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A special method of getting rid of diseases, which is relatively young, but at the same time has already gained a large number of admirers, is craniosacral therapy. The cure method is based on the opinion that in the human body, all parts are closely related to each other. The technique belongs to the most non-standard methods of treating various diseases, therefore it has a huge number of both supporters and opponents.

History of origin

The possibility of the emergence of such a doctrine as craniosacral therapy appeared due to the fact that during the same period such methods of treatment were developing: kinesiology (also called biomechanics), osteopathy, manual therapy. The understanding of the physiological characteristics of the human body has also significantly improved. The first researcher in this area and, in fact, the creator of the doctrine is the American osteopath William Sutherland. While pursuing osteopathy, Sutherland came to the conclusion that the bones of the skull are mobile, since they can be divided without fracture. As a result, the scientist tried to transfer to the seams of the skull those biomechanical principles, guided by which a specialist in craniosacral therapy works.

Also in his research, the scientist observed the rhythms of the human body. Having established that the body obeys certain rhythms, the doctor called them craniosacral. Therefore, the doctor called his method craniosacral osteopathy. Since the scientist had established a strong physiological connection between the sacral spine and the skull, he decided to use this to eliminate certain diseases. And the method of treatment based on this was called craniosacral therapy.

What is Craniosacral Rhythm

Sutherland found that the human skull in a certain rhythm increases and decreases in volume. This phenomenon was designated by him as the mechanism of primary respiration. Depending on the individual characteristics of a person, primary respiration cycles can take from 6 to 10 within a minute.

The doctor associated the phenomenon with the fact that the human brain contracts and relaxes in a certain rhythm, which causes an increase and decrease in brain volume

In this case, the vibration of the bones of the skull is transmitted to the rest of the bones of the human skeleton through the cerebrospinal fluid.

Later, the movements of the bones in a certain rhythm were associated with the fact that the pressure in the cerebrospinal fluid changes cyclically. Moreover, in each case, the rhythm of pressure change has its own amplitude, frequency, its various phases are observed. This was first argued by John Upledger, who later published several books on the topic of craniosacral therapy.

It is believed that the craniosacral rhythm that occurs in the nervous system affects all connective tissues in the human body. In simple terms, the entire human body functions according to certain rhythms and cyclically.

According to the theory of craniosacral therapy, which Upledger proposed, when the craniosacral rhythm is disturbed, all organs and systems in the human body begin to work incorrectly. Almost any disease is treated with craniosacral therapy, since this technique is aimed at restoring the normal cyclical rhythm of the body's work. As a result of the use of such therapy, after the restoration of the normal craniosacral rhythm, all organs begin to function normally, which ensures their cure, as well as the prevention of the development of diseases.

Craniosacral therapy involves the restoration of the rhythm and cyclicity of the respiratory movements of the human cranial bones. Since they are connected with all organs and systems of a person, after sessions of craniosacral therapy, well-being improves, vigor and energy are acquired.

John Upledger expounded his theories in the books Craniosacral Therapy 1 and Craniosacral Therapy 2. These works set out all the basic principles of the method of treatment, which are still relevant. These books are mainly used to compile a training program for people who want to become specialists in this field of alternative medicine.

How is the session going

Craniosacral therapy requires a certain number of sessions. As a rule, treatment with this method is quite long. As a result, not only the work of the whole organism is normalized, but also the emotional state of the patient improves. The therapy resembles a massage. The session lasts about an hour. In this case, the patient sits on the couch. As a result of such treatment, the therapist determines the natural craniosacral rhythm of the human body and finds out if there is a violation.

Massage involves the impact on the bones of the human skull and the sacral spine

At the same time, the specialist's movements are very light, the patient practically does not notice them. The massage is carried out with light, gentle strokes.

The patient does not experience any discomfort or pain during the session. As a rule, a person notes that during the session he experienced pleasant sensations, and after that he felt a surge of strength. The session releases the person's natural energy and improves well-being and mood.

What diseases does craniosacral therapy help to treat?

A similar technique helps to treat almost any disease. First of all, a similar massage is carried out to restore the healthy functioning of the nervous system and the musculoskeletal system.

The majority of osteopathic patients specializing in craniosacral therapy are people with the following diseases:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • scoliosis and other curvature of the spine;
  • cerebroasthenic disorder;
  • pathology of the jaw joints;
  • neuritis of the trigeminal and facial nerves;
  • headaches of any origin;
  • encephalopathy and epilepsy, the development of which is caused by serious injury;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • hypertension;
  • stagnation of fluid in the body;
  • diseases of the ENT organs.

What knowledge and skills should a specialist in this industry have?

An osteopath should have a fairly extensive knowledge and numerous skills, since for successful treatment using craniosacral therapy techniques, an understanding of the work of the human body in various fields is required. When determining the patient's condition, the osteopathic doctor relies primarily on his own examination of the patient by palpation. But for more information or confirmation of the results of such a diagnosis, it may be necessary to study X-ray images or the conclusion of the attending physician.

It seems to many that osteopathy (or craniosacral therapy) is something akin to mysticism. In fact, the foundation on which osteopathy rests is anatomy. Only with an excellent knowledge of anatomy, a specialist can successfully conduct treatment sessions. Therefore, a specialist, first of all, must undergo training in traditional medicine and anatomy.

A high level of knowledge of human anatomy is as important for an osteopath as for a surgeon.

During diagnosis and treatment, the specialist must understand his feelings during palpation. By the slightest changes, an osteopath should be able to identify pathologists simply by touch.

