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Teleportation of objects: FLIGHTING THROUGH WALLS

And I'm leaving space

Into a neglected garden of magnitudes,

And I tear away the imaginary constancy

And self-awareness of the reasons.

Osip Emypievich MANDELSHTAM

Is teleportation (instant movement in space) possible in principle? Only fools who have read science fiction and scientists who do not follow their authority can confidently declare in response to this rhetorical question: “Never!”

Indeed, despite the fact that the term “teleportation” (from the Greek “tele” - far and the English “portage” - transfer, dragging) was introduced into use by Charles FORT in 1930 (according to other sources - at the end of the 19th century), before To this day, you will not find even a hint of a description of this “pseudoscientific phenomenon” in any physics textbook. Fort himself meant by this the phenomenon of inexplicable invisible movement of objects in space (as opposed to telekinesis - also inexplicable, but visible movement of bodies). This means that not only inanimate objects can become objects of teleportation.

Like many other incomprehensible and controversial incidents, teleportation should be written about as a physical phenomenon. At least in the “Hypotheses” section. For we, people, have encountered similar things more than once in our lives, but quickly forgot everything incomprehensible and inexplicable. There are many known cases of non-meteorite stones falling from the sky, and in a number of cases experts clearly identified the “homeland” of the flying boulders, more often it was some local quarry or beach. How the stones flew from their homes in calm weather is unclear. Even stranger are cases of movement through walls (and this is already the first sign of teleportation!), repeatedly described in the world press.

Bricks don't fly in schools...

In the early 1840s, in the city of Kolebyaki, Poltava province, strong knocks began to be heard at night on the door of I. KARPENKO’s house, as he later described what was happening: “It was as if they were banging on the door with stones. My father, a brave and strong man, hearing strange knocks, quickly opened the door to the hallway, but was immediately forced to close it, as a huge piece of brick flew at him and almost hurt him. The throwing of stones continued for several hours, and the next morning there was a fair number of them in the hallway, thrown by no one knows who. Pieces of bricks seemed to be flying from the ceiling, while the entrance to the attic was locked, as were the doors in the hallway that opened into the hallway. The bombardment of bricks continued in the following nights, while there were no bricks in the attic, in the house, or in the yard. In general, there was very little brick in the city at that time, since almost all the buildings were wooden. My parents were forced to change their apartment, and from now on nothing bothered them.”

In 1867, in broad daylight, first bullets, then large shot, fell in all rooms of one house in the United States. Moreover, when after every hour of such “shelling” the owner tried to collect the trophies that were lying in abundance on the floor, the bullets mysteriously disappeared, so that he managed to collect no more than half a dozen of them.

In 1880, for five days, in front of 30 witnesses, bricks fell at a school near the Government House in Madras (India). The priests recommended marking one fallen brick with a white cross and placing it in the center of the classroom. Immediately a brick “exactly the same size, but with a black cross” fell on top of him!

On September 6, 1886, under the sensational headline “Stones! Today they fell from the sky!” In the evening newspaper "Charleston News and Courier", published in the city of Charleston (South Carolina, USA), a report was published about amazing events. Editorial workers accidentally witnessed two rockfalls that occurred right under the windows of their office at 7.30 in the morning and at 13.30 in the afternoon. “I got the impression,” wrote the eyewitness author, “that the stones that strewn the area of ​​the road with an area of ​​2.5x2.7 m were emitted from one point in the cloudless sky. But where did they come from up there?!”

In December 1921, pieces of brick allegedly fell in the courtyard, in the kitchen, on the stairs in the Sri Aurobindo building (Pondicherry, India) directly on a local cook. At the same time, eyewitnesses clearly observed that, before falling, the bricks seemed to “appear” in the air. POSSIBLE REASON FOR THE MOVEMENT: Perhaps the described incident was “slightly edited” by eyewitnesses who were clearly interested in increasing the ranks of their fans who believe in miracles. It should be noted that the truth of this message caused criticism even among journalists...

In 1929, for several days in a row, with short breaks, shot fell inside an office building in Newton (New Jersey). POSSIBLE REASON FOR MOVEMENT: None of the versions have been confirmed. No one has been able to discover any way in which the shot could penetrate the building.

On May 26, 1907, an incident occurred in Remiremont (France) that is striking in its unusualness even compared to those already described. That day, the local abbot Genio was sitting at home and reading a treatise on the formation of glaciers, when suddenly, as if by order, round pieces of ice flew from the sky (that is, it began to hail). A neighbor came running and called him to look at the wonderful hailstones: it turned out that they all had an ideal spherical surface with a longitudinal seam (!?), on one side of each hailstone a half-length portrait of a woman in a robe similar to a priest’s robe, tucked underneath, was clearly visible, the woman herself outwardly resembled the Virgin Mary. POSSIBLE REASON FOR THE DISPLACEMENT: Scientists have not spoken out on this matter. There could be no question of any joke or fake, because a huge number of identical ice balls with portraits literally filled up a long field 0.75 miles (1.2 km) wide near the church. Although some of the hailstones fell at high speed, causing damage to crops and greenhouses, the bulk of them touched the surface very gently, as if they had been spilled from a small height. Subsequently, 107 witnesses testified under oath that they saw the cold "portraits" fall from a height of no more than a few yards (2–3 m).

