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If we talk about vegetables and fruits, then freezing is a much more gentle method of preservation, than pickling or cooking with sugar.

Moreover, in winter frozen seasonal vegetables, much healthier than fresh ones from the supermarket, but brought from distant countries, where they are grown in greenhouses, using large doses of fertilizers and growth accelerators.

And perhaps you will be reassured by the fact that nature itself provides for natural freezing. In winter, the roots, tubers, and seeds of many plants are subjected to repeated freezing and thawing, and in the spring, as if nothing had happened, they begin to grow again.

And about the rest of the food it’s completely funny. What kind of life can we even talk about if the dish has undergone heat treatment? Or, what vitamins in raw meat can be destroyed by frost? And if it destroys something, then what difference does it make if there are none left after cooking anyway?

So, the article is not about benefits, but exclusively about taste qualities .

All subsequent information is beautifully and clearly depicted in infographics. Bookmark it, it will come in handy this season!

1. Dairy and eggs


They tolerate freezing very well hard varieties of cheese, their taste and consistency do not change at all.

But semi-solid ones will crumble after defrosting, but their taste will not become any worse. That is, if you choose between two evils: freezing soft cheese or the formation of mold on it from long-term storage in the refrigerator, then it is certainly better to place it in the freezer. There he will quietly lie for up to six months.

If the cheese is very soft, for example, Adyghe, then freezing will greatly affect its taste.

It's better to avoid this. But, since the technologies and source ingredients are now so different, the cheeses themselves may have different reactions to freezing.

Therefore, nothing is stopping you from doing a little experiment by placing a small piece in the freezer. Perhaps the cheese from this particular company will remain just as tasty after thawing.

Here is a list of popular varieties of cheese by hardness:
Very firm: Parmesan, Pecorino Romano
Solid: Gouda, Cheddar, Edam, Russian
Semi-solid: Mozzarella, Camembert, Brie
Soft: Ricotta, Feta, Creamy, Adygei

Solid It’s better to grate it in advance and put it into portioned bags. Cut the semi-hard ones into portions and sprinkle them with starch so that they do not stick together.

Cottage cheese

Freeze cottage cheese for storage possible, provided that you will then use it for some dishes, for example, dumplings, cheesecakes or cottage cheese lasagna.

After defrosting its taste becomes worse, well, just a little, but the structure changes: it flakes, crumbles and tastes drier.

It is best to freeze very dry cottage cheese by thoroughly squeezing it out of the whey and wrapping it in portioned bags.


Cottage cheese whey can be frozen. It is stored for a very long time and after thawing it can be used for dough. But drinking it will not be very pleasant, since sometimes it happens that it separates into fractions.

It is most convenient to freeze in plastic cups., which need to be tied with a plastic bag so that the whey does not absorb foreign odors.

The main thing is not to pour the liquid to the edge, leave room for the natural expansion of water, otherwise it will simply splash out right in the chamber.

Can milk be frozen?

Milk keeps well in the freezer. In the North, for example, milk is still stored this way, frozen, outside.

And if necessary, simply break off a piece, melt it in the refrigerator and drink, stirring well, as a slight separation of the components may occur.

If you defrost it faster, in the microwave or even at room temperature, the milk then loses a lot in taste.

Can be frozen both cow and goat milk, no difference. The container must be selected taking into account the expansion of the liquid at the moment it turns into ice.

“So if you want to freeze milk in a plastic bottle, you don’t need to fill it to the brim! She'll just burst"

It is better to give preference to small bottles, up to a liter. Since it is no longer recommended to refreeze milk if you don’t need it all at once, since it will lose a lot of vitamins.

Although many people practice this method: take out a large bottle, keep it at room temperature, pour out a certain amount, and place the remaining ice lump back in the freezer.

Sour cream

Sour cream, definitely flakes a lot after defrosting and then it will not be possible to restore it to its original form. Its taste will not change, but it will be very unpleasant to eat, since grains and flakes are formed in it.

Therefore, defrosted sour cream will subsequently only suitable for baking or cooking, suggesting sour cream sauce: beef stroganoff, mushroom sauce, etc. She won't be able to dress the salad anymore.

The sour cream will be a little better after defrosting if you beat it with a mixer before putting it in the freezer. But still, don’t expect the original consistency. When freezing, do not forget that it expands and you need to take the container “with a reserve”.

Can raw eggs be frozen?

Yes! This is an excellent way to store eggs, because they do not disappear in this form for a whole year.

