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Everyone knows that a person cannot live without food. Food is an integral part of every person’s life. There are such extraordinary dishes and products in the world that each of us might not even know about. Interesting facts about food include the secrets of cooking, the specifics of cultivation, and the origins of the appearance of products and dishes.

1. Swallow's nest soup, which is very popular in China, is made from swifts' nests.

2. The champagne in the glass begins to foam due to dirt.

3.Fructose is a key ingredient in male sperm.

4.From a technical point of view, coffee is considered fruit juice.

5.Onions are not endowed with taste, only smell.

6.Cucumbers are 95% liquid.

7. If you drink 100 cups of coffee in 4 hours, you can die.

8. On average, people spend about 5 years of their lives eating.

9. There are approximately 100 varieties of cabbage throughout the world.

10. Until recently, “sushi” was not called a dish, but a certain way of preserving fish.

11.Tangerine essential oil can improve your mood.

12.Macadamia is the most expensive nut in the world.

13. In addition to yellow bananas, red bananas are considered popular.

14. Salo came not from Ukraine, but from Italy.

15. Coconuts can be used to create environmentally friendly fuel, which can be an alternative to gasoline.

16. Cheese was first mentioned in ancient Egyptian papyrus, from that time appearance The cheese hasn't changed at all.

17. There are approximately 10,000 varieties of grapes in the world.

18.Dates take first place among all existing sweets. They contain approximately 80% sugar.

19.Bananas attract mosquitoes, so you should not eat them when going to the river.

20. Chickens today contain 200 times more fat than they did 40 years ago.

21.To quickly lose unnecessary calories after eating fast food, you will have to run for about 8 hours.

22. In Japan, beer is considered the national drink.

23. In the magazine “Housewife” for 1902, they managed to publish a recipe for making scrambled eggs from 5 thousand eggs.

24. A person who regularly eats chocolate and soon stops eating this product will experience withdrawal symptoms.

25.Sex and food have always been linked into a single concept. This is why products that resemble genitals can cause sexual desire.

26.Caramel was invented by the Arabs, and once upon a time it was used as a depilatory agent.

27.In ancient times, drinking fresh milk was considered a luxury because it was difficult to preserve.

28.Beans in ancient times were considered symbols of the embryo.

29.Approximately 27 million Europeans eat at McDonald's every day.

30. Neil Armstrong ate turkey as his first meal on the moon.

31. Huge number food additives, which are endowed with bright colors, cause overexcitability.

32.Grapes in microwave oven capable of exploding.

33.President Richard Niels' favorite drink is a dry martini.

34. Those people who drink coffee and have sex are much more likely to have fun than those who don’t drink coffee at all.

35. Mango has been known to people for more than 4 thousand years.

36.The appearance of blue cheese is associated with a legend when a shepherd chased beautiful girl and left his breakfast in the cave.

37. In Spain in the 9th century, it was popular to eat whale tongue.

38.Eskimos know how to make wine from their seagulls.

39. Until today, it is unknown who inspired the creation of donuts.

40. In the 19th century in Great Britain they cooked turtle soup, which was created from cow embryos.

41.The Netherlands exports much more soy sauce than Japan.

42.At first, a dessert dish was created from potatoes that were brought to the states.

43. In the Maldives, Coca-Cola is made from sea water.

44.In Asia, about 4 million cats are eaten annually.

45.V Saudi Arabia It is forbidden to eat nutmeg because it can cause hallucinations.

46. ​​A banana tree is actually not a tree, but a huge grass.

47. In eastern countries, ketchup was originally invented as an addition to fish.

48. In Japan and Sicily, hedgehog caviar is a fairly popular dish.

49.An omelet is sold in New York and costs $1,000.

50.Apple seeds contain cyanide.

51. Peanuts are used in the process of creating dynamite.

52. Strawberries are considered the only fruit whose seeds are located on the outside.

53.Honey has been produced by bees for 150 million years.

54. By drinking 0.5 liters of sweet soda every day, you can become 31% fatter.

55.Apple vodka is called Calvados.

57.About 44 billion noodles instant cooking people consume in a year.

58. In Norway they make a soup from beer, which is called olebrod.

59. About 20 thousand varieties of beer drink are known in the world.

60.More than 40% of the almonds mined in the world are used to make chocolate.

61.Ice cream can relieve fatigue and overstrain.

62.The first collection of cooking recipes was published in 62 AD. There were dishes that Claudius liked.