Also an important point is practical skills. Only with experience can an osteopath learn to pinpoint violations just by touch. Directly for treatment, a very important component is the skill of performing the necessary manipulations. An osteopath should be able to provide the expected result of treatment through minor interventions. For this, specialists who have received medical education also need a fairly long training with a narrowly focused specialist.

The therapist fosters a special relationship with the patient. For an osteopath, any disease is a problem of the whole organism as an integral system. While traditional medicine shares diseases.

The specialist in craniosacral therapy must be able to win over the patient, to inspire confidence. If the patient resists and does not open up to the therapist, then treatment simply will not be possible. As a rule, the construction of a kind of dialogue in the process of treatment occurs gradually. At first, the body rarely opens up and confides in a specialist, but over time it is possible to achieve the necessary degree of trust.

Treatment results

After the session, the person immediately feels the positive effect. Patients always assess their condition after the massage positively, there is a feeling of lightness, relaxation and energy at the same time, headache, feelings of stiffness and heaviness in the spine disappear. After just one procedure, this improvement in well-being persists for several days. With repeated sessions, you can gradually not only start to feel good all the time, but also get rid of most diseases.

The result of treatment with the use of craniosacral therapy is the launch of self-healing processes in the body.

Human nature is such that he can independently cope with almost any disease, regulating vital important functions and restoring health on their own. The ability to heal itself decreases and eventually disappears altogether if blocks and clamps appear in the body, disrupting the natural processes in the body.

The goal of craniosacral therapy is to get rid of such blockages so that the body can begin to heal itself. This can take a lot of time, so in each case the osteopath individually determines how many sessions will be required, as well as how often you need to go to see a specialist. As a rule, at the beginning of treatment, it is recommended to conduct sessions relatively often. Over time, as noticeable improvements begin to appear, sessions are less frequent.

Basic principles of osteopathy and craniosacral therapy

Specialists in these fields adhere to several fundamental postulates on which treatment is based. These principles include:

  1. The principle of body integrity. The entire human body is regarded exclusively as a single system consisting of various structures, the relationship between which is very close and is determined anatomically and physiologically.
  2. The causes of the pathology in most cases are remote from its localization. Very often, disturbances in the work of one part of the body cause, at first glance, symptoms unrelated to them. So, with tension of the pericardial ligaments, there is a violation of the mobility of the muscles in the region of the thoracic and cervical spine, as well as the chest. As a result, painful sensations appear in these areas. If you do not find the cause of such symptoms and fight only with them, then they will periodically return.
  3. Most diseases are caused by structural abnormalities. The state of health of the internal organs and even the psyche depends on whether these structures are located in a normal position relative to each other, as well as on the normal mobility of the human body. So, it is possible to get rid of many psychological disorders after the work of an osteopath with the bones of the skull, because as a result of this, blood circulation in the brain improves.
  4. Physical activity is necessary for a person. When the normal mobility of the body is impaired, internal disorders also occur, therefore it is necessary to maintain the mobility of the body.

Contraindications and treatment of children

Craniosacral therapy has practically no contraindications. Therefore, it is often chosen even without the appointment of the attending physician.

It is best to get tested to see if this method of treatment can be used on a case-by-case basis.

Contraindications include:

  • oncological diseases;
  • acute aneurysm;
  • acute thrombosis.

It is also worthwhile to first undergo a course of treatment using traditional medicine for those patients who have infectious diseases. That is, this contraindication is temporary - after recovery, you can visit an osteopath.

Many parents question whether craniosacral therapy is legal for their children. Most experts agree that this treatment is as beneficial for children as it is for adults. Preventive use of the technique allows you to accelerate the development and prevent many diseases of the child.

It is recommended to visit an osteopath for those children who are lagging behind in physical development. For example, if a child does not hold his head well, crawls, sits, does not start walking on his own. As a result of the sessions, the child's immunity improves, the muscular system is strengthened, and digestion is normalized. Children after such treatment become calmer.

Craniosacral therapy is a relatively new method of treatment for the Russian society. But in Europe and the United States, this technique has long been quite popular and can even be included in insurance. A large number of fans of the method of healing the body due to the fact that the majority of patients who have tried to visit an osteopath, note an improvement in their health. Numerous positive reviews strengthen the popularity of the technique.

Craniosacral therapy was developed by a student of the founder of osteopathy, Andrew Taylor Still - William Garner Sutherland (Sutherland).

While still a student at the Osteopathic College, William Sutherland noticed that the bones of the skull can move. This idea of ​​the mobility of the cranial sutures (joints between the bones) was prompted by the shape of the cut of the temporal bone suture - reminiscent of the gills of a fish.

“Why does this seam have such a complex shape if it is not mobile ?!” - the future founder of craniosacral therapy asked himself. But the concept of cranial suture closure, prevailing at that time in Western anatomy, did not allow him to find like-minded people. Even an experiment on the spontaneous separation of the skull bones after filling with beans and soaking for a day (the swollen beans parted the bones of the skull exactly at the seams - which could not have happened with their bone fusion) did not convince the teachers.

But William Sutherland did not despair and, becoming a certified osteopath, continued his studies. In the 20s of the 20th century, he developed a system of headbands for correcting pathological displacement of the skull bones. Unfortunately, this idea also did not find its recognition due to the seeming complexity of implementation. The many presented materials on the treatment of headaches and other cranial problems, adherents of classical structural osteopathy simply did not pay attention.

