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Apple dishes

If you don't know how to can apples, I'll tell you! Moreover, the recipe is very simple - no sterilization or pasteurization, everything is quick and without unnecessary hassle!

I go to meet friends at the airport not with flowers, but with muffins. Soft, airy, filled with apple flavor and aroma. With a mug of coffee or tea, they simply melt in your mouth and immediately lift your spirits!

The apple jam comes out tender and aromatic. I cook it with apple slices. Of course, you will have to tinker with the jam, but believe me, it’s worth it! You can store the jam at room temperature.

Chicken with apples is a classic, everyone's favorite dish. I cook this chicken both for everyday meals and for special occasions. festive table. The chicken comes out aromatic, tender, juicy, with a crispy crust.

Pie with apples and bananas turns out tender, a little moist due to the bananas. Apples add sourness, and sweet banana adds an exotic flavor to the classic pie. Pie for any time of year!

Curd charlotte with apples - delicious! Apples and cottage cheese go well together, and almond flakes and cinnamon add unique notes of taste and a wonderful aroma. Plus, charlotte looks great.

Apples in batter are a delicious and fluffy dessert with filling, or, if you want, with a surprise (leave the pit!). Prepares in 20 minutes and looks stunning. They are delicious to eat both hot and cold.

Salad with apple and smoked salmon - tasty and unusual. You can prepare it in 10 minutes. The only additional ingredients are mayonnaise and spices. This salad can also be served on a holiday table.

Pancakes with apples are very tasty pancakes prepared with kefir with the addition of apple pulp to the dough. Cooked according to this recipe Pancakes with apples turn out tender with a delicate aroma.

The fastest and easiest pie with apples and cinnamon is prepared within half an hour. All you need to do is thinly slice the apples. As for the rest... Take the finished dough, add a spoonful of sugar and cinnamon and that’s it! Enjoy!

Speaking of apple buns, soft horns from yeast dough, generously sprinkled with powder. Grandma bakes these and they always turn out amazing!

Apple and strawberry pie is perfect for an afternoon snack. Imagine a cup of coffee with milk froth and a lush pie with sweet and sour strawberries and apple slices. You'll lick your fingers!

Charlotte with apples and cottage cheese is easy and quick to prepare. Apples and cottage cheese go well together, add cinnamon and you get a wonderful dessert with a wonderful aroma and taste. Bake for half an hour.

A tender casserole with cottage cheese and apples can replace a light dinner. It is also perfect for an afternoon snack. And the dessert turns out absolutely excellent! The casserole can be eaten either warm or cold.

In the summer you can buy (or pick from the garden) rhubarb. Tart rhubarb and sweet apples make a wonderful pie filling. Make the pie with rhubarb and apples open, covering the filling with a lattice.

Sponge cake with apples is the simplest and most delicious dish I have ever tried. The entire cooking process takes about an hour. Apples can be cut as desired. And there are four components in the biscuit.

I bake a beautiful fluffy yeast pie with apples for the weekend. It lasts for three days, so I don’t worry about dessert on the weekend. I bake apple pie uncovered, it’s much more flavorful and interesting.

Classic recipe A simple apple pie should be in every housewife's arsenal. The pie is prepared quickly and looks quite decent. Shall we try?

I bake an eggless apple pie for my nephew, who is allergic to eggs. It is also suitable for vegetarians. This pie is not much different from its egg namesake; it turns out fluffy and tasty.

Sometimes for an afternoon snack or Saturday-Sunday breakfast you want something sweet, made from dough and so that you can eat normally. Pancakes are such a dish for me. Especially the pancakes with caramel apples.

Classic apple charlotte is very easy to prepare and always turns out great! It includes eggs, flour, sugar and apples. For the aroma you need to add a drop of cognac and that’s it! It will take about 45 minutes to cook and bake.

I bake charlotte with apples and cinnamon from ready-made yeast puff pastry. It turns out quickly and tasty. The only thing is to peel and cut the apples. I serve charlotte with creamy ice cream.

Adjika with apples - sharp billet, which will improve any meat, fish, as well as vegetarian dish. Adjika prepared according to this recipe turns out very tasty and has a beautiful red color.

In the morning, especially on weekends, you want to treat yourself to something sweet, tender, and aromatic. Milk pancakes with apples are such a delicacy for me. With powdered sugar, honey, jam... Delicious!

A quick apple pie takes just over half an hour to prepare. It turns out very tasty, crispy, slightly falling apart, but with a scoop of vanilla ice cream there is nothing better! Everyone can make a pie!

Everyone will love this tender charlotte with apples and bananas. Bananas give traditional charlotte a new taste, and lemon juice will make bananas look good in the dough. It will take a little over an hour to prepare.

Cabbage salad with apples - fresh and healthy. Good for both those who love meat and those who don’t eat it. Great for weight loss. Take sour apples, any cabbage.

