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In ancient times, when penicillin had not yet been invented, our ancestors were saved by handy means that Mother Nature presented. In addition to medicinal plants, wise healers used the fatty layer of wild animals. One of the most valuable, with great healing power, was considered badger fat, the use of which is recommended by modern medicine.

The fat of this fluffy animal saved humanity from serious diseases, because it contains a whole pantry minerals. Until now, people are sure that it is a panacea for almost all ailments. This is not surprising, because it has been used for more than two hundred years as a therapeutic and prophylactic drug.

Where to buy and how to choose?

To get the desired benefit from the product, you must be able to choose it correctly. It is recommended to purchase high-quality raw materials in a pharmacy, having previously checked all the necessary certificates of authenticity for the goods, and not from traders on the market. There are a number of important distinguishing features of a natural product: a pleasant whitish color with a slight yellowness, a characteristic aroma without a sour tint and a neutral taste (not bitter).

Can give a small sediment fresh badger fat. Reviews of hunters involved in the preparation of such a product recommend taking it as a general tonic. Armed with basic knowledge on choosing a product, you can distinguish falsified fat from natural fat and not fall for the trick of scammers.

Vitamin and mineral complex

The rich composition of fat is due to the content of essential organic acids and a group of vitamins that a person needs for the normal functioning of internal organs. It is one of the few foods that are completely absorbed by the body. For example, a deficiency of linolenic and linoleic acids negatively affects the blood vessels.

PUFAs (polyunsaturated fatty acids) nourish and improve tissues, prevent the occurrence of inflammatory processes and the deposition of harmful cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels. Fat also contains oleic acid, which is responsible for the metabolism. In addition, it prevents the development of malignant tumors.

In addition to this, badger fat, the use (reviews of experts confirm the high therapeutic activity) of which is indicated for weakened immunity, is replete with retinol (vitamin A). As we know, without it, the condition of our hair, skin and nails deteriorates. Medicinal properties are characterized by the presence of vitamins E, B, K, PP, as well as trace elements and minerals.

It is generally recognized that the product exhibits anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, restorative and immunomodulatory effects. Due to the valuable biologically active composition, it is used internally and externally for various pathologies.

Badger fat: therapeutic use

Badger fat increases blood clotting, strengthens the heart and has a beneficial effect on cellular metabolism. Traditional healers strongly advise people who are prone to thrombosis, ischemia, heart attacks and hypertension to use it. Useful for poor circulation, dystonia and benign tumors.

According to doctors, fat in complex therapy helps to cure severe respiratory diseases. These include: pneumonia, tuberculosis, tracheitis, bronchial asthma. Regardless of the etiology of the disease, it is quickly possible to eliminate chronic and lingering cough even in long-term heavy smokers.

Treatment with badger fat is carried out with various forms of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, laryngitis and tonsillitis. The tool activates the defenses, strengthens the body, preventing complications. Often it is advised to use it for people with an unbalanced psyche, nervous disorders, dystrophy and cachexia.

Fat is indispensable in the rehabilitation period after complex surgical interventions, chemotherapy, severe and prolonged illness. Natural medicine is an excellent assistant in the fight against dermatological ailments (psoriasis, eczema). It has antibacterial and antiseptic properties, accelerates the regeneration process, including on the mucous membrane (gastrointestinal ulcer). They exterminate purulent fistulas, bedsores, deep wounds and acne.

The product has found wide application in the treatment of bone tissue and diseases of the spine. To relieve pain and swelling, it is rubbed into the skin or compresses are applied. Helps to cope with osteochondrosis and arthrosis. Used externally - in the form of rubbing.

The presence of a balanced mineral complex contributes to the normalization of the genitourinary system. Assign in small doses (in combination with drug therapy) for cystitis, pyelonephritis, nephritis. The tool removes the clinical picture, prevents acute and chronic inflammation.

Badger fat: how to take dietary supplements?

Pharmaceutical companies produce badger fat in gelatin capsules and liquid form. In fact, this is a dietary supplement with an attached instruction, the supplement is taken by courses, both for adults and children. Badger fat in capsules can be washed down with sweet tea, water and even milk. The annotation describes in detail the scheme and duration of therapy.

Many pediatricians advise treating them with a cough. Badger fat for children is a safe and effective remedy in the fight against colds. On average, the duration of treatment reaches several weeks. The dosage for children from three to eight years does not exceed 3 g per day. From the age of 9 to 14 years, you can give a dessert spoon (5 g). It is advisable to divide the tool into 2-3 doses. It is better to drink half an hour before meals.

For the best result, rubbing into the feet, chest, back with a strong cough should be carried out. For bronchitis apply compresses. Timely treatment will prevent complications and allow you to recover faster. The therapeutic effect is due to the bactericidal effect.

Even a healthy person can use natural medicine to increase tone and strengthen the immune system. You should take a tablespoon of bacon daily with herbal tea or decoction - twice a day. Within a few days, you will notice that you sleep better and sounder, your irritability disappears, and your mood improves.

How to rejuvenate with badger fat?

Natural badger fat, the use of which has been shown by many cosmetologists, has a beneficial effect on the quality of our skin. It is used as masks and creams. The most important advantage of the product is that it is completely safe, does not contain chemical elements and really helps a woman stay young.

For this reason, the product occupies a worthy place in cosmetology. Using fat-based masks, you can smooth out mimic wrinkles in a short time, restore former elasticity, velvety and improve color. On frosty days, they are recommended to lubricate their face and lips to protect themselves from chapping and frostbite.

It is advisable to combine external use with internal use. Thus, you can strengthen your hair, nails and overall health. The necessary cosmetic products are easy to make at home.

