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In construction, it is impossible to do without leveling and sealing the floor. This procedure may have various purposes and consist of heterogeneous materials.

To correctly formulate the mixture for pouring, we suggest you use an online calculator to calculate the required components for a floor screed. As a result, a reliable result of the composition of the solution and the required materials for it will be obtained.

Online floor screed calculator

PRELIMINARY CONSIDERATIONS. According to SNiP standards, the thickness of the floor screed must be at least 4 cm. To create a wet screed, ready-made sand concrete sold in stores can be used. Its main disadvantage is the high shrinkage rate. Because of this, the thickness of the screed layer cannot be less than 3 cm, otherwise it will quickly become covered with cracks.

Another option is self-cooking mixtures with a cement composition of grades 150 or 200, which requires cement grades M 400 or M 500 mixed with sand in a ratio of 1:3 or 1:4, respectively, and with the addition of water in an amount of 0.3 - 0.7 by weight of cement, depending on the requirements quality of floor screed. In this calculator, this ratio is taken as 0.5.

It should be borne in mind that from 1 m3 (cubic meter) of cement-sand mixture after filling it with water, approximately 0.7 cubic meters of solution is obtained. For reference: the bulk weight of 1 cubic meter of cement is approximately 1300 kg, and of sand - 1600. The required amount of water cannot be recommended with sufficient accuracy, since it greatly depends on the moisture content of the sand, the use of concrete plasticizers, etc.

When using a ready-made (purchased) mixture, the need for it is determined from its passport data. To improve the characteristics of the screed, it is reinforced with metal mesh or fiberglass. Fiber fiber is added to the solution at the stage of its preparation in a volume of 0.3-0.9 kg per 1 m3 of concrete, depending on the requirements for it. The calculator provides 0.8kg.

Using our online calculator you will calculate the following parameters:

  • Room area (m2).
  • Screed volume (m3).
  • Estimated volume of cement (kg).
  • Estimated amount of sand mass (kg).
  • Amount of water (liters).
  • Amount of fiber reinforcement (if used)

Purpose and types of flooring finishes

These devices are intended to solve various problems when building your own home or performing major renovations in an apartment:

  • leveling the plane of the supporting surface of the floor, which, as a rule, consists of load-bearing concrete slabs with their inherent irregularities and gaps at the joints;
  • sealing of pipelines, especially if the room provides for the installation of heated floors;
  • uniform distribution of load on the thermal insulation layer;
  • creating slopes in rooms where water is often used - bathrooms, kitchens, toilets and others.

These elements are usually made of sand concrete. As the name suggests, it consists of two components. Their ratio is as follows;

  • sand is added 2/3 of the composition;
  • cement – ​​1/3.

The quality indicators of sand concrete largely depend on the sand fraction used, they are:

  1. Fine-grained, in which the grain size of sand is less than 1.2 millimeters.
  2. In medium-grained sands, the size of individual granules is allowed up to 2.5 mm;
  3. Coarse-grained compositions have sand grains up to 3.5 millimeters in size.

Separation into fractions is carried out according to the presence of a component of a certain size - if there is at least one large grain of sand in the mass of sand, it will all be classified as coarse-grained.

Accordingly, the quality indicators of the finished compositions are different. Thus, concrete with a fine-grained fraction has increased resistance to abrasion, so it is used for surfaces with increased traffic - paths, corridors in buildings, and the like.

All these features are taken into account in our calculator for calculating floor screed.

Scope of application of sand concrete

Different grades of this material are used in accordance with their basic properties.

  1. Fine-grained mortar is used for thin layers of flooring with a thickness of 50-60 millimeters. It can be used as a masonry mortar when working with bricks or blocks, as it exhibits increased strength under vertical loading. This is, in fact, the most durable type of sand concrete. This type is practically not used for thick coatings.
  2. Medium-fraction material grade M300 is suitable for making screeds 10-20 centimeters thick. This ideal option for use on warm floors. It is also used when installing paving stones or paving slabs.
  3. Coarse-grained mortar is used for the construction of thick layers up to 20 centimeters thick, as well as in the manufacture of building plinths. The finished surface of this material is quite rough and requires additional leveling with a leveling screed.