63. Poisonous lead was used by the Romans as a way to sweeten dishes.

64. In the Scandinavian countries, it is popular to cook dishes from rotten and fermented fish.

65. The doctor, who was invited to see a hopelessly ill boy, allowed him to eat whatever he wanted. Soon the boy fully recovered.

66.After the advent of sugar, it was considered a luxury and it was fashionable among princes to have black teeth.

67. The largest dish prepared in the world is considered to be a fried camel, which was stuffed with chickens, eggs, and fish.

68.The oldest soup, confirmed by archaeologists, was made from hippopotamus.

69. Peanut oil is a component of glycerin.

70.The average person eats approximately 20-25 tons of food in their entire life.

71.In Japan they sell ice cream that tastes like wings, cactus, and buffalo tongue.

72.In Alaska, a common dish is fish heads.

73.In Madagascar they eat zebra stew with the addition of tomatoes.

74. In Indonesia, smoked bats are sold in the middle of the streets.

75.In Spain, honey is added to human milk replacer for newborns.

76. Cabbage was invented in China.

77. In ancient Rome, the woodpecker was considered a sacred bird, and eating it was strictly prohibited.

78.Grape juice contains varnish solvent (ethyl acetate).

79.One bottle of Coca-Cola contains the same amount of caffeine as one cup of coffee.

80.Apples help you wake up early in the morning.

81.Refined sugar is the only product in the world that does not contain any nutrients.

82. A kilogram of chips is more expensive than a kilogram of potatoes.

83. In Germany you won’t be able to meet fans of diet food.

84. Larch resin was used to clean teeth in Siberia.

86. In Japan, to make meat more tasty, animals are killed at night.

87.There is a restaurant in America that offers visitors to try dishes made from insects.

88.To avoid coughing, you need to eat chocolate and drink cocoa.

89.The ancient Greeks lubricated their bodies olive oil in order to protect your body from the effects of cancer.

90. In the 1770s, the well-known canned food in jars began to be created for the first time.

91.White wine is made from grapes of any variety and shade.

92.Every year, people eat approximately 567 billion chicken eggs.

93.Tomatoes in Rus' were considered “mad berries”, and they were poisonous.

94. It is still unknown what a pineapple is: a vegetable or a fruit.

95. Potatoes make people gain weight by leaps and bounds, because they have a high starch content.

96.If you eat a piece of chocolate between main meals, your appetite will significantly decrease.

97.The Italians call one strand of pasta spaghetto.

98.Black and green olives are the fruit of the same tree.

99.In cheese, which was created in Soviet times, plastic numbers could be found.

100. When consumed multiple times daily, salt is considered a poison.

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Some of the weirdest and most interesting food facts you probably never knew.

Green, yellow and red bell peppers are not actually the same vegetable

These vegetables are not always the same plant. Although some green peppers are unripe red peppers; green, yellow, orange and red peppers are all unique plants with their own seeds.

A typical ear of corn has an even number of rows

Corn cobs have an even number of rows, usually 16.

One cutlet contains meat from different cows

The ground beef we buy at the supermarket consists of an unknown collection of meat from different cows.

White chocolate isn't actually chocolate.

Despite its name, white chocolate does not actually contain any real chocolate ingredients. It consists of a mixture of sugar, dairy, vanilla, lecithin and cocoa butter - without the chocolate solids.

Fruit candies and cars are covered with the same type of wax

Have you ever wondered how gummy candies get that glossy shine? They are coated with carnauba wax, the same wax used on cars to give them a shine.

Ripe cranberries will bounce like rubber balls

Cranberries are commonly called "jumping berries" because they bounce when ripe. In fact, jumping cranberries are a common ripeness test for both farmers and consumers.

Farmed salmon is naturally white and then dyed pink

While wild salmon is naturally pink due to large quantity shrimp in their diet, farmed salmon eat differently. To achieve this lovely pink color, farmers add carotenoids (plant pigments) to the feed to mimic the natural hue of wild salmon.

Potatoes can absorb and reflect Wi-Fi signals.

When Boeing wanted to test its wireless signals on new planes in 2012, they placed giant piles of potatoes on the seats. Due to the high water content and chemical composition Potatoes absorb and reflect radio and wireless signals, just as humans do.

The red food coloring used in candy is made from boiled beetles.

Carmine, also known as carminic acid, is a common red food coloring that can be found in candy and even lipstick.
Carminic acid is obtained from the ground up carcasses of a beetle known as Dactylopius.

