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Constructions There is And There are are used to indicate the presence of something in a certain place, the location of objects or their quantity. In this construction the word there stands formal subject and does not carry any meaning (it cannot be translated as “ here», « there"), so such sentences are translated from the end.

  • There is a mouse in the kitchen!- There's a mouse in the kitchen!
  • There are some cookies in the box.— There are some cookies in the box.
  • There was a man in the room.– There was a man in the room.
  • There were men in the room waiting for you.– There were men in the room who were waiting for you.
  • I think there will be a lot of people at tomorrow’s concert.– I think there will be a lot of people at tomorrow’s concert.


In affirmative sentences, the formal subject always comes first there, followed by the verb to be in the required form and “ present subject"(object or person). Verb form to be depends on the number of the noun and the tense in the sentence.

There is And there was used for singular objects or concepts or uncountable nouns.

There are And there were used for plural items.

If in the statement after revolutions there is / there was / there will be the countable subject is singular, it is used with the indefinite article a / an. Definite article the practically not used.

  • There is = There’s (abbreviation)
  • There's a cat in our garden.- There is (some) cat in our yard.

If this is a set of objects, then a numeral is used, indicating their number or word some(some). Also used before uncountable nouns some.

  • There are two cats in our garden.- There are two cats in our yard.
  • There are some cats in our garden.- There (are some) cats in our yard.
  • There's some milk in the fridge.— There is some milk in the refrigerator.
  • There was some food in this lunchbox.— There was food in this lunchbox.

In the statement after the construction there is/ there was/ there will be pronouns may be used someone(someone) and something(something).

  • There was something strange in his room.“There was something strange in his room.”
  • There was someone asking for your phone number.- Someone asked for your phone number.


Negative sentence with there is /there are is formed using a negative particle not after the verb to be in the required form.

In denial with there is not/ there wasn't / there will not be singular nouns are used with the indefinite article a/ an(without negative pronouns, since in English there can be only one negative).

  • There wasn't a cat in our garden.
  • There won't be a party next week.- There will be no party next week.

In a negative sentence, nouns in plural or uncountable nouns are used with a pronoun any(some, none).

  • There is not = there isn’t (abbreviation)
  • There isn't any money in his wallet.
  • There are not = there aren’t
  • There aren't any pencils on my desk.

In denial after there is not / there wasn't / there will not be pronouns may be used anybody, anyone(someone, no one) and anything(something, nothing, nothing).

  • There isn't anyone in the room.- There is no one in the room.
  • There wasn't anything interesting in that city. “There was nothing interesting in that city.”

Also, a negative sentence can be formed using a negative pronoun no before a noun, regardless of its number. In this case, the particle is not placed not after to be .

  • There was no cat in our garden.– There was no cat in our yard.
  • There there are no pencils on my desk.– There are no pencils on my desk.
  • There is no money in his wallet.- There is no money in his wallet.

In a negative sentence after there is /there was /there will be pronouns may be used nobody,no one(nobody) and nothing(nothing, nothing).

  • There there is no one in the room.- There is no one in the room.
  • There was nothing interesting in that city.“There was nothing interesting in that city.”


Interrogative sentence with there is / there are is formed by placing the verb to be in the required form at the beginning of the sentence.

As in negative sentences, questions use singular nouns with the indefinite article a / an.

  • Is there a cat outside?– Is there a cat on the street?
  • Will there be a party next week?– Will there be a party next week?

In questions, plural or uncountable nouns are used with a pronoun any(some kind).

  • Were there any pencils on my desk?– Were there (some) pencils on my desk?
  • Is there any money in your pockets?– Do you have (some) money in your pockets?

In questions after is there / was there/ will there be pronouns may be used anybody, anyone(someone) and anything(something).

  • Is there anything I can do for you?– Can I help you with something?

Short answers to general questions also use the construction there is/ there are in the affirmative or negative form at the right time.

  • Is there a cat outside?– Is there a cat on the street?
  • Yes, there is.- Yes, I have.
  • No, there isn't .- No.
  • Was there anybody in my room?– Was there someone in my room?
  • Yes, there was.- Yes.
  • No, there wasn't.- No.

In special questions, the question word comes first, followed by the word order of the general question. After interrogative expressions how many/ how much followed by the noun to which they refer.

  • Who is there in my room?-Who's in my room?
  • Why are there so many people?– Why are there so many people there?
  • How much money is there in your wallet?- How much money is in your wallet?

