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Industrial practice (according to specialty profile) ...

Introduction 3
1. Organizational and economic characteristics of SDI LLC 4
2. Simplified system of accounting and taxation 7
3. Compilation financial statements 18
4. Calculation of the balance - net on the liability side of the balance sheet 25
5. Dynamics and structure of the financial results statement 30
6. Profitability indicators 34
Conclusion 38
References 40


The purpose of industrial practice is to study the procedure for conducting accounting, the procedure for drawing up and analyzing financial statements.
The subject of the study is regulatory and legislative acts regulating accounting and analysis at enterprises.
In the process of completing an internship to gain professional skills and professional experience, the following tasks are solved:
- study of the organizational and economic characteristics of the enterprise;
- studying the preparation of financial statements;
- application of methods for analyzing financial statements.

Fragment of work for review

Procedure and terms of payment, reporting. Taxpayers who have chosen income as an object, at the end of each reporting period, calculate advance payments on actually received income, calculated on an accrual basis from the beginning of the tax period until the end of the first quarter, half-year, 9 months, taking into account previously calculated advance payments. Taxpayers applying a simplified taxation system with the object “income”, reduce the amount of the single tax (advance tax payments): by the amount of insurance contributions paid in a given tax (reporting) period to the Pension Fund of Russia, the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund and the Social Insurance Fund; by expenses for payment of benefits for temporary disability (except for industrial accidents and occupational diseases) for the first three days of illness, but only in the part not covered by insurance payments made to employees by insurance organizations; for the amount of payments under voluntary personal insurance contracts concluded in favor of employees in case of their temporary disability for days paid by the employer. In this case, the amount of tax or advance payments cannot be reduced by the amount of these expenses by more than 50%. Individual entrepreneurs who have chosen income as an object of taxation and do not make payments and other remuneration individuals, reduce the amount of tax or advance payments by a fixed amount of paid insurance premiums. Taxpayers who have chosen income reduced by expenses as the object of taxation calculate advance payments at the end of each reporting period based on the tax rate and actually received income, reduced by the amount of expenses calculated on an accrual basis taking into account the amounts of previously calculated advance payments. Taxpayers have the right to reduce the income received not only by the amount of insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance of their employees, but also by the amount of insurance contributions in the form of a fixed payment paid for their insurance (letter of the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated 12/18/2007 N 123). Payment of tax and quarterly advance payments is made at the location of the organization or at the place of residence of the individual entrepreneur. The single tax at the end of the calendar year is paid with the filing of a declaration by organizations no later than March 31 of the following year, by individual entrepreneurs - no later than April 30 next year. Advance payments are paid by organizations and entrepreneurs based on the results of the first quarter, half a year and three quarters no later than the 25th day of the first month following the expired reporting period. Taxpayers are required to keep tax records of their activity indicators based on the income and expenses ledger, form which was approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated October 22, 2012 N 135n. Organizations and individual entrepreneurs using the simplified taxation system keep records of income and expenses (Art. 346.15 and 346.16 of the Tax Code), as well as fixed assets and intangible assets in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation on accounting. Organizations and individual entrepreneurs that apply the simplified taxation system must submit a tax return at the end of the calendar year. Taxpayers-organizations submit a tax return no later than March 31 of the year following the end of the year tax period. Individual entrepreneurs submit a tax return no later than April 30 (at tax authorities at the place of residence). The form of the tax return and the procedure for filling it out are approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated June 22, 2009 N 58n. If the right to use the simplified taxation system is lost, the taxpayer must pay the tax and submit a declaration no later than the 25th day of the month following quarter in which this right was lost. The declaration is submitted in the established form on paper or in the established formats in electronic form at the taxpayer’s place of registration. Individual entrepreneurs and enterprises that have chosen a simplified taxation system bear the following responsibility for tax violations: - late filing of reports by the payer entails a fine of 5% to 30% of the amount of unpaid tax for each full or partial month of delay, but not less than 1000 rub. (Article 119 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). - delay in payment threatens payers with the collection of penalties. The amount of such a penalty is calculated as a percentage, which is equal to 1/300 of the refinancing rate, from the amount of the contribution or tax not transferred in full or in part for each day of delay (Article 75 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). - for non-payment of tax, the payer is subject to a fine of in the amount of 20% to 40% of the amount of unpaid tax (Article 122 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).3. Preparation of financial statements At the end of each year, before drawing up annual statements, the enterprise will carry out a comprehensive inventory of its assets and liabilities. If, based on the results of the inventory, it is revealed that all amounts are reflected in the accounting records reliably, the accountant proceeds to the formation of accounting records on the basis of which the financial statements are formed: the balance sheet and the statement of financial results. Modern economic reality requires new approaches to the implementation of the economic activities of the enterprise: to the fore results in efficiency, rationality and flexibility of management. The basis for making operational and strategic management decisions is complete, truthful and comprehensive information about the economic situation of the enterprise, the source of which is accounting and financial reporting data. However, due to the existence of both objective and subjective reasons, discrepancies arise between accounting data and actual economic activities, and, as a result, distortion of enterprise reporting indicators occurs. Inventory is intended to ensure the reliability of accounting indicators and prevent possible deviations - one of essential elements accounting method. It provides verification and documentary confirmation of the reliability of accounting data on the presence, condition and assessment of tangible and intangible assets, other property, capital, investments, settlements, reserves and liabilities. Its implementation makes it possible to clarify the differences between accounting data and actual availability, check the completeness of documentation and reflection of business transactions in accounting, and confirm the reality of the enterprise’s reporting indicators. The main objectives of the inventory are: - identifying the actual availability of fixed assets, material assets, forms strict reporting , cash in cash registers, on registration, budget, currency and current accounts; - identification of unused material assets; - compliance with the conditions for storing material assets and funds, as well as rules for the maintenance and operation of material assets; - verification of the real value of material assets recorded on the balance sheet , amounts of receivables and payables, including those for which the statute of limitations has expired, and other balance sheet items. Regulatory regulation of inventory is carried out by the following acts. Federal Law of December 6, 2011 N 402-FZ (as amended on November 4, 2014) " On accounting" in Article 11 determines that liabilities and assets. The procedure for conducting an inventory is determined by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated June 13, 1995 N 49 (as amended on November 8, 2010) "On approval of the Guidelines for the inventory of property and financial liabilities." It is assumed that enterprises are required to conduct an inventory of assets and liabilities before drawing up annual financial statements to ensure the reliability of accounting data and financial statements. The assets and liabilities of the enterprise, as well as assets that do not belong to the enterprise, are subject to an annual inventory. The annual inventory must be carried out no earlier than October 1 of the reporting year - for material assets, cash and liabilities; once every three years - for buildings, structures and other fixed objects of fixed assets; once every five years - for library collections. For various objects, there are certain features of conducting an inventory. Also, conducting an inventory and processing its results is regulated by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated July 29, 1998 N 34n (as amended on December 24, 2010) “On approval of the Regulations on accounting and financial reporting in the Russian Federation” and Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated March 27, 2000 N 26 “On approval of the unified form of primary accounting documentation N INV-26 “Statement of records of results identified by inventory”, however, from January 1, 2013, the forms of primary accounting documents are not mandatory for use. Inventory is carried out a permanent inventory commission, the composition of which is approved by the head of the enterprise. The owner (manager) of the enterprise bears responsibility for organizing the inventory. However, in order to prevent distortion of information about the inventory results, it is prohibited to appoint the same employee as the chairman of the inventory commission for the same materially responsible persons for 2 years in a row. . Also, to prevent conspiracies for selfish purposes, it is better to periodically change the composition of the inventory commission. To successfully conduct an annual inventory at enterprises, it is necessary to organize it in advance, namely: - By the decision of the head of the enterprise (usually in the form of an order) to establish the timing of the inventory, the composition of the permanent ( working) commission, the procedure for processing the inventory results; - Group and arrange valuables by name, grade, size in an order convenient for counting; - Check the accuracy of measuring instruments. During the inventory, it is necessary to check and document the actual presence of assets and liabilities, establish surpluses or shortages of valuables and funds, identify valuables that have partially lost their original quality, or those that have been used for a certain time, check compliance by financially responsible persons with the conditions and procedure for storing assets, maintaining primary records, check the real value of assets and liabilities at the time of calculation. Based on the results of the annual inventory carried out at enterprises, discrepancies are often found between accounting data and the actual availability of valuables (Fig. 1). Reasons for identifying inventory losses Errors during the acceptance and release of valuables Natural loss Abuse (theft) Figure 1. Reasons for identifying inventory losses Based on identified deviations in actual data The inventory commission receives written explanations from financially responsible persons from the accounting departments and develops proposals for the offset of shortages and surpluses by re-grading, as well as the write-off of shortages within the limits of natural loss. Mutual offset of surpluses and shortages can only be allowed as a result of re-grading of inventory items of the same name and in the same quantity, formed in the same period, inspected and in the same financially responsible person. The surpluses identified by the results of the inventory, regardless of the reasons for their occurrence, are included in the balance sheet of the diabetes enterprise in the account of the corresponding values, and shortages (with the exception of shortages) within the limits of natural loss) - must be attributed to the perpetrators. Based on the data from the journal of registration of business transactions, the accountant creates the Revolving Balance and the General Ledger. Then he begins to compile the financial statements of the enterprise. Based on the balance sheet and general ledger data, the organization’s balance sheet is formed; according to the turnover data, a report on financial results is formed. The technique for drawing up the balance sheet of SDI LLC is understood as the totality of all necessary accounting procedures. Includes the following stages: Carrying out annual inventory before drawing up the annual balance sheet. Formation of the balance of all accounting accounts at the end of the reporting period (in the form of a working capital account or in the form of a general ledger). Studying the features of the formation of balance sheet indicators. Formation of accounting items th balance (based on the balance of all accounting accounts). The balance sheet items of SDI LLC are reflected: - at the beginning of the reporting period; - at the end of the reporting period. The balance sheet at the beginning of the year reflects the balances of the accounting accounts at the beginning of the reporting year. These indicators must correspond to the data that were reflected in last year’s balance sheet in the column “At the end of the reporting period.” In accordance with Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 2, 2010 No. 66n “On the forms of financial statements of organizations,” the composition of interim and annual financial statements includes: 1. Balance sheet. 2. Report on financial results. 3. Explanations for them: statement of changes in capital; report on the flow of funds; report on the intended use of the funds received (for non-profit organizations). Requirements for financial statements: must include performance indicators of all branches, representative offices and other divisions; the contents and forms of organization of the balance sheet, income statement, other reports and applications must be applied consistently from one reporting period to another; for each numerical indicator of the financial statements, except for the report prepared for the first reporting period, data must be provided for at least two years - the reporting year and the one preceding the reporting one; for the preparation of financial statements, the date is considered to be the last calendar day of the reporting period; when preparing financial statements for the reporting year, the reporting period is the calendar year from January 1 to December 31 inclusive; must be written in Russian; must be compiled in the currency of the Russian Federation; signed by the head and chief accountant of the organization, and in organizations where accounting is carried out on a contractual basis by a specialized organization or a specialist accountant, the financial statements are signed by the head of the organization and the head of a specialized organization or a specialist in charge of accounting; is compiled, stored and presented to users of financial statements in the established form on paper. If technical capabilities are available and with the consent of users of financial statements, an organization can present financial statements electronically in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. 4. Calculation of the balance sheet - net on the liability side of the balance sheet. Equity capital shows the part of the enterprise’s property, which is financed from the funds of the owners and the enterprise’s own funds. At its core, it is not only the basis for the creation of an enterprise, but also the stability and continuation of its economic activities. International accounting standards do not use such a term as “Equity”; its equivalent in foreign practice is the concept of “net assets” ( netassets).Equity capital is the enterprise’s own sources, which were contributed by its founders, or the amount of reinvested net profit that is used to form the assets of the enterprise in monetary or material form. Thus, equity capital is considered the part of the assets of the enterprise that remains after deducting its liabilities. This definition reflects the procedure for calculating equity capital, but does not disclose the sources of formation and directions of use of equity capital. Taking into account the functions of equity capital, it can be noted that its size determines the degree of independence and influence of its owners on the enterprise, and for creditors it is an indicator of the responsibility and stability of the enterprise. The greater the equity capital and the smaller the accounts payable, the better the relationship the enterprise has with various legal entities and individuals. The presence of equity capital is quickly determined from the balance sheet, for example, you can calculate the equity capital maneuverability ratio, equity turnover ratio, return on equity ratio, and the like. But if more detailed information is needed about the changes that have occurred in the equity and their reasons, then the indicators of the report on equity are taken into account. The organization’s equity consists of the following components: - Authorized capital (share capital, authorized capital, contributions of partners); - own shares that are purchased from shareholders; - revaluation of non-current assets; - additional capital; - reserve capital; - retained earnings (uncovered loss). Authorized (share) capital consists of the aggregate of contributions of the founders of the enterprise or the par value of shares of joint-stock companies that are acquired shareholders, and the value of which is reflected in the constituent documents of the enterprise. The composition of the authorized (share) capital reflects the share of participants in the equity capital of the organization, such a share is necessarily recorded in the statutory documents. The composition of the authorized (share) capital reflects the size of the rights of participants to receive income (dividends) from participation. The composition of the authorized (share) capital is determined the amount of property that guarantees the guarantees of the enterprise’s creditors. The size of the authorized capital must be equal to or exceed the amount of the enterprise’s net assets. Authorized (share) capital can come in various forms depending on the organizational - legal form enterprises. In joint-stock companies and limited and additional liability companies it acts in the form of authorized capital. In general partnerships and limited partnerships it acts in the form of share capital. In unitary enterprises it acts in the form of an authorized fund. In production cooperatives it acts in the form of a share fund. Constituent The documents of the enterprise determine the size of the capital, the composition of the capital participants, stipulate the terms and procedure for making contributions to the authorized capital by the participants, evaluate contributions for contributions and withdrawals, and consider the procedure for changing the shares of the participants of the enterprise. Additional capital is considered the value of property that was contributed by the founders in excess of the registered amount of the authorized capital capital, as well as amounts arising as a result of additional valuation of property or its gratuitous receipt. Reserve capital is a part of equity capital that is allocated from the net profit of the enterprise to cover losses and extraordinary losses. Revaluation of non-current assets is carried out to determine the real value of such assets. After the revaluation, the initial cost of the revalued assets must be equal to the value of such assets at market prices on the date of the revaluation. The final financial result is an increase or decrease in the capital of the enterprise as a result of financial and economic activities for the reporting period. This result is expressed in the form of a total loss or profit. Loss (profit) for the reporting period is determined every month by comparing all expenses and income that are taken into account. If the amount of income received exceeds the amount of expenses incurred during the reporting period, the enterprise has made a profit; otherwise, a loss has been incurred.


1. Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Accounting” dated December 6, 2011. No. 402-FZ.
2. Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
3. Tax code RF, part 1.2, approved by Federal Law of August 5, 2000 No. 117-FZ (as amended and supplemented by May 8, 2013).
4. Instructions for using the chart of accounts for accounting the financial and economic activities of an organization (approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated October 31, 2000 No. 94-n as amended by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated September 18, 2006 No. 115n).
5. Bukina O.A., “The alphabet of an accountant from advance payment to balance sheet” - Phoenix, 2013.
6. Burmistrova L. M. Accounting; Forum - Moscow, 2015. - 304 p.
7. Accounting (financial) accounting: Accounting for production, capital, financial results and financial reporting. Tutorial; M.: Finance and Statistics - , 2015. - 352 p.
8. Vasilkov, A.I.; Minevsky, A.I. Accounting and analysis of the distribution of indirect costs in industry; M.: Finance and Statistics - , 2014. - 176 p.
9. Vakhrushina M.A. Management accounting: Textbook for universities. 2nd ed., add. and lane – M.: IFK-L; Higher School, 2013. – 528 p.
10. Veshchunova N. L., Fomina L. F. Accounting; Reed Group - Moscow, 2015. - 608 p.
11. Gomola A. I., Kirillov V. E., Kirillov S. V. Accounting; Academy - Moscow, 2014. - 432 p.
12. Dymchenko O. V. Accounting; Phoenix - Moscow, 2015. - 414 p.

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The development of a market economy and the emergence of many types of commercial property have caused changes in accounting and accounting. Regardless of the interests and characteristics of the state, the main task accounting report– a description of the company's liabilities and fund, its profits and losses.

Purpose of financial statements

The accounting report reflects information about the financial viability of the company. With its help, the state controls the activities of commercial firms and regulates civil law relations.

The main document regulating the preparation of financial statements is Accounting Regulations PBU 4/99. According to it, the company is obliged to provide true data on its financial condition.

The accounting report shows the results of the company's work for the reporting period. Based on it, you can understand the nature and financial results of the company, the size of profit or loss and prospects for the future. Market participants study financial statements for different purposes:

  • investors are interested in the development prospects of the company;
  • It is important for partners to repay debts on time;
  • shareholders need to know the market price of shares and the size of dividends.

Each organization must prepare two reports: one for the tax office, the second for other market entities.

Declarations and certificates of taxes paid by the company are submitted to the tax office.

Composition of financial statements

The company is obliged to regularly provide accounting reports in accordance with the principle of non-stop work.

The modern market allows the use of financial statements in most cases by external entities: business partners, state inspections, investors and creditors, shareholders.

The report provides important and correct information that helps make financial and management decisions.

Reporting differs in terms of the audited periods and can be:

  • annual – for the past year from January 1 to December 31 inclusive;
  • intermediate - for half a year, quarter or month.

They differ from each other in their composition. The interim report consists of the enterprise's balance sheet and profit and loss account. The annual report also requires filling out reports on the movement of funds and changes in capital, an appendix, an explanatory note and auditor's report.

The latter is necessary only for companies whose activities, according to the law, must be assessed by mandatory independent audit.

Principles and procedure for compilation

Financial statements are prepared on the basis of the following principles:

  • the report contains truthful and complete data about the company’s activities;
  • the report includes only indicators that directly influence the decisions of market participants, partners and investors;
  • the information contained in the financial statements is verified by a disinterested audit;
  • there are strict deadlines for submitting financial statements;
  • The accounting report is available and open for study to all interested users.

