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One of the popular types of biological additives is brewer's yeast. They have many beneficial properties for hair, nails and skin. They contain microelements, proteins, vitamins. An affordable drug helps restore beauty and health.

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Composition of brewer's yeast

This product is a microscopic fungus. They have a huge amount beneficial properties. Brewer's yeast is rich in:

  • proteins of organic origin;
  • microelements (iron, zinc, selenium, potassium, manganese and others);
  • amino acids,
  • sorbents that help cleanse the body;
  • lipids;
  • enzymes that improve digestion;
  • carbohydrates,
  • group of vitamins B, PP, E, F, D.

The drug contains all these substances in dosages and proportions in which they are best absorbed by the body.

Pros and cons of use

Brewer's yeast has both positive and negative effects from application. The first include:

  • Contains a large number of useful substances.
  • Contained biotin, or vitamin B7, is the main building block for hair. He rebukes their growth.
  • The contained vitamin B2 improves the condition, thickness and shine of hair.
  • Vitamin B5 regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands.
  • Brewer's yeast helps get rid of dandruff, acne, skin irritation and itching, and allergies.
  • They improve immunity.
  • Brewer's yeast in tablet form is convenient to store and take.
  • Natural ones are more effective and have visible results.

However, brewer's yeast has some disadvantages:

  • Uncontrolled use of the drug can cause dysbiosis in the intestines.
  • A low-quality substance suppresses microflora.
  • May lead to gas formation and cause abdominal discomfort.

Watch this video about the benefits of brewer's yeast:

Types of yeast

In pharmacies today you can find a large selection of brewer's yeast. For a person who decides to start taking the drug for the first time, this may cause questions and confusion.

First of all, brewer's yeast has different shapes release: in the form of tablets, powder or liquid. They are also available with various additives, which expand the range of cases for taking the product.

Brewer's yeast in tablets, liquid and powder form

Iodine and calcium in the composition help improve immunity and tidy up nervous system, improve the general condition of allergies.

The included vitamin D3 helps cope with various types skin diseases.

Indications for use


Despite all the benefits, brewer's yeast has a number of cases when you should not take it, or do it with extreme caution. You should not take the drug if:

  • there is an allergy or sensitivity to the components;
  • there is intestinal dysbiosis;
  • fungal infections develop on different parts of the body;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • there are disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys;
  • there is a tendency to overeat, as they increase appetite.

Which is better to choose for hair and nails – dry or natural?

As a rule, brewer's yeast is taken to improve the condition of hair and nails. Pharmacies sell different forms of the drug, so a different release form is suitable for each purpose.

To improve the health of the body as a whole, and, consequently, improve the condition of hair and nails, you can take brewer's yeast orally. To do this, they are available in the form of tablets, capsules or powder. It is easiest to take the first or second ones, since you just need to take them out of the package and drink them. In addition, they are often enriched with various additives, vitamins and nutrients. Therefore, they have a positive effect on all systems at once.

Brewer's yeast also has a quick and visible effect on hair if used in masks. Natural ones are suitable for this. The result will already be noticeable literally after the second procedure.

How to use for hair growth and hair loss

There are several ways to improve the condition of your curls. Brewer's yeast can be used in masks, added to balms or drunk in tablet form.


This is the fastest way to increase growth, give hair vitality and shine, and reduce hair loss. Effective masks based on brewer's yeast are:

Burdock oil is added to the mixture. Rub the mask into the scalp, then apply to the ends and then along the entire length of the strands. You need to keep it for half an hour. Wash off with shampoo.