Features of use

There is / There are can be used with almost all tenses and modal verbs, as well as with the construction to be going to. In this case, only the verb changes to be.

  • There has been an accident this morning. I hope everything is alright now.– There was an accident this morning. I hope everything is fine now.
  • She said that there had been nothing to drink at Matt’s party.“She said there weren't any drinks at Matt's party.”
  • There must be some money in my pocket.- There must be some money in my pocket.
  • There may be a dog in their garden.– Perhaps there is a dog in their yard.
  • There should have been a letter from Craig in my mailbox.- In my mailbox there was supposed to be a letter from Craig.
  • There is going to be a charity concert next week.– Next week they are going to hold a charity concert.

Listing items

When listing multiple items after a construct there is / there are the verb to be is put in singular or plural form depending on the number of the noun that follows it.

  • There is one cat and one puppy in Jack’s house.– There is one cat and one puppy in Jack’s house.
  • There is a cat and two puppies in Jack’s house.– There is one cat and two puppies in Jack’s house.
  • There are two puppies and a cat in Jack’s house.– There are two puppies and one cat in Jack’s house.

There with other verbs

The verb to be in the construction there is / there are can be replaced by other verbs that express the meaning of presence, such as to exist(to be, to exist), to lie(lie), to live(live), to come(to come, to happen), to stand(stand), etc.

  • There was a big statue in this park.– There was a big statue in this park.
  • There stood a big statue in this park.– There was a large statue in this park.
  • There lives an old woman in this house.– An elderly woman lives in this house.
  • There came some noise from his room.- There was (some) noise coming from his room.

This construction has no analogue in the Russian language, which makes it difficult to understand and use.

So, what does RPM mean?there is / there are in English and when should we use them? You know what the word isthere translated as “there”, and the verbto be - be. If you combine these two words, you get “there is.”

To express the presence or existence in a certain place or period of time of any person or inanimate object, fact or phenomenon that is still unknown to us, the phrase "there is / there are " with the meaning “is”, “is”, “is”, “exists”.

This is where the function of this construction comes from: whenwe want to say that in some specific place there is something or someone, then we usethere + be .

Proposals with designthere is / there are translated from the end, that is, from the circumstances of place or time. And the wordthere is a formal element and is not translated into Russian, butfalls. However, in some cases it can be used twice. For example,when translating Russian sentences into English in which the adverbial adverbial place is expressedthere. In such In cases where an adverb is used at the end of a sentencethere , i.e. there isthe meaning is to indicate the meaning of "there".

At turnover there + be quite a wide range of applications. In this case, we will consider one of these applications, namely indicating the location of an object.

How are such proposals constructed?

There is / are+ who/what + where.

So you already know that turnoverthere is / there are Literally translated as "There is". Here's a choiceis orare depends on the number of nouns indicated by the phrase.

There is used,if followed by a singular count noun (acomputer, a book, apen) or uncountable noun (snow, sugar, water, gold), when we talk about one subject.

For example :

There is a computer in the room -INroom ( There is) computer.

There is a book in the bag. -INportfolio ( There is) book.

There is a pen on the table. - Tabletop there is a pen.

When we need to say that there are several objects in a certain place, i.e., for plural nouns we use there are(computers, books, pens).

For example: There are some books on my table . - There are several books on my table.

Sometimes a sentence lists several items, with the first being singular and the second plural (or vice versa). In this case, the turnoverthere + to be agrees in number with the noun that comes after it.

For example:

There is abook and twopens on thetable. - OntableThere isbookAndtwopens.

The singular noun comes first ( abook) , therefore the verb is also singular -there is .

There are twopensand onebookon thetable. - OntableThere istwopensAndbook.

First in the list is the plural noun ( twopens), so the verb is also plural - there are .

If we change placesthere is onis there , orthere are onare there , then you can construct interrogative sentences.

For example :

Is there apenon my table? -OnmytableThere is pen?

Are there anatbookson my table? - OnmytableThere isbooks?

Negative sentences with turnoverthere is / there are are formed by adding a negative particlenot to the verbto be .

For example :

There isn'tanatsnow.

There isno book on my table. -OnmytableNo books.

There areno books on my table. -OnmytableNo books.

Well, now we have reviewed with you the main provisions regarding turnoverthere is / there are. TOby the way, these provisions may be applicable not only for English, but also forsomeother foreign languages.

I would also like to add that the turnoverthere is / there are Very often found in English proverbs and sayings. But we'll talk about this next time.

Good luck!