Later, Dr. Sutherland abandoned bulky headbands and moved on to softer fascial work on testing and treating the craniosacral system, he discovered the craniosacral rhythm, the rhythmic and functional relationship between the mobility of the occipital bone and the sacrum, the importance of free outflow of fluids in the ventricular system of the brain, determined the clinical features fixation of various cranial sutures, developed methods of craniosacral correction.

Since the 40s of the 20th century, Dr. Sutherland's new craniosacral concept has been universally recognized in the United States of America. An era of teaching, association and further development began.

As the methods of diagnosis and treatment in craniosacral therapy improved, Dr. Sterland switched to more and more gentle and micropalpatory techniques. Following the direct mechanical correction techniques, indirect techniques, tracking techniques, etc. appeared. techniques that open the doors to the further formation of biodynamic osteopathy.

Later, the students of the founder of craniosacral therapy, under the pressure of mechanistic ideas in osteopathy of that time, were forced to abandon advertising some of the ideas of craniosacral osteopathy associated with especially "thin" tissue techniques, but already in the 70s these ideas continued to be improved in the works of Franklin Sills, Viola Freiman, John Upledger.

Based on the recognition of the physiological mobility of the bones of the skull (today this has already been proven by high-speed computed tomography, where in different images the bones of the skull diverge and converge by several millimeters in a craniosacral rhythm) and the presence of CSF dynamics (it has been proven that CSF is synthesized and absorbed inside the brain with a certain frequency corresponding to craniosacral rhythm), craniosacral therapy has now become a highly popular and effective technology in osteopathy.

Craniosacral therapy is taught in osteopathic schools (in some schools it is almost 50% of the teaching hours), this method of treatment is trusted by many patients in America and Europe.

But the true art of craniosacral therapy comes from many years of practice and continuing education.

Before you begin to study the writings of Dr. Upledger, I would like to speak about my personal attitude to his discoveries, ideas and methods.

From a certain period of his osteopathic development, Dr. Upledger plunged deeper and deeper into the subtle, almost metaphysical aspects of healing, which are on the verge of emotions, energies and some even more unknown spheres. Many stories told by him in books are amazing, cause doubt among skeptics and delight among lovers of esotericism. It is very difficult to unequivocally assess the truth of such statements. John Upledger may seem crazy to some when talking about past lives, Supreme Guides, chakras and other "weird" things in "body-emotional release". But his successful practice, research institutes, osteopathic (more precisely, cranio-sacral) schools and world popularity may testify to something else.

In any case, many talented osteopaths choose their own path, a unique pattern of healing techniques, "open" the personal doors of osteopathic perception, set for themselves causal accents.

Respecting Dr. Upledger for his contribution to the development of cranio-sacral osteopathy, for the opportunity, by studying his approaches, to look at the nature of health from a new angle, I, however, adhere to some great concepts in osteopathy.

Much of my osteopathic worldview is a synthesis of Dr. Still's classic approaches, biodynamic ideas and the principle following the body.

Be Fulcrum for the body is my choice. Do not impose on yourself, but listen and allow the body to implement its healing. By "body" I mean the sum of the mechanisms of self-regulation, muscle-fascial balance, fluid dynamics, as well as "vitality" and the soul. For me, a person seems to be an inseparable unity, where there are no separate parts and functions, but there is one important commonality of being. And if the body-soul leads to the release of suppressed destructive emotions - we will not interfere, but let this happen. Without imposing their ideas, any special picture of the world, descriptions. I am not ready to take responsibility for telling the patient how to live. I can only tell you about some of the causes and consequences of the development of the disease, which are clear to me and leave the patient to make the right choice himself. The most important recommendation in my understanding is “ listen" myself. Trust your reactions according to some chosen criterion. Perhaps it will be internal discomfort or squeezing with erroneous actions and lightness, smile, calmness with the right choice... Maybe something else.

Below are some great statements from famous doctors of osteopathy.

Newton Dillaway:

“We do not have to do something ourselves, we have to wait for permission to do it, not to influence, but to be an object of influence.”

  1. Wernham:

"Remember that often the patient is upset for a variety of reasons, and the warmth and touch of a firm but kind hand can do a lot to instill confidence and establish the right operator-patient relationship."

V.M. Frymann:

“Silently ask the soul inside your patient to show you what it needs most ... and you will receive a verbal response or discover dysfunction or some kind of emotional hindrance.
… Ask the Great Physician to determine the direction of your treatment, to guide the advice you give, to impart wisdom to your prescriptions. Thus, you agree to serve the Creator of the Universe in the healing of His children. "

Amazing words for people with many higher educations and huge practical experience, aren't they?

Then let's remember the founder of osteopathy, doctor Andrew Stilla:

“Nature's goal in the embryonic period is to create a mechanism that will then be sent to complete the task. In this workshop, the supreme order for the construction and construction of matter and form is carried out, and when it is fulfilled, there is a transition from the first design to the atmospheric world, which we call the second design. The hour of birth is the beginning of an intellectual plan, when a new creature begins to develop - a reasonable man. The newborn creation of this concept is an intellectual form without content, but with the ability to cognize and obey all the laws of knowledge of the physical world.

2His knowledge increases from the moment of his birth until the day of his death. He gains knowledge through the five senses. He sees something that becomes the first element of his knowledge. He hears something, and as he grows up, he feels, smells and tastes. Through these five senses, seeds of knowledge and reflection sprout.