In 1957, rocks fell for five days around a young Aboriginal man working on a farm near Pumphrey, Western Australia. Of course, scientists immediately attributed this to the action of the wind, but soon two of the observers showed that pebbles continued to fall right at their feet from nowhere and in a tightly closed tent. No holes or tears were found in the tent tarpaulin either before or after this.

Moving grain through walls and ground?

In 1974, all sugar beet seeds disappeared from farm fields in Worcester and Shropshire. Farmers leveled the furrows, scattered poison for mice, but nothing helped - the grains mysteriously continued to disappear... On farms near Milan (Italy), cases were recorded of all ripened grain disappearing in the fields overnight...

These stories (and hundreds of other similar “unexplained” disappearances) might not be worth remembering if not for one “but.” The fact is that from time to time, losses are mysteriously announced in different places: there are known cases of the mysterious appearance of these (or other?) grains in other fields, for example, in 1919, a field in Lincolnshire was sown twice (and to the required depth) “by someone unknown” selected wheat... At the same time, a field near Ormskirk (Lancashire) was sown “by itself” and again with the same variety of wheat...

There were other sudden and surprising movements of grains and other foodstuffs. One can, of course, suspect that the following “grain materializers” had something to do with the above-mentioned cases of grain disappearance from the fields, but... who knows, who knows?

Let us remember that back in the 13th century St. Dominic supposedly gave wine to hundreds of people from one cup, but the cup always remained full, so that many were surprised by the apparent absence of a source... As legends say, another saint, A. Paoli, in the 18th century in Italy “pulled pies out of thin air,” salads and other food... Blessed A. Fournet in the 19th century in Poitou “multiplied” food, in particular corn grains, in huge quantities... In 1845, in the Bon Pasteur monastery (Bourget), huge reserves of grain appeared out of nowhere... In 1860, Blessed And . Bosco "turned" some bread crumbs into large number slices of bread.

The question remains open: where did the saints get their food? Did they “materialize” it out of thin air or “teleport” it from the nearest field, warehouse, bag, jug?

God forgets to turn off the water taps

Thanks to the English Book of Miracles, there are many known cases of the inexplicable appearance of water in enclosed spaces. The word “unexplained” means that the police, plumbers, scientists, researchers, just curious people, even after dismantling the walls and ceilings, never found the cause of the leaks.

At the beginning of February 1873, whole streams of water from completely dry ceilings flooded the furniture and inhabitants of a house in Eccleston (Lancashire) for a very long time... On a farm near Wellesley (Ontario), the roof and ceiling remained dry, but a real downpour fell directly on the furniture, which was moving along rooms by itself (!), and on windows broken by undiscovered “heavenly shells”... In September 1955, in the house of the Waterman family (literally - “water man”) near Windsor (Vermont), water accumulated on its own on furniture and a tray... Water jets Since 1963, they have been persecuting the Martin family, despite the fact that during this time they have already changed several houses in Mentun (Massachusetts)... Around the same time, in the hospital in Nuoro (Sardinia), puddles of unknown origin began to appear on the floor...

On August 30, 1919, in the house of a rural pastor in Swanton Nowers (Norfolk), refined oil (more precisely, a mixture of kerosene and gasoline) began to leak into the rooms through the ceilings at a rate of 0.1 quart (0.113 l) per minute, and on September 2 it was collected 50 gallons (230 l) of oil!.. On the first day of September, it rained 11 times from a mixture of methyl alcohol and sandalwood oil (?!) and twice from water. POSSIBLE REASON FOR THE MOVEMENT: Scientists, alas, have not found anything more prudent than to shift all the blame for the hopelessly damaged furniture and building onto its inhabitants!

We say "poltergeist" - we mean "teleportation"

It is impossible not to pay attention to the fact that almost all the described cases are in one way or another similar to the well-known characteristics of an “ordinary” poltergeist (translated as “noisy spirit,” i.e., brownie). Indeed, this phenomenon is, among other things, attributed to the ability to perform movements (including rapid flights through the air), sudden appearances and disappearances of a wide variety of objects. Moreover, examples of “pure teleportation” often occur: things (most often dishes) fly through walls and glass, after which holes remain in the glass smaller (?!) than the cross-section of the flying cup or sugar bowl. There are times when there are no holes left in the glass at all!

For example, at the end of the 17th century, in the house of the peasant Pankrat PANTELEEV, cases of teleportation (i.e., excuse me, dragging things by the brownie) occurred many times in the presence of large crowds of people: grain grain migrated through the walls from the dryer to the glacier, ice from the glacier to the dryer, to sand and ash appeared on the floor, granddaughter Varya suddenly ascended to the roof of the hut...

In November 1889, a “noisy spirit” also settled in the barn of the DAGG family living in Clarendon (Quebec, Canada), which at first called itself “the devil.” For several days, a source of fire appeared in the house from nowhere, a wide variety of things flew in an instant through walls and closed doors! Then, after appropriate admonition from those around him and the inspector who arrived, the spirit renamed himself “an angel sent from heaven to expel the previous devil,” stopped his tricks and left amid the general singing of hymns. Children standing nearby saw the spirit and described it as “a handsome man in a luxurious shining dress with a harp in his hands.” When a bright red light lit up at the angel’s feet and the radiance surrounded his entire body, he ascended to heaven singing.

