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Any gardener wants to walk along beautiful and well-groomed paths in his garden. Given the desire of most people to be as close to nature as possible, the choice of environmentally friendly natural materials does not seem surprising. And a path made from wooden saw cuts fits perfectly into almost any landscape. When making it yourself, it is important to take into account some nuances.

Path made of wooden saw cuts: pros and cons

Of course, a path made from saw cuts will look impressive on garden plot, but before you make this choice, be sure to weigh all the pros and cons of this option.


  1. The use of natural material is a hit for lovers of eco-style and simply for those who know a lot about landscape design.
  2. You can create a drawing from saw cuts solely according to the will of your imagination, and it will be completely unique. Width, distance between cuts, voids between them or filling with soil/small crushed stone, pebbles - you choose all this yourself.
  3. A path made from saw cuts is much easier to make than many other options, and often costs less. After all, if you have a quality tool, you can get the saw cuts yourself.
  4. Actually, tools: they are usually part of the everyday life of a summer resident, and in principle it is not difficult to get them.


  1. Unfortunately, for all its environmental friendliness and attractiveness, wood is not the most durable material. Of course, you can take measures to make it serve you longer, but still the average lifespan of such a track is shorter than other options.
  2. The second point, in general, explains the first. These are bacteria and mold, which gradually begin to reach the wood surface and sooner or later will lead to the fact that your path will lose both strength and beautiful appearance.
  3. Wood burns well. This is not news to anyone. If you like to light fires and have barbecue picnics right on the site, try to do this as far as possible from the wooden path.

In fact, as you can see, there are few negative aspects here. And the main one is the fragility of wood as a material. But gardeners are not put off by this quality of the chosen path, especially considering the simplicity and ease of its creation.

Video: garden paths made of wood (including saw cuts)

Track options

In fact, there is no strict classification or specific quantity here. Everything is limited by your imagination. However, many of the existing tracks can be combined into certain types based on the presence of similar external features.

With randomly laid cuts

One of the freest interpretations of such a track. Grouping cuts by size, arranging them in groups of three, four, five elements, and so on - this option is often chosen by people with a flair for design. If you don’t have a clear idea in your head of how your path made from saw cuts should look, place them as you please and don’t regret what you’ve done.

Even layout

Here, too, only you set the rules. You can cut it in strips using only a certain diameter, create a certain rhythm based on the alternation of selected sizes, or you can create beautiful mosaic, turning the path into a work of art. If your imagination is completely subordinate to you and is bursting with ideas, coming up with your own version will not be difficult.


The narrowest of all options, based on the selection of one strip from cuts of a certain diameter. The tape saves space in width and at the same time is the most simple choice, when you don’t want to spend a lot of time and money.


A wonderful solution in areas where there is a difference in levels that you want to decorate beautifully. Climbing such an improvised staircase, you become even closer to heaven and nature itself.


The saw cuts are used only as a frame for the path, but nevertheless, this option looks impressive and often looks even more appropriate if chosen in accordance with the style of the site.

According to the type of execution, a path made from saw cuts is divided into one with filling of the voids between them and one without filling. Of course, filling makes the perception of the image of the track complete and gives it more strength. But not everyone wants to use something other than wood in the path and prefers to leave free space, which will very soon be overgrown with grass, which will also look very nice.

Photo gallery: various types of saw-cut paths

Cuttings can be useful for creating borders - an attractive element of garden design A striking example of a random arrangement of saw cuts with gravel filling of voids Rhythm in the track gives more order The staircase path makes the transition between levels very picturesque Ribbon track - the simplest option, often serving as a purely symbolic designation of the track

Selection and preparation of materials

If you prepare cuts for the path with your own hands, choose only well-dried logs for sawing. To work, you will need a high-quality chainsaw (or an electric one, as long as you have one, otherwise you will sweat much longer with a regular saw).

Remember: the saw cuts must initially be dry, and not dry after being laid out on the path - in this case they will quickly deteriorate and lose all their appearance.

The type of wood has a direct impact on the durability of the walkway. It is clear that conventional oak will last several years longer than pine, but at the same time the costs of such material will be incomparably higher. In reality, a person simply takes what is closer to the point, what happened to be nearby at the right moment. And even if some element of the track quickly fails and rots, it can easily be replaced with another.

When cutting cuts, make them at least 10 cm thick so that they are not pancakes, but cuts, part of the height of which will serve as a kind of foundation. Ideally, their thickness should be in the range of 20 - 25 cm. The strength of the path is simply necessary, and the longer the cuts are, the less chance that the stumps will fly out of the path or stagger. Not only trunks will be used, but also thick branches - their diameter is smaller and they will fit perfectly into the space between large elements.

