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Today, the bald haircut is gaining popularity not only among men, but also among women. Many try on this daring, unusual image. But before you radically change your style, you need to learn about the features of such a haircut, as well as its advantages, disadvantages and technique.

Features of a bald haircut

The main feature of a bald haircut is its versatility. This hairstyle can suit both men and women. In addition, parents often cut their young child’s hair in this way. Of course, it is necessary to take into account that a bald haircut may not suit absolutely everyone, since on some people it will look quite ridiculous. Therefore, before making a decision, you still need to familiarize yourself with its advantages and disadvantages.

Why do people shave their heads bald?

Men generally do not shave their heads to stand out from the crowd. It is simply convenient for representatives of the stronger sex to wear such a haircut. Of course, it requires much less care than luxurious hair. Many men simply don't want to spend an hour in a salon every month. This is why guys often decide to radically change their image.

As for women, things are more complicated here. Not everyone can decide to take such a bold step. The main reason lies in self-expression. Today on the streets you can meet a lot of girls of the same type, who have long ceased to interest the stronger half of humanity. To stand out from the crowd and interest a potential partner, women are even ready to shave their heads bald. Of course, they are not guided solely by this. A girl will always think carefully about whether this or that hairstyle will suit her.

Apart from individual reasons, there are also common intentions for men and women to shave their heads bald. Young girls and boys join informal organizations, where they often adopt the style of its representatives.

Often, during periods of strong psychological experiences, people decide to make drastic decisions. Many people believe that with our hair we get rid of all accumulated negative emotions. Indeed, men and women often noted that after shaving their heads bald, they felt much better and did not regret their choice. Perhaps self-hypnosis is at work here.

Advantages and disadvantages of going bald

Of course, like any hairstyle, a bald haircut has its advantages and disadvantages. In order not to regret changing your image, you need to familiarize yourself with these nuances.


Having no hair on your head has certain advantages:

  • convenience. The haircut does not require special care; it is enough to simply wash the scalp periodically with ordinary shampoo;
  • saving. You can shave your head bald even at home, since anyone can easily master this technique. Forget about expensive salons and endless spending on hair care products;
  • cool. Many people do suffer from heat problems. This especially applies to those who live in a warm country. When there is no hair on the head, it becomes much easier to endure intense heat;
  • versatility. The haircut is suitable for almost any gender and age. It also goes with any style of clothing. No matter how strange it may sound, the hairstyle is suitable for both a sporty and a classic look;
  • improving scalp health. Because of the hair, we cannot properly cleanse the scalp of dead cells and other impurities. Many people note that after shaving their heads, their skin has become noticeably smoother;
  • getting rid of complexes. Many men worry about hair loss, and a hairstyle in the style of Hollywood gangsters will allow them to easily forget about embarrassment.

Why I cut my hair bald - video


This extravagant hairstyle also has a number of disadvantages:

  • the opinions of others. Most people associate a haircut with the criminal world. But not every person thinks in this way, so if you wish, you should still decide to experiment;
  • problem with documents. A bald haircut really dramatically changes a person's image. Many people note that the face literally becomes unrecognizable. Therefore, you should take care to change the photo in the main documents to avoid troubles;
  • hair does not grow back immediately. If you just dyed or cut your hair and didn’t like it, then this situation can be easily resolved by visiting the salon again. But a bald haircut will take a very long time to grow and you definitely won’t be able to dye it;
  • cutting your hair bald deprives your scalp of thermal protection. For this reason, the body puts all its efforts into warming the most precious part of the body during cold weather, but an insulated hat will help solve this problem.

Who is suitable for a bald haircut?

A bald haircut will look good on those with an oval face type. The shape of the skull should also be round, without any irregularities or moles, otherwise the hairstyle will look extremely sloppy.

As for the external characteristics of a person, the most different options. Many celebrities (Jason Statham, Bruce Willis) do not have pretty features, but a shaved head looks very appropriate in their image.

It is worth noting that a bald haircut is more suitable for thin people, since with rounded cheeks and a double chin, the hairstyle will not look as advantageous as possible. All these nuances apply to both women and men. A haircut looks especially interesting on those with full lips.

Bald haircut technique

Making such a hairstyle is not difficult. It is enough to follow the instructions:

  1. First, cut your hair as short as possible to make the shaving process more comfortable. The nozzle number should vary from zero to three. But you don’t have to use it at all.
  2. Be sure to have a small mirror with you. You will need it when you shave the back of your head. This way you can avoid small wounds and unevenness that the machine can leave.
  3. Start cutting your hair from the forehead and crown, and then smoothly move to the temples and back of the head in a clockwise direction.
  4. Drive the car slowly. It is necessary to shave against the direction of hair growth.
  5. After completing the procedure, do not forget to pay attention to the area behind the ears and near the neck.

Video: how to cut your hair bald on your own

Should I cut my child's hair bald?

There is an opinion that if you shave a child’s head at an early age, then in the future the hair will be thicker and more beautiful. The reason for the existence of this myth is various superstitions that have come to us since ancient times. For example, it is believed that cutting a hair bald drives away dark forces from a child. But this method also has its advantages and disadvantages.

It was strictly forbidden to cut children's hair before they reached the age of one. Many children were born in the family, but they often died in infancy, and cutting a child’s hair could deprive him of the strength he needed so much in order to survive. It was believed that before the baby was one year old, he decided whether to stay in the family or leave it. If the child did not die, then on the day of the first name day the first lock of hair was ceremoniously cut off from the top of his head, and all other hair was left untouched. This was done as a sign that the baby had been accepted into the family and was now under family protection.

Folk signs

The hairstyle has a number of advantages:

  • convenience. Of course, going bald requires virtually no maintenance;
  • comfort. If a child constantly sweats, then cutting his hair bald can solve this problem. But even in this case, it is not recommended to shave the baby to zero. Make do with just short hair;
  • cool. With a short haircut, it will really be easier for a child to endure a hot climate.

But don’t forget about the disadvantages of going bald:

  • the baby will often be cold. The child's head is deprived of natural thermal protection, so he will freeze faster. If you still decide to cut your baby’s hair, be sure to insulate him with all kinds of hats and hoods;
  • expectations are unlikely to be met. Cutting your hair bald will not make your child's hair thicker and healthier, since all this is determined at the genetic level. If initially the baby’s curls are thin and fluffy, then most likely they will remain that way;
  • It is easy to injure a child during a haircut. The shaving process can damage your scalp and hair follicles. As a result, this will lead to the loss of existing follicles, as a result of which the strands will become sparser. If you still decide to shave your baby’s head, then do it in a professional salon;
  • There is a possibility of infection during the shaving process. The skin on a child’s head is very thin and can be easily injured, so if handled incorrectly, there is a risk of seriously harming the baby.

Pediatricians do not recommend shaving a child's head, as this is fraught with negative consequences. You should only decide to take such a risky step if there is really a need for it. A good reason for cutting your baby's hair bald can be constant irritation of the scalp, skin diseases and excessive sweating of the child.

To shave a child or not - video

A bald haircut is popular today mainly due to its ease of care. But some people express themselves in this way or show their belonging to a certain culture. Before you radically change your appearance, you need to accept all sorts of disadvantages of such a haircut. If nothing bothers you, then you can safely decide to change your image!

Ekaterina, 21 years old. A native of the small town of Chkalovsk. I work as an insurance agent, but I am a creative person at heart. From an early age, she wrote poetry and kept a diary, where she expressed her thoughts almost daily. I've wanted to start writing for a long time. Do not rewrite, do not copy, but write. And thanks to Monica, I got this opportunity, for which I am very grateful to this editor. Thank you for the opportunity to develop as a real author!

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Hair cutting is done with conventional and electric clippers No. 0, No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3. The higher the number of the machine, the more hair remains on the head after cutting. Typically, low-number clippers are used to cut hair in the summer, while higher-number clippers are used in winter.

After the preparatory operations, the master should stand in front of the client and ask which machine number to use to cut his hair. To avoid misunderstandings, you should ask again: “Should I cut all my hair completely?” Only after confirmation from the client can the hairdresser begin cutting.

The process and sequence of cutting with a conventional clipper and an electric one are exactly the same.

Before cutting the hair, comb it with a comb from the center of the head down and to the sides. Then the comb is transferred to the left hand; if the hair is very long, then use a comb to lift it up. After that, taking the clipper in the right hand, they begin to cut the hair. Hair is cut with a clipper against the direction of its growth.

Typically, the haircut starts from the forehead to the crown and is cut in stripes, one after the other, from right to left, clockwise, first the right parietal region, then the right temporal and occipital regions. Then the left occipital region, left temporal and left parietal regions are cut.

