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Two recipes for Easter cake dough in a bread machine

I suggest you bake a very tasty, rich Easter cake with raisins. For those who don't have enough time, you can knead the dough in a bread machine, as I did. You can also knead by hand. It is better to bake Easter cakes from this dough in small molds.

To prepare Easter cake with raisins you will need:

Flour (highest grade) - 550 g;

Milk - 200 ml;

Butter - 100 g;

Eggs - 3 pcs.;

Salt - 1 tsp;

Sugar - 100 g;

Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;

Vanillin - 1 sachet;

Turmeric - a pinch;

Dry yeast - 7 g;

Raisins - 50-70 g;

Powdered sugar - 100 g;

Lemon juice - 1 tsp;

Multi-colored powder.

Make a well in the middle and add the yeast. Set the "Dough" mode (I have 1 hour 30 minutes).

While kneading the dough, add raisins at the signal. The dough can also be kneaded by hand. To do this, sift the flour into a deep bowl and make a well. Pour in yeast, add salt, sugar, vanillin, vegetable oil and turmeric. Pour in a mixture of warm milk, butter and yolks. Knead the dough so that it does not stick to your hands or the table. Then stir in the raisins. Leave the dough in a warm place to rise for 1 hour.

Bon appetit!

Fragrant Easter cake in a bread machine

I offer a recipe fragrant Easter cake from a very simple dough with dry, rapidly rising yeast. My dough was kneaded in a bread machine, but it is easy to knead by hand. The Easter cake is filled with dried apricots and prunes, sprinkled with a little cognac to enhance the taste. You can bake 2-3 large Easter cakes or about 10 small portions.

To prepare fragrant Easter cakes in a bread machine you will need:

Flour - about 4.5-5 cups;

Water - 1 glass;

Powdered milk - 2 tbsp. spoons;

Creamy margarine - 200 g;

Eggs - 2 pieces;

Sugar - 1 glass;

Vanilla - contents of 2/3 pod or vanilla sugar - 2-3 tbsp. spoons;

Dried apricots - 10 pieces;

Prunes - 10 pieces;

Cognac (rum or balsam) - 1 tbsp. spoon;

Yeast (for example, saf-moment) - 1 sachet (11 g).


1. Instead of water and milk powder, you can use milk - 1 glass.

2. To make the paper forms better hold their cylindrical shape, they can be tied with thread.

3. When kneading by hand, the dough must be allowed to rise 2 times, i.e. after the first rise, you need to knead it and wait for its second rise, and then let it stand and rise in the molds.

Set the mode to "fresh/ yeast dough".

To bake an even dome without distortion, it is recommended to stick wooden sticks into the center of the dough.
Bake the cakes in a preheated oven at 200 degrees, and the time depends on the size of the cakes (from 15-20 minutes for small ones, about half an hour for medium ones and up to 45 minutes - 1 hour for large ones), they should rise and brown.

The finished Easter cakes are covered with glaze and sprinkled with powder, i.e. decorate to taste.

step by step recipe with photos

Holiday Easter cake is a must-have sweet, because it is what all relatives are treated to in the morning. But how difficult and time-consuming it can sometimes be to knead the dough for it, only those who are directly familiar with the intricacies of creating a yeast dough know.

To make the whole process easier and free up time for yourself, prepare the Easter cake dough in a bread maker, if, of course, such a technique is present in your kitchen. It will become an indispensable assistant for those cooks who love to create any baked goods.

The dough from the bread machine rises and rises perfectly, and the products made from it are soft and delicate in taste.


  • 4 chicken eggs
  • 0.5 cups milk
  • 1 packet of dry yeast, 10 g
  • 400 g wheat flour
  • 50 g butter
  • 80 g granulated sugar
  • 0.5 tsp. salt
  • 0.5 tsp.
  • 3 tbsp. l. poppy


1. Before adding ingredients to the bread machine bowl, remember that liquid products are poured first, and then dry ones are added, and not otherwise, otherwise the flour will not mix into the liquid. Break into a bowl chicken eggs, add salt and granulated sugar.

2. Melt the butter. This can be done either in a water bath or using microwave oven. Don't boil it - it has to be room temperature, otherwise the egg white will curdle. Pour the oil into the bowl.

3. Read the instructions for use on the yeast package. If the yeast needs to be diluted in warm milk, as in the recipe, then do so, slightly heating the milk. Again, it should not be brought to a boil, as the yeast may “burn.” If the packet recommends mixing dry yeast with flour, then mix and pour the milk into the bowl.