  • A solution with brewer's yeast is prepared as described above. Then pepper tincture (two tablespoons) is added to the mixture. Everything needs to be mixed thoroughly. Apply the mask, first rubbing into the scalp and then spreading along the length. The duration of the procedure is half an hour. You need to create a thermal effect on your head by wrapping it in a towel. Rinse with shampoo in warm water and apply conditioner.
  • The mask is prepared in the same way as in previous cases, but instead of sugar, add a spoon natural honey. Simmer the mixture for half an hour. It is best to apply the mask at night, as it should work for at least eight hours.
  • Egg whites are placed in yeast dissolved in water at a comfortable temperature, which must first be beaten. Apply the mask as usual and leave until completely dry. Next, just wash your hair.
  • Yeast is diluted in warm milk. Then the egg white is broken into the mixture and olive oil or solutions of vitamins A, E or B are added.

Watch this video about yeast hair masks:


Since hair loss is a process of disorders within the body, brewer’s yeast in capsule form will help solve the problem. They are designed for a cumulative and long-lasting effect. The course should last two weeks. After a month or two it can be repeated. So you can take several courses in a year.

To strengthen hair and nails, you need to drink 2 capsules for breakfast, lunch and dinner before eating.

But when purchasing this or that drug, you need to read the instructions, which will indicate the number of times a day and the dosage of taking brewer’s yeast. The most popular remedies should be taken as follows:

  • "Nagipol" is taken in the morning, at lunch and in the evening, 3 tablets. Drink with food.
  • "Evensent" enhances the growth of curls. They also drink 3 capsules in the morning, mid-day and evening.
  • With selenium you need to take one capsule in the morning and evening for 30 days.


If a person does not have enough time for hair masks, but needs a quick effect, then you can choose a balm based on brewer's yeast. Use it to rinse your hair after washing your hair with shampoo. You need to keep it on your hair for 2 - 3 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Apply to ends only. BiOlita “Brewer's Yeast” has proven itself well: it improves shine, increases vitality and restores damaged hair. It can be used as a course or on an ongoing basis.

Which is better - with sulfur or zinc?

Brewer's yeast with sulfur and zinc is especially popular. Each product has its own advantages. Brewer's yeast containing sulfur is good because:

  • have a general strengthening effect on the body as a whole;
  • slow down the aging process;
  • contribute to the healing and regeneration of skin, hair and nails;
  • make the epidermis more elastic;
  • increase hair and nail growth.

According to the instructions, you need to take a couple of tablets in the morning, lunch and evening.

Brewer's yeast containing zinc has the following effects:

  • prevent the occurrence of dandruff;
  • regulate sebum production;
  • prevent hair loss;
  • reduce brittleness of nails, strengthens the structure of curls;
  • improve overall appearance hair, add shine, elasticity and vitality.

According to the instructions, you need to take 3 to 5 tablets for breakfast, lunch and dinner for 30 days.

Thus, both drugs have a positive effect on the body and the condition of hair, nails and skin. Depending on the purpose that needs to be solved, you should choose brewer's yeast.

Beautiful hair, nails and skin do not always require expensive products and procedures. This can be achieved with the help of available drugs. One of these is brewer's yeast. They will help improve hair structure, strengthen nails, tidy up the skin, and strengthen the immune system.

Problems with hair growth and hair loss are on the agenda today. This problem is painful for many people.

For quite a long time, brewer's yeast has been a wonderful and simple remedy for combating hair loss. They have only positive reviews, despite several contraindications for use. They are also used to accelerate hair growth.


Brewer's yeast consists of microscopic fungi. They contain a lot of useful substances:

  • Organic protein
  • Iron, selenium, magnesium, potassium, zinc and manganese
  • Amino acids
  • Sorbents (remove harmful substances that cause hair loss from the body)
  • Enzymes
  • Lipids
  • Vitamins E, B, PP, F, D.

The secret is that the substances are in the preparation in such a proportion that allows them to be easily absorbed and benefit the body.

Indications for use

  • Dandruff
  • Hair fragility
  • Decreased hair elasticity
  • Slow growth
  • Hair loss
  • Seborrhea
  • Eczema

Methods of application

Brewer's yeast is used externally and internally. Before starting to use any form of the drug, you should consult a specialist who should prescribe the correct regimen for using the drug. The course of treatment can last about two weeks. Treatment is repeated several times a year.