It makes more sense to start cutting hair from the back - from the beginning of hair growth on the neck to the top of the head, since some clients think twice during the haircut process and decide not to cut their hair bald, and when cutting the hair using the first method, the situation becomes irreparable.

When cutting, you need to move the clipper slowly, because when the clipper moves quickly, especially not electric, the teeth of the clipper do not have time to cut, they pull and tear the hair, which bothers the client. Therefore, the machine should be driven slowly and smoothly, and the levers of a conventional machine should often be opened and closed to full capacity.

If the clipper jams, you should immediately clean the teeth and then continue cutting.

Having cut the first strip of hair to the top of the head, the clipper is smoothly, without jerking, taken away (raised) from the skin and with a comb in the left hand, the cropped hair is combed, after which they begin to cut the next strip.

When cutting each subsequent strip, the hair should be grabbed with only half of the working part of the machine, the second half is carried along the cut strip, picking up ungrabbed (missed) hair.

When cutting hair behind the ears, both on the right and on the left, bend the ears with the little finger of the left hand.

After cutting the hair of the entire head, they shade the neck, edging the temples and behind the ears (this is not done when cutting with a No. 0 clipper).

Shading of the neck should be done with clipper No. 000. The clipper is pressed tightly with the teeth at the beginning of hair growth and the hair is cut with frequent movements of the levers, gradually lifting the teeth up. You should not shade the hair on the neck high; it is enough to limit yourself to shading the lower edge of the hair.

If the client's skin sweats profusely, it is necessary to wipe the neck with cotton wool and powder before shading, since the machine sticks to the wet neck and makes jumps when moving, which is why it looks like a “staircase”. Powder dries the skin and helps the machine adhere tightly to the skin.

When cutting with high-number clippers (No. 2 and No. 3), it is necessary to create a border behind the ear and trim the temples.

Edging the hair behind the ears is done in the following way: using the ends of scissors, trim the hair from the mastoid process upward, along the line of natural hair growth, creating an oval shape behind the ears.

First, they edge the hair behind the left ear, bending the auricle with the left hand (Fig. 98). When edging behind the right ear, the auricle is also bent with the left hand or a comb (Fig. 99); with counter pruning, the right hand is above the left.

The choice of the shape of the temples depends on the client’s wishes or is made at the discretion of the master. Depending on their length, temples are divided into short, medium and long: short - above the tragus of the ear, medium - at the level of the tragus, long - below the tragus of the ear.

When shaping the left temple, the artist should stand on the left, in front of the client. The comb should be held in your left hand and the scissors in your right.

First, use a comb to comb the hair down at the temple, then with one movement of the ends of the scissors, cut the hair in one line - oblique or straight (Fig. 100).

The hair below the resulting line is cut with clipper No. 000, and for those who shave, it is shaved with a razor.

To shape the right temple, the master moves to the client’s right side and, with the ends of the scissors directed towards the ear, also cuts the right temple in the same shape and at the same level as the left temples.

Shaping the left temple is much more difficult than the right one; adjusting the shape and level of the right temple to the left one is much easier, so shaping the temples must begin with the left temple.

After trimming both temples with the ends of the scissors, they are finally edged, i.e., the edges of the hair of the temples are connected to the behind-the-ear edging. Having completed the design of the temples, use a mirror to check whether the shape and length of both temples are the same.

At the end of the haircut, remove the napkin from the client, wipe his head with a napkin and cotton wool in the direction of hair growth.

Indicators of a high-quality haircut with a clipper are: hair is cut cleanly, at the same level, without gaps; both temples are correctly trimmed and shaped; cleanly, without a “ladder”, the neck was shaded.

You should first practice cutting hair bald with regular and electric clippers on blanks, strictly observing the cutting sequence. You can also train with each other by wearing a rubber swimming cap or a specially made cap on your head; as a last resort, you can tie your head with a regular napkin.

Having firmly mastered all the haircut techniques, you can move on to cutting clients' hair, but under the guidance of an instructor.

Short haircuts

After a bald haircut, the shortest haircut is the "English *" haircut.

* (Sometimes the “English” haircut is misunderstood as the “forelock” haircut for boys. Some hairdressers, at the request of parents or on their own initiative, cut the entire head bald, leaving only in front, on the frontal part of the head, a piece of hair, the so-called “forelock”, and very often they do not shade it or very carelessly reduce it to nothing. This haircut does not decorate, but disfigures.)

"English" haircut. There are several styles of this haircut: with or without a parting, with the hair combed to the side or in front with bangs (the last style is for children).

An “English” haircut can be done only if there are no defects on the skin of the occipital and parietal parts of the head, since with this haircut the hairstyle covers only the front area of ​​the head, and the remaining parts are cut bald. Therefore, before cutting, you need to carefully examine the client’s head.

The process of cutting an "English" haircut is as follows: using clippers No. 1, No. 2 or No. 3, hair is removed strip by strip, first on the left side of the head, and then on the right, starting on the neck - from the beginning of hair growth to the crown. After each strip of haircut, comb the cut hair and check the cleanliness of the haircut. Then the hair is cut from the line of the ears to the top of the head. The temporal area is cut at the level of the eyebrow line or at 1 - 2 cm higher. The machine is gradually raised with its teeth upward, reducing the hair to nothing both from the back and from the sides, connecting them along one oval line.

The haircut is done from left to right. Having finished the left side, process the right side in the same sequence.

At the end of the haircut with a clipper, the hair is shaded to nothing, combed, then the edges of the temples and behind the ears are made with scissors. Then the long hair is removed with scissors over the fingers. To do this, the hairdresser needs to stand behind the client. He holds a comb and scissors in his right hand. Having combed the hair, the hairdresser transfers the comb to his left hand, between the middle and index fingers. He uses scissors to cut the hair above his fingers. In this case, you should not hold the scissors close to your fingers to avoid damaging your hand. The sequence of cutting hair “on the fingers”: first remove the hair from the center of the forehead to the back of the head, leaving the hair at the front of the head longer, and reducing it to nothing at the top (Fig. 101).

After the haircut middle zone The hairdresser moves to the left of the client and cuts the left side. When processing the edge line of hair on the left side, he stands in front of the client, scissors the hair above the fingers, with the ends of the fingers directed towards the auricle.

The barber then cuts above the fingers on the right side, standing behind the client. When processing the right edge of the hairline and the back of the head, it is not necessary to move forward.

When removing hair above your fingers, take small strands and trim them, pulling them away from you.

At the end of the haircut with scissors, the hair is combed over the fingers and, if necessary, the shortcomings of the haircut are eliminated - “stairs”, unevenness, etc. Then the hair is combed into the parting and the haircut is continued with scissors, but already above the comb, eliminating the edge lines.

The process of cutting with scissors over a comb is done from left to right, starting from the left temporal region. The end of the comb is directed upward, and the ends of the scissors are directed downward. In this way, hair is reduced to nothing up to the crown.

When cutting the right side of the head, the master stands on the right side of the client and cuts in the same way as the left side, but with the end of the comb pointing up and the ends of the scissors pointing down (Fig. 102).

Then the middle part of the head is processed. The hair is reduced to nothing, fitting it to the edges of the hairstyle. In this case, the hairdresser stands behind the client, directs the teeth of the comb towards himself when cutting, and holds the scissors with the screw slot down, above the comb.

If after all the above operations there are still “stairs” left here and there, then the tubercle is lifted with the ends of the scissors, a comb is inserted and the unevenness is removed. This type of haircut is called a parted haircut. In extreme cases, serrated scissors are used.

Then the hair is thoroughly combed again, trimmed by trimming long hair, and combed forward again.

It should be remembered that when cutting the front hair, its edge should not be made thick; it is thinned with serrated scissors, plunging them slightly above the edge line of the bangs and moving the haircut to the ends of the cutting line. There is a second technique: use a comb to lift the hair of the edge line of the bangs and cut their ends, all the time gradually lifting the comb up.

Then the hair is refreshed and the small cut hairs are combed out. To do this, take a comb in the right hand, and a piece of cotton wool in the left; Combing the cotton wool with the thick side of the comb, pick it up onto the teeth of the comb. The cotton wool is moved to the base of the comb and small hairs are combed out. If the client does not want to refresh or wash his hair, then the cotton wool is slightly moistened. Then the hair is parted again according to the client’s wishes - to the right or to the left.

You need to practice English haircut techniques first on blanks, then on wigs with blunt scissors and on each other, but without cutting or trimming. Only after this can you proceed to cutting clients’ hair under the guidance of an instructor.

