subject to mental stress, it makes sense to improve his tone and get additional energy by taking vitamin complexes. For general weakening of the body, during the treatment of infectious diseases or for protracted illnesses, medications with vitamins B, A, E, C, D are prescribed.

Names of vitamins for men over 50: Gerovital, Alphabet 50+, Gerimax, VITRUM® CENTURY, Centrum Silver.

The most popular and sought-after vitamins for men's health:

  • Gerimaks Energy– is a dietary supplement. Recommended for therapy and prevention purposes in cases of vitamin deficiency. The drug should be taken during heavy mental and physiological stress, fatigue, and for the general resistance of the male body during illness.
  • Duovit for men- This is a storehouse of minerals and vitamins necessary for health. The complex improves potency and is prescribed for chronic prostatitis. Duovit is prescribed for various types of loads.
  • Complivit– a source of invaluable vitamins A, C, E and F for health, as well as group B, which are indispensable for men involved in professional sports and leading an energetic lifestyle. A large number of minerals included in it help accelerate metabolic processes, improve hematopoietic functions, and are responsible for the normal functionality of the entire central nervous system. Vitamin series Complivit consists of complexes:

  • Vitrum– supplies the body with all the vitamins it needs, improving its physical capabilities. This complex improves metabolic processes, promotes a surge of strength and vigor, and improves the body’s resistance to all kinds of infections.
  • Vitrum Performance improves attention and memory, ability to concentrate. Relieves stress and fatigue. The drug is prescribed for asthenic syndrome, large physical volumes of work, chronic fatigue, and for recovery after illness.
  • Alphabet for men. Designed with the needs of an adult man in mind. The composition of the medicine includes extracts from medicinal herbs, vitamins and minerals. In general, the Alphabet helps to maintain male potency, has a general tonic effect on the entire body and helps to better cope with mental and physical stress. In addition, the drug is recommended for maintaining immunity and replenishes the daily requirement of the male body for vital vitamins.
  • Vitamins Wellmen for men recommended for replenishing the reserves of essential substances in the male body. The drug contains macro and microelements that help maintain the body's performance and its resistance to various diseases. Wellmen vitamins are prescribed during periods of high mental and physical stress, improve the condition of blood vessels and increase their tone, normalize sexual function, improve mobility of joints and the entire musculoskeletal system. This vitamin complex is prescribed during periods of vitamin deficiency, during high emotional stress, overwork, to achieve high performance in sports, to compensate for the lack of vitamins, macro and microelements due to poor nutrition, to recover from illnesses and surgical interventions, and during treatment with antibiotics.

We are so designed that we begin to treat diseases after they have made themselves felt. But this is fundamentally wrong. In order to always stay fit and healthy, you need to prevent diseases and prevent their progression. That is why, depending on the situation, to support the body’s strength and immunity, you need to take specialized vitamin complexes in advance. But how to make a rational choice and which multivitamins are suitable in each specific case?


For preventive purposes, you can choose multivitamin complexes for men, which are available without a doctor’s prescription in almost any pharmacy. In any case, before purchasing a multivitamin complex, you need to carefully read the instructions included with it and take into account all contraindications and possible side effects drug.

A highly specialized complex affects:
strengthening the bone skeleton;
building muscle mass;
improvement of sexual function;
improving the functionality of blood vessels and the heart;
increased immune strength;
strengthening the tone of the body.

In addition to the highly specialized complex, various complexes for prevention, which should contain:
zinc and selenium;
B vitamins;
calcium and magnesium;
vitamins C, F, D and E.

Every man over 18 years of age should take vitamins for preventive purposes. In this case, compliance with the dosage of the drug is very important, since uncontrolled use can have negative consequences on a man’s health. This is especially true for older men, who often complain of deteriorating health.

In addition to the fact that vitamins must combine everything that is most valuable for the body’s needs, their precise dosage must be observed. Vitamins are essential for a man’s body, but a significant overdose of them can cause irreversible consequences. To prevent this from happening, read the instructions and do not exceed the permissible daily intake of vitamins.

It is known that when taking vitamin C in excess of the norm, bleeding can occur, as it reduces blood clotting. Excessive amounts of vitamin D increase the likelihood of developing kidney stones. Excess vitamin E can cause possible problems with the cardiovascular system and can cause disruptions in the entire gastrointestinal tract. Excessive dosage of vitamin A manifests itself through nausea and increased fatigue. An excess of vitamins of the group can cause severe dehydration, cause impaired coordination of movements and cause a chain of allergic reactions.

Cost of drugs:

  • Velmen - from 560 rubles;
  • Alphabet - from 375 rubles;
  • Vitrum - from 464 rubles;
  • Complivit - from 125 rubles;
  • Duovit – from 423 rubles;
  • Oligovit – from 110 rub.

When choosing the best option, you should focus not on the cost of the drug, but on the content of valuable mineral and plant components in it.

The price of the drug is determined based on the popularity of the brand and includes the costs of advertising, delivery and storage. Based on this, one should take into account not the prices of vitamins for men, but the likely benefits that they provide. That is, its effect on sexual function, minimal side effects, the presence of contraindications, the ability to restore physical strength, etc.

What foods should be included in a man's diet?

Products included in a man’s diet must necessarily contain:

glucose, which is required for sperm motility. Glucose is found in bee products and sweet fruits;
zinc, which prevents the occurrence and development of tumors and protects the prostate gland from inflammatory processes. Zinc is found in large quantities in seafood and fish oil;
androsterone, which enhances libido and is responsible for normal potency. Androsterone is found in greens (spinach, watercress, cilantro, arugula);
plays an indispensable role for the male body fiber, which increases intestinal motor function, thereby improving blood supply to the pelvic organs, namely, the prostate and testicles, which in turn affects the secretion of the hormone testosterone and sperm production. This substance is found in excess in porridges such as rice, buckwheat, pearl barley and millet;
cholesterol in small quantities. This substance is necessary for the production of testosterone. Good cholesterol is found in egg yolks, cottage cheese and pasteurized milk.