In September 1990, Muscovite Olga Alexander Rovna told Anatoly Sergeevich KARTASHKIN, who had come to investigate what had happened, about her difficult situation. After the divorce, she put her engagement ring in a box. The thing wasn’t cheap, so she didn’t lose sight of the ring, but she didn’t worry about the gold either, since it couldn’t go to waste—she lived alone as a divorced woman. However... the ring soon disappeared! Biased searches led to nothing; the entire apartment was searched in detail. Finally the ring was found... inside a stack of old newspapers in the closet.

On October 13, 1990 (i.e., just a month after the previous incident), a poltergeist was also observed in the village of Madaevo (Nizhny Novgorod region) in the house of Ivan TSYGANOV. This is what senior police lieutenant Gennady SBITNEV said: “Ivan had just arrived on a motorcycle from the station, and then it already started. Objects began to fly - a chisel, a whetstone, a chisel, which were lying on the counter of the house. However, “flying” is relative. In fact, the object disappeared and then appeared nearby. At the same time, for example, a wrench lightly hit Nikolai SAZANOV on the back and fell at his feet. With this key, if you throw it at a person, you can kill him, but here it’s a gentle push and that’s it. The neighbor who came to the Tsyganovs was hit with a sharpening stone. But there was no blow as such: the block appeared near the body and fell to the ground. In general, the flight trajectories were not traced, no one saw how the object flies. But when it was detected - at the moment of touching a person, then its further movement, falling to the ground, was seen very well "...

Another police officer, senior sergeant Vladimir MARTIN, spoke about a similar case of investigating a poltergeist situation on Samotechnaya Street in Moscow with no less bewilderment. Everyone perfectly sees an empty glass standing on the table, and suddenly... a glass glass ends up on a stool. The glass is the same, there is no doubt about it - you can see it from the crack in the glass. From the point of view of “normal logic”, nothing is clear!..

But for comparison, here is a modern case of poltergeist teleportation: “...One day, in front of the discouraged residents, a wallet “drove” across the table, and after the “journey” was completed, eight hundred rubles disappeared from it. Only then did the Rasputins turn to the police. The district inspector, senior lieutenant Bulyshev, the assistant on duty, police sergeant Oksenyuk and policemen Krasnobaev and Serenets who arrived at the scene witnessed how the overalls disappeared from the 12-year-old daughter of the Rasputins, and petticoats and sweaters from the women... By knocking and scratching, the poltergeist presented an ultimatum : the missing things will be returned only when both guests and the wife and daughter leave the village, and only the owner remains in the room. The requirement had to be fulfilled...”

Needless to say, such cases are far from being a thing of the past; reports about them still come from all over the world. One of the main characters in them is still children. Apparently, it was not without reason that the poltergeist spirit, engaged in its usual pranks with teleportation, chose the attic of a local orphanage for its housing in Zhirnovsk (Volgograd region).

As soon as after 1991 the building began to be repurposed as a school and the place of young first-graders was taken by older students, the number of such tricks of otherworldly forces quickly faded away...

Speaking about children and poltergeist teleportation, one cannot help but recall a strange belief that has been preserved in Western Europe. In past centuries, cases of sudden abduction of babies right in front of their parents were very common there. Sometimes they returned in the same way, sometimes strange wrinkled creatures appeared in their place, vaguely reminiscent of human children, but feeding only on grass. So, an ancient belief says that children who have undergone teleportation subsequently become “marked,” that is, talented in some area. Such, for example, was the famous preacher Francis from Abbey For (Wales, Great Britain), whom an unknown force tried to snatch from his mother’s hands as a child.

But don’t breathe a sigh of relief, having equated poltergeists with cases of teleportation, we have not at all revealed the secrets of moving through walls. Firstly, it is still unclear what or who this poltergeist is (the most likely explanation is a creature living in a reality different from us, in another dimension). Secondly, cases of sudden teleportation occur even when there seems to be “no smell” of any brownies.

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Teleportation: THROUGH WALLS AND THORNS "And I leave space Into the neglected garden of magnitudes, And the imaginary tear of constancy And the self-awareness of causes." (Osip Emilievich MANDELSHTAM). Is teleportation (instant movement in space) possible in principle? Only those who have read

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Flying See Broom

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From the author's book

Teleportation Teleportation is a phenomenon known for a long time, which lies in the sphere of a certain transformation of space and time, when objects and living beings can instantly move from one place to another as well as from one time to another - the past or

Teleportation is the movement of people and objects from one place to another, through the power of thought - will.

There are several BUT:.....

1. You will not be able to do this in the understanding that is now in your awareness, you simply do not have the necessary supply of energy for this, when you have it, you will not have time for public VKontakte, you also need to be quite good at leading exercises ( turning off internal dialogue, shifting awareness, complete relaxation, dreaming into a waking state).

2. But you can dematerialize your astral body, and if we assume that you have sufficient energy potential, it will not be difficult for you to “gather your material self” in the wake of the astral body, But see point 1.


1. Lying or sitting, whichever is more comfortable for you. Eyes closed.

2. Turn off the internal dialogue - lack of thoughts (without this you will not be able to focus your energy and attention).

