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Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

Bright and tasty raspberry jelly, the recipe for which I invite you to read, seems to be specially created for a cozy summer evening. It’s so nice to sit on the veranda of your dacha with a portion of this dessert and talk with your family about nothing. Just sit and enjoy the summer, the warmth, the company of your loved ones and a delicious delicacy that is so easy to prepare.

To make jelly with raspberries you will need:

- raspberries (fresh or frozen) – 400-500 g;
- purified water – 300-500 ml;
- granulated sugar – 4-5 tbsp. l. (to taste);
- instant gelatin – 15-20 g.

Recipe with photos step by step:

1. If the berries are frozen, then defrost them. Fresh - just rinse and drain. Set aside some of the raspberries (about 100 g). Place the rest of the raspberries in a saucepan. Add sugar. You can add a little vanilla to regular sugar if desired. Or sprinkle the seeds from half a vanilla pod into the future jelly.

By the way, with this berry it turns out simply mind-blowing.

2. Fill with purified water. Not necessarily boiled, just filtered.

3. Place on medium heat. Bring to a boil. Stirring occasionally, cook for about 10-15 minutes. Strain the raspberry broth and let it cool slightly. The cake is not included in the recipe, so you can eat it or throw it away.

4. Pour a little raspberry broth into a separate container. Add gelatin. Wait for it to swell. Heat the raspberry-gelatin mass over low heat until it becomes homogeneous. Strain through the finest strainer so that not a single grain of gelatin spoils delicate taste raspberry jelly. Add the dissolved gelatin to the rest of the raspberry broth.

5. Place the previously set aside fresh raspberries into the jelly molds. I like to make raspberry jelly (like, in principle, any other) in silicone molds, because it is very convenient to remove the finished treat from them.

6. Pour in the still liquid jelly. Cool completely and refrigerate for several hours until completely set. When the raspberry jelly has hardened, prepare a large container with hot water. Place the jelly molds in water for a few seconds. Remove and invert over plates or saucers. Silicone molds can be turned out slightly, so the treat will “pop out” even easier. Garnish the dessert with fresh berries and mint. Using the same principle, you can make jelly from other berries or fruits.

One of my favorite raspberry recipes for the winter is jelly. No, of course, it’s very tasty, but the bones that come across in it sometimes spoil the pleasure somewhat. This is why I really like seedless raspberry jelly for the winter. And I also have to admit to you that I don’t like long recipes - I always want to do everything quickly and easily.

And in this regard, this preparation is more than satisfactory to me: raspberry jelly for the winter has a simple recipe that you don’t have to tinker with in the kitchen for a long time. Don't expect it to be straight marmalade that you can cut with a knife, far from it. But raspberry jelly prepared according to this recipe will hold its shape perfectly. In its composition you will not find any gelling additives - only raspberries themselves and sugar, in equal proportions.

But thanks to a certain method of adding sugar to raspberry juice, raspberry jelly for the winter turns out to be quite thick and very beautiful. For a morning toast with a cup aromatic coffee This blank will fit just perfectly! You can also use this jelly in baking, as a filling for pies, for example. If I’ve interested you, I’ll be happy to tell you in more detail how to make raspberry jelly for the winter.


  • 1 kg raspberries;
  • 1 kg sugar;
  • 2 teaspoons lemon juice;
  • 100 ml water.

How to make raspberry jelly for the winter:

We sort the raspberries, remove leaves, twigs and sepals. To make jelly, you can choose raspberries that are not the same size, crushed. We remove only the rotten one and the one with the wormhole. Place a small portion (about 0.5 kg) of raspberries in a colander and lower it into a container of cold water. Remove the colander from the water and leave the raspberries in it for 10 minutes to drain excess moisture. If you have raspberries from your own garden and you haven’t treated them with anything, you don’t need to rinse them.

To prepare jelly, you should take a stainless steel pan with a thick bottom. In an enamel pan, the jelly will stick to the bottom and burn. Pour water into a saucepan and add raspberries.

Place on low heat and bring to a boil under the lid. Boil the raspberries over low heat, covered, for 5-10 minutes until all the berries are softened.

Place the raspberries in a fine mesh colander and grind them. If you don’t have a fine-mesh colander, you can grind the raspberries through a sieve or strain through cheesecloth. The main thing is that the raspberry seeds do not get into the jelly.

Pour the raspberry juice into a saucepan and put on fire.

Bring the juice to a boil over high heat, add lemon juice and 1/5 of the sugar (that is, 200 g). Stir and cook for 5 minutes. Then add sugar again, mix and cook. Cook until all the sugar is poured into the raspberries.