The bottom layer, located in the ground, must be impregnated with a protective composition, because it bears the most aggressive environmental influences

It is very important to protect the tree from premature rotting. To do this, all the bark is removed from the saw cuts, since it is this that begins to rot faster than anything else. The lower part of the cuts is impregnated with bitumen. Exactly the part that will be in the ground and which needs additional protection. Instead of bitumen, you can use hot drying oil. However, both of these materials are quite dangerous in a heated state, and if you are unsure of yourself, you can resort to the help of modern antiseptic compounds with which the wood is impregnated, extending its service life, and at the same time protecting it from insects.

Video: how to make a cut tree

Step-by-step instructions for creating a path and border

The process of laying a path from wooden saw cuts is quite simple, but you need to treat it with all the attention. It is performed in several stages.

  1. Marking is the very first of all stages, the moment when you determine where and how the path will run. It can be straight or with bends, reduce the distance to nearby objects or, conversely, increase it. The minimum comfortable width for one person is 35 cm. To mark the path, place pegs with a taut rope along the edges of the future path and evaluate your idea from the outside, looking at it from several angles. This is the stage when everything can still be changed.
  2. Preparation of the base is the future fixation of wooden cuts. The strength of the track, including its durability, depends on it. Dig a trench where the path will be. Its depth is easily calculated - 5 - 10 cm is added to the length of the cut (the softer the soil and the greater the impact on the path, the greater the depth). With width, everything is much simpler - it is equal to the width of the track.
  3. The bottom of the trench is covered protective material, be it a simple film or geofabric. The next layer is fine crushed stone or gravel, which will serve as drainage and protect the saw cuts from moisture. This layer is usually half of the given height (that is, somewhere 2.5 - 5 cm) and requires high-quality compaction. If you want to achieve the most even layer possible, use a building level.
  4. Creating a border. This stage is included among others if you are planning to make a border out of saw cuts. It is erected even before the main part of the path is laid. A border is especially necessary in areas with loose and sandy soil.
  5. Now it’s time to lay the second layer, which will consist of a sand cushion 5 - 10 cm thick. It also needs to be compacted, so to achieve maximum effect, periodically moisten the sand with water.
  6. Installation of saw cuts. Create distances between elements or leave no free space at all, filling it with saw cuts of small diameters. Alternate, set a rhythm, create a pattern - everything is at your discretion. The main thing for the track is flat surface, the stumps should not vary in height, so that you don’t have to trip over them later. To do this, you need to drown them a little and match the level.
  7. The last stage is decorative design. The space between the cuts can be left empty, or you can fill it with fine gravel, sand, or even soil with grass seeds, which will make its way nicely among the path. The saw cuts themselves are sometimes painted to make the path brighter.

Photo gallery: stages of work

Crushed stone or gravel can be used to fill the voids between the cuts, depending on their area Using a sledgehammer or hammer, you can carefully align the cuts


Without care even the most beautiful path will quickly lose its attractive appearance and quickly fall into poor condition. Every year, do not forget to clean the surface of the saw cuts with a metal scraper and treat it with a protective compound in combination with drying oil or paint.

Don’t forget to leave a few cuts in reserve when laying the path so that, if necessary, you can quickly replace a failed element.

A wooden walkway can become slippery after rain. To avoid this, treat the saw cuts with a special compound and do not pay much attention to polishing them.

Video instruction: how to make a path from saw cuts with your own hands

A path made from wooden saw cuts is best option, when you want to save money and at the same time work with your own hands, turning another corner of the garden into a work of art. Gardeners often choose wood despite its relatively short service life, because a path made from saw cuts looks very impressive, especially in the first years of its service, and updating it is not difficult at all.

Decorating your site is an activity not only for the summer or spring season. You can do this in winter, and then put your plans into action when the snow melts. The main thing is to show a little imagination and get hold of materials. All this applies to garden paths, which are an important part of garden design. Today we’ll talk about how you can create garden paths with your own hands from wood - the most environmentally friendly material.

Beauty is in simplicity

Just from the name of this type of track it becomes clear how successful this solution looks.

The tree itself environmentally friendly material, and its use in the house looks natural, let alone on the site.

Pavement of a path with wood cuts is not such a difficult task, but quite labor-intensive. Therefore, if you have chosen wood as the material, be prepared for the fact that you will have to sweat a lot.

It’s not for nothing that these paths have become so popular in landscape design. They are elegant, practical and quite economical in comparison with the same marble or. Is it difficult to get wood cuts when there are so many trees growing around (unless, of course, your plot is in an open field). However, here I will explain that there is no need to cut down the first tree you come across; it is not becoming for a person, one of the creatures of nature, to destroy another creature of nature. But what can definitely be suitable for sawing is:

Old fruit trees on the site, due to their age, do not produce a harvest or produce it in meager quantities and at the same time occupy a usable area;

Old deciduous or coniferous trees that were once too embarrassed to be cut down have grown to an adult stage and now take up a lot of space. Unless, of course, this tree is a family heirloom with which many memories are associated, it can be safely transformed into a man-made beauty;

Dried or damaged trees that have either ceased to be covered with greenery or, for obvious reasons, do not have a chance for a full life. Sometimes such cut trees give a much nicer pattern than simple straight trunks;

If none of the above is on your site, take a walk into the nearest forest and look for a tree that you wouldn’t mind cutting down. Or maybe it’s already lying there, blown over by the wind, and all that remains is to cut it up and drag it piece by piece to your site.