Calculating sand concrete for floor screed using an online calculator provides the most accurate data for forming the mixture.

How to make a screed

To install a floor screed on a concrete slab, you can use the following technology:

  1. Carefully sweep the surface of the concrete slabs and wet clean the room.
  2. Lay waterproofing from a thick polyethylene film, wrap its edges on the wall and glue it with construction tape. The joints should be overlapped by 15 centimeters and also covered with tape.
  3. Lay a damper tape 12-15 millimeters thick along the perimeter of the walls and secure with tape.
  4. Lay a thermal insulating layer from the slab on the floor on top of the film.
  5. Lay reinforcing wire mesh with a mesh size of 50 or 100 millimeters on top of the insulation at a distance of about 50 millimeters from the previous layer. To do this, you can use “chairs” made of broken bricks, installed under the mesh.
  6. Install beacons from wooden planks or scraps profile pipes to form a layer of sand concrete of the required thickness.
  7. Using an online calculator to calculate the need for sand concrete for a floor screed, prepare a solution and pour it over the reinforcement. The layer of solution must be carefully leveled and treated with a vibrator to obtain maximum density. Align the top layer with the beacons. In the future, they can be left in the screed if they are not needed for further work.
  8. After 2-3 days, you can additionally level the surface of the floor screed with grout.
  9. Complete drying within 27 days from the date of installation.

Further actions depend on the nature of the finishing coating provided for the room. You may have to make another leveling layer.

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The main purpose of the screed is to create a level and durable base for the floor. There are several methods for its construction. They differ in the manufacturing method - for example, using water when mixing the solution or only dry materials. In turn, “wet” screeds can differ in the type of binder - there are screeds based on cement, and others based on gypsum binder. Our calculator allows calculate the screed And consumption relevant materials. As reference values, we use the results of calculations for a screed, which is made in the traditional way - using water and sand concrete - a ready-made mixture that contains cement (binder) and sand (aggregate), as well as in some cases special additives(for example, fiber - see). We compare the results obtained with calculations for other types of screeds - for example, for prefabricated floors. With the help of such calculations we can generally imagine difference between screeds, in particular, determine the load on the floor (find out the weight of the screed depending on a particular technology).

The length and width of the room are indicated in meters; layer thickness - in millimeters.

How to calculate a screed (including expanded clay)

Using our calculator you can determine sand concrete consumption, expanded clay and other materials that may be required for the manufacture of floor screed. Currently, calculations are made for the following types of screeds (depending on the total thickness of the leveling layers):

  • classic sand concrete screed;
  • screed, as in option 1, but only using an underlying layer of expanded clay(allows you to reduce the load on the floor, reduce material consumption);
  • cement-sand screed over a layer made using the so-called. “light screed” UBO;
  • prefabricated floor base for laying flooring, the design of which consists of a loose layer and gypsum fiber boards.

Option No. 2 is also used in the case of manufacturing mechanized floor screed, when the total thickness of its structure exceeds 70 mm. In this case, the layer of the screed itself, made from a mixture based on a cement binder, is 60 mm. The remaining part is filled with a layer of expanded clay, followed by impregnation with cement laitance. This impregnation prevents the movement of expanded clay, compacts and holds the underlying layer together.

Under certain conditions (they can be specified by the project or the requirements of regulations and technical conditions), the screed can be reinforced metal mesh and/or placed on a soundproofing layer. In the latter case, it is customary to talk about a “floating screed” - it is not connected in any way to the structural elements (floor slab, walls, partitions, columns, pipelines, etc.). This allows you to reduce the impact of impact noise on the ceiling and enclosing structures, and prevent its transfer to adjacent rooms through sound bridges, which are formed, for example, during the manufacture of screeds fastened to the base. Calculation of materials for reinforcement and production of an insulating layer is carried out in the section “ Additional materials", where in addition to their total quantity, the current cost is also indicated.

What else should you pay attention to when planning a floor renovation?

It should be remembered that the installation of a screed in an apartment, when the old floor is opened, its underlying elements, for example, backfill, are removed, and a new screed is poured instead, is essentially a change in the design of the floor. According to clause 2.2.6 of Appendix No. 1 to the Moscow Government dated October 25, 2011, such work is recognized as reconstruction, for which it is necessary to prepare project and coordinate it with the Moscow Housing Inspectorate.

