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The diet of Ekaterina Mirimanova has become very popular among those who want to lose weight. Having developed this technique from her own experience, the woman began to share it with people in need of weight loss. At the moment, the minus 60 system has gained more than a million followers.

Many people are wondering why Mirimanova’s diet has earned such popularity? After all, Ekaterina is not a nutritionist, and some professionals even reproach her method. Where and how do the kilograms magically disappear?

The origins of the Minus 60 system

Ekaterina Mirimanova is an ordinary journalist with an ordinary life. And, like everyone else, there are dark streaks in life. The loss of my father, the departure of my husband, problems at work - all this played a decisive role. The body, in the fight against stress, began to consume much more food. Out of nervousness, a woman prone to obesity began to gain pounds at the speed of light.

After the black stripe there is always a white stripe. Catherine’s life began to improve, a loved one appeared, from whom she soon became pregnant. But the usual rhythm when it came overweight, stayed. Hormones and new emotions only brightened up and strengthened this lifestyle. So the mark on the scales reached 120 kg.

With the arrival of a child, everything changes. A more active lifestyle appears, with more needs. And then Ekaterina noticed that activity was very difficult at her weight. Looking at herself in the mirror with new eyes, the woman was horrified. How could she bring herself to such a state? The husband was happy with everything; he himself weighed about 150 kg, but chefs may have this due to their status. But how embarrassing it has become now, with the advent of a child who must look at his mother, take an example from her, enjoy her love for herself, be proud.

This became the starting motivational point. Without listening to anyone, the woman plunged headlong into studying diets and weight loss programs. Having tried everything on herself, she selected the most effective methods, and those that will not force the body, but will help bring it back to life! So, in the first year Mirimanova lost 50 kg!

Over the next six months, she lost another 10. Katerina keeps herself in great shape, without making much effort. It is this moment that attracts people to her diet - ease and effectiveness.

Subsequently, Ekaterina Mirimanova wrote about 30 books on the topic of weight loss, created a website to help people lose weight using the “Minus 60” program, opened courses on combating excess weight, organized webinars and consultations. And her before and after photos inspire thousands of readers.

Methodological rules

What is the essence of the “System minus 60” diet? The name of the program is due to the fact that the author herself lost 60 kg. thanks to this system. Before starting Mirimanova’s “Minus 60” diet, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for its implementation and do a little propaedeutic work.

  1. The first thing you need to understand and deal with is your head. The possibilities for achieving success are only in the head. And only there is born something that can hinder you. At this point of the “Minus 60” system, you need to achieve the right motivation and attitude.
  2. Are you still putting off losing weight? And the rest have already lost weight! You just need to do it, start right now.
  3. Why should you lose weight? For what? For your own sake! Not for the sake of the husband, not for the sake of the children, not for the sake of the approval of society. But only for myself. You need to love yourself before you start losing weight. Only in love and harmony can you heal your body.
  4. Take a photo of yourself every month you follow the diet. This will help you compare the results, get inspired, and increase motivation for new achievements.
  5. Mirimanova’s program teaches you to love yourself, listen to your body, and give yourself time and care. These are the fundamental principles for losing weight.
  6. It is worth starting the “Minus 60” power system gradually. Just as you gained weight over a long period of time, you shouldn’t expect to lose weight overnight. We are gradually reducing the portions. Remove deep plates and large spoons. We learn to restrain ourselves. We gradually reduce the amount of consumption of harmful foods. Reduce the sugar in the tea by half a spoon. Little by little we switch from milk chocolate to dark chocolate, which is of higher quality. expensive varieties, with high cocoa content. It is necessary to give the body time to get used to the innovations, otherwise it will no longer be possible to maintain the correct lifestyle.
  7. It is always important to look at your watch. The “Minus 60” diet involves delimiting food over time. In the morning you can eat everything. But only until 12:00, when the body just wakes up, starts its mechanisms and begins to work actively. After 12:00, until approximately 14:00, at lunchtime, some restrictions are introduced. You should not eat meat with potatoes or grains. We do not combine fish with pasta and bread. Only one nutritious, heavy food should be present in the system's lunch ration. You should also avoid fried foods. You need to have dinner according to the “Minus 60” system without super-heavy food. Dairy products, vegetables, fruits, cereals, fish. And the main rule is no later than 18.00. In the evening, you need to free your body from the burden of food so that it has time to process everything and rest peacefully and recover at night.

Principles of the Mirimanova diet

All advice can be found in books and on the official website of the author of the “System minus 60” program. Mirimanova shows everything from her own experience. What attracts everyone to this technique is that you don’t have to give up your favorite foods to lose weight. Do you want something fried? Please. Sweet? To your health. Can't live without coffee? And don't. The main thing is to know the fundamental principles that Ekaterina Mirimanova developed for “Minus 60 kg.”

  • You can't skip breakfast. It should get the job done gastrointestinal tract. If you get up early and don't want to eat, you can easily eat a slice of cheese, for example. But then you must definitely make a second, hearty breakfast according to this system.
  • You can drink tea, coffee and alcohol, no matter how strange it may seem. There is no need to forbid the body from enjoying its favorite drinks. So you can only irritate him, and then you will break down anyway, it will be much worse. So don't skip these drinks, but drink wisely. Instead of sugar, add honey to tea. In coffee, replace regular sugar with brown sugar and reduce the dose. For alcohol, drink dry red wine. It is considered very useful in small quantities for blood vessels and the stomach.
  • You can eat sweets using the “Minus 60” system! If you really can't live without it. But only until 12:00. And butter cakes and milk chocolate should be avoided. Switch to dark chocolate. Learn aesthetics and sophistication. By gradually increasing the level of cocoa in chocolate and its quality, you will learn to feel the delicate taste of solid desserts.
  • You need to eat porridge throughout the day. Buckwheat and rice will be especially useful. Buy quality rice. Try the steamed one first; it tastes almost no different from the long-grained one. And then try brown, the healthiest, and wild.
  • In the menu for every day of the “Minus 60” system, it is not recommended to give up bread. Eat white bread in the morning. In the second, replace it with rye crackers or bread. And don't combine it with meat or potato dishes. That's the whole secret.
  • Diet Mirimanova considers potatoes and pasta to be dangerous foods. Accordingly, it is better to eat them in the morning, if you cannot refuse them at all. If you eat these dishes for lunch or dinner, you should clearly distinguish them from heavy foods, such as meat and fish or legumes.
  • Dinner should be early. No earlier than 17.00 and no later than 20.00, even if your schedule allows you to go to bed only in the middle of the night. This will allow you to feel light in the body in the morning and reduce swelling after sleep.
  • The “Minus 60” system in Mirimanova’s nutrition table offers suitable products. But you also need to calculate the lightness and volume of the portion. There is no need to combine several of these products if together they make a heavy dish.
  • The minus 60 diet includes recipes where fried foods can be included in the diet, but only for up to 12 hours. After this, other types of food processing (boiling, stewing, grilling, etc.) are suitable.

