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I don't dare to evaluate artistic features this film, but this part of the story is an ideal illustration of my thoughts (since the film is not only about this, I highlight only its specific component), nothing more accurately reflects my beliefs regarding the nature of the confrontation between secret desires and the mind. And, in my opinion, in this confrontation, the victory of reason over blind feelings is possible.)

Is a compromise possible between Reason and Instincts?

If we return to the allegory about the bull and the rider, then I am sure that the harmonious juxtaposition of a ferocious beast and an upright descendant of a monkey is very possible. The bull just needs to be given his own territory, which will be securely surrounded by a fence so that he does not escape. And the man lives in his house, not far from the bull’s pasture.

Both live nearby, both live on their own part, and each receives some bonuses from the neighbor. The bull impregnates cows and brings offspring in the form of calves to man for his food, and man takes care of the bull, feeds it, fertilizing its pasture. One cannot do without the other; these two are connected in close interaction and mutual assistance.

The main thing is not to let the bull outside the fence, and for this you need to educate and train it.

I am sure that, firstly, harmony between mind and feelings is possible, secondly, instincts can be corrected and modernized with the help of our mind. The more we can control our instincts, the more we are human and the less animal. Only such harmony is not achieved from birth; for this you need to work hard on yourself to become a human being. And I will talk about this in other articles.

Where should the boundary be drawn between feelings and reason?

Instincts must exist and act in the place that is assigned to them. Since they have already saved a person’s life more than once, it is necessary that their mechanism starts when needed. Most of the material on this site will be devoted to how to achieve this.

For example, in case of danger, fear signals it and this is great. The body releases a lot of energy and, fleeing from a wild animal in the forest, you yourself don’t notice how you find yourself high in a tree, because fear made you react instantly and saved your life. But there is no need to allow this ancient instinct to break out from the depths of the unconscious and occupy other areas of our psyche.

Being in them, he can manifest himself in the most perverted forms. For example, in the form of all sorts of social fears: anxiety about people, about life’s difficulties, about relationships, about the future, about the opposite sex. If he biological mechanism, what catapults us high onto the branches of a tree, saves our life, then another, social or psychological fear is exclusively an obstacle to the implementation of our life plan, our goals and our development.

A person who is afraid of difficulties will never achieve anything. He will live with his fear. Anyone who is afraid of relationships will die alone. One of the key tasks of the mind in the context of self-development is to curb and control the ego and instincts, to tame the wild beast within and make it your ally. And also to pacify the Ego: to act contrary to the whims of pride, the whims of pride, not to take into account passions and fleeting emotions, but confidently, chart your life course and move along it.

Why should instincts and ego be restrained?

If we don’t chase precise formulations and talk about the concept of awareness, then it means autonomy of mind, his independence from feelings. This is the ability for a detached, sober analysis of what is happening inside you, what motives guide you, and why you act this way and not otherwise. Mindfulness rewards you with the ability to separate the wheat from the chaff: to draw the line between genuine goals that lead you forward and momentary impulses, emotions that pull you back or to the side.

Your life project is a lighthouse, the light of which flickers faintly somewhere in the distance. And the weaknesses and momentary impulses generated by the Ego are attractive siren songs that lure you, lead you astray. And now you are moving in a different direction. And the entire crew, intoxicated by the voice of mythical creatures, lost their minds and threw themselves overboard. You, as a captain, no longer control the team!

Emotions, desires and passions that you do not control instill chaos in you, intoxicate you and become the causes of confusion, which causes rash actions that you later regret. And if you live by reason, then you gain freedom from manifestations of the Ego, and become your own master. An incomparable sense of control over what is happening inside appears.

This is much better than feeling like a puppet of your desires. And it’s even worse when following the Ego becomes a habit. You begin to perceive it as a part of yourself, your personality, as something lasting that will remain with you for centuries. This is the biggest mistake that can happen here:

His best trick was that he made you believe that he was you.

Film Revolver

The basic principle and concept of self-development

We have come to the main principle of my self-development system. Self-development is the development of the mind and will, the ability to control and direct your thoughts and curb your body, your animal essence. This is a process aimed at developing a person as a Homo Sapiens, and not as an intelligent mammal. Self-development is evolution on the scale of the individual. The mind strives for harmony and orderliness, therefore, the path of self-development is the path to balance and happiness!