Half-box haircut. With a half-box haircut, the hairstyle is made longer than with an English haircut. The half-box haircut can be parted or unparted, combed back (Fig. 103). This haircut can also be done only for clients who do not have skin defects within the temporal and occipital parts of the head.

A half-box haircut is performed as follows: with clippers No. 1, No. 2 or No. 3, hair is removed from the neck, occipital region and lower part of the temporal region, lowering the cutting line ovally to the occipital protrusion (see Fig. 103, b).

Rice. 103. Half-box haircut: a - side view; b - the dotted line indicates the hair removal line with machine No. 1.

The haircut is done from left to right, stripe by stripe. As the machine approaches the shading “line,” the teeth of the machine gradually lift upward, reducing the hair to nothing.

The hair on the neck is reduced to nothing with a machine No. 000, then the ears are edged; after this, the temples are decorated: the hair at the temple line is trimmed to the desired shape (oblique or straight); Below the line of the temples, the hair is shaved or shaded with clipper No. 000. If the hair is very long, then after cutting with the clipper, it is removed with scissors over the fingers. This is done in the same way as with the “English” haircut, but since the “half-box” hairstyle is longer than the “English” one, the line on the back of the head is made lower than with the “English” haircut, and the hair is removed above the fingers.

Then the hair is combed into the parting (if the client wears a combed-back hairstyle, only the edges along the hairline are combed) and cut with scissors over a comb in the same way as with an English haircut, stripe by stripe, from left to right. After cutting each strip, it is combed according to the hair growth and, if it is reduced to nothing, this operation is repeated.

After reducing the hair around the head, check general shape haircuts so that the transition line is evenly shaded.

The shape of the occipital protrusion or depression between the occipital and parietal regions should be taken into account and only enough hair should be removed so that the shape of the head is oval. Therefore, more hair is left in the cavity. If the occipital part is strongly protruding, it is extinguished closely to remove the bulge as much as possible.

If the hairstyle is done with a parting, the hair is parted down towards the face, at an angle, and the longest ends are trimmed. This is done so that the hair does not fall on the short side of the parting in the event that the client subsequently opens the parting incorrectly or lower. However, this is not done in cases where clients have a permanent parting or specifically cover their bald spot.

If the hairstyle is done with a comb back, then the hair is combed from the middle to both sides and excessively long hair is trimmed. Very thick layers of flowing hair are milled with serrated or regular scissors or a razor. Then the hair is combed and combed back.

In conclusion, the hair is finally polished and final operations are performed (washing, refreshing, combing with cotton wool), as with an English haircut.

Summer haircut- one of the unique haircut styles. Its peculiarity is that it is short not only on the sides and back, but very short in front, just enough to be parted (Fig. 104).

Rice. 104. Summer haircut.

A “summer” haircut can be done only if the head has the correct shape and there are no defects on the skin, since it is as short as possible. It is done with a parting on the side or in the middle of the head. This haircut is recommended for clients with soft and thin hair.

The process of cutting a “summer” haircut is as follows: with clipper No. 1 or No. 2, the hair from the back of the head is removed - from the neck to the crown and from the temples to the second temporal protrusion.

The machine is gradually raised with its teeth upward, cutting short-cut hair to long hair (you can also cut hair with scissors). Then they shade the neck, make an edging around the temples and behind the ears.

If the hair is very long, it is first removed with scissors over the fingers. When cutting, the ends of the fingers are directed towards the hair removed by the machine. Then the hair is cut using scissors in the usual manner with gradual transitions: shorter - from the places trimmed with a clipper, longer - to the crown. The haircut is made so short that you can only part it.

At the end of the haircut, the hair is combed into the parting and trimmed, trimming long hair. Then comb the hair to the forehead and also trim it. Finally, the hair is parted again and finally polished.

When cutting a “summer” haircut, the hair is not combed back, with the exception of very soft and sparse hair, which can easily fall back even with a short haircut.

Polka haircut most common in all countries of the world and recognized as one of the most beautiful. It can hide many skin defects and head shapes, as it has many varieties. At the same time, "polka" is not a long haircut.

The "polka" haircut (Fig. 105) is much more complex than the "English" and "half-box" haircuts. It has many features and various techniques. A polka haircut can be done in two ways - with scissors alone and with a clipper.

rice. 105. Polka haircut.

Cutting with scissors is one of the complex and time-consuming methods, but with scissors you can cut more artistically than with a clipper, especially if the master has not yet mastered the technique of artistic cutting with a clipper.

When preparing for a haircut, you need to sit the client close to the back of the chair. By touching the little fingers of both hands to the head, the master makes it clear to the client to bend his head. Then combs the hair down in the direction of its growth.

The haircut begins with scissors over a comb at the beginning of hair growth on the neck. When combing, bringing the comb to the beginning of hair growth, use your thumb and forefinger to turn the comb with its teeth up, press it tightly to the neck and, slowly moving the comb and scissors against hair growth, cut the hair with frequent clapping of the scissors (see Fig. 41). In this case, the hair from the lower part of the neck is removed closely, leaving only the thickness of a comb. During the cutting process, the teeth of the comb gradually turn towards themselves, reducing the hair to nothing. By gradually turning the comb, a smooth transition is achieved while reducing the hair to nothing.

With sparse and light hair, the transition to no hair should be steeper. The darker and thicker the hair, the smoother the transition. The steepness of the transition when reducing hair to nothing is achieved by the speed of rotation of the comb.

Depending on the color, the width of the strip of hair horizontally negated on the neck ranges from 2 to 4 cm.

First the left side of the head is cut, and then the right. The first strip is cut from the beginning of hair growth on the neck to the lower area of ​​the back of the head. The next strips are removed gradually to the left from the center of the back of the head. For very thick hair, the upper occipital region is cut with a “bulkhead,” that is, scissors are placed under the hair, a strand of hair is lifted, then this hair is picked up closer to the roots with a comb with the teeth up and cut to nothing. The comb is gradually moved and thus cut strip by strip, all the time sorting through, as mentioned above, strands of hair. After the next “overhaul,” the hair is combed down to determine whether it has been reduced correctly.

When cutting hair to the ear line, the scissors and comb are parallel; When cutting behind the ears, the relative position of the scissors and the comb changes: the scissors are gradually turned into a vertical position with an inclination towards the neck.

When cutting in the mastoid area, the ends of the scissors are directed upward and the end of the comb is directed downward. In this way, the area from the left ear to the back of the head is cut. In this case, the end of the comb is pressed tightly to the bottom of the hair of the neck, lifting the rest of the comb at an angle to the line of the cut hair of the back of the head. Frequent strokes of the scissors combined with the slow movement of the comb reduce the hair on the left side of the head, achieving an even transition throughout the entire area.

As the haircut moves to the left side, the position of the scissors and comb changes, above the ear they are again parallel, and then the ends of the scissors are directed downward and the end of the comb upward. In Fig. 106 shows a diagram of the movement of scissors and a comb around the left ear.

When reducing the hair behind the ear to nothing, the ear is bent back and then the haircut continues, but the comb is not pressed tightly.

The edges of the edging behind the ears should be thicker than the hair at the beginning of hair growth on the neck, no more than 3 mm.

When designing temples, you need to take into account the client’s hair color and the fullness of his face. If you have light hair or a thin face, less hair is removed at the temples to make the temples fuller, and vice versa: if you have dark hair or a full face, the temples are cut shorter. The shortest hair at the temples should be at least 3 and no more than 5 mm. When decorating whiskey, you need to ensure that both sides are the same and cut at the same level. The bottom of the left temple is cut in the second step (Fig. 107).

Having finished cutting the left side of the head, they begin to cut the right side in the same sequence as the left. Since the left side is already completely cut, the right side is cut to the same level as the left side; The haircut on the right side of the head needs to be trimmed gradually.

When cutting hair on the right side, in the area of ​​the mastoid process, the middle of the comb is pressed tightly to the neck, and the free end of the comb is raised from the back of the head; The scissors are directed with their ends down.

The bottom of the right side of the neck is cut with the ends of the scissors over a comb (above the side with fine teeth) in the second step; the middle of the right side of the neck is cut in the first step, directing the ends of the scissors to the left; The left side of the neck is cut in the usual manner.

When thinning hair with serrated scissors, the front strand and strands on the sides of the parting are folded back so as not to reduce their length.

Hair cutting above the fingers or trimming (after thinning) begins from the front - from the forehead to the crown: first the right side, then the left.