4. After this, add either flour or a mixture of flour and yeast. Activate the “Dough” mode for 55–60 minutes. During this time, the bread maker will mix all the ingredients.

5. 5 minutes before the end of the process, pour baking seasoning and poppy seeds into the bowl. There is no need to pre-steam it!

6. As soon as the beep is heard, your dough is ready. Pour it from the bowl into a container with a spatula and cover with a towel: let the dough rise for about 30 minutes! The Easter cake dough turns out liquid, like biscuit dough. At the end of the specified time, it will fill the entire container.

7. Fill the cake pans 1/3 full with the risen dough. Again, let it rise for 30 minutes in a warm place.

8. The dough will rise and fill almost the entire form - now the cakes can be baked. Place them in the oven for 20 minutes at 160–180°C.

9. Remove the finished cakes from the oven and be sure to cool! Only then cover them with powdered sugar or icing sugar. Serve by cutting into portions.

Note to the hostess

1. 1st grade flour is considered a high-quality baking product. It is suitable for pancakes, cheesecakes, shortbread cookies, gingerbread, but not for Easter cakes. The Easter delicacy is kneaded with exclusively premium flour, only then there will be a lot of air bubbles in the fairly heavy sweet dough, and large pores in the finished product.

2. Cylindrical molds are greased with some kind of cooking fat or oil, not only inside, but also partially outside - along the outer edge of the neck by 5 centimeters. It is difficult to calculate how much the dough will rise; sometimes the cake cap covers the top of the mold, flowing down it and baking. By separating it, the housewife runs the risk of crumbling the top of the baked goods, and oil lubrication will prevent this.

3. Where is the best place to leave the yeast batch? In winter - not far from the battery, a quarter of a meter from it. In the summer - right in the kitchen or in the room where the sun shines. The window in the room must be closed! A draft is detrimental to dough and raw dough. Both should be covered with a thin cloth. Good option– multi-layer gauze napkin.

4. Easter cakes are baked only with fresh milk. If it curls even slightly in the bread machine, the batch will be ruined. That is, you will get a delicious rich cake, but not a classic cake.

Cooking takes a lot of time, but owners of modern bread machines can enjoy homemade cakes without spending any extra time or effort.

I’ll tell you step by step how to make Easter cake in a Kenwood bread maker.

They cook in a special program for baking sweet bread (most bread makers have it), but many housewives use the main mode (lasting, as a rule, a little over 3 hours). We also select the 1st program.

The recipe for traditional Easter cake involves preparing the dough, then resting it and baking it.

In a bread machine, this process is greatly simplified - the dough is immediately kneaded and elevated temperature stands (with kneading at a certain time to release gas), then the cake is baked.

In order to give the product a real taste, eggs, milk, and butter are added to it.

The cake is made especially tasty by aromatic additives - orange juice, liqueurs, rum, orange and lemon zest, spices (ground cinnamon, cloves, ginger, star anise, cardamom and others).

I add everything I can to my Easter cakes to make the flavor as bright as possible.

In addition, nuts, raisins, candied fruits (candied ginger is especially good - a wonderful smell), peanuts are almost always added, and vanilla or vanilla sugar is added (included in the total sugar).

Recipe for Easter cake weighing 1 kg:

  • milk - 250 g,
  • eggs - 2 pcs,
  • butter - 150 g,
  • wheat flour - 600 g,
  • salt - 1.5 teaspoons,
  • sugar - 80 g,
  • dry yeast - 2.5 teaspoons,
  • raisins, candied fruits - full dispenser.
    * I’ll immediately make a reservation that this recipe has a drawback - there is too much yeast, the cake rose so much that it touched the lid with its cap and interfered with the normal circulation of hot air. It is better to take less yeast - 1.5-2 teaspoons.

Step 1

We prepare all the products, remove the milk, butter and eggs from the refrigerator, take out a bowl of flour, a strainer, scales, and measuring containers. Everything should be at hand so as not to take a single extra step. The filling is carried out strictly according to the system proposed by the manufacturer - that is, first all the liquid components, or vice versa - we start with flour (this is stipulated in the instructions). Our option is the first.

We take the bucket out of the stove, put it on the table, and put the blade on the pin. Using a measuring cup, we measure out the required amount of milk; it’s not bad if the milk is at room temperature - this will simplify the inclusion of yeast in the work, although it is not important - heating the stove will level out the difference in temperatures.