Hand sanitizer

The first signs of aging are most often seen on the skin of the hands, it becomes thin, dry and less elastic. The following cream will help fix this, the recipe of which is subject to absolutely everyone. Mix in a container 25 g of badger fat and cocoa butter (pre-melt the components), also add a tablespoon of wheat germ extract, 5 drops of rose oil, geranium and ylang-ylang. Badger fat perfectly moisturizes and softens aging skin. Application (reviews of women using homemade cream are enthusiastic) is indicated for very dry and dehydrated skin.

Anti-aging mask for women after 40 years

  1. Melt a tablespoon (15 g) of fat - in the microwave or in a water bath. Add 10 drops of vitamins E and A, 5 ml of rosehip oil, the same amount of honey and beaten yolk to the mixture. Apply the resulting mass to a cleansed face, décolleté and neck. Leave on for 10-15 minutes and wash.
  2. Combine melted lard (15 g) with the same amount of fish oil and honey. Leave for ten minutes, cleanse the skin with lotion.

Perfectly moisturizes, nourishes, badger fat will keep youth. The use of such masks can be carried out twice a week.

With a cold

Purchase liquid fat without additional impurities at the pharmacy network and give your child a teaspoon on an empty stomach, 30-40 minutes before a meal. For an adult, the dose is more - a tablespoon.

In acute, severe pathologies (tuberculosis, pneumonia, bronchitis)

Treatment with badger fat can be started only after consulting a doctor and under his strict control. Therapy is combined with medications. The duration of admission is 30 days, then you need to take a break for two weeks and repeat the course again until the clinical signs disappear completely. The dosage is prescribed depending on the course and severity of the disease. To improve the taste, add honey or syrup. This is especially true for small children.

We strengthen the body, fight weakness and exhaustion

In the autumn-winter period, we often experience a breakdown in strength, in order to improve our general condition, we recommend using this remedy this season: purchase badger fat in a pharmacy, mix it with dried apricots, crushed walnuts, raisins and honey - take 50 g each of all components. Eat a teaspoon daily.

In case of skin damage (insect bites, cuts, burns, wounds, etc.)

Put warm fat on sterile gauze and make a compress on the sore spot. The tool is used for diseased joints. You can simply rub the damaged areas of the body for people suffering from rheumatism, sciatica and osteochondrosis. To obtain the maximum therapeutic effect, badger fat must be used daily. The price for a 100-gram jar ranges from 350-450 rubles. The cost depends on the region.


It should be understood that no folk remedies and recipes will replace antibacterial drugs, especially when a person's life is at stake. All plant components are additional therapy to the main treatment. And their uncontrolled use will provoke an unpredictable reaction.

Badger fat has some limitations that everyone who starts using it should be aware of. Contraindications include all pathologies of the biliary tract, diseases of the liver and pancreas. It is forbidden to take it to persons with stones in the kidneys and gallbladder.

With extreme caution should be given to young children and people prone to allergies. Before taking it, it is advisable to conduct a mini-test: apply a small amount of the product on the elbow and leave for half an hour. If during this time no rashes, itching and burning have appeared on the skin, then your body normally perceives the supplement.

Sometimes with long-term treatment, some experience unpleasant side effects in the form of nausea, diarrhea, urticaria, swelling and vomiting. If these symptoms occur, discontinue use immediately. When buying a product, carefully inspect it, as unscrupulous sellers often slip a counterfeit product that can be harmful.

In general, badger fat reviews from customers and specialists in some cases are positive. He helped many to get rid of a debilitating cough, some - from pain in the back and lower back. Women were pleased with masks based on fat: after several procedures, the skin noticeably tightened and became much softer. No negative feedback was found.

Despite the usefulness of the above product, do not forget about the precautions.

The unique composition and healing power of fat deposits in the tissues of animals that can sleep for several months in a row have been used by people since ancient times for healing. The supply of nutrients that helps the animal to survive without food during a long and frosty winter must, by definition, be a special and very valuable product.

Fat rendered from the carcass of a bear and a badger has similar properties, but the fat reserve of the badger is especially valued because of the amazing vitality of a small and relatively harmless animal.

People have noticed that these medium-sized predators are not afraid of snake bites. Their body easily copes with poison. Wounded animals can dissolve and remove even metal pellets from tissues. Laboratory studies have confirmed the ability of natural raw materials to cleanse cells of toxins, remove heavy metal salts, and strengthen immunity.

Healing composition of badger fat

The composition of raw materials is a pharmacy of useful substances collected by nature itself, a healing elixir that heals a large number of diseases and restores the strength of an organism exhausted by labors.

Prices for a unique forest health elixir are directly related to the time of its extraction. The most useful will be the product obtained at the end of autumn, when the animal has prepared for a long sleep and has accumulated the largest amount of fat reserves.

  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids enter the human body only with food. In therapeutic fat, a large amount of valuable acids is concentrated, which strengthen the condition of the heart and blood vessels, and even inhibit the growth of cancerous tumors.
  • Vitamins A and E take care of the regeneration of skin cells, strengthen the protective barrier, synthesize collagen and keratin protein.
  • Acids increase the benefits of badger fat, are responsible for its bactericidal properties.
  • Vitamins are responsible for the activation of protein metabolism. Contribute to the improvement of vision and blood formation processes.

Preventive and healing properties have been tested by centuries of active use of the remedy by healers and healers, confirmed by comprehensive laboratory studies of medical specialists.

Medicinal properties

The elixir, bestowed by nature itself, accelerates the metabolism in the body, increases the number of red blood cells, and normalizes the digestive tract. Biochemical studies have proven a positive effect on human reproductive capabilities.