As for water, you don’t need to “pour” liters of it into yourself. You drink as much as your body requires. Of course, you shouldn't make yourself thirsty. But forcing fluid intake will not help you lose weight.

Diet supplements

The “Minus 60” diet allowed Ekaterina to lose 60 kg. But besides this, she began to look younger and more beautiful. What's the secret?

  • Don't forget about physical activity! They help tone the body, tighten sagging skin after losing weight, and restore health to a weakened body. To do this, you don’t have to go to the gym and torture yourself on exercise machines several times a week. Home gymnastics and exercises will be sufficient. The main thing is to repeat them every day. It is better to systematically perform even simple exercises for 10 minutes every day, thereby giving the body stability and lightness, than to plunge it into a stressful state with hour-long exercise. Ekaterina Mirimanova has developed her own set of exercises, which is accompanied by her photo with instructions and comments. It consists of the simplest swings, bridges, stretches, bends and squats.
  • You need to take care of yourself, in addition to diet. Regular scrubbing, massages with brushes and hands, applying creams to the body, baths with salts and oils, contrast showers, body wraps. Be sure to take care of yourself every couple of days. Firstly, it helps get rid of stretch marks, cellulite, and swelling. You must help your skin recover. And secondly, it will increase your psychological stability, self-esteem, self-acceptance, improve your mood, create harmony and comfort in your life, and teach you to love yourself!

Diet and menu

A section of one of Mirimanova's books is a table that indicates what foods can be eaten at a certain meal and how to prepare them. She also encourages you to think with your own head, and only draw the foundation from her books. Let's try to figure out an acceptable diet and draw up an approximate menu for the week for each meal separately, taking into account the specifics of the time of day and the way the body works.

Diet “Minus 60” - sample menu for the week:


This is the most permissive meal of the day. Here, Mirimanova’s diet in the menu for every day does not examine the products in detail, but only clarifies small rules for cooking. You can eat as much as you want, but without fanaticism.

Limit your salt and sugar intake slightly. Don't forget that fried, sweet, heavy, all your weaknesses can be eaten only before 12:00! Then it takes time to process such food.

Sample menu

  • Day 1: banana, sausage sandwich, slice of cake or pastry, coffee.
  • Day 2: fried potatoes with onions and mushrooms, persimmon, tea.
  • Day 3: pancakes filled with cottage cheese and fruit, a glass of milk.
  • Day 4: apple, 2 fried eggs, sandwich with butter, kefir.
  • Day 5: cottage cheese with fruit, cookies, freshly squeezed juice.
  • Day 6: oatmeal or rice, half a chocolate bar, cocoa.
  • Day 7: cheese sandwich, slice of pie, milkshake.

Cheesecakes with carrots: video recipe


The “Minus 60” program makes certain adjustments to the menu for the week for lunch meals:

  • You can no longer eat sweets for lunch.
  • A useful technique would be to use frozen vegetables. Vitamins are preserved and less time is spent.
  • If you make soup with meat, do not add potatoes. You can make a vegetarian soup from vegetables and potatoes.
  • You cannot cook legumes, mushrooms, canned food or flour as a side dish with meat.
  • Cook porridge only in water.
  • Buy pasta only from durum wheat.
  • You can eat sushi, but not warm sushi.
  • Use a little of everything pickled.
  • Recipes should exclude butter.
  • Fried foods are excluded.
  • You can season your dishes with any spices and sauces.
  • You can only eat until 14:00.

Sample menu

  • Day 1: baked potatoes with vegetables, light salad of carrots and beets with yogurt, compote.
  • Day 2: grilled pork chop, rice porridge, cabbage and cucumber salad, dry wine.
  • Day 3: stewed pike-perch fish, salad with peppers and tomatoes, tea.
  • Day 4: buckwheat porridge, baked crucian carp in foil, freshly squeezed juice.
  • Day 5: bean lobio, salad with cabbage and carrots, jelly.
  • Day 6: boiled meatballs, buckwheat porridge, apple, coffee.
  • Day 7: stewed chicken in pineapples, rice porridge, kefir.

Zucchini soup: video recipe


Dinner should be the lightest. By evening, the body relaxes and stops actively processing food. Therefore, overloading it is fraught with fat deposits.

  • On the Mirimanova diet, it is recommended to eat only before 18:00. You may have to prepare your own food separately from your loved ones.
  • Now, in addition to dining limits, you cannot use sunflower oil.
  • You should completely limit sugar and salt.
  • If you are invited to an evening feast, limit yourself to a glass of wine and pieces of cheese.
  • Salty and smoked foods should not be included at all for dinners
  • Sauces should also be excluded.
  • It is forbidden to drink carbonated water, as it whets the appetite.

Sample menu

  • Day 1: vegetable salad with yogurt, water.
  • Day 2: baked trout with shrimp, dry wine.
  • Day 3: cabbage rolls, compote.
  • Day 4: cottage cheese, apple, juice.
  • Day 5: jellied meat, tea.
  • Day 6: baked apples, yogurt.
  • Day 7: cottage cheese, grapefruit, juice.