We have a tradition in our family - on Sunday morning we bake pancakes. In the autumn season, flour pancakes with apples are especially popular. I bake a whole bunch of pancakes that disappear within minutes.

Baked apples with cottage cheese are a tasty, healthy and quick to prepare dish. And the aroma is magical! It can be served for dessert or afternoon snack. The dish is also suitable for those who are on a diet.

A children's favorite cereal has grown into an adult's favorite dessert. Is it common to eat semolina? Treat yourself to manna with apples! It is prepared very quickly and simply. It is better to take sour varieties of apples.

Apple pies are a classic! You can use any dough for them, but the filling for apple pies should be only the most delicious! You can prepare this filling in several ways.

Dried apple compote is prepared according to a simple recipe. Dried apples should be filled with water and boiled. The taste of this compote is richer and brighter than its fresh version. The compote is cooked for half an hour.

This is my favorite apple layer pie recipe. He is very simple. Any apples will do for the pie. The sweeter the apples, the sweeter the pie. You can enjoy it in just an hour.

I often make baked apples in the oven for children for an afternoon snack. While they sleep during the day, the apples have time to bake. The longer they simmer, the tastier they turn out. I have an old proven recipe. Here it is!

Baked apples with sugar are very tasty; many restaurants serve them for dessert. This is a good alternative to a piece of cake, much healthier, because baked apples retain their beneficial properties.

Charlotte with apples on kefir - light, tasty, healthy dessert. It’s easy to do; you just need a few minutes to cut the apples and knead the dough. Pie ingredients are always on hand. Let's try!

Kefir pie with apples is very easy and quick to prepare. This is an everyday dish when you need to quickly create something sweet and tasty. The pie turns out great - I recommend making it!

Kefir pancakes with apples are very easy to make; they turn out tasty and healthy. Children love this breakfast very much, and adults also like kefir pancakes with apples. Here's a simple recipe for you!

Lush pancakes with apples - wonderful healthy breakfast, since apples reduce the fat content and harmfulness of pancakes. The apple filling makes this dish tasty and adds a slight sourness. Very tasty!

Surprisingly tasty, sweet, with natural aroma and color, apple jam Five minutes at home is well suited for filling any baked goods, as well as for pancakes or porridges. Try it :)

Tarte Tatin with apples is an old-fashioned French upside-down pie. It's very simple to prepare, don't be afraid - you just need to fry the apples in butter and sugar, and then everything is as usual. I'm sharing the recipe.

I make apple compote for the winter from the “white filling” variety. The apples are small and fit well in a jar. The compote turns out tasty, tender, summery. I make it in large jars, just like my grandmother did.

During the season of a rich harvest for apples and pears, I advise you, in addition to the usual canning recipes, to prepare jam. At the same time, combine both fruits and remember the wonderful taste from childhood.

Remember baby purees? Especially apples! I always tried to “steal” at least a little from my little sister. Yummy! What about muffins with mashed potatoes? You'll lick your fingers! I suggest making apple puree for the winter.

American apple pie, as we joke, is a pie for adults. It is prepared with rum and therefore has a light, intoxicating aroma. The pie is loaded with apple pieces and looks beautiful and appetizing.

Vegetarian apple pie is a very tasty and light pie that I prepare not only with apples, but also with carrots and oranges. Pie has delicate taste and a pleasant aroma.

Melon and apple jam, prepared according to a traditional recipe, is our family’s favorite. This jam contains a lot of vitamins, the aroma and taste are wonderful, and with a fresh bun it’s a miracle!

"The most delicious" apple pie

There are some dishes that make your mouth water just thinking about them. The “most delicious” apple pie is one of these dishes. A fantastically delicious pie that, contrary to expectations, is extremely simple to prepare.

Apple marshmallow is prepared from Antonovka apples. This sweet and sour apple variety is ideal for culinary purposes. The apples must be baked whole so that the flesh does not darken. Want to try it?

Apple figs are a tasty, healthy delicacy that can be stored well in cardboard boxes or closed jars. Apple figs can be cut into shapes and used to decorate baked goods.

Baked apples with delicious filling - in just 10 minutes! A light, delicate and healthy dessert for you and your children. Cooking apples baked in the microwave is very easy - anyone can do it!

Apples baked with cinnamon in the microwave are our family’s favorite dessert; there is little that can compare with it in terms of aroma. And I, as the person in charge of the kitchen, like dessert because of its ease of preparation. Let's cook!

Apple pie, beloved by many, can easily be prepared in the microwave. A minimum of effort and products, and the result is magnificent! The recipe for apple pie in the microwave is simple and will be understandable to everyone.

Apple and prune pie is the perfect pie to satisfy your sweet tooth without ruining your figure during the summer season. Sweet and not too high-calorie pie.