Feeding the hair forward, cut the first strand. Taking the next strand, they partially grab the already cut strand in order to cut at the same level, i.e., to prevent gaps or “stairs”.

When cutting the right side, the ends of the fingers are directed to the side, in the direction of hair growth in the temporal and occipital regions. The hairdresser stands behind the client.

When cutting above the fingers of the left side, the hairdresser stands in front of the client and combs the hair away from himself, i.e. against the hair growth. The cutting sequence is the same as when cutting the right side. The ends of the fingers are also directed in the direction of hair growth.

The amount of hair removed depends on the hair style and the client’s wishes. When removing hair using the finger method, you must be careful not to injure your fingers with the scissors. To check, they re-sort strand by strand, and if excessively long hair is found, it is cut to the level of the rest.

If the “staircase” could not be eliminated, it is reduced to nothing with serrated or ordinary scissors by sorting it out: the scissors are immersed in the hair, under the “ladder”, picked up with a comb and cut, bringing it to nothing.

When cutting the right side behind the auricle, in the temple area, the position of the comb and scissors also gradually changes: the ends of the scissors and the comb are parallel to the right temple, as the haircut progresses, the end of the comb gradually moves down, and the ends of the scissors rise up.

After cutting around the head, the front hair of the frontal and parietal parts begins to be cut. They are cut immediately above the fingers or pre-filed and then trimmed above the fingers.

If the hair is very long, it can be shortened by thinning with regular scissors. To do this, divide the hair in half and open a temporary parting in the middle, then, combing, take a strand of hair from the frontal area, place it between the thumb and index fingers of the left hand (if the hair is too long, between the middle and index fingers), the comb is also transferred to the left hand , and with the right hand they cut with ordinary scissors with very light pressure and sliding from the ends to the roots. The scissors are half-open. This is how they cut strand by strand.

If the hair is very thick, you only need to thin it, that is, reduce the thickness of the hair. In this case, they cut with serrated scissors: take a strand of hair, immerse the serrated scissors in it at the roots and cut in several places from the roots to the bottoms (Fig. 108).

After this, use machine No. 000 to shade the hair from the bottom.

The edging of the hair behind the ears during a polka cut is repeated twice; The first time is cut with the ends of the scissors from the mastoid process upward, bordering the hair around the ears to the temples, creating the basis of the edging. At the same time, the hair is combed downward all the time so that there is no uncut hair bent to the side. The second time, the hair behind the ears is finally trimmed, using the ends of the scissors to clean off individual hairs.

The edging behind the ears should not be raised above the beginning of hair growth.

The lateral lines of the edging, from the mastoid process to the bottom of the neck, are made depending on the fullness of the neck: for fat clients these lines are made in the shape of a trapezoid; with normal fullness - a small cone, thin - almost straight (see below Fig. 111).

The edging is made clear up to the mastoid process, below its line the edging is gradually shaded, maintaining the shape of the edging lines.

When edging the left side of the back of the head, the ends of the scissors are directed downwards and the hand is turned away from you. The scissors must be pressed firmly against the skin to cut the hair evenly. When edging the right side, the ends of the scissors are also directed downwards.

Horizontal edging of the lower edge of the hair with a shaved neck is done from right to left; the scissors take a horizontal position with their ends to the left.

Having completed the design of the neck and the behind-the-ear edging, they begin to design the temples, simultaneously designing the temporal area. The hair on the temples is combed forward towards the face and trimmed, while the scissors are directed with the ends up (Fig. 109). Then the temples are trimmed. The shapes of the temples and the methods for trimming them are the same as for other haircuts. Using a mirror, check that both temples have the same level of design and trim them if necessary.

After this, turn the client’s head to the right and left and check the contours of the haircut; the lines should be oval, not straight. Then the hair is combed in the direction opposite to the parting (if the hairstyle is parted), and excess hanging hair is trimmed. If the hairstyle is without a parting (combed back or tilted), the hair is combed in the middle with a parting and the edges are trimmed with very sharp shading or thinning with serrated scissors. Then the front hair is combed back, and the side hair is combed to the ears and temples and again sharply shaded if it is too long.

The peculiarity of soft hair is that when cut with scissors over a comb, as well as with a clipper over a comb, it becomes very easily knocked down. Therefore, soft hair needs to be combed and cut especially often.

Curly hair either shrinks or sticks out strongly, and the hairdresser may not cut it or “re-cut” it. That's why when cutting curly hair They also need to be combed often and removed gradually.

At the end of the haircut, final polishing is done, the hair is washed or refreshed and combed using a comb with cotton wool.

Polka haircut using a clipper. With this method of cutting, the work of the master is simplified compared to cutting with scissors and the entire cutting process is speeded up. When performing a polka haircut with a clipper, only the edge lines of the hair are cut, reducing them to nothing. The rest of the work is done with scissors.

The cutting procedure is as follows: holding the comb in the left hand, comb the hair along its length to the bottom of the neck, after which the fingers are straightened, and the comb is held between the thumb and forefinger. With your right hand, place the clipper in the middle of your neck, at the beginning of hair growth. Holding the edge of a stationary comb or the edge of the body of an electric clipper, or the plug of a regular clipper, with the middle finger of the left hand, they cut the hair, gradually moving the clipper forward. At the same time, the teeth of the machine are raised, reducing the hair to nothing. Thus, first the left side of the head is cut, then the right.

When cutting in the area of ​​the left mastoid process, the right edge of the clipper is raised, and when cutting in the area of ​​the right mastoid process, the left edge of the clipper is raised (Fig. 110).

Rice. 110. Reducing hair to nothing with a clipper in the mastoid area with a polka cut.

If your hair is thin, place a comb under the clipper to avoid cutting off too much. Do the same when cutting behind the ears; At the same time, the machine and comb are slowly moved upward, the teeth of the machine are turned sharply towards themselves.

The angle of hair reduction depends on the rotation of the machine and the comb: the steeper the turn, the steeper the transition and, conversely, the more gradual the rotation of the comb, the more gradual the transition.

After cutting with a clipper, each strip is combed to get an idea of ​​the thickness, uniformity of removal and length of the hair; If necessary, the haircut is repeated.

Sparse, especially blond hair is removed first with clippers No. 3, then No. 1 and No. 000. Rare black and medium-thick blond hair is trimmed with clippers No. 2, No. 1 and No. 000. Thick and black hair is removed with clippers No. 1 and No. 000. This cutting sequence prevents excessive hair removal.

If the hair after cutting with a clipper is not reduced to nothing, but shaved, then an edging is made with scissors and the hair is shaved below the edging.

After cutting the edge lines of the polka hairstyle with a clipper, all other processes are carried out in the same way as when cutting with scissors (the first method).

In educational hairdressing salons, you can perform training with the permission of the client who is getting a haircut: trim the hair with scissors over a comb, a clipper over a comb, and generally do all the techniques for cutting a polka haircut, and then cut it bald with a clipper. Such training without harming the client gives a lot to a young hairdresser.

Boxing haircut *. In its style, the “box” haircut remembers the “half-box”, but is a more complex haircut, since the hair is removed with clippers of lower numbers compared to the “half-box” haircut: No. 0, No. 00 and No. 000. And the lower the number of the clippers, the It’s more difficult to blend out the transition after a haircut. The boxing haircut involves shaving the hair of the temporal and occipital areas is especially difficult.

* (Boxing haircut with clipper No. 0 for the first category; No. 000 and with shaving - for the second and third categories.)

Haircut sequence: first, using scissors, not close to the skin, cut through the thickness of the hair along an oval line from the left temple through the back of the head to the right temple. Below this line they cut with machine No. 0. Applying an edging line makes the work of the master easier and helps to produce uniform shading. But with a shaved “boxing”, the edging line can be cut with the ends of scissors, pressing tightly to the skin. After this, the hair below the edging line is cut with clippers No. 0, No. 00 or No. 000, or shaved on the neck, in the occipital region and the lower part of the temporal region. Then the edges are shaded, reducing the hair to nothing with clippers No. 2, No. 1, No. 0, No. 00 or No. 000.

When removing hair above the shading line, it is reduced to nothing by placing a comb under the teeth of the machine. The hair at the very edge of the edging line is reduced to nothing with a smooth transition, especially with thick black hair, and the edge of the haircut is shaded with a clipper of the same number that was used to cut below the edging line.

A smooth transition must be done with a very slow movement of the clipper, so that instead of a “boxing” haircut, you do not get a “hat”. For stability, hold the machine with the middle finger of your left hand. In order for the shading to be visible, you should pay attention to the cleanliness of the scalp. Therefore, during the shading process, periodically wipe the scalp with cotton, clearing it of small cropped hair. If the hairdresser has sterilized regular or nylon brushes, then the skin can be cleaned with them.