Self-development must begin with the understanding that we, in our initial form, do not represent the crown of perfection from birth. But, nevertheless, this perfection is achievable through the application of knowledge and work on oneself.

All kingdoms of nature and life in general are always neutral in relation to evolution. The evolution is led by the Mind and everything that has not only consciousness. But the mind is also included in the general flow of evolutionary transformations. This means that the meaning of evolutionary development is the progress of the mind, and consciousness is only an auxiliary tool in this process. Everything has consciousness - not only thinking beings, but also non-thinking ones. Thought is building material our universe. Those entities that know how to think and create on the basis of thought are creators. Everyone who is given the ability to think is given the ability to create.

The universe was created by thought, not by word. A word is a thought expressed by sound. The word is secondary to thought, created by the desire to create and create.

The impulse of creation is in fact the source of everything that exists in it. It originated in the thoughts of the Creator, who has everything. When everything is there, then there is nothing that can be added except the desire for creativity, the creation of something new. This creative impulse is the nature of God, which He puts, along with His fireproof particle, into His Sons. The impulse of creation distinguishes a thinking being from a living being that consumes and generates energy. A particle of the Creator in a thinking being is a particle of the impulse of co-creation with God. Creators create with thought. The evolution of our universe is the evolution of thought, and the development of thinking is the development of creation as a whole.

That is why we not only give you messages, but in each message we teach you to think and achieve certain progress in this process. All your guesses, insights and conclusions are an improvement in the thinking process as a whole, there is a development of the Planetary Mind.

What else is important? So that the thought is accompanied by images and sensations. The higher the development of a thinking being, the stronger its imaginative thinking. Your “vision” is the figurative structure of your thoughts, the direct investment of your thinking in the creation of reality and habitat. Your inhabited world is built on the basis of your thoughts and images.

What is our uninhabited world based on?

If there are no thinking beings on the planets, and this is possible, then the material world is built on the basis of a ready-made program of the Creators - the creators of planetary life. The process of ecological balance of nature on a planetary scale is launched and the interaction of all constituent parts of the mineral, plant and animal world is being corrected.

Can animals be called thinking beings?

One can call higher animals thinkers in a limited sense. For example, lions and tigers - their prides or groups here are only passive observers of your planet, and are creators on some other planets.

How do dolphins create?

They have a thinking apparatus that is not exactly the same as a human being. They project reality based on their attitude given by the Creator - life in the sea to create a light counterbalance to the darkness of man in the mental areas. This is how we can roughly express the role of these creators. They purify the astral and mental areas with their thoughts and joy. With love they create peace and tranquility in the depths of the sea. They have no tragedies or dramas. They look at life in the body simply and are directly connected with the Higher Consciousnesses.

Reason is creative thought. The Creator of the universe’s method of creation is the creation of mental images and the creation of the mind. Reason means the creative use of mental capabilities, and whoever thinks faster and brighter is ahead in his development.

What is intelligence like in quantum reality?

He becomes systemic and multidimensional, that is, he thinks in multiple processes simultaneously in different areas of reality. This is where the lack of time comes from. For the mind is always there and then where it thinks, you called it Presence. You can be present in many places at the same time; this is dividing yourself into several parts that function as a whole. The I Am Presence is the appearance of the conscious mind in places of reification or manifestation, that is, embodiment.

So, the importance of developing the mind is the main priority of evolutionary development, therefore a thinking being is the main creator on the planet. Man as a thinking being is the subject of observation, management and improvement of Planetary Curators and Creators. The thinking mind is the goal of the evolution of the universe.

When I ascended to Paradise, the mind there was deprived of any possibility of creating anything else, everything was already there. Why then create it for those who create?

When the total Mind of the universe surpasses its Creator, then Paradise will become the place of a new creation. This is the priority of the Creator, that his Sons should surpass their Father. This place deprives the ability to create only the mind, limited by the development of the universe. To surpass the development of the universe, to create something absolutely unknown, new and perfect is the goal of the development of all Creators and the program laid down to improve the mind of the universe.

In Urantia it is written that reason is the prerogative of the Holy Spirit, whose representative in our universe is the female half of the Almighty, not named. Is the Holy Spirit really the main representative of the Heavenly Father, since the feminine essence in Urantia is considered dark and subordinate.