Turnover there + be ( there is / there are) is used when it is necessary to indicate the presence or absence of a person/object in a certain place. There is / There are translated into Russian as “is available”, “is”, “is located”, “exists”.

Scheme of construction of turnover

Sentences with the phrase there is/there are are constructed according to the following scheme:

There is (are) + subject + adverbial place

Sentences with the grammatical phrase there+be mainly indicate the presence/absence of a phenomenon or object in a certain place.

The turnover is used in the following cases

When they want to emphasize the presence or absence of an object, rather than the place in which it is located:

There are many games for children. - There are many games for children.

When they want to emphasize the location of an object in space

There is a student in the classroom. - There is a student in the classroom.

The word there is a theoretical element of this grammatical phrase, and it is not necessary to translate it into Russian. A revolution is considered an introductory particle. If in a sentence the adverbial adverbial place is expressed by the pronoun “there”, then the sentence is translated into English as follows:

There were many children there. - There were a lot of children there.

The phrase there is/there are is not used in answers to the question “where?”, since the answer concerns the location of the object, and not the object itself:

Where is my book? Where's my book?

It is in my bag. It's in my bag.

But if the sentence sounds like:

There is some book in my bag;

then we use turnover -

There is a book in my bag.

Modal verbs with there is / there are

The design of the turnover also uses modal verbs together with the verb to be:

There must be many interesting books in the library. The library should have many interesting books.

There can be problems for him. He might have problems.

The phrase there + be translates Russian sentences that begin with the words “exist” or “exist” and words that do not indicate space:

There are different school subjects. There are different school subjects.

There are different books for children. There are different books for children.

Also can be used in circulation and other words instead of to be:

to happen,

to exist,

to remain

to come,

to appear

There comes our train. Here comes our train.

There exist different animals. There are different animals.

Construction of interrogative sentences with turnover

If there is a revolution, the verb to be comes first, and after there comes the subject:

Are there books in your bag? Are there books in your bag?

If the word any is used in such a question, then the answer to it will contain the words some (affirmative answer), not any or none (negative answer):

Are there any books in your bag? Are there any books in your bag?

Yes, there are some.

No, there are not any/none.

Negative sentences with a turn are made using the word no, the negative particle not or the pronoun any.

There is no food for you. There is no food for you.

There isn`t any money in his pocket. There is no money in his pocket.

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Previous topic: Neither nor construction: rules of use and examples with translation
Next topic:   Special questions: question words and word order in special questions

Hello, dear students and seekers!

Today we’ll talk about the fact that there is bread in the breadbox, and there is still some paste in the tube. Don't be surprised! This is directly related to our grammar topic “There is/There are”. After all, we often have to look for things and ask our relatives where everything is, or, in turn, report to others where their lost umbrella or watch is.

This simple design and the rule for its use will help us with this. It is used when we talk about something for the first time, that it exists. Let's analyze:

There is some toothpaste in the tube. There is a book on the table. (there is used for singular).

There are five slices of bread in the bread bin. There are a lot of pens in my bag. (there are– for plural).

Such offers are most often translated into Russian from the end, i.e. with circumstances (first we say "Where", and then "What"). This often has to be explained to children, since the habit of Russian thinking gets in the way.

Let's return to our proposals:

There is some paste in the tube. There is a book on the table.

There are five pieces of bread in the breadbox. There are a lot of pens in my bag.

Word there in this design is formal(i.e. according to the rules it should be, but it is not translated). The design itself corresponds in the Russian version to such words as to be, to be, to be etc., and may not be translated at all. When translating, you need to look at the context and choose what sounds right to the Russian ear.

Let's say

There is her hand lotion on the bedside table.

In this case, we can easily say that on the nightstand "lies" or "costs" hand cream, although in reality such words are English version No.


In sentences with there is/are there is not necessarily an indication of place or time at the end, i.e. such a sentence simply communicates about the presence of an object or phenomenon(this means that we don’t care where, but the very fact of the existence of something is important). For example:

I'm sorry I'm late. There was a lot of traffic.- Sorry, I'm late. Traffic was heavy (literally: there was a lot of traffic).

Thereisacoldwind.- (Blowing) Cold wind.

Negative form is formed in the standard way for the verb to be, i.e. just added not . Shall we practice?

There is not (=isn’t) any toothpaste in the tube.

Note: in this sentence some changed to any. Who knows the rule, well done. For those who don’t know, you can read about him.

Well, I think you can handle the rest of the suggestions yourself!