Apple and orange jam turns out delicious and transparent amber. When you're wondering what to do with them during apple season, orange comes to the rescue. I recommend this original jam!

Antonovka jam is the most flavorful apple jam. These apples are not dessert apples at all, they are a little sour, but they make excellent jam. My grandmother often made this jam. I recommend!

Among dozens of recipes for apple jam, I want to present my own - with cinnamon and vanilla. It can be used both as a dessert for tea and as a pie filling. The recipe is simple, but long-lasting.

A very tasty and beautiful pie with pears and apples is prepared in the style of Danish cuisine - with the addition of rosemary to the dough and the formation of an appetizing glaze crust. Very good pie, I recommend it!

Fresh apple salad is a very tasty, fresh and dietary salad made from celery, walnuts, raisins, lemon juice, apples and honey. It turns out to be a very summer combination!

Apple cookies according to this recipe are very soft, rich, practically not sweet, with a light aroma of apples, cinnamon and nutmeg. Interested? :) Then the apple cookie recipe is for you!

Charlotte in the microwave, the recipe for which I am sharing today, is a tender, airy and unusually aromatic popular apple pie. Traditionally belongs to European cuisine, but is very popular here too.

A traditional Slavic recipe for a healthy and tasty dessert, now using new technologies :) Why not, it’s much faster. So, let's cook apples with honey in the microwave!

Apfelkren (German: Apfelkren) is a sweet and sour sauce that is used to give original taste meat and poultry dishes. Here is a simple recipe for apfelkren sauce.

Do you want to know how to prepare fluffy apple charlotte without worries and hassle? Then this recipe is for you! Read how to cook charlotte with apples in a slow cooker.

Applesauce is a thick, sweet and sour sauce made from apples and served as a seasoning for meat dishes and desserts. I'll tell you how to make applesauce at home.

Apples can be used to make not only desserts and sweets. Apples stuffed with minced meat - very original and unusual, but at the same time tasty and hearty dish, which can surprise your eaters.

Who doesn't want to treat themselves to fresh homemade cakes? Well, a multicooker will help you save time and effort. Read the recipe for tender and fluffy charlotte cooked in a slow cooker.

Ripe apple fruits contain sugars (mainly fructose), pectin and tannins, organic acids (malic, citric, tartaric), vitamins C, B1, P, provitamin A, mineral salts (iron, calcium, magnesium) and trace elements (iodine , silicon, manganese, copper, sodium, potassium, zinc, nickel, molybdenum, cobalt), essential oils.

The medicinal value of apples is enormous. They contain a lot of vitamin C, which is called the “appetite vitamin.” It ensures normal digestion. Apples are rich in cellulose and pectin substances, therefore they are extremely beneficial for digestion. Baked apples have a remarkable laxative effect: to ensure normal stool, eat a baked apple in the morning and evening before bed. For chronic constipation, it is also useful to eat salads made from cabbage and apples grated or minced through a meat grinder. And an apple peeled, grated and left in the air for some time to oxidize will have a fixing effect on diarrhea. For gastritis with low acidity of gastric juice, sour apples are recommended.

This is important! When fresh apples are stored for a long time, the amount of vitamin C in them decreases; and in canned apples and apple compote, vitamin C remains for a very long time (only 30% of ascorbic acid disappears after 2 years of storage).

When purchasing apples, make sure that their skin is smooth and undamaged.

There are both table and culinary varieties of apples. Apples are an ingredient in many sweet and savory dishes and can be dried. Apples are used to make jam, marmalade, compotes, jelly, marshmallows, marmalade, purees, and casseroles. Apple juice retains almost all the beneficial substances contained in the fruit.

Attention! During baking, the apples will not burst if you make a cut in the middle on the skin.

The best autumn-winter varieties for making juice are Antonovka, Titovka, anise, winter parmen, pear, etc. The resulting apple juice, which contains a lot of fruit sugar and iron salts, is especially needed by children for their normal development.

You need to remove the core of the apples while they are still peeled - otherwise they may fall apart. Place the peeled apples in cold water so that they do not darken, or spray lemon juice. The ideal flavorings for apples are cinnamon and nutmeg, but you can also use ground ginger with cardamom, lime, lemon or orange zest.

Apple jam with sugar or honey
1.5 kg sour apples
0.5-1 cups honey or sugar

Peel sour apples, cut into pieces, cut out the seed chamber, place on a baking sheet and bake in the oven. Rub the baked apples through a sieve. For 2 cups of apple mass, take from 0.5 to 1 cup of sugar or light white honey and cook with constant stirring until the mass thickens so much that it lags behind the spoon.
Place the cooled jam into jars and place again briefly in a slightly heated oven until the jam becomes crusty, which will protect the jam from mold. This jam is used for filling pies and pancakes, and airy pies and creams are also made from it.