In many gardening cooperatives located next to the forest, one can observe the following picture: after strong winds, especially strong thunderstorms and hurricanes over the next two or three years, local gardeners peacefully drag stumps and sawdust from the forest in their wheelbarrows. It’s not at all necessary for a path, but they still find trees, and most likely they were fallen by the wind.

What is needed for the track

It’s great when a gardener’s hands grow from the right place, and next to these hands there is a set of good, serviceable tools. Then all I have to do is list what exactly is required when arranging the path. However, everyone needs to know this.

Bubble level that can be combined with an eye gauge;

Rubber hammer;

Metal container;

Paint brush, preferably a paint brush;

We could add a saw or chainsaw to this list, but since we are talking about creating a path, it means that we already have the material ready for this moment, sawn and cleaned. In addition to wood cuts, you will need sand, crushed stone, gravel, drying oil, pegs, plastic film and red clay. You will find out why all this is for further.

Lay according to the rules

1.Marking will be your first step in creating a track. Moreover, if you choose simple architectural forms, then it will be much easier for you than if you decide to make your path winding or curly. The second option will bring more hassle, but will greatly increase the attractiveness of the idea. You need to mark the edges of the path with pegs.

2. Your next step will be to remove the layer of soil. Usually, for this case, a depth equal to the height of the blade of a conventional shovel is sufficient. You stick it into the ground and immerse it up to the footrests - that’s the depth for you. In digital terms this is equal to 20-25cm.

3.Dig out a layer, compact the bottom. The trench must be completely cleaned and the walls and bottom sealed. It’s also a good idea to maintain the terrain’s topography and maintain a slight slope to create drainage. You can check the slope using a bubble level, or simply by relying on your eye.

4. To prevent your path from “floating” during rain or snowmelt, create a drainage layer 5-10 cm thick, using sand and gravel or small crushed stone for this purpose. Clay and even plastic film will do. And their combination still suitable more.

5.After creating the waterproofing cushion, you can begin installing the saw cuts. To make the path fairly level, you can use a rubber hammer, which, with light movements of your hand, will equalize the height of all the cuts.

This is good to know

Of course, there are some nuances and certain moments that inevitably arise when laying a path from wooden saw cuts - it is important not to miss them, and then the path will be a sight to behold.

First of all, you should remember about the filler, which will fill the space between the cuts, while at the same time being a good fixer. As a filler, you can use a mixture of sand and gravel or something else that is free-flowing. You need to fill in the filler as the installed saw cuts settle deeper.

To achieve the greatest decorative effect, choose those cuts on which the pattern of growth rings is more clearly expressed.

Photo processing of saw cuts or stumps

For those who have better access to materials, it makes sense to recommend bitumen, which is melted in metal containers, usually larger and more powerful than for drying oil. They are used to treat the lower part of the cuts, since it will deal with moisture more often. The upper part is coated with varnishes that are not afraid of temperature changes and are resistant to abrasion and humidity.

A wooden path is the most environmentally friendly solution, closest to nature. Therefore, if her surroundings also begin to remind you of nature, do not rush into decisions. We are talking about weeds that feel in their element when surrounded by a tree. Often it is the blades of grass and blades of grass that make their way between the cuts that give the path an even greater natural look. If you like a more cultural design, use seeds, which easily tolerates trampling on it and is an excellent soft bedding. You can walk along such a road, like a forest one, barefoot, and I’m not even talking about the mood from such a walk. One “but” - you will have to constantly monitor the height of the grass, otherwise a pleasant blooming view may soon turn into an abandoned one. Although someone might like this too.

Building a path from stumps (video)

As the main element, in addition to cuts, they also use. With their help you can create truly amazing works. To make the path even more impressive, it is recommended to use hemp of different diameters, which will make the path look like a mosaic. Stock up on stumps based on the planned length of the future path, and start laying. Its technology is no different from that used when laying saw cuts. Unless the depth of the trench will be different. If the height of the stumps used is 15 cm, then the depth of the trench will be no less.

The path can be designed in a variety of ways. You can use both large and small hemp cross-sections. You are required to harmoniously combine these dimensions so that the overall path looks organic.

If you are against greenery among the cuts, then it is better to treat the space between them with a special mixture that will not allow weeds to grow - this way you will get an absolutely clean path.

You can generally move away from using round shapes and use regular boards instead of stumps. They can be of different sizes, both medium and long. It is only important to maintain a thickness of at least 5 cm, so as not to worry about the safety of the path after the spring snow melts.