After shading the edge line, they begin cutting with scissors. Thick hair is pre-filed. The hair is removed with scissors using the “fingertip” method in the same way as with a half-box haircut, and then reduced to nothing. Then trim the front hair, combing it in the opposite direction from the parting. If the hairstyle is done with a comb back, the hair is combed in the middle on both sides and trimmed to the side.

Trimming the temples and edging behind the ears during a boxing haircut is not performed, since both the temples and the area behind the ears are trimmed with clippers with zero numbers.

At the end of the haircut, the hair is combed according to the hairstyle that the client wears, and the shade lines are checked again. The master eliminates any deficiencies noticed. Finally, he performs final grinding and finishing operations.

Young hairdressers are not recommended to immediately cut their hair into a “boxing” style using clippers No. 000 and No. 0000. They should thoroughly practice shading techniques with clippers No. 000 on blanks, for which purpose, first draw cutting lines with scissors on the blank with chalk.

On production practice First you need to do a boxing haircut with clippers No. 0, then No. 00, and only after that with clippers No. 000 and No. 0000.

More complex types of haircuts

(Below are haircuts for advanced training courses for masters.)

There is an opinion that technically well-done work is already artistic. This is not true. The hairdresser takes into account the facial features, hair color, and head shape of the client and accordingly makes the most suitable haircut.

If the client has a thin face, then you should not cut too much hair on the sides of the head. If the side hair is sparse, you can create “magnificence” by curling it. The parting is done in the middle of the head or on the side. Parting in the middle should not be done for persons with long nose, because with a straight parting the nose appears even longer. A hairstyle with hair combed back for a thin face is only acceptable for curly hair. In these cases, you need to leave maximum hair volume on the sides, and thin out the middle and comb it smoothly.

When cutting clients with a thin face, hair is removed with scissors using the “fingertip” method; the neck is lightly trimmed with scissors, then with a machine No. 000, and the hair on the temples and behind the ears is left lush and edged.

For clients with a thin face, a “Russian” haircut suits them very well, and for clients with a full face and provided that there are no defects on the skin and the shape of the head is correct, “boxing”, “semi-boxing” and “summer” haircuts are more suitable. These types of haircuts are done with a parting, without a parting, or with the hair combed back. If you have a full face, it is not recommended to part your hair in the middle. For a convex crown and an oblong face, combined or regular haircuts are recommended: “beaver”, “hedgehog” or “bob”; a bob haircut softens and, as it were, shortens the length of the face, a crew cut smooths out sharp facial features, and a beaver haircut hides the convexity of the crown.

If you have a bald spot with vellus hair on the crown, it is advisable to cut the hair short on the sides and dye the vellus hair (a little darker than the hair color). Then the bald spot becomes less noticeable. If you leave lush hair on the sides, the bald spot will stand out sharply.

In order to make gray hair at the temples less noticeable, the hair at the temples should be cut very short. But this is not recommended for clients with very thin faces.

Before cutting, you need to carefully examine your scalp and its shape. If there are skin defects, then you should, without disturbing the overall shape of the haircut, remove the hair in a thin layer so that the defects are not visible. If a client asks for a haircut in which skin defects or an irregular head shape will be noticeable, the stylist must convince the client to change the shape of the haircut. When choosing a haircut shape, hair color plays an important role. The darker the hair, the thicker it appears. Therefore, as a rule, the darker and thicker the hair, the more gradual the transition should be made. On the contrary, the lighter and thinner the hair, the steeper the transition.

Using a mirror or turning the head, the hairdresser sees the unevenness of the haircut, individual hairs sticking out and corrects them. With ordinary and combined haircuts, as well as with “beaver”, “hedgehog” and “bob” haircuts, irregularities and roughness are revealed by powdering, since after powdering all irregularities become more clearly visible.

To lubricate hair when cutting “beaver”, “hedgehog”, “bob” and when cutting a mustache, a fixatoire is used. Sometimes, at the client’s request, very curly hair is lubricated with fixatuire. Vaseline, briolin, brilliantine and burdock oil are usually applied to the hair after a haircut or before a haircut, when the client has just washed his hair and the hair falls apart, making it difficult to cut. Hair oiling is done only with the client's consent.

Temporarily sticking out hair is moistened with cologne from a spray bottle before cutting. Constantly sticking out “unruly” hair should not be wetted or lubricated before cutting, as after drying it will rise again, and the haircut will turn out to be of poor quality. When cutting and combing hair for thin-faced clients, there is no need to use lubricants, as the hair should be full.

Haircut details

The design of the neck and back of the head is the basis of an artistic haircut. With a skillful haircut you can change the appearance of your neck shape: from full to medium, from thin to full. To give the neck haircut the correct shape, make an edging with scissors. Below the edging, the hair is cut with a No. 000 clipper or shaved, powder is applied and then the hair is reduced to nothing. To add artistic shading, you need to shave the hair on your neck. At the end of the haircut, it will not look shaved, but the transition will be much more beautiful than a haircut with a No. 000 clipper.

For a thin neck, the side lines of the edging are made straight; for a full neck, they are made in the form of a trapezoid to “narrow” the width of the neck. For thick and black hair, the neck is shaded as follows: first, the hair is cut with clippers No. 1 and No. 2, then with clippers No. 000. The shading turns out better if cut with clipper No. 1 with a shading line width of 2 to 4 cm or wide machine No. 000, if it has an attached comb.

Using machine No. 000 you can make an artistic, so-called “smoky” transition. This transition is achieved by the fact that when reducing the hair to nothing, hold the clipper with the middle finger of the left hand and, gradually lifting it, move it steeply or gently, depending on the shape of the haircut. In general, when reducing hair to nothing, hold a clipper of any number with the middle finger of your left hand. Finger attaches right direction and stability to the movement of the machine when cutting, which allows the hairdresser to trim the hair more clearly. This method is complex and requires practical skill.

Medium-thick brown and black hair is shaded first with machine No. 1 and then No. 000. When reducing hair to nothing with machine No. 1, it should also be supported for emphasis. Light and sparse hair is extinguished with clippers No. 2 or No. 3, then with clippers No. 1 and No. 000 (haircut system of advanced hairdressing school teacher D. D. Kutakov). Very sparse dark hair and sparse blond hair are extinguished only with scissors (system of teacher G. A. Borokhov). In this case, the transitions will look much more beautiful, but the haircut will take longer.

With skillful use of the machine, you can achieve the same beauty of transition as when working with scissors. Regardless of the method of initial processing of the neck, the shading is finished with machine No. 000.

Some clients shave their necks when getting a haircut. Shaving the neck should be done taking into account its fullness. The transition should be thin, oval, and not thick, chopped off. When shaving hair on a thin or medium neck, the edging line is made rectangular, and the edges are slightly shaded; the edging line of a full neck is made in the shape of a trapezoid with oval corners. The lateral lines of the neck are edged with scissors, with a gradual thickening of the shading towards the ears. For all types of haircuts, with the exception of haircuts with shaving of the neck, the side edgings of the neck are connected to the edging lines behind the ears, from the mastoid process to the upper base of the auricle; below the mastoid process they are shaded while maintaining the shape of the edging (Fig. 111).

In cases where the hair on the neck grows in different directions and after shading there are individual hairs left, they are removed with the ends of scissors (sometimes placing a comb) with a cone in the direction of hair growth, creating shading artificially, as when removing hair with a machine (Fig. 112).

Temple decoration. Long temples (sideburns) seem to create proportionality of the face with the client’s height. Therefore, they are recommended to be worn by tall people. To enhance the fullness of the face, it is recommended for tall, thin people to have full sideburns, and for fat people to have tightly cropped temples. Short temples are more suitable for people of average and short height. With regular facial features, make semi-oblique temples, with sharp ones, straight ones, as they soften the sharpness of facial features; with an upturned nose, it is advisable to make the temples oblique (Fig. 113). Semi-oval temples are made only for children and women who wear short hair.

Wide temples are narrowed, shaved in front, then shaded so that the shaving line is not noticeable, and when the hair subsequently grows back, the shaved area does not stand out. Thick temples are reserved for people with deep temporal cavities; thin - for people whose temporal cavities are not noticeable.

Design of the back and sides of the head. When cutting the back and sides of the head, do not make straight lines. The transition should be gradual, oval. To achieve such cutting contours, you need to take into account the shape of the client's head and remove hair over your fingers or scissors accordingly. To obtain an oval transition, the comb teeth are gradually turned towards themselves. The slower the turn of the comb, the smoother the transition; on the contrary, the faster the comb is turned, the steeper the ovality of the haircut.