How much does the screed weigh?

In addition, in its decision to approve the redevelopment, the Moscow Housing Inspectorate may make a note that work to change the floor structure should not lead to an increase in the load on the floor. This clause allows supervisory authorities to accept the results of work after completion through actual examination of the floor structure. Screed weight may be significant. Therefore, when planning the floor structure, it is necessary to take it into account total weight, and in some cases use lightweight elements. Our calculator allows you to compare such technologies.

When calculating the screed, it is necessary to take into account additional costs - the cost of delivery, unloading and lifting to the floor. Given the weight of the mixture, such costs can be significant.

A cement screed is made to obtain a level and reliable base for the floor covering. But a good screed is obtained only by using high-quality building materials and the correct proportions for mixing the mortar. An accurate calculation of materials allows you to obtain the floor screed calculator proposed in this article.

Functions and thickness of the screed

Cement screed is used when leveling floors with differences of about 20 mm or with significant, deep damage to the floor. Options for screed construction differ in what materials are used for it (expanded clay, sand, cement, fiber, crushed stone, gravel) or manufacturing methods.

Functions of floor screed:

  • leveling the surface under the floor covering;
  • giving a certain slope to the floor;
  • improvement of thermal insulation, sound insulation;
  • concealment of communications and pipelines;
  • creation of a “warm floor” system.

The water-cement ratio is one of the main characteristics that determines the qualitative properties of the mixture after hydration. The minimum indicator is 0.3 (30% of water is taken from the total amount of cement), but if you take less water, voids may form inside the screed. The maximum value is 0.7, with more water the mixture will be unreliable!

The minimum thickness of the screed, according to building codes, is 30 mm. Reducing it is highly not recommended, because this reduces the life of the floor and can lead to emergency situations. The thickness of the screed is always calculated individually. This takes into account:

  • required thickness - in some cases the floor needs to be raised, in others it needs to be lowered;
  • requirements for the future floor - the more reliable it must be, the thicker the layer is made;
  • type of room;
  • type of future floor covering;
  • features of the components selected for the solution;
  • is reinforcement used?

IN different cases Builders recommend making a screed of one thickness or another. So for a height difference of 15 mm, a 30 mm layer above the highest point is sufficient. If a heated floor system is installed, then it is also necessary to use a minimum of 30 mm screed. On the balconies everything is different. They are not so reliable, so the screed is made in a layer of 4 cm.

The maximum allowable thickness of a simple screed is 12 cm. Such layers are rarely made and sand concrete is used for this. A screed about 20 cm thick is made with the addition of expanded clay for lightness.

Floor screed materials

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Cement, sand, water - these are the materials that are purchased for floor screed.

  • Sand for different types premises are used of a certain type. For rooms with increased load on the floor, it is worth using river, fine-grained sand. It allows you to make the most dense “blanket”. For simple premises, office, residential, you can purchase mountain sand, perhaps even with an admixture of clay, this will not hurt. The grain fraction is ideally up to 2 mm - this is very important for a high-quality screed.
  • Cement is the main component of the screed. It is this that determines the strength and density of the future base for the coating. It happens different brands. And depending on the brand of cement, the amount of other components in the solution may vary. So the calculation of cement for floor screed should be carried out using tables or using a floor screed consumption calculator.

Table of proportions for obtaining concrete:

Cement brand Proportions (cement/sand) Brand of the resulting solution
600 1:3 300
600 1:4 200
500 1:2 300
500 1:3 200
400 1:1 300
400 1:2 200
400 1:3 150
300 1:1 200
300 1:2 150
300 1:3 100
  • The water is taken clean, without impurities of earth, clay, fat or organic waste. Chemicals it also should not contain. If the water is dirty, the service life of the screed may be reduced. You can use a simple tap water– it is quite suitable for these purposes.

In addition, if the screed is made more than 4 cm thick, then sometimes crushed stone is additionally used. To make the screed less heavy, fillers such as expanded clay, vermiculite and perlite are used.

Depending on the type of components, one or another brand of concrete is obtained after mixing all the components. Below is a table of the ratios necessary to obtain a particular quality of concrete, in the case when crushed stone is also used.