Yes, there are 9 pages of recipes for all kinds of “Charlottes” on the site. It is for this reason that I haven’t posted my recipe for a long time... But recently I read on one of the forums of our website an opinion that sometimes good recipes they don’t post it precisely because many similar recipes have already been posted, and users simply do not dare to post another clone. Although, often in vain, because it is quite possible that their recipe is very good. In favor of this recipe, I can only say that everyone who tries this option no longer tries to look for any other... This was the case in our family, when we once tried this charlotte at Aunt Sveta’s, for which we thank her very much. There is no baking soda or other fluffing agents in the recipe, just flour, eggs, sugar and butter. The ratio of ingredients is just perfect. It always turns out airy, tall, and incredibly tasty. It can be easily stored for several days and does not lose its taste, so we like to make it on the road. I am sure that this charlotte will become not only my favorite.

In mid-summer, fruits begin to ripen en masse. Apples and pears are delicious and very healthy fruits that can be an excellent dessert, a highlight of your favorite salad, or even a filler for meat dishes. This surprises many, since fruits are considered to be just a pleasant bonus to the main diet. Today we are studying apple dishes together.

The best on your table

Their popularity can be the envy of any fruit. For example, you can recall literary works, epics and legends. Eve treated Adam to the forbidden fruit, after which the whole life of mankind changed forever. And the labors of Hercules, rejuvenating apples from the Russians folk tales, and Newton’s great discovery? And doctors never tire of saying that apples should be on the table every day.

Agree, they themselves are boring. But it doesn't matter. There are a huge number of apple dishes, each of which will become a delicacy and table decoration, surprise guests and delight your family members.

National cuisine

We attempted to conduct a study and determine which of the peoples of the world came up with the most apple dishes. Surprisingly, in the cuisine of every nation, except perhaps the northern ones, there are a huge number of recipes for apple dishes. They are baked, fried, boiled and caramelized, salted and fermented. One cannot help but remember the various drinks - cider, compote, kvass, Calvados. And how healthy are apple dishes? No wonder they are used in medicinal and baby food. No diet menu is complete without unique fruits.

Apple cold soup

This recipe will come in handy on a summer evening. You come home from work, it’s hot outside and you have absolutely no appetite. Why not prepare this unique dish with an unusual taste. It will give the body a boost of strength and energy, and the calorie content is very low. You will need the following set of ingredients:

  • Half a small pumpkin.
  • White bulk apples - 3-5 pcs.
  • Lemon.
  • Kefir- 1 liter.

As you can see, not much is required. Recipes for apple dishes are simple and therefore suitable for every day.

Making soup

First of all, you need to peel the apples and pumpkin, remove the seeds from the lemon. The lemon should be squeezed out and the juice set aside for now. Cut the pumpkin and apples into pieces, add a liter of water, add a spoonful of sugar and cook until soft. After this you need to strain through a sieve. Dissolve in no large quantities water 2 tablespoons of starch, mix with the broth and pour into the pan. Heat but do not boil.

Place apples and pumpkin in a blender bowl, add slightly cooled jelly and lemon juice. Pour in kefir and cool well. You can add a grated apple and a basil leaf to the plate. The soup tastes amazing. This is an excellent dish for fasting days.

Herring salad with apple

Surely this recipe will not suit everyone. Someone will immediately decide that such a bold combination of products does not suit him. Another, on the contrary, will try and cook it again and again. Simple recipes dishes with apples can be collected and shared with others. You will need the following ingredients:

  • Salted or pickled herring - 250 g.
  • Apple - 1 pc.
  • Cabbage - 100 g.
  • As a green component, you need to take a bunch of green lettuce and dill.

For dressing, a mixture of sour cream and mustard is used. The salad is not assembled in layers, which significantly speeds up the preparation time. The fish should be cut into arbitrary pieces, the apple should be cut into cubes. Finely chop the cabbage and tear the salad into arbitrary pieces. Pour the dressing over the salad and toss to coat. Be sure to let it sit in the refrigerator for an hour. It should be served with black bread and boiled potatoes.

Beef with a twist

You can safely take photos of dishes with apples into your piggy bank. Meat and fish, vegetables in combination with fruits acquire a unique taste and aroma. Therefore, feel free to try and make your family happy every time. Tender veal will be an excellent option for a holiday table. You will need to take:

  • Veal - 500 g.
  • Apples - 700 g.
  • Quince - 200 g.
  • Orange, carrots and onions - 1 pc.

The meat should be cut into thin strips, poured with soy sauce and left for several hours. After this, you can take out the marinated veal. Fry it in a saucepan until golden brown, then add the onions and carrots. Cut apples, quince and orange into slices and add to the rest of the ingredients. Leave to simmer until the meat is saturated with juice and becomes aromatic. The result is an original dish that does not need any additional side dish.