The concentration of nutrients determines the effectiveness of the healing effect. The most powerful remedy is the one collected in the fall, before the animal enters the hole. It is suitable for outdoor and indoor use.

  • When used internally, this easily digestible natural product improves protein metabolism.
  • Compensates for failures in the formation of enzymes in an exhausted body, activates digestive processes.
  • B vitamins have a beneficial effect on the percentage of hemoglobin.
  • Increases resistance to various pathogens, even to Koch's bacillus, which provokes the development of tuberculosis.
  • Ulcers of the stomach and intestines heal faster. The healing drug protects and envelops the gastrointestinal mucosa, has a wound-healing effect.
  • Omega 3 and Omega 6 acids reduce the amount of cholesterol plaques, which prevents the development of heart diseases: atherosclerosis and thrombosis.
  • It is used to treat infertility, improve the condition of eggs and sperm.
  • Antioxidants in the composition natural remedy strengthen and tone the cells of the dermis, nail plates and hair.

With complex use, a combination of indoor and outdoor use is recommended. Lubrication of the wound surface increases the effect of healing, disinfection and anesthesia. A thin layer of product applied to the skin protects against aggressive external environment.

Application in traditional medicine

The benefits and effectiveness are confirmed by numerous examples. Folk remedies can compete with classical therapy, but even the most effective remedy cannot be considered an absolute panacea. They more reliably improve the patient's condition by combining the intake of forest balsam taken from badgers with drug therapy.
The remedy heals the body weakened or exhausted by the disease. The unique components of the drug restore strength, fill the body with energy.

For skin diseases and injuries

The ability to heal open wounds is in demand in the treatment of skin lesions. During the years of the Great Patriotic War wounded fighters were quickly put on their feet with the help of simple fatty ointments.

From alternative therapy, the condition of trophic ulcers, bedsores improves. Scars and stretch marks fade, almost disappear. Treatment of frostbite, burns, fistulas, acne is painless. The course of atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema is facilitated if external use is accompanied by internal use.

The recipe for healing ointment is extremely simple. Purified fat covers the edges of an open wound or damage several times a day. On deep wounds and injuries, the ointment is applied under a bandage. Treatment of skin lesions is painless and comfortable for patients of any age.

Rubbing is effective for muscle and joint problems: arthrosis, rheumatism, arthritis. Vigorous rubbing or compresses are especially effective after a steam room or a hot bath.
Ointment-rubbing is prepared from 100 grams of fat, 30 grams of jojoba oil. Add drop by drop for aroma and analgesic effect essential oils: rosemary, lavender, mint. The ointment can not be rubbed, but applied in a thick layer, bandaging the sore spot.

For diseases of the cardiovascular system

The use of the product enhances the effectiveness of the fight against cardiological and vascular problems: varicose veins, thrombosis. When ingested, the blood is saturated with healing substances and minerals. Vessels are cleared of cholesterol plaques, the lumen of the vascular bed increases.
The scheme of application is similar to the therapy of problems with the respiratory system or prophylactic use. A dessert spoon of the drug is enough for one meal with a meal.

For diseases of the digestive system

Natural healing ointment heals wounds, is used in the treatment of peptic ulcer, gastritis. The fatty component envelops the mucous membrane of the digestive organs, softens the friction of food pieces and the irritating effect of digestive juices. Medicinal components have a wound healing and bactericidal effect.
With an ulcer, a folk remedy is taken half an hour before a meal and shortly before a night's rest. With ulcerative colitis, when ulcerations form on the walls of the large intestine, a longer interval between taking and eating is required. A single serving is 30 grams.

For respiratory diseases

Badger fat is effective for coughing, pneumonia, laryngitis. The method of recovery is best agreed with the attending physician. The product for strengthening of forces does not replace traditional therapy. Forest elixir complements and enhances the effect of antibiotics.

Amino acids in its composition dilute sputum and remove it from the bronchi, regenerate lung tissue. The bactericidal effect suppresses the vital activity of Koch's bacillus, helping to cope with the tuberculous process in the lungs. With the help of specific food additive even heavy smokers and asthmatics get rid of painful bouts of dry cough.

For treatment, the product is consumed before each full meal. The product is mixed with honey, jam to soften the specific aftertaste. Badger fat is used for coughing for children after the child reaches the age of three. To mask the natural smell, the melted mass is mixed with honey, tea, chocolate. It is useful to drink the drug not with milk, which enhances the formation of sputum, but with a vitamin decoction of berries.

Badger fat cough externally

A small amount of ointment is vigorously rubbed into the skin on the back, chest. Massage and light warming effect increases blood circulation in the lungs. Biologically active substances are absorbed through the skin into the blood, which conveys them to diseased organs. Rubbing the feet with fat gives a good warming and healing effect.

Badger fat cough inside

The Tibetan cough recipe is taken in a complex. It is necessary to combine 100 grams of fat, cocoa, honey. Add 50 grams of aloe, butter, 2 grams of mummy and a gram of propolis. Dilute the composition with a teaspoon of alcohol. It is best to store the composition in the refrigerator. A spoonful of the mixture is diluted in a glass of hot drink and drunk slowly.
Combined, indoor and outdoor use gives the greatest effect. For a fortress vocal cords and preserve the sonority of the voice, spread a piece of bread and eat it before a responsible performance.

Cosmetic application of the product

Cosmetologists add fat mass to various creams that improve skin well-being, rejuvenate dermal cells, strengthen hair follicles and stimulate hair growth.
With the help of badger fat, cosmetologists enrich the skin with vitamins A, B, E, nourish and rejuvenate it. The most effective use of face masks and body creams.