In the body of every person, degenerative changes occur with age; beneficial substances are poorly absorbed and quickly lost. Therefore, taking vitamins after 40 is no less important for men than for women. Taking them will help strengthen health and immunity, return and provide energy for many years.

These vitamin complexes contain the same substances as for women; they differ in the volume of useful components per body weight.

What vitamins does a man over 40 need?

What vitamins should a man take after 40? Due to the fact that the absorption of nutrients is reduced several times, the body needs help in obtaining vitamins. Be sure to make up for the lack of vitamin D, which helps in the absorption of calcium necessary for the formation of the skeletal system. A lack of a mineral leads to:

  • to osteoporosis, periodontal disease;
  • destruction of teeth and nails;
  • to problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • to stressful tension;
  • premature aging of the body.

Vitamin D is replenished with an integrated approach; it is necessary to increase the amount of time spent in the sun and include appropriate foods in the diet. The vitamin is found in fish oil, egg yolks, butter, herring, beef, chicken, fish, pork liver.

For a mature man, it is important to take vitamin B12, which also begins to be poorly absorbed in middle age. A deficiency of this component leads to anemia, dementia, memory impairment, and limited mobility. The vitamin can only be obtained from animal products.

Vitamins A, C, E slow down the aging process, reduce the risk of heart disease and heart attacks. Vitamin deficiency leads to:

  • irritability;
  • weaknesses;
  • fatigue;
  • insomnia;
  • weakened immunity and many other disorders in the body.

Protects the body from hepatitis and cirrhosis, especially lipolic acid is necessary for men who smoke to protect the liver from the harmful effects of nicotine.

Real "men's" vitamins

Vitamin E is responsible for the production of sex hormones. A sufficient amount of these useful elements guarantees the preservation of reproductive function. These vitamins after 40 for men are necessary for normal functioning cardiovascular system, they make the walls of blood vessels elastic and prevent the formation of blood clots. Vitamin E is an excellent antioxidant, slows down the aging process, prevents the occurrence of:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • stroke;
  • heart attack.

This component can be obtained from vitamin complexes or products containing it. A lot of useful substances are found in olive oil, milk, cheese, fermented milk products, greens, nuts.

Taking the vitamin separately is prescribed by a specialist after examination and tests. It is necessary to take different vitamins for men after 40, which medications are prescribed by the doctor.

Vitamins for fatigue

When the vitamin deficiency does not reach a critical level, doctors advise simply adding it to the diet olive oil and nuts. If it is not possible to consume such products, a complex of vitamins for men after 40 years is prescribed. For fatigue - Vitrum Life. Vitrum Memory will relieve mental fatigue. Vitrum Performance will improve blood circulation, relieve physical fatigue, increase mental activity and help with sexual impotence.

Men's anti-stress vitamins

Daily psycho-emotional stress, or, as we used to say, stress, absorbs vital elements. A deficiency of these substances depletes the nervous system, increases the risk of myocardial infarction, hypertension, and insomnia. First you need to review your diet and add foods rich in B vitamins, which stimulate brain function:

  • B3 (nicotinic acid) is involved in energy synthesis.
  • B5 stimulates the heart.
  • B6 (pyridoxine) normalizes metabolic processes.
  • B12 regulates metabolic processes in nerve cells.
  • Magnesium prevents overexcitation processes.

Complex "Antistress"

The natural anti-stress complex today is one of the most effective and safe ways cope with tension and anxiety.

The action of the complex is based on plant components that ensure maximum effectiveness. The drug quickly fights stress, normalizes sleep, restores mental activity, and relieves emotional stress.

Vitamins for hair growth

It is important to take vitamins after 40 for men against baldness. The effect of androgens on hair follicles is the cause of baldness in men after the age of 40. A bald nape in a middle-aged man indicates a large amount of male hormones; this disease cannot be treated, but you can stop the process if you take care of yourself and at the first signs of hair loss, use by different means, stop the process.

Vitamin A strengthens roots and stimulates hair growth, but it is absorbed only with vitamin E and zinc. Therefore, to speed up the process of hair formation and improve blood circulation, retinol is taken. The vitamin is added to shampoos and sold in ampoules. Sensitive skin may react with an allergy to the drug, be careful.

Specific vitamins

Men engaged in heavy physical labor consume nutrients from the body very quickly. There are for men after 40 years of age necessary for the normalization of exclusively male physiological processes:

  • prostate function;
  • production of male hormones;
  • spermatogenesis.

Vitamins after 40 years for men are often taken when their deficiency becomes clearly noticeable and the body becomes depleted. For preventive purposes, they are taken extremely rarely.


There are classic multivitamins designed for prevention:

  • "Vitrum";
  • "Bio-Max";
  • "Supradin";
  • "Centrum Multivit" (complex from A to zinc);
  • "Complivit";
  • "Multi-tabs Classic".

Vitamins for men over 40 can have a narrow focus and be designed to increase potency, build muscle tissue, increase the overall tone of the body, strengthen the immune system, and improve the functioning of the circulatory system.

Before using the drugs, you need to read the instructions, which indicate contraindications and dosages. Among the first, individual intolerance, cardiosclerosis and post-infarction condition are often indicated. Vitamins should be taken only after meals for better absorption. It is not recommended to take two or more vitamin complexes at the same time, because some supplements may be incompatible.

Sources of vitamins

After 40 years, men should pay more attention to their diet, which ideally consists of fresh, environmentally friendly foods, vegetables, steamed or baked in the oven. However, a balanced diet alone is not enough; doctors and nutritionists recommend the use of vitamin complexes. An overdose of drugs leads to unpleasant consequences for the body, so it is important that the complex is selected by a doctor.