The simplest option, of course, is a straight path made of boards. The shape of the board itself greatly simplifies the construction of this track geometry. But why do we need simplicity if we suddenly want something more sophisticated? After all, winding paths made of boards are a strong design move, although they require more effort.

Adding ambiance

In many cases, it is important not only to create an object, but also to decorate it. If your design imagination does not want to calm down after the completion of construction work, take up the design work.

For example, decorative stones or pegs will help enliven a newly built path. Stones can be used of the same size, or you can combine large ones with small ones, adhering to the same principle of alternation as when laying stumps of different sizes. And if you add small ones here, you will achieve good richness and brightness of the composition.

Pegs can also diversify general view paths. Their height is in the range of 10-15cm, and they combine especially well with even boards equipping the path. Tie them with rope or wire and they will immediately look great. And if you want to add colors and diversify the color, decorate the rope with artificial flowers.

When you complete the construction of the path, you will feel like a real creator. In addition to you, this work will be admired by your family and friends, as well as friends and neighbors who will come to visit for tea, and maybe they will come again and again to admire the fruits of your efforts. One way or another, the result is clearly worth the effort.

Natural materials are appropriate in different styles landscape design, therefore, among the variety of all kinds of country paths, wood flooring is often found. If you decide to make a path from boards in the garden, a wooden floor on the terrace or a path from wood cuts with your own hands in the country, look at the photos of possible options, study all the stages of preparing the site and wood, methods of laying wood and the features of caring for the coating.

Comfortable and beautiful passage across the lawn

Why are wood materials attractive?

The attractiveness of wooden materials for the construction of dacha “communication routes” is determined by:

  • Availability. Of course, wood prices are rising, but the cost of wooden paths remains lower than that of stone, clinker brick, paving slabs. In addition, you can use lumber and fallen trees on the site that were not used during the construction of buildings at the dacha.
  • Highly decorative. The unique texture is beautiful in itself and allows you to create a unique coating with an original design that is pleasing to the eye.
  • Ease of operation. The construction of wooden paths does not require special theoretical training or special practical skills. It is enough to know how to use a saw, shovel, and hammer.
  • Environmental friendliness. Natural material safe for health, perfectly harmonizes with environment, especially popular among fans of eco-style.

Natural decorativeness of wood - each cut has a unique pattern

There are also disadvantages: wooden paths are not very durable and are susceptible to insects, fungus, and mold. And yet they can be used from 7 years to a quarter of a century, depending on the type of wood. However, this requires: competent processing of the workpieces before laying, correct installation and a reliable foundation arranged in accordance with all the rules.

Wood harmonizes perfectly with the environment

Preparing the base for a capital path

To prevent the garden path from swelling, falling through, becoming overgrown with weeds and ultimately falling apart in the next year or two, you need to prepare a reliable bed (foundation) for it.

Marking the contours of the path

This is a simple, but quite labor-intensive task:

  1. On the territory, mark the boundaries of the path using a cord stretched between driven pegs. On the bends of the route, pegs should be placed frequently, at intervals of no more than half a meter (depending on the radius of curvature), and on straight sections, pegs can be driven in every 2 or even 3 m. You can also mark the contour of a winding path with sand, chalk powder, or lime.
  2. If you plan to install curbs, provide an appropriate indentation when marking the width of the bed.
  3. Within the markings, select soil approximately 20 cm deep, controlling the depth of the resulting trench with a template or ruler. This must be done in dry weather: rain that spills into the trench will significantly reduce the quality of the foundation.
  4. If curbs are needed, install them level. It is advisable to add compacted sand under the curbs.
  5. Compact the bed and line it with geotextile or PET film to protect against weed germination and prevent subsidence.
  6. Place a drainage layer of gravel or fine crushed stone 4-10 cm high on the bottom (depending on the stability of the soil). You can use a gravel-sand mixture (9:1). Compact thoroughly using a roller, vibrating plate or hand-made homemade tamper.
  7. For some types of paths, it is necessary to pour a sand cushion of the same height over the drainage layer. It needs to be poured gradually, in layers, moistening and compacting each layer well.

Start of work on preparing the foundation

After this, you can begin laying a wooden path of one design or another in the garden.

How to lay out a path from wooden cuts

The benefits of using wooden cuts (cuts, slices, logs) as a material for paving paths have already been appreciated by many summer residents and homeowners. The paths, paved with charming logs, allow you to move comfortably around the site, look organic among green spaces, and perfectly shade the flowering flower beds.

A path made of wooden cuts emphasizes the beauty of greenery and flowers

Where to get wood cuts

Many manufacturers offer ready-made saw cuts from various types of wood. You can even purchase blanks that have already been treated with special compounds, which all that remains is to be correctly mounted on the prepared base. This option is good when the budget allows.