It was attached to the placenta and remained there until the execution of the highest order of physical perfection was completed. It leaves the placenta behind as dead material. He leaves her as part of the mechanism that created the physical form of an intelligent person. He forever severs ties with the workshop that spawned him.

Now I ask you, what is his second state? Isn't this physical form, this intelligent person, in fact, also the placenta? A placenta designed to create the great being we call life? What is death but birth from the second placenta to which life was attached? If this philosophy is correct, then death is only the delivery of a finished life, whose perfection is much higher than Homo sapiens, who is the mother's home left behind. It is known that human life is progressive and is a process of accumulating knowledge and their practice. It is reasonable to conclude that after the event known as physical death, life is immediately ready to enter high school to continue its mental development. Some great purpose of Nature is discernible in everything. My conclusion is that immortality was the design or purpose of Nature in the creation of man.

Despite the fact that all nature is a well-planned engine, that the plan and instructions for regulating and managing the entire universe are correct and were such that all people, fish and vegetables are a constant demonstration of some specially created type of engine, still human consciousness cannot see the perfection of the Architect and Builder. His eyes are closed and do not see that a complete man is a perfect mechanism, created for a specific purpose, and that for his work of building and moving, both body and mind, nourishment and rest are necessary. "

Don't worry about the possible and the not possible, let's just “listen” and “help” the body to heal.

Most of us just don't know what craniosacral therapy is. But today, this type of treatment is becoming more and more popular among the masses due to its non-surgical technique and the lack of consumption of pharmacological drugs.

Craniosacral therapy and osteopathy

What is Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral therapy(CST) is a method of healing alternative medicine, which was discovered by the American osteopathic physician Sutherland in the early 20th century. At one time, Sutherland was a student of Andrew Still, the founder of osteopathic medicine. Later, Sutherland published a selection of scientific papers entitled "Cranial vessel", where, based on the research carried out, he set out reliable facts about the work of the craniosacral rhythm in the human body.

The main postulate of craniosacral therapy is the assertion that everything in the human body is in motion, even taking into account bone tissue. For example, the cranial bones, which were previously considered immobile, have extensible fibers that allow the skull to “breathe” at a certain rhythm (6-12 cycles per minute). Despite the fact that it is not visually noticeable, our body lives by its own special rhythmic cycle.

Sutherland worked long and hard, and his research yielded overwhelming results. It turns out that the human skull does expand and contract rhythmically.

Today Sutherland is famous for introducing such a concept as rhythm, and transferring the principles of classical osteopathy to the human skull and its seams. The bones of the skull open and close, that is, in simple terms, breathe, thanks to the production and distribution of cerebrospinal fluid, which “washes” the brain and spinal cord from the human skull to the sacrum. This liquid has a name - cerebrospinal fluid.

Research in the field of craniosacral osteopathy was continued by Sutherland's student, American physician John Upledger. He developed a theory of cyclic changes in cerebrospinal fluid pressure, thereby indicating the importance of the connection of connective tissue with the craniosacral rhythm.

Today, Upledger's theory is considered the most convincing and reasoned. With the hands of an experienced osteopath, you can feel the breathing of the body according to the rhythm of the rhythm.

How Craniosacral Therapy Works

Our spine, bones of the skull, sacrum, cerebrospinal fluid and the membranes of the spinal cord and brain are part of the craniosacral system in the body, and they interact closely with each other. This is imperceptible visually, but in fact, rhythmic oscillations constantly occur in this system, especially evident in the contractions of the bones of the skull and sacrum. If something in this unified system is not in order, this has a negative effect on the entire body. For example, an injury to the tailbone, oddly enough, can cause migraines, and a head injury can lead to a herniated disc of the spine and the appearance of scoliosis. If the sacrum is in the wrong position, the dural spinal cord can be twisted right up to the head, causing fatigue and headaches.

Many therapists and osteopaths compare the human body to a grand piano, which from time to time, due to improper use, needs to be tuned so that it plays beautifully.

What Craniosacral Therapy Treats

The impact of craniosacral therapy is widespread. It improves the circulation of cerebral vessels, relieves headaches, restores the mobility of the pelvic bones, sacrum and spinal joints, reduces the tension of the cerebral membranes, and normalizes the nervous system.

Craniosacral therapy effectively helps in the fight against depression, insomnia, chronic fatigue, anxiety, and disorders of the nervous system. In addition, craniosacral therapy relieves pain in the neck and back, treats immune and neurovascular disorders, and helps after trauma and stress. Craniosacral therapy is also very effective for vegetative-vascular dystonia, bronchial, minimal cerebral dysfunction, headache, cerebrasthenic and epileptic syndromes.

In children, craniosacral therapy is successfully used for delayed speech and psychomotor development.

One more useful feature craniosacral therapy is that it is used both as a treatment and in prevention. Prevention rebuilds the nervous system, which, when properly functioning, is the body's defense mechanism in the fight against stress and disease.

Contraindications to craniosacral therapy are oncology, aneurysm and acute thrombosis, as well as infectious processes in the human body.

Soft treatment method

At first sight craniosacral therapy resembles very soft and lightweight. You will not feel any rough interventions or pain. This is not manual therapy. The therapist's hand movements are practically invisible, because they correspond to the required rhythm of minimal body oscillations (2-4mm). The specialist feels at the same time craniosacral rhythm a person, and with his own hands affects the internal tissues.

The doctor must listen to his patient's body in order to identify problems in the body. Posture, gestures and movements of the human body indicate these problems.

A session of craniosacral therapy lasts from 30 minutes to 1 hour.