Table of proportions for producing concrete with crushed stone:

Concrete grade Cement/sand/crushed stone ratio
Cement M400 Cement M500
100 1,0:4,0:6,0 1,0:5,2:7,0
150 1,0:3,1:5,0 1,0:4,0:5,8
200 1,0:2,4:4,1 1,0:3,1:4,8
250 1,0:1,8:3,3 1,0:2,4:3,9
300 1,0:1,6:3,2 1,0:2,1:3,6
400 1,0:1,1:2,5 1,0:1,4:2,7
450 1,0:1,0:2,1 1,0:1,2:2,4

What and why to reinforce the screed?

The quality characteristics of the screed can be increased through reinforcement. To do this, you can use a metal mesh or fiberglass.

  • Reinforcing metal mesh is used more often than fiberglass. Welded mesh made of 4-5 mm rods, which is produced in rolls or sections, is suitable. The second option is reinforcement bars with a cross-section of up to 12 mm, fastened with wire. This will provide additional strength, but reinforcement bars will be more expensive than solid mesh. The mesh is usually laid with an overlap, so it is taken 20-30% larger than the total area of ​​the room.

Reinforcement with mesh or rods significantly increases the weight of the screed. And the minimum layer of screed increases to 30 mm, and this is not always possible.

  • Fiber fiber for screeding began to be used not as long ago as metal mesh, but it is already quite popular. This material consists of thin polypropylene fibers 3-18 mm long. It is added immediately to the solution (before adding water) in the required quantity. It is easy to use, resistant to mechanical damage, waterproof, not very expensive and not heavy like reinforcing mesh. Fiber consumption – 0.6-0.9 kg/m. cube of solution.

Using this formula, the volume of the dry mixture is calculated.

Online calculator for calculating floor screed

If you have little time for independent calculations or you need to calculate the amount of certain components for a mixture, you can use special programs. The online floor screed calculator presented below will help you perform these calculations very quickly and, most importantly, accurately. You just need to enter the necessary data, and it will do all the calculations itself.

Calculation of the amount of materials for screed:

The main purpose of a cement screed is to create a strong and level base for the floor. If everything is done correctly, you will not only have an ideal floor covering, but also significant cost savings due to rational use building materials. But for everything to work out successfully, you need an accurate calculation of the floor screed, and few people know how to do it. Therefore, we will tell you about all the nuances of correct calculations and provide a convenient online floor screed calculator.

There are several methods for constructing screeds, which differ in the materials used (sand, cement, expanded clay, fiber) or manufacturing methods. For example, the screed can be sealed using water or only using dry building materials. “Wet” screeds, in turn, differ in the type of binder used - cement or gypsum.

Now we list the main functions of a floor screed:

  • giving the floor covering a given slope;
  • leveling the surface for laminate, linoleum, parquet and other types of flooring;
  • improving the heat and sound insulation properties of the floor: insulation and absorption of shock, air, and household noise;
  • concealment of utilities and pipelines;
  • distribution of heat energy in underfloor heating systems.

The right foundation is the key to the quality of the future floor covering.

Online floor screed calculator

This calculator allows you to calculate the required amount of mixtures and materials for various types floor screeds:

Using our calculator, you can determine the exact consumption of sand, cement, sand concrete, fiber and other building materials for floor screed.

How to make calculations yourself?

To calculate how much mixture you will need, you must first measure the room using a tape measure and a laser level. This way we will find out the floor area and see where the differences are. With the help simple calculations we find out the number of square meters and calculate the amount of building materials needed for the screed.

For example, we need to make a screed in a room of 25 m2 with a thickness of 5 cm.

  1. For 1 m2 with a thickness of 1 cm, approximately 22 kg of mixture is required.
  2. Multiply 5 cm of screed by 22 kg of mixture (5 x 22 = 110). This means that 110 kg will weigh 1 m 2 of our 5-centimeter base.
  3. Now we multiply 25 m2 by 110 kg of mixture (25 x 110 = 2,750). This means that a 5 cm screed on an area of ​​25 m2 will weigh 2,750 kg.
  4. Next, divide 2,750 kg by the weight of the bag of dry mixture (2,750 kg. 50 kg = 55). This means we will need 55 bags of mixture weighing 50 kg each.