However, if you even glance at the price lists, you may experience some disappointment. For example, unprocessed larch sections with a diameter of 30 cm and a height of 10 cm are offered by a domestic manufacturer for 150 rubles/piece.

A simple calculation shows: material for a 9-meter path with a width of 60 cm will cost 9,000 rubles. excluding shipping and handling costs before installation. And if you make wood cuts for a path with your own hands from a fallen trunk that is cluttering up the area, you can pave the same path for practically nothing.

You can prepare the cuts yourself

How to make saw cuts with your own hands

Blanks cut independently from purchased round timber are also cheaper than ready-made cuts. You will need a few tools for the job:

  • petrol or electric saw;
  • tape measure or template;
  • pencil or chalk for marking;
  • sanding scraper.

The starting material can be any type of wood. However, if you have a choice, then it is better to take larch and pine from coniferous species, and oak, alder, hornbeam, and acacia from deciduous species. Paths made of larch and oak will last the longest. But you need to keep in mind that the wood of these species is difficult to process. The selected tree must be dry, otherwise the cuts laid in the ground will warp, crack, and the work will go down the drain.

To make cuts, you need to perform the following manipulations:

  1. Clear the trunk of branches.
  2. Sand the barrel with a scraper or other tool. Perhaps someone will prefer to peel ready-made logs of bark.
  3. Using a template, mark the log lengthwise into equal parts of 10-20 cm. The thicker the trunk, the greater the cut height needed. In order for the saw cuts to be securely held in the path, it is undesirable to make them less than 10 cm high.
  4. Unfold the barrel according to the marks.

Wood cuts are ready

Treatment of sections with special compounds

Before proceeding directly to laying a path from wood cuts with your own hands, the cut pieces must be treated to protect them from insects and fungus. For this purpose you can use:

  • special antiseptics, deep penetration impregnations, purchased in the store, using them according to the instructions;
  • home remedy solution copper sulfate(10-20%), in which the saw cuts need to be kept for two days, then dried in the shade for the same time;
  • drying oil brought almost to a boil - it must be applied with a brush to all surfaces of the cuts;
  • Use the waste machine oil as drying oil.

Path made of “aged” wooden cuts

When exposed to copper sulfate, the wood quickly darkens. If you want to achieve the effect of “aged” wood, this treatment is what you need. When trying to preserve the natural color of the material, impregnation with drying oil is more advisable. You can also use the old technique of the inhabitants of taiga settlements - soak the saw cuts with a rich decoction of larch bark. It will give the wood antiseptic properties and a pleasant red-brown color.

These cuts are ready for installation

After the logs have dried, it is necessary to apply a waterproofing layer to their lower part. To do this, bitumen needs to be melted in a metal container and the bottom of the workpieces should be dipped into it. This operation is unsafe: it is not easy to cook bitumen, and the temperature of the molten substance exceeds 200°C. You can use other ways to create a waterproofing layer:

  1. Fill bitumen briquettes placed in a metal container with gasoline and leave for several days until a liquefied bitumen mass is formed. Treat saw cuts in it, as in hot bitumen.
  2. Cover the lower surfaces of the logs with Kuzbasslak.

Laying prepared logs on the base

Paving paths from trunk cuts

Now there is very little time left until you can be proud of your hand-made wooden path in your dacha. The most exciting thing is coming creative work for installation of saw cuts.

Scheme of a path made from saw cuts

To fully realize your idea, you must do the following:

  1. While the finished cuts are drying after impregnation, prepare a bed for them using the technology described above. Provide such a thickness of the compacted gravel-sand “pie” that the upper ends of the logs are level with the surrounding soil or protrude slightly above it. If curbs are planned, their role will be successfully performed by higher cuts and wooden blocks.
  2. Make sure the bed is level using a level.
  3. Start paving. Place each element in its place, pressing it into the sand and leveling it with careful tapping with a wooden or rubber hammer. Check the level so that all cuts are in the same plane.
  4. Lay out the logs according to any chosen pattern: from a single-row path made from large diameter saw cuts to a path densely paved with saw cuts of different diameters and configurations. It all depends on the artist’s intentions and the availability of preparations.
  5. Fill the gaps between the cuts with sand, crushed stone screenings, and small pebbles and soil. Such a wooden path will be decorated with ground cover plants or mosses sown in the intervals between cuts.
  6. Decorate the edges: decorate with decorative stone, cover with crushed stone, gravel or just soil and compact well.

You can get ideas for decorating paths made from wooden saw cuts by looking at the photo below.

Caring for a path made from wooden saw cuts

To use the saw-cut path for a long time, you will have to look after her:

  1. Every year, clean off the dirt with a metal scraper, then treat it with an antiseptic, drying oil or (if desired) coat it with paints and varnishes for external use.
  2. Promptly remove weeds that can disturb the base of the coating.
  3. Avoid flooding and erosion of the coating. For this purpose, you can install special grooves on the sides of the path or arrange grooves.
  4. In winter, remove snow in a timely manner and prevent the formation of ice on the surface. At the same time, you should avoid using salt or other reagents for removing ice, which contribute to the gradual destruction of wood.