Raw oysters are still alive when you eat them.

Chances are, raw oysters are still alive when you eat them. Oysters decompose so quickly that chefs have to cook them very quickly - while they are still alive. Some varieties of shellfish can survive out of water for up to two weeks, so oysters are stored in specially regulated conditions. Once they die, they are dangerous to eat.
So yes: if you have a nice plate of fresh oysters, you're probably munching on them while they're still alive. Luckily, oysters do not have a central nervous system, so they do not feel pain.

Every banana you eat is a clone.

Although there are 1,000 varieties of bananas worldwide, the common yellow fruit you see in the supermarket are genetic clones of the Cavendish variety. 'Cavendish' has no seeds - a desirable trait for consumers - and survives longer than its banana relatives.
Because Cavendish has no seeds, farmers must clone it to continue production. Recently, scientists have been concerned that a lack of genetic diversity could soon make the banana vulnerable and lead to its extinction.

Grapes will explode if you put them in the microwave.

The grapes themselves then act as an antenna and conduct electricity in the microwave, turning into little fireballs.

1. Chocolate is an excellent product against high blood pressure. It is enough to eat two sweets to bring your blood pressure back to normal.

2. Chocolate lifts your mood and creates a feeling of love thanks to the phenamine component.

3. White and milk chocolate contain more unhealthy fat and calories, while dark bitter chocolate with a high cocoa content (from 70%) is considered the healthiest.

4. A chocolate bar per month can extend your life by a whole year. But overuse product will lead to the development of cardiovascular diseases.

5. One of the most unusual types of meat is mouse. It was eaten in China and also in Ancient Greece.

6. Rice ranks first among consumed foods, as it serves as the main ingredient in the menu of most Asian countries, known for their abundance. There are more than 15,000 varieties of rice, which we are accustomed to dividing into black, white and brown.

7. Refined sugar can be called one of the most harmful foods, since it contains absolutely nothing except carbohydrates and extra calories.

8. Zucchini and pumpkin seeds acquire greater benefits and nutritional value over time. Thus, fresh pumpkin seeds may have 3-4 times fewer calories than those that have been stored for several months.

9. Only 5% of the mined salt is used as seasoning. The rest is spent on conservation and even industrial purposes - leather tanning, glass production, road construction.

10. Natural soup chicken meat for a long time considered an aphrodisiac.

11. Rennet is a natural substance necessary for the production of many types of cheese. It is obtained from the fourth ventricle of small calves.

12. The most unusual snacks, bordering on disgust, are fried termites from South Africa, ants, bees and bull scrotum covered in chocolate - in America.

13. Potatoes and corn were first cultivated in mountainous regions called the Andes.

14. One kilogram of potatoes costs almost 200 times less than 1 kilogram of chips obtained from them.

15. With the advent of the cartoon character Popeye, interest in spinach has greatly increased in America. It was this product in the cartoon that was positioned as a valuable source of energy and vitamins.

16. It has been proven that fresh apples help you get up in the morning better than coffee.

17. Salt and beans in ancient times served as money. Some scammers even tried to fake the latter. But in Europe in the Middle Ages, the main source of money was often... Cows!

18. During the time of Ivan the Terrible, there were their own illegal transportations. Thus, the ambassadors of the Russian Tsar transported valuables from Muslim countries, wrapping them in pork tenderloin. Naturally, Muslims disdained to approach this meat.

19. In the era of Ancient Rome, at one time in history, the authorities came to the conclusion that it was time to fight luxury. Thus, fattening chickens was prohibited. But they forgot to prohibit feeding roosters...

20. In the Middle Ages, the recipe for ice cream was considered one of the most secret. In Europe, only kings could eat it, and the most courageous spies often went for secret knowledge, trying to discover the technology for preparing a delicious dessert.

21. In Ancient Greece, figs were of particular value. It could not be taken out of the country, and citizens who disobeyed could be executed for smuggling.

22. Muslims have long had a controversial relationship with coffee due to its stimulant properties. So, in the Middle Ages it was equated with wine, and it was almost banned.

23. In 1638, the Russian ambassador to China received several bags of strange dry leaves as a gift. The ambassador was very upset by this and a war almost broke out. But someone thought of brewing these fragrant leaves, and since then we can enjoy the aroma of tea every day.

24. In Honolulu, cooks practice a very unconventional method of beating octopus meat: they wash them in washing machines.