The accounting report is prepared on the basis of special standards. These standards are set out in PBU 4/99, Order of the Ministry of Finance dated July 22, 2003 No. 67n and the Chart of Accounts.

If an error is detected in the report, the following entries are made:

  • if the reporting period has not yet ended, then entries are made according to the corresponding accounts of the month when the inaccuracies were discovered;
  • if the reporting period has already ended, but the report has not yet been approved, then correction entries are made from December of the reporting period;
  • If the financial statements have already been approved, then corrections cannot be made to them.

There are strict deadlines for submitting financial statements that cannot be violated:

  • submitted no earlier than 60 days after the end of the reporting period, but no later than 90 days;
  • the interim report is submitted within 30 days after the end of the reporting quarter.

The last calendar day of the reporting period is the reporting date for the preparation of financial statements. New organizations begin to keep records from the date of registration of the company until December 31.

If the company was created after October 1, then the reporting period will be until December 31 of the following year.

Accounting statements are approved as follows:

  • it is signed by the chief accountant and manager;
  • if the company’s accounting is carried out by a third party or a company under a contract, then the report is signed by the head of the company and the head of the company or the person doing the accounting.

Use and analysis of financial statements

By analyzing an accounting report you can:

  • analyze the current financial position of the company and make a development forecast;
  • determine the speed at which the enterprise is developing;
  • discover available tools and use them most effectively;
  • make a forecast of the organization’s position in the capital market.

There are several techniques and methods for analyzing financial statements:

  1. Time analysis allows you to compare each report item with the positions of the previous reporting period. This allows you to determine the rate of growth or decline in the development of the enterprise.
  2. Structural analysis is carried out by calculating the share of each of the report items and converting it into percentages. It is useful for inter-farm reconciliation; it can be used to see structural changes in indicators.
  3. Trend analysis is performed by comparing all report items with several previous periods at once. It determines the main dynamics of the report data. The trend allows you to make forecasts for the development of the company.

This video describes the financial statements of organizations:

The financial statements of a commercial company consist of two components:

  • calculations and analysis of results;
  • identification of factors that complicate the study of financial statements.

Structural changes within the company, changes to GAAP, transition to a new tax system, or changes in accounting methods can complicate the assessment of the report.

The study and analysis of accounting report calculations consists of:

  • trend, time and structural analyses;
  • studying financial ratios;
  • assessing the movement of financial resources.

On its own, no method of analyzing a financial statement will provide sufficient information to compile reliable information about the current position of the organization.

That's why for a complete and high-quality analysis, the use of all of the listed methods is required.

Proper accounting, study and analysis of reporting allow you to minimize the costs of the enterprise, identify available funds for business development, and find investors and partners for long-term cooperation.

An important factor is no penalties for late filing of financial statements. All this helps to improve business efficiency and increase the company's profits.

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1. PM.04 “Preparation and use of financial statements” MDK.04.01. TECHNOLOGY FOR PREPARATION OF ACCOUNTING REPORTS

1.1 General provisions and basic principles for the preparation of financial statements

1.2 Procedures prior to filling out financial reporting forms

1.3 Forms and stages of preparation of financial statements


2.1 The essence and purpose of the analysis of the financial statements of an enterprise

2.2 Analysis of the “Balance Sheet”

2.3 Analysis of the “Income Statement”

2.4 Analysis of the “Statement of Changes in Capital” and analysis of the “Statement of Cash Flows”

2.5 Explanatory note to the annual report




accounting statements financial capital

1.1 General provisions and basic principles of formationaccounting reporting

Accounting statements are a unified system of data on the property and financial position of an organization and the results of its economic activities, compiled on the basis of accounting data in established forms. It must give a reliable picture of the financial position of an economic entity as of the reporting date, the financial result of its activities and cash flows for the reporting period, which is necessary for users of these reports to make an economic decision.

During my internship, I became familiar with the accounting policy (Appendix 1) of OJSC “*****”. In accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 6 of the Federal Law “On Accounting” and clause 4 of the Accounting Regulations “Accounting Policy of the Organization” (approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated October 6, 2008 No. 106n), as well as in accordance with other provisions and norms contained in the legislation on accounting and reporting, it was ordered to approve the Regulations on accounting policies for accounting purposes for 2013. Forms and methods of accounting on the basis of current regulatory documents: Federal Law “On Accounting”, Regulations on Accounting and Financial Reporting in the Russian Federation, Accounting Regulations “Accounting Policy of Organizations”, Chart of Accounts for Financial and Economic Activities of Organizations and Instructions for its application, Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 22, 2003 No. 67n “On the forms of financial statements of organizations.” The reporting year is considered to be the period from January 1 to December 31, 2013 inclusive.

1.2 Procedures prior to fillingyu formsfinancial statements

The procedure for drawing up accounting (financial) statements is an ordered set of actions and methodological techniques performed for its formation.

A set of actions and methodological techniques

Step 1. Correction of errors that were identified before the date of presentation of the financial statements and relate to the period for which the financial statements are prepared.

According to clause 11 of the Methodological Recommendations on the procedure for generating indicators of an organization's financial statements, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated June 28, 2000 No. 60n, in cases of incorrect reflection of business transactions of the current period before the end of the reporting year, corrections are made by entries in the corresponding accounting accounts in that month of the reporting period when the misstatements are identified.

Step 2. Clarification of the assessment of assets and liabilities reflected in the accounting records.

Inventory before drawing up annual financial statements and reflecting inventory results;

Creation of valuation reserves as of the date of preparation of financial statements;

Reflection as of the date of preparation of financial statements of acquired assets;

Clarification of the assessment of property (p, y) received for uninvoiced deliveries;

Addition of unused amounts of reserves for depreciation of financial investments;

Step 3. Reflections of financial results of activities

Closing subaccounts opened to account 90 “sales”, to subaccount 99-9 “Profit/loss from sales”

Closing subaccounts opened to account 91 “Other income and expenses to subaccount 91 “Balance of other income and expenses” Calculation of income tax.

Write-off of net profit.

Step 4. Assessing information about conditional facts of the organization’s economic life

Reflection of events after the reporting date; Clarification of reserves for contingent liabilities; Revision of data on conditional facts; Update as of the end of each reporting year;

Step 5. Filling out accounting forms

Step 6. Drawing up an explanatory note to the financial statements

Facts of non-application of accounting rules. accounting; The presence of significant uncertainty of events; Significant changes in the book. reporting;

Step7. Confirmation of reliability and approval of financial statements. Obtaining the conclusion of the audit commission; Conducting an accounting audit. reporting;

Approval of reporting by the board of directors; Accounting approval owner reporting; Reformation or reorganization of accounting data. accounting;

1.3 Forms and stages of preparation of financial statements

According to the financial statements of OJSC “*****” for 2013, we explain the balance sheet. Balance sheet -- characterizes the financial position of the organization as of the reporting date.

In the balance sheet, assets and liabilities should be presented by dividing them according to maturity into short-term and long-term. Assets and liabilities are presented as current if they mature within 12 months after the reporting date.

Balance sheet of JSC "*****"



company assets

Including other intangible assets.

Fixed assets

Including machinery and equipment, vehicles, industrial and household equipment, buildings, structures, land plots. We subtract the accumulated depreciation from the original cost. 01-02, (2012 -396613 rubles; 2013 -342621 rubles)

Deferred tax assets

VAT on purchased fixed assets, inventories, tax agent, (2012 -4963t.r.; 2013 -5059t.r.)

Total for Section 1


new assets

Including raw materials and supplies, goods for resale, goods and goods shipped, costs in work in progress, other inventories and costs. We need to add everyone, (2012 -110437t.r.; 2013 -123855t.r.)

Accounts receivable

Short-term accounts receivable, including settlements with buyers and customers, advances issued, other, (2012 -36135t.r.; 2013 -97292t.r.)

Financial investments

Short-term (2012 -873t.r.; 2013 -873t.r.). There are no long-term ones

Cash and cash equivalents

Organization cash desk, settlement accounts, other special accounts, (2012 -137273 rubles; 2013 -96681 rubles)

Total for Section 2


1600=1100+1200(2012 -686352t.r.; 2013 -666382t.r.)

Capital and reserves

Authorized capital

In ordinary shares, (2012 -1087t.r.; 2013 -1087t.r.)

Revaluation of fixed assets (2012 -54480 rubles; 2013 -54480 rubles)

Additional capital

Other sources (2012 -3399t.r.; 2013 -3399t.r.)

retained earnings

Profit of the reporting year, uncovered loss of previous years (2012 -212,102 rubles; 2013 -205,671 rubles)

Total for Section 3


urgent obligations

VAT on acquired fixed assets, inventories, tax agent, calculations of taxes and fees, VAT on advances and overpayments (2012 - 66,055 rubles; 2013 - 63,753 rubles).

Total for Section 4

urgent obligations


Accounts payable

Settlements with suppliers, buyers and customers, taxes and duties, social. insurance, with labor protection personnel, accountable persons, personnel for other operations, various debtors and creditors, (2012 -33969 t.r.; 2013 -98402 t.r.)

Deferred income

Dx received on account of future periods, gratuitous receipts (2012 -285328 t.r.; 2013 -225204t.r.)

Estimated liabilities

Estimated liabilities (2012 -29932t.r.; 2013 -14384t.r.)