It is prestigious to have such a gender

Wood floors are stylish

Having a supply of material for cutting and acquiring some skills in working with them, you can make an unusual floor from wood cuts - this is now fashionable. Depending on what will serve as the base of the floor, they can be used various ways styling and finishing flooring.

Floor made from wood slices on a soil base

If you need a ground-based floor (say, for an open terrace), you can build it exactly according to the same scenario as a path from saw cuts. But there are also differences:

  • Paving must be made as dense as possible, using cuts of different diameters.
  • The gaps remaining between the cuts do not need to be filled with bulk materials - the prepared mastic should be pressed into them (more about it below), leveling the surface with a rubber spatula.
  • After the mastic has dried and the surface has hardened, you need to go over it with a sanding machine. Then thoroughly remove dust and polish the floor linseed oil and wax or apply parquet polish.

Preparation of mastic:

  1. Soak 2 kg of clay.
  2. Mix it thoroughly with 1 kg of slaked lime.
  3. Add 1 kg of technical fat and 4 kg of fine sawdust.
  4. Stir until smooth.

Laying saw cuts on a solid base

“Eternal” floor made of wooden cuts

The option of an expensive, but truly durable floor mounted on a solid base deserves attention. At the same time, the height of saw cuts laid on a concrete screed or an old wooden floor can be significantly reduced. For this floor you need:

  1. Level and clean the base.
  2. Apply polyurethane self-leveling flooring to a small area of ​​the base. Lay wooden slices as tightly as possible in this area. By the way, the greatest packing density will be provided by sections made from the remains of timber.
  3. Go to the next section and repeat the previous operation.
  4. After gluing the saw cuts along the entire base, wait for the polyurethane to harden and seal the seams with a mixture of polymer and sawdust.
  5. Sand the dried floor with a sander. Remove dust after sanding.
  6. Pour the finishing coat of polyurethane.

“Parquet” from end cuts of timber

Lumber paths - simple and inexpensive

If the process of preparing and laying saw cuts seems too complicated and time-consuming, you can quickly and easily build a variety of wooden paths for the garden using ready-made lumber: boards, timber different sizes. The simplest option is panel flooring, which does not require labor-intensive preparation of the base.

Wooden garden path

For such a path you will need planed edged boards of the same thickness (preferably equal width), wooden blocks, a hacksaw, a hammer, and nails. The procedure for making the flooring:

  1. Mark the path, level the soil along the route of the path (fill in the holes, compact them, cut off the tubercles).
  2. Saw the timber into lengths equal to the width of the path. Trim the boards.
  3. Soak the boards and bars with antiseptic and dry.
  4. Treat the bottom of the boards and each surface of the bars with bitumen coating (or cover with kuzbasslak) and let it harden.
  5. Place the bars on the ground at intervals of about 1 m, nail boards to them, recessing the nail heads. It is better to use galvanized nails. Leave a gap of up to 5 mm between the boards for ventilation and water drainage.
  6. Sew the shields together using the same bars. Sand the joints with sandpaper.
  7. Paint the walkway using exterior paint.

Walking path made of boards and gravel

Another design of a wooden path for the garden, simple in execution and not requiring significant costs. For it you need:

  1. Prepare the base using the above technology. But a trench 5-7 cm deep, topped with a sand-gravel mixture, is sufficient.
  2. From the boards (timbers), cut sections of length equal to the width of the path. Process them in the same way as was used in the manufacture of shields.
  3. Place the boards along the length of the base at short intervals, press into the backfill, and paint.

Plank flooring

As you can see, you don’t need any special knowledge or skills to create simple but effective wooden paths with your own hands. Take into account the recommendations, take a closer look at the photographs, use your imagination and decorate the territory of your dacha with original paths.

The process of developing a landscape design for a site includes the arrangement of garden paths. There are many materials used for laying walk-through areas. One of the original and aesthetically attractive options is the use of wood cuts.

Pros and cons of paths made from saw cuts

Before choosing saw cuts as a material for covering paths, you should familiarize yourself with all the pros and cons of wood. Reliable information will help you avoid mistakes during installation and not experience disappointment associated with unpleasant surprises during the operation of wood flooring.

Advantages of a path made from saw cuts:

The ability to carry out installation yourself thanks to simple technology;

Arranging paths with the selected material takes little time and does not require much labor;

The original design of the wood covering, which is due to the beautiful natural pattern of the wood cut;

Compatibility of wood covering with any landscape of the site;

The material can be restored; if severely damaged, the fragment can be easily replaced with a new cut;

Used logs can be used in the future as mulch or a component for a compost pit;

During precipitation, the coating does not retain moisture on the surface, which ensures comfortable movement around the site even in bad weather.