The white, after defrosting, does not change its consistency at all, and the yolk becomes more elastic, but this does not spoil the taste, but rather improves it.

There are even dishes in which eggs are supposed to be pre-frozen in order to subsequently obtain a “rubbery” baked yolk. These eggs are especially good in hot sandwiches.

By the way, if you ate an omelette at McDonald's, then it is unusual not because wild chemicals are mixed in there, but simply because they were used to prepare it. frozen eggs.

Thawed eggs are also suitable for baking, including making creams and meringues.

The main thing is, don’t try to freeze them in their shells, they will explode. It is most convenient to freeze in portioned cups and in whipped form.

For example: cups for omelettes, each containing 3-4 eggs, or cups containing separate yolks or whites, for example, 3 pieces each.

If you still froze large number If you don’t immediately remember how many pieces went into the container, then defrosted eggs can be measured like this:

  • White of 1 egg – 2 tbsp
  • Yolk of 1 egg – 1 tbsp
  • Whole egg – 3 tbsp

2. Freezing meat and fish

Red caviar

On an industrial scale, red caviar is frozen, but the fact is that they use shock freezing, which requires the temperature of the chambers to be 18 degrees or lower.

Such caviar is perfectly stored even at proper defrosting(in the refrigerator), does not lose any taste or nutritional composition.

In home refrigerators, we hardly have -12 (except for modern models that have the “Super Freeze” function), so even if you defrost the caviar correctly, small changes will still be noticeable.

The taste of the caviar will not deteriorate, but some eggs may burst, become slightly deformed, and some liquid will appear.

To be fair, caviar in tins of this type is available, and that’s okay, everyone likes it.

“In order for caviar to survive freezing as best as possible, it needs to be loaded into small glass jars, filling to the top and removing as much air as possible.”

And to defrost, put it in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours, no less. If you hurry and heat it up, it will turn into an almost homogeneous mess.

In general, caviar tolerates such preservation well, mostly due to the fact that it is well salted, because salt does not allow the product to freeze thoroughly.

Are herring and dried fish frozen?

Absolutely no problem! As in the case of caviar, salt prevents the herring from freezing too much and turning into stone, therefore, when defrosted, it does not spread and does not lose any of its taste.

Any dry fish, red fish, etc. can be frozen. Just be sure to wrap it well, as the strong smell of fish can affect the taste of other foods stored in the freezer.

How does freezing affect fresh fish?

You can freeze any river and sea ​​fish, its taste does not deteriorate at all, except that after defrosting it becomes a little softer.

Therefore, you need to remember this property before putting it in the freezer. The fish needs to be cleaned, gutted and cut into portions, as it will be more difficult for you to do this later.

But if you really don’t have time for preparation, then fresh fish can be frozen just like that, without cleaning. Nothing special will happen to her.

But It is not advisable to refreeze fish, since its consistency will change greatly: it will become drier and begin to break.


Any meat can be frozen, and this is probably no secret to anyone. Many people are more interested in: Is it possible to refreeze meat after defrosting?

You will be surprised, but the answer is Yes!

But, do not forget that this will not improve the taste and it is better to use such a piece of meat for stewing or broths, rather than frying or baking, since it becomes excessively dry when repeatedly thawed.

Is it possible to freeze chicken?

Yes, definitely. The only question is how to do this in the most convenient way.

If you don’t need a whole carcass after defrosting (and you don’t need it, since it’s better to bake fresh, it will be juicier), then be sure to disassemble it into its component parts and wrap each in a separate bag.

This method of dividing a chicken carcass into portions is very convenient:

  • Breast fillet - per serving of chops
  • Two hams, wings, neck - for baking in a sleeve
  • Back - for broth
  • Bone from the sternum and skin - for another broth

What kind of minced meat can be stored in the freezer?

Probably every baby knows that minced meat can be frozen. But not everyone knows whether it is possible to store minced meat and onions in the freezer.

Yes, the onion does not spoil at all when thawed and the taste of the minced meat does not change. Moreover, you can freeze not only with onions, but also with other cutlet ingredients: bread, eggs, garlic, potatoes.

3. Freezing vegetables, fruits and mushrooms

Is it possible to freeze mushrooms?

Yes, this can be done with any mushrooms: wild mushrooms, fresh store-bought champignons, honey mushrooms and others. But, if store-bought champignons and oyster mushrooms can be put in the freezer raw, then forest mushrooms must be boiled for five minutes first.

To prevent the mushrooms in the bag from sticking together, after slicing or cooking, they must be laid out on a waffle towel and dried a little. And only after that place it in portioned bags.