Total for Section 5


1700=1300+1400+1500(2012 -686352t.r.; 2013 -666382t.r.)

The financial results statement characterizes the financial results of the organization for the reporting period. In the income statement, income and expenses should be shown with a division into ordinary and other.

The financial results report must contain the following numerical indicators: revenue from the sale of goods, products, works, services minus VAT, excise taxes, etc.; cost of goods, products, works, services sold; gross profit; commercial expenses, administrative expenses; profit/loss from sales; % to be received; % payable; income from participation in other organizations; other income and expenses; profit/loss before tax; income tax; profit/loss from ordinary activities; net profit (retained earnings).

The notes to the balance sheet and income statement should disclose information relevant to the entity's accounting policies and provide users with additional information that is not appropriate to include in the balance sheet and income statement.

The explanations to the balance sheet and the financial results statement must indicate that the financial statements were prepared by the organization based on the accounting and reporting rules in force in the Russian Federation, when the organization made omissions from these rules when preparing the financial statements.

There are two types of financial statements: interim and annual.

Interim financial statements are prepared for the period from January 1 to the reporting date of the periods inclusive. This could be: a month, a quarter, 9 months, or possibly any other period of less than a year.

Interim reporting, which covers a period of less than the reporting year, will not be mandatory for all enterprises. It will need to be formed only in cases established by law.

Annual financial statements, with exceptions, consist of a balance sheet, a statement of financial results and appendices thereto.

The annual reporting of a non-profit organization consists of a balance sheet, a report on the intended use of funds and appendices thereto.

The composition of interim reporting, with exceptions, is established by federal standards.

The composition of the financial statements of public sector organizations is established in accordance with the budget legislation of the Russian Federation.

Report on financial results of JSC "*****"



Revenue is the amount of cash or other benefits received by a company during a certain period of its activity, mainly through the sale of goods or services to its customers. (2012 - 281,485 rubles; 2013 - 157,420 rubles)

Cost of sales

Cost refers to the calculation of costs per unit of production. (2012 -

228652t.r.; 2013 - -134834t.r.)

Gross profit

Revenue -- C/s sales (2012 -52833t.r.; 2013 -22586t.r.)

Business expenses

Selling expenses are costs associated with the sale of products, goods, works, and services. (2012 -

Profit from sales

Revenue-Sales (2012 -51097t.r.; 2013 -22586t.r.)

Other income

Dx associated with the sale of fixed assets, with the liquidation of fixed assets, with the sale of other property, other operational Dx, fines, penalties, penalties for receipt, profits from previous years, compensation for losses receivable, Dx in the form of written off accounts payable, Dx associated with the revaluation of VNA, other non-operating Dx, government subsidies, Dx from insurance compensation. (2012 -84102 rubles; 2013 -67136 rubles)

Other expenses

Рх associated with the sale of fixed assets, intangible assets, other property, in the form of formed valuation reserves, for bank services, other operational Рх, fines, penalties, penalties (2012 - -7185 t.r.; 2013 - -5919 t.r.)

Profit before tax


(2012 -128,014 rubles; 2013 -85,424 rubles)

Current income tax

2410= income tax +2450-2430+2421

(2012 - -18658t.r.; 2013 - -17201t.r.)


Ongoing tax obligations

Deferred tax liabilities

Deferred tax assets

Net profit (loss)


(2012 -96,790 rubles; 2013 -70,621 rubles)

The cash flow statement complements the balance sheet and income statement. The balance sheet shows the financial position of a company at a specific point in time (the end of the accounting period), while the cash flow statement explains the changes that have occurred in one of the financial statement components - cash - from one balance sheet date to the next. The income statement reflects the company's performance for the period; and this activity is the primary factor that changes the cash position reported in the statement of cash flows. Information about an enterprise's cash flows is useful because it provides users of financial statements with a basis for assessing the enterprise's ability to raise and use cash and cash equivalents.

The cash flow statement also contains information that is useful in assessing a firm's financial flexibility. Information about historical cash flows, especially cash flows from operating activities, helps assess financial flexibility. Assessing a firm's ability to withstand, for example, an unexpected drop in demand may include an analysis of historical cash flows from operating activities. The greater the cash flows, the greater the firm's ability to withstand adverse changes in economic conditions.



Cash flow for current activities

4111+4112+4113+4119 (2012 - 649,085 rubles; 2013 - 795,372 rubles)

(2012 - 649,085 rubles; 2013 - 185,755 rubles)

rental payments, license payments, royalties, commission payments, etc.

From resale of financial investments

other income

(2013 - 609,617 rubles)

Payments - total

4121+4122+4123+4124+4125+4129 (2012 -

614548t.r.; 2013 - 835964t.r.)


Suppliers (contractors) for payment for goods, works, services

(2012 - -397098 tr.; 2013 - -556809 tr.)

for wages

(2012 - -89080 rubles; 2013 - -104339 rubles)

to pay interest on debt obligations

for income tax calculations

(2013 - -16143t.r.)

(2012 - -128370t.r.; 2013 - -97503t.r.)

Balance of cash flows from current activities

(2012 - 34537 rubles; 2013 - 40592 rubles)

Cash flow from investing activities.

Funds received - total

including: from the sale of fixed assets and other property

From the sale of shares

Repayment of loans provided from the sale of debt securities

Dividends, interest on debt financial investments

other income

Payments - total


for the acquisition of fixed assets (including profitable investments in material assets) and intangible assets

In connection with the acquisition of shares

In connection with the acquisition of debt securities

Interest on debt obligations

Other payments

Balance of cash flows from investing activities

Cash flow from financing activities Cash received - total


credits and loans

owners' deposits

From the issue of shares

From the issue of bonds, bills and other debt securities

Other income

Payments - total

including: by the owner in connection with the repurchase of shares from them

for payment of dividends

In connection with the repayment of bills and other debt securities, repayment of loans and borrowings

for other payments, transfers

Balance of cash flows from financing activities

Balance of cash flows for the reporting period

(2012 - 34537 rubles; 2013 - -40592 rubles)

Cash balance at the beginning of the reporting period

Cash balance at the end of the reporting period

(2012 - 102,736 rubles; 2013 - 137,273 rubles)

The magnitude of the impact of changes in foreign currency exchange rates against the ruble

(2012 - 137273 rubles; 2013 - 96681 rubles)

Statement of changes in equity

1. Completing Section 1 “Capital Movements”

This section reflects information about the amount of capital, its movement, increase or decrease. Data is provided for the current period and the previous year.

Report indicators for last year transferred from the statement of changes in equity for 2010. taking into account the comparability of indicators.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account changes in the procedure for reflecting the results of revaluation of fixed assets and intangible assets in the financial statements of the organization.

Thus, in accordance with the edition of clause 15 of PBU 6/01, which has been in force since 2011, a commercial organization can revalue groups of similar fixed assets at current (replacement) cost no more than once a year (at the end of the reporting year).

The results of the revaluation are not included in the financial statements of the previous reporting year and are accepted when generating the balance sheet data at the beginning of the reporting year.

Thus, when reflecting the results of revaluations carried out in previous periods in the statement of changes in equity for 2011

The report reflects the following indicators:

· Authorized capital;

· Additional capital;

· Reserve capital;

Increase in capital - total: (line 3310) - the total amounts increasing equity capital are indicated in the columns:

· Authorized capital (line 3310 = line 3314 + line 3315 + line 3316);

· Own shares purchased from shareholders (line 3310 = line 3314 + line 3315 + line 3316);

· Additional capital (line 3310 = line 3312 + line 3313 + line 3314 + line 3315 + line 3316);

· Reserve capital (line 3310 = line 3316);

· Retained earnings (uncovered loss) (line 3310 = line 3311 + line 3312 + line 3313 + line 3315 + line 3316);

· Total (line 3310 = line 3311 + line 3312 + line 3313 + line 3314 + line 3315 + line 3316).

for the reporting period.

including (line 3311, line 3312, line 3313, line 3314, line 3315, line 3316):

net profit (line 3311) - indicates the amount of net profit of the reporting year, increasing the amount of retained earnings of the organization.

Please note: The amount of net profit reflected on line 3311 of the statement of changes in equity must be equal to the amount of net profit reflected on line 2400 “Net profit (loss)” of the income statement.

The indicator for line 3311 must correspond to the amount of net profit contained in the accounting registers for the credit of the account:

revaluation of property (line 3312) - the amount of revaluation of fixed assets and intangible assets is indicated.

The amount of the revaluation is credited to the organization’s additional capital:

· In full, if in previous periods there was no markdown of these objects.

· In the amount of excess of the amount of revaluation over the amount of depreciation, if the amount of revaluation exceeds the amount of depreciation of these objects.

In the accounting registers, the amount of additional valuation of fixed assets and intangible assets attributable to additional capital is reflected in the credit of account 83 “Additional capital”.

Income attributable directly to the increase in capital (line 3313) - indicates the amount of income not included in the financial result of the reporting period.

Additional issue of shares (line 3314) - indicates the amount of increase in equity capital that arose due to:

· additional issue of shares;

· additional contributions to the authorized capital.

increase in the nominal value of shares (line 3315) - indicates the amount of increase in equity capital that arose due to an increase in the nominal value of shares (shares).

reorganization of a legal entity (line 3316) - indicates the amount of increase in capital that arose during the reorganization of the company in the form of merger/separation.