Forms of use of the product:

  • Tablets (sold in pharmacies in the form of dietary supplements). The best additive is considered to be brewer's yeast with the addition of zinc. They strengthen hair, nails, and also improve overall well-being. Use two tablets daily three times a day before meals.
  • Natural brewer's yeast (used in masks for external use)

The instructions contain information that to achieve an effect, you should combine external and internal administration of the drug.

Benefits of dry brewer's yeast

  1. Convenient storage (available in bags or tablet form)
  2. More long term storage
  3. Quick to use (take it out of the package and drink it, no additional preparation required)
  4. Used internally

Benefits of natural brewer's yeast

  • Used externally as hair masks
  • More effective because they have a local effect (results on the hair are visible after the second application)

Hair masks

To accelerate hair growth and prevent hair loss, masks are used, the main component of which is brewer's yeast:

Contraindications for use

  • There is an individual intolerance to the components of the drug
  • Have diseases gastrointestinal tract(such as dysbiosis)
  • A person suffers from fungal diseases
  • History of kidney disease

Brewer's yeast is not added excess weight, however, they increase appetite. Thus, when using the product, you should pay attention to this.

Yeast is a valuable source of B vitamins, in particular B6, the lack of which in the body leads to increased hair loss. In addition, these microorganisms are distinguished by a rich composition of amino acids - components that are very important for the condition of hair.

Product benefits

Every woman dreams of full shiny and thick hair. Unfortunately, it often happens that as a result of exposure to external and internal factors, they weaken and fall out in excessive quantities. Then their appearance and condition leave much to be desired. There are many ways to stop hair loss and restore them to their former perfect appearance. One of them is to use a homemade mask made from yeast.

Brewer's yeast for hair, when used regularly in the form of masks, can significantly improve the appearance and condition of the structure of the strands. This procedure helps reduce problems associated with hair loss. It is enough to apply this mask to your hair 1-2 times a week. Explore the use of this yeast in cosmetology and learn how to make a mask based on it.

Action of the composition

Stopping hair loss is not an easy task. Keeping them healthy and looking really beautiful often requires a lot of patience. Remember to take good care of your hair and provide it with nutrients, this will strengthen your hair follicles and ensure sustainable, healthy growth.

A mask with brewer's yeast will perfectly take care of the health of the hair structure.

Brewing yeast has the greatest nutritional value (significantly exceeds the benefit of bakery yeast), which contains almost the entire set of B vitamins and many minerals, such as phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, iron, potassium, selenium and chromium. Brewer's yeast is an excellent addition to the diet, improves the appearance of the skin, strengthens the nerves and adds energy.

Brewer's yeast is a supplement that contains many valuable nutrients. Great benefits from their miraculous power are observed mainly on the skin, hair and nails.

However, it cannot be hidden that they also help improve overall health. When used on hair, this product effectively blocks hair loss and strengthens the structure. After a course of treatment using brewer's yeast, the strands become strong, healthy and shiny.

Brewer's yeast, thanks to its content of vitamins, minerals and proteins, stimulates hair growth and keeps it healthy and beautiful.

This product is indeed a rich source of vitamin B, folic acid, riboflavin, niacin, thiamine and pyroxene, which are essential for growth and maintenance of proper structure.

In addition, brewer's yeast contains large number calcium, copper, chromium and iron, which help maintain natural hair color and also prevent hair damage and loss.

Brewer's yeast is an excellent product to use for hair. To improve the condition of the latter, just moisten the strands with beer and leave for 5 minutes, and then rinse with your favorite shampoo.

Brewer's yeast has a beneficial effect, so you should not be surprised by the fact that it is used as the main component of many masks, the task of which is to strengthen curls, slow down hair loss and stimulate their growth.

Pill or drink?

Brewing yeast in tablet form can be purchased without a prescription in pharmacies or drug stores. There is a whole range of them: without additives or with vitamins A, C, E, as well as with the addition of lemon balm or plant pollen.

