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A bouquet of flowers is a banal present, every second representative of the fair sex thinks so. Moreover, men's fantasy is usually limited to roses, including white ones. Well, don’t be so strict, take a closer look at the gift that the young man gave! Perhaps there is a hidden meaning behind it. What do white roses mean? Let's figure it out.

If we look at history, we find out that roses began to be admired in ancient times.

This beauty was considered regal and, according to ancient Greek legends, was the first to be born. The goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite emerged from the depths of the sea, and these unearthly flowers were born from the foam.

But love stories are most often tragic. The white rose turned scarlet from drops of blood from Aphrodite's lover Adonis. According to another version, such modifications occurred to her from a kiss.

There is also an opinion that for the first time mention of a snow-white flower is found in the chronicles of India and China. Be that as it may, these plants are a symbol of unsullied purity and virgin inviolability.

The bride was decorated with white roses Ancient Greece , thereby showing her perfection and innocence before marriage. The path of the victors returning from the battlefields was strewn with the petals of noble plants.

People planted gardens with snow-white flowers next to temples, to once again emphasize the sanctity and divine origin of these places.

White roses are a symbol of unsullied purity and virgin integrity.

Knights presented white buds to their lovers. With one rose they declared their love, and with two they rejected the girl, telling her in this way that she was still young and not ready for a serious relationship. In the latter situation, the second rose was an unopened bud.

Biblical motifs can also be found in the meaning of the flower.. There was a legend that the Archangel Gabriel wove a wreath of white roses for the Mother of God. In this way he tried to console her.

In those distant times, these plants meant joy, but now their meaning has changed somewhat.

White roses mean...

White color is a symbol of innocence and purity. This symbolic meaning also applies to flowers.

A man who presents his beloved with a bouquet of white roses emphasizes her place and importance in his life. He expresses admiration, concern, the lady of his heart for him is a fragile creature that needs to be cherished and in no case offended.

The man who chose white buds as a gift adheres to conservative views. A one-night stand is definitely not right for him.

He is a representative of that part of the stronger sex that prefers serious relationships, formalized according to all the rules and conventions.

Snow-white buds in this case mean and express sincere and warm feelings, tenderness and awe. There is not even talk about physical intimacy and passion.

Perhaps the relationship is at that stage when it is too early to talk about it. But the emerging emotions can be emphasized with a white bouquet.

White and red together - what could this mean?

As for the red beauties, they symbolize love and passion. Presenting a bright red bouquet as a gift, men speak not only of their burning feelings, but also of great sympathy and affection.

Red buds were, are and remain the most popular. What will a bouquet of red and white flowers mean?

This combination of shades is an expression of harmony and unity in love. The union of buds of different colors is a plexus of both the souls and bodies of two people in love. The real connection of their destinies.

A man with a composition in white and red colors tells his lady that together they are one indivisible whole.

Currently, there are a lot of varieties of flowers. You can find white buds with a red border. Their meaning will be identical to a bouquet composed of two shades.

There are many reasons

There are many reasons to give a flower gift. Do not limit the purpose of white flowers. They can be given as a sign of friendship, as well as respect and admiration for the girl with whom you are not in love.

What about birthdays or World Women's Day, and professional holidays of doctors, teachers, accountants? Give white flowers to friends, colleagues, relatives or just acquaintances. Believe me, they will appreciate these delicate and beautiful buds.

A representative of the fair sex who received a snow-white bouquet as a gift seems sweet, defenseless and touching to the giver. And this is by no means a hint at the transition of a friendly relationship into love.

This is the desire to express your delight. And just to please. After all, flowers can be given for no reason. There would be a desire.

But in the case when feelings are huge, like the ocean, and just cover your head, are white beauties suitable as a gift? How!

They can be supported by the words “Beloved, dear, the joy of my soul, you are the most beautiful, unique and tender, like these snow-white flowers.” But this addition is in case the lady of the heart does not know their symbolic meaning...

In the article you will find interesting information about what properties and meanings different shades of roses have.

There is such a thing as the “language of flowers”. This is the mood or impression that a person should experience at the moment when these flowers are handed or given to him. It is not for nothing that the rose is considered the “queen of flowers”, because for the first time its It gained popularity precisely in the Victorian era(under Queen Victoria). It was then that the flower began to be associated with love, romance, and passion.