Healthy dinner option: video recipe

Cons of the diet

  • You will need to rearrange your daily routine and schedule for all meals by the hour, workouts, and self-care.
  • On evening dates and celebrations, you will have to limit yourself to a glass of wine and a light snack.
  • Contraindications are diseases with certain therapeutic dietary restrictions. Also, during pregnancy, it is better to consult a doctor.
  • This system is not a recommendation from a professional nutritionist. Nutritionists criticize allowing sweet, salty, fried foods. They consider pasta and potatoes to be normal food. The same goes for legumes and canned vegetables. Many professionals condemn three meals a day, and such that you can eat as much as you want. They vote for multiple meals in small portions. In general, the nutrition system contradicts many established canons in the world of weight loss.

But no matter what the critics say, this diet helped Mirimanova lose as much as 60 kg! And now there are many positive reviews from followers of this diet.

Which helped her lose 60 kilograms. You can't even tell from the photo what she was like before and after. Today I will analyze in detail the Diet Minus 60 system - a menu for the week, a food table and a little healthy recipes. I'll tell you what you can and can't eat, and at what time it is preferable.

You can download the table of allowed foods and the menu for the week for free, print it and hang it on your refrigerator. This will be your personal allowance. See the table below in the article.

With the “Minus 60” diet, we divide all food into 3 main meals + 2 snacks. We only eat in small portions, except for breakfast. Purchase a kitchen scale in advance. This is an excellent home helper in meeting the norm of the dish. At first I was skeptical about them. But after my friend lost 35 kilos in six months, she realized that this was a necessary thing. After all, it often happens that in the morning there is nothing to eat, and in the evening we overeat. And the scales certainly won’t lie and show the true error in the calculations.

So, I will write down the basic rules for each meal:

  • Breakfast. This is the most basic meal of the entire day. Make it nutritious. Nutritionists agree: there should be breakfast. You can even indulge in dark chocolate, a small piece of cake or a sweet banana. Mirimanova’s rule is “until the 12th day you can eat anything, not counting calories.”
  • If you are not used to this regime, then gradually already on the 2-3rd day of the diet this will change and become a habit. I even wrote, .
  • Lunch. For this snack, allow yourself some fruit, low-fat kefir or yogurt. A small handful of nuts will do. Is it possible cocktail for weight loss or .
  • Dinner. There is only one rule: dishes fried in oil are excluded. Soups made with meat broth without potatoes. Pasta and potatoes can only be eaten separately from meat and fish. Don't be afraid to experiment in the kitchen and replace the high-starchy foods we are used to. I really like eating brown rice and brown rice noodles. Very satisfying, but there is no overeating. You can add a drop of mayonnaise to dishes up to 14 hours. You can.
  • Afternoon snack. Ideal for example: apple, pear, citrus fruits, small slices of watermelon. Or have a snack.
  • Have dinner Ekaterina Mirimanova offers very early and easy. Dine with buckwheat porridge with vegetables or low-fat cottage cheese with fresh tomatoes, herbs, seasoned with low-fat sour cream. In the evening we establish a taboo on pasta, legumes, corn, mushrooms and avocados.

You can't eat after 6 p.m. This is the strictest immutable rule. And no snacks at night!

If you go to visit, take a bottle of dry red wine with you. This is allowed. And when visiting, ask them to prepare a selection of low-fat cheese and vegetables for you in advance.

Table of permitted products

I collected all the information on the products in a table. There is a download link below so you can print it out. If a product is not in the table, then it is prohibited. Read the book for more details.

149 rub.

To the store

To the store

  • You can eat whatever you want for breakfast. At lunchtime we introduce restrictions.
  • Lunch and dinner can be prepared in any way except frying in oil. Only light sautéing of vegetables is allowed.
  • Eat better instead of white bread rye bread, crackers made from it, bread. I compiled separately for bread.
  • except for sweet soda
  • You can add dried herbs, balsamic vinegar, spices and garlic.

I advise you to familiarize yourself with the entire system in more detail in her book. And you can download the sign - .

Menu for the week in the table

It is very important to follow a daily diet:

  • a good breakfast is a must;
  • have lunch no later than 14:00;
  • dinner no later than 18:00;
  • only 2 snacks.

Below I have compiled a table with an example menu for 7 days. I am writing this menu specifically so that you can imagine how varied food can be on the “Minus 60” diet. Then you can figure it out yourself and create a menu for yourself as you want. Although, if you’re lazy, you can just repeat these 7 days over and over again 😉

Portions are approximate. Although the diet does not strictly indicate the volume of servings, I recommend an approximate volume per meal of about 250-300 grams.

You can download the menu table for the week.

Keep a food diary and record what you eat every day. At first it was difficult and lazy for me. I often deceived myself by underestimating the portion size or not specifying a certain dish. But the extra centimeters on my waist and butt told me that I needed to start watching the portion size. After buying scales, daily counting the volume and analyzing it, I now clearly see where I went too far and why after lunch I ate more than I should have. By eye the weight of the products or ready-made dish you can't figure it out. That's why it's good to have a kitchen scale.

I may sadden you with this news, but there is no magic wand. Do you want to get results? Consider portion sizes, keep a food diary and exercise daily.

Several recipes from the menu

Cottage cheese casserole with prunes and apples

Ingredients: low-fat cottage cheese (but not low-fat) – 1 package, sweet yogurt – 50 g, pitted prunes – 50 g, one green apple, cinnamon.

It is better to remove the skin from the apple. Cut the fruit into smaller pieces, mix with yogurt and cottage cheese. Grease a baking dish butter. The oven needs to be preheated to 180°. Next, use a spoon to transfer the curd and fruit mixture into the mold. Place the pan in the oven and bake the dish for 10 to 15 minutes. Check readiness by piercing the casserole with a match. If the cottage cheese does not stick to the match, the dish is ready. I also like it. It turns out very quickly and no less tasty.