There is no feminine and masculine at this level. In Urantia, much is given from the point of view of human limitations, in addition, there are many religious taboos. In particular, the belittlement of women is very obvious. I don't want to discuss weaknesses books dictated by our department, we are glad that there are many of them, and you can use ingenuity and intelligence to discover the imperfections of each of these books. But still, the benefits of all books as a whole are undoubted.

Your question made me happy. I wanted you to ask it. Indeed, Reason is the prerogative of the development of the feminine, Yin side of the thinker. Although yours logical thinking Traditionally, you call it masculine and give priority to the logical use of the mind, but still you experience quantum thinking as the right feminine half of the brain. Yes, it originates in the heart center, you are right, but it is deciphered for your life manifested in matter through the right hemisphere. The mind is manifested through both hemispheres, but its further development is associated with the priority of the female part of thinking - the quantum mind, which reads simultaneously and instantly and does not use logic in the sense that you usually use it. Logic is the slow construction of conclusions when the mind is separated from the information field of the universe. Logic often overshadows the truth and leads the thinker to the wrong path. And the insights of a scientist or creator always come impulsively, this is the removal of information by quantum stereo consciousness.

The Holy Spirit does endow a thinking being with reason. The descent of the Holy Spirit on a person is a breakthrough in quantum thinking and a new level of understanding by the heart of reality, not at all the way most people understand each other. The Holy Spirit is indeed the worlds of physical manifestation, no doubt. This is where intelligence is nurtured. And we have been talking about this since your first book. The material worlds are a system of development of the Mind. Now is the time of the Great Goddess, the transition to quantum thinking and the opening of the heart for those who go into ascension. For everyone else, this period will also be ahead; this is the general evolution of intelligent creatures.

Peace and love to your heart. I am grateful to you for our cooperation. I hope it will be long.

I AM Gabriel.
N. Kotelnikova.

It's time to move on to chordates.

But first, I propose to take an excursion into the distant past and briefly consider such an amazing process fromgeneral development of the nervous system , like cephalization (cephal - head), which has already been written about in previous articles in this series. More precisely, in order for the brain to begin to grow, its appearance is necessary, which in itself is very surprising. At the initial stage of animal development, the apparatus of movement played a particularly important role, on the perfection of which depends the main condition for the existence of the animal - nutrition (movement in search of food, capturing and absorbing it). In lower multicellular organisms it developedperistaltic a method of movement that is associated with involuntary muscles and its local nervous system. At a higher level, the peristaltic method is replaced by skeletal motility, i.e. movement using a system of rigid levers - over the muscles (arthropods) and inside the muscles (vertebrates). The consequence of this was the formation of voluntary (skeletal) muscles and the central nervous system, coordinating the movement of individual levers of the motor skeleton. So central nervous system in chordates (lancelet) arose in the form of a metamerically constructed neural tube with segmental nerves extending from it to all segments of the body, including the movement apparatus - the trunk brain. In vertebrates and humans, the trunk cord becomes the spinal cord. Thus, the appearance of the trunk brain is associated with the improvement, first of all, of the animal’s motor weapons. Along with this, the lancelet also has receptors (olfactory, light). The further development of the nervous system and the emergence of the brain are mainly due to the improvement of receptor weapons. Since most of the sense organs arise at that end of the animal’s body, which faces the direction of movement, i.e. forward, then to perceive external stimuli coming through them, the anterior end of the trunk brain develops and the brain is formed, which coincides with the separation of the anterior end of the body into the form of a head.

Dinosaurs, having gone through everything described above, have already moved on to the process of cephalization, that is, enlargement of the brain, but it just so happens that we are studying their remains.

Nevertheless, in chordates, in comparison with all previously considered species, the main achievements are a closed circulatory system, which provides a targeted supply of necessary organs and tissues with oxygen and nutrients through the blood due to the fact that the respiratory and circulatory systems are combined. At first it was primitive - for example, insects have two different systems.

The second achievement is the development of the tubular nervous system, which, among other things, provides nutrition to the blood both externally and internally. Roughly speaking, the entire nervous system is a tube with a cavity inside. From the outside, nutrition is provided by vessels, and from the inside from the cavity - cerebrospinal fluid, which is essentially filtered blood. The presence of a spine (and an internal skeleton in general) made it possible to live both in water and on land (that is, to go to land), and most importantly, to increase in size.