A steep oval shape behind the ears is made with long types haircuts and when cutting "Russian". At long haircuts it is achieved by thinning with serrated scissors. The scissors are immersed in a thick layer of hair and cut with several strokes from roots to ends. The hair is then combed and thinning continues until an oval shape is created.

Haircut behind the ears. When creating a haircut behind the ears, you should not shave the hair or make a high edging, since after a few days the shaved hair will grow back and the haircut will lose its shape.

Hair removal using the finger method. Hair removal using the finger method is not performed for all types of haircuts. When cutting with hair combed back, the hair is not removed in this way, but combed in half in the middle and steeply brushed so that it lies evenly and does not fall apart with uneven ends.

When removing hair "on the fingers", the first strip of hair, taking it between the index and middle fingers of the left hand, is removed strand by strand from the middle of the forehead to the top of the head. The second strip removes hair from the forehead to the back of the head in the parietal and temporal regions. First, remove hair from the right side, then from the left.

When cutting the left side, the master stands in front of the client on the left side and cuts the hair above the fingers, strand by strand, moving his fingers away from himself. While cutting strands of hair, the master holds the comb between the thumb and forefinger of his left hand.

All other sections of hair are removed in a circle - from right to left. When cutting using the “finger” method, the hair is brought forward so that it is removed evenly, and not in a “ladder” fashion.

Grinding. Irregularities and individually protruding hair on the oval and contours of the head are removed with a comb, in the direction of hair growth, frequent blows (slamming) of scissors or lightly beveling the hair in the direction of its growth with a regular straight or special thinning razor. This is also achieved with an electric hair clipper No. 000, which is moved without pressure in the direction of hair growth. More precise hair grinding is achieved by finishing with an electric razor. The razor is guided in the direction of hair growth above the protruding hair.

Polka style haircut. You should start cutting your hair after examining the client’s skin and head shape. The haircut begins from the back of the head to determine the overall shape of the back of the head. To perform an artistic form of hair cutting transitions on the neck and back of the head, it is permissible to first make an edging, then use scissors or clippers No. 1, No. 2 or No. 3, depending on the thickness and color of the hair, to reduce the hair to nothing. The hair is finally reduced to nothing using machine No. 000.

Uneven areas of the haircut - elevations and individual hair sticking out - are removed with the ends of the scissors, pointing them down or to the sides. After this, the hair on the temples is reduced to nothing. At the same time, hair is removed above the ears and from the edges behind the ears. The hair of the head is cut with scissors from the back of the head to the temples, first on the left side, then on the right.

The hair in the front, if necessary, is removed above the fingers or milled. Hair must be removed in such a way that later, when combing, the shape of the haircut does not change, and with a slight change in the direction of the parting, individual long hairs do not fall down. To do this, after cutting, the hair is combed obliquely, in the direction of the parting, and long hair is cut or milled in such a way that when the direction of the parting changes, it does not stand out. This does not apply to a special haircut performed to cover a bald spot.

After cutting the hair, the head is decorated with edgings behind the ears and temples. To ensure that there is no excess hair on the temples, they are combed forward towards the face and trimmed with scissors. Finally, the haircut is checked using a mirror and any protruding hairs are sanded separately.

As mentioned above, very thick and dark hair is removed first with machine No. 3 or No. 2, then No. 1 and No. 000 (according to the system of hairdressing master D. D. Kutakov). This method, however, can be used by hairdressers for hair of any color and thickness. Very sparse and light hair is cut only with scissors (according to the method of master G. A. Borokhov).

Rice. 114. Shading hair with a “smoky” transition for a polka cut.

When cutting hair on the back of the head, which has bulges, you need to be very careful to leave a thin layer of hair without exposing the bulge and adjust the haircut shape of the entire head to the usual one. To do this, a sharp shading is done on the neck, and the hair on the bulge is cut or milled as short as possible, but in such a way as not to expose the bulge. With a cone-shaped head and a convex crown, lush hair is left on the sides. Above the temples and behind the ears, the hair is abruptly reduced to nothing. The degree of fullness of the hair on the sides and steepness when reduced to nothing depends on the degree of convexity of the crown and on the forum of the head. When the temporal protrusions and lateral parts of the head are convex, the hair on the lateral parts is removed tightly. If there are deviations in the shape of the head, these works are done first, and then the usual haircut begins from the back of the head.

Combined polka haircut. A combined polka haircut can be done when you need to hide gray hair on the sides of the head or convex temple protrusions. The haircut is done in the usual manner, first on the left side, then on the right, but the hair on the temples and temporal protrusions is removed with machine No. 0 or No. 1, and the transitions are faded to nothing. With a strongly convex nape and at the same time large temporal protrusions, when it is impossible to make a half-box haircut, a combined polka haircut is also done. The hair on the back of the head is removed more than with a regular polka cut, and the rest of the head is cut with a blending machine.

Polka haircut for very curly hair more complex than with smooth hair. Curly hair appears thicker, so before cutting it is thinned with serrated thinning scissors, strand by strand, starting from the front. The outermost hair in the front is not milled, so that short milled hair is not visible. Thinning is done in the following order: the hair is combed on both sides in the middle (for a hairstyle with hair combed back) or thinned on both sides of the parting around the head, from left to right. Having immersed the comb in the top layer of hair, separate a strand of hair, take it with the thumb and forefinger of the left hand or lifting it with the comb, and cut (milled) with serrated scissors from roots to ends two to five times, depending on the thickness of the hair.

Only long hair is thinned with ordinary scissors. At the same time, strand by strand, with the half-open blades of the scissors, movements are made from the ends of the hair to the roots (Fig. 115). The scissors are held in the right hand in the usual manner. The position of the scissors when thinning should be slightly sloping, which is achieved by turning the hand toward you (the end of the upper blade of the scissors is directed away from you). In this position it is easier to cut (fillet).

Thinning can also be done with thinning and regular razors on damp hair, thinning it in the direction of growth.

After each thinning procedure, the hair is thoroughly combed to get an idea of ​​the thickness of the remaining hair. If the hair is still too thick, thinning is repeated, but in smaller sizes. After thinning is completed, they begin to cut the hair in the same sequence as with a regular polka haircut, starting from the middle of the neck. First, the left half of the head is cut, then the right.

After cutting curly hair, there is a lot of hair sticking out. They are shaped and polished with scissors using a mirror, turning the client's head to the sides. Grinding is done with ordinary scissors over a comb (or without a comb) in the direction of hair growth or with an electric machine No. 000, moving it without pressure in the direction of hair growth.

Polka haircut with long hair Very beautiful view haircuts, especially with black and chestnut color hair. The main feature of this type of haircut is that the length of the front hair reaches almost the back of the head. With this haircut, the hair is combed back only (with or without a parting).

When cutting with hair combed back without parting, the hair is combed on both sides and trimmed at the same level. They are then milled and combed back. The hair on the sides of the head is also combed to the sides, milled and combed back, and on the temples and above the ears it is cut sharply, combed back and styled.

In the back of the head the hair is sharply reduced to nothing, and on the neck it is sharply shaded. If the hairstyle is parted, then part it. After this, they check, correct imperfections and comb the hair with a comb with cotton wool on the teeth. Then the hair is refreshed, lubricated with briolin, brilliantine, petroleum jelly or burdock oil and combed smoothly, and for light hair, styling is done (Fig. 116).

Rice. 116. Polka cut with long hair and styling.

Haircut "youth" was first used in 1955 by a young Leningrad master Lyudmila Petrovna Vasilyeva and was soon adopted and implemented by Leningrad masters.

A “youth” haircut is a kind of beautiful haircut. At the request of the client, when the hair does not lie in the desired direction, hot or cold hair styling or styling with a hair dryer is used.

The technique for performing a “youth” haircut is as follows: the hair on the neck is sharply shaded, lower than with a “polka” haircut. With a full neck, hair on the neck is shaded with a cape. First, the cape is shaped with scissors, the neck is cut with clipper No. 000, and the hair is reduced to nothing with the same clipper and shaded, maintaining the shape of the cape. When shading the neck, the clipper is held against the plug with the middle finger of the left hand, tightly pressing one edge of the clipper to the trimmed line of the neck and lifting the other edge so as not to spoil the shape of the cape. This method of shading is complex and requires a lot of attention when reducing hair to nothing, since, on the one hand, it is necessary to preserve the shape of the cape, on the other, the general shape of shading the neck and hairstyle.