Pies with apples

Great option even for fasting. And children will eat them with milk with great pleasure. Lenten dishes with apples will help you while away any diet, as they do not harm your figure.

For the test:

  • Boil 1 kg of potatoes. You only need the decoction, the rest can be used to make puree.
  • Cup mineral water.
  • Soda - a teaspoon without top.
  • Vegetable oil - 6 tbsp. l.

For the filling:

  • If you want to make sweet pies, then you need to grate the apples, add starch and sugar.
  • If the pies are going to be snack foods, fry them on vegetable oil onion and add grated apples to it. Add salt to taste, you can add your favorite spices and herbs.

Potatoes need to be boiled until soft. After this, drain the broth and start adding all the other ingredients to it. The dough turns out soft and does not stick to your hands. Cut it into pieces and roll each into a small circle. Place a spoonful of filling in the middle. Bake in the oven until golden brown. While still hot, brush the pies with melted butter mixed with milk.

Snack cups with salad

Recipes for apple dishes delight with their variety. Of course, you shouldn’t serve fruit in several variations at once on one holiday table. But you can save the surprise until the next feast. Stuffed with salad, they make an original and impressive appetizer. You will need to prepare:

  • Large red apples - 1 kg.
  • Green peas - 1 can.
  • Eggs- 3-4 pcs.
  • Sausage - 200 g.
  • Mayonnaise, salt.

First you need to wash the fruits and dry them with napkins. Cut them lengthwise into two halves. Each one must be freed from seeds and some of the pulp removed to form cups. Now you should pour lemon juice over them so that the apples do not darken. Cut the removed pulp into cubes, add all the other ingredients to it, except for the greens. Season with mayonnaise and place in apple halves. You can sprinkle chopped onions on top. Carefully place the resulting cups on a dish decorated with lettuce leaves.

apple pie

We continue to make a selection, choosing simple and tasty recipes. Apple dishes are distinguished by some sophistication. At the same time, they do not require too expensive products; basically, everything is at hand. Consider a recipe for apple pie that can be prepared in the evening. You need to have on hand:

  • Large and sour apples - 700 g.
  • Honey - 70 g.
  • Sugar and flour - 200 g each.
  • Baking powder.
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Walnut- a glass of crushed kernels.

Preparation will not take you more than 30 minutes. The first step is to mix the yolks with sugar and add a pinch of salt to the whites. Mash the yolks, add honey, flour and baking powder. Whisk the egg white and gently fold into the yolk mixture. Pour apple slices and nuts into the dough. Bake in a parchment-lined pan for 30 minutes at 190 degrees.

Apple jam

It can be served with tea by pouring it into a glass bowl. Many simple apple dishes are prepared using jams. These can be various open pies, cheesecakes, cookies and bagels. Therefore, during the season when there are a lot of apples in the garden, you can prepare this preparation for the winter.

Jam is a very simple sweet that even a beginner can make. Moreover, the cooking process will not take much time, which is very important for a busy housewife:

  • Sour apples - 2 kg.
  • Lemon - 1 piece (squeezed juice only).
  • Sugar - 800 g.

The jam is prepared as follows. Apples should be cut into cubes and lightly sprinkled with lemon juice. In a saucepan, cook liquid caramel from sugar and water. Add apples and stir for 40 minutes. At the end of cooking, pour in cognac if desired and place in clean jars. In winter, your family members will appreciate this jam. It turns out incredibly tender, like marmalade.

Classic strudel

Delicious apple dishes can also be more time-consuming to prepare. But the result is worth it. So be sure to try making strudel. Almost everyone gets it right the first time and captivates with its rich taste.

For the test you will need: one and a half tbsp. flour, 1 egg, 75 g butter, half a glass of warm water. Knead the dough, and when it starts to lag behind your hands, put it in the pan for 1 hour.

For the filling you will need:

  • Apples - 1 kg.
  • 50 g each of raisins, almonds, crushed cookies or crackers.
  • Sugar - 100 g.
  • Butter - 1 spoon.
  • Yolk - 1 for lubrication.

Recipes delicious dishes made from apples is a special page in the cookbook of every housewife. The dishes turn out flavorful and homemade. It’s so nice to gather the whole family at the table when apple strudel is served with tea. But let's get back to preparing it.

Apples should be cut into thin slices and fried in butter. Simmer for five minutes, mix with chopped almonds and steamed raisins. Roll out the dough very thin on a large cotton napkin. Brush the entire surface with melted butter and sprinkle with crushed cookies. Place the filling, sprinkle with powdered sugar and cinnamon, and arrange the pieces of butter. Using a napkin, roll into a roll and brush with yolk.