Among vertebrates, a semblance of intelligence has arisen a huge number of times. This time we will consider the most interesting creatures - dinosaurs. Let us turn to the Cretaceous period (145 - 66 million years ago), in which, among others, there existed such a species as Troodon (a series of theropods). They were no more than 1.5 meters high at the withers, and about 2 meters long. Apparently, they were warm-blooded, which makes it possible to actively supply the brain with a large amount of nutrients and oxygen. Among other things, these creatures had very serious tasks that contributed to the development of their intelligence and encephalization. They were predators, but perhaps partly herbivorous. It was these theropods that had significantly larger brains compared to their relatives. Thus, Troodon were among the prime candidates for becoming intelligent. There is an assumption that if notCretaceous-Paleogene extinction , then they would have completely become those same reptilians, and our ancestors would never have had the opportunity to develop into intelligent beings.

Moreover, primates may not have formed at all. This suggests that on a planet with similar conditions and in the absence of the unfortunate , which gave the way to our ancestors, such creatures can really develop. They would go through the same stages - the body would take a vertical position (this is extremely difficult in this case and very important, since you cannot grow in a horizontal position big brain due to balance problems), the freed limbs would become working hands, the jaw would shrink, allowing the brain to grow.

True, there are several serious problems. Firstly, dinosaurs telencephalon there is no such important structure as neocortex . These are the so-called new areas of the cerebral cortex, which in lower mammals are present only in their infancy, and in humans they make up the main part of the cortex. The neocortex is responsible for higher neural functions - sensory perception, motor commands, conscious thought and, in humans, speech. There are three versions of the bark − archicortex, paleocortex and neocortex. So, reptiles have archi- and paleo-, but they have not developed a neocortex. That is most The telencephalon is covered with white matter; there is a little gray on the back. Modern reptiles tried to develop further, but it was too late - man appeared.

Another serious problem that should be noted separately is that standing upright from horizontal bipedality is quite difficult, since there is simply no need for it. The fact is that evolution proceeds exclusively in the presence of intermediate options that arise to solve various problems. That is, each subsequent option should be more useful than the previous one. That is why it is difficult to imagine the need to gradually and repeatedly increase the angle from the horizon in order to eventually stand in a vertical position, but in a horizontal position you will not really grow your brain. You can, for example, build up the brain in the sacrum, but we are already moving on to fantasy again, which is not completely ruled out, but it is better to find such a planet with such creatures that developed in such conditions. Such discoveries, unfortunately, will definitely not happen in our century.


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Now let's talk about how to develop this very mind. We have already learned to develop our brains, but this does not save us from problems, quite the contrary. The minds of people are becoming weaker.

Nowadays, a husband can leave a family with several children for the sake of another hobby, and his conscience will not stop him, and since his mind is weak, he will not understand the consequences of his action.

Today, a woman follows the lead of her mind - whether she likes it or not, sometimes rejecting truly worthy candidates for her hand and heart, choosing the one from whose touch sparks fly. Then the same sparks fly from her eyes when her darling throws her around the corners. Then the same sparks burn her entire life, self-esteem and piety to the ground.

Alas. Life with the criteria “like it or not” does not lead to the desired result. Happiness is not only about doing what you like. But also love what you have to do. And the second gives much more happiness, believe me.

The mind can stop you when you want to make a mistake. When you try to do something and he slows you down. You hear his voice in your heart. This is the voice of conscience, reason - call it what you want. It is the mind that creates concepts (understanding of things) in our heads; it is the mind that stores our goals and values.

The mind has two characteristics:

  • Purity

The power of the mind is the force that makes us live and think in a certain way. Character qualities such as determination, dedication, fearlessness, and perseverance depend directly on the strength of the mind. A person with a strong mind will easily quit smoking, for example, or even refuse to try when it is suggested to him.

A pure mind always strives to comprehend the truth, while a dirty (defiled mind) strives for what leads to degradation. Such character qualities as truthfulness, humility, peace, insight depend on the mind.

A clean and strong mind makes a person's life successful. He checks with his inner compass and has the strength to follow the chosen path. A strong and dirty mind, as well as a clean but weak mind, will not bring such an effect.

For intelligent people, life is governed by the mind. Such people never follow their habits and desires. Their motto is: do what you have to, and come what may.