Continuing to cook the raspberry jelly over low heat, take 1 tablespoon of jelly and pour it onto a plate. Place the plate in the refrigerator. If the jelly hardens after 5 minutes, it is ready. So, it takes about 30 minutes to cook the jelly. If the jelly does not set, continue cooking for another 5 minutes and check again. But usually after 30 minutes of cooking the jelly hardens perfectly.

We remove the foam.

We thoroughly wash the jelly jars with water and soda and sterilize them. We also wash the lids with soda and boil for 4-5 minutes. Wipe the prepared jars and lids dry. We fill the jars with jelly to the very top.

Raspberry jelly is not only tasty, but also a healthy dish, loved since childhood, because raspberries are simply a storehouse of elements valuable for the human body, raspberry jelly can be prepared either from fresh berries or using frozen or canned ones and you can enjoy this wonderful delicacy all the time year.

How to make raspberry jelly.

Rich in pectin content, which has the ability to thicken a dish without adding gelatin, and regardless of the recipe chosen, there are general steps for its preparation.

Any fruit and berry jelly is canned food, which means the first necessary action before preparation is washing and sterilizing the jars. ready-made dish. The raspberry product does not require any separate recommendations for preparing containers for preservation; it is enough to boil the jars for 15–20 minutes and dry thoroughly.

Let's start making raspberry jelly

In parallel with boiling the container for raspberry jelly, you can begin to wash the berries. You can get juice from berries the old fashioned way: by squeezing it from softened fruits. If you have a blender or juicer, the process will be greatly simplified.

After the juice for the raspberry jelly is ready, you should start making berry puree. To do this, you need to simmer the raw materials over low heat for ten minutes without covering the pan with a lid, then increase the heat to medium and continue cooking until the remaining berry lumps are completely softened.

Carefully straining the resulting food through several layers of gauze is an important point for obtaining pure nectar without the presence of berry sediment or stone waste.

Now it’s time to sweeten the semi-finished product. You need to add sugar to the puree at a rate of 1 to 1, depending on what kind of raspberries the jelly is made from: fresh, defrosted or canned. If there is no need for the sweetness of the product, you can reduce the sugar dose, but not go beyond the proportion of ¾ sweetener to 1.

After adding granulated sugar, the mixture must be boiled in order to completely dissolve the sugar in the dessert. This process should take place over low heat, with control and constant stirring of the puree. Having brought the food to a boil, it needs to be cooked for another 5 minutes, observing the consistency. After the sugar has dissolved, reduce the heat to low and simmer the dish for 10 - 15 minutes, without allowing the product to boil. If it is not possible to constantly monitor the process, it can be carried out in a steam bath.

Mandatory check to see if the prepared raspberry jelly thickens

The next stage is to check the thickening of the semi-finished product for raspberry jelly. To do this, scoop up the mixture with a spoon and, raising it higher above the pan, pour the almost finished raspberry jelly back. From viscosity to at this stage The duration of further preparation depends. If the raspberry jelly substance is not jelly at all and is too liquid, you should continue cooking, remembering that hot food always thickens a little when it cools. Having brought the jelly to the desired consistency, it can be poured into sterile jars.

If desired, raspberry jelly can be consumed the very next day; the jars can be closed with plastic lids and stored in the refrigerator.

Popular recipes for making raspberry jelly.

1. The most common proportion of ingredients for delicious raspberry jelly is:

  • Juice – 200 ml.
  • Granulated sugar – 350 gr.

2. Dessert for festive table in the form of raspberry jelly can be prepared quickly, but using gelatin.

  • Fruit juice – 200 ml.
  • Sugar – 100 gr.
  • Boiled water – 1 glass.
  • Gelatin – 10 gr.

Dilute the thickener in cold water and leave for one hour to swell. Then drain the remaining liquid and add 50 grams of boiling water. Mix the gelatin mass with berry juice and sugar, stirring the product thoroughly. Pour into beautiful glasses or special molds, the raspberry jelly just needs to thicken. To transfer the finished result to a plate, the container should be slightly heated in hot water and carefully turn it over onto a saucer.

3.Jelly from frozen raspberries.

  • Raspberries – 350 gr.
  • Sugar – 5 tbsp. spoons
  • Gelatin – 25 gr.
  • Lemon juice – 2 tbsp. spoons.

Thaw the raspberries and strain, dilute the resulting juice with boiled water. Dilute the gelatin contents in water and leave for 5 minutes to swell. At this time, the nectar should be sugared and the dish should be brought to a boil over low heat. Remove the raspberry jelly from the heat and add the swollen gelatin, stirring until completely dissolved. The final stage is adding lemon juice and pouring into molds.

4. Jelly from canned raspberries.

  • Jam – 400 gr.
  • Granulated sugar – 200 gr.
  • Water - 4 glasses.
  • Gelatin – 50 gr.