3. Relax your body to the level of “I don’t have a physical body.” It is very easy to do, first you relax each part of the body, foot, hip, leg, etc. Then you turn off each part of the body step by step, I have no foot, no leg, etc.

Typical mistakes when relaxing the body:

You may experience strong vibrations (and your dialogue will turn on) and you will simply become scared.

You will fall asleep.

4. When you reach the first three points, you imagine as intensely and vividly (even imagining the smell) as possible the location - for example, another room.

5. You give in to an intense desire to instantly be in this place. You are absolutely sure that your material body here will now dissolve “into nothingness” and become pure energy, which will spread with lightning speed to the place that you imagined, that your body will be “reborn” completely real and capable of action.

6. Start interacting with objects in a given place, table, chair, look out the window, feel the temperature of the room, sounds. On at this stage you shouldn't feel your body yet - your body doesn't exist yet!

7. After this, begin to feel your body, foot, leg. You associate your body with a given room, for example, you feel your foot because it is on the floor in a new place, etc.

8. Exit from this state. “Now I’ll count to five, I’ll open my eyes and I’ll feel more cheerful, more comfortable, better than before,” we count to ourselves, and on the count of five we open our eyes.

9. Duration of exercise: no more than 45 minutes per day.

There is no need to dream of fantasies that your body will instantly move there - this will not happen. But this exercise will help you learn a lot and shift your awareness enough to unlock your potential.

You should definitely familiarize yourself with the set of exercises on PSI-ENERGY ACCUMULATION

As early as the first century BC, paranormal phenomena occurred with various people and objects. Many scientists have devoted their entire lives to studying these phenomena. The famous American explorer Charles Fort first coined the term "teleportation" in 1931 to describe certain paranormal events and phenomena. By this definition he understood the movement of objects and people in time and space. Is this really possible? Has human teleportation been proven? How to learn to travel in time? Let's look at these questions in more detail.

First teleportation

As mentioned earlier, paranormal phenomena called teleportation were noticed back in the first century BC. This happened, for example, with the famous scientist philosopher Apollonius (1st century BC). Flavius ​​Domitian, the Roman emperor, tried him for witchcraft and magic, when he suddenly disappeared from the courtroom and found himself on the other side of the world. And such disappearances were not uncommon. In many prisons, prisoners disappeared without any trace of escape.

Nikola Tesla's experiments

N. Tesla is a Serbian scientist and inventor in the field of radio and electrical engineering. Some of his discoveries were related specifically to the movement of objects over a distance. He believed that teleportation was possible and conducted secret experiments with magnetic fields to prove it. There is even a unit of induction named after him. magnetic field- Tesla (Tl). He devoted his entire life to devices operating on alternating current. In his circles he was often called a genius of all times and peoples and a superman. Indeed, many claimed that he had the gift of foresight, could read minds and even draw information from space. There is a legend that N. Tesla conducted experiments on a military destroyer called Eldridge, and he managed to move this warship 320 kilometers in a fraction of a second. At the same time, along with the ship, the entire crew in it moved in space. There are rumors that almost all the people on the ship died due to exposure to strong radio-magnetic waves. Those who survived were distraught.

There is another legend associated with the great scientist N. Tesla. Rumor has it that he created a time machine and could move any person or object in space. Based on these assumptions, the film “Prestige” was shot in 2006. Opponents of stories about teleportation believe that this is impossible from the point of view of physics, since in order to move from one place to another, you need to move at super speed, and with such movement the object is destroyed. Accordingly, the question arises: how then does everything come together again?

Quantum human teleportation

Quantum is a very small indivisible particle in physics. Recently, many scientists have been conducting experiments specifically with the movement of these particles in time and space. If you can move a small particle, then everything else will work out too. Recently, Chinese and Canadian scientists managed to teleport encoded information in particles of light. Of course, quantum channels were used for this purpose to transmit data, but in the future such experiments may lead to the transfer of information without the use of any transmitters.

Sufi miracles

The followers of the esoteric movement in Islam - the Sufis - also pay a lot of attention to such a concept as “human teleportation”. Almost every famous Sufi teacher knew how to learn to move in space and time. They used this knowledge, as a rule, for the purposes of self-improvement and self-knowledge. Returning to the past allowed them to “learn a lesson” from certain situations, while they went to the future to see what events needed to be changed in the present. There are a huge number of records of how experienced Sufis traveled hundreds of kilometers in order to convey certain knowledge to people.

Venerable Mary and teleportation

This sounds incredible, but the Soviet writer-historian A. Gorbovsky describes in his works that in the 17th century the Venerable Mary, who never left the monastery in which she lived, at certain points in time found herself near Indian settlements in America and told them about Christianity . Later, one of the priests, who went to these tribes for the same purpose, found out that someone had gotten ahead of him. In addition, it became known that the Venerable Mary not only told the Indians about her faith, but also gave them rosaries, crosses and a communion cup. The inhabitants of these lands themselves later clearly described a woman from Europe as exactly like the Venerable Mary. Whether there can be so many coincidences is anyone's guess.

Spontaneous teleportation

If you believe everything that is written above, it actually turns out that cases of human teleportation occurred with different people, V different countries and completely in different times. Of course, there are a huge number of opponents of this phenomenon; they try to explain this phenomenon from a scientific point of view, refute certain events and, of course, have every right to do so.