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The disadvantages of wood are no less important. Among the main ones:

Susceptibility of the material to rotting;

The need for regular treatments and restoration of the protective layer;

Wood is sensitive to temperature changes.

It is also worth adding that after precipitation the path becomes slippery. But this drawback can be prevented if special compounds are used when processing the coating.

DIY path made from wood cuts

For a path made from saw cuts, it is better to choose hardwood, this will extend the life of the coating. Oak logs will last in the ground for more than 10 years, pine logs will last a little less - about 7 years. But larch is considered a favorite; the path will retain its presentable appearance and functionality for more than 25 years. In fact, the household uses more often those materials that are at hand, so it is important to give preference to material without signs of rotting.

Before you start installation work cuts should be prepared. To do this, the log is cut into separate fragments. The height of the blanks ranges from 15 to 25 cm, depending on the diameter of the log (the larger it is, the higher the cut should be).

In order for the material to retain its structure for a long time, you need to get rid of the bark. It is also recommended to avoid using workpieces with cracks; under mechanical load and under the influence of atmospheric factors, the deformation will increase.

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Cleaned saw cuts are treated with an antiseptic to increase resistance to moisture and fungus. Don't forget about waterproofing. To do this, the lower parts of the logs are covered with bitumen. The bottom circle and that part of the height that will go deep into the trench should be captured. Are ending preparatory work applying protective coating(paint, varnish).

Installation is performed in the following sequence:

Place pegs at the marked points and stretch the twine along them;

Dig a trench with a depth of the height of the cuts plus 5-15 cm (the increase depends on the type of soil and the topography of the site);

Line the bottom of the pit with geotextile;

Fill the trench with sand (layer thickness 2-3 cm);

Add a layer of gravel or crushed stone (2.5-5 cm) for drainage;

Compact the sand and gravel bed with a tamper (but do not overdo it, so as not to break through the geofabric); for convenience, the sand can be moistened;

Level the bedding using a building level;

Install a curb if such an element of the path is provided for in the plan;

Lay out the cuts according to the developed design;

Fill the intervals between cuts with sand or screenings (can be soil mixed with seeds of low-growing grass or meadow flowers).

Having built a house and outbuildings on a country plot, and planted trees and flowers pleasing to the eye, you need to take care of laying communication routes between them. The article contains information about wooden paths for a summer house, garden and cottage - their advantages, disadvantages and features. You will learn what kind of wood is used for paths, what other materials can be used and what kind of care is required for wooden paths.

Garden paths made from wood cuts are unusual and original Source

Advantages and disadvantages of using wood for paths

One of the criteria for choosing a site design is the material from which the paths will be made. Using wood for these purposes is a good idea, because wooden paths look organic, are comfortable for walking, and do not require large expenses for their production.

But before considering specific types of wooden garden paths, it is worth assessing the pros and cons of using any wood as a building material for paths.


    Original appearance. On some types of paths, you can view a unique pattern of wood structure.

    Completely environmentally friendly material

    Cheapness. Many creation options involve the use of wood, which you can extract yourself or use waste from wood production.

    Relative ease of creation

    Space for creative and design solutions


    Fragility. It is necessary to treat the wood placed in the ground with special compounds against rotting.

    Untreated wood becomes slippery after rain

    The need for periodic repairs

Application of wooden cuts

Perhaps the most original and catchy way is a path made from wood cuts.

Outwardly, it looks like paving stones. Only each wooden “round” differs from the neighboring one in size and pattern, which gives the entire path a unique flavor.

Scheme for creating a path from saw cuts Source:

The types of wood from which the “rounds” are cut can be any, but it is better to give preference to hard deciduous ones - oak, larch or beech. Coniferous cuts, despite the presence of resin in them, are looser and rot faster. There is evidence that deciduous cuts with proper processing and care can last more than 20 years. Pine will last several times less.

But the beauty of such a road surface requires careful preparation of the wood before laying and compliance with certain rules during installation. Preparation consists of processing each cut before laying and creating a pit along the entire length of the path into which the wooden cuts will be laid.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer turnkey project development and landscape work of any complexity. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Processing of cuts

    The height of the wooden rings should not be less than 10 cm, otherwise they will crack under load. It is better to discard saw cuts with cracks.

    Each cut must be cleared of bark, which is difficult to process and promotes rotting.

    The upper part of the cut is treated against rotting. An economical option is used oil or drying oil. But it is better to use special compounds, which are abundant on sale.

    It is recommended to treat the lower part of the cut, which will be in the ground, with bitumen.

    You can specially give the wood a dark, beautiful color by pre-treating it with copper sulfate.

Before laying on the path, the saw cuts undergo mandatory processing Source

Preparing the ground for the path

    A trench for a wooden path is dug to its entire length and width, and its depth should be 10–15 cm greater than the height of the prepared cuts.

    The bottom of the trench is lined with a waterproofing film, onto which a sand or gravel cushion is poured.