To prepare jelly, raspberry jam must be mixed with boiling water, stirred and strained. Thin the gelatin in water and let it brew for 60 minutes. Add sugar to the diluted jam and boil the syrup for ten minutes over low heat. Cool the finished product to 40 - 50 degrees and mix it with the thickener, thoroughly mixing the ingredients. Pour into molds and refrigerate. Bon appetit, enjoy the extraordinary taste of raspberry jelly, now you know how to prepare it at any time of the year.
You can also prepare many delicious and varied dishes from raspberries.

If you like raspberry jelly for the winter, then I will share with you a simple recipe for making it without sterilization. If the raspberries are not digested, the jelly will turn out to be a bright ruby ​​color and the consistency will be thick.

In winter, raspberry preparations will help cope with colds and flu; this is the healthiest jam that is easy to prepare at home.

It will take 60 minutes to prepare. The ingredients indicated in the recipe will yield 4 jars of 0.65 l each.


  • raspberries – 2 kg;
  • sugar – 2.5 kg.

How to make raspberry jelly for the winter

We sort the raspberries, remove spoiled berries, stalks and leaves. Pour into a basin cold water, add table salt at the rate of one teaspoon of salt per liter of water. Place the berries in the saline solution and leave for 10 minutes. If there are raspberry beetle larvae in the berries, they will float to the surface.

Then place the raspberries in a sieve and rinse with running water.

Place clean berries in a saucepan with a wide, thick bottom, lightly press with a spoon or potato masher to release the juice.

Place the saucepan on the stove, close the lid and bring the berry mass to a boil over medium heat, cook for 15-20 minutes.

Strain the hot raspberries through a fine sieve. If the seeds still pass through the cells, you can additionally strain the resulting syrup through cheesecloth.

Nothing bad will happen if a few raspberry seeds get into the jelly, the texture will be more varied.

Mix the pureed mass with granulated sugar, stir until the sugar is completely dissolved and put the saucepan back on the fire.

Boil the jelly over low heat for 15-20 minutes, shake and shake the bowl so that the foam collects in the center. Remove the foam with a spoon.

We sterilize the jelly jars over steam and put the lids in boiling water.

Pour the hot raspberry jelly into warm jars and cover with a clean cloth or gauze so that it cools to room temperature.

Raspberries are loved not only for their taste, but also for their unique aroma. Jelly rolled up from raspberries for the winter will remind you of summer in the cold. The berry is rich in vitamins and has beneficial substances that help fight colds, which is especially important in the autumn-winter period.

Features of making raspberry jelly

There are some secrets that you need to pay attention to when preparing preparations:

  1. Raspberries are a very tender berry. Collection must be carried out in dry weather. Pick only firm and ripe berries. Overripe raspberries will fall off the bush.
  2. The berry is medium jelly, so to make jelly you need to add gelatin or pectin.
  3. Raspberries are not washed before cooking.

How to choose berries

If you plan to purchase raspberries on the market, you need to carefully inspect the berries. They should be a rich crimson color, dry and elastic, and have a pleasant aroma. If the berries give off a sour or fermented smell, then most likely they were collected a long time ago or are already overripe.

It would be useful to find out where the berries were collected. You can use a dosimeter to check your radiation levels.

Raspberries do not require special preparation. Before cooking, just pour it onto a towel and remove the leaves.

How to make raspberry jelly at home

There are a large number of ways to make jelly.

A simple recipe for the winter, step-by-step instructions


  • raspberries – 1 kilogram;
  • sugar – 1 kilogram;
  • water – 1 glass.

Cooking instructions:

  1. Prepare raspberries. Sort through and remove small particles that fall into the container during collection. If the raspberries are dirty, you can rinse them.
  2. Make syrup: place raspberries in a container, add water and boil over low heat for 5 minutes.
  3. Strain and add sugar. Boil for an hour.
  4. Remove the foam as it forms.
  5. Pour a few spoons of jelly into a cup and cool. This is necessary with do to check the readiness of the workpiece. If the jelly hardens, it is ready.
  6. Pour into desired containers and seal tightly.
  7. Let cool at room temperature.

"Five Minute"

This recipe is unique in that the jelly is prepared very quickly. The taste remains virtually unchanged since a small amount of sugar is required.

Product List:

  • berries – 1 kilogram;
  • sugar – 500 grams.

Cooking method:

  1. Sort the raspberries; this must be done if the berries were purchased at the market. Do not wash.
  2. Place in an enamel container in layers, sprinkling each layer with sugar.
  3. Let sit for 2 hours so that the raspberries release their juice.
  4. Next, heat over low heat.
  5. When the raspberries release a lot of juice, strain using cheesecloth or a sieve. The raspberry seeds are also removed in the process.
  6. Bring to a boil over low heat. Boil for 5 minutes.
  7. Collect foam.
  8. Fill the jars with syrup and seal.
  9. Turn upside down and cover.