Both science and practice confirm the effectiveness of craniosacral therapy. Clinics Britain and America successfully use craniosacral therapy for the treatment and prevention of various diseases, and the technique itself is a branch of science -.

What is osteopathy

Osteopathy came to the CIS about 20 years ago, but every year it is gaining more and more popularity. Friends and acquaintances treat themselves and their children with osteopaths, while absolutely not understanding how it works.

People who know the word not by hearsay often ask: - "What is osteopathy?" and "How does it work?"

Today in Europe, osteopathy stands apart from classical medicine. There is osteopathic medicine, there is classical medicine, and they do not overlap. In Ukraine, the situation is about the same, but since it is not easy to get a fundamental education in osteopathy in our country, they prefer classical doctors who know osteopathic medicine. Despite the fact that the philosophy and approach to treatment do not coincide, knowledge of anatomy and pathologies for mastering the osteopathic art comes first, and such serious knowledge can be obtained only at a medical university. Yes, of course there are professionals who take any issue seriously. By force of will, they master this science on their own, but this is rather an exception that proves the rule. In Europe, these two areas of medicine go their own ways, and you need to understand that osteopathic doctors there are of a very high level of knowledge. They perfectly know the anatomy and the specifics of pathologies.

Osteopathic physician, collecting anamnesis, can look at the pictures, the conclusions of other doctors, but first of all he relies on his palpation skills and knowledge, both in diagnosis and in treatment. This is the main mechanism of the osteopathic approach.

Science itself rests on three pillars. The first "whale" of osteopathy is anatomy, but no mysticism. Specialists in this field need to know anatomy at the level of a surgeon in order to understand what dysfunctions they feel under their own hands, what should be the norm and how pathology feels. The second skill required is hands-on experience. palpation... It takes a lot of practice to understand how a particular dysfunction can be diagnosed. The third whale - manipulation... This is exactly what can help the patient not always painless, but maximally effective way, with the help of the hands of a specialist.

What Osteopathy Cures

What does osteopathy cure? This is how the questions are formulated by people accustomed to classical medicine, in which there is a specialist for each organ or pathology. In methodology, it is easy to answer the question "What does a vertebrologist or mammologist treat?" Osteopathic medicine has a different philosophy. Here a person is considered as a whole, where one cannot influence one without affecting the other.

Any organism is capable of self-regulation and self-healing, an osteopath can only help start this process, "show the body the path to health." Important and difficult task osteopath is to find the root cause of the disease. And this is precisely what is lacking in classical medicine. Narrowly focused specialists, not seeing a person in integrity, send him from one specialist to another.

However, each patient needs their own doctor. And if they come to an osteopath with an oncological disease, a fracture, or an acute inflammation requiring prompt surgical intervention, he is obliged, after assessing the situation, to redirect the patient to another doctor. Osteopathy is often used in combination with official medicine.

Many patients are interested in how osteopathy "works", how to distinguish a good specialist from a bad one, and what exactly an osteopathic doctor does during a session. There are several main directions in osteopathy. These are structural osteopathy, cranial or craniosacral osteopathy and visceral osteopathy. Also, as additional, there are cosmetic and uro-vaginal manipulations.

Structural osteopathy- this is work with the "structure of the body", bones, muscles and ligaments according to the principle: "The structure controls the function." The specialist's manipulations are visible and usually palpable. As an example, the most obvious is the reduction of the vertebrae, when a “crunch” is often heard - they say: “Oh! The vertebra is in place. " Some of these techniques are a bit like mild manual therapy.

- this is work with internal organs, and not only the abdominal organs, but also, for example, the heart.

Cranial osteopathy Is the most difficult science to understand. Here, work takes place with the human craniosacral system, which consists of the dura mater surrounding the brain and spinal cord. Inside the craniosacral system, cerebrospinal fluid is produced, the movement of which creates cranial rhythm person. This rhythm has been identified by medical scientists researching this topic. The cranial system can be influenced by gentle, barely noticeable manipulations of a specialist on the bones of the skull, which in osteopathic medicine they are not considered accrete - they retain movement due to moving fibers. By influencing this system, you can heal not only the central nervous system, but also heal the entire body as a whole.

Fascial techniques... - These are connective tissue membranes that connect muscles, bones, internal organs and all other components of the body. Fascial techniques balance the entire body, normalize blood flow and overall fluid processes in the body. They are able to alleviate the patient's condition in almost any case.

Liquid Techniques... Work with body fluids and their circulation, blood flow, cerebrospinal fluid circulation and lymph flow. Lymphatic drainage techniques are used, for example, by cosmetologists trained by osteopaths.

Biodynamic techniques... They are aimed, among other things, at stimulating and increasing the vitality of the body.

Ideally, an osteopath should be proficient in various techniques, but in practice, specialists prefer one method or another.

Who is an osteopath

An osteopath is not a magician who can solve all body-related problems within a few seconds. To properly understand the osteopath and his work, we need to address the so-called “barriers”.

Life is motion. Let's imagine life as the flow of a river. If barriers appear in its channel, for example, in the form of stones, then eddies appear, taking a certain part of the energy. If the barriers in the body are destroyed, the smooth flow of fluids will be restored.

There should be no barriers in the human body, only this can guarantee the unimpeded flow of energy, as well as the unhindered oscillation of various rhythms. An osteopath is able to sense barriers, remove them and restore normal tissue mobility. Fluid flows in blood vessels and lymphatic channels become free again, nerve pathways and the immune system are fully functional. The river of life, free of obstacles and barriers, is again gaining its former strength and fully works for human health. Balance is restored, the body's own healing powers come into play. A properly made chain of dominoes can set off a chain reaction. The supply of energy in the right place is essential for this process. The domino system will work without any additional effort, and automatic self-regulation will turn on.