Curbs to protect the path from dirt Source

Installation of cuts

    To densely fill the entire area of ​​the path, it is necessary to prepare cuts of different diameters.

    A prerequisite is that the surface of the installed cuts should be 2 - 3 cm above the backfill layer.

    The voids between the logs can be filled with sand or gravel. A path made from saw cuts with gaps between them seeded with grass looks beautiful. But the grass will need additional care.

    There are path options where the gaps between the cuts are filled with concrete. But the combination of wood and concrete does not look entirely natural.

In general, it is these wooden paths that give room for imagination. You can vary both the size and shape of the dies being dug in, as well as their grouping in different places along the path. They can be placed evenly, in a herringbone pattern, or combined into groups, creating the illusion of islands on the road.

There are different ways to decorate paths with tree cuts Source

Application of boards

The first thing that comes to mind is to make garden paths from boards. A fairly simple option that does not require searches and painstaking preparation of material. But, unlike saw cuts, it is necessary to prepare a base on which the boards will be laid. You can't just lay the boards on the ground. Unsecured, they will move apart and rot quickly. The simplest base is long logs made of timber installed along the entire length of the path being constructed.

Wooden path made of boards on a slight rise Source

Most of the proposed options for garden plank flooring are characterized by a transverse arrangement of the boards. But it is worth considering longitudinal “deck” flooring. Yes, they don’t look as stylish, but they also have their advantages:

    Possibility of using long boards without sawing them to fit the width of the path

    But for the base on which the boards are stuffed, you can take short bars from waste

    Such floorings are more convenient when cleaning them, especially in winter from snow

Longitudinal arrangement of boards in a garden path on a hill Source

Application of timber

You can lay out the entire path from thick wooden beam. The installation of such flooring will cost more in terms of material, but will last much longer. In addition, there is no need to install any base on which to attach the beams.

Of course, you will have to level the ground along the entire length of the path, and gravel backfilling will not be superfluous at all.

Beams laid on gravel bed Source

Treatment of timber against rotting is the same as for plank flooring. There are proposals to use railway sleepers for timber flooring, but this is not recommended. Sleepers are treated with creosote, which causes burns if it comes into contact with the skin. And on a hot day, the fumes from such a “path” are unlikely to be pleasant.

Video description

Interesting ideas for creating paths from wood in the video:

Application of ready-made pallets

When planning wooden paths in your dacha, you can consider using already knocked down pallets, especially if you can purchase them inexpensively. Such pallets can be found at construction sites and warehouses where various materials are stored on them.

Each pallet is a finished structure with a base on which the boardwalk is already attached. They differ only in the density of the boards. If you don’t want to bother with additional processing, then you need to choose those with minimal gaps between the boards. All that remains is to remove the uneven areas where the path will pass and lay the pallets on the ground one by one.

This is the most suitable option for temporary paths to some places on a summer cottage.

Decoration of the site and approach to the pool with pallets Source

The purchase of pallets will also be justified for the option of installing boardwalks. The boards, already cut to size, are knocked off the pallets, and damaged ones are rejected. Then they are treated with a protective compound and the required flooring is knocked out of them. Any pallets are suitable for this application.

Application of mulch

Garden paths can be created using shredded wood shavings, tree bark and other wood waste called mulch. To do this, you just need to remove the top layer of soil, lay out a small border around the edges, and pour mulch into the prepared trench. On sandy soils, where water does not stagnate, you don’t even have to line the trench with waterproofing.

But as a temporary path or decorative path, they are quite suitable.

Garden paths made of mulch Source:

Application of garden parquet

Decking – garden or terrace parquet – is considered a modern material for landscaping. These are ready-made tile modules with a surface made of various types of wood. WPC boards are also produced - a wood-polymer composite, in the manufacture of which a mixture of wood and polymers is used. Strictly speaking, such material cannot be called wood, but outwardly it is hardly distinguishable.

Such parquet should be laid on a prepared hard surface to prevent it from sagging. Various options external design of parquet modules allows you to create real compositions when arranging paths and platforms on the site.


Video description

Creating a garden path from wood cuts in the video:

Caring for wooden paths

Any garden paths made of wood require maintenance. Wooden elements can break, and the wood begins to rot over time. Therefore, approximately once a year it is necessary to carry out a preventive inspection and restoration of the damaged area.

    Cleaning paths from debris and washed-up soil

    Applying a new protective layer of antiseptic

    Replacement of damaged or beginning to rot elements. When constructing a wooden path, it is recommended to leave some of the finished material “in reserve” so that you do not have to hastily prepare a replacement of the required size and quality.


Despite the instability of wood compared to other materials, with proper installation of wooden paths and proper care, they will please the eye for many years. But when considering options for garden wooden paths, you should take into account the features of their creation and the preparatory work when laying them. Such work requires knowledge of many nuances, and it is better to trust them to professionals.


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