25. Any sea and river fish is one of the most healthy products. It supplies the body with light protein, improves memory and skin condition, and also fights bad cholesterol.

26. Fresh or properly frozen strawberries can improve your mood and give you energy. After all, it contains many vitamins that are responsible for the tone of our body!

27. Potatoes, contrary to the negative opinions of many nutritionists, can be beneficial for the body, but only when boiled and baked. It removes excess fluid and helps get rid of cellulite.

28. Although bananas “came” to Europe from Africa, they are often supplied from India; more than half of all imports come from this country.

29. Apricot, avocado and raspberry are at the top of the list of the healthiest foods on the planet. Moreover, apricots and raspberries are able to retain all their benefits not only in fresh form.

30. Olivier salad was invented in Russia. But a Frenchman came up with the recipe! The salad differed from the modern one in a more refined set of products, including: veal tongue, caviar, pickles and crayfish.

31. In Africa, lemon is a panacea for many diseases. It is believed that the juice of 1 slice of lemon during meals will prevent overeating and help digestion. This is why drinking water with lemon juice before eating!

32. Breakfast should not be easy. It is at this time that preference should be given to the most satisfying and high-calorie dishes.

33. Regular consumption of vegetables, fruits and cereals helps cleanse the blood. However, in harsh conditions, the body simply cannot survive without heavy meat protein.

34. Real borscht was prepared from a plant that today is considered a weed - hogweed.

35. Freshly squeezed juices are stored for only 3-4 hours. Glass and metal containers are not suitable for them.

36. Natural apple cider vinegar is very beneficial for the skin. It is enough to dilute 1 tsp. in a glass of water and drink one hour before meals.

37. Guava is the record holder among vegetables and fruits for vitamin C content.

38. High-quality village cottage cheese contains a minimum of fat with a maximum amount of protein and calcium, which is extremely beneficial for the heart.

39. Cold Scandinavian countries are not at all distinguished by their great love for hot dishes. It is supposed to be eaten there only in the afternoon and only once. The main portion of the diet is cold snacks and a variety of sandwiches.

40. Mangoes and pistachios are the closest “relatives”. They belong to the same family, although there are few similarities between them.

41. All products that are yellow in color serve as natural antidepressants, break down fats and speed up metabolic processes.

42. Blue foods can eliminate insomnia and calm the nerves. They contain a lot of vitamin C. This also includes purple and maroon foods.

43. Green fruits and vegetables help reduce stomach acidity, normalize blood pressure, have a powerful antiseptic effect and strengthen the immune system.

44. Ginger and cinnamon have a powerful effect on the body. You can buy dried spices and add a pinch to tea or coffee: weight loss, increased performance and good mood are guaranteed!

45. Feijoa can compete with various seafood in terms of iodine content.

46. ​​Apples are a faithful friend of people who lead a “table” lifestyle. They contain a lot of useful substances and all this for little money and year-round availability. Apples improve the condition of the nervous system and have a general strengthening effect.

47. Olives and olives are the same thing. Only the first ones have to hang on trees for a long time, but for industrial purposes this is not profitable. Therefore, green olives are often dyed black and sold as olives.

48. Corn helps the body process fatty foods and alcohol. This is one of the rare products that, when canned, retains all its properties.

49. Celery contains very few calories. Moreover, if you eat it fresh, you will spend several times more calories on the chewing process.

50. Almost half of all almond production comes from the production of chocolate products.

51. Cooking grapes and eggs in the microwave can cause an explosion.

52. In 1991, carrots were officially recognized as a fruit in Europe.

53. And in 2001, the same fate befell tomatoes.

54. Mozzarella, tomato sauce and parsley - traditional ingredients of real Italian pizza, imitating the colors of the national flag.

55. Gasoline ranks first in global commodity turnover. And in second place is coffee.

56. The smell of fried bacon can greatly increase your appetite. This is used by various catering establishments.

57. In most restaurants, salmon dishes are prepared from cheap pink salmon or coho salmon, and are presented as expensive salmon or trout.

58. Fat-burning fruits that really effectively fight excess “stock”: kiwi, pineapples, grapefruits.

59. The rate of vegetable consumption per person per year is about 125 kg.

60. Wine was invented by the ancient Greeks more than 3 thousand years ago.

61. In 2006, a limited batch of 36 bottles of beer was brewed from barley sprouts grown in zero gravity. Each costs more than $300.