Supporters, on the contrary, are looking for evidence and trying to learn how to travel in time. There is an opinion that the first practice of human teleportation, as a rule, occurs completely unexpectedly and spontaneously. Of course, before this you need to study a lot of literature and learn how to enter a certain state. It also happens the other way around, when a person teleports completely consciously and understands exactly what is happening to him. For the first time, this phenomenon is accompanied by dizziness and nausea. In any case, an unprepared person is unlikely to be able to learn how to move.

What is needed for teleportation

Most likely, many who want to learn this are wondering where they should start. There is a huge amount of different information on the Internet, some for a fee, some for free. Let's try to structure it and choose the most important points for an event such as teleportation. Learning these techniques is very important to achieve the best results.

First of all, in order to learn teleportation, you need to be able to concentrate on a specific thought.

It sounds very simple, but in reality, when a person closes his eyes and tries to think about only one thing, a variety of subjects and problems constantly flash through his head. Therefore, first you need to master the technique of complete relaxation and turning off absolutely all thoughts. When you can maintain a “blank slate before your eyes” (which means no thoughts) for at least 10 minutes, it means that the first stage is already behind you.

Transferring the astral body

As mentioned earlier, you need to start small, which means it’s not worth traveling through time yet. You need to focus your thoughts on When you are completely relaxed, you need to figuratively try to move “your double” to a very close distance. If, for example, you are meditating on the sofa, then imagine that your astral body gets up from the sofa and stands next to you. You should see the room with “different eyes”, look around: here is a chair, a closet, here you are lying on the sofa, etc. When this exercise is completely successful and you can clearly see all the objects in the room, you can begin to change the distance - first to kitchen, then to your street and so on.

Conscious human teleportation

Only a few know how to learn this technique, but if a person believes in his abilities, he can succeed. If the teleportation of the physical body turns out to be insurmountable, it is necessary to continue training and not retreat. Even moving the astral body through time is already a great success. When a person fully masters this skill, he can think anywhere on the planet and “see through” any situation. Teleportation in time is, of course, more difficult than movement in space, but a huge number of stories on the Internet on this topic still indicate that it is possible. Many practitioners - magicians, Sufis, shamans - claim that the first experience, as a rule, occurs in a dream. On the one hand, a person is already quite trained, but with a high concentration of attention, his body is so tense that he cannot teleport. The situation in a dream radically changes things. A person who has a sufficient amount of knowledge is in complete relaxation, which means his body is ready to move for a split second to another place.

Many scientists and esotericists have studied in detail such an issue as human teleportation. How to learn this technique has always been kept in the strictest confidence, and there are reasons for this. Of course, everyone would like to be able to move, but does each of us really need it? How, for example, should we deal with criminals in prisons who could teleport out of there at any moment? In addition, if everyone could be transported wherever they want at any moment, how much would thefts increase in the world, and how would murders be investigated? There are no answers to these and many other questions yet. Of course, teleportation is very interesting and exciting, but we should not forget about real life.

Teleportation of objects:


"And I'm leaving space

Into a neglected garden of magnitudes,

And I tear away the imaginary constancy

And self-awareness of the reasons."

(Osip Emilievich MANDELSHTAM).

Is teleportation (instant movement in space) possible in principle? Only fools who have read science fiction and scientists who do not follow their authority can not confidently state in response to this rhetorical question:


Indeed, despite the fact that the term " teleportation" (from Greek " tele"-far and English" portage" - transfer, drag) was introduced into use by Charles FORT in 1930 (according to other sources - at the end of the 19th century), to this day you will not find even a hint of a description of this “pseudoscientific phenomenon” in any physics textbook. Fort himself meant by this the phenomenon of inexplicable invisible movement of objects in space (in contrast to telekinesis - also inexplicable, but visible movement of bodies). This means that not only inanimate objects can become objects of teleportation.

Like many other incomprehensible and controversial things, it would be worth writing about teleportation as a physical phenomenon. At least in the “Hypotheses” section. For we, people, have encountered a similar phenomenon more than once in life, and it is not the fault of teleportation that we very quickly try to forget everything incomprehensible and inexplicable. There are many known cases of non-meteorite stones falling from the sky, and in a number of cases experts clearly identified the “homeland” of the flying boulders, more often it was some local quarry or beach. How the stones flew from their homes in calm weather is unclear. Cases of movement through walls (and this is already the first sign of teleportation!), repeatedly described in the world press, look even stranger.


In the early 1840s, in the city of Kolebyaki, Poltava province, strong knocks began to be heard on the door of I. Karpenko’s house at night, as he later described what was happening: “It was as if stones were being drummed on the door. My father, a brave and strong man, heard strange knocks. He quickly opened the door to the hallway, but was immediately forced to close it, as a huge piece of brick flew into him and almost hurt him. The throwing of stones continued for several hours, and in the morning there were a fair number of them in the hallway, pieces of brick thrown by no one knew. flew as if from the ceiling, while the entrance to the attic was locked, as well as the doors in the hallway leading into the hallway. The bombardment of bricks continued in the following nights, while there were no bricks either in the attic or in the house. not in the yard. And in general there was very little brick in the city at that time, since almost all the buildings were wooden. My parents were forced to change their apartment, and from now on nothing bothered them." ["Kyiv Antiquity" 1890].