Step 2.

Break the eggs and put them in a bucket. Some manufacturers in the recipe recommend determining the measure of eggs by weight - for the first time, you should probably adhere to these recommendations, then you will be able to understand for yourself what your recipe calls for (for example, one large egg and one medium one).

Step 3.

Weigh the oil

We cut it into pieces and put it in a bucket.

Step 4.

Now we will add flour - it is best to weigh it, and not determine it using a measure - at least for the first time, in order to understand the logic of the recipe.

We weigh it, and then the flour must be sifted, this will saturate it with oxygen and increase the efficiency of the yeast.

Step 5.

Add salt and sugar - use a measuring spoon. Place the components in the corners

Now it's time to add the yeast. Measure out the required amount and drop it into a hole made with your palm in the flour mound. Important: do not allow yeast and salt to come into contact, as the latter reduces the efficiency of their work.

Step 6.

We take a bucket, shake off the flour with a towel and place it on the nest in the bread machine chamber.

I try to make the bookmarking process take a minimum of time. That's why I've developed a simple and effective system at home that involves minimal preparation and almost no cleanup after work.

I use a special container with a lid - in it I weigh the flour and store the strainer - I specially selected it by size. I never wash the container - it is specialized, this simplifies everything. I always have a scale at hand, the recipe is also on a magnet at eye level, and there is always salt and sugar on the table. All that remains is to take a jar (or jars, if 2) with flour from the shelf; a spoon “lives” in each of my containers with flour. In general, after the bucket is placed in the device, I need to return everything to its place and wipe the table. Everything takes a maximum of 7 minutes.

Step 7

Place raisins and nuts in the dispenser and close it. If your device does not have a dispenser, put all additional components into the bucket manually, but not all at once! Wait sound signal, which the oven will feed during kneading. This is done so that the additives are not damaged during the operation of the blade - the raisins may break and the dough will turn bluish.

My bread machine behaves decently, so I put everything I need in the main setting. In any case, spices can be added at the same time as salt and sugar, and it is better to place them in a corner.

Step 8

We make the settings - turn on the oven, select the program - in our case 1 (default), duration 3 hours 15 minutes, then the weight of the loaf is 1 kg, the color of the crust is medium, press the “start” button. The machine immediately starts working - the blade begins to rotate and the dough begins to knead. At this stage, some attention to the process is required from the hostess. After 10 minutes, look into the device - it is already clear how well the proportions of the dough have developed. It should look like a bun - that is, a round, strong, non-sticky lump of dough that moves freely after the paddle. If the dough is liquid, add flour and do this until the result is satisfactory. Feel free to touch the dough, you will quickly understand what and how, if you feel that it is the product of your hands!

Flour is the most important component of both bread and Easter cake; the amount indicated in the recipe, unfortunately, cannot be called final. Since the moisture content of flour depends greatly on storage conditions. For example, my favorite bread recipe always calls for adding 1 tbsp. flour in winter (with heating running) and up to 3 in summer. Therefore, you should always focus on the bun - the right bun is the key to success.

In this photo, the bun looks good, but it’s a bit moist, so I add flour two teaspoons at a time.

But now in the photo it seems that the bun has become tighter, but in fact it has become less wet and has wound around the blade - so it looks more compact. The mass of the kolobok has hardly changed - only by the spoonful of flour that I added. Take a look - the bun has become perfect!

Now that the dough is kneaded and we are satisfied with the bun, my active participation in the process ends for the time being.

Meanwhile, the automation in the bread machine is constantly running. Now the temperature in the chamber is slightly increased so that the gluten of the dough begins to actively release, uniform kneading occurs and, of course, so that the yeast wakes up.

Meanwhile, the automation in the bread machine is constantly running. The temperature in the chamber rises slightly so that the gluten of the flour begins to actively release. The dough was kneaded evenly and, of course, so that the yeast would wake up and work at full capacity.

When kneading is completed, the process of resting the dough begins; it consists of three stages with two kneadings.

The photo shows how the appearance of the future Easter cake changes during this time.