However, it is not enough just to choose roses; their color also matters, as well as the number in the bouquet and even the bud (whether it is open or not). Thus, too dense and unopened buds are associated with youth, freshness, and innocence. It is believed that if you present a woman with a bouquet of roses with one young bud in the center, such a gift will literally say: “I love you, but you are too young for me.”

Roses, like no other flowers, perfectly reflect a person’s feelings: interest, love, gratitude, respect. You can say “thank you” and even apologize with roses; it is only important to choose the right color for a certain person. Rose is a great choice for any occasion, this is the most noble flower, which, in addition to excellent visual properties, has durability, grace and an indescribable warm aroma.

Roses are the most noble flowers

Why do guys, husbands, men give yellow roses - the language of flowers, the symbolism of the gift: description

IMPORTANT: It is believed that a person chooses a bouquet based on his subconscious. Thus, he finds all the secret feelings and thoughts that he wants to express and displays them with a bouquet. That is why the correct interpretation of gifted roses is important.

A bouquet of yellow roses looks bright, sunny and cheerful. It seems to warm with its color and therefore it is not in vain that it is associated with care and friendship. Such a bouquet will be very useful if you want to congratulate a person on some personal achievement, be it receiving new position or recovery.

Yellow roses are an excellent gift to “melt the ice” in a friendly relationship and make peace, forgetting all grievances and quarrels. Yellow roses can also carry a meaning such as “mature love” (one that lasts more than one year). Additionally, there is a belief that yellow flowers are a symbol of separation and infidelity, but this statement is true if someone sent you one rose as a sign or “hint”. If it’s a beautiful and lush bouquet of yellow roses, don’t be upset or lose heart, because everything is fine!

Yellow rose in a bouquet: meaning

You can evaluate a yellow rose in different ways, and each time you should focus on the situation in which you were given the bouquet. One rose in a beautiful colorful bouquet of multi-colored flowers is just a bright element.

INTERESTING: The negative impression of yellow roses was received many years ago during the existence of a legend that claimed that white roses turned yellow in the hands of a traitor. Later, Catherine the Great introduced an official statement into the “language of flowers” ​​that their yellow color is a sign of betrayal and infidelity. However, modern roses have long been no longer associated with such opinions.

Why do guys, husbands, men give white roses - the language of flowers, the symbolism of the gift: description

How good and beautiful white roses are! From afar, these flowers seem to shout about their innocence, freshness and purity. This is true! A bouquet of white roses, presented as a gift to a woman, repeats: “your beauty is heavenly.” It is believed that such flowers express your affection for a person, your respect and the best intentions.

Unlike red roses, white roses do not excite or convey a man's passion. They seem to say “thank you,” “thank you,” and “sincerely love you.” A man who regularly chooses white roses as a gift for his beloved is sure to love her very much, purely and deeply. His feelings are constant and easy.

IMPORTANT: Precisely because the white rose is a symbol of pure love, these flowers are present at weddings and in wedding bouquets.

Why do boys, husbands, men give red, scarlet roses - the language of flowers, gift symbolism: description

Of course, the rich red buds of red roses scream love, passion and sex! They are able to convey all the salt and sharpness of a man’s feelings that he experiences for a woman. Red roses are the most popular flowers and are always in great demand. In the language of flowers there is even an official interpretation of this color - “affection and love.”

These flowers often convey more than feelings, such as a man's arousal and sexual desire. On the other hand, if women give flowers to each other, they can convey meanings such as: admiration, respect, friendly love.

INTERESTING: A bouquet created from almost equal numbers of white and red roses is also of particular importance. It can be interpreted as “unity, equality, loyalty, friendship, respect, admiration.”

Why do guys, husbands, men give pink roses - the language of flowers, gift symbolism: description

Another popular flower is pink roses. Many young girls like them and already mature women. The message that a man leaves to a lady with a pink bouquet is not difficult to interpret, because the color conveys a feeling of elegance, tenderness, affection and sophistication.

It doesn’t really matter which pink color you choose (light or dark), the bouquet will always convey the warm feelings of the giver, his gratitude and sympathy. Men choose pink roses when they do not want to shout loudly about their love and passion, but want to impress and please a woman.