The rest of the material can be easily calculated based on the floor area.

How to determine the thickness of the screed?

According to SNiP standards, the thickness of the screed must be at least 40 mm, however, if the room does not require increased thermal insulation, for example, a hallway or storage room, then in such rooms a base with a thickness of 30 mm is allowed, but in no case lower, otherwise the strength and durability of the screed will decrease significantly.

If you want to equip a heated floor, then for such a covering a screed with a thickness of 40 mm is poured, for electric heating the thickness is increased by 10 mm - that is, 50 mm, and if you decide to make water heating, then you need to make a screed with a thickness of 70 mm to 100 mm.

To make the room soundproof better, you need to fill the solution in two stages. The first layer is 20 mm, and the second is 25-30 mm. Between these layers, it is necessary to lay insulation or other material for sound insulation, and a special film must be placed on top of the screeds. Therefore, when calculating the screed, be sure to take into account its thickness.

How to determine the zero level?

Before calculating the screed, you need to find and set the zero level using a special device - a laser or water level. The device is moved around the perimeter of the floor, making marks, which are then connected by a straight line. This is the only way to determine the correct horizontal plane, that is, the zero level.

From the resulting line to the lower level you need to measure the distance at different points. All indicators are recorded, and the maximum and minimum height. Using these data, the average height of the screed is calculated.

For example:

the greatest height is 1 cm, the smallest is 0.7 cm, it turns out that the difference between them (1 – 0.7 = 0.3) is the average thickness, which must be taken into account. The screed layer is 3 cm, which means 3 + 0.3 = 3.3. Conclusion, you should buy the mixture at the rate of 3.3 cm per width.

Calculation of screed for different types of flooring

Sometimes, even within the same room, several types of flooring are used - tiles and laminate, boards and linoleum, etc. In this case, it is necessary to consider the fact that when installing such a floor, large differences will form. To make the floor level, you need to fill the screed, taking into account differences at the joints when using different flooring materials.

For example, glue, plywood, mastic and parquet are used to lay parquet, and for ceramic tiles use only glue and tiles. It turns out that the thickness is significantly different.

So here's the correct calculation:

Parquet -15 mm, glue - 1 mm, plywood - 10 mm, mastic - 2 mm. The result is 28 mm.
Tile – 10 mm, glue – 5 mm. The result is 15 mm.

Next action: 28-15 = 13 mm, it turns out that at the junction of these two materials the difference will be 13 mm. In this case, experts recommend adding a few more millimeters, since in most cases, when laying parquet, it can rise.

That is, the screed under the tiles needs to be poured 13-15 mm higher than under the parquet.

What materials will be needed?

For a proper screed, you need to study its composition in advance, which includes not only cement, sand and water, but also other components designed to perform specific functions. You can add polystyrene granules or expanded clay to the solution for insulation, reinforcing mesh for greater bonding, etc. But remember that the ratio of cement and filler is 50% to 50%.

To install the screed we will need:

  • profile for beacons (beacons)
  • dry mix (cement, gypsum)
  • construction sand
  • fiberglass (optional)
  • plasticizer (optional)
  • edge tape
  • primer or concrete contact
  • reinforcing mesh
  • vapor barrier film
  • water.

How to fill the screed correctly?

When all materials have been calculated, purchased and brought to the site, you can begin work:

  1. First of all, you need to prepare the floor slab for pouring the screed by clearing it of debris and priming it.
  2. After the primer or concrete contact has dried, an edge strip is attached to the wall to relieve the tension of the screed.
  3. After this, beacons are installed at a pre-measured height.
  4. If necessary, the reinforcing mesh is raised and secured just below the center of the screed.
  5. Then the mixture is prepared: for 10 kg (cement + filler) - 0.8-1.3 liters of water, mix thoroughly until smooth. The mixture must be used within 50-60 minutes.
  6. The solution is poured onto the surface and pulled together with an even strip until the floor is completely filled.
  7. After 2-3 days, the screed should be watered and covered with a vapor barrier film.

Then the screed is allowed to dry and harden for 25-30 days and the coating is ready for further work!


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