Step 9

The last stage of the program is baking. If you want to get some special crust, you need to look into the oven about 1 hour before the end of the cycle. You can brush the top of the bun with oil (for plain bread vegetable or vegetable mixed with water) - it will be more ruddy and crispy, use a hard brush for this. You can put chopped or whole nuts and seeds on top (it’s better to do this with butter) (I put a little oil in a bowl, sprinkle with water and add the seeds, spread with a brush). You can make decorative cuts, for example, crosswise, so that the hat has the desired shape. As an option, make a sign or letter out of nuts or raisins (a cross for Easter, if the Easter cake will not be glazed, the first letter of the baby’s name).

Step 10

The signal sounds - it's time to take the cake out of the oven. To do this, you should always use mittens to avoid getting burned. We take the handle and take out the bucket. We have order on the table and a prepared grill.

Shake out the loaf, place on a wire rack and let cool for at least 30 minutes.

Kulich is ready! Easter can be decorated with icing, poured over chocolate, and the necessary inscriptions can be made.

Homemade Easter cake is a wonderful thing, with minimal hassle, you can treat guests, feed children an afternoon snack, pamper yourself and generally be known as a good housewife who is capable of small culinary achievements.
The master class was conducted by Olga KUZMINA

You always want to see freshly baked aromatic bread on the table, which, unlike a store-bought product, pleases with a truly appetizing taste and a delicate crispy crust. In order to make the housewife's work easier and give everyone the amazing opportunity to enjoy fresh baked goods every day, a convenient and compact bread machine offers its help, the ease of use of which has made it very popular among lovers of flour.

On the eve of the bright Orthodox holiday of Easter, the table should delight more than ever with an abundance of festive dishes and delicacies. Therefore, Easter cake and Easter prepared in a bread machine will become the main delicacy of the celebration and an excellent Easter decoration for your family home feast.

Over time, each housewife develops her own proven scheme for how to bake a delicious Easter cake in a bread machine. This cooking method is really very convenient and takes a minimum of your time, allowing you to pay due attention to more complex dishes and festive decoration of the home. All you have to do is load the required amount of ingredients into the device and set the appropriate cooking mode, which upon completion will give you freshly baked Easter cakes and Easter cakes.

Don’t forget about one important nuance: you can’t take a hot cake out of the bread machine and immediately put it on the table. Under its own weight, baked goods can instantly sag and become deformed, so freshly prepared Easter should first be placed on its side and wait for some time until it cools down a little.

Today we want to offer you several holiday recipes Easter for the bread machine, which will help you prepare this delicacy correctly without spending a huge amount of precious free time.

Chocolate Easter cake

Making chocolate Easter cake in a bread maker is not at all difficult. For this you need the following ingredients:

Chocolate cake will allow you to diversify the usual Easter with raisins, which housewives prepare from year to year. Preparation does not take much time, and the whole process consists of several stages:

Classic Easter cake in a bread machine

Making a classic Easter cake in a bread machine is not difficult. You just need to prepare the following ingredients in advance:

To bake Easter cake, you will need the Sweet Bread mode. You can also use the “Butter Pie” function - it all depends on the type of machine you have. Don't forget that the liquid ingredients are added first.

The cooking process includes several steps:

Easter cake in a bread machine - video

Easter cake "Paraskina Easter"

This baking contains dry yeast, therefore, in order for the Easter dough to rise well in a bread machine, you should pay attention to the correct consistency of the resulting mixture and maintain the required proportions of all ingredients.

Dry yeast, unlike live yeast, is not suitable for prolonged proofing, and the dough for making Easter cake should not turn out to be too liquid or too thick. In the case of liquid dough, the resulting baked goods will not be airy and fluffy, and the Easter cake will turn out flat and tasteless. If the consistency, on the contrary, is too thick, then the cakes will immediately become stale, like crackers.

To bake Easter cake in a bread machine, you need the following products:

Preparation consists of the following steps:

Cottage cheese Easter cake

Cottage cheese Easter in a bread machine turns out no worse than Easter cake prepared in the usual way in the oven, but you will save time and greatly simplify the cooking process.

To prepare you will need:

Once all the ingredients are prepared, let's start cooking:

Usually bread machines have two kneading modes, but if you are cooking using the “Main” function, then you should turn off the device after the first kneading for 10-15 minutes, and after this time, turn this function back on. All prepared spices are poured into the dough after the first kneading.

As soon as the dough is ready, turn on the appropriate mode and bake the Easter cake in the bread maker until fully cooked.

Carefully take out the finished Easter, place it on a wire rack and wait for it to cool a little. Then the baked goods are decorated with sweet glaze. If desired, you can decorate the cake with colored sprinkles.