For unreasonable people, their actions are controlled by their mind: I will do whatever I want. And I don't care what happens next. A person follows his feelings; he doesn’t care what’s good or what’s bad. He easily becomes captive of bad habits and does not even try to get rid of them.

Basic function of the mind

The most important of its functions is to manage the mind and feelings, to control them. Not a single great, enlightened person in the world became such by following his feelings.

Find at least one truly great person who followed his desires. You won't find it. There are none. As soon as a person begins to give in to his feelings, he loses his health (because intelligence is needed in nutrition), relationships, and success.

“Morality is the ratio of the power of reason to the power of feelings.” Mikhail Prishvin

The mind helps us build the line of our lives. The Vedic scriptures say that one who follows the laws of God and lives for the benefit of all living beings becomes happy. Happiness comes to such a person automatically. And the main difference between this person and others is his mind. Strong and pure.

We devote a lot of time to developing ours, decorating it, and pumping it up. The mind also receives more than enough attention. Today we have already learned to develop emotional intelligence. But the mind? The mind, unfortunately, is asleep for most of us.

When the mind wakes up, we try to figure out how this world works and look for our place in it. It is important for us to understand and study:

How and what to eat properly so as not to waste your health;
?When to get up, when to go to bed, how to build a daily routine;
?How and with what to be treated;
?How to act correctly in this or that situation;
?How to develop your character;
?What to do in this world to bring more benefit;
?What is the male body intended for?
?What is the female body intended for?
?How to treat people;
?How to raise children;
?How to treat yourself;
?What to believe;
?What to study;
?How to treat older people;
?What laws are there in this world and how to observe them;
?What is a person’s duty;
?What is the meaning of life;
?What is happiness;
?What is love.

Five Stages of Strengthening Your Mind

In general, a person goes through five stages of strengthening the mind. It can’t be “pumped up” right away, just like any muscle on the body. The stages of development of the mind are:

1. The ability to refrain from action

For example, you decide to quit smoking. First you type a “counterweight”: study scriptures, communicate with clean people, analyze your life. And now you want to stop being addicted to cigarettes. More often than not, you can hold back when your hands reach for the pack, especially if you are around those who inspire you. But now you are left alone with yourself - and sometimes breakdowns still happen. Much less often than before, but they do happen.

2. The ability to refrain from unnecessary desires

Continuing to develop, getting a new taste for life in goodness, studying scriptures, communicating with exalted people, the burning desire to urgently get a cigarette and smoke it gradually goes away.

3. Bring back control of a distracted mind

The next stage is when you have already disciplined your life in many ways - you go to bed on time, eat on time and correctly. Your mind becomes more flexible. Then you can little by little bring your mind back under control. For example, don’t smoke for a year, and suddenly something happens, some difficult event, and out of habit, the mind suggests you calm down, as before. But with such baggage, you can stop him.

4. Complete control of the mind and feelings

And this is more than just about smoking and bad habits. And note, this is already the fourth stage. And in order to get there, you must first suffer through the first three.

Only by lovingly chanting the Holy Names of the Lord can one learn to control the mind and senses completely.

He accepts a spiritual master and, following his instructions, gradually achieves the highest goal of life - understanding his spiritual nature and his eternal relationship with God.

5. Freedom from material desires

Having purified himself by chanting the Holy Names of God and fully realizing his spiritual nature, a person who loves God becomes free from all sufferings and in the next life achieves spiritual world(places where there is no suffering). This is already a very serious level, right? But again, you can’t get to it without going through the previous ones.

Therefore, there is no point in immediately trying to free yourself from all material attachments - and many immediately try to take aim at this. Free yourself from at least and learn to get up on time and eat in goodness. This will give you the strength to move on. And your mind will become stronger, and all this will be much easier for you.

How to clear your mind?

It is impossible to clean it with your own efforts; this can only be achieved by Holy Name. Every tradition has the practice of chanting the Holy Names of God. In each tradition they sound differently, but each of them is purifying.

That is why in most traditions there are mandatory rituals - prayers read a certain number of times in different times day.

Look at different scriptures - it is everywhere. Because such prayers clear the mind. And when the mind is cleared, a person begins to understand where he needs to go and how.

A person with a pure mind no longer needs to explain many things; he sees their necessity without further ado. And why all this? Then, to ultimately achieve happiness. We want happiness, right?

Why should I listen to you?