The strudel is baked seam side down. Usually, after moving it to a dish, it needs to be greased again with yolk. This will ensure a nice, crispy crust. It is cooked at 160 degrees. It is recommended to periodically lubricate with butter. Serve sprinkled with powdered sugar. Adults and children will be delighted with this dish. Be sure to try cooking it at least once.

Baked apples

This is a light dessert that is recommended for therapeutic diet for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as during fasting or a weight loss program. Simple and tasty apple dishes will delight adults and children, and they won’t take much time to prepare. The ingredients are for one serving, but you can change the quantities at your discretion.

  • Apple - 2 pcs.
  • Honey - 2 tsp.
  • Cinnamon.
  • Walnuts, prunes, raisins.

You will need to cut out the core of the apple, giving it the shape of a cup. Place the filling of your choice in the middle. In a small bowl, microwave the apple for three minutes on medium power. You can cook it in the oven in the same way. To do this, set the temperature to 180 degrees and 15 minutes.

You can make your task easier and use a pot. Simply cut the fruit into pieces, pour over honey and sprinkle with nuts. Bake in the oven for 10 minutes. This will eliminate the need to cut out a cavity and make an improvised cup out of an apple.

Crispy cookies

It is prepared in a matter of minutes. You will need a minimum set of products:

  • Apples - 500 g.
  • Bananas - 300 g.
  • Honey or caramel - 2 tablespoons.

The fruits must be chopped and mixed thoroughly. Add the rest of the ingredients and use cling film form into sausages. At this stage you can add nuts and seeds. Dry it a little in the oven, then cool and cut into pieces.

Apple chips

A simple and affordable recipe that your children will definitely appreciate. You will need a minimum of products, and the result will captivate you at first sight. Take:

  • Apples - 3 pcs.
  • Chopped almonds - 100 g.
  • Cinnamon - to taste.
  • Ice cream - 4 scoops.

You need to remove the core from the apples and cut them into very thin slices using a special knife. Bake on a rack under the grill until golden brown. Place on a plate, top with a scoop of ice cream and sprinkle with almonds.

Delicious casserole

Dishes made from apples and pears are no less popular. The combination of these two fruits allows you to achieve even greater juiciness and tenderness. Let's try to cook the most delicious food together cottage cheese casserole. You will need:

  • Cottage cheese - 450 g.
  • Pear and apple - 1 large fruit each.
  • Egg - 3 pcs.
  • Sugar - 70 g.
  • Starch - 70 g.

In one cup you need to beat the yolks with sugar until the volume increases and the mass turns white. Add starch, cottage cheese and vanillin. In another bowl, beat the whites with salt until fluffy foam forms. Mix both parts and place in a greased form. Now let's get to the fruit. Chop the apples and pears, lightly fry in butter, add honey and heat over low heat for 5 minutes. Place the fruit on the dough and bake in the oven. The dessert needs to be cooled and sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Instead of a conclusion

It is simply impossible to list all the recipes for dishes made from apples and pears. There are thousands of them, and each of them can become a masterpiece on your table. Today we have made a small selection of the simplest and most delicious dishes with which you can delight your family and friends. Pay attention to the quality of the fruit. The market often sells fruit at a reduced price for compote or for pie. Usually these are apples that are already starting to spoil. It's not worth taking them. First, when you clean, you'll have to throw most of them away. And secondly, taste qualities leave much to be desired.

Cooking apple dishes is a pleasure. Apples add additional sweetness, and this quality allows them to be widely used in baking and dessert dishes, or add sourness, which enriches dishes with additional taste and aroma.

Compotes, preserves and marmalade are made from apples, they are soaked in barrels, dried, aromatic vinegar is infused on the apples and all kinds of wines, liqueurs and liqueurs are prepared. There simply isn’t enough pages to list all the dishes that can be prepared from apples and with the addition of apples! Apples go well with almost all vegetables, both fresh and baked. Salads with apples are the first dish for slimming citizens, because apples have many beneficial properties. Regular potatoes baked with apples become a delicacy. Apple pies, pies, dumplings and charlottes have long taken their place of honor in our cuisine, and modern recipes of Western and Eastern cuisine have added to this list various apple tarts and pies, caramel apples, Chinese “silk” apples and many other delicious and yet uncomplicated cooking.

Sour apples go perfectly with meat, especially fatty, heavy meat. Russian cuisine is replete with recipes for dishes from pork, duck, goose - apples add a pleasant sourness and spicy aroma to the meat. Recently, chicken is increasingly being cooked with apples - a clear influence of Indian cuisine. Apple chutney also came from there - a wonderful spicy sauce that can be served with almost any dish.

The Culinary Eden website invites you to plunge into apple heaven and prepare a variety of apple dishes.

800-900 g apples,
400 g puff pastry(anyone)
2 eggs
100-150 g sugar.