Pike perch in its own juice

Quite a simple and dietary dish. Take for cooking: pike perch fillet - 200 g, one carrot, lemon and medium onion, butter - 10 g, spices for fish.

Rinse the fillet and cut it into medium pieces. Salt and pepper to taste. Add any fish herbs. Dill, parsley or basil go well with this dish. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon (the whole lemon if you want) and pour it over the fish. This will be a kind of marinade. Let it brew for 20 minutes.

Grate the carrots on a fine grater and chop the onion. Grease a baking dish with butter. The oven needs to be preheated to 200°. Place the fish in the mold. Sprinkle onions and carrots on top. Place the dish with the fish in a hot oven. The dish takes 40-50 minutes to prepare.

The fish will release juice very soon. You can carefully pour this juice over the top of the fish. The dish turns out juicy. The calorie content is approximately 85 kcal per 100 grams. During weight loss.

Bean lobio

Beans are a meat substitute for many vegetarians. After all, it contains a lot. Plus it contains a lot, which is so useful for us women. Read more about what types of beans there are and the calorie content of each.

And in this recipe you will need: 200 g of dry beans, medium onion, 2-3 tbsp. l. walnut, pepper, salt to taste, herbs, garlic 2-3 cloves.

You need to take care of preparing this dish in advance. Pour beans cold water and leave to soak overnight. The next day, boil for about an hour. Drain the bean broth into a separate container. Don't throw it away, we'll need it. Then mash 1/3 of the beans with a potato masher. Chop the onion, garlic and herbs very finely.

Add the remaining beans to the puree and pour in as much broth as you want. Chop the nuts and add them to the beans. Add onions, garlic, herbs and peppers to the dish too. Mix everything.

Vegetarian cabbage rolls

A very nutritious dish, it can be seasoned with a small amount of sour cream. To prepare, take: cabbage leaves, 1 carrot, sweet pepper and tomato. Buckwheat or rice as filling.

The current variety of methods for losing weight does not always allow women to achieve the desired result. Some people cannot resist the restrictions of sweet foods, others find it difficult to survive months of fasting, and some simply do not follow the rules and recommendations of this or that weight loss technology. But this does not mean that the excess weight that has been gained will remain a burden for the rest of your life. You can effectively lose excess weight without going to the gym using the acclaimed diet from Ekaterina Mirimanova. Her method of losing weight has a name: “Ekaterina Mirimanova’s diet minus 60.” Let's look at all the details and principles of the diet from Katya Mirimanova.

Basics of the Minus 60 system

Who is Ekaterina Mirimanova? This is not a doctor or a nutritionist, but a simple woman who also loves sweets, like all representatives of the fair sex. Such a passion for sweets led to the fact that Catherine gained weight unnoticed, which forced her to resort to effective weight loss. Of the existing methods, she did not find a decent method, so she found an independent way for herself to lose weight. She shared this method with others to help women regain their previous shape.

Katya Mirimanova is a simple woman who coped with emerging problems and stress by gorging on sweets. This ultimately led to the problem of excess weight, and not just excess, but excessive. With a height of 175 cm, her weight was 120 kg, which is why most modern techniques not suitable for weight loss.

Mirimanova’s “Minus 60” diet is not a diet at all, since this term means short-term dietary restrictions. The Mirimanova weight loss system is not at all short-term and allows you to get instant results. By by and large Mirimanova’s weight loss method is a woman’s lifestyle that leads to weight loss. The number of kilograms lost depends on many factors, so each woman loses weight individually. Reviews from women who have tried the method on themselves indicate that you can bring your weight back to normal no earlier than after 2-2.5 years, if you need to lose 40-50 kg. If the question is getting rid of several kilograms, then you can lose weight in a few months.

An important positive factor of the Mirimanova weight loss method is the absence of contraindications. This is due to the fact that the range of products for consumption is quite wide, and each woman can create an individual diet for herself. We will find out in more detail what principles the Mirimanova diet is based on.

Principles of nutrition according to the diet of Ekaterina Mirimanova

Before starting a diet, you need to familiarize yourself with its basic principles. These are three principles that we will learn about in more detail.

From these fundamental principles of the Mirimanova weight loss method, the following recommendations arise:

  • Be sure to start your morning with breakfast between 7 and 8 o’clock. You can include absolutely any food item in your breakfast, which is a significant advantage. If you eat in the morning, the body is thus supplied with full energy, which is spent on awakening and a full start to a new day.
  • There is no need to give up sweets, because their absence leads to a decrease in joy hormones. The amount of sweets simply needs to be kept to a minimum, which will allow you to enjoy without compromising your health.
  • If you like milk chocolate, it is recommended to replace it with black. Dark chocolate is healthy and provides more benefits than milk chocolate.
  • Eating foods such as potatoes and pasta is allowed, but only in the first half of the day.
  • You can't skip dinner, but you can lighten it. To do this, you can include stewed vegetables in your diet, as well as fermented milk products. These ingredients will be the best dinner for those who want to lose weight.
  • Salt represents white death, but eliminating it completely from the diet is simply unrealistic. Its use should be reduced to a minimum amount as much as possible.
  • It is recommended to consume porridge and vegetables in any quantity. These types of side dishes can be eaten with fish and meat dishes.
  • Be sure to include snacks between main meals, which include vegetables, fruits, and juices.
  • It is allowed to include dry red wine in the diet, which has a positive effect on the body's metabolic processes.
  • Along with the diet, it is recommended to maintain healthy image life in the form of physical activity. To do this, there is no need to rush to the gym, but you can do exercises every morning.
  • It is important to pay attention to the condition of your skin during weight loss. After all, losing weight over 10 kg leads to such unpleasant processes as sagging skin. You can get rid of folds and sagging skin by visiting massage rooms, body wraps and restorative masks.

Psychological attitude

Ekaterina Mirimanova's minus 60 diet does not involve following recommendations at all, but first of all it is about getting the right attitude. It is extremely difficult to change yourself or something about yourself without a psychological attitude. Any work should be done with love and desire, which is also acceptable for the process of losing weight.