An osteopath has an accurate knowledge of anatomy, psychology and biochemistry - in short, he is familiar with the scientific foundations of body functioning. With the help of his trained hands, experienced eyes and intuition, he can quickly draw a circle existing problems... Unlike other doctors, he will not directly interfere with the functioning of the body. Let's imagine a body in the form of a giant gear mechanism. It has gears of any size. They cling to each other and thus interact with each other. Even the smallest wheel counts. If the movement of one of the gears is limited, this affects the entire mechanism to a greater or lesser extent. The movement of the other gears also changes.

Every organ of the body is like a cogwheel. If even one wheel does not function in the gear mechanism of the body, this can adversely affect the operation of other, more distant, gear wheels. An osteopath finds a cogwheel, limited in its functioning, and restores mobility to it, cleaning it from "rust and dust, lubricating with oil." An osteopath carries out maintenance of the body, like a technician at a service station. But it does not replace damaged parts, but fixes their work, restoring it. If any part is damaged so much that it needs to be replaced, then the intervention of a surgeon is already necessary.

How to choose an osteopath

Since osteopathy came to Ukraine relatively recently, the concept of the word "osteopath" is rather vague. There are many schools and courses, and often after completing a week's studies, people try to "work miracles."

In America, where osteopathy originated in 1874, in Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, where it came at the beginning of the twentieth century, osteopathic medicine was initially separated from classical medicine. This is a different institution, a different approach to the body and its healing, separate educational and medical institutions. At the same time, osteopathy is officially recognized in many countries, and in some countries it is included in insurance medicine. Osteopathy is still not recognized in Ukraine.

The relationship between the patient and the osteopath

“The goal of the physician should be to find health. Anyone can find a disease. ”- Andrew Taylor Still

The relationship between the patient and during treatment develops on a completely different principle, in contrast to official medicine. We are accustomed to the fact that the doctor is, as it were, superior to us, gives conclusions, prescribes drugs, is implanted surgically into our body and does something there against our will, and we trust him with all of ourselves without a trace, signing an agreement for anesthesia.

The osteopathic doctor adheres to different principles of relations with the patient. Does not commit violence, is not "above". This is a person whose hands can help your body if you allow it. The subconscious, in contrast to the consciousness, cannot be deceived, namely, it reads the intention from the hands of the osteopath when touched.

During an osteopathic session, your "Internal Doctor" manages to identify the problem, to find the emotional block clogged with strict "must not" and "must", which sometimes sits in our tissues and whines quietly. And when the body does not cope with the emotional or physical stress in the rhythm of our crazy life, it can result, for example, in a heart attack or stroke.

For an osteopath, whether it be heart disease, kidney disease or spine disease, these are problems for you, as a whole, and for the body and personality. After all, your body is your materialized soul with its life history, fears and failures, and not a dry history - the history of your body's illness.

If a tiny memory card in your phone can carry such a huge amount of information, do you really think that a person in his body, through tissues, muscles, fascia and bones, does not store information about himself from the moment of birth?

The osteopath enters into a "dialogue" with your body, which often so much needs to be "listened to", help to remove blocks, fill exhausted organs with life energy, calm down a storm of thoughts and feelings, a chaotic flow in your head.

In osteopathy, it is impossible to approach a person who has come for treatment in a detached manner, without compassion, a desire to help. This attitude is combined with fundamental knowledge of human anatomy and physiology. After all, how to enter into a dialogue with someone with whom you are not familiar? The better we know the other, the more topics we have for conversation.

At first, the body may resist, not allowing you to relax, will try to control the situation, will not let its hands go for communication and healing inside, deeper than the skin. However, if the osteopathic doctor has good experience, by the end of the session, almost everyone is able to let go of themselves, relax, immerse themselves in the flow of healing energy. After that, clamps and blocks in the tissues go away, the body aligns, consciousness calms down, vital currents again run through the body unhindered. You gradually return to the state that the universe was intended for you.

How often do I go to osteopathy sessions?

One of the basic principles of osteopathy: "The body has self-regulatory and self-healing mechanisms." That is, any person was originally created in such a way that he can heal himself. But as a result of the weakening of the organism, our "Inner Doctor" weakens and is not able to cope with the problem on his own. The task of the osteopath is to wake up the "Internal Doctor", to push or start a self-healing process in a person. Therefore, leaving the office after the session, you should know that the treatment is not over, but just beginning. Depending on how weak your body is, so often you need to visit an osteopath. One needs a session in a week, and another in a month. Usually, with the improvement of the condition, repeat visits are required less and less.

Why osteopathy

Today humanity is ripe for a new understanding of treatment, different from that of classical medicine. Every year it becomes more and more obvious that scrupulous splitting into medical specialists in various organs and even parts of these organs loses sight of the person himself and his integrity, because the volume of knowledge is increasing all the time, they are becoming more and more isolated in various disciplines.

At the same time, a therapist, or, as it is now called, a family doctor, studying according to the classical system, cannot grasp the immensity, and inevitably misses in his training certain special areas of knowledge. Trying to overcome this contradiction, people began to look for other ways to solve their problems. New or well-forgotten old knowledge about human nature began to appear, or well-forgotten old knowledge about human nature began to appear, "energetic" and "folk" methods of treatment are being revived.