62. Pomegranate juice is the healthiest non-alcoholic drink.

63. The first bottle of carbonated drink was made from bubbles of fermenting beer in 1772.

64. In Peru, frog tincture is considered a drink of vigor. They drink it almost as often as the Chinese drink tea.

65. Traditional kvass is rarely to the taste of foreigners. Almost everyone refers to it as “a sour, cloudy liquid.”

66. Good dry red wine in an amount of 0.1 liter is good for the heart and can fight cancer.

67. Milk is widely used in the production of adhesives, paints and even plastics.

68. Ice cream is a kind of symbol of rockers. Often original recipes are invented in memory of various performers and groups, for example, Baskin Robins released a product in honor of the Beatles.

69. Most ice cream is eaten on the east coast of the United States.

70. The world eats several times more margarine than butter.

71. Baskin Robins released ketchup-flavored ice cream.

72. Cheese, according to the majority of the world's population, is the most delicious dish.

73. The first candies were invented by the Egyptians more than 3 thousand years ago. Dates and honey were used for this. A little later, the Romans added nuts and flour to them.

74. In the Middle Ages, chocolate in Europe was considered a witchcraft product.

75. But in Russia, until the 20th century, sweets were the privilege of wealthy nobles.

76. The only candy that has been in space is Chupa Chups. Only she passed all the safety requirements.

77. Most smoked meat products contain modified soybeans.

78. Chicken meat is considered the healthiest. But only if we are talking about natural chicken without hormones and antibiotics.

79. Ice serves as an excellent preservative. Quick freezing of fresh berries, vegetables, fruits and meat can extend the “useful” life of products.

80. Just 12 species of plants and 5 animals provide 70% of all food.

81. Strawberries and raspberries contain in their small specific seeds a substance responsible for the formation of testosterone in the human body. It is this hormone that increases sexual desire.

82. White wine is served with fish, and red wine with any other meat. The exception is tuna, which also goes better with red wine.

83. The juiciest lemon has a thin peel.

84. Sunflower seeds help strengthen nervous system.

85. Chili peppers, like chocolate, can improve your mood.

86. White and beige eggs are not at all different from each other. Only the hens that laid them are different.

87. Parmesan cheese in Italy serves as collateral when cheesemakers borrow money from banks. Ripe heads are placed in a special storage facility.

88. In 2003, after America's invasion of Iran and French outrage over it, Washington DC cafeterias renamed the French fries Liberty fries.

89. Cream cheese was invented in New York in 1872. Only it received the name “Philadelphia”.

90. What fell is not lost. Food does not pick up bacteria from the floor within 5 seconds, but only if the floor surface is dry.

91. Pringles chips aren't even half potato. They contain a lot of starch and corn flour, but only 42% potatoes. However, the figure is quite high for a product in this category.

92. There is an ice cream cemetery in the USA. There are tombstones with the names of those tastes that have lost their popularity.

93. Salad with asparagus on Russian shelves is nothing more than a deception. The white pods are obtained from the foam of soy milk and have little in common with asparagus.

94. It was simple vegetables - cabbage, carrots, onions and beets - that helped simple peasants in tsarist times to be healthy, while nobles often suffered from scurvy and other unpleasant diseases due to the lack of simple products in their diet.

95. Druzhba cheese is immortalized in Moscow with a monument. You can find it at the intersection of Rustaveli and Ogorodny Proezd.

96. Vegetable oil a priori does not contain cholesterol.

97. Cunning Englishmen use coffee grounds as fuel for chocolate factory Kraft Foods.

98. Meat, or rather the need for its proper storage, opened the age of geographical travel. The Turks asked too much for spices, which contributed to the proper preservation of meat products. This prompted sailors to look for the treasured seasonings in new lands.

99. Kopi Luwak is the most expensive type of coffee. It is made from the feces of Asian civet cats that eat coffee beans. But the fruits are not processed, but in the stomach of the animals they are saturated with useful substances.

100. Doctor's sausage appeared in 1936 and was intended to improve the health of people who suffered during the tsarist reign.

Food is an integral part of our life. We eat food 3-5 times a day, and our health and appearance depend on what we eat. Today we will not just talk about food, but study interesting facts about food and drinks that have never been heard of before. For example, did you know that the very first soup was prepared back in the 60th century BC, and from hippopotamus meat?