Besides, instead of not possible use no . Moreover, after no no article or any required, no placed before a noun:

There is no life on the planet.

Question form is formed by putting the verb in first place:

Is there a book on the table? Is there any toothpaste in the tube?

Are there five slices of bread in the bread bin? Are there how many pens in my bag?

Note: It is worth mentioning the use of the construction for uncountable nouns, which often causes difficulties. For - the construction is used in the singular, i.e. we simply mean a certain amount of something that we cannot count (keep in mind the word “quantity” - it is in the singular), for example:

There is some water in the bottle.

There was/There were

There was / There were- this is still the same construction, only in the simple past tense (Past Simple).

Sg. (units) Pl. (plural)
+ There was some toothpaste in the tube. There was a book on the table. There were There were a lot of pens in my bag.
There was not (=wasn’t) any toothpaste in the tube. There wasn't a book on the table. There were not (weren’t) five slices of bread in the bread bin. There were not many pens in my bag.
? Was there any toothpaste in the tube?

Was there a book on the table?

Were there five slices of bread in the bread bin.

Were there how many pens in my bag?

I hope the examples in the table clearly explained to you what’s what. But if you still have questions, be sure to ask them in the comments - they will not go unanswered!

Even if you have just started learning English, you have probably come across a sentence that begins with the phrase there is or there are. From our experience, we know that even students with an average level of knowledge have difficulty using there + be. Not because this construction is difficult to understand, but because in Russian there is no direct equivalent to the phrase. This is why students often forget to use it. In this article we will talk about possible use cases there + be, we will give examples and a small test at the end of the article.

What does there + be mean

So, what does RPM mean? there is / there are in English and when should we use them? You know what the word is there translated as “there”, and the verb to be- be. If you combine two words, you get “there is.” This is where the function of this construction follows: when we want to communicate that something is somewhere, we use there + be.

There is a new shopping center in that village. – There is a new shopping center in that village.

There are many books in room 145. – There are many books in room 145.

Please note that the revolutions themselves there is / there are are not translated into Russian. Conventionally, they can be translated into Russian with the words “is”, “is available”, “exists”, “is located”. That’s why we so want to start translating word for word from Russian it exists , it there. But you can't do that. And also sentences that start with there+be, we start translating from the end, that is, we first tell the place where something is located.

How to use there is / there are in English


We can use there + be in all times: present, past and future. Accordingly, for this we need to change the form of the verb be.

There is There is bottle of milk. (there is now, therefore the present tense and form of the verb to be “is”)

There was a bottle of milk in the refrigerator. - In the refrigerator was bottle of milk. (used to be, so the past tense and form of the verb to be “was”)

There will be a bottle of milk in the refrigerator. - In the refrigerator will bottle of milk. (will be in the future, so the future tense and form of the verb to be “will be”)

And also to be is unique in that it can have a singular or plural form. If after there + be there is a singular noun, then take is or was. And if it comes in the plural - are or were. A will be– is universal and can be used with both singular and plural forms.

Now let’s present a plate that clearly shows everything:

There Be What/who is Where is
There is
will be
something somewhere


A negative sentence can be composed in two ways: either using a negative pronoun no, or using a negative particle not and pronouns any. And in this way you will say that something is missing somewhere.

There is no table in the room. =There is not(isn't) any table in the room. – There is no table in the room.

There are no souvenirs on the shelf. =There are not(aren't) any souvenirs on the shelf. – There are no souvenirs on the shelf.


The question is easy to construct: take the desired form be and put it at the beginning of the sentence.

Is is there a table in the room? – Is there a table in the room?

Were are there many people at the party? – Were there many people at the party?

Features of using there + be

  1. If we are listing objects and the first word is in the singular, then we should take to be singular ( is/was):
  2. There is a lamp and four tables in the room. – There is a lamp and 4 tables in the room.

  3. If we list objects and start with the plural, then we should take plural (there are):
  4. There there are four tables and a lamp in the room. – There are four tables and a lamp in the room.

  5. It is important to pay special attention to countable and uncountable nouns.
  6. There is a lot of sugar in coffee. – There is a lot of sugar in coffee. (sugar is an uncountable noun, it does not have a plural form, so we use the verb is, despite the word “a lot” - a lot)

    There are a lot of oranges in the box. — There are a lot of oranges in the box. (we can count oranges, the word has a plural so we use are)

As you can see, from a grammatical point of view, this construction is not difficult to use. It is important not to forget to do this. In conclusion, as always, we invite you to take the test and download our sign. This way you will always have access to this information.


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