Decrease in capital - total: (line 3320) - the total amounts that reduce equity capital are indicated in the columns:

· Authorized capital (line 3320 = line 3324 + line 3325 + line 3326);

· Own shares purchased from shareholders (line 3320 = line 3324 + line 3325 + line 3326);

· Additional capital (line 3320 = line 3322 + line 3323 + line 3324 + line 3325);

· Reserve capital (line 3320 = line 3326);

· Retained earnings (uncovered loss) (line 3320 = line 3321 + line 3322 + line 3323 + line 3324 + line 3325 + line 3326 + line 3327);

· Total (line 3320 = line 3321 + line 3322 + line 3323 + line 3324 + line 3325 + line 3326 + line 3327).

for the reporting period.

including (line 3321, line 3322, line 3323, line 3324, line 3325, line 3326, line 3327):

net profit (line 3321) - indicates the amount of loss for the reporting year, which reduces the amount of the organization’s retained earnings.

The indicator of line 3311 must correspond to the amount of loss contained in the accounting registers as a debit of the account:

· 84 “Retained earnings (uncovered loss)” based on the results of the reporting year.

· 99 “Profits and losses” based on the results of the 1st quarter, 6 and 9 months.

revaluation of property (line 3322) - the amount of depreciation of fixed assets and intangible assets is indicated.

The amount of the markdown is applied to the organization's additional capital in an amount not exceeding the amount of the revaluation, if the revaluation of these objects was previously carried out.

In the accounting registers, the amount of valuation of fixed assets and intangible assets, which reduces additional capital, is reflected in the debit of account 83 “Additional capital”.

expenses related directly to the reduction of capital (line 3323) - indicates the amount of expenses not included in the financial result of the reporting period.

Such an expense may be, for example, a positive difference resulting from the conversion of the value of the organization’s assets and liabilities expressed in foreign currency, used to conduct activities outside the Russian Federation, into rubles, if it is included in other income in connection with the termination of the company’s activities outside the Russian Federation .

This difference reduces the organization’s additional capital in account 83 “Additional capital” (clause 19 of PBU 3/2006).

decrease in the par value of shares (line 3324) - indicates the amount of decrease in equity capital that arose due to a decrease in the par value of shares (shares).

decrease in the number of shares (line 3325) - indicates the amount of decrease in equity capital resulting from a decrease in the number of shares (redemption of shares)

reorganization of a legal entity (line 3326) - indicates the amount of capital reduction that arose during the reorganization of the company in the form of merger/separation.

dividends (line 3327) - indicates the amount of capital reduction associated with the distribution of net profit in favor of shareholders (participants, founders).

Change in additional capital (line 3330) - indicates the amount of changes in additional capital that do not affect the change in the amount of capital as a whole and are reflected as positive and negative values ​​in different columns of this line.

For example, when, upon disposal of revalued fixed assets and intangible assets, the amounts of their revaluation are transferred from the organization’s additional capital to the account of the organization’s retained earnings (uncovered loss), such revaluation amount is reflected in the statement of changes in capital:

· In parentheses (with a minus sign) in the “Additional capital” column.

· As a positive value in the “Retained earnings (uncovered loss)” column.

Please note: The indicator for line 3330 does not apply to the indicators for the lines “Increase in capital” (line 3310) and “Decrease in capital” (line 3320).

Change in reserve capital (line 3340) - indicates the amount of changes in reserve capital that do not affect the change in the amount of capital as a whole and are reflected as positive and negative values ​​in different columns of this line.

For example, when forming reserve funds from the net profit of the enterprise, the reserve amounts are reflected:

· As a positive value in the “Reserve Capital” column.

· In parentheses (with a minus sign) in the column “Retained earnings (uncovered loss).”

Please note: The indicator for line 3340 does not apply to the indicators for the lines “Increase in capital” (line 3310) and “Decrease in capital” (line 3320).

The amount of capital as of December 31, 2011 (line 3300) - reflects the amounts of indicators of the amount of the organization’s own capital at the end of the reporting period by type:

· Authorized capital;

· Own shares purchased from shareholders;

· Additional capital;

· Reserve capital;

· Retained earnings (uncovered loss).

The amounts reflected in line 330 must correspond to the data in the accounting registers, i.e. account balances:

· Kt 80 “Authorized capital”;

· Dt 81 “Own shares purchased from shareholders”;

· Kt 82 “Reserve capital”;

· Kt 83 “Additional capital”;

· Kt/Dt 84 “Retained earnings (uncovered loss)”

Please note: The indicator in the “Total” column of line 3300 of the statement of changes in capital must be equal to the indicator in line 1300 “Total for Section III” of the Balance Sheet as of December 31, 2011. (reporting year).

2. Completing section 2 “Adjustments due to changes in accounting policies and correction of errors”

Section 2 of the statement of changes in capital reflects changes in the organization’s equity capital in previous reporting periods caused by:

· changes in the accounting policies of organizations (for the purpose of comparability of indicators);

· adjustments correcting errors made in previous reporting periods.

The explanations to the financial statements must reflect the reasons that led to adjustments in the amount of equity capital in previous reporting periods.

3. Completing Section 3 “Net Assets”

Section 3 of the statement of changes in capital provides information on the amount of the organization's net assets at the end of the reporting period and for the two previous reporting periods.

Thus, in the report for 2011 it is necessary to reflect data on net assets:

· As of December 31, 2011;

· As of 12/31/2010;

· As of December 31, 2009.

· In accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Finance dated January 20, 2003. No. 10n, FCSM of Russia No. 03-6/pz, for calculating the net assets of joint-stock companies (with the exception of companies engaged in insurance and banking activities), the value of the net assets of a joint-stock company is understood as:

a value determined by subtracting from the amount of assets of a joint-stock company accepted for calculation the amount of its liabilities accepted for calculation.

The assets accepted for calculation include:

1. Non-current assets reflected in the first section of the balance sheet:

· unfinished construction;

· profitable investments in material assets;

· long-term financial investments;

· other non-current assets.

2. Current assets reflected in the second section of the balance sheet:

· stocks;

· VAT on purchased valuables;

· accounts receivable;

· short-term financial investments;

· cash;

· other current assets, with the exception of the cost in the amount of the actual costs of repurchasing its own shares purchased by the joint-stock company from shareholders for their subsequent resale or cancellation, and the debt of participants (founders) for contributions to the authorized capital.


2.1 The essence and purpose of phi analysisfinancial statements of the enterprise

Financial reporting is the main source of information about the activities of an organization both for its management and owner, and for external users. Interpretation of financial reporting indicators by various business entities is necessary for making management decisions of various types. The priority role of economic analysis is significantly increasing, the main content of which is a comprehensive systematic study of the mechanism of financial stability and financial security of the organization.

The organization conducts current (subsequent analysis), which is carried out after the end of the reporting period according to accounting and statistical records and reporting. Its goal is an objective assessment of the results of activities, the search for reserves for increasing its efficiency and preventing the occurrence of bankruptcy.

Other types of analysis are also carried out, such as forecasting, financial and managerial.

2.2 Analysis of the “Balance Sheet”

Table 2.2.1 Dynamics of balance sheet currency thousand rubles.

The table data shows that the organization follows the main accounting equation A=P.

The growth of the balance sheet currency during the reporting period indicates a slowdown in the economic turnover of business activity, which leads to poor solvency of the organization.

In order to maintain the objectivity of the financial analysis of the organization’s activities, it is advisable to compare changes in the value of property with changes in financial results according to the financial results statement.

Table 2.2.2 Dynamics of the value of property, proceeds from sales and profit of the organization.

When comparing the ratios of changes in the value of property and revenue from sales of products, it is clear that the cost decreased by -19970t.r. and amounted to -2.9% of its amount at the beginning of 2013.

Sales revenue for 2013 decreased by -124065t.r. or -44.07%, this indicates that the organization does not have enough revenue from sales of products to replenish current assets, which negatively affects the process of generating profit.

Profit before n/o has a negative trend, it decreased by 42,590 rubles. or by 33.27% in 2013.

This indicates a decrease in activity efficiency.

The next stage of analysis of the structure of property and its sources is a horizontal and vertical analysis of the balance sheet.

Table 2.2.3 Horizontal and vertical analysis of the balance sheet of the organization OJSC "*****" 2013


beginning of 2013

end of 2013


in % to the World Bank at the beginning of 2013

in % to the World Bank at the end of 2013

Deviations of the share in the World Bank

Growth thousand rubles

Deferred tax assets

Total for Section I

Accounts receivable

Financial investments


Other current assets

Total for Section II

Authorized capital

Revaluation of non-current assets

Additional capital

retained earnings

Total for Section III

Long-term liabilities

Total for Section IV

Accounts payable

Deferred income

Estimated liabilities

Total for Section V

From these tables it follows that during the year the balance sheet currency decreased by 19,970 rubles. or 2.91% including fixed assets, cash, other current assets, retained earnings, long-term liabilities, deferred income, estimated liabilities.

The positive aspects of the activities of OJSC “*****” is the increase in the value of deferred tax assets, inventories, accounts receivable, and accounts payable.