Face masks

Nourishing, rejuvenating and renewing masks can be made at home. The bactericidal properties of the medicinal product help to cope with acne, cleanse the face of inflammation and black spots.

  • Blended with jojoba oil and cocoa, ennobled by the aromas of essential oils, it will moisturize the skin.
  • Badger and fish fat, mixed with honey to obtain a viscous slurry, will refresh and rejuvenate the face and neck.
  • Mixed with almond oil, beeswax, glycerin and a drop of gentle basil oil, it will soften chapped skin.

A large amount of retinol acts as a mild anti-inflammatory and bactericidal agent. Acne, inflammation, abrasions will disappear without a trace if useful masks are used regularly.

Body cream

Nutrients for the body will protect the skin from ultraviolet burns, chapping, frostbite. The unique composition of the creams will help restore hair density, get rid of dry skin on the elbows.

  • Cream with the addition of burdock oil and onion juice will restore the strength and thickness of the hair.
  • For gentle care of hands and feet, a cream made from a mixture of almond oil, wax, glycerin and a few drops of alcohol is useful.
  • Stretch marks on the abdomen and chest will disappear if a cream with the addition of almond oil is regularly rubbed into the skin.

A natural remedy will provide a quick effect. The non-cosmetic smell of a natural product is combated by adding fragrant essential oils.

Contraindications to the use of the drug

With all the effectiveness, natural medicine should be used carefully, taking into account real contraindications and the possibility side effects.

Purified fat mass is easily absorbed if the patient's body is accustomed to the consumption of fats. In the absence of the habit of using them, active treatment can cause indigestion, nausea and even vomiting.

  1. Patients with chronic pancreatitis should not be treated with the product. Reception will only exacerbate the inflammatory process, increase abdominal pain.
  2. Taking a forest drug will cause an exacerbation of liver diseases and disrupt the pancreas. It is the liver and bile gland that is responsible for the breakdown of fats and their absorption. Do not load the internal organs with additional work.
  3. A sign of the appearance of allergic reactions can be skin rashes, urticaria, Quincke's edema. Even minor symptoms should be a signal for the complete rejection of the product containing the allergen in one of the components.

Medical experts do not recommend taking badger fat for pregnant women and young children. In infants, the internal organs are not yet sufficiently formed to digest a pure fat product. The body of pregnant women is already working for two and may not be able to cope with the extra work.

Rules for use and dosage

100% Natural medicinal product not completely safe due to the effect of side effects. Like any other fat, it can cause indigestion. The composition saturated with biologically active substances is a source of allergens.

Caution is needed in the use of a healing agent for children. Up to three years, only external processing is indicated. To get rid of a cold, babies rub their back, chest, feet. Older children are given a little inside, mixed with honey or jam to improve the taste. It is more convenient for schoolchildren to be treated with an encapsulated agent.

  • Children's dose - a third of a teaspoon three times a day.
  • From 6 to 12 years - half a teaspoon.
  • Teenagers - a full spoon.

Before starting therapy, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician, make sure that there are no contraindications and allergic reactions in the baby.

Tips for choosing and buying quality badger fat

Medicinal properties depend on a number of parameters. It is worth buying a product only from a trusted and conscientious seller or contacting pharmacies for a certified drug. In pharmacies, a remedy is sold in capsules from gelatin that dissolves in the stomach. The capsules are easy to take, no more difficult than regular tablets.

The most valuable product is obtained at the end of autumn, when the animals are going to hibernate. The amount of nutrients in the animal's body is as large as possible, and the nutrient supply has not yet been used up during a long winter.

  • For cooking medicinal products use not only subcutaneous, but also internal fat, located on the organs.
  • It is necessary to melt carefully, without exposing the raw material to heating above 100 degrees.
  • Properly prepared fusible mass has a snow-white or pale cream color.
  • The musty smell and bitter-sour taste are a sign of corruption.

Store badger fat in the refrigerator. Shelf life - 2 years. A specific smell can be muffled by mixing a folk remedy with honey, blackcurrant jam, or drinking fat with berry broth.

We have received information about many effective traditional medicines that have long been used in Russia. One of them is badger fat. Given the growing interest in medicines created by nature itself every year, the healing properties of this unique substance should be considered in more detail.

Badger fat - medicinal properties and contraindications

in Siberia and Far East The badger has long been a desirable prey for hunters, as the fur of these animals is able to keep warm in the most severe frosts. In addition, miners lubricated the skin of their hands and face with subcutaneous badger fat to protect themselves from chapping and frostbite. Gradually, people noticed that the fat of these animals is able to heal wounds, and began to use it to treat skin diseases and a number of other diseases. The effect exceeded all expectations and badger fat gradually became one of the most common and versatile traditional medicine.

The badger is a fairly large animal. Some males caught weighed up to 35 kg, although the weight of average specimens is no more than 20 kg. Animals fatten up the most abundant reserves of subcutaneous fat by the beginning of winter, so hunting for a badger in order to get maximum amount fat is most effective in late autumn. For hunting, burrowing dogs are traditionally used, traps are used, or animals are watched and shot near holes late in the evening or at dawn.

When catching and (or) shooting game animals, it is prohibited: the use of standard leg-gripping holding traps with steel arches for catching a wolf, a raccoon dog, a striped raccoon, a lynx, a badger, a pine marten, a sable, an ermine, an otter, a beaver, a muskrat, with the exception of catching wolf in order to regulate its numbers.

Healing properties of badger fat

Numerous written testimonies have come down to us that badger fat was successfully used to treat many diseases several centuries ago. Healers used this product both externally, as part of compresses and rubbing, and internally, mixing with milk or tea. It is worth noting that even then it was noticed that medicinal fat is contraindicated for some patients. . For example, like any other fatty product, this drug worsened the condition of patients suffering from pain in the liver.