One of the possible responses to the challenge of the times is osteopathy. The osteopath considers the human body to be a system capable of self-healing, and himself as an assistant in this process. In addition, an osteopath views a person as a whole. Not only from the point of view of material connections between various organs and systems (which implies extremely serious knowledge in anatomy), but also from the point of view of the totality of the body, soul and spirit.

Osteopathy is not a fantastic technique, although people do not understand what a doctor does when he performs rituals unknown to them, as if listening to the joints and organs. This is a huge experience of work and the development of hand sensitivity to such an extent that the patient's systems and organs are influenced by minimal, sometimes almost imperceptible movements for the patient. These are not psychic abilities, but practical experience of palpation and manipulation, as well as mastery of anatomy, give such results. An osteopathic doctor can heal with his hands without surgery or medication, helping the patient to recover and solve problems that are often beyond the control of classical medicine.

Osteopathy and its difference from classical medicine

Let's summarize. So, osteopathy is distinguished, first of all, by a systematic approach to the human body, its perception as a whole. The cause of the disorder in the patient's health in the overwhelming majority of cases is located far from the source of the complaints. For example, the reason increased fatigue, low vitality often there is venous congestion in the abdominal cavity, due to which a large volume of blood is practically turned off from circulation, which leads to a depletion of the blood supply to the whole body, including the brain. Also, the cause of such conditions is a violation of the mobility of the bones of the cranium, which affects cerebral blood flow and circulation of cerebrospinal fluid, and also disrupts the functioning of the sacrum.

Several osteopathic procedures give the patient a completely different quality of life and a much higher level of health and performance. The reason for the headaches, which the patient was desperate to cope with after many years of going to the doctors and taking kilograms of medication, may be imperceptible on the roentgenogram, but obvious for an osteopath, disorders in the cervical spine, which cannot be eliminated otherwise than osteopathically.

Basic osteopathic postulates

Body as a unity

An organism is a huge number of interconnections between structures and its components. Some of which are determined anatomically, for example, how the connection between the skull and the sacrum, connected by the dura mater (which is why, for example, chronic injuries of the coccyx and sacrum can cause headaches), and some, so-called functional relationships, are formed in the process of individual development organism. So, for example, during the formation of the skill of lifting and holding the head in an infant, both the upper cervical spine and the hip joints are actively involved in the work, when the child, lying on his stomach, seeks to raise and hold the head and legs. Practice shows that parts of the body and its structures, which a person learned to control at the same age, maintain a stable relationship for life.

The entire human body, like a spider web, is entangled with fascia. These are the sheaths of internal organs, dura mater, sheaths of nerves, muscles. Tension that has arisen in any part of the body will inevitably be transmitted through the fascia to the entire body, as a result of which problems and complaints can arise in structures, however far from the location of the original problem. This gives us a clue to deciphering the following “golden rule” of osteopathy:

The cause of the ailment is almost always remote from the place of manifestation of complaints.

So, for example, tension in the ligaments of the pericardium (pericardial sac) can cause changes in the mobility of the sternum, cervical and thoracic regions the spine, to which these ligaments are attached, and, consequently, discomfort and pain in these places. Until the tension of the ligaments is eliminated in one way or another, there remains the possibility of a relapse of the patient's complaints, even if the symptoms themselves can be relieved with the help of any methods (physiotherapy, massage, etc.).

Any disease is based on a structural component

Changes in health and well-being are caused by impaired mobility of body parts, as well as their interposition. Also, the mental and spiritual health of a person to a large extent depends on his bodily health. For example, patients with neuroses can be helped by putting in order the work of the bones of the skull. If blood circulation in the brain is impaired due to mechanical disturbances in the cervical spine, then the only reasonable way to restore blood flow is to remove the mechanical obstacles.

Movement is life

The quality of movement determines the quality of life. A change in movement, a distortion of the movement of any body structure means illness or a functional shift, stopping movement is death. Movements are large and small. Large (macro-mobility) - movements in the joints, mobility of internal organs in the ligaments, respiratory movements of the diaphragm, ribs, chest, voluntary body movements in space. Small movements (micromobility) are movements of every body structure, every cell, internal organs, cerebral hemispheres, meninges, and it is this mobility that determines metabolic processes in tissues and their viability.

An osteopath is a doctor in a mechanic's apron

Osteopathic diagnostics is diagnostics of "superfine mechanics of the human body", and osteopathic treatment is the restoration of the norm of this mechanics.

Among the alternative medical directions there is one that originated in antiquity, was often criticized, but is now experiencing a real rebirth. Osteopathy is literally the science of bone diseases and methods of curing them. But the name reflects only one of its foundations. In fact, osteopathy is a trinity of foundations:

  • structural;
  • visceral;
  • craniosacral.

Three Foundations of Osteopathy

  • Structural osteopathy deals directly with the musculoskeletal system (spine, joints, muscles, ligaments and tendons).
  • Visceral - by internal organs.
  • Craniosacral - with the skull.

Osteopathy - treatment of the whole body as a whole

The treatment is not isolated, but holistic, because the body is a single whole (the main thesis of modern osteopathy):

  • For example, acting on the spine, an osteopath corrects not only its structure and functionality, but also regulates the work of internal organs.
  • Manual influence on the skull is not at all a simple "head massage", as amateurs might think. This is a "groping" connection and correction of impaired communication between the central and peripheral nervous systems, which can lead to positive structural changes and visceral (improve blood and lymph circulation, cerebrospinal fluid circulation).