Why do guys, husbands, men give burgundy roses - the language of flowers, the symbolism of the gift: description

Meaning burgundy color Rose is similar to red, but has a deeper meaning. There is no place for passion here (scarlet flowers “scream” about this), but there is much more love, devotion and respect in them. Such bouquets are usually given to mature women, ladies in high status, bosses and women in leadership positions.

The color of burgundy buds will emphasize the status of a woman, tell her about her attractiveness and hint that she is loved and very much appreciated. The main thing in choosing burgundy roses is to give preference to tight and closed buds, since excessively blooming flowers can symbolize “withering and lifelessness” for a lady.

Why guys, husbands, men give cream, peach roses - the language of flowers, gift symbolism: description

Cream or beige roses are another “favorite” of women. They have both weightlessness and light purity, as well as the warmth of a sunny color. Such roses always convey tenderness, care and affection of the relationship between a man and a woman. A man can give them both at the stage of just beginning a relationship, and after many years of marriage.

The interesting thing is that beige or cream, peach roses will always say “thank you” and “love you” with their color.

Why do guys, husbands, men give orange roses - the language of flowers, gift symbolism: description

Colorful, bright, catchy, sunny orange roses are always warm, festive and joyful. These are the emotions that flowers convey if you received them as a gift. Men who choose orange roses certainly love their chosen ones very deeply and with this color they want not only to make them pleasant, but also to lift their spirits.

Orange roses are an excellent choice for congratulating personal victories, for holidays and even birthdays. They can be combined with any other shades: yellow, white, pink, red to achieve the perfect bouquet. On the other hand, orange (dark or light) will say “I’m so proud of you” and “you’re so smart.”

Why do guys, husbands, men give coral roses - the language of flowers, the symbolism of the gift: description

Coral roses have a complex color (a mixture of orange and red). That is why the meaning of flowers is not simple. On the one hand, they convey admiration and gratitude, on the other hand, warmth of feelings and love.

Why do guys, husbands, men give white and pink roses with a pink border - the language of flowers, the symbolism of the gift: description

Multicolor cream-colored roses with a thin soft pink border along the edge of the petal are very beautiful and delicate flowers. Presenting them as a gift to his beloved, the man clearly compares his chosen one with these roses. Thus, the bouquet says “you are so beautiful” and “I love you so much and admire you so much.”

Why boys, husbands, men give mixed red and yellow roses - the language of flowers, gift symbolism: description

Men give mixed, bright and colorful bouquets of roses to women when they love them very much and they want, in addition to their feelings, gratitude and fidelity, to lift their spirits.

1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 25 roses as a gift to a girl, wife, woman from a boyfriend, man, husband: meaning


  • One rose - you are the only one for me
  • Three roses - you bring me joy and warmth
  • Five roses - I'm so grateful to you, I love you
  • Seven roses - I really want you to be mine
  • Nine roses - I'm sorry
  • Eleven roses - It’s not customary to give as a gift, it’s a bad omen
  • Thirteen roses - you mean so much to me
  • Fifteen roses - I love and respect you deeply
  • Twenty five roses - I love you with all my soul, you are perfect
  • More than 50 roses – you mean a lot to me
  • More than 100 roses – I can't live without you

One red or white rose: the meaning of the gift

  • One red rose in a white bouquet- this is a symbol of your passion, love and desire for a woman, which a man can no longer hide.
  • One white rose in a red bouquet– you are one of a million other women.

Three red or white roses: the meaning of the gift

It is not customary to give an even number of roses, so pay attention to which flowers are more in the bouquet and interpret the bouquet correctly:

  • If there are more red- this is an expression of love for you
  • If there are more whites- expression of gratitude and appreciation.

Five, seven, nine red or white roses: the meaning of the gift


  • One white rose - you are pure and beautiful
  • Three white roses - I'm grateful to you
  • Five white roses - I admire you
  • Seven white roses - I truly love you
  • Nine white roses - you are unique
  • One red rose - I love you and want you
  • Three red roses - I'm devoted to you
  • Five red roses - you are beautiful and unique
  • Seven red roses - I can't live without you
  • Nine red roses - I love you deeply

Bouquet of red and yellow roses: the meaning of the gift

The combination of red, orange or yellow roses often expresses admiration, gratitude and love for a woman. It is customary to give such bouquets to female bosses or spouses with whom they have lived more than one year of life.

Video: “The meaning of the color of a rose: how to choose?”