Today, scientists have been able to explain medicinal properties badger fat, analyzing its composition in detail. The presence of a significant amount of medicinal substances was found in this natural product:

  • vitamins A, E, PP;
  • the whole complex of water-soluble vitamins of group B;
  • oleic, linolenic and other organic acids;
  • protein enzymes and other enzymes;
  • many essential micronutrients.

What is badger fat good for - what does it help from?

The ability of organic acids to give products bactericidal properties and help with diseases is known. of cardio-vascular system. Taking “beauty vitamins” A and E is useful and dramatically improves the condition of the skin and hairline, and many doctors seriously consider oleic acid as one of the substances that can prevent the appearance and development of oncology. Badger fat has long been successfully used in the treatment of colds, atherosclerosis, diseases of the stomach and intestines, as well as severe pulmonary ailments, including pneumonia, asthma, pleurisy and tuberculosis.

Even traditional medicine practitioners, many of whom are prejudiced against almost all "folk" remedies, recognize the real health benefits of taking this healing fat for the health of people with weakened immune systems and general exhaustion of the body. Clinical studies have confirmed that subcutaneous fat badger lowers blood pressure, stabilizes hormonal levels, increases potency in men and helps women with dysfunctions of the reproductive system.

How to take badger fat - are there any contraindications ?

With the external use of badger fat, problems usually do not arise in patients. The only category of people to whom it is contraindicated even in the form of compresses and rubbing are people who are hypersensitive to this natural drug.

However, while taking badger fat orally (by mouth), care must be taken in all patients. Having bought medicine in capsules at a pharmacy, you should carefully study the instructions for use, and it is even better to consult with your doctor in detail.

Before using badger fat, you should consult a specialist!

It is especially important to study contraindications and seek medical advice for patients with diagnosed diseases of the liver and pancreas, since any fatty substances are a source of increased stress for these organs.

Only a specialist is able to give qualified advice on how to properly take badger fat for people of one age or another, explain whether it can be taken by children and pregnant women. Even so powerful medicine, given to man by nature, requires an attentive and reasonable attitude.

Badger fat is an indispensable thing, it is used in various areas of traditional medicine. Since it is an environmentally friendly natural product, it is now gaining more and more popularity among supporters of alternative medicine. Its magical properties have long been known to healers, and how badger fat can be used in today's everyday life will be discussed in this article.

What is this remedy? Badger fat has a characteristic White color and a very faint but specific smell. Its consistency is creamy if stored in the refrigerator, and liquid if it is at room temperature.

But it is valued not for its appearance, but for its beneficial properties for the human body, which exist due to the unusually rich chemical composition of fat.

This composition is formed before the hibernation of the badger and is designed to deliver all the necessary nutrients to it during the winter, while also warming it well. In this regard, badger fat contains vitamin A, many B vitamins, unsaturated fatty acids and many macro- and microelements.

It is clear that vitamins are known to everyone and there is no particular point in writing about their benefits, but these so-called “unsaturated” acids are already more interesting. The fact is that our body itself is not able to produce them and we need to get them from a certain nutritional source (in this case we are talking about linolenic and linoleic acids). So, it is badger fat that contains them, for which it has been appreciated for a long time. Surprisingly, for all its “usefulness”, badger fat is not considered a medicine.

Based chemical composition, we can distinguish the following beneficial features badger fat:

  • activation and strengthening of the immune system;
  • improvement of protein metabolism;
  • normalization of work gastrointestinal tract;
  • cleansing the body of harmful bacteria;
  • increase in the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • improvement of hair and nail growth, as well as the condition of the skin;
  • relieving pain in the joints and spine.

After identifying the beneficial properties, you can consider the directions for the use of badger fat. Often it is used by different groups of people, regardless of gender and age, for medical and cosmetic purposes.


In cosmetology, this fat is used primarily to improve the condition of the skin (the fight against wrinkles, skin aging, to give it firmness and elasticity), which applies not only to the face and neck, but also to the skin of the upper and lower extremities. It also helps to fight varicose veins, which, in principle, can also be attributed to the cosmetology direction.

IN traditional medicine is used in the treatment of a wide range of diseases:

  • with dystrophy and exhaustion of the body (helps to quickly gain weight and is well absorbed);
  • with respiratory diseases (tonsillitis, bronchitis, colds, asthma, etc.);
  • with problems of the digestive tract (colitis, gastritis, ulcers);
  • with cardiovascular diseases (thrombosis, atherosclerosis);
  • with problems of the genitourinary system and urinary tract (this applies not only to men, but also to women).

This is not the whole list of diseases that can be fought with badger fat, but the directions are indicated.

Of course, there are no contraindications anywhere, but I would like to note that they are minimal.


Firstly, the intake of badger fat is prohibited for pregnant and lactating women and children under three years of age.

Otherwise, the cases are individual: you can not take it with acute cholelithiasis, pancreatitis, problems with the liver and gallbladder.

And of course, it is necessary to take into account a possible allergic reaction and individual intolerance.

During the intake of badger fat, it is necessary to monitor your well-being, if signs of an allergy appear, the intake should be stopped. As you can see, the list of contraindications is really small and looks insignificant compared to the advantages of badger fat.

Badger fat for children and pregnant women

In contraindications to these cases, his ingestion was meant. However, the external use of fat is allowed and encouraged. Children under three years of age can rub the chest and back up to three times a day.