Basic postulates of osteopathy according to Still

The principles of science were first formulated by the American surgeon Still in the 19th century. They read:

  • Life is movement. Thanks to mobility (contractions of muscles and blood vessels), all organs and tissues function - the heart beats, the lungs breathe, the blood and lymph move. Disease and injury impair mobility and organ function is impaired.
  • The rule of arteries is paramount: health depends primarily on blood circulation.
  • The body is a self-regulating mechanism and adapts to the adverse effects of the environment.
  • The connection of all organs and systems with each other is carried out through the nervous system. If this connection is disrupted, physiological functions are also disrupted.

Comparison of manual therapy and osteopathy

Almost all alternative directions (kinesitherapy, manual therapy, vertebrorevitology) are branches of osteopathy, since it combines all their methods together.

Osteopathy is considered by many to be a form of manual therapy. This cannot be considered a mistake, since any manual influence is manual therapy. The difference between osteopathy and manual therapy is only in purpose, area of ​​application and methodology.

Manual therapy sets narrow goals:

  • restore the correct position of the vertebrae, joints;
  • reduce pain by reducing tension in muscles and fascia.

The tasks of MT do not include the treatment of internal diseases, central nervous system, brain, and blood circulation.

Osteopathy deals with, in addition to restoring the structure of the musculoskeletal system, internal organs, the nervous system and even the psyche.

Chronic back pain leads to intestinal disorders, genitourinary disorders, psychoemotional disorders.

This relationship is inverse:

  • stress and nervous tension affect the biomechanics of the spine;
  • restrict his mobility;
  • lead to the development of cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis.

The object of application of manual therapy is the spine, paravertebral muscles, joints.

The MT method is tougher and more painful than in osteopathy, since it is aimed at deep structures - joints.

Osteopathy works with the skeletal system and organs more gently and carefully, acting on the ligaments, muscles and their membranes (fascia).

Let us consider in more detail all three areas of osteopathy.

Structural osteopathy

The method uses knowledge of the biomechanics of the spine and ODS and the principle of self-regulation:

  1. Local disturbances in any of the departments lead to compensatory changes in the entire system, the purpose of which is to eliminate violations of biomechanics:
    • For example, left-sided thoracic scoliosis leads to compensatory right-sided scoliosis of the lumbar spine (the goal is to restore the balance of the ODS).
    • Extremities of different lengths, flat feet, falling of the foot inward or outward contribute to the development of coxarthrosis and instability of the hip joint.
    • Osteophytes (bony growths at the location of the intervertebral disc) - there is only an attempt by our musculoskeletal system to prevent spondylolisthesis - the slipping of the upper vertebra from the lower after the destruction of the disc.
  2. It is necessary to correct exactly the link that served as an impetus in the chain of changes in the single skeletal system.

In structural osteopathy, the method of remote influence on the spine is used, using the limbs and trunk as a lever.

Visceral osteopathy

Visceral osteopathy is based on the idea of ​​the cyclical and rhythmic movement of each organ, given by the ligaments. Injuries to the internal ligaments, which can be caused by injuries or pathologies, lead to disturbances in the rhythm and amplitude of movements and organ dysfunctions.

With the help of a gentle manual effect on the internal ligaments, you can put the organ in place: for example, a liver that has been displaced due to injury, a drooping kidney, etc.

Each organ also has a visceral connection to the spine, as it is entangled in a network of nerves by the peripheral nervous system, which connects to the nerve roots of the spinal cord.

Therefore, trying to heal any organ, a competent osteopath must check not only the presence of a possible displacement of the organ, but also act on the segment of the spine associated with this organ.

Visceral osteopathy is used for the following pathological conditions:

  • intestinal adhesions and colitis;
  • back or chest pain;
  • chronic migraine;
  • omission or bending of organs;
  • narrowing of the bile ducts;
  • urination disorders;
  • irregular menstrual cycle;
  • insomnia.

Craniosacral osteopathy

Craniosacral osteopathy is a bit of a fantastic method of manual manipulation of the skull bones in order to change the rhythm of their microscopic movement. This movement of the bones supposedly coincides in rhythm with the pulsation of the cerebrospinal fluid in the spinal canal and ventricles of the brain, which osteopaths call primary respiration, since thanks to such pulsation, "breathing" occurs - saturation of all body tissues is vital important elements.

Liquor must be constantly updated. If the cerebrospinal fluid moves incorrectly, its stagnation forms, which leads to a number of diseases:

  • nervous trophic disorders;
  • cerebral circulation disorders;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • headache;
  • asthma and other diseases.

Anyone with craniosacral osteopathy must have hypersensitivity of the fingers (almost at the level of a psychic) ​​in order to feel the wrong pulsation of the cerebrospinal fluid in the cranial sutures.

Then the osteopath slightly displaces the bone structures of the skull, and the movement of the cerebrospinal fluid improves.

The fact of pulsation of the cerebrospinal fluid was confirmed by experiments, but the possibility of feeling its pulse with fingers and the very possibility of changing it manually has not been scientifically proven.

But we have not actually proven a lot. Apparently, the best proof is getting rid of the pain and illness of a particular patient.

Most are convinced that craniosacral osteopathy is a natural gift that few can handle, and mastering it is as difficult as, for example, the method of treatment by the hands of Dzhuna Davitoshvili.

But it is quite affordable to learn this technique, even if not in all its nuances, but at least in order to rid oneself of cranial headaches, says the osteopath Alexander Smirnov.


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