In general, an analysis of the balance sheet of OJSC “*****” for 2013 showed that the joint-stock company was experiencing a decline in business activity, financial stability and liquidity during the analytical period.

Liquidity is the ability of values ​​to be converted into money, which is considered absolutely liquid.

Absolute liquidity conditions:

A1? P1; (2.1)

A2? P2; (2.2)

A3? P3; (2.3)

A4? P4. (2.4)

Table 2.2.4 Absolute indicators of liquidity of the balance sheet of OJSC “*****”

Beginning of the year

End of the year

Beginning of the year

End of the year

Beginning of the year

End of the year

The comparison showed that the balance sheet is not completely liquid.

Table 2.2.5 Calculations of ratios of OJSC “*****” for 2012-2013.

The table data showed that the first condition A1? P1 is not performed at the beginning of the year, but is performed at the end of the year. The second condition A2?P2 is satisfied both at the beginning of the year and at the end of the year. The third condition A3?P3 is not met both at the beginning of the year and at the end of the year. The fourth condition A4 ?P4 is satisfied both at the beginning of the year and at the end of the year.

Table 2.2.6 Calculation of the net capital of OJSC “*****” for 2012-2013.

Table 2.2.7 Calculations of enterprise solvency

Thus, the solvency of OJSC “*****” by the end of the year increased in all indicators, except for the absolute liquidity indicator, which indicates that the financial stability of the joint-stock company is positive.

Method for assessing financial stability

SOS = Total for section III - Total for section I (2.5)

CF = Total for section III + Total for section IV - Total for section I (2.6)

V=Total for section III+Total for section IV +P2-Total for section I (2.7)

Fs = SOS - ZZ (2.8)

Ft =KF - ZZ (2.9)

Fo = Vi - ZZ (2.10)

Table 2.2.8 Absolute indicators of financial stability of OJSC “*****” for 2012-2013. (in thousand rubles)


Beginning of the year

End of the year

Changes +/-

Sources of own funds

Non-current assets

Availability of own working capital

Long-term borrowed funds

Availability of own and long-term borrowed funds

Short-term borrowed funds

The total value of sources of reserve formation

Inventory and VAT

Excess or deficiency of SOS

Excess or deficiency of own and long-term borrowed sources of funds

Unnecessary shortcomings in the overall size of sources of reserve formation

Type of financial situation

Type of financial situation - crisis financial condition both at the beginning and at the end of the year, i.e. there is no normal solvency resulting in the need to attract additional sources financing to overcome the current situation and increase solvency, the following work should be done:

1.Increase the organization’s equity capital;

2. Reduce the amount of non-current assets through the sale or lease of unused fixed assets;

3. Reduce the amount of inventories to the maximum level, especially in terms of work in progress.

Table 2.2.9 Relative values ​​of financial stability coefficients of OJSC “*****” for 2012-2013.

It follows from the table that the financial independence of OJSC “*****” is gradually strengthening thanks to the maneuverability coefficients and the ratio of mobile and mobilized assets with values ​​of 0.01 and 0.21. And the coefficient of provision of SOS and industrial property worsened by - 0.09 and - 0.04.

2.3 Analysis of the “Income Statement”

Table 2.3.1 Amount of expenses of OJSC “*****” for 2012-2013.

The total amount of expenses of OJSC "*****" for the analyzed period was -95554 or 41.48%, expenses for current activities also decreased by -1266 or 17.62%.

Table 2.3.2

Calculation and analysis of profit before tax of OJSC “*****” for 2012-2013.

As can be seen from the data in Table 2.3.2, OJSC “*****” in 2013 received a profit before tax of 85,424, and in 2012 in the amount of 128,014, which is 42,590 more than in 2013, i.e. by 33.27%. The balance of other expenses and income also changed. It decreased by 14079, i.e. by 18.30%. The profit from sales also changed by -28511, i.e. by 55.80%.

Table 2.3.3

Analysis of sales profit of OJSC "*****" for 2012-2013. in thousand rubles



Share,% of revenue

specific gravity deviation (+/-) %

growth (thousand rubles)

Revenue (NET) from the sale of goods

Cost of goods sold

Gross profit

Business expenses

Administrative expenses

Profit (loss) from sales

Other income

Other expenses

Profit before tax

current income tax

Net profit (loss) of the reporting period

From these tables it follows that for OJSC “*****” during the analyzed period there was a decrease in revenue by 124,065 thousand rubles, i.e. by 55.92%, gross profit by 30,247 thousand rubles, i.e. by 57.25%, commercial expenses by 1736 thousand rubles, profit from sales by 28511 thousand rubles, i.e. by 55.8%, other income by 16966 thousand rubles, i.e. by 20.17%, profit before tax by 42,590 thousand rubles, i.e. by 33.27%, and net profit of the reporting period by 28,169 thousand rubles, i.e. by 27.04%.

Table 2.3.4 Analysis of the formation of net profit of OJSC “*****” for 2012-2013.

Calculations showed that in 2013. OJSC "*****" received 26,169 rubles, or 27.04% less profit than in 2012.

Table 2.3.5 Calculation of profitability indicators of OJSC “*****” for 2012-2013, %.

Thus, we see that the profitability indicator of sold products for the analyzed period decreased by 5.43% and began to receive less profit from the sale of products from 1 ruble of total costs; this negatively affects the efficiency of JSC "*****", almost all other profitability indicators decreased in value. An important aspect of analyzing the profitability of an organization is assessing the profitability of sales volume and calculating the factors influencing its condition, the influence of product prices, and its cost.

Table 2.3.6

Calculation of profitability of sales volume of OJSC "*****" for 2012-2013.

Thus, revenue for 2013 decreased by 124065 and amounted to 157420. Cost of sales for 2013. amounted to -134834, which is 93818 more than in 2012. Sales profit for 2012 is 28,511 more than in 2013. Based on the indicators, the profitability of sales volume was 14.35% in 2013, which is 3.81% less than in 2012.

2.4 Analysis of the “Statement of Changes in Capital” and analysis of the “Statement of Cash Flows”

Table 2.4.1 Analysis of the composition, structure and movement of equity capital of OJSC “*****” for 2012-2013.

Name of indicators


Growth rate,%

specific gravity,%

specific gravity,%

specific gravity,%

Own capital - total, including:

Authorized capital

retained earnings

Additional capital

Revaluation of non-current assets

Based on the calculation results given in Table 2.4.1, we can conclude that the equity capital of OJSC “*****” for 2013 decreased by 6431 thousand rubles, which is 2.37%, most of The changes were affected by retained earnings which decreased by 6431, i.e. by 3.03%. Which suggests that the growth rate of retained earnings of OJSC “*****” in 2013 was 96.97%.

Table 2.4.2 Movement of equity capital of OJSC “*****” in 2012-2013, thousand rubles.

According to the calculation data, we see that the analysis of the movement of equity capital of OJSC “*****” showed that for 2012-2013, the authorized capital and additional capital did not change. On the contrary, retained earnings increased by 67,485, but decreased by 46,305, and at the end of the year amounted to 233,282 thousand rubles.

Table 2.4.3 Return on equity of OJSC “*****” in 2012-2013

The profitability of OJSC “*****” for 2012 was 43.03%, and for 2013 it was 26.37%, i.e. decreased by 16.66%. A decrease in this indicator indicates a current decrease in financial stability or business efficiency.

Table 2.4.4 Indicators of equity capital turnover of OJSC “*****” in 2012-2013.

Based on the table data, revenue for 2013 decreased by 124,065 thousand rubles. and amounted to 157,420. Thus, due to a decrease in revenue, equity capital turnover slowed down by 324.86 days, which is a negative point for OJSC “*****”.

Table 2.4.5 Calculation of net assets of OJSC “*****” in 2012-2013



Fixed assets

Deferred tax assets

Accounts receivable

cash and cash equivalents

other current assets

Total assets

deferred tax liabilities

accounts payable

deferred income

Total liabilities

Net asset value

in % of total assets

As can be seen from the data in Table 2.4.5., during the analyzed period, the liabilities of OJSC “*****” were covered by assets with a decrease of 21,979 thousand. rub., interest on total assets for 2013 amounted to 41.79%, which indicates a decrease of 1.99%.

Analysis of the Cash Flow Statement

Table 2.4.6 Cash flow of OJSC “*****” in 2012-2013


Amount, thousand rubles


Growth rate, %


cash inflow

cash outflow

total cash from current activities


cash inflow

cash outflow

Total cash from investing activities


cash inflow

cash outflow

Total cash from financing activities

From the table data we see that OJSC “*****” has no cash flows from investment and financial operations. And cash flows from current operations in 2012 were received at 649,085 thousand. rubles, which is 146,287 thousand rubles less than in 2013. The outflow of funds also increased in the amount of 221,416 thousand. rubles, which makes it difficult to cover liabilities from current operations.