Roses, and even white ones, are a welcome and very pleasant gift. White color has a neutral connotation: you can give flowers of this shade to your beloved, colleague, parents, or friends for a wedding. However, although the white rose is neutral in essence, it still has its own meaning. In the article we will look at why white roses are given, what changes in life should be expected after such a gift.

Since ancient times, white color has been considered as a symbol of purity and purity, and therefore is an ideal choice for a bride. Until now, white is considered the main color for wedding celebrations: it is clear that for a wedding, white roses are one of the universal and traditional color options.

However, you can give white roses to a girl without a hint of tender feelings - the white color allows you to maintain neutrality. Unlike deep red, for example.

The general meaning of the gift is:

  • a hint of pure, sincere and long-lasting love;
  • attracting positive, clean energy to the one who accepts the flowers;
  • recognition of the giver in the warmest, friendly and bright feelings towards the recipient of the gift.

Among other things, a well-composed bouquet of white roses looks truly royal. Such luxurious flowers do not need any additional decor; they are self-sufficient. Please note that the larger the bouquet, the stronger the feelings of the giver.

Historical background

Since ancient times, the white rose has been a symbol of purity, beauty, tenderness and innocence. And for its luxurious appearance, the white rose is recognized as the real queen of flowers. Therefore, kings, kings and other nobles gave these flowers to their lovers, favorites and brides.

In the Middle Ages, knights declared their love to their lady with a bouquet or one flower of a white rose. Giving this flower to the bride at her wedding is an ancient tradition that has been preserved to this day.

White roses historically symbolize admiration for those to whom the flower is given, and this admiration is pure, sincere and real.

Reasons for a gift

Let's find out what events in life can become a significant reason for a gift in the form of a bouquet of white roses, and what such a gift can mean.


The color white in many religions and ancient beliefs is a personification associated with the divine, so a bouquet of white flowers can well be considered as a baptismal gift. Since priests usually wear solemn white and gold clothes for baptism, it is logical to decorate the bouquet with modest gold ribbons, threads, and other unobtrusive decor.

Marriage proposal

If a man wants to propose to his beloved, a gift in the form of a bouquet of white roses is a great idea. Flowers symbolize purity of thoughts and sincere love, so they will come in handy.

Birthday, anniversary

Since white color has a neutral connotation, a bouquet of this shade is quite suitable as a gift for a work colleague, boss, mother, or friend. The occasion could be an anniversary, birthday, or any other happy event.


If you are wondering what to give to a friend, female acquaintance, or relative for a wedding, feel free to choose a chic bouquet of white roses. This is a simple, logical and always appropriate gift option. White flowers will go perfectly with any wedding hall decor and any design of the bride's dress.

In addition, delicate, noble flowers will wonderfully emphasize your admiration for the bride, express the depth of feelings, and say without words what you wish for her. family life only happiness.

When a man gives white roses

If a bouquet is given by a young man to a girl, this fact can be considered as a favorable, positive sign in any case. Next, we’ll find out exactly what meanings a gift can have.

Serious intentions

Gifted white roses are a wonderful way to declare your truly serious intentions towards your chosen one. If the girl already guesses or knows about feelings young man, then there may be no need to explain anything further.

Purity of feelings

When a young man gives one white rose, this may indicate the purity of his intentions, true, proven love. Such a gift is desirable for any girl, because it emphasizes the seriousness of the young man’s feelings, expresses his admiration, and speaks of sincere, pure feelings without a hint of vulgarity.

Sign of reconciliation

If there is a quarrel, a bouquet of white roses will help you make peace. It happens that the quarrel is really serious - in this case, in addition to the bouquet, a path to the house/restaurant/romantic place made of white petals would not hurt.


When planning to propose to his beloved girl, a young man can present her with a chic bouquet of white buds. This gift will symbolize the tenderness and sincerity of his feelings and will personify the future cloudless family life.


Thanks to their external beauty and charm, white roses have acquired many signs and meanings throughout their existence. We will consider the most common signs.