In 1867, in broad daylight, first bullets, then large shot, fell in all rooms of one house in the United States. Moreover, when after each hour of such “shelling” the owner tried to collect the trophies that were lying in abundance on the floor, the bullets mysteriously disappeared, so that he managed to collect no more than half a dozen of them. ["Religious and Philosophical Journal" 1880, April 24].

In 1880, over the course of five days, in front of 30 witnesses, bricks fell at a school near Government House in Madras, India. The priests recommended marking one fallen brick with a white cross and placing it in the center of the classroom. Immediately a brick “of exactly the same size, but with a black cross” fell on top of him! [Madras Mail 1888, March 5].

September 6, 1886, under the sensational headline "Rocks! Today they fell from the sky!" In the evening newspaper "Charleston News and Courier", published in the city of Charleston (South Carolina, USA), a report was published about amazing events. Editorial workers accidentally witnessed two rockfalls that occurred right under the windows of their office at 7.30 in the morning and at 13.30 in the afternoon. “I got the impression,” wrote the author-eyewitness, “that the stones that dotted the section of the road with an area of ​​2.5x2.7 m were emitted from one point in the cloudless sky. But where did they come from up there?!”

In December 1921, pieces of brick allegedly fell in the courtyard, in the kitchen, on the stairs in the Sri Aurobindo building (Pondicherry, India) directly on a local cook. At the same time, eyewitnesses clearly observed that, before falling, the bricks seemed to “appear” in the air. ["Bulletin of the Sri Aurobindo International Study Centre" 1974, February].

POSSIBLE REASON FOR MOVEMENT: Perhaps the described incident was “slightly edited” by eyewitnesses, clearly interested in increasing the ranks of their fans who believe in miracles. It should be noted that the truth of this message was criticized even by journalists...

In 1929, for several days in a row, with short breaks, shot fell inside an office building in Newton (New Jersey). [San Francisco Chronicle 1924, March 3].

None of the versions have been confirmed. No one was able to discover a single path through which the shot could penetrate the building.

On May 26, 1907, in Remiremont (France), an incident occurred that is striking in its unusualness even against the background of those already described. That day, the local abbot Genio was sitting at home and reading a treatise on the formation of glaciers, when suddenly, as if by order, round pieces of ice flew from the sky (i.e., hail began). A neighbor came running and called him to look at the wonderful hailstones: it turned out that they all had an ideal spherical surface with a longitudinal seam (!?), on one side of each hailstone a half-length portrait of a woman in a robe similar to a priest’s robe, tucked underneath, was clearly visible, the woman herself outwardly resembled the Virgin Mary. [zh. "English mechanic" 1908, June 12].

POSSIBLE REASON FOR THE DISPLACEMENT: Scientists have not spoken out on this matter. There could be no talk of any joke or fake, because a huge number of identical ice balls with portraits literally filled up a long field 0.75 miles (1.2 km) wide near the church. Although some of the hailstones fell at high speed, causing damage to crops and greenhouses, the bulk of them touched the surface very gently, as if they had been spilled from a small height. Subsequently, 107 witnesses testified under oath that they saw the cold "portraits" fall from a height of no more than a few yards (2-3 m).

In 1957, rocks fell for five days around a young Aboriginal man working on a farm near Pumphrey, Western Australia. Of course, scientists immediately attributed this to the action of the wind, but soon two of the observers showed that pebbles continued to fall right at their feet from nowhere and in a tightly closed tent. No holes or tears were found in the tent tarpaulin either before or after this. [Daily Express 1957, March 22].


In 1974, all sugar beet seeds disappeared from farm fields in Worcester and Shropshire. Farmers leveled the furrows, scattered poison for mice, but nothing helped - the grains mysteriously continued to disappear [Sunday Mercury 1974, May 26]... On farms near Milan (Italy) cases of disappearance of all ripened grain in the fields in one night were recorded [Daily Mirror 1968, April 29]...

These stories (and hundreds of other similar “unexplained” disappearances) might not be worth remembering if not for one “but.” The fact is that from time to time, losses are mysteriously announced in completely different places: there are known cases of the mysterious appearance of these (or other?) grains in other fields, for example, in 1919, a field in Lincolnshire was sown twice (and at the required depth) " it is unclear by whom" with selected wheat ["Cardiff Evening News" 1919, July 1]... At the same time, a field near Ormskirk (Lancashire) was sown "by itself" and again - with the same variety of wheat ["Sunday Express" 1919, August 24].. .

There were other sudden, but only now planned, surprising movements of grains and other types of food. One can, of course, suspect that the following “grain materializers” had something to do with the above-mentioned cases of grain disappearances from the fields, but... who knows, who knows?

Let us remember that back in the 13th century, St. Dominic allegedly gave wine to hundreds of people from one cup, while the cup always remained full, so that many were surprised by the apparent absence of a source...

As legends say, another saint, A. Paoli, in the 18th century in Italy “pulled pies, salads and other food out of thin air...

Blessed A. Fournet in the 19th century in Poitou “multiplied” food, in particular corn grains, in huge quantities...

In 1845, in the monastery of Bon Pasteur (Bourget), huge reserves of grain appeared out of nowhere...

In 1860, Blessed I. Bosco “transformed” a few bread crumbs into a large number of loaves of bread.