Roll out the finished product puff pastry into a layer 5 mm thick and cut into squares of such a size that you can wrap a medium-sized apple in each. Peel the apples and remove the core and seeds with a special device. Place the apples in the middle of each square, pour sugar inside the apples, brush the dough with beaten egg and glue the ends on top of the apple like an envelope. Place in an oven preheated to 180°C.

300 g flour,
1 kg apples,
2-3 tbsp. Sahara,
½ tsp. ground cinnamon,
2 tbsp. semolina,
2 eggs.

Grate the peeled apples on a fine grater, add sugar and cinnamon, eggs, semolina and add enough flour to make a homogeneous dough. Fry as usual in hot vegetable oil until golden brown. Serve sprinkled with powdered sugar.

1 egg,
2 tbsp. butter,
2 tbsp. Sahara,
3 tbsp. sour cream,
4 tbsp vodka (cognac or rum),
60 g flour,
3-4 apples,
lemon zest,
a pinch of salt.

Melt the butter, combine with sugar, salt, egg and lemon zest. Add sour cream, flour and vodka. Stir until smooth. The dough should be as thick as low-fat sour cream. If it turns out too thick, add vodka. Peel the apples, remove the core with a special device and cut into rings 1 cm thick. Dip the apple rings in the batter and fry in a large amount of hot vegetable oil. Place on a paper towel to absorb excess fat. Serve hot with tea.

3-5 sour apples,
3 eggs
1 stack Sahara,
1 stack flour,
½ tsp. soda,
a pinch of salt.

Peel and core the apples. Cut into slices. Place the apples in a greased pan and sprinkle with sugar. You can sprinkle with ground cinnamon. Beat eggs with sugar and a pinch of salt, gradually add flour and soda and mix well until a homogeneous mass of sour cream is obtained. Pour over the apples and place the pan in an oven preheated to 180°C. Check readiness with a wooden stick. Turn the finished charlotte onto a flat dish and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

1 stack flour,
1 stack semolina,
1 tsp baking powder,
100 g butter,
800-900 g apples.

Mix flour in a bowl, semolina and baking powder. Grate the peeled apples on a coarse grater. Grease a baking dish with butter, place half of the flour mixture on the bottom, lay out the apples and cover them with the remaining flour and semolina. Place pieces of butter on top. Place the pan in an oven preheated to 180-200°C for 25-30 minutes. Bake until golden brown.

3 stacks flour,
½ cup cold water,
2 eggs
½ tsp. salt.
1 kg apples,
¾ stack. Sahara.

Peel and seed the apples, chop finely and cover with sugar for 15 minutes. Knead the dough, roll it into a thin layer and cut into squares measuring 5x5 cm. Place the filling in the middle of each square, fold it into triangles and pinch the edges. Boil in boiling salted water. Serve with melted butter and liquid honey.

2.5-3 cups. apples, diced
2 tbsp. dry yeast,
½ cup milk,
½ cup Sahara,
½ tsp. salt,
2 ¼ cups. flour,
2 tbsp. ground cinnamon,
1 stack seedless raisins.

Mix warm milk, yeast and sugar and let stand. Combine sifted flour, cinnamon and salt. When the yeast rises, mix it with flour and knead the dough. Add raisins and apples, stir and leave to rise in a warm place. Place the risen dough into greased pans and leave to proof for another couple of hours. Place in an oven preheated to 170-180°C for 1 hour. Grease the finished bread with butter, leave in the pans for 15 minutes, then remove and cool.

Bacon with apples

450-500 g bacon,
2 tbsp. butter,
2 apples,
2 onions,
greens - to taste.

Cut the bacon into slices, the onion into half rings, core and peel the apples and cut into thick slices, chop the greens. Melt in a frying pan butter, add bacon and fry for 1-2 minutes over high heat. Add the onion, cook for about a minute, add the apples and cover. Simmer without reducing heat for 5-7 minutes. Serve sprinkled with herbs.

1 small lean chicken
4 tbsp butter,
2 onions,
4 sweet apples,
2 tbsp. flour,
3-4 stacks. water or broth
salt, pepper - to taste.

Trim the meat from the chicken, cut into pieces and fry in butter until golden brown. Place the chicken, put chopped onion in a frying pan and fry until transparent, add flour, stir and add water or broth. Mix well, add salt and pepper and heat for 1 minute. Place chicken pieces, sliced ​​and seeded apples into the boiling sauce, cover with a lid and simmer, reducing heat, until tender, about 30-40 minutes. Before serving, place the chicken on a plate and blend the sauce using a blender. Serve with a side dish of rice.