  • A white rose on a long stem placed in a tall vase will fill the house with positive, clean energy.
  • Keeping a fresh bouquet in your home all the time will help bring good luck and happiness into your home.
  • A snow-white bouquet given by a husband to his wife will become a real amulet for the whole family. Including, the white rose will protect the house from envious people.
  • If the flowers are grown by the giver himself, this is an especially auspicious gift. In this case, plants will bring peace to the family, and material well-being and order to the house.
  • If you accidentally prick yourself with the thorn of a gifted flower, this can become an unlucky sign of an imminent quarrel with the donor. However, since the roses in our case are white, it is quite possible to avoid a quarrel or reduce the conflict to a minimum: this requires tearing off the harmful thorn and throwing it into the water.
  • Seeing the first white rose blooming in the spring in the park or in the garden, at home, is a sign of great luck.

Even number

You can give white roses in any quantity: from one to infinity. And, oddly enough, an even number of these colors can have a positive meaning - unlike all others. Let's find out what different even numbers of white roses in a bouquet mean.

  • If a young girl is presented with two flowers, this symbolizes an imminent engagement, wedding, betrothal. In extreme cases, there will certainly be a declaration of love.
  • Ten roses denote the complete and genuine admiration of the giver.
  • A dozen flowers would be appropriate for any romantic or anniversary. family relations, and also suitable for a first date.
  • A bouquet of 36 white buds is a sincere wish of fun and happiness.

In addition, it is always appropriate to give the hero of the day or birthday the number of flowers that corresponds to the age of the hero of the occasion. And no bad omen an even number will not appear: white roses neutralize any negativity.

So, we found out what white roses mean as a gift. As you can see, there are several meanings, but in any case, flowers symbolize real feelings: sincere, pure and without any negative connotations. This gift can be either loving or completely neutral - it all depends on who is giving it to whom.

Represents reckless youth, sensual innocence, and heartfelt purity. Since ancient times, this divine flower of light has been the subject of enthusiastic worship of poets, who express their feelings for it in poetry and prose. Have you ever wondered why white roses are given as gifts? Traditionally, a bouquet of snow-white flowers is given by the groom to the bride. Presenting white roses, pure and heavenly, like virgin snow, he expresses his bright feelings coming from the heart and overwhelming the soul.

What does a white rose represent?

White roses are a multifaceted way of expressing your emotions. Answer to the question: “Why are white roses given?” - this suggests itself: we give them when we want to talk about our feelings, about our sincere attitude. The individuality of these flowers lies in the irresistible desire to present them for any occasion, and this gift will always find a grateful response in the soul. After all, white is the color of infinity. He represents the infinity of both our love and our grace. The rose is short-lived when picked, but in the short period of time that is destined for it, it fills our room with the fragrant aroma of spring flowers. When we give roses, we simultaneously present a large supply of positive and

A little about history

Since ancient times, the rose has been admired, sung, and elevated to the rank of royalty. In Ancient Greece, the bride was decorated with white roses, letting others know that she was pure and innocent. Rose petals were sprinkled on the path in front of the victors of the battles, giving them honors for their courage and bravery. And probably at that time no one was worried about the question: “Why are white roses given?” People intuitively felt this. They planted gardens with beautiful snow-white flowers near the temples, emphasizing all their divinity and inviolability. If a knight gave his beloved one white rose, this meant that he was declaring his love and thereby expressing his feelings. But if he gave two flowers, one of which had an unopened bud, it meant that the girl was too young for him and they had no future. Archaeologists claim that roses have existed on earth for 25 million years, and as garden flowers for 5,000 years. And this is not surprising: today we, like our ancestors, grow roses. And when they grow up, we praise and idolize them.

How to care for white roses

In order for the beauty of blooming roses to constantly surround us, we plant gardens, flower beds, and even plant them on the balcony. Varieties related to white roses are considered earlier. They require constant care, but not that complicated. Any housewife can plant these flowers and take care of them. The main thing is to have patience and strength. The white rose loves moisture very much, so it needs to be watered well and regularly. Moisture is especially important during the flowering period of roses. Carefully ensure that the fierce enemies of flowers - insects - do not harm your plant. Declare a merciless battle against this little enemy. Plant roses in loose, fertile soil and feed them periodically. It will be excellent diluted with water. To prevent the bush from becoming infected with fungus, spray it with a solution of laundry soap.

Why are white roses given?

Don't burden yourself with this question. After all, in fact, it is not so important why white roses are given. Don't limit their purposes. White flowers can be presented as a sign of friendship, for a birthday, for a women's holiday, or simply as a sign of respect and admiration for the girl you are not in love with. But if your feelings are sincere and huge, then God himself ordered you to give her this luxurious snow-white bouquet. What a pleasure it is to pick a white rose from your garden and give it to your beloved with the words: “You are beautiful, like this pure, tender, fragrant rose.”