The question remains open - where did the saints get their food? Did they “materialize” it out of thin air or “teleport” it from the nearest field, warehouse, bag, jug?


Thanks to the English Book of Miracles, there are many known cases of the inexplicable appearance of water in enclosed spaces. The word “unexplained” means that the police, plumbers, scientists, researchers, simply curious, even after dismantling the walls and ceilings, never found the cause of the leaks.

At the beginning of February 1873, whole streams of water from completely dry ceilings flooded the furniture and inhabitants of a house in Eccleston (Lancashire) for a very long time ["Cherni Standard" 1973, February 15]...

On a farm near Wellesley (Ontario), the roof and ceiling were also dry, but a whole downpour fell directly on the furniture, which moved around the rooms on its own (!), and on the windows broken by undiscovered “heavenly shells” [Toronto Globe, 1880, September 9]...

In September 1955, in the house of the Waterman family (literally - “Water Man”) near Windsor (Vermont), water spontaneously accumulated on furniture and a tray [Edwards F. “Strange World” 1964]...

Water jets have been haunting the Martin family since 1963, despite the fact that during this time they have already changed several houses in Mentune (Massachusetts) [Grit magazine 1970, July 20]...

Around the same time, in the hospital in Nuoro (Sardinia), puddles of unknown origin began to appear on the floor [San newspaper 1972, November 30]...

On August 30, 1919, in the house of a rural pastor in Swanton Nowers (Norfolk), refined oil (more precisely, a mixture of kerosene and gasoline) began to leak into the rooms through the ceilings at a rate of 0.1 quarts (0.113 l) per minute, and on September 2, 50 gallons were collected (230 l) of oil!.. On the first day of September, it rained 11 times from a mixture of methyl alcohol and sandalwood oil (?!) and twice from water. [The Times 1919, September 9].

POSSIBLE REASON FOR MOVEMENT: Scientists, alas, have not found anything more prudent than to shift all the blame for the hopelessly damaged furniture and building onto its inhabitants!


It is impossible not to pay attention to the fact that almost all the described cases are in one way or another similar to the well-known characteristics of an “ordinary” poltergeist (translated as “noisy spirit”, i.e. brownie). Indeed, this phenomenon is, among other things, attributed to the ability to perform movements (including rapid flights through the air), sudden appearances and disappearances of a wide variety of objects. Moreover, examples of “pure teleportation” often occur: things (most often dishes) fly through walls and glass, after which holes remain in the glass smaller (?!) than the cross-section of the flying cup or sugar bowl. There are times when there are no holes left in the glass at all! ["Anomalous Phenomena" 1990, No. 1, pp. 26-32].

For example, at the end of the 17th century, in the house of the peasant Pankrat PANTELEEV, cases of teleportation (i.e., excuse me, dragging things by the brownie) occurred many times in the presence of large crowds of people: grain grain migrated through the walls from the dryer to the glacier, ice from the glacier to the dryer, sand and ash appeared on the floor, granddaughter Varya suddenly ascended to the roof of the hut... [O. Somov, documentary story “Kikimora”].

In November 1889, a “noisy spirit” also settled in the barn of the Dagg family living in Clarendon (Quebec, Canada), which at first called itself “the devil.” For several days, a source of fire appeared in the house from nowhere, a wide variety of things flew in an instant through walls and closed doors! Then, after appropriate admonition from those around him and the inspector who arrived, the spirit renamed himself “an angel sent from heaven to expel the previous devil,” stopped his tricks and left amid the general singing of hymns. Children standing nearby saw the spirit and described it as “a handsome man in a luxurious shining dress with a harp in his hands.” When a bright red light lit up at his feet and the radiance surrounded his entire body, he ascended to the sky singing. [magazine "Light" 1889, No. 12].

In September 1990, Muscovite Olga Aleksandrovna told Anatoly Sergeevich KARTASHKIN, who had come to investigate what had happened, about her difficult situation. After the divorce, she put her engagement ring in a box. The thing was not cheap, so she didn’t lose sight of the ring, but she didn’t worry about the gold either, since it couldn’t go to waste—she lived alone as a divorced woman. However... the ring soon disappeared! Biased searches did not lead to anything; the entire apartment was searched in detail. Finally the ring was found... inside a stack of old newspapers in the closet.

On October 13, 1990 (i.e., just a month after the previous incident), a poltergeist was also observed in the village of Madaevo (Nizhny Novgorod region) in the house of Ivan TSYGANOV. This is what senior police lieutenant Gennady SBITNEV said: “Ivan had just arrived on a motorcycle from the station, and then it already started. Objects began to fly - a chisel, a sharpening stone, a chisel, which were lying on the counter at home. However, “flying” is relative. In fact, the object disappeared and then appeared nearby. At the same time, for example, a wrench lightly hit Nikolai SAZANOV on the back and fell at his feet. Such a wrench, if thrown at a person, can kill, but here - a soft push and that’s all. The neighbor who came to the Tsyganovs was hit by a sharpening stone. But there was no blow as such: the block appeared near the body and fell to the ground. In general, the flight path was not traced, no one saw how the object flew. - at the moment of touching a person, - then his further movement, falling to the ground, was seen very well "...