Chicken wings with apples

10-12 wings,
1 kg apples,
3-4 tbsp. curry powder,
3-4 tbsp. vegetable oil,
salt, pepper

Rub the prepared wings with a mixture of curry and salt and place in the refrigerator. Meanwhile, peel the apples and cut into slices. Heat the oil in a frying pan, add the wings and fry over high heat until golden brown on one side. Turn the wings over, place the apples on top of them and continue frying until golden brown. As soon as the wings are browned, stir the ingredients, cover with a lid and reduce the heat to low. Cook for 15-20 minutes until the apples are soft.

Beef roll with apples

2 kg beef pulp,
4 green apples,
2 tbsp. vegetable oil,
3 tbsp. butter,
150 ml dry white wine,
2 onions,
100 g walnuts,
fresh mint, marjoram, salt - to taste.

Dry the prepared meat, place it on a cutting board and use a sharp knife to make a deep cut without cutting the piece completely. Turn the meat over, open it along the cut and also, without reaching the end, cut the halves of the piece. Open the meat like a book, cover with film and beat into a thin layer. Mix vegetable oil, 100 ml of wine, salt, pepper and marjoram, brush the meat layer with the resulting marinade and place it in the mold. Place in the refrigerator overnight. Cut the onion into thin half rings, the apples into small cubes, chop the nuts, chop the mint. Fry the onion in butter for 5 minutes, add apples, nuts and mint, pour in the remaining wine and simmer for 2-3 minutes. Remove from heat and cool. Remove the meat from the marinade, dry it, place it on the table and spread the filling over it. Roll, tie, place on a wire rack with a tray and brush with butter on all sides. Place in an oven preheated to 200°C for 1.5 hours. While cooking, baste the roll with the juices released.

Forshmak with apples

500 g herring fillet,
100 g onion,
150-200 g apples,
100 g white bread without crusts,
100 g butter,
50 ml 3% vinegar,
1 tsp ground black pepper.

Pass the herring through a meat grinder. Peel the apples and cut into small cubes. Chop the onion as well. Soak the bread in warm water, squeeze and add to the apples and onions. Pass through a meat grinder along with the herring. Add cold butter and pepper and knead well. Place in a herring bowl and season with vinegar.

Salad with apples and celery

2 sweet and sour apples,
1 fresh cucumber
1 stalk of celery,
100 g walnuts,
5-7 tbsp. vegetable oil,
2 tbsp. apple cider vinegar,
1 tsp Sahara,
salt, ground white pepper - to taste.

Peel the cucumber and cut into strips. Cut the celery into thin slices. Peel the apples and also cut into strips. Prepare a dressing from oil, vinegar, salt and pepper and season the salad. Add chopped nuts and let it brew for 10 minutes. This salad is good for those who are watching their figure.

Stewed potatoes with chicken and apples

1 medium chicken
1 kg potatoes,
3 apples,
2 onions,
1 carrot,
4-5 tbsp. sour cream,
4-5 tbsp. mayonnaise,
50-100 g cheese,
garlic - to taste.

Cut the chicken into pieces, add salt and pepper and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. Place in a duckling bowl, place onion, cut into half rings, and carrots, grated on a coarse grater (half the amount of onions and carrots) on top. Mix sour cream with mayonnaise and pour over vegetables. Cut the potatoes into slices, add salt and pepper, add the remaining onions and carrots and sliced ​​apples. Add approximately 500 ml water. IN sour cream sauce add grated cheese and garlic, passed through a press, and pour over the apples. Place in an oven heated to 180-200°C and cook covered for about an hour (or more - depending on the oven).

3 kg apples,
2 kg sugar,
2 stacks apple cider vinegar,
2 stacks water,
4 tsp ground coriander,
15-20 cardamom grains,
2 tsp ground ginger,

1 tsp ground cinnamon.

Make syrup from sugar, water and vinegar, boil it for 10 minutes. Cut the apples into large slices and remove the core. Dip the apples into the syrup, add spices and cook over medium heat for an hour. The finished jam should be dark golden and translucent. Place the jam in sterilized dry jars and seal. You will get 7-8 0.5-liter jars. This jam goes well with fried meat and adds originality to familiar dishes.

Apple chutney (Indian dish)

2 kg apples,
½ cup water,
¼ cup melted butter,
2 tsp ground red pepper,
1 tsp ground nutmeg,
¼ tsp. ground cloves,
1 tsp turmeric,
1 tsp ground ginger,
1 tsp ground cinnamon,
6 stacks Sahara.
1 tbsp. melted butter,
1 tsp ground cumin,
1 tsp ground red pepper.

Peel and core the apples. Cut into slices, add water and put on fire. Cook until done. For 1 tbsp. fry cumin and ground red pepper in ghee until browned. Add all the spices specified in the recipe, stir, add apples and cook over high heat until the liquid evaporates. Add sugar, stir until completely dissolved and remove from heat. Cool. This sauce is served with meat.

On our website you can always find other apple dishes, both traditional and exotic.

Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shuftaykina


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