Of course, swallowing a tablet is a less labor-intensive process than preparing a drink from yeast, but it is not difficult to prepare.

For a yeast drink you need 1 tbsp. l. Pour fresh yeast into a glass of hot milk or water. The temperature should be high enough. Vitamins will not have time to die at this temperature, because the drink cools down quite quickly. Half should be drunk in the morning, and the second in the evening. The course should last 2 weeks, then a 10-day break and continue treatment for another 2 weeks. Use no longer than 2 months.

Yeast also plays an invaluable role in weight loss courses. They do not make you gain weight (100 g contain 85 calories), and drinking a drink from them before meals reduces your appetite.

Use in cosmetology

Yeast is a real vitamin bomb. You can find B vitamins in them, as well as vitamin E, often called the elixir of youth. In addition, the use of yeast creams or masks will delay the aging process of skin and hair, because they are a very good antioxidant against adverse effects. free radicals. They are credited with a cleansing and toning effect, which leads to their frequent use in products intended for acne-prone and oily skin.

Yeast is a great help when acne appears on the skin, as it has antibacterial properties. This product is used in nail and hair care. If your hair is brittle and weak, you need to use products containing it. Yeast is commercially available in tablet form. You can get a beautiful and thick hairstyle using brewer's yeast for hair.

Mask recipes

Yeast for hair loss is very effective. Thanks to them, you can make your curls truly shiny and soft.

Based on them, you can make the following masks.

For cooking you will need 2 tbsp. l. yeast, the same amount of honey and half a glass of kefir. First you need to pour a little warm milk into the yeast and leave the mixture for an hour in a warm place. Later, add the remaining ingredients and apply the resulting paste to your hair for about an hour, wrapping it in film and a towel. At the end, just rinse your hair with water and you’re done.

The second mask is prepared in the same way. It will require 2 tbsp. l. yeast, 1 tbsp. l. sugar, the same amount of honey and mustard.

Preparation instructions: first add a little water and sugar to the yeast, send everything to a warm place. Later add honey and mustard. Keep the mask on your hair for at least an hour, and then wash your hair thoroughly.

The following extremely powerful mask can be used for all types. Ideal for regenerating damaged hair weakened by sun, hot air, chemical products for care, etc. This mask is especially useful because it combines the nutritional effect of brewer's yeast with the wonderful properties of honey, which is known to be a natural moisturizer and emollient.

For such a mask you need the following ingredients: 3 tbsp. l. brewer's yeast powder, 5 tbsp. l. honey Both components must be thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous paste is obtained. Then apply it to the scalp and the entire length of the hair. Leave on for about 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

The following mask can be considered both as a natural conditioner and as a product that strengthens hair and prevents hair loss. After using it, they become shiny, soft and well hydrated.

To prepare it you need 1/4 cup olive oil and 4 tbsp. l. brewer's yeast.

Preparation instructions: Mix both ingredients in a bowl. When the mixture reaches a creamy texture, apply it to damp hair and leave for 10 minutes. Brewer's yeast perfectly nourishes hair follicles, thereby strengthening hair from the roots. Olive oil helps maintain the keratin layer in the hair structure and prevents split ends.

The next mask is another one good option strengthening hair. It perfectly nourishes and stimulates their growth. To get the best results, it is recommended to use it twice a week. For cooking you need 1 tsp. brewer's yeast, 2 yolks, 4 drops of vinegar and 1 tbsp. l. honey

Instructions: mix all ingredients thoroughly, then apply the mask to the scalp and the entire length of the hair. Put on a shower cap and leave on for 20 minutes. After this time, wash your hair as usual.

To prepare the next mask you need a few tablespoons of light beer and an yolk chicken egg. Mix thoroughly. Then apply to dry hair. Wrap your head cling film and then a towel. After 15-20 minutes, wash off the mask and wash your hair with shampoo as usual. After using the product, your hair will be more shiny, moisturized and radiant. You can add other ingredients to the mask, such as olive oil or honey.