Table 2.4.7 Analysis of cash flows according to the cash flow statement of OJSC “*****” in 2012-2013.


for the reporting year

for the same period of the previous year

Change (+/-)

amount (thousand rubles)

specific gravity, %

amount (thousand rubles)

specific gravity, %

amount (thousand rubles)

specific gravity, %

Cash balance at the beginning of the reporting year


Receipts - total

including: from the sale of products, goods, works and services

other income

Payments - total

including: payment to suppliers for raw materials, works, services

in connection with the remuneration of employees

income tax

other payments

Balance of cash flows from current operations

For the reporting year, OJSC “*****” received 495,372 thousand rubles, and for the same year 649,085 thousand rubles, which is 146,287 thousand rubles. more. And payments for the reporting period amounted to 876,556 thousand rubles, which is 227,471 more than for the same period of the previous year. The balance from current operations for the reporting year also increased and amounted to 40,592 thousand rubles, which is 6,055 thousand rubles more than for the same period.

2.5 Explanatory note to the annual report

Table 2.5.1 Analysis of structure composition and dynamics accounts receivable JSC "*****" in 2012-2013


Beginning of the year

End of the year


Growth rate, %

amount, thousand rubles

specific gravity, %

amount, thousand rubles

specific gravity, %

amount, thousand rubles

specific gravity, %

short-term accounts receivable total

Long-term accounts receivable total

total amount of receivables

Based on the table, we can conclude that OJSC “******” does not use long-term receivables, but only short-term receivables, which amounted to 36,135 thousand rubles at the beginning of the year. otherwise 100% of accounts receivable. It increased by 61,157 thousand rubles, and amounted to 97,292 thousand rubles at the end of the year. The growth rate for the reporting period was 269.25%.

Table 2.5.2 Analysis of the structure and dynamics of accounts payable of OJSC “*****” in 2012-2013.


Beginning of the year

End of the year


Growth rate, %

amount, thousand rubles

specific gravity, %

amount, thousand rubles

specific gravity, %

amount, thousand rubles

specific gravity, %

Accounts payable including:

Suppliers and contractors

Estimated liabilities

For wages

Social insurance and security

Debt to the budget

Other creditors

Investment 186 sq., railway 64 sq.

Debt to founders for payment of income

Total amount of accounts payable

The table data showed that OJSC “*****” had a normal result at the end of the year, because accounts payable increased, thanks to suppliers and contractors, social insurance, other creditors, debts to the founders for payment of income. On the contrary, estimated liabilities, wages, debt to the budget, and investments decreased, which led to a decrease in the total amount of accounts payable by 11,238 thousand rubles.

Table 2.5.3 Comparative analysis of accounts receivable and accounts payable of OJSC “*****” in 2013


Accounts payable

Accounts receivable

Previous year, thousand rubles.

Reporting year, thousand rubles

Changes, thousand rubles

Growth rate, %

Turnover, revolutions

Turnover, days

In the organization, the amount of accounts payable predominates, but its growth rate is less than the growth rate of accounts receivable, the reason for this is the lower duration of one turnover of accounts payable equal to 785.79 days, versus 152.57 days required for the return of accounts receivable.

Table 2.5.4 Calculation of the effect of financial leverage of OJSC “*****” in 2012-2013.

Concept, essence, types and basic principles of reporting of an organization. Procedures prior to filling out financial reporting forms. Features of compilation and presentation of reports on insurance contributions to budgetary and extra-budgetary funds.

course of lectures, added 11/08/2013

Drawing up accounting registers and reporting forms. Contents and procedure for drawing up the balance sheet, profit and loss statement, statement of changes in capital, and cash flow. Mutual reconciliation of indicators of reporting forms.

course work, added 02/09/2011

Regulatory and legal framework for preparing enterprise reports. Composition of annual financial statements: balance sheet; statement of profits, losses and changes in equity; about cash flow. Methodology for generating financial reporting indicators.

course work, added 12/11/2012

Regulatory regulation of the formation of financial statements. Features of constructing the Balance Sheet in accordance with IFRS. Composition of equity capital. Methods for generating the Cash Flow Statement. Distortions in financial statements.

course work, added 10/11/2013

Procedures preceding the preparation of financial statements. The procedure for filling out reporting forms: balance sheet, profit and loss statement, changes in capital and cash flow. Interrelation of indicators of these forms.

course work, added 11/16/2011

Regulatory regulation of the presentation of financial statements. The composition and content of the profit and loss statement, balance sheet, statements of changes in capital and cash flows. Schemes for interconnection of financial reporting indicators.

course work, added 03/15/2013

Studying the financial statements of an enterprise as a source of information about its economic activities. Regulatory regulation of financial statements in Russia. Contents of the balance sheet, profit and loss statement, capital and cash flows.

presentation, added 04/28/2015

Organization of the regulatory framework and development of a system for regulating accounting reporting. Structure of the financial reporting system: balance sheet, elements and generation of statements of profit and loss, changes in capital, and cash flows.

course work, added 10/10/2014

Complications in the process of accounting reform in Russia. Structure and content of the balance sheet, profit and loss statement, changes in capital, cash flow. Certificates and applications as part of financial statements.

thesis, added 04/07/2009

The essence of financial statements and its main forms. The role of the balance sheet. Statement of profit and loss, changes in capital, cash flow. The importance of financial statements when analyzing the financial condition of an enterprise.

Economic and financial activities Each enterprise must be accompanied by timely and complete accounting. The result of accounting operations is the reflection of the company's financial condition on the accounting accounts. A consolidated document summarizing the value of assets and liabilities, profits and losses, debts and overpayments is the accounting and financial statements of an organization. Let's take a closer look at the technology for preparing financial statements.

First stage

The first stage of preparing financial and accounting statements is to carry out mandatory preliminary work:

  1. Checking primary documents:
    • Availability: Both paper and electronic documents must be properly grouped. The procedure is determined by the company’s “Regulations on Document Flow”;
    • correctness of registration: presence of mandatory details, absence of erasures and corrections;
    • timeliness and completeness of reflection of all documents and transactions on accounts. This is the main condition for reliable accounting.
  2. Checking funds:
    • correspondence between credentials and actual size sums of money at the cash register;
    • compliance of bank statements and accounting data for current accounts;
    • reconciliation, if any, of different securities.
  3. Reconciliation with counterparties:
    • check whether counterparties’ data on the status of settlements coincides with accounting data;
    • preparation of reconciliation reports;
    • Conducting a reconciliation of the status of settlements with the budget.
  4. Inventory of fixed assets and intangible assets:
    • checking the availability and condition of fixed assets on the balance sheet. Drawing up an inventory sheet according to the INV-1 form. If discrepancies are identified, then the comparison sheet of form INV-18 is filled out;
    • Similarly, discrepancies between accounting data and the actual state of affairs in relation to intangible assets are revealed:

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It is important that these actions should also be carried out by separate divisions, branches and representative offices of the organization, since the financial statements of the parent company include indicators for all divisions.

Organizations that have been inactive for a year must still draw up financial statements reflecting zero turnover.

Second stage

The second stage, after checking all the obligations and property of the company, it is necessary to make accounting adjustments in connection with identified inconsistencies, as well as correct errors.

At the same moment, a decision is made on the need to revaluate inventories, fixed assets, and intangible assets, and the necessary accounting operations are performed. They also calculate and form reserves for doubtful debts and reserves for vacation pay:

Final stages

The third stage, after the completeness, reliability and timeliness of recording all transactions of the reporting period have been established, the accounting accounts are closed and the balance sheet is reformed.

Fourth, final stage consists of transferring data from accounting registers and analytical accounting in financial and accounting reporting forms.

Composition of financial statements

When preparing financial statements, an organization must be guided by the standard PBU 4/99, which establishes that the final financial and accounting statements consist of:

  1. Balance Sheet;
  2. Financial results report;
  3. Statement of changes in equity;
  4. Cash flow statement;
  5. Report on the intended use of funds;
  6. Explanations to financial and accounting statements;
  7. An audit report on the reliability of reporting, if the organization’s activities are subject to mandatory audit.

An important condition is the obligation provided for in paragraph 10 of Article III of PBU 4/99 to provide data for the two previous years in the listed forms. In this case, the data must be comparable, otherwise either correction of the information or detailed explanations is required.

When deciding on the level of detail of reporting items, you need to be guided by the criterion of materiality of indicators established in the company’s accounting policy for the current reporting period.

It is also recommended to pay attention when filling out reporting forms to the fact that within them there are control ratios of various indicators. Their correctness signals to the inspection authorities that the company’s reporting, including tax returns, has been compiled without distortion. If the control ratios are not met, the tax authorities will request explanations about the identified discrepancies.

The example shows the relationship between balance sheet items and the property tax return:

Deadlines for preparing financial and accounting reports

To prepare financial and accounting statements for the reporting period legal entities three months are allotted after its completion. According to paragraphs 12 and 13 of Article III of PBU 4/99, the reporting period is equal to one calendar year, and the reporting date is December 31. On this day, all indicators of the organization’s activities are recorded.

Also, standard 4/99 stipulates the need for monthly summing up of the enterprise’s work by drawing up a balance sheet and profit and loss statement. Submit interim financial statements to government bodies no need. As a rule, such reporting is required by owners, investors, when conducting auctions or tenders.

Further use of financial statements

The financial condition of the company recorded in the annual financial statements, as well as the results of work during the year calculated in the Profit and Loss Statement, serve as the main information for further management analysis.

From the set of reports and the compiled Report for the founders, the owners draw conclusions about the profitability of the business, adopt long-term development strategies and develop tactical decisions.