Then they make partings on the sides of the head (first on the left side, then on the right), bring the hair down abruptly and comb it back up. After this, the hair on the temples and behind the ears is edged without reducing it to nothing. Depending on the shape of the face, the length of the temples is made higher or lower. The temples should be full and the hollows behind the ears should not be visible. Hair is removed above the fingers using the usual method: in front - 10 - 12 cm, and without styling - somewhat shorter (6 - 8 cm). Towards the crown, the hair is removed shorter from the front of the head - even shorter, with the exception of curly hair. Then the hair is combed from the sides to the crown, and from the back to the center of the back of the head.

After the final check, the head is washed, dried, or permed (hot, cold, or with an air stream using a hair dryer). The middle of the head is curled in waves from front to back to the back of the head, and the sides are curled in waves towards the center of the back of the head so that they cover the waves coming from above. The ends of the side waves are connected, and the place of their connection is pulled down with a comb, to the center of the cape and neck, forming a connecting line (Fig. 117 and 118).

Rice. 117. “Youth” haircut (nape view).

Rice. 118. “Youth” haircut (profile view).

The second form of the “youth” hairstyle is achieved using tongs, curlers, and a hair dryer as follows: first, make fan-shaped light waves from the side hair. They are connected to the center of the head with opposing wave lines. The ends of the front hair waves are connected together and a curl is made in the form of a coca.

Sports haircut "boxing". The boxing haircut is done in several types: shaved (Fig. 119) or cropped at the back and sides of the head, with hair removed along the line of the temporal protrusions and along the line of the temporal cavities.

Rice. 119. Boxing haircut with shaved sides and back of the head.

Minor deviations in the shape of the head (enlarged temporal bulges and depressions) can be adjusted with a figured edging, which is made at different heights in a straight, oval or other shape. The larger the temporal depressions, the lower the edging is made, and the larger the temporal convexities, the higher the edging is made. With a convex head with a rounded head shape, the edging of the back of the head is made lower - under the convexity. The edging of the lines above the ears is made oval, corresponding to the shape of the head by 2 - 4 cm from the ears (Fig. 120).

At the beginning of the haircut, the edge line is marked with the ends of the scissors, after which the hair below the edge line is shaved or cut with a machine No. 000.

For an even transition, depending on the thickness and color of the hair, they are extinguished, bringing them to nothing with clippers No. 0, No. 1 or No. 2, supporting the clipper with the middle finger of the left hand to support it. For dark, especially black, thick hair, the transition is made smooth (at least 5 cm width), otherwise you will get a sharp line and instead of a “box” haircut you will get a “hat”; for black hair of medium density and thick brown-haired hair, the width of the transition is 3 - 4 cm; for brown hair of medium density and thick light hair - 2 - 3 cm; for light, sparse and medium density - 2 cm.

After reducing the hair to nothing with machine No. 0, No. 1 or No. 2, the edges of the shave, without disturbing the edging line, are shaded with machine No. 000. To ensure that the edge of the shaved hair is completely invisible, it is reduced to nothing with a razor in an oblique direction in relation to the shading line, while guiding the razor almost airy.

Individual hairs remaining after shading are removed with the ends of scissors. The hair on the top of the head is cut above the comb and above the fingers, as in a polka cut. After this, the master checks the haircut, i.e., looks to see if there are any dark shades or irregularities. The master performs a general check at a distance of 1 - 2 steps to the side and back from the client, as well as turning his head to the sides. The master eliminates any deficiencies noticed.

When determining the width of the transition, you can use the following data:

A boxing haircut without edges is done in the same order: the hair is removed with clipper No. 000 and shaded to nothing. The negative side of a boxing haircut without edging is that the shading may be uneven, as a result of which the haircut will be damaged or it will take a lot of time to correct it.

At the end of the haircut, the head is washed or thoroughly wiped with cotton swabs and refreshed, combed out with a comb with cotton in the teeth and then styled or combed smoothly.

Haircuts "hedgehog", "beaver" and "bob"

Haircuts "hedgehog", "beaver" and "bob" came into fashion at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries. Sometimes these three types of haircuts are simply called “beaver”, dividing them into round, oval and flat, but this is incorrect.

Crew haircut got its name from the fact that with it the hair on the head sticks out in a circle, like a hedgehog; when cutting a “beaver”, a flat platform is formed on the top of the head, reminiscent of a beaver’s back, and rounded sides are made; when cutting a bob (which means square), both the platform and sides are flat.

All these three types of haircuts have features both in form (Fig. 121) and in the technique of the haircut itself.

Rice. 121. Contours of haircuts "bob", "beaver", "hedgehog".

The presence of hair on the head, according to the existing statement, adds attractiveness to men and beauty to the female half of humanity. However, everyone has different tastes: some people like to wear a luxurious head of hair, while others prefer to have their hair cut shorter. For example, soldiers always wear short hair, people in creative professions prefer to grow their hair long. A haircut is considered an original approach to your image. A completely bald head can hardly be called a haircut, but this appearance significantly saves many people from the problem of hair loss.

Who is a “zero” haircut suitable for? Regardless of gender, this haircut is suitable for people with the correct skull shape.

Advantages of a “zero” haircut

Most people who have cut their hair and wear a buzz cut can name a number of reasons why they decided to undertake such an experiment. Let's list these advantages:

  1. Economical and fast process.
  2. It's not hot to walk around with a bald head.
  3. There is no time wasted on washing your hair, as well as money on purchasing shampoos, conditioners and other care products.
  4. As one of the ways to improve the health of the scalp (during the process of shaving, dead cells “leave” from the head).
  5. The ability to keep the skin clean (an excellent way to combat diseases such as lice, seborrhea, peeling).

In addition to the positive aspects, we can highlight the possible disadvantages of a “zero” haircut:

  1. Negative reaction from others (many people think that only bandits or prisoners cut their hair bald, which is why people avoid bald people).
  2. There may be problems with checking documents at customs (customs officers may doubt your identity by checking the photo with long hair in your passport with a real bald person).
  3. The head loses thermal protection, due to which increased heat exchange occurs to maintain an acceptable temperature of the head and the whole body.

Among others important points(possibly humorous) the following deserve attention:

  • In any fight, a bald man cannot be grabbed by the hair.
  • If a person is drowning, then it is no longer possible to grab hold of the hair.
  • A bald head can scare away the “undesirable” contingent.
  • All hair problems are not about you.
  • Shaving your head makes a man look brutal and gives him masculinity (remember the famous “bald men”, Bruce Willis, handsome Jason Statham, Fyodor Bondarchuk, Gosha Kutsenko, Dmitry Nagiyev and others).
  • You won't be required to wear a swimming cap in the pool (for some, a bald head provides hydrodynamics when swimming and aerodynamics when cycling).
  • There will never be problems with detangling your hair if some ill-wisher sticks chewing gum to your hair.

Regarding haircuts for children, there is an opinion that after it new hair begins to grow thicker and more attractive. However, in reality, this is not entirely true. Doctors have found that the quality of the hair on a baby’s head is determined at the genetic level, so a “zero” haircut cannot change their quality for the better, and sometimes can cause damage.

Firstly, after shaving the hair of babies, it often begins to grow back worse, and also goes through a long recovery period. This is due to the fact that the skin of the baby’s head is damaged by a razor or clipper, and small capillaries may even burst due to strong skin tension.

Secondly, this procedure for very young children can be very stressful and cause psychological trauma. Therefore, before cutting a child's hair, parents should think carefully.

Which men are suitable for a bald haircut?

Every man can get a zero haircut, regardless of hair type, but skin imperfections on the scalp can be a limitation. Owners of such defects are better off not taking risks with such a haircut, as it may scare off others.

Advice! Tattoos that match your image can hide imperfections on a bald head.

Why do girls cut their hair bald?

There are various explanations for this choice, one of which is the need to make fundamental changes in appearance. Some men believe that a very short haircut on a woman makes her sexier and more attractive.

Some girls cut their hair short for practicality (the hair does not need daily care), but “naked practicality” is not so characteristic of the fair half of humanity than the strong one. Therefore, among the main reasons for girls to cut their hair bald are:

  • creating a new image;
  • manifestation of originality;
  • demonstration of belonging to a certain group of people;
  • search for a sense of the world, a kind of way out of a depressive state.

Some experts claim that the hair on the head (especially for women) is capable of absorbing negative energy (despite the opinion that hair hides magical power). This may explain why girls in a state of depression or stress remove everything unnecessary from their heads, thus changing their lives.