And pregnant and lactating women can make their own masks and creams for skin and hair, nothing more. For example, against tightness and dryness of the skin of the face, it is advised to make a mixture of fish and badger oils in equal proportions and apply for 20 minutes. Then simply rinse with warm water.

Let's get back to the kids. From the age of three, they can already consume badger fat in moderation.

It is mainly given to children as a cure for bronchitis, coughs and pneumonia. It is best to drink fat with tea. You can also mix it with something sweet: jam or honey. It doesn’t matter which recipe the parents choose, the dosage for feeding badger fat to a child is standard and depends on his age:

  • 3-4 years: 1/3 tsp fat;
  • 4-6 years old: half a teaspoon;
  • 7-10 years: 1 tsp fat;
  • 11-14 years: up to two teaspoons.

Parents should adhere to these norms so that the treatment of the child does not go to the detriment of his body.

Below are a few brief instructions for the use of badger fat for specific diseases for an adult.

Application and recipes for diseases

For cough and bronchitis

It is necessary to consume one tablespoon of fat half an hour before meals three times a day.

In this case, the recovery of health will come quite quickly, up to five days, but you should not stop treatment so quickly, it is better to undergo treatment for a couple more days for preventive purposes.

in the treatment of tuberculosis

There are two ways of ingestion:

  • Mix 100 g of honey with 100 g of badger fat and add 50 g of aloe juice, pre-chilled in the refrigerator for three days. It is recommended to take the mixture half an hour before meals, 1 tbsp. three times a day.
  • Cognac tincture can be prepared as follows: scroll 10 lemons together with the zest in a meat grinder, add a liter of melted badger fat, a liter of honey and half a liter of cognac. Mix the whole thing well and pour a dozen eggs into it. Leave alone for five days, and after this time, mash the eggshell, mix everything again and take 1/3 cup a day.

For ulcers and gastritis

It is advised to use badger fat once a day - on an empty stomach in the morning, one tablespoon a day, and then for two hours you can not eat or drink anything.

Lungs' cancer

With such a serious illness, badger fat can also be useful: just mix it in equal proportions, aloe juice, honey and cognac. Take three times a day half an hour before meals, 1 tbsp.

To improve immunity

For example, after suffering a disease or just to keep the body in shape, you can use this option for consuming badger fat:

Mix 100 g with the same amount of honey and walnuts crushed in a meat grinder. To this mass add 50 g of dried apricots and the same amount of raisins.

The resulting remedy is used once a day for a month. Adult dosage - 1 tbsp, children's - 1 tsp.

Outdoor use

Above were examples of the most common diseases and methods of dealing with them using badger fat. But they all involve ingestion. The possibilities of the beneficial properties of fat do not end there. Next, the conversation will focus on the methods of its external application.

Here it is worth understanding in what cases it can help to recover and how. There are two ways to apply this medicine: lubrication or applying a compress. In what cases should they be used?

  1. Applying a compress with badger fat is usually recommended for people with arthritis, sciatica or osteochondrosis.
  2. Lubrication of the affected areas is usually advised for skin diseases (psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, etc.).

But, for example, wounds and burns can be treated with any of these methods of your choice. Rubbing the body is commonly used for colds and muscle pain. Below is an example of a recipe for a warming ointment, just used for rubbing.

Preparation of ointment from badger fat

The basis of the ointment is badger fat with the addition of essential oils.

For its preparation you will need:

100 g of fat, 30 ml of complaint oil (can be replaced with wheat germ oil), 10 drops of lavender oil, 10 drops of rosemary oil, 5 drops of tea tree oil.

Badger fat must be melted before mixing with other components.

For ear diseases (otitis media)

Treatment of ear diseases, for example, otitis, can also be attributed to external methods.

In this case, it is proposed to mix chicken and badger fat and pour the mixture with fresh onion juice. All ingredients are taken in a ratio of 1:1:1, respectively.

Dig the affected ear with the resulting solution.

With psoriasis

Serious skin diseases, for example, psoriasis, can also be treated with a folk remedy, you need to mix badger fat and beaver stream in equal proportions and lubricate the affected skin with it.

In this case, fat will relieve inflammation and eliminate peeling.

Temperature drop

If it is not possible to bring down the temperature with pills, you can try to rub your feet with badger fat and put on warm socks. Thus, the body temperature will gradually decrease.

With bronchial asthma

Asthmatics are also recommended rubbing. The chest should be lubricated with badger fat, rubbing it in a circular motion. In principle, it is not forbidden to take it inside, but here one must carefully consider a possible allergic reaction. If honey is in any recipe, and a person is allergic to it, then this component is replaced with a rosehip broth.

Video about the use of badger fat

The use of badger fat in cosmetology

If we are already talking about the external use of badger fat, then I would like to digress a little from serious diseases and talk about cosmetology. As it was said at the very beginning, it can be used to make creams and masks not only for the face, but also for the neck, hands and hair.

Consider several options for using badger fat:

For the skin of the hands

Here it is suggested to make your own cream.

To do this, you need 1 tsp. lecithin pour 30 ml of vodka and leave to infuse for 10 hours. Then melt 50 ml of fat and add 10 g of beeswax and 25 g of almond oil to it. Continue to cook over low heat. Add the resulting lecithin tincture and turn off the stove. Pour about 20 drops of tea tree oil into the mixture and mix everything well.

The cream is ready, it can be applied not only on the hands, but also on the legs. Softens the skin very well.

For the skin of the face and neck

In fact, there are a lot of recipes for masks for these areas, it all depends on the type of skin and the desired result.

Here is an example for normal and combined.

To prepare it, you need to melt 20 g of dark chocolate with a cocoa content of 70% and dilute it with 1 tsp. fat. Apply the mixture on the face or neck for ten minutes, then simply rinse with warm water.