Interesting facts about food in different countries: East Asia

The Japanese live on an island surrounded Pacific Ocean, and therefore they always ate seafood and algae. Based on research results, it was found that in the digestive tract of the Japanese there are special microorganisms that are better able to break down and absorb these products.

Banana is not a fruit as many people think, it is just a herb. But a person who eats a banana begins to emit a smell that attracts mosquitoes.

If you smoked and decided to eat tomatoes or carrots, then be careful: tobacco smoke reacts with beta-carotene, after which it becomes carcinogenic to your body. Although smoking itself is poison for humans.

The role of smell and hearing when eating

Many airplane passengers stated that food in the air is different from what it is on the ground. This is due to the fact that not only the sense of smell affects a person’s taste buds, but also hearing. Noisy engines make food seem crispier but less sweet and salty.

If you close your eyes and hold your nose, you will not be able to distinguish the following foods from each other: onions, potatoes and apples. Since they are similar in taste, they have a similar consistency.

What you didn't know about drinks

Tequila is commonly called “cactus vodka,” although in fact it is made not from cactus, but from agave juice. But the forty-degree strength of the drink allows it to be considered a brother of vodka.

Green tea has 50% higher vitamin C content than black tea. Hibiscus is mistakenly called “red tea,” but this drink has nothing to do with tea; rather, the meaning of decoction or infusion is applicable to it.

In China, there are some varieties of tea that require the addition of salt rather than sugar to the cup.

The wine is called dry because it contains fully fermented sugar.

in food

Today, almost all the food we eat contains chemical additives. How do they affect our body?

Although additives starting with the suffix “E” are generally considered harmful, there are beneficial additives, e.g. ascorbic acid(E300) and lecithin (E322). But these components should also be in limited quantities in our diet.

To enhance the taste of their products, many manufacturers resort to the use of glutamic acid and its salts (E620-E625), as well as preservatives - benzoic acid and its salts (E210-E219). Despite the fact that glutamic acid and its salts are natural components for our body, their excess content negatively affects the functioning of the central nervous system, it can also be dangerous for cardiovascular system. Thanks to spices in the cuisines of China and Japan, this component is found in large quantities, so sometimes excessive consumption of this acid and salts is called “Chinese / Japanese restaurant syndrome.”

Scientists have proven that food colorings baby food cause increased activity in children. It's mostly red and yellow additives. Also, excess content of components that enhance taste can cause damage to a fragile body. For example, when overeating crackers, chips, carbonated drinks, and so on.

Some parents prohibit their children from eating fruit before meals, citing the fact that the child will “kill his appetite.” In fact, fruits contain sugars that promote the release of insulin into the blood and, as a result, stimulate appetite. It is recommended to eat vegetables and fruits from your native area rather than from exotic countries. Since the digestive tract contains enzymes aimed at breaking down familiar foods.

Are the benefits of extra finely ground porridge different from whole grains? Of course yes. The fact is that the smaller the grinding, the more degrees of processing the cereal has undergone, and as a result, there is a decrease in its beneficial properties for the body. We remind you that various additives, which are often found in instant cereals, are not beneficial, but rather, on the contrary, harm the body.

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There is perhaps no topic in the world filled with so many controversies, myths and prejudices as healthy eating. Did you know that crackers are worse for your teeth than candy, chronic coughs can be treated with chocolate, and we also have something in common with potatoes? Well, we are ready to really surprise you now.

website I’ve collected 23 incredible facts that will help you organize your nutrition correctly and treat your favorite foods differently. And at the end, an interesting bonus awaits you, which explains why some dishes become even tastier the next day.

1. Fruit stickers are completely edible.

Office of Sanitary Supervision of Quality food products and Medicines (Food and Drug Administration, FDA) recommends washing fruits before eating, but does not prohibit eating stickers on them. These stickers and their adhesive are FDA approved and safe to swallow. However, we still recommend removing them before eating fruit.

2. It's better to eat a slice of pizza for breakfast than a serving of cereal.

Research by nutritionist Chelsea Amer shows that a slice of pizza is a more balanced breakfast option than cereal because it has much more protein and fresh ingredients and less sugar than breakfast cereals. Most of these breakfasts have no nutritional value and do not contain enough protein or healthy fats. But they contain too much sugar.

3. Spicy food prolongs life

A study from the Harvard School of Public Health found that eating spicy foods once a day could reduce the risk of death by 14%. “Bioactive ingredients in spicy foods, such as capsaicin, may lower bad cholesterol and maintain healthy triglyceride levels,” said study author Dr. Lu Qi.