At all times, women have tried to look beautiful and well-groomed. In creating the perfect image important role The hairstyle and the condition of the hair play a role. Nothing adorns a woman more than luxurious, shiny, long and thick curls. However, not everyone can boast of beautiful hair given from birth. Correcting the situation allows high-quality care, using a variety of cosmetics and home treatments. These include yeast for hair growth. This is proven and effective remedy, which still does not lose its relevance.

The valuable properties of yeast masks allow you to cope with the main problems: dryness, fragility, slow growth, etc. Any good housewife will have a pack of yeast in her kitchen for making homemade baked goods. This unique product contains a large amount of useful substances and vitamins, which allows it to be used not only for culinary, but also for cosmetic purposes.

Both dry and compressed yeast will benefit your hair. Moreover, you can use different varieties this product (baker's or brewer's yeast). Why do they have such a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair? This is directly related to their chemical composition, which includes a huge amount of vitamins and microelements.

  1. Folic acid. The incredible benefits of this substance have been known for a long time. Folic acid reliably protects hair from the negative influence of the external environment, thermal effects when styling with a hairdryer, curling irons, dyeing with aggressive dyes, and during the perm procedure.
  2. Niacin (vitamin PP). Gives curls a vibrant shine, makes their color more saturated, and prevents the appearance of gray hair.
  3. B vitamins. Charge hair with energy and tone it. By acting on the scalp, they accelerate blood circulation, which has a positive effect on hair growth.
  4. Vitamin E and H. Helps saturate curls with moisture and gives them a vibrant shine.
  5. Amino acids. Makes hair stronger and prevents hair loss. They nourish every hair, making it more elastic and manageable.

Yeast is a unique product that contains a balanced ratio of amino acids, vitamins and minerals so that they are ideally absorbed by the body. Thanks to this, the hair is transformed, the hair becomes voluminous and thick, dandruff disappears. Dull and brittle strands become strong and shiny, grow faster and stop falling out.

What effect should you expect?

If you do hair masks with yeast regularly (once a week), you will soon notice the following positive results:

Hair growth accelerates. Damaged curls, regularly receiving all the microelements and vitamins necessary for their growth, become strong, begin to grow vigorously, and are filled with vitality. This effect is achieved by accelerating blood circulation in the scalp, as a result of which the hair follicles receive more oxygen and nutrients.

Hair becomes thick. Yeast has a beneficial effect on hair roots, strengthening them and providing hair follicles with vital substances. This helps strengthen hair and prevents hair loss. Over time, your hair will become much thicker, and you can forget about.

The use of yeast masks will help nourish and moisturize the scalp, eliminate excessive dryness, irritation, itching, help get rid of dandruff, speed up the process of cell renewal and prolong the active phase of hair follicle growth.

For home treatments can be used as dry yeast for hair growth, and pressed, produced in the form of briquettes. But still, when preparing masks, “live” yeast is more useful, which, when mixing the ingredients, begins to actively foam and ferment. Another important factor is the freshness of the product. When purchasing, be careful to ensure that the yeast is not expired.

Along with ordinary baking ones, they are widely used brewer's yeast for hair growth using them as part of homemade masks. Brewer's yeast is useful not only in its “live” form, but also in tablet form. Today they release the most different options preparations in which brewer's yeast is presented in tablets or capsules enriched with a variety of beneficial additives (zinc, magnesium, iodine, selenium). Such products have a positive effect on the structure and condition of hair from the inside and contribute to its increased growth and strengthening.

In addition, you can purchase special ones in the pharmacy chain. This is an innovative biocosmetics, which is a dry mixture of yeast and herbs. A mask is prepared from this composition at home. The basis of the drug is:

  • dry yeast complex
  • milk protein
  • cane sugar
  • mustard
  • plant extracts (cornflower, chamomile).