For hair

Here, too, there are a lot of options, but it makes sense to choose a recipe with the fewest ingredients.

The recipe for making a mask that promotes hair growth is simple:

You need to take the pulp of green pomegranate without bones and heat it with badger fat. When the mass has cooled, pour olive oil. Take all ingredients in a ratio of 1:1:1.

By the way, with baldness you can use pure fat, simply applying it to problem areas. Then put a plastic bag over your head and wrap a towel on top.

To get rid of varicose veins

There can be a lot of options for the composition of such a mixture, the following will be given here:

A succession, alder cones, plantain, clover color, celandine, coltsfoot, mullein color. Mix everything in equal proportions and pour 100 ml of boiling water. Slightly boil, about five minutes, and then add 75 g of badger fat and the same amount of any vegetable oil. Mix everything, let cool and you can use.

Spread the place with the varicose vein with the resulting mixture, not sparing it, wrap it with a bandage in several layers, then with polyethylene and, finally, secure with a bandage.

It is recommended to change this simple dressing three times a day, and put the resulting ointment in the refrigerator for storage. The composition is well stored, so you can cook it immediately for a couple of days, increasing the number of ingredients, but keeping their proportions.

To lubricate lips

It's no secret that in cold windy weather, lips begin to peel off, crack and look bad. And lubrication with badger fat will help protect them from bad weather and soften them well.

For weight loss

The most interesting thing is that in order to lose weight, badger fat is not taken inside, but wrapping with a pure product without any additives is recommended.

In a pharmacy, you can buy not only badger fat itself, but also ready-made cosmetics based on it. For example, hygienic lipsticks, rubbing oils, creams, syrups, etc.

Of course, the composition of the product itself is a controversial point, because it is not 100% fat. There will definitely be supplements. But the question immediately arises, is it worth buying such a tool?

First of all, before buying, you need to go over the composition of the product with your eyes. If there are a large number of chemical components present, it is better to refuse such a purchase, because most likely the badger fat itself no longer has any useful properties.

If there is no confidence in the producers of such cosmetics at all, then you can use the above recipes and prepare the desired product yourself.

Badger fat with honey

I would like to separately consider a mixture of badger fat with honey. The fact is that it, already prepared, can be purchased at a pharmacy. Usually it is made up of badger fat and honey in a ratio of 3: 1, respectively.

Such a product is not produced in vain, since both of these components are present in most folk recipes, and honey also makes the taste of fat more tolerable and even pleasant. Its dosages in pure use for both adults and children have been changed to large ones, since their fat content is not so high.

For children:

  • 3-4 years: 1 tsp facilities;
  • 4-6 years: 1.5 tsp facilities;
  • 7 years: 2 tsp facilities.

For an adult, the dosage depends on body weight. So

  • with a weight of 50 to 80 kg, it is recommended to take 1 tsp,
  • with a mass of 80 kg and above - 1 tbsp.

Reception in the indicated quantities three times a day before meals.

In severe pulmonary diseases and in diseases of the stomach, it is advised not to take badger fat with honey. longer than a month. Then you need to take a break for a few weeks. You can use it in many recipes, below will be an example of the preparation of a universal remedy for internal and external use:

Universal Recipe

Mix 300 g of badger fat with honey with 100 g of cocoa, add 50 g of butter and 50 g of fresh aloe pulp. Then it is recommended to pour a few grams of mummy extract into the mixture and pour in a couple of drops of 94% medical alcohol. Everything is kneaded until the mass becomes homogeneous.

For oral administration, you need to dissolve 1 tbsp. the received funds in a glass of warm tea or milk and drink before meals in small sips.

For rubbing, you need a ready-made mixture in a volume of 1 tsp. dilute in water and apply to the surface of the body.

Badger fat capsules

On sale, badger fat can look different: have a creamy consistency in a bottle or be further processed and sold in capsules.

For children, the rules for taking capsules are different: they can only be given two pieces. In this case, the first is eaten half an hour before meals, and the second - before bedtime. As in the case of the use of pure fat, capsules should not be given to children under three years of age.

The undoubted advantages of badger fat in capsules are ease of use and the absence of taste and smell.

How to choose a quality product

The fact that badger fat is a necessary and useful thing was told and proved in the course of the article. But the main thing to do before you start using it is to purchase a quality product and be able to keep it at home.

It is better to buy fat, of course, in a pharmacy. The fact is that fat must undergo some cleaning and preparation procedures before packaging, and if it is needed for ingestion, then it is not worth the risk.

Organoleptic indicators of ordinary badger fat were given at the very beginning of the article when describing the product. However, you can also add that the smell should not be sour, rancid, and the color should not be yellow. These signs indicate that the fat is spoiled, and if a freshly acquired product looks like this, then the technology of its heating was most likely violated.

How to store

Storing badger fat at home is a simple matter. From the date of issue, the shelf life lasts up to two years. The main thing is to put it in a dark, cold place, for example, on the lower shelves of the refrigerator. There are no other storage recommendations. If you managed to spoil the badger fat, then you should not try to use it, but you should simply throw it away. Because otherwise there is a huge risk of getting serious food poisoning.

Here is such an interesting folk remedy, this badger fat. It does not apply to medicines, but the range of its use in medicine is really wide. Of course, before you start using it, it is better to consult a doctor, despite a small list of contraindications.

To summarize, we can once again note the richness of the chemical composition and useful properties of this product, as well as the possibility of its use by all groups of people, if not internally, then externally. So it makes sense to try badger fat in any convenient form, not only to treat a particular disease, but simply to increase and strengthen immunity.