Each flower has a specific meaning. Roses are no exception. People present roses to each other in different situations, showing their sincere attitude. The main principle of a bouquet of roses is their number, color, shape and type of buds.

One rose presented means love. And 12 red roses are a symbol of strong love. On the day of the funeral, roses express grief.

What does the color of roses mean?

The color of this versatile flower has its own associations, meaning and symbols.

White roses signify brightness and purity. They are presented to express their passion. Emphasize that the feelings are sincere. Traditionally, roses of this color are presented to newlyweds. This compliments the youth and purity of the bride and emphasizes the solemnity of the event.

A lonely rose presented by a young man will tell a girl about sublime feelings white.

A lush bouquet can emphasize a man’s strong feelings and confidence in a serious relationship. The same bouquet can be given to an old friend or female boss as a sign of sincere respect and admiration.

Red edge on white petals- a signal for the start of peaceful negotiations after a quarrel with the woman you love.

Light shades symbolize friendship. Tea roses speak of the memory of past relationships.

A red bouquet expresses passion and absolute love. Flowers suggest romantic relationships and violent desires. They are considered a symbol of respect, admiration, and courage.

Rose buds - elegance, sophistication, sophistication. They talk about the beginning of attachment and awakening feelings. Different shades colors are meaningful. Appreciation and sincere gratitude means pink color with a dark tint around the edges. A pink bouquet emphasizes pleasant memories, joy, and tender emotions.

Orange color is ardent feelings, inspiration, good wishes, passion. An orange bouquet symbolizes the highest degree of pride. An orange bouquet can be given to anyone.

Blue (light blue) roses are a symbol of achieving the impossible, of mystery. They are presented to mysterious, inaccessible people. The lilac shade of the petals expresses charm, admiration and the beginning of first love.

How to give flowers?

According to the norm flower etiquette bouquet needed:

What does the number of buds in a bouquet indicate?

Number of buds in a bouquet- Very important point. This is the language of flowers. You can communicate your intentions and feelings without words. The number of flowers in the bouquet is determined by great value girls. Therefore, a composition calculated incorrectly can lead her astray.

You only need to give an odd number of flowers. An even number of flowers is required to be brought to a funeral.

On the first date they usually give a bouquet of 5 buds. This bouquet is considered neutral. Suitable for unfamiliar friends or girlfriends.

Three flowers presented only to a loved one. Wives in a happy and long-lasting marriage are usually given a bouquet of 11 red flowers. Without words, you can confess your feelings to your loved one. Presenting 25 red roses.

29 buds symbolize eternal love. And if you really want to emphasize your lady’s adoration and admiration for her, then you should buy a basket with 101 roses.

For anniversaries and birthdays, bouquets are presented, the number of roses in which corresponds to the age of the hero of the occasion.

Is it possible to give one rose?

Can. In the language of flowers, a single rose means indecisive, shy and timid love. It is quite appropriate to give one flower on the first date. This will be a sign of the girl's charm and interest.

What color flowers should I give to girls and women?

Young girls are usually given flowers of light, pastel shades with half-opened buds. Older women are presented with blooming rose buds of bright colors. The older the woman, the darker the color of the roses should be.

There will be no mistake if, when choosing a bouquet focus on the lady's hair color:

  1. Brunettes love large flowers and bright colors.
  2. Blondes prefer to receive white roses or light cream shades. But the buds should not be too large.
  3. Dark buds in blue and purple shades suit the face of red-haired ladies.

It is traditional to give flowers at a wedding. When choosing a bouquet, you should definitely take into account certain nuances.

Dark shades are not the best choice. This also applies to yellow bouquets. among the people yellow- the color of betrayal. But if the newlyweds are fans of Feng Shui, then the bouquet should only be yellow, because according to teaching, this color is a symbol of wealth and prosperity in the family.

Ideal for weddings all flowers are light in color. It is these shades that symbolize both tenderness and purity of relationships.

For weddings, white bouquets are brought without additional decorative elements.

The size of the bouquet also matters. It shouldn't be bulky. 5-7 rose buds with long stems are enough. A composition of light flowers with additional elements of wedding symbols is also suitable.


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