If you have a bread machine at home, then you can safely adopt all of the above recipes. It does not matter at all how the Easter cake is prepared. The main thing is to fill your heart with love and tenderness so that the sacred dish turns out to be truly festive.

It's okay if your device doesn't have special program for baking Easter cakes. In this case, the bucket may not be the same shape in which we are accustomed to baking an Easter dish.

Such an unusually shaped Easter cake can be perfectly decorated using various patterns that will give the baked goods a non-standard and interesting look. Taste qualities Easter will not change in any way for the worse, but you will delight your loved ones not with a banal familiar dish, but with a new creative Easter delicacy.

There are not so many significant holidays around which an abundance of centuries-old traditions have developed - New Year, Christmas, Maslenitsa and of course Easter. In order not to lose the remnants of folk rituals, we carefully pass on to new generations everything that we learned from our mothers and grandmothers: how to paint eggs, how to decorate Easter baked goods, who to invite to the house for the bright holiday of the Resurrection of Christ. But times change, and good old advice is replenished with new ideas and tips. Homemade products are being replaced by store-bought ones, and hot country stoves are replacing kitchen gadgets. Now you can cook Easter cake in a bread machine; recipes and all their variations are clear proof of this. Panasonic, Mulinex, Redmond, Kenwood... Our grannies didn’t even know such words, and we can no longer imagine our lives without these competent and tireless helpers. Especially on grand holidays. Food processors regularly chop and knead everything, multicookers fry, steam, cook, and bread machines prepare the most delicious dough for Easter cakes.

Yeast dough for Easter cake in a bread machine: video recipe

Many housewives are confident that only strict adherence to the proportions in the recipe can serve as the key to an ideal result. We advise you to experiment a little. For example, add separate yolks rather than whole eggs to the Easter Easter cake yeast dough for baking in a bread machine. This way the crumb will be more loose, and you will be able to save on glaze.

See more details about how to prepare yeast dough for Easter cake in a bread machine in the video recipe:

Quick Easter in a bread machine - step by step recipes with photos

If you work hard, you can find dozens useful tips concerning the preparation of lush holiday cakes. Most of them are relevant even for baking quick Easter in a bread machine according to modern recipes with photos. For example, it is better to first bring all products in the recipe to the same temperature. And, as in the classic version, sift the flour twice before adding it to the dough.

Necessary ingredients for making quick Easter in a bread machine

  • wheat flour -450 g
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • milk - 150 ml
  • dry yeast - 1.5 tsp.
  • soft butter -80 g
  • sugar -100 g
  • vanilla sugar - 0.5 tsp.
  • zest of one lemon

Step-by-step preparation of quick homemade Easter in a bread machine according to a recipe with photos

Cottage cheese cake for Easter in a bread maker: simple and delicious recipes

You should definitely add alcohol to the Easter cake dough, even if you simply prepare the baked goods in a bread machine. delicious recipe. Firstly, alcoholic drink has a wonderful effect on the consistency of the finished baked goods. Secondly, it extends its shelf life several times. It is better to add rum, liqueur or cognac to the cottage cheese cake dough for the bread machine. Small doses of these drinks will successfully highlight the taste cream cheese and spices.

Necessary ingredients for making a simple and delicious Easter cake in a bread machine

  • wheat flour -600 g
  • homemade cottage cheese -220 g
  • powdered milk - 2 tbsp.
  • yeast -2 g
  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
  • cognac -30 g
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.
  • liquid honey - 2 tbsp.
  • salt - 1 pinch
  • raisins -200 g

Step-by-step preparation of delicious cottage cheese cake for Easter in a bread maker

  1. Crack three eggs into a measuring cup. Add a glass of water there and beat the mixture. The total amount of liquid should be +/- 300 ml.
  2. Pour the egg mixture into the bread maker bowl and add cognac. Add milk powder, yeast, cottage cheese, butter, honey and salt to the liquid base.
  3. Pour boiling water over the raisins, drain in a colander and place in a baking container. At the very end, sift the required amount of flour into the bowl.
  4. Close the lid of the device, turn on the timer for 3 hours.
  5. Cool the finished cottage cheese cake for Easter in a bread maker according to a simple and tasty recipe and decorate with fudge.