Such changes in image and style give rise to a new, more successful life. An example would be stars in the world of cinema and show business who achieved great success after cutting their hair bald. You can recall such personalities as Yulia Chicherina, Masha Makarova (lead singer of the group “Masha and the Bears”), rock singer Sinead O’Connor, actress Natalie Portman, Demi Moore, Charlize Theron, Russian singer Slava and others. Many movie stars are simply forced to lose their luxurious hair for a movie role. Of course, many of these girls could not decide for a long time to take such a responsible action, but it was worth it.

Advice! A bald head is not suitable for all women. In order for a haircut to look more attractive, you must have correct facial features and an even skull shape.

By the way, from a psychological point of view, it is easier for a man to shave his head hair than for a girl.

“Zero” haircut technique

There are several types of “zero” haircuts.

Haircut to zero

It is necessary to perform a haircut on dry hair.

This haircut is performed using a special machine (mechanical or electric) without the use of attachments. Before shaving the hair, it must be combed in the direction of its natural growth. If your hair is long, then it needs to be cut to the desired length. After that, you need to lift the hair on the forehead, install the clipper on the frontal protrusion along the edge of hair growth and slowly move it towards the top of the head. Shaving occurs against the growth of hair. Haircut is carried out in strips (from the growth boundaries to the crown). To ensure the same length of haircut, it is necessary to cut each subsequent strip, capturing a little of the previous one. Additionally, attention is paid to the hair on the crown and occipital curls, which are cut against the direction of their growth. At the end of the haircut, edging is carried out in the temporal part of the head, behind and above the ears, and on the neck.

Attention! To avoid a negative attitude from the client towards a zero haircut, it is recommended to start cutting from the back of the head in an upward direction. In this case, it is still possible to leave the overall hair length. During a haircut, a client can suddenly change his decision, and it is no longer possible to correct the situation when the front strip has already been cut!

Shaving your head

Before shaving, you must first perform the “zero” haircut described above. After which shaving foam is applied and distributed over the entire head. Then shaving is performed for the first time - in the direction of hair growth (from the crown to the forehead, down and to the sides), the second time - in the opposite direction. Then the foam is applied again and the procedure is repeated.

Important! Excellent results are achieved with the help of a razor, which guarantees safe work. But using a straight razor requires the master to have certain skills and accuracy in his work.

To create an interesting image, they often resort to making various designs on a bald head. These can be simple patterns, inscriptions, simple lines, and sometimes even entire paintings.

Haircut care

A “zero” haircut does not require special care; the only thing you need to watch out for is the regularity of going to the hairdresser. Constant hair regrowth makes the image unkempt and unattractive. Despite the simplicity of doing a haircut, it is best to contact a hairdresser who will not only do this work quickly and efficiently, but also give valuable advice about the need for a bald haircut. This hairstyle can be one of the ways to “re-educate” unruly hair. For example, you have a desire to grow long and luxurious hair that can be styled as soon as you please, but your hair does not allow this due to “unruliness”. And a haircut to zero will allow you to change the direction of hair growth!

Hi all. As promised, I’m telling you about my experience of cutting my hair bald, and whether it changed the structure of my hair and whether my curls became thicker.

Since school, I have painted with various toners and lightened with powder. For the summer, I left my hair blue, and for the winter, I dyed it in natural shades. Since the toners were not of particular quality, my hair gradually began to shimmer different colors, and the bleaching powder has deteriorated the hair structure. To achieve a monochromatic hairstyle, I dyed my hair black.

After a couple of months I was very tired of this color, and I decided reset hairstyle. I took the clipper without an attachment and started shaving my forehead so that there was no turning back. My husband helped me get rid of the hair on the back of my head.

Your hair color and a week before shaving

Reaction of loved ones

Then we lived with my husband’s parents, my mother-in-law joked and asked me to wear a headscarf in front of her. Mom, of course, cried. She is very sentimental to me. The others weren’t particularly surprised and said it suited me.

Going out to people

I quickly got used to the new hairstyle, but initially I planned to wear a wig, then get extensions. Since this was the first experience short haircut, I was worried that the short length wouldn’t suit me. I felt uncomfortable only once - in the theater with evening dress a bald head doesn't look very harmonious.


How did hair grow?


  • At first it was cold to sleep, blow to the back of the head;
  • Sometimes I had to go to the hairdresser to get the strands to fit into my hair as it grew back.


The hair did not change its structure and did not become thicker. Sprouted enough fast- in six months I had a medium-length hairstyle, in a year it dropped below the shoulders.

1.5 years after cutting my head bald

When is a bald haircut suitable for you?

  • The dress code at work allows;
  • You have a straight skull without dents or peaks at the top;
  • Your ears don't stick out much;
  • You are for experiments.

The buzz cut is one of the most popular men's haircuts of all time. Haircuts have gained popularity mainly due to their simplicity, practicality, hygiene and many other functional advantages. Perhaps this is not the most beautiful and sophisticated men's hairstyle, although this is a very controversial statement, however, in many other respects, a haircut to zero holds a confident lead among men's hairstyles.

This haircut is very popular among men, regardless of their profession, social status and religion. Athletes, military personnel, actors, politicians, TV presenters, representatives of law enforcement agencies and criminal structures have their hair cut. In addition, balding men and everyone who wants to look impressive and attractive, and at the same time neat, have their heads cut.

Haircut features

A bald haircut is quite simple and unpretentious. The hair is cut using a clipper to the very root, as far as the tool allows. In some cases, the head is additionally shaved with a straight razor to achieve maximum cleanliness and a shiny effect.

Some men use a straight razor on their scalp every few days to maintain a clean, shiny look. Others, on the contrary, let their hair grow back so they can cut their hair to zero again. This achieves the effect of diversity. After a haircut, the person is completely bald, after which the hair gradually grows back, and the hairstyle turns into a short sporty one. Then the hair grows a little more and the hairstyle changes again. At some point, a person decides to cut his hair again, and the cycle closes.

Reasons why men shave their heads

There are many reasons why men prefer to cut their hair to zero. First of all, it is convenient, practical and hygienic. It is no coincidence that this men's haircut is standard in many sensitive establishments. Many athletes also choose this haircut because of its practicality.

Some balding men choose this haircut in order to hide the resulting baldness, exposing the entire head completely.

An important factor contributing to the popularity of this haircut is that a zero haircut helps create the image of a confident and strong person, with some notes of aggression and animal magnetism.

By choosing this hairstyle, a person declares his self-confidence and his active life position. By showing the world around him that he is not afraid to bare his skull, a man sends signals to the world that his inner essence is so strong, complete and self-sufficient that he does not care about external attractiveness, about any complex “beautiful” hairstyles, styling and cosmetic procedures. He's good enough that he doesn't worry too much about his appearance.

A man who shaves his head declares that he does not care about fashion or anyone else's opinion regarding his choice. He is strong and confident enough to dictate his opinion to society on fashion and any other issues.

Advantages and disadvantages of haircuts

In addition to the above, the advantages of this haircut can be added to the fact that it is not as hot in the summer as with longer hair. A haircut is also quite economical: minimal time spent on washing and drying your hair, minimal expenses on shampoo.

In addition, it’s easy to do a haircut to zero with your own hands if you purchase good car. This will save you from time and money spent on going to the hairdresser.

The only disadvantage is that with a bald head it can be cool in the cold season, but a headdress completely eliminates this disadvantage.

Who is not suitable for men's bald haircut?

This men's hairstyle suits almost all people, with any hair type. However, unlike just short hairstyles, a men's bald haircut may be contraindicated for people with various scalp defects, dermatological problems and other manifestations that may look unpleasant or repulsive to others. Sometimes people even get a small tattoo to cover up a skin defect. And in some cases, it is better to refrain from cutting your head.

Demand for haircuts among women

Surprisingly, in recent years, more and more women have begun to choose a bald haircut. For some young women, shaving their heads has become an opportunity to express themselves, show their creativity, and stand out from the crowd. The simplicity and convenience of this haircut also played a role, primarily for female athletes. Movie stars, singers, and fashion models sometimes cut their hair to zero. This hairstyle gives a woman a special charm.

Another advantage for women is that with a buzz cut it is very convenient to wear all kinds of wigs.


Despite its visual simplicity, a bald haircut has a lot of advantages, both in a practical and psychological sense. People who have chosen this haircut know them very well, as they have tried them on their own skin. Those who have never cut their hair bald, but in their hearts have always wanted to try, can only wish to have the courage and do it, joining those who have long and successfully reaped the benefits that this simple but very interesting hairstyle gives them.


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