You should start losing weight directly from a psychological attitude, which is the basis of the basics. The desire to lose weight should come from within, and not from a husband who makes comments to his wife about her curvy figure. Motivation is also an important aspect for psychological attitude. First, you need to decide what goals you are pursuing for losing weight, and then set them for yourself and achieve them in every way. Motivation should always be there, and if it disappears, then the desire to achieve the goal also goes away.

Menu for the week

Ekaterina Mirimanova’s diet minus 60 allows you to achieve positive results, as evidenced by the first reviews of women who have already used this technique. What is an approximate menu for the week, as well as which food products should be preferred, we will find out further. Every day must necessarily begin with breakfast, the menu of which can be whatever the woman wishes. For breakfast you can eat everything except milk chocolate, which should be replaced with black. For dinner and lunch there are corresponding rules for separate meals, so let’s find out the details of the weekly menu according to the “minus 60 diet” in question.


For breakfast, you should prepare yourself an egg omelet with fresh tomatoes, as well as buns with honey and tea without sugar. For lunch, make a salad of fresh vegetables, as well as macaroni and cheese. For dinner, treat yourself to seafood, such as boiled shrimp with red wine.


For breakfast, make a sandwich with cheese and ham, and you can wash it all down with orange juice. Cook for lunch vegetable stew with fish meat. Add some variety to your dinner with cottage cheese casserole, and also eat a fresh apple and drink a glass of water.


For breakfast, prepare a potato casserole, and you can wash everything down with freshly cooked aromatic coffee. For lunch, make yourself fresh soup with potatoes and mushrooms. For dinner, treat yourself to baked apples with yogurt.


Vary your breakfast with oatmeal with sugar and dark chocolate. For lunch, make a fresh lentil salad with beans. For dinner, prepare cabbage rolls without meat, but filled with rice.


For breakfast, prepare fresh soup with meat. For lunch, make a chicken or turkey meatloaf, and for dinner, baked eggplants with a glass of cold water. Whenever possible, it is recommended to consume poultry, veal, rabbit and turkey meat, that is, dietary types.


On a weekend morning you can treat yourself to semolina pudding, as well as cookies and green tea. For lunch, make baked potatoes with vegetables. For dinner - meat cutlets with fish soup.


On the seventh day of the week, you can unload and treat yourself to boiled rice with compote for breakfast. For lunch, cook steamed fish with cabbage soup, and for dinner - boiled chicken fillet with yogurt and fruit.

It is worth noting that such a nutrition system allows you to achieve positive results even without visiting gyms and fitness centers. You can pay attention to gymnastics during the day and evening, which will definitely benefit not only burning fat, but also removing wrinkles on the body. Throughout the day you should drink mineral water without gases, which helps speed up your metabolism. The “minus 60” dietary system has one main advantage - it is the rapid adaptation of the body to such a diet.

Fitness and care during weight loss

Ekaterina Mirimanova’s diet includes physical exercise, for which there are some requirements. You should exercise daily without breaks. You can exercise both at home and visit fitness centers. The basis of gymnastic exercises includes abs, jumping rope, push-ups and running. If you run every day, you can lose weight twice as fast. If you don’t have time to visit gyms and fitness clubs, then you can schedule exercises for yourself at home. The load should be on parts of the body such as the stomach, hips, buttocks, back and arms.

These exercises are more necessary for ensuring proper skin care than for losing weight, so be sure to devote a few minutes of your time daily to performing gymnastics. You can also do massage or body wraps every day. You should do gymnastics not after weight loss begins, but immediately after you become familiar with the basics of the “minus 60” system and are psychologically prepared to lose weight.

Mirimanova’s “minus 60” system has spread all over the world and received positive reviews, which are based on the achievement of its goals. You should also pay attention to skin care when it comes to cosmetics. To keep your skin always young and beautiful, you need to take care of it. In addition to exercise and massage, you should also use scrubs, both cosmetic and homemade.

The simplest but most effective scrub can be prepared from these ingredients::

  • ground coffee;
  • a pinch of cinnamon;
  • spoon of honey;
  • shower gel.

It is most convenient to apply the scrub to the body in a thick form, so you should not make it too liquid. You can apply a scrub to your body no more than 2 times a week. Positive results in the form of skin rejuvenation will be achieved only if you use the methods described above regularly: physical exercise, massage, wraps, scrubbing.

Quitting the diet

Below in the photo is a table of products that was developed by Ekaterina Mirimanova.

This table describes in detail what foods can be consumed for lunch, dinner and breakfast. This table will help you create your own individual diet menu for the week and use it. Mirimanova’s diet menu for every day was described above in detail, according to which you can create your own menu. From the table of products we can conclude that the Mirimanova diet is still different from current methods for losing weight, where you need to exhaust yourself with hunger strikes in order to lose weight.

The unique weight loss system minus sixty according to Mirimanova, after it begins, must be maintained throughout life. After a few years, you will be able to return to your natural size and body weight, but after that it is strictly forbidden to abandon this system and return to your previous lifestyle. The diet must be maintained throughout your life, which will allow you not to return to curvaceous shape and feel in your body.

Real results of losing weight on a diet minus 60

At the initial stages of losing weight using the Mirimanova system, you can detect a weight loss of 2 kg per week. This is a normal phenomenon and will not last as long as we would like. After a month, this activity will begin to decrease, and after 2 months, the weight will begin to decrease to 0.5 kg per week. But this does not mean that the results obtained are all that the diet is capable of.

This method of losing weight is absolutely normal and correct, especially in cases where you need to get rid of 30-60 kg of excess weight. Fat cells take a very long time to break down, and the process of their dissolution will begin no earlier than 2 months after starting the diet. In the initial stages, weight will be lost due to the removal of water, waste and toxins. In about one year, a woman loses up to 20 kg of excess weight on Mirimanova’s diet, which is not just a number, but a confirmed value.

Contraindications for those losing weight according to the Mirimanova system

The advantage of the Mirimanova diet is the absence of contraindications. This option for losing weight is not harmful to health, even in the presence of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys. The only important note is that effective way weight loss, which will be achieved depending on how much extra pounds you need to lose.