For men over the age of 40, the “Senior” complex is very useful. It normalizes the functioning of all systems in the body, including intestinal microflora.

Chromevital+ will help fight severe morning fatigue. All components of the complex consist of natural plant nutrients. The drug charges every cell of the body with energy.

"Ursul" helps fight the symptoms of urethritis, prostatitis and pyelonephritis.

The Artum phytocomplex relieves pain associated with prostate adenoma and prostatitis. The drug relieves swelling, inflammation and normalizes urination.

These vitamins for men over 40 have numerous reviews and recommendations and are mostly positive. It is important to read the instructions and take into account the individual characteristics of the body.

Vitamins from food

If a man’s daily menu contains fatty, fried, spicy foods, then he will not receive the necessary vitamin composition. Food should contain all the substances important for life, for this you need to eat more cereals, seasonal fruits and vegetables, dairy products, low-calorie meat and fish. for men over 40 can be obtained from natural and fresh products. It is necessary to strictly ensure that there are fewer smoked and fried foods in the diet.

It is best to get important vitamin components of group C, A, E from natural healthy foods, but few people want and can give up sandwiches, fried chicken and carbonated drinks. But there are also situations when it is necessary to take a complex of vitamins. For example, a lack of vitamin E will cause constant fatigue and decreased performance, and it must be replenished.

Vitamins after 40 for men should be prescribed exclusively by a specialist individually, since an overdose is also dangerous for the body. The drugs are no longer the same as those prescribed at a young age; each of them must complement the other.

Animal and vegetable fats

The consumption of animal fats should be kept to a minimum, as their excessive amounts stimulate the development of cancer cells. Therefore, you need to reduce your consumption of meat products and replace milk with kefir or fermented baked milk. Vegetable fats necessary at this age are found in seeds, nuts, vegetable oil, avocado.

Storehouses of vitamins are fruits, lemons, oranges, grapefruits. Cranberries contain large amounts of vitamin C; they slow down the aging process in the male body, restore strength and prevent many diseases associated with age-related changes.

What vitamins a man should take after 40 depends on the individual needs of the body. At this age, it is important to maintain good vitality and energy, vitamins A and E are needed to maintain potency, C - to strengthen the immune system, N - for baldness. Vitamins D and B12 are important for the skin.

Consultation with a doctor is necessary for proper selection of the complex. Depending on how weakened the body is, one drug or a complex will be prescribed.

The importance of consulting a doctor

Vitamins are divided into preventive vitamins, drug complexes, multivitamin complexes and minerals, and biological supplements. In order to correctly choose the appropriate complex and not harm your health, since some components may be incompatible, consultation with a specialist is required. It is very difficult to independently assess the usefulness of a particular composition.

After an examination, the doctor will determine the condition of the body and prescribe procedures to strengthen, restore or treat it. The state of the immune system, circulatory system, muscle and bone tissue is assessed.

When choosing measures to improve the body’s condition, specialists also focus on the composition of the vitamin complex and the planned effect of its use.

The best vitamin complexes

Most popular for restoration and maintenance vitality The following vitamins are considered for men after 40 years (name and brief description each are given below):

  • "Alphabet". For ease of use, the tablets have different color. Each tablet is a separate vitamin and mineral complex.
  • "Duovit" is a source of essential nutrients.
  • "Vitiron Suscaps" is an optimal combination of amino acids, micro- and macroelements.
  • Orange Triad Controlled Labs - the complex includes the most essential vitamins and useful substances.
  • "Oligovit" contains essential elements for the normal functioning of internal organs.

A man after 40 years of age is still young, and his body has great potential. But many people at this age begin to experience deterioration in digestion, pressure changes, severe lower back pain and much more. Therefore, keeping yourself in good physical shape is very important. Health and energy depend on everyone's responsibility.


Minerals and vitamins are needed by humans for the normal functioning of the body. They all come from outside because they are not synthesized by the body. A lack of components leads to disruption of the functioning of all organs and systems. To eliminate vitamin deficiencies, special biologically active supplements (BAA) - vitamin complexes - are prescribed. They are divided into mono- and multivitamin (containing several elements at once). Find out which vitamins are healthier for men to take.

What are vitamins for men

To maintain the functioning of the human body, 13 vitamins are needed. These substances are understood as active biological components that enter the body in minimal quantities, but affect biochemical reactions and metabolic processes. Multivitamins for men differ from women's supplements due to the difference in the structure of the body. A deficiency of certain substances will cause negative consequences for the genitourinary and cardiovascular systems.

The most important vitamins for men are those that regulate the quality and quantity of sperm, protect against aging and have antioxidant properties:

  1. A – retinol, beta-carotene, improves testosterone production, maintains normal vision. The element improves sperm quality, sex life, and strengthens the immune system. The daily norm is 3000-5000 IU.
  2. C – ascorbic acid, resists stress, the effects of alcohol and smoking. The element improves the structure of blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure, strengthens the immune system, and prevents the development of chronic inflammatory processes. Daily norm– 60-90 mg.
  3. E – tocopherol, reduces the rate of aging, maintains energy, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, protects them from fragility, removes excess cholesterol, helps prevent atherosclerosis. The element improves the functioning of the gonads, promotes the production of testosterone, improves potency, sperm quality, and strengthens the immune system. The daily norm is 10-15 mg.
  4. N - biotin, strengthens hair and nails, prevents baldness from developing, regulates the rate of weight gain by regulating carbohydrate and fat metabolism. The daily norm is 30-100 mcg.
  5. B1 – thiamine, supports normal metabolic rate. You need 1.5-2 mg per day.
  6. B2 – riboflavin, is involved in tissue respiration, which intensifies metabolic processes. You need to consume 1.5-3 mg per day.
  7. B6 – pyridoxine, serves for normal metabolism and brain functioning. This gives a man a good mood and promotes the proper functioning of organs and systems. The daily norm is 1.7-2 mg.
  8. B12 – cyanocobalamin, supports metabolism, participates in the synthesis of proteins and hemoglobin, controls cell growth and division. You should take 2 mcg per day.
  9. B9 – folic acid, necessary for the normal synthesis of DNA and RNA molecules (genetic material), improves the structure of sperm, increases the quality of sperm and the likelihood of conceiving a child. 200-400 mcg per day is needed to support health.
  10. D – improves the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, strengthens bones, normalizes brain and heart function. The daily norm is 200-400 IU.
  11. N – lipoic acid, supports the normal condition and functioning of the liver against the background bad habits and junk food. The element activates the thyroid gland, improves vision and hearing. 20 mcg per day.