Surely this question will arise in your mind, and that’s great. After all:

“Doubt, delusion, true belief, memory and sleep, having different functions, are considered distinctive features mind."

Srimad Bhagavatam 3.26.30

In his commentary on this verse, Prabhupada explains that:

“Doubt is one of the most important functions intelligence; the tendency to accept everything on blind faith does not indicate great intelligence. Therefore, the most important word in this verse is samsaya (Sanskrit: doubt); To develop intelligence, a person must first question everything. However, doubts cease to be beneficial when it comes to information received from an authoritative source...”

One of the distinctive properties of Homo sapiens is the ability to analyze and make decisions based on reflection. Not just because everyone does it or Vasya said so. And not because she wrote so in her book. First question it. And even in the Bhagavad-Gita (18.63), after the sacred knowledge was expounded, Arjuna had to make an independent choice:

“So I have revealed to you knowledge that is more hidden than that which is hidden. Think it over carefully, and then do as you wish.”

Don't blindly take it on faith, no! Turn on your mind, think about it, question it. And make your decision. Reasonable.

It is the mind that distinguishes people from animals. After all, animals also have minds, feelings, and emotions. They can also become attached, feel pain and love. But they are not able to resist their instincts and feelings, their selfishness, greed.

The human form of life, as the scriptures say, is designed to overcome one’s selfishness and devote oneself to serving God and His laws. Then and only then will we be able to grope and find. And for this it is necessary to develop and strengthen the mind.

  • Reading the scriptures
  • Studying the laws of God,
  • Following these laws and scriptures,
  • Repeating the Holy Names,
  • Communicating with pure and reasonable people,
  • Affirming goodness in all areas of your life,
  • Selflessly helping other people.

There is no other way. The mind will not become strong and pure on its own.

By itself, our life will not be filled with happiness. You need to bring this happiness into it yourself. In this sense, we ourselves are the smiths of our own happiness: rather, even the smiths of our own mind.

In conclusion, I would like to give one more important quote from the Charaka Samhita. Try to read it carefully, even though it is long:

“Although the activities of all living beings are intuitively aimed at achieving happiness, it can be achieved only with the help of spiritual knowledge. Ignorance will lead to suffering. A wise person, having acquired knowledge, prefers an integral life leading to spiritual happiness, while ordinary people, covered with passion and ignorance, prefer material objects to spiritual ones.

The wise are endowed with spiritual awareness, discrimination, remembrance of their original nature, skill, self-control, determination, determination, constant adherence to a holistic regimen of life, purity of speech, clarity of mind and tolerance.

These qualities are not found in ordinary people who are full of passion and ignorance. Therefore they suffer from various ailments of mind and body caused by the influence of the lower gunas. Due to eclipse of the mind, they indulge themselves in sensual pleasures directed at dead material objects. They suppress their natural needs and engage in useless and risky activities. Ignorant persons are attached to temporary material objects, but the wise person is attached to eternity because his mind is pure.”

Olga Valyaeva
The principle of money. Secret practice of managing reality Smirnov Anton

Development of the mind

Development of the mind

Reason, in my opinion, is a broader concept than mind. The development of the mind, in my understanding, includes training the subconscious, forming habits, and mastering skills. By introducing new habits, we develop the subconscious and introduce new mechanisms there. How do we learn English, for example? We memorize words, phrases, do it regularly, only then is it effective. And subsequently we acquire the skill of constructing sentences based on English without hesitation. I was boxing: when I entered the ring, I didn’t think about which hand to use, which turns to perform, all this happened automatically. The mind and body were trained to behave this way. The mind, rather, is on the surface; it is responsible for the ability to concentrate and control one’s feelings.

To learn to include the observer, it is important to learn to quiet the mind. If the water in the lake is calm, then the bottom is visible, but when it boils, chaos arises. It’s the same with the mind: if it’s calm, you can see what’s there in the mind, what attitudes it has. Morning meditation helps calm the mind at the beginning of the day.

Developing your mind allows you to achieve your goals. If the goal is to develop some qualities, then by deciding to be generous and working on this quality, a person automatically becomes generous. If a person is cowardly, he can instill in himself the habit of courage, and this will shape his character in a new way. Character will shape destiny, and it will emerge from a position of determination and generosity.