The creation of Ekaterina Mirimanova is a modern, useful creation, through which women and men with excess weight can be restored to their previous shape without harm to health. In conclusion, confirmation that the “minus 60” diet works will be the reviews of women for whom such a system helped in the fight against excess weight.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty - how gem: the simpler it is, the more precious it is :)


People who feel uncomfortable about their excess weight try to lose weight by all possible means. Some of them help you lose a few kilograms, others only scam you out of money and do not give the desired effect. The minus 60 system by Ekaterina Mirimanova allows you to lose extra pounds and not infringe on your food intake. This nutritional system involves consuming all foods in any combination for up to 12 days.

Basic principles of nutrition according to the minus 60 system

  1. It is better to divide meals into 3 times. Snacks are not prohibited. The main thing is that the portions are small and include light foods, such as fruits or vegetables. On the minus 60 system, you are allowed to drink tea, coffee and alcohol. Replace regular refined sugar with fructose or brown sugar, as they are better absorbed by the body and have more vitamins than regular sugar. Mirimanova’s nutrition system allows for the consumption of “dry” wine.
  2. It is forbidden to skip breakfast. Although you can cut it down to a small portion of rye bread or cheese. You can eat sweets, but only before noon. When eating according to Mirimanova’s system, you need to forget about milk chocolate and gradually accustom yourself to bitter chocolate. You can also eat white bread only before noon. It is allowed to eat rye bread, but it is advisable to do without it.
  3. Preparing a side dish according to the Mirimanova system can include cereals such as rice, buckwheat or pearl barley. Consumption of pasta and potatoes should be gradually reduced to a minimum. The side dish can be processed in different ways: boiled, stewed, sautéed, but eating fried food should be avoided if possible. If this cannot be observed, then sour cream and mayonnaise should not be added to dishes. Mirimanova's minus 60 nutrition system prohibits combining potatoes with meat; these products must be consumed separately.
  4. The last meal in the Mirimanova system should be before 18.00. This is not a strict requirement, but rather advice. If necessary, dinner is allowed at 8 pm, but then you should eat something light, for example, yogurt or fruit. Over time, the body will begin to get used to such dinners, and hunger will no longer bother you in the evenings.
  5. The minus 60 system does not require large amounts of water consumption if your body does not need it. Its amount in the diet will not particularly affect the weight loss procedure, so there is no need to force yourself and drink several liters of liquid every day. This also applies to salt - fanaticism is not welcome in Mirimanova’s system. You should not starve or expose your body to stress, as this can contribute to stress and disrupt proper dieting.

What can you eat according to Ekaterina Mirimanova’s diet?

Menu by system proper nutrition minus 60 is calculated taking into account the list of permitted products. When determining your diet, do not forget about the restrictions on. For example, any meat is allowed to be consumed, but it is advisable to remove sausages, sausages, and other similar semi-finished products from the diet or eat them very rarely. When eating according to this system, follow these recommendations:

  1. If you are going to eat chicken for breakfast or dinner, remove the fatty parts and skin from it. Fish and seafood in the Mirimanova system are allowed for consumption, but crab sticks should be excluded or eaten rarely. You can eat all vegetables, mushrooms and legumes. It is better to keep potatoes to a minimum, as well as pasta. If you like pasta, buy those made from durum wheat.
  2. The menu of the Mirimanova minus 60 nutrition system contains any nuts, fruits, dried fruits and berries: plums, citrus fruits, apples, watermelon, prunes (no more than 6 pieces throughout the day), avocado and pineapple. Bananas due to their sweetness and large quantity You can eat starch in small quantities only until 12:00. Dairy is allowed provided that you consume products with low percentage fat content When eating according to this system, it is preferable to drink whole milk with any percentage of fat before 12.00. Eat cheese of any fat content, but not more than 50 g per day.
  3. Season with sour cream, mayonnaise, olive or vegetable oil only those dishes that you eat before 14 hours, but in quantities up to 5 ml (1 small spoon). When eating according to the Mirimanova system, a variety of ready-made sauces (mustard, ketchup, horseradish, balsamic and soy sauce) must be consumed in the morning. You can add all available spices, garlic and herbs to dishes without restrictions.

List of allowed foods for breakfast

Ekaterina Mirimanova pays attention to the morning meal in her system special attention. It is necessary to eat on time (before 12.00). Breakfast cannot be skipped. If you don't feel like eating in the morning, keep your food intake to a minimum at this time by eating toast, yogurt or a piece of rye bread with cheese. According to the rules of the system, everything is allowed for breakfast; it is not necessary to eat in small portions, but you should not overeat either. The amount of salt and sugar is also not limited. However, you can replace sugar with fructose.

You must start lunch before 14.00. At this meal you can eat soups, borscht, cooked both in water and in broth. In Mirimanova’s system, it is allowed to grill, stew or bake food, as well as use mayonnaise, sour cream or sauces. Prepare first courses without adding potatoes - the only exceptions are lean ones. vegetable soups. In addition to lunch, eat fruits: citrus fruits, pineapples, kiwi, apples, plums, watermelon.

For dinner

Have dinner no later than 18.00. If time is lost, you will have to sleep on an empty stomach. After 18.00, those who want to lose excess weight using the minus 60 system are prohibited from eating. If there was absolutely no opportunity to eat before this time, include light foods (kefir, fruits, vegetables) in your dinner. But you should eat no later than 3 hours before bedtime.

Sample menu for the week

Nutrition on the minus 60 diet can be very varied. By consuming, you will also lose extra pounds. The system has already developed a sample menu for the week, thanks to which each person can prepare necessary products and prepare meals. According to the rules of the diet, the menu includes a variety of dishes for every day.