Vitamin complexes

The most popular complexes for men are those in which the amount of useful components is optimally balanced. These include:

  1. Alphabet - domestic production, contain three types of tablets that must be taken in the morning (B1, folic acid, eleutherosides), in the afternoon (carotenoids, lycopene, lutein, E, zinc, selenium, manganese) and in the evening (L-carnitine, calcium, D, TO). The interval between doses is 4-6 hours. The effect of taking the drug is visible immediately, does not cause allergies, and eliminates nervous stress. Contraindication – individual intolerance to the components.
  2. Duovit - the drug contains A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, E, niacin, B6, B9, H, zinc, iron, iodine, copper, magnesium manganese. Contains no gluten or sugar, which is important for patients diabetes mellitus. The dosage is one tablet per day.
  3. Wellmen - includes beta-carotene, A, D, C, B1, B2, B6, B12, B9, H, PP, B3, B5, arginine, methionine, iron, zinc, magnesium, manganese, iodine, copper, chromium, selenium , silicon, ginseng root and garlic extract. The drug normalizes metabolism, relieves fatigue and stress, and strengthens the immune system. Take 1 capsule per day.

To improve potency

Vitamins for men's health must be included in a complex with zinc and selenium. The useful elements are A, C, F and E. They are contained in the complex of Wellman and others:

  1. Effex - 3 capsules per day containing L-arginine, L-tryptophan, L-glutamine, horny weed extract, zinc, B3 and B6. They stimulate the reproductive system, form muscle mass, increase testosterone production and libido levels, and prolong intimate intercourse. The course of admission is 3 months.
  2. Mens formula - several drugs are produced under this name. The most affordable is “More than a multivitamin”, containing beta-carotene, cholecalciferol, E, C, B1, B2, B6, B12, niacinamide, choline, selenium, inositol, molybdenum, pantothenic acid, boron, folic acid, chromium, biotin, iodine, betaine, copper, L-glutathione, manganese, calcium, zinc, potassium, magnesium. Take 2 capsules per day. They eliminate stress and vitamin deficiencies, which are bad for the skin.
  3. Parity – capsules for normalizing testosterone production. Contains extracts of Eurycoma longifolia, yohimbe bark, ginger roots, deer antlers, zinc, nicotinamide. Accepted 1 piece. within 15 days.

For immunity

Vitamins C, E, A help boost immunity and resist viruses and bacteria. They are contained in plant extracts and minerals in complexes:

  1. Alphabet Classic - hypoallergenic tablets for morning (based on D, calcium, K), lunch (trace element selenium, C, E, A) and evening (iron, C, B1, folic acid). The difference between doses is 4-6 hours.
  2. Multi-Tabs Immuno Plus - chewable tablets with probiotics - lactobacilli, contain A, D, E, B1, B2, C, B6, pantothenic acid, B12, nicotinamide, folic acid, selenium, manganese, iron, magnesium, chromium, zinc, iodine. Taken for the prevention of diseases, for stress, 1 tablet per day for a monthly course.
  3. Vitrum Immuno - contains all the necessary elements, strengthens the immune system. Contains A, E, C, selenium, zinc, manganese, copper. Take 1 tablet once a day for 1-2 months. Increases performance, relieves chronic fatigue syndrome.

Hair for men

Among the popular vitamins for males are those that prevent baldness, nervous tension and strengthen hair growth. These are E, H, C, A, E, F, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B12. Widely known drugs:

  1. Viviscal – contains amino acids from cartilage sea ​​fish, acerola extract, horsetail, flax, zinc, biotin. Tablets are taken morning and evening, 2 pieces. during meals for a course of six months.
  2. Centrum Centrum from A to zinc - contains a complex of all necessary vitamin components and minerals, prevents increased hair loss in men. Take one tablet per day for a month.

Sports vitamins

For men leading healthy image life and sports, you need special sports vitamins. They eliminate fatigue, tiredness, lethargy, and metabolic disorders. During intense exercise, you need to get vitamins C, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, D, E, A. Popular drugs:

  1. Animal Pak Universal Nutrition is a universal bioactive complex that contains the above elements and peptides. Increases the body's endurance, maintains energy levels, and balances nutrition.
  2. Opti-Men Optimum Nutrition is a complex for professional athletes that creates conditions for gaining muscle mass and burning fat.
  3. Armor-V MusclePharm is a balanced complex based on fat-soluble vitamins and polyunsaturated fatty acids. It improves immunity and gives strength.
  4. Calcium Zinc Magnesium BioTech - from the name it is clear that the emphasis is on calcium, zinc, magnesium, and includes a vitamin complex to support the normal condition of joints and ligaments.