The packaging of the drug contains 2 sachets of cream-colored powder, the consistency of which resembles flour. The instructions for the medicinal product say that the powder should be diluted with a small amount of warm water to the consistency of thick sour cream. After mixing the composition, it should be left for 15 minutes in a warm place. At this time, the yeast begins its work and the surface of the mask foams. At the same time, a weak specific odor of yeast appears. The finished composition is applied to the hair roots and the head is insulated. A feeling of warmth and a slight tingling sensation will indicate that the medicinal mixture has begun to act. Wash off the composition after 30 minutes. According to reviews on the use of yeast for hair growth, this product is best used by those who suffer from excessive oily scalp, since medicinal composition has a pronounced drying effect.

Before you start preparing the mask, the yeast should be activated. To do this, take the required amount of product and fill it with a small volume of liquid. This could be water, milk or herbal infusions. The liquid must be warm, but not hot, optimal temperature– from 35 to 40 °C. The mixture should be stirred until smooth and left in a warm place for 15-20 minutes to allow the fermentation process to begin. After a lush foam has formed, you can begin the procedure.

Apply remedy should be applied to clean, damp hair. The composition is rubbed into the hair roots with light massage movements, the remainder is distributed throughout the hair. After this, the head should be insulated with a terry towel, after putting on a special rubberized cap. You can replace it with a plastic bag. You should keep this mask on your hair for 20 to 60 minutes, depending on the composition. Rinse the product off your hair using a mild shampoo.

Recipes for effective masks with yeast

. You will need to take 3 large spoons of fresh pressed yeast and some warm water. The mixture is kneaded until smooth and left in a warm place for 20 minutes. Then add 2-3 tbsp to the mass. l. peppers. The mask is applied exclusively to the scalp, rubbing into the roots of the hair. A slight burning sensation may be felt; this is a normal reaction. But if the discomfort intensifies and the burning becomes unbearable, the composition should be washed off immediately. The total procedure time is no more than 15 minutes.

Yeast and mustard for hair growth. To prepare the mask, take dry yeast and mustard powder. First you need to prepare the yeast. To do this, mix a large spoon of the product with water and add a pinch of sugar to the mixture. After the formation of stable foam, add a full large spoon of mustard powder to the mass. If desired, you can add a little liquid honey. The resulting mass is also applied exclusively to the hair roots.

This product not only effectively accelerates hair growth, but also nourishes the scalp, relieving dandruff, dryness and irritation. To prepare the mask, 10 g of brewer's yeast is diluted with a small amount of liquid and left for some time to activate. After the formation of foam, add 1 tsp to the resulting mass. castor and burdock oil. This mask can be applied not only to the scalp, but also to the entire length of the hair. It is necessary to keep the composition under an insulating cap for about an hour.

Yeast hair growth mask with kefir is perfect for brittle and dry hair. For hair medium length You will need 200 grams of fresh kefir. Heat it slightly and add a large spoonful of fresh yeast. Wait some time for the fermentation process to begin, then apply the resulting mass to the hair and scalp. This mask can be kept on your hair for no more than 60 minutes.

To prepare it, it is best to use compressed yeast in an amount of 50 grams. They are mixed with a small volume of liquid and wait until thick foam appears. After this, you can add a large spoonful of honey to the mass. The resulting mixture is applied to the roots and along the entire length of the hair. Wash it off after half an hour, without using shampoo. You need to make this mask in the evening, before going to bed. In the morning, it is recommended to rinse your hair thoroughly using a mild shampoo.

Brewer's yeast helps strengthen and grow hair and nails, improve skin condition and have a positive effect on other organs of our body. Let's try to understand the benefits of brewer's yeast and how to use it to improve the condition of your hair.

Brewing yeast is a single-celled organism that feeds on organic microelements, releasing a large amount of carbon dioxide (at least 30%) during its life.