Another police officer, senior sergeant Vladimir MARTIN, spoke about a similar case of investigating a poltergeist situation on Samotechnaya Street in Moscow with no less bewilderment. Everyone perfectly sees an empty glass standing on the table and suddenly... a glass glass ends up on a stool. The glass is the same, there is no doubt about it - you can see it from the crack in the glass. ["TM" 1991, N 3]. From the point of view of “normal logic”, nothing is clear!..

But for comparison, here is a modern case of poltergeist teleportation: “...One day, in front of the discouraged residents, a wallet “drove” across the table, and after the “journey” was completed, eight hundred rubles disappeared from it. Only then did the Rasputins turn to the police. to the spot, the district inspector, senior lieutenant Bulyshev, the assistant on duty, police sergeant Oksenyuk and policemen Krasnobaev and Serenets became eyewitnesses of how the overalls disappeared from the 12-year-old daughter of the Rasputins, and petticoats and sweaters from the women... By knocking and scratching, the poltergeist presented ultimatum: the missing things will be returned only when both guests and the wife and daughter leave the village, and only the owner remains in the room. The requirement had to be fulfilled..." ["New Construction Newspaper", 1991, No. 6, January].

Needless to say, such cases are far from being a thing of the past; reports about them still come from all over the world. One of the main characters in them is still children. Apparently, it was not without reason that the poltergeist spirit, engaged in its usual pranks with teleportation, chose the attic of a local orphanage for its housing in Zhirnovsk (Volgograd region). As soon as after 1991 the building began to be repurposed as a school and the place of young first-graders was taken by older students, the number of such tricks of otherworldly forces quickly faded away...

Speaking about children and poltergeist teleportation, one cannot help but recall a strange belief that has survived in Western Europe. In past centuries, cases of sudden abduction of babies right in front of their parents were very common there. Sometimes they returned in the same way, sometimes strange wrinkled creatures appeared in their place, vaguely reminiscent of human children, but feeding only on grass. So, an ancient belief says that children who have undergone teleportation subsequently become “marked”, i.e. talented in any field. Such, for example, was the famous preacher Francis from Abbey For (Wales, Great Britain), whom an unknown force tried to snatch from his mother’s hands as a child. ["English Ghosts"].

But don’t breathe a sigh of relief, having equated poltergeists with cases of teleportation, we have not at all revealed the secrets of moving through walls. Firstly, it is still unclear what or who this poltergeist is (the most likely explanation is a creature living in a different reality than us, in another dimension). Secondly, cases of sudden teleportation also occur when there seems to be “no smell” of any brownies...

This technique will open up a new world for you, where there are no usual laws of nature! You can learn teleportation and find yourself in different places instantly!

Our imagination speaks the truth!

The phenomenon of teleportation¹ has always lived in people, most of them like a fairy tale. Ancient legends described heroes who had the ability to move vast distances in one second.

What is this: just a fantasy or a memory? The fact that these legends are found in completely different cultures, unrelated to each other, suggests that people once knew how to teleport!

Likewise, there is now evidence that some masters, such as Indian yogis and Tibetan masters, can do this!

In fact, this ability to teleport is inherent in everyone, people just forgot about it. This happened largely due to the fact that teleportation requires a very high level of internal energy² and a clear, trained mind.

At the present time, old knowledge is beginning to awaken, and now you are reading an article that outlines one of the ways in which you will discover a unique technique for moving in space!

It must be said right away that teleportation is developed with a lot of practice. Some people spend years developing it. It is necessary to make your will pure and your thought absolute. You can find the necessary practices on our website.

When you can learn to teleport even short distances, you will realize real power!

How to learn teleportation? Technique

The point is that our reality is made up of many different sub-realities.

Having learned to move between different realities at will, you will be able to dematerialize your material body and “assemble” its original form in another place, not paying attention to the usual laws of physics!

You will discover physics of a new order!

1. The practitioner begins the lesson in a darkened room. He sits down, closes his eyes and relaxes the muscles of his body and face.

2. Soon the person will feel immersed in a relaxed state of consciousness. He focuses on the process of his breathing, feeling it: an even deeper trance will arise.

3. Now the practitioner visualizes a place that he knows well and which is located nearby: for example, the next room.

4. It is necessary to create the effect of “full presence”. For this, good development is needed.

A person is completely immersed in an imaginary picture, feels the hardness of the wall, the smell, all the sensations. The mind must believe that it is there!

5. The practitioner then creates within himself the desire to be in this room. The desire must be very strong, complete, as if everything depends on it!

He creates the belief that his material body is now and here dissolving, becoming pure energy and taking shape in the right place.

Gradually, after many trainings, you will be able to believe in your sensations, and they will actually arise! You will begin to feel how your body begins to “dissolve” in space, becoming incorporeal!

This can be accompanied by a feeling of great pleasure; the main thing here is to maintain awareness and “gather” in the intended place.

When you learn to move short distances, you need to gradually increase them: incarnate on another street, in another city.

You need to know the place you will be moving to: the technique of moving in space is based on precise detailing of the area. Gradually, the power of your superpower will increase, and you will be able to teleport to much more distant places - for example, the place of your last vacation in another country.

You need to exercise no more than 45 minutes a day. In order to learn teleportation, you need to perform the exercise every second day.

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Teleportation is a change in the coordinates of an object (movement), in which the trajectory of the object cannot be described mathematically by a continuous function of time (


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