Badger fat is a unique folk remedy, which is distinguished by its composition, which is almost never found in nature. The healing properties of badger fat have been known to folk medicine for many years, and in modern world they are still often used in the treatment of many diseases.

The healing properties of fat

Useful properties of badger fat are formed due to the natural state of the body of these animals. Before they fall into hibernation, their body stores all the useful substances in fat, and in a state of suspended animation, animals can provide themselves with all the necessary elements. But how is this product useful for the human body, are there any contraindications for use? As a rule, badger fat applied externally or internally. Its use helps to get rid of various health problems, such as:

As a rule, in the insert for packages of simple rendered badger fat, different ways applications appropriate to the disease. To solve the problems of the gastrointestinal tract, improve immunity, cure a dry cough, a folk remedy must be taken orally without any additives or with milk, as indicated in the instructions.

During treatment pneumonia, bronchitis or colds the product is rubbed into the chest area to achieve a warming effect. To heal wounds, badger fat must be applied twice a day, after washing the damaged area of ​​the body, enhancing the healing properties of fat.

The use of badger fat

This natural product can cure many diseases. The benefits of badger fat for the human body have been known to traditional medicine for hundreds of years, while they do not lose their relevance at the present time. How to use the remedy in a particular case will depend on the form of release and the specific disease.

Application for various diseases and situations:

During pregnancy, it is not recommended to use fat, as its effect on female body not fully explored during this period. But some experts argue that the main benefit for pregnant women lies in the immunostimulating properties of this remedy, which are so necessary during pregnancy.

In addition, fat is also used in cosmetology. On its basis, creams are made for the skin of the face, hands, as well as the whole body. Ointments with badger fat are treated for acne, allergic rashes, dryness and redness. Quite often, formulations based on badger fat are used for rejuvenation. The secret lies in the antioxidant composition of this remedy. On the basis of badger fat, not only creams are made, but also masks. And the price of such funds will pleasantly surprise you.

Use in preventive measures

As mentioned earlier, lard is mined during the period when badgers are preparing for hibernation. Badger meat, by the way, can be eaten. It is at this time that they accumulate the maximum amount of nutrients.

Scientists have also found that the fat deposits of these hibernating animals can develop immunity to snake venom, they are able to remove decay products, salts of heavy metals, and also perfectly strengthen the immune system.

But how to use this remedy for prevention purposes? As a rule, badger fat is recommended to drink in its pure form, one tablespoon per day. However, before prophylactic administration, it is recommended to consult a specialist, as well as learn about contraindications.

Badger fat contraindications

Despite the fact that badger fat is a very useful remedy, it also has some contraindications. In the instructions for use, you can see how this tool can work. At the same time, there contraindications are indicated, which are as follows:

  • Chronic pancreatitis. People who suffer from pancreatitis lack enzymes that break down lipids.
  • Violation of the liver. If the liver is very weak, then the fat will be too heavy for it.
  • Violation of the bile ducts. The use of the product can lead to a violation of the breakdown and absorption of lipids.
  • Violation of the gastrointestinal tract. Absolutely any strong load on the work of the gastrointestinal tract will fail the whole body.

In addition, it is worth noting that badger fat is strongly not recommended for children up to 6 years due to the fact that the remedy gives a strong load on the liver and digestive system. In this case, the harm may be greater than the expected benefit. For the same reason, some experts do not recommend taking funds to pregnant women, as well as nursing mothers. It is also worth remembering that such medications people have individual intolerance, especially those who live in areas where these animals do not live, and who have never eaten the fat of this animal.

The cost of funds

The cost of badger fat will depend on the form of release. As a rule, the price of capsules is from 120 to 300 rubles. In a clean bottle, this remedy costs from 400 to 500 rubles. for 250 ml. If you need in large numbers fat for making creams, masks at home, then the product is best purchased in online stores, where a liter of rendered lard will cost you 2000 rubles. But here you will not be able to distinguish a natural product from a fake.

Creams made on the basis of this composition are distinguished by their low price, their cost is from 100 rubles. for one tube of 30 ml. They can also be ordered at a low cost in specialized stores.

Release form

Badger fat can be released in capsules, as an ointment, creams or pure.

If we talk about capsules, then the properties folk remedy remain the same, but at the same time do not bring any inconvenience, unpleasant sensations. Fat in capsules is suitable for those people who often face stress and need to support the body from the inside. In this form, the remedy is recommended for children. Capsules are able to enrich the body with fat-soluble vitamins, saturate it with useful lipids and essential amino acids.

In addition, fat in capsules is able to nourish the body with B vitamins, tocopherol, carotene. The tool also has a strong tonic effect on the children's body. Badger fat in capsules strengthens the immune system, and also resists hypothermia and the effects of various viruses.

For external use, ointments are most often used, which can be purchased at a pharmacy at an affordable price. Such ointments are a real salvation for many mothers. They are used for the prevention, treatment of colds, pneumonia, bronchitis and severe cough. The ointment is made on the basis of natural rendered badger fat, but it has a milder effect and a minimum of side effects for the child's body.

Creams based on badger fat are an indispensable savior in many home medicine cabinets, as the healing properties have a positive effect on both children and adults. Balms are most often used to remove swelling of muscles and joints, with a runny nose, the balm is applied to the sinuses. When hypothermia, badger balm is applied to the chest and feet.

The balm also has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. It relieves tension in the muscles, improving blood circulation. Balms are advised by experts to use in preventive measures for those people who have a predisposition to frequent colds and hypothermia. Balms made on the basis of badger fat relieve fatigue in the joints, improve tissue microcirculation, enrich the joints with vitamins, essential amino acids and minerals.


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