With ginseng

Panoxen is the active substance of ginseng, which is used in vitamin complexes for men. It is an antioxidant, prolongs youth, has a strong stimulating property, and is used to improve potency. Multivitamins based on ginseng:

  1. Vitrum Energy - take 1 tablet per day to improve the process of hematopoiesis, potency, and immunity.
  2. Duovit Energy - contains vitamins B, C, A, E, D, zinc, selenium, folic acid. The drug is indicated for chronic fatigue syndrome and decreased concentration.
  3. Siberian complex – contains ginseng, group B. Prevents fatigue, drowsiness, supports immunity.

Good, inexpensive vitamins

Alphabet and Duovit are good inexpensive complexes for men. They are released in different types, contain additional plant extracts and minerals. In addition to them, budget drugs include:

  1. Complivit vitamins for men are available with a standard composition and an improved one (for hair growth, joint protection, and chronic fatigue syndrome). The drugs are easy to use (1 tablet per day) and do not cause allergies.
  2. Triovit - the supplement contains antioxidant components and is affordable (no more than 200 rubles per pack, designed for a month of use). Contraindications: individual intolerance, age under 18 years.

For men under 40 years old

Young people under 40 need B vitamins, which take part in the absorption of protein foods, building a muscle corset, and the formation of sperm and sex hormones. They also require A, E, lipoic acid (the latter is especially necessary when smoking or drinking alcohol), contained in the complexes:

  1. Biorhythm - multivitamins, which are taken 1 tablet in the morning (contains A, E, B12, D, E) and in the evening (contains B1, B5, B6, C, PP). They maintain energy, replenish elemental deficiencies, and do not contain synthetic substances.
  2. Multifort - effervescent tablets for dissolution in water, contain A, C, E, group B, D. Take 1-2 pieces. per day for two weeks to relieve fatigue, support vitamin deficiencies, and stabilize mood.

After 40

Middle-aged men over 40 need vitamins A, E, C, H, B12, B2, B6, and folic acid. These are antioxidants that slow down the aging process, prevent atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases. Complex preparations for this age:

  1. Vitrum Life - contains the above components, used once a day for a month. The course can be repeated twice a year.
  2. SOLGAR is a line of products with an expanded composition of phytonutrients, suitable for vegans. Natural ingredients do not cause allergies and are quickly absorbed by the body. The course lasts 1-2 months.

For men over 50 years old

Males after 50 years of age need vitamin D, because its synthesis is impaired with age. This leads to osteoporosis, tooth decay, and heart problems. The second required element is B12. In addition to them, men after 50 years of age require antioxidants E, A, C. If a person smokes, you can additionally take lipoic acid. Useful complexes:

  1. Alphabet 50+ – protects against osteoporosis, contains a lot of potassium to protect the cardiovascular system, and antioxidants to improve the health of the body. Composition elements protect the functioning of the visual system from increased loads.
  2. Gerimax - multivitamins with the addition of ginseng root extract to counteract aging, stimulate brain function and mental abilities. Take 1 tablet per day. The course of treatment lasts a month.

American vitamins

American-made vitamin complexes are especially popular among men. Popular complexes are:

  1. Orange Triad - multivitamins contain chondoprotective elements that improve the functioning of joints and bones, so it is better to use them after 40 years. This sports supplement from an American manufacturer is suitable for people with active physical training and replenishes the lack of elements.
  2. One A Day Men’s Health Formula – contains plant components that support hematopoiesis, immunity, and heart function. A bargain purchase - 200 capsules - enough for six months of use.

With iron

When men do not receive enough iron, latent iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia may occur. Special complexes will help eliminate it:

  1. Gerovital - contains iron, A, C, D and E. Improves metabolic processes, increases performance at any age. The complex is indicated for men over 50 years old; it calms increased muscle tone.
  2. Alphabet Classic - contains the daily requirement of iron, necessary for the construction of hemoglobin and normal hematopoiesis.

When planning a pregnancy

When preparing to become a father, a man must take care of his health in order to conceive a healthy child. You need to take complexes rich in folic acid, E, C, selenium and zinc. This is Complivit and other drugs:

  1. Selmevit - in addition to the main standard components, the complex is enhanced with selenium and methionine, which improves potency and normalizes the health of the genitourinary system.
  2. Profertil is a drug for improving the functioning of the prostate gland, improves sperm quality, contains amino acids, zinc, folic acid, coenzyme Q 10, selenium. Take one capsule per day for a month.
  3. Selzinc plus is an antioxidant complex based on high content selenium and zinc, contains E, C, beta-carotene. Taken to improve the metabolism of sex hormones, 1 tablet once a day for 30 days.
  4. Spermastrong – improves sperm parameters, promotes the conception of a healthy child. The capsules contain L-arginine, L-carnitine, vitamins C, E, B6, astragalus extract, zinc, manganese, selenium. Take 1 capsule twice a day for 20 days, after a 10-day break the course is repeated.
  5. Orthomol Fertil Plus - multivitamins used by men with fertility problems, improve sperm quality. The composition contains vitamins C, E, B6 and B12, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, L-carnitine. Take 1 tablet once a day three months before the expected day of conception.
  6. Gendevit – contains folic acid, calcium, retinol. Taken to improve fertility, 1-2 tablets per day for a monthly course.