Brewer's yeast is the same dietary supplement, that is, a special product that is sold as food additives. Yeast is sold in pharmacies and departments healthy eating and even in grocery stores, they are much cheaper than complex hair vitamins, although they also contain a lot of useful substances. One brewer's yeast tablet contains:

  • proteins;
  • carbohydrates;
  • amino acids;
  • microelements (magnesium, selenium, iron, calcium, zinc);
  • minerals;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin D;
  • palmitic acid;
  • stearic acid;
  • chromium;
  • ergosterol.

The form in which protein and organic acids are presented in brewer's yeast ensures rapid absorption from the human gastrointestinal tract and easy assimilation by the body.

Benefits of brewer's yeast for hair

We see that the composition of yeast is very rich and it is very well accepted by the body (easily digested) and each of these substances has a beneficial effect on the hair and scalp, so tremors with regular use:

  1. help cope with hair loss (for all types of alopecia in complex therapy) due to iron, zinc and B vitamins;
  2. strengthen hair follicles and awaken new ones to growth due to protein, calcium and amino acids;
  3. restore elasticity and elasticity of hair due to the content of zinc and iron;
  4. normalize the functioning of the skin glands and hair follicles;
  5. help cope with dandruff and oily seborrhea due to zinc, selenium and B vitamins.

In addition, brewer's yeast increases immunity, improves digestion, accelerates the regeneration of skin cells, and normalizes pancreatic function.

Instructions for using brewer's yeast

Doctors (dermatologists, trichologists) often prescribe brewer's yeast both for the prevention and improvement of the entire body and for the treatment of hair (loss, dandruff, seborrhea, excessive fragility, dryness, irritated scalp).

Before starting the course, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Brewer's yeast different manufacturers vary in dosage. All details can be found in the yeast instructions from a specific company. On average, the course lasts for one month, then a break is taken from a month to three and the course can be repeated again. Daily dose may vary from 1 to 15 tablets per day.

Contraindications: do not take during breastfeeding, do not use for candidiasis dysbacteriosis and in whom increased sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Many people say that taking brewer's yeast causes weight gain. But this is not entirely true, brewer’s yeast can improve appetite and the processes of food absorption by the body by normalizing metabolism, so just watch your plate.

The use of brewer's yeast in the form of hair masks

Beer shakes are also successfully used as part of homemade hair masks: for strengthening, against hair loss, for nourishing and moisturizing hair. These masks need to be prepared immediately before application. Yeast for the mask must be natural (live) and fresh.

To prepare yeast-based hair masks, you need to prepare them correctly: take the required amount of yeast, mix with warm water, kefir or milk and leave for at least 15 minutes, preferably in a warm place.

Mask for severe hair loss

  • 1 tablespoon of natural brewer's yeast;
  • 1-1.5 tablespoons of burdock oil;
  • juice of one onion;
  • 5-8 drops of rosemary (orange, lemon) essential oil.

Pour the yeast with warm water for 15-20 minutes, then add oil and onion juice, at the end essential oil. Apply the resulting mixture to the scalp and distribute through the hair, warm it, hold for 40 to 60 minutes, then wash your hair with shampoo (two or three times), and at the end rinse your hair with acidified water: 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice per liter of water.

Moisturizing hair mask

  • 1 tablespoon honey;
  • 50 gr. yeast.

The mask is made before washing your hair, the mixture is applied to your hair for 30-40 minutes, then you wash your hair as usual.

Anti-dandruff mask

  • 100 ml. kefir;
  • 10 gr. brewer's yeast.

Mix the ingredients, let it brew a little so that the mixture ferments and apply first to the scalp and then to the length of the hair. It is advisable to insulate the mask, leave it for 30-40 minutes, and then wash your hair as usual.

Revitalizing hair mask

  • 30 gr. yeast;
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil;
  • yolk of one egg.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly, leave the mixture for 15-20 minutes in a warm place. Apply the mask to the scalp, doing a light massage, warm it up and leave for 30-40 minutes.


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