  • Breakfast – eat porridge and 2 sandwiches;
  • Lunch – soup and vegetable salad;
  • Dinner – porridge and vegetables in the form of salad;
  • Breakfast - bread, fried eggs with tomatoes, sweets.
  • Lunch: soup, salad.
  • Dinner: milk porridge, fruit.
  • Breakfast - any porridge, 2 sandwiches.
  • Lunch – meat soup, vegetables.
  • Dinner is meat.
  • Breakfast: omelet, 1 sandwich, sweets.
  • Lunch: soup, salad.
  • Dinner - Fish.
  • Breakfast – porridge, 2 sandwiches.
  • Lunch - soup, salad.
  • Dinner - porridge, vegetable salad.
  • Breakfast - soft-boiled eggs, pastries.
  • Lunch: meat soup, vegetables.
  • Dinner – milk porridge, fruit.


  • Breakfast - porridge, 2 sandwiches.
  • Lunch: soup, salad.
  • Dinner is meat.

Recipes for dishes according to the Mirimanova diet

The minus 60 diet system of Ekaterina Mirimanova attracts many who want to lose weight, because... includes detailed recipes. Here are some of them:

Ukha Rostov

To prepare the dish you will need: pike perch - 200 grams, onions- 1 piece, salmon - 200 grams, red tomato - 1 piece, bell pepper - 1 piece, parsley, salt, pepper.

  1. Pour cold water over the fish, add spices to taste and cook for 20-30 minutes over low heat.
  2. Then prepare the vegetables: the onion should be cut into rings, the tomato and pepper into cubes. Place all this with the fish.
  3. The fish soup still needs to cook for 5-10 minutes.
  4. Pour the pepper tincture into the pan, remove it with the fish soup from the heat, cover and let it brew for 30 minutes.

Pilaf “Aromatic”

Products required for cooking: rice - 500 grams, onions - 1 piece, carrots - 2 pieces, sunflower or olive oil- 100 ml, quince - 1 piece, salt, cardamom, pepper and herbs.

  1. Cut the vegetables: carrots into strips, onions into half rings.
  2. Fry them in a cauldron or roasting pan.
  3. Add chopped plums, seasonings, rice and garlic.
  4. Fill everything with water so that it covers the rice by 2 fingers.
  5. Cook the pilaf covered over medium heat for 40 minutes without stirring.
  6. You can also use a multicooker for these purposes by setting the “Pilaf” program.
  7. To decorate the dish, use finely chopped greens.

Venetian pepper

Ingredients for preparing the dish: bell pepper - 2 pieces, eggs - 2 pieces, vegetable oil, hard cheese-200 grams, dried basil, garlic – a few cloves, salt.

  1. Eggs need to be boiled and grated together with cheese.
  2. Using a garlic press, chop the garlic, mix everything and add salt.
  3. Peel the peppers from seeds and stuff them with the prepared mixture.
  4. Place the peppers in the preheated oven for 20 minutes and sprinkle the seasoning on top.

Disadvantages of the power system minus 60

Considering all the advantages, Ekaterina Mirimanova’s minus 60 system also has some disadvantages. As a rule, they are unimportant. Having used this dietary nutrition system, many people note that the effect comes very slowly. This diet is not suitable for those who wish. After achieving the necessary results, the lost kilograms will not return only if you adhere to the same nutrition system and follow the correct lifestyle.

The Minus 60 diet, already beloved by many, was born thanks to Ekaterina Mirimanova, who once lost 60 kg. The secret to the popularity of the method is the ability not to deny yourself your favorite delicacies and to lose weight by 3-7 kg per month. That is, no violence against oneself, only the correct diet and diet without harm to the psyche.

Principles of the Minus 60 diet and its rules

  • You should eat three times a day.
  • We put large dishes in the cupboard - we eat from a plate the size of two fists.
  • We reduce the sizes of our favorite desserts to a minimum (we don’t refuse, but we reduce them): for example, 2-3 cookies, 2 pieces of chocolate, 1 medium piece of fruit.
  • Between meals - no snacks.
  • There is no need to drink liters of water. We drink as much as the body requires.
  • Salt is not prohibited, but it should be limited. Gradually, the amount of salt should be reduced to a minimum; it is not necessary to give up completely. We replace classic table salt with sea salt.
  • After 6 pm (this is the main disadvantage of the technique) you cannot eat at all. Didn't have time to eat? Be patient until the morning.
  • There is no need to punish yourself for overeating, nor do you need to arrange fasting days after it. In the evening you couldn’t resist and ate a piece of chocolate? This means that for dinner you should increase the amount of slow carbohydrates, and replace dessert with sweet berries.
  • Do you constantly feel hungry? Increase the size of your portions, but take into account the permitted foods.
  • Combine diet with physical activity, with sports (30-40 min/day) so that the weight does not “stagnate” at a certain stage. Read also:
  • Don't forget about skin care to avoid stretch marks and sagging. Scrubs, creams, sports, and self-massage will help maintain normal skin condition.

What foods can be consumed on the Mirimanova Minus 60 diet?

  • 1st food group - fruits with dairy products: apples, plums (no more than a handful), and citrus fruits, berries (a handful), pineapple, dried fruits (5-6 pieces), melon/watermelon (a couple of slices). The fat content of dairy products is not higher than 5 percent.
  • Group 2 – vegetables and fruits. The choice of fruits is the same. Any vegetables are recommended, except peas and potatoes, corn and pumpkin, eggplant, and mushrooms.
  • Group 3 – vegetables and cereals. Any vegetables are allowed, except avocados, potatoes and peas, eggplants and zucchini, pumpkin, and corn. Mushrooms are also prohibited. From cereals – buckwheat and rice.
  • 4th group – cereals with fruits: buckwheat and rice, barley. The fruits are the same.
  • 5th group – protein products(it is not recommended to combine them with any products): beef and turkey, chicken fillet, pork tenderloin, rabbit, eggs (1 piece, no more), fish and seafood, individual offal (low-fat). Sausage is prohibited.
  • Group 6 – dairy products: kefir/ryazhenka (1 glass), cottage cheese (low-fat, 100 g), goat cheese or feta cheese (50 g), natural yoghurts (low-fat, 1 glass).
  • 7th group – vegetables with dairy products. The choice of vegetables is the same. Exception from dairy products (low-fat!) - yoghurts and cheeses.