This is an incredibly healthy jam, especially during cold season.

With agar-agar

This is a useful natural substance that has a beneficial effect on the digestive system.


  • raspberries – 600 grams;
  • agar-agar – 1 tablespoon;
  • sugar – 400 grams.

Cooking method:

  1. Sort through the berries and remove leaves and other small particles.
  2. Grind the raspberries using a metal sieve, removing the seeds.
  3. Pour the mixture into a bowl and add sugar.
  4. Boil sugar filling. To do this, boil the ingredients. Remove any foam that appears.
  5. Mix agar-agar powder with sugar. Gradually pour into the boiling mixture, stirring constantly.
  6. Boil for no more than 10 minutes.
  7. Distribute into containers and roll up.
  8. Cover with a blanket and leave to cool.



  • raspberries – 1.2 kilograms;
  • sugar – 1.5 kilograms;
  • water – 2 glasses.

Cooking method:

  1. Place the berries in a stainless steel bowl and boil for 20 minutes.
  2. To remove seeds, grind through a sieve or squeeze in gauze.
  3. Add sugar to the resulting mass and boil again.
  4. Cool and repeat the procedure.
  5. Check readiness.
  6. Pour into jars and seal tightly.

With gelatin


  • berries – 1 kilogram;
  • sugar – 1.5 kilograms;
  • water – 300 milliliters;
  • gelatin – 5 grams;
  • citric acid – 5 grams or lemon juice.


  1. Pour gelatin with warm water and leave to swell. The exact dosage is indicated on the packaging.
  2. Cover the berries with sugar and let stand for a while.
  3. Boil over medium heat for 15 minutes.
  4. Add citric acid or a few drops of lemon juice and gelatin.
  5. Boil for 10 minutes, stirring continuously with a wooden spoon.
  6. Pour the boiling mixture into jars and seal tightly.
  7. Turn upside down and cover with a warm cloth. Let cool.

With currant juice


  • raspberries – 500 grams;
  • currants – 500 grams;
  • sugar – 400 grams;
  • water – 1 glass.

Cooking method:

  1. The jelly is transparent and has a rich color if you take red currants.
  2. Sort the raspberries and rinse the red currants along with the branches.
  3. Place everything in a bowl, add a glass of water and steam under the lid.
  4. The temperature will cause the berries to crack and give a lot of juice; remove from heat.
  5. Cool quickly by immersing the container in cold water.
  6. Mash the berries using a masher.
  7. After this, strain through a sieve.
  8. Boil the juice until the mass is reduced by half.
  9. Add sugar and stir.
  10. Boil, let cool slightly and boil again.
  11. Remove from heat and fill prepared container.
  12. Seal tightly.

With cream


  • raspberries – 200 grams;
  • sugar – 50 grams;
  • gelatin – 5 grams;
  • cream 33% – 50 grams;
  • powdered sugar – 10 grams.

Cooking list:

  1. Pour gelatin with warm water and let stand.
  2. Sort the raspberries and squeeze out the juice.
  3. Heat the gelatin in a water bath until completely dissolved and pour raspberry juice into it.
  4. Pour into containers.
  5. Add powder to the cream and mix.
  6. Pour cream over the cooled jelly and refrigerate.

No cooking

Raspberry jelly without cooking is a healthy treat that children love.


  • raspberries – 1 kilogram;
  • sugar – 700 grams.
  • gelatin – 5 grams.

Cooking method:

  1. Sort the berries and rinse. Spread on a towel and let dry.
  2. Pour gelatin with water and let it swell. After this, completely dissolve it in a water bath.
  3. Squeeze out the juice using gauze folded in several layers.
  4. Add sugar and wait until it is completely dissolved.
  5. Pour the juice into containers and refrigerate.

Raspberry and orange puff jelly


  • raspberries – 100 grams;
  • orange - 1 piece;
  • sour cream – 100 grams;
  • gelatin – 5 grams;
  • sugar and water.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour gelatin with water and leave to swell.
  2. Sort the berries and squeeze out the juice.
  3. Wash and dry the orange, squeeze out the juice. For convenience, use a special device.
  4. Add sugar to orange juice and heat over heat.
  5. Carry out a similar procedure with raspberry juice.
  6. Divide the water with gelatin in half and add to the juice.
  7. Pour raspberry juice into containers. The layer height is 1 centimeter.
  8. Place in the refrigerator until hardened.
  9. Pour the same amount of orange juice on top and let it set in the cold.
  10. Alternate layers until juice is complete. Place in the refrigerator.
  11. The originality of the dessert is that it turns out striped.

Further storage

Jelly is stored in cool, dry places. The temperature should not exceed 5 degrees. Basements, cellars, and storage rooms are suitable for storage. If the room freezes in the winter, then it cannot be stored in it.


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