Homemade Easter cake with candied fruits in a Mulinex bread machine - recipe with photos

To make the Easter cake more aromatic and appetizing, add a little saffron, vanillin, cinnamon, cardamom, nutmeg or orange zest to the dough. Don't forget about dried fruits and candied fruits. Before use, scald them with boiling water, dry with paper towels and roll in wheat flour. At the same time, try to use no more than 2-3 additives. Otherwise, homemade Easter cake with candied fruits in the Mulinex bread machine according to the recipe with the photo will turn out to be oversaturated with unnecessary tastes and aromas.

Necessary ingredients for Easter cake with candied fruits in the Mulinex bread machine

  • flour - 2 tbsp.
  • sour cream -100 g
  • oil -50 g
  • milk - 50 ml
  • sugar - 5 tbsp.
  • yeast -7 g
  • salt - 1 pinch
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • candied fruits -200 g
  • raisins -60 g

Step-by-step preparation of Easter cake with raisins and candied fruits in the Mulinex bread machine

Easter cake in the Redmond bread machine: recipes with photos and videos

It’s much easier and faster to prepare Easter cakes by choosing a good recipe with photos and videos and enlisting the help of a Redmond bread machine. But along with the advantages, there are always disadvantages. Final view ready-made Easter baked in kitchen machine, leaves much to be desired. The crust may be too dark or faded, the shape of the product is not always suitable, and cracks on the top of the baked goods can ruin everything. All that remains is to correct the situation with bright glazes and shiny decorations. Think about this while the bread maker does your job.

Easter cake in the Redmond bread machine - video recipe:

Easter cake with butter in a Panasonic bread machine - step-by-step recipe with photos

Baking Easter cakes in a Panasonic bread machine step by step recipes from the photo, liquid ingredients are added to the dry ingredients. That is why the ingredients on the list are arranged in such an unusual order. However, instructions for different models may differ, which means the sequence of adding products to the device should be adjusted based on the situation.

Necessary ingredients for making sweet cake with butter in a Panasonic bread machine

  • instant dry yeast - 2.5 tsp.
  • wheat flour -450 g
  • salt - 0.5 tsp.
  • sugar - 4.5 tbsp.
  • chicken egg - 4 pcs.
  • butter -120 g
  • freshly squeezed orange juice - 100 ml
  • vanillin
  • walnuts, hazelnuts and cashews -100 g
  • dried apricots -50 g

Step-by-step preparation of Easter cake in a Panasonic bread machine according to a recipe with oil and citrus fruits

Easter with dried cranberries in a Kenwood bread machine: recipes with photos and videos

To add a subtle spicy aroma to the classic Easter bread in the Kenwood bread machine, you can add a few additional items to the standard recipe items. For example, delicate vanillin, subtle saffron, subtle cardamom and a hint of playful sweet and sour dried cranberries. However, any additives need moderation. Secondary shades should not interrupt the main taste of the unusual dough. This is the only way to make Easter with dried cranberries in a Kenwood bread machine according to a recipe with photos and videos perfect, standard, perfect.

Ingredients needed to make Easter in a Kenwood Cranberry and Spiced Bread Maker

  • milk - 80 ml
  • sugar - 6 tbsp.
  • flour -500 g
  • chicken eggs - 4 pcs.
  • salt - 0.5 tsp.
  • butter - 7 tbsp.
  • instant yeast - 2.5 tbsp.
  • dried cranberries - 3 tbsp.
  • vanillin
  • cardamom
  • saffron

Step-by-step preparation of cranberry cake for Easter in a Kenwood bread maker

  1. This cake is best prepared in two batches. At the first stage, beat warm milk with two whole eggs and two yolks. Add sugar there and beat again.
  2. Pour the liquid into the bread machine bowl. Add 2 tsp into it. yeast, melted butter, salt, vanillin, spices and 350 gm flour.
  3. Turn on the “Dough” mode.
  4. After the beep, remove the bowl from the machine. At the second stage, add the rest of the yeast and flour to the dough. Place the dried cranberries in the dispenser.
  5. Replace the container. Turn on the “Basic option” program for 1 kg with a light crust.
  6. After the time has passed, remove the finished Easter from the container, cool and dress up for the holiday table.

To bake the simplest and most delicious Easter cake in a bread machine, recipes with photos and videos should be selected separately for each device. Despite the same principle of operation, all kitchen appliances are distinguished by the correct order of adding products, baking speed, and a variety of suitable modes and programs. Mulinex, Redmond, Panasonic, Kenwood... These culinary assistants can speed up and simplify the preparation of the perfect dough and the preparation of the most delicious Easter for the bright holiday of the Resurrection of Christ.


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