Accounting statements are important documents that allow you to review and evaluate the activities of an enterprise and its prospects. The main thing for which not only financial statements, but also any accounting document is used, is to control the movement of funds, the execution of economic and cash transactions and the like. Since accounting reports are the most complete source of information about the state of the enterprise and its property, it helps to understand the state of material, monetary and labor resources, the effectiveness of the enterprise’s policies in the field of investment and lending, to estimate the costs of production and advertising of products, and so on.

Came into force on January 1, 2014 new law“On Accounting” No. 402 dated December 6, 2011 - it is its norms that should be followed when preparing reports for 2014.

Completed forms of annual financial statements are submitted to the tax service and the State Statistics Committee within the established time frame - three months from the beginning of the calendar year.

Annual reports are prepared for the period from January 1 to December 31 inclusive. Reporting is due from January 1 to March 30.

All this makes it possible to say that this topic course work very relevant.

The object of study of this course work is the accounting (financial) statements of an enterprise.

The subject of the study is the compilation and analysis of form No. 5.

The purpose of the course work: a description of the purpose and composition of accounting (financial) statements, as well as a study of the areas of analysis of form No. 5.

Coursework objectives:

Define the essence of financial statements;

Find out the reporting structure under current legislation;

Determine the circle of reporting users;

Describe the directions and methods of analysis of form No. 5.

The work consists of 2 sections, Introduction, Conclusion, List of references and a number of applications.

Preparation and use of financial statements

Concept and composition of accounting (financial) statements

Accounting statements are a system of indicators reflecting the property and financial position of the organization as of the reporting date, as well as the financial results of the organization for the reporting period. Accounting statements are a package of documents that contains the most reliable and complete information about property, liabilities, completed business transactions and the economic situation of the enterprise. The accounting statements of an enterprise represent aggregate information about all business transactions, the state of ownership, the economic situation of the enterprise, and the like.

Accounting statements may include information for the entire calendar year, or may be compiled for a period of a week or a month. Accounting statements can be private and general, external and internal, consolidated, annual and intra-annual. The most important type that exists is the annual financial statements. Reporting that is prepared for certain periods during a calendar year is called intra-annual or interim.

Annual financial statements are submitted to the regulatory authorities: the tax service and the State Statistics Committee.

Interim financial statements (intra-annual) are used mainly by internal users of financial statements in order to be able to evaluate the activities of the enterprise and the reasonable expenditure of funds, as well as to avoid errors when preparing annual financial statements.

Some enterprises, for example, insurance companies, must also submit quarterly reports to regulatory authorities.

Many businesses, such as public limited companies, are required by law to publish their annual financial statements in the public domain so that anyone can view them. Before publishing financial statements, an enterprise must undergo an audit of its accounting documentation and receive an appropriate audit opinion stating that all information is reliable and fully reflects the property status of the enterprise. Such an audit report is published along with the financial statements and submitted along with them to the State Statistics Committee.

Accounting (financial) statements of organizations (except for budgetary ones) consist of:

* balance sheet;

* financial results report;

* appendices to them, in particular the cash flow statement, appendices to the balance sheet and other reports provided for by the regulations of the accounting regulatory system;

* explanatory note;

* an auditor's report confirming the reliability of the organization's financial statements (if they are subject to mandatory audit in accordance with the law).

Reporting can be prepared both for the enterprise as a whole and for its individual divisions or branches of production. If an enterprise has several branches or separate divisions, general consolidated financial statements are prepared. The same consolidated statements can be prepared by a group of enterprises united under the leadership of one organization.

The financial statements include:

* balance sheet;

* financial results report;

* explanatory note to the above documents;

* attachments to the above documents, which may also include various reports, for example, on the movement of funds and the like.

The financial statements of various enterprises may include other documents, if regulated Federal laws or specified in the accounting policy of the enterprise.

Of course, there are various forms of accounting reporting. When preparing financial statements, it is necessary to strictly adhere not only to the requirements presented in the financial statements, but also to use the appropriate forms.

The following financial reporting forms were approved and put into use by the order on financial reporting forms of the Ministry of Finance Russian Federation No. 66 dated 06/02/2010 (including revisions dated 10/05/2011, 08/17/2012 and 12/04/2012).

Accounting forms:

1. Balance sheet (form according to OKUD 0710001),

2. Report on financial results (form according to OKUD 0710002),

3. Report on changes in capital (form according to OKUD 0710003),

4. Cash flow statement (form according to OKUD 0710004),

5. Report on the intended use of funds (form according to OKUD 0710006),

6. Explanations for the balance sheet and financial results statement (Form 5).

Numerical indicators in the financial statements are given for at least two years - the reporting year and the one preceding the reporting year (except for the report compiled for the first year).

If the data for the period preceding the reporting year are not comparable with the data for the reporting period in the financial statements, they are presented in a comparable form, that is, the data for the previous period are adjusted according to the rules for preparing reports for the reporting period.

In accordance with accounting regulations, the scope of the forms provided and the indicators included in them varies depending on the volume of the organization's activities.

The accounting statements of small businesses are significantly reduced, since they have the right not to submit a report on changes in capital (Form No. 3), a cash flow statement (Form No. 4), an appendix to the balance sheet (Form No. 5), and an explanatory note.

Ordinary commercial organizations provide financial statements in full. Commercial organizations classified as large and major (associations, holdings, financial industrial groups, financial-industrial alliances, etc.) also prepare consolidated accounting (financial) statements. Organizations that prepare consolidated accounting (financial) statements taking into account data on their subsidiaries (dependent) companies establish the volume of accounting statements provided to them by these companies and the requirements for them.

According to the adopted concept, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation has currently approved accounting regulations (standards) regulating the procedure for generating accounting information and the procedure for disclosing information in accounting (financial) statements. The practical use of information disclosure requirements in accounting (financial) statements provided for by the relevant provisions (standards) provides a more complete information base for an objective and comprehensive analysis of the financial condition of the organization and its sustainable development.

The balance sheet (accounting statements in Form 1) is one of the main documents that reflects the ratio of the assets and liabilities of the enterprise (they must be equal). The balance sheet reflects the state of the assets and liabilities of the enterprise.

Assets refer to all the assets of a business, from raw materials and office supplies to buildings and equipment. Assets are all property that is listed on the balance sheet of an enterprise. This includes both real estate, equipment and raw materials, and finished products, tools and equipment.

It is assumed that the enterprise received funds to acquire assets (either from investors, or from shareholders, or from a credit institution); after receiving a profit, the funds must be returned - these are the obligations of the enterprise.

Liabilities are those funds that an enterprise must return to investors, shareholders, creditors and other persons and organizations that issued them to the enterprise. The amount of assets and liabilities in the balance sheet for the reporting period must match.

The financial results report includes the indicators given in the section “Decoding of individual profits and losses” of the sample form recommended by the Ministry of Finance; organizations can present them in the form of transcripts to the relevant items of the report (“including” or “of them”). Individual indicators included in the appendix to the balance sheet in accordance with the sample form recommended by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation may be presented in the form of independent forms or included in an explanatory note.

Accounting statements in Form 2 contain information about all completed business transactions, expenditures on the purchase of equipment and raw materials, financial movements, receipt of funds, takes into account tax obligations, etc.

This document should contain information about:

* funds from sales of products (profits or losses);

* income from non-operating activities;

* operating income and expenses;

* enterprise costs for production;

* commercial and administrative expenses; tax amounts;

* net profit;

* net revenue from product sales.

All data in the statement of changes in equity is provided for three reporting years. The financial statements in Form 3 must reflect:

* movement of authorized capital;

* movement of reserve capital;

* change in the amount of retained earnings;

* share of own shares purchased from shareholders.

Accounting statements in Form 4 reflect:

* sources of funds received, as well as the volumes of amounts received and their intended use;

* liquidity of the enterprise;

* growth of income over expenses;

* the difference between the amount of profit and the amount of cash, as well as its reasons.

The explanatory note includes the results of the analysis of the accounting (financial) statements on the main financial indicators for assessing the financial condition of the organization and other indicators and characteristics that are significant for it. The explanatory note must contain information about data, the disclosure requirement of which is defined in the accounting regulations and which is not reflected in the financial reporting forms. For example, based on information about events after the reporting date, indicating business conditions that arose after the reporting date that could have a significant impact on the financial condition of the organization, the following information should be given: brief description such an event and assessing its consequences. Since this event is not reflected in the accounting, and, consequently, in the financial statements, it is important for the financial statement analyst or other user, after reading the explanatory note, to take into account the impact of this event in the forecast estimates and to clarify the relevant financial indicators and analytical estimates made on based on these financial reporting forms.

Explanatory note to the balance sheet. This document explains and supplements the balance sheet, and also contains information about events that may have occurred after the reporting date. The explanatory note must contain:

* information about the enterprise;

* main positions of the enterprise's accounting policy;

* information about individual assets and liabilities;

* analysis and assessment of the balance sheet structure and profit dynamics;

* information about the organization’s income and expenses;

* explanations of significant items of financial statements;

* assessment of the organization's business activity;

* change in opening balances;

* conditional facts of economic activity;

* environmental indicators; information disclosed by joint stock companies.

And other essential information that is necessary for a more complete disclosure of balance sheet information.


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