In moving towards goals, difficulties are bound to arise, of any kind, including health and social issues. With the development of the mind comes the ability to solve these problems from a position of development, and not from a position of sacrifice, to accept them as just another simulator.

How can you practically apply this knowledge, how to develop your mind? For men and women, in my opinion, different approaches will be effective.

Men's practices are stricter. For the stronger sex, asceticism is effective - deliberately limiting oneself in something; practices that develop yang qualities, such as:

Individuality and independence;

Decisiveness and courage;



Leadership and Power;

Hardness and stability;

Activity and action;

Focus on social and external achievements.

It will be useful for men to intentionally get up early - for example, an hour earlier than they really need - as well as physical activity, food restrictions such as fasting and solitude: you can live alone in the forest for several days. It is important when performing certain psychological practices to learn to realize: “Are they developing the masculine principle in me? Am I, as a man, developing these yang qualities?”

What do such practices give? They help a man learn to set goals and achieve them. After all, between the goal and the intention to achieve it there is a will, a kind of connecting link.

For example, a man wants to conquer a woman, she is his goal. Intention alone is not enough; he needs to express himself and perform actions. You have to force yourself to do something by force of will.

At first glance, it may not be clear how the decision to get up early or go hungry leads to such a goal? However, if a man does not have the will to get up early and finds a dozen excuses to avoid getting out from under the covers, what will happen to a woman? Obviously, there will be excuses here too: he will decide that “it’s normal as it is”, let her go her own way.

This manifests itself in other areas of life. For example, a man has an idea for a business. But intention alone is not enough, you have to make efforts to implement it, and here different things arise: it’s not right, and it’s too difficult, and he gives up without starting. This is the lack of will. How to earn it? Various practices and austerities.

As for a woman, practices that reveal her Yin qualities are effective for her:

Care and support;


Feelings and emotions;






Humility and devotion;

Softness and flexibility;

Passivity and calm;



If it is natural for a man to achieve goals - active actions, competition, then it is effective for a woman to create attraction to herself. The feminine way of realizing intentions is to reconcile, unite, attract. For her, the most effective practices for every day will be the ability to look good, create a pleasant atmosphere, please others, move beautifully, cook deliciously, dance, engage in the arts, and be charming.

Like male ascetics, they also develop willpower and concentration, but only in a different aspect - female practices are associated with beauty, grace, and the ability to please.

From the book Visualization Effect by Nast Jamie

From the book Change your life with NLP by Eaton Alicia

Applications for the Mind In this chapter, we will discuss in detail the NLP techniques used by successful people. I have included two of my own developments here. I broke the techniques into blocks and called them “mind apps.” You can download them into your mind just like

From the book Unique Abilities of the Brain author Melnikov Ilya

Memory is the basis of the human mind Francois La Rochefoucauld said: “Everyone complains about their memory, but no one complains about their mind.” Many believe that the level of our intelligence does not depend on us, it is programmed from birth, which means there is no point in trying, everything it's all the same

From the book Super Memory [Unique program for absolute improvement of memory and brain function (litres)] by Henner Marylou

Autobiographical State of Mind Besides outlines, timelines, and journaling, there are other ways to train your autobiographical memory. One of them is to immerse yourself in an autobiographical state of mind. The most best time that can be chosen for this is time

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From the book Why We Make Mistakes. Thinking Traps in Action author Hallinan Joseph

From the book 10 steps towards managing your emotional life. Overcoming anxiety, fear and depression through personal healing by Wood Eva A.

From the book Without Revolutions. We work on ourselves, remaining in harmony by Michael Stevens

From the book Change your thoughts - your life will change. 12 simple principles by Casey Karen

From the book Awakening from problems, or How Vasya Pupkin found himself author Rul Alexander

Four states of mind Our mind is a rather fickle thing. It is very changeable and is capable of being alternately in four states. The first is the state of our mind during dreams. Many people consider this condition to be something mysterious and

From the book Ideal Negotiations by Glaser Judith

Cunning tricks of our mind Sometimes it seems to us that problems and troubles begin to fall on our heads all at once. Such moments are usually called a “black streak” or something worse - it depends on the cultural level of the victim of the circumstances. But the most interesting thing is

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From the author's book

The Power of the Mind With the help of the philosophy presented in this book, you will come to understand that thought, supported by passionate desire, tends to transform into physical form. The truth of these words has been repeatedly proven by events that have become milestones in history.


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