Drinks allowed by the diet:

  • Coffee – 1 small cup/cup, until 6 pm.
  • Green tea.
  • Mineral water without gas (allowed after 6 pm).
  • Freshly squeezed juices – ½ cup (diluted with water).
  • Dry red wine – 1 glass (allowed after 6 pm).

How to create a menu correctly?

An approximate menu using the Minus 60 method looks like this:

Diet Minus 60 – breakfast.

Rules for breakfast according to diet:

  • Strict rule – breakfast is a mandatory meal! Moreover, nutritious and dense.
  • You are allowed to eat what your soul requires, including a piece of cake or pastry, cookies and smoked meats, pickles with marinades.
  • You can add sugar to tea/coffee, but best option– the use of cane sugar, and over time, a complete refusal of sugar.
  • The best dessert for breakfast is dark dark chocolate.
  • Pasta/potatoes, baked goods, seafood and meat, and white bread are allowed. But in minimal portions. Products should be stewed, cooked in the oven (grilled) or baked in foil.
  • A spoonful of vegetable oil is allowed in a salad of stewed/fresh vegetables.

Breakfast menu options:

  • Sweet coffee + 1 serving fried potatoes.
  • Casserole (fish, meat) with potatoes + tea.
  • Cottage cheese with sour cream + a piece of cake + a cup of tea/coffee.
  • Pancakes (filled with meat or cottage cheese) + light fruits + tea/coffee and sweets/cookies.
  • Porridge with milk (rice, oatmeal, semolina) with butter and sugar (honey) + tea/coffee + cheese sandwich.

Diet Minus 60 – lunch.

Rules for lunch according to the diet:

  • Lunch – no later than 2 o’clock in the afternoon.
  • Foods prohibited for lunch: sweets, dairy (high fat), white bread, pickles with smoked meats.
  • Potatoes and pasta are acceptable, but only with vegetables.
  • Soup is allowed, but with secondary broth and without potatoes. You shouldn’t get carried away - soups fill you up only for a short time.
  • Allowed for lunch: mushrooms and tofu, rye crackers (or whole grain bread), hard-boiled eggs, seafood, meat or steamed cutlets.
  • Recommended for garnish stewed vegetables, buckwheat, rice.
  • For dessert (your choice): 4-5 plums, an apple or kiwi, a glass of low-fat yogurt, a couple of slices of watermelon/melon.
  • Drinks: tea, coffee (small cup), freshly squeezed juice or half a glass of dry red wine.

Lunch menu options:

  • Vegetable stew with potatoes + stuffed tomatoes (cheese) + rye bread (1 piece).
  • Baked fish + beet salad with sour cream + stewed vegetables.
  • Vegetable salad + egg + macaroni and cheese.
  • Vegetable salad + baked chicken.
  • Buckwheat + stewed meat + vegetable borscht without potatoes + rye croutons.

Diet Minus 60 – dinner.

Rules for dinner according to the diet:

  • Dinner - no later than 6 pm!
  • Dishes are only steamed, baked in foil or boiled.
  • Prohibited: fried, grilled, any product with a “brown crust”.
  • Seasonings, soy sauce, and a little salt are allowed.
  • Choose products for your dishes from any of 7 groups.
  • Dinner on this diet is monocomponent. Meat for dinner? So, no side dish allowed. Vegetables? Also separately. Protein dishes for dinner are recommended for satiety.

Dinner menu options:

  • Jellied (meat, fish or shrimp).
  • Baked fish or chicken.
  • Rice with vegetables.
  • Boiled meat (chicken, lamb or beef).
  • Stew (vegetables) with potatoes.
  • Fish kebab.
  • Curd dish.

Menu for 7 days

When creating a menu, you should use lists of permitted products.


Breakfast. Omelette with tomatoes, bun with honey, coffee or tea.
Dinner. Macaroni and cheese, vegetable salad, freshly squeezed juice.
Dinner. Baked white trout or boiled shrimp, 1 glass of dry red wine or green tea.


Breakfast. A side of fried potatoes or a ham and cheese sandwich, freshly squeezed orange juice or coffee.
Vegetable soup, stewed mushrooms with vegetables, tea or coffee.
Curd and carrot casserole, apple or grapefruit, mineral water without gas.


Breakfast. Potato casserole, seasoned with herbs, any freshly squeezed juice or coffee.
Dinner. Vegetable stew, fish sushi, tea.
Dinner. 300 g of vegetarian cabbage rolls (cabbage, rice, bell peppers and carrots), tea or a glass of still mineral water.


Breakfast. Sweet oatmeal or corn porridge, a slice of chocolate, tea or coffee.
Dinner. Bean lobio or warm salad lentils with pumpkin and sweet peppers, homemade compote.
Dinner. 150 g of baked apples, low-fat yoghurt with pieces of fruit, a glass of dry red wine or tea.


Breakfast. Meat soup without potatoes, or broccoli puree soup, vegetable salad with vegetable oil, compote.
Dinner. Tongue aspic or lamb roll with prunes and apples.
Dinner. 300 g jellied meat or baked eggplants with spices, still mineral water.


Breakfast. Semolina pudding, 50 g of cookies, orange, coffee or green tea.
Dinner. Baked potatoes with grilled vegetables, carrot and beet salad, freshly squeezed juice.
Dinner. Zucchini baked with minced meat or fish soup, green tea.


Breakfast. Pearl barley or rice porridge, 2 chocolates, compote
Dinner. Steamed fish or cabbage soup without meat, tea or coffee.
Dinner. Boiled chicken breast or stuffed bell peppers with dark rice, low-fat yogurt, kiwi, herbal or green tea.

  • A carbohydrate-rich breakfast overloads the pancreas, which can lead to diabetes.

  • Contraindications to the diet:

    • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
    • Diabetes.
    • Diseases of the heart, gastrointestinal tract and gall bladder.
    • Removed gallbladder.


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