Vitamin rating

Based on effectiveness, ease and convenience of use, cost and safety, an unofficial rating of multivitamin complexes was compiled. The best vitamins for men according to representatives of the stronger sex, based on surveys and analysis of reviews:

  1. Alphabet.
  2. Duovit.
  3. Vitiron Suscaps.
  4. Oligovit.
  5. Wellman.
  6. Orange Triad Controlled Labs.

How to choose vitamins for men

The purchase of vitamin complexes should be accompanied by a careful study of the information on the packaging. You need to purchase medications based on the problem, after consultation with your doctor. Most dietary supplements are available without a prescription, but you should not buy them thoughtlessly, as this can lead to allergic reactions and hypovitaminosis. When choosing, pay attention to factors:

  1. Natural composition - it is better to choose herbal ingredients and light forms of vitamins for better absorption.
  2. Cost – an effective drug cannot be too cheap; there is a high probability of counterfeiting.
  3. Number of tablets per package – you need to take vitamins more often within a month, so take a package designed for this period of time.
  4. Composition balance is important when there are special problems. For heart problems, choose dietary supplements with the prefixes Cardio, joints - Chondro, for chronic fatigue - Energy or Energy, for visual impairment - Vision or Optic, for ages, pay attention to marks with the numbers 40, 50+.
  5. Ease of use - tablets should be easy to swallow, not cause nausea, and not be too large. For those who are forgetful, it is better to choose complexes taken once a day.
  6. Expiration date - you should not purchase expired medications, this will not bring results and can cause poisoning.
  7. Effectiveness - do not purchase dietary supplements that do not help; it is better to first read reviews on the Internet.
  8. Quick effect on the body - the effect of taking multivitamins develops in about 3-4 days.
  9. Side effects and contraindications - when choosing, pay attention to possible prohibitions (usually related to age, hypersensitivity to the components).


Vitamins for males can be bought in an online store or ordered through a catalog at a pharmacy. Most of them do not require a prescription from a doctor. Approximate prices for drugs in Moscow:


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Men need this elixir of life no less than the fair half of humanity. Its abundance in the body has a positive effect on: the scalp, gastrointestinal tract, skin, reproductive function, potency and many other areas. On the contrary, vitamin deficiency leads to baldness, various disorders, brittle hair and teeth, sluggish potency and problems with conception. Simply consuming them is not a sufficient preventive measure, because in this way you can develop hypervitaminosis, which carries the danger of disrupting the function of the gastrointestinal tract.

The right solution is to take narrowly targeted or combined vitamin complexes with perfect combination constituent elements. We have selected the best vitamins for men to improve potency, restore reproductive ability, increase energy and strengthen the immune system. Below is more information about the drugs in each group.

How to take vitamins correctly?

Each body is unique, so there is no single and universal complex for all men. To understand the needs of your physiology, it is better to undergo a medical examination and determine which vitamins are missing.

We warn against their uncontrolled and irrational use, as this can negatively affect your well-being. We remind you that there are vitamins that are incompatible with each other. They deactivate or reduce each other's effect.

Basic rules of admission:

  1. The vast majority of vitamins are prepared using apple cider vinegar. Many formulas also contain preservatives and dyes. So that the listed components do not irritate the mucous membrane gastrointestinal tract, it is better to take vitamins during or after eating. If you have gastrointestinal disorders, drink them after meals.
  2. You can drink it, but only with clean water. Using soda, juices and hot drinks reduces the absorption of vitamins. Our task is to help the gastrointestinal tract accept their maximum portion.
  3. They may be incompatible with antibiotics. During the period of treatment of inflammatory processes, you should stop using them until you consult a doctor.
  4. It is better to take your vitamins at approximately the same time every day. The body develops a habit of assimilating them at a certain point in the daily cycle.
  5. You cannot exceed or change the course of treatment or prevention on your own.
  6. If there are records of allergies to certain substances, be sure to inform your doctor about this.

The most important groups of vitamins for men

To feel an improvement in your condition, it is important to enrich your diet with animal proteins, complex carbohydrates, mineral components and control the level of fat in food. An integrated approach to prevention or treatment is most effective.

The most important “male” vitamins:

  • B2, B6 and B12. They provide control over the absorption of proteins, and are also responsible for the feeling of vigor and tone during the daytime.
  • A. Important for the immune system, has a positive effect on potency, synthesis of essential male hormone testosterone. It also participates in tissue regeneration. Vitamin A deficiency provokes a decrease in visual acuity, especially in low light conditions.
  • WITH. Particularly useful in the fight against stressful conditions. Helps restore blood pressure (BP) in people suffering from hypotension. Reduces negative impact from smoking, increases the rate of regeneration, slows down aging, tones up cardiac activity.
  • E. Responsible for the synthesis of sex hormones and plays important role in the health of the cardiovascular system (CVS). Hypervitaminosis can provoke diarrhea and an attack of hypertension.
  • N. Protects the liver, helps remove toxins from the body, and is effective even in cases with complex forms of intoxication. Prescribed in large quantities to drinking men. Improves thyroid function, helps restore perception and protects against the effects of radiation exposure. People with sufficient concentrations of vitamin N remain attractive even in old age.
  • N. The most important substance to prevent baldness. Participates in the nutrition of most tissues and improves the appearance of the skin. Reduces the rate of accumulation of fat deposits.

The best vitamin complexes for men

Vitamin complexes for the stronger sex are useful for immunity, maintaining the condition of hair, skin and increasing vigor. Their main task is to compensate for the deficiency of consumables in the body. Such drugs are ideal for recovery after a course of antibiotics, prevention of viral diseases and improvement of well-being.


It tops the rating because it is a universal complex containing a competent balance of substances. It is distributed in the form of tablets, some of which are red - vitamins, and the second part - blue - minerals. When consumed separately, they are absorbed much better. The main effect of the drug is aimed at strengthening the immune system, reducing the rate of hair loss and improving the emotional state. The complex has the disadvantage of many contraindications, side effects and incompatibility with some medications.

  • allowed for use starting from adolescence (10 years);
  • side effects occur infrequently;
  • has a general strengthening effect;
  • quickly absorbed;
  • increases immunity;
  • eliminates rapid fatigue;
  • helps with psychological and physiological stress.
  • a small concentration of B vitamins: B12, B1, B6 and B2;
  • the composition includes dyes and fragrance agents;
  • cannot be used by diabetics;
  • many contraindications.