4. Canned fish is healthier than meat

Canned food is not the healthiest food. Partially canned meat This is true in many respects, but not entirely true for fish. When making canned food, after long-term thermal processing, even large fish bones become soft and edible, which means...

5. Tomatoes lose their flavor in the refrigerator.

New research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences shows that storing tomatoes below 50°F interferes with their ability to produce substances that contribute to aroma and flavor. The thing is that cold temperatures reduce the functionality of genes that are responsible for the aroma and ripening of fruits. For this reason, tomatoes are best stored in a dark place at room temperature.

6. Lemons have more sugar than strawberries.

Strawberries contain 40% sugar, and lemon contains almost twice as much. We don't notice this because of the large amount of citric acid they contain. Moreover, the amount of sugar in lemons can cause obesity if you eat too many of them, but citric acid is unlikely to allow this.

7. The shelf life of milk is not related to the addition of preservatives.

Many people believe that milk contains long term Many preservatives are added to shelf life. This is wrong. The secret is in the use of high-temperature technologies. Milk is heated very quickly, literally in a matter of seconds, to 135 °C, and then cooled just as quickly. In this case, the “bad” bacteria die, but all the vitamins remain. This milk can be stored in an unopened package for 120 days, and opened in the refrigerator for up to 4 days.

8. Kefir relieves hangovers not because it contains alcohol.

In fact, the presence of ethyl alcohol in kefir does not exceed 0.04‒0.05%. One ripe pear contains as much alcohol as a bucket of this drink. Why does kefir really help with alcohol intoxication? It's all about vitamin B, folic acid and beneficial bacteria, which help calm your stomach and cleanse your body of alcohol breakdown products. But certainly not the presence of alcohol in it.

9. Microwave is the best way to preserve all the minerals and nutrients in vegetables

The best way to retain the goodness and nutrients in food is to heat food for the shortest amount of time and use the least amount of liquid. It is the microwave oven that copes best with this task. “When you cook food in the microwave, cover it tightly and add less water, creating an effective steam environment, and you will save maximum quantity nutrients," says registered dietitian Katherine Adams Hutt.

10. But grapes will explode if you heat them in the microwave.

Cutting a grape in half and heating it in the microwave creates an explosive ball of plasma. The thing is that the berry is too small, so the electromagnetic waves concentrate too much and tear it apart. Therefore, if for some reason you want to heat the grapes in the microwave, do not do it.

11. Farmed White Salmon

Wild salmon acquire a natural pink color due to the large amount of shrimp in their diet. IN industrial conditions salmon eat completely different food and therefore appear white or slightly pink. To provide it with a bright color, manufacturers use various pigments for coloring.

12. Egg yolks have more nutrients and minerals than egg whites.

Nutmeg acts as a hallucinogen in the body if consumed in large quantities. You may experience nausea, dizziness and problems thinking. With nutmeg the rule “the more the better” does not apply - you must strictly observe the dosage of this spice in dishes.

14. Wasabi is colored horseradish.

If you like to eat sushi with wasabi, you should know that, most likely, you will receive simply colored horseradish. Most Wasabi, served outside of Japan, is a mixture of horseradish, mustard and food coloring. Even in Japan, the demand for real wasabi is so high that you are more likely to find a mixture of horseradish and wasabi than the natural product.

15. Sweet peppers have more vitamin C than citrus fruits.

One medium red bell pepper contains about 152 mg of vitamin C, which is one and a half times more than the average orange. Green peppers contain slightly less vitamin C - about 95 mg, but since a person needs about 75 mg of vitamin C per day, any of these options completely covers the daily requirement.

16. The smell of chocolate reduces tension and calms nerves

“Chocolate is invigorating when eaten and calming when inhaled,” says British psychologist Neil Martin. “But we are only talking about real chocolate.” He conducted a study with a group of volunteers and came to the conclusion that the aroma of chocolate calms the nervous system and relieves stress much better than the smell of any other product.

17. Moreover, chocolate is an effective remedy for chronic cough.

Scientists from Germany, led by Dan Frost, have found that peanut butter contains quite a lot of carbon, which means it can be converted into diamonds. To do this, you must first completely remove all oxygen from the product, and then subject it to enormous pressure so that the conversion process occurs. Since all food (and all living things, for that matter) contain carbon, this research will make it possible in the future to create diamonds from various objects. Of course, natural diamonds will still be more valuable.


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