Price: 450–500 rubles.

Vitamin Code

Does not contain any synthetic substances or impurities. Designed for general strengthening of vascular tone, this prevents hypertensive attacks (for which vitamins B, E, C are responsible). Gives a feeling of vigor and excess strength, removes the constant feeling of fatigue and increases endurance due to the presence of vitamin C and chromium. Due to vitamin A, it improves vision and prevents the development of cataracts. Vitamins from group B and auxiliary microelements are responsible for normal brain function and memory quality.

  • completely natural composition;
  • improves the function of the digestive system thanks to live bacteria and enzymes;
  • is a prevention of the development of prostate adenoma and is recommended for prostatitis;
  • increases libido;
  • You can dissolve the capsule composition in water or natural juice.
  • high cost;
  • Due to the many herbal extracts, the risk of an allergic reaction is high. If a person has minimal risk of contact with elements of the composition in the past, the body's reaction may be unpredictable.

Price: 8,000 rubles.

Contains many B vitamins, as well as potassium and magnesium, which have a positive effect on the condition of the heart, prevent the occurrence of arrhythmias, atherosclerosis and normalize vascular tone. Strengthens the immune system thanks to vitamins E and C. The drug accelerates cerebral circulation, improving memory. Normalizing blood circulation has a positive effect on the health of the prostate gland and enhances potency.

  • improves cardiovascular health;
  • increases immunity;
  • restores libido;
  • strengthens potency.

Cons: it does not contain iron, it will have to be obtained in a different way.

Price: 3,000 rubles.

The best vitamins to increase male potency

Not only older gentlemen can have problems of an intimate nature. Although age-related changes in the body clearly work against us. To maintain normal potency at any age, you should take care of it throughout your life. The best preventive measures are vitamin preparations.

"AlfaVit" for men

The package contains 3 types of tablets at the same time:

  1. Red. Intended for consumption at breakfast. Includes vitamins B1, C, as well as copper, iron and folic acid. To increase vigor, stimulating substances have been added to the composition: extract green tea, Eleutherococcus and taurine. They replace energy drinks and help improve immunity.
  2. Blue. It is best to use it during the day. Contains vitamins B, B2, B6, as well as zinc, iodine, selenium, etc.
  3. Green. Intended for evening reception. The tablet is enriched with vitamins K, D3, calcium and amino acids.

  • contains vitamins for all periods of the daily cycle;
  • affordable price;
  • improves potency and spermatogenesis.
  • you have to take pills 3 times a day;
  • contraindications: hypertension, atherosclerosis, hyperthyroidism.

Price: 340–460 rubles.

"Parity Evalar"

Stimulates the synthesis of “natural” testosterone – the main hormone in the male body. Increasing its concentration leads to normalization of erection.

Main components of the composition:

  1. Eurycoma longifolia extract. It has also been nicknamed "Asian Viagra." It enhances the body’s ability to produce testosterone and also increases the activity of the “bound” hormone.
  2. Yohimbe extract. Increases the intensity of blood supply to the pelvic organs, which stimulates male libido and erection.
  3. Deer antlers extract. Releases the internal forces of the body, reduces the negative effects of stress and fatigue.
  • the drug was created primarily for the purpose of increasing male strength;
  • effectively improves the quality of intimacy;
  • increases the percentage of successful conception attempts.
  • a small amount of minerals to strengthen the whole body;
  • contraindications: hypertension, hyperthyroidism and intolerance;
  • the medicine should not be used after 14:00 and before intimacy.

Price: 460–670 rubles.

"Teravit tonic"

This is a drug to improve potency with the largest number active and vital components. The composition contains 13 types of vitamins, as well as another 17 types of microelements. It is one of the few that replenishes the body's need for nickel, vanadium and tin. Can be used regularly or when there is a lack of energy. Gives energy, good erection, replenishes the lack of vitamins and microelements.

  • the largest number of active substances;
  • balanced composition;
  • increases the duration, quality of sexual intercourse and the sensations from it.
  • many contraindications: chronic pancreatitis, diabetes, hypertension, gastritis, epilepsy, allergies;
  • when taken in the evening, insomnia may occur;
  • does not combine well with other adaptogens.

Price: 680 rubles.

The best men's vitamins when planning your wife's pregnancy

To conceive a child, the concentration and viability of sperm are important. It is not erectile ability that is responsible for this, but spermatogenesis - how quickly and efficiently the body produces sperm. Some drugs from the previous list are capable of improving their quality, but there are also complexes that are more specifically aimed at improving this process.

Before starting to use vitamins, it is advisable to conduct a spermogram.

A modern dietary supplement that makes sense to take when planning your wife’s pregnancy. One of its advantages is its positive effect on potency. It contains many plant substances that stimulate blood circulation in the pelvic organs. There are vitamins D, E, zinc, arginine, which have a beneficial effect on spermatogenesis. Used to accelerate the synthesis of testosterone, sperm and sensitivity of the genital glans. The vitamin complex slightly increases resistance to infectious diseases, including sexually transmitted diseases.

  • many different plant components. There are more of them than minerals and vitamins;
  • selectively affects male reproductive function;
  • neutralizes the negative impact of physical and stressful stress on potency;
  • the Pharmamed company is included in the list of the best in the production of dietary supplements.

Cons: relatively high price (more than 1,500 rubles per course).

Price: 740 rubles.

These vitamins for men when planning a female pregnancy include only those substances that are involved in the creation of sperm. The drug contains vitamin E, L-carnitine, folic acid and selenium. All of the listed components cover the daily requirement of a mature man. Substances help the body create viable sperm, improve their motility and increase the likelihood of conception. The drug can also be prescribed for the complex treatment of male infertility.

  • significantly increases the ability of sperm to conceive (by 15-30%);
  • there is no risk of overdose of any vitamins, since it is a complex with a small amount of substances of general influence.
  • a long period of use until visible results appear – at least 60 days. During this time, it is possible to form full-fledged sperm;
  • high price for a course of use.

Price: 1,300 rubles.

The drug was first intended for pregnant women or those planning a pregnancy. In practice, the complex has proven to be extremely useful for men in preparing for conception. The composition contains all the necessary components: vitamin B6, ascorbic acid, calcium, iron, etc. Refers to the best means to increase the likelihood of conception, but has a relatively high risk of side effects.

  • over-the-counter dispensing in pharmacies (available almost everywhere);
  • sold in bottles and blisters;
  • many useful microelements.
  • reviews report that large tablets are difficult to swallow;
  • not a cheap price.

Price: 800–1,000 rubles.

The best men's vitamins for sports and physical activity

The body exhausts its resources and needs to be constantly replenished. Substances are consumed especially actively in people leading an active lifestyle. In this case, regular nutrition is not capable of replenishing the deficiency of vitamins and microelements. Vitamin complexes come to the rescue.

The composition of the drug is designed so that it can cover the daily requirement of vital substances for a person with an active life rhythm. This is not a special product for powerlifters and bodybuilders; it is more suitable for people with heavy physical work, track and field athletes, sports enthusiasts, etc. The composition includes 12 vitamins, as well as phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and 7 more microelements.

  • a special composition that can satisfy the body’s increased need for essential substances;
  • many vitamins and microelements;
  • gives vigor and provides a surge of strength.

Cons: there are contraindications: excess calcium in the body and pernicious anemia.

Price: 180 rubles.

It has a special composition, it contains special substances to improve digestive function, accelerate muscle growth and quickly release energy. The vitamin complex is ideal for intensely training athletes. All components are in a capsule that dissolves in the stomach and is thus absorbed maximum quantity useful substances.

  • the packaging lasts for a month;
  • all microelements are supplied in double dosage compared to the consumption of substances for the average man;
  • the drug is indicated for use by athletes.

Cons: relatively high cost.

Price: 920 rubles.


The product contains as many as 18 microelements, especially useful for sports individuals. The substances release the body’s internal forces, which has a positive effect on the body’s physical abilities and endurance. It can be used by people with normal loads, then it gives vigor. Due to the high concentration of B vitamins, the drug accelerates the conversion of fats and processes them into muscles, therefore it is recommended for weight gain.

Due to zinc and selenium, spermatogenesis improves in a man, and the substances also act as a prophylactic agent for the prostate gland. Vitamin C improves immune function, and magnesium normalizes the functioning of the nervous system and eliminates the effects of overwork.

  • suitable not only for athletes, but also for men with average physical activity;
  • helps improve the quality of seminal fluid;
  • reduces the risk of contracting viral infections.

Cons: quite a long list of contraindications.

Price: 590 rubles.

The best vitamins for men after 30, 40, 50

When choosing vitamin complexes, age-related changes in the body cannot be discounted. The need for the elixir of life varies greatly at different ages. Teen vitamins may be virtually useless for men 50 or older. Below are the drugs that you should choose for prevention and improvement of general health at certain ages.

"BION 3" - the best vitamins after 30 years

This complex contains not only various minerals with vitamins, but also lacto- and bifidobacteria, which fill the body with healthy microflora.

Each tablet has a three-layer structure:

  • Inner layer – probiotics (3 varieties). They enter the gastrointestinal tract, where they help improve digestion by restoring healthy microflora. Additionally, they cover the intestinal mucosa, preventing the harmful effects of viruses.
  • The middle layer contains a lot of microelements, here are some of them: zinc, magnesium, calcium, iron.
  • The outer shell includes 12 types of vitamins.
  • the drug is often prescribed to strengthen the immune system;
  • allows you to fight the manifestations of chronic diseases that worsen after 30 years;
  • They restore microflora well after taking antibiotics.

Cons: a number of contraindications; taking the drug without consulting a doctor is not recommended.

Price: 800 rubles.

One Daily Multi - the best vitamin complex after 40 years

The developers of the formula ideally balanced the number of components for the needs of men over 40 years of age. The complex improves the function of the cardiovascular system and restores blood pressure. Strengthens the immune system and reduces nervous tension. Due to vitamins A and E, it has an antioxidant effect and reduces the risk of cancer. The composition contains a phyto-mixture (extracts of pumpkin seeds, nettles), which is responsible for normalizing the functioning of the reproductive system.

  • there are no synthetic additives, there are only natural substances;
  • has an international quality certificate;
  • has a beneficial effect on most systems susceptible to aging: cardiovascular system, nervous, immune.

Cons: too high cost.

Price:2,300 rubles.

“Alphabet 50 plus” - the best vitamins after 50 years

The complex with mineral supplements is aimed at people who have crossed the threshold of 50 years. The composition corresponds to the consumption standards of vitamins and nutrients for the average man. It is often prescribed as a prevention of osteoporosis, atherosclerosis and is used to maintain and restore vision. The complex contains 13 vitamins, 9 minerals, as well as lycopene, lutein and β-carotene. Sold in the form of three multi-colored tablets, all of them are well compatible. You need to take the drug 3 times a day.

  • components are balanced;
  • able to prevent or slow down the development of pathologies;
  • enhances the therapeutic effect of other drugs.

Cons: You need to take 3 tablets daily.

Price: 300 rubles.

Let's sum it up

Our task is to tell you which vitamins are best to take in certain situations, but the attending physician must evaluate the benefits and harms of using the drug. Having selected the ones you like best from the rating, we recommend that you consult with your doctor about taking them. Only guided by the advice of a specialist and instructions for use can it be possible to create an optimally useful complex in each specific case.


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