Should you freeze berries?

Of course it's worth it! Any berry after freezing loses a little taste, of course.

It becomes a little watery and sour. But in it much more vitamins are retained than in a jar of jam.

Berries need to be frozen in two stages. The first time they need to be laid out on a board and slightly frozen, and when they “set” a little, put them into portioned bags and finally freeze.


Many, but not all, tolerate freezing well. Let's figure out which vegetables can be frozen for the winter at home, and which are undesirable.

By by and large, you can freeze everything, but not all vegetables retain their taste. For example, zucchini absolutely cannot stand being frozen in slices. Whether they are fresh or blanched, they turn out rubbery and inedible.

So, what should you not put in the freezer?

  • Zucchini slices (terrible consistency)
  • Fresh eggplants (smell unpleasant)
  • Whole tomatoes (smell unpleasant and turn into mush)
  • Whole cucumbers (only water remains)
  • Radish (the smell is terrible)
  • Radish (same thing)
  • Green salad (spreads into pieces)

Here's what you should definitely freeze: but be sure to follow the packaging and preparation tips:

  • Zucchini, grated for pancakes (squeeze thoroughly first)
  • Baked eggplant (for caviar)
  • Grated tomatoes for borscht (pour into serving glasses)
  • Cucumber juice in ice containers (for masks)
  • Bell pepper (raw, either pieces or whole)
  • Peeled garlic
  • Grated beets and carrots
  • Regular beans (keeps well and no bugs)
  • Green beans (need to be blanched)
  • Sorrel (raw, chopped)

This is the most necessary set. But besides this, it is quite possible to freeze pumpkin pieces, potatoes, cabbage and even green onions!

Some people don't really like the taste of frozen potatoes, because it makes them a little sweeter. But this does not stop supermarkets from selling it all year round!

4. Freezing various liquids

Can coconut milk be frozen?

Coconut milk is often confused with coconut water, which is found inside the nut. It is transparent and can be frozen; when thawed, neither the taste nor the aroma changes.

But milk is a product made by human hands. To prepare it, you need to grate the nut (or use ready-made shavings), then pour the mixture with plain water and leave for 2 hours. Then beat everything with a blender and squeeze the resulting liquid through cheesecloth.

This will be real milk, which can be frozen if you have made too much.

Is tea and coffee frozen?

It is possible, and it will not greatly affect the taste of the drink. But you shouldn’t store beans or tea leaves in a dry form in the freezer, as they will lose all their aroma and simply become damp. Moreover, no sealed packaging will save you from moisture.

Is it possible to freeze beer?

It’s possible, but only so that you can simply throw it away later. Frozen beer has a very unpleasant taste, absolute disgusting, not to mention the fact that the gas will leave it irrevocably when defrosted.

Is wine stored in the freezer?

Under no circumstances should you freeze wine. It will separate into fractions, become cloudy, and the smell and taste will change greatly.

And if you put it in the freezer directly in the bottle, it will also burst, and then you won’t be able to clean the camera with anything.

Can yeast be frozen?

Yes, they lend themselves perfectly to freezing, regardless of their purpose: for baking, moonshine, or for anything else where they can be used.

Yeast fungi do not deteriorate due to low temperatures and when thawed they begin to actively multiply.

Is it possible to freeze breast milk?

There is no harm in freezing breast milk once. But keep in mind that some of the vitamins are destroyed in this process, so it’s often not worth doing this. The same goes for re-freezing breast milk.


Many people are interested in whether it is possible to freeze freshly squeezed fruit juice or, for example, birch juice?

Our answer is yes, but is it necessary to take up so much space in the freezer? Of course, during sterilization a certain amount of vitamins is lost, but also during defrosting.

What about the taste? More often than not, sterilized juice tastes better, especially for apple and tomato juice.

5. Freezing semi-finished products

Borscht dressing

Certainly. This method is very convenient and saves a lot of time. Another question: what is the best way to do this?

Eat different options and they are all good.

You can grate all the fresh vegetables separately, portion them into portion bags, and freeze them. But the disadvantage of this method is that it takes too much container.

According to the second method, a prefabricated filling is made, for example, with the following components:

  • Grated beets
  • Boiled beans
  • Grated tomatoes
  • Fried carrots with onions
  • Cabbage

That is, it turns out that then you only need to cook the potatoes and broth. Vegetables are calculated immediately, not by weight, but by the number of tubers that goes into one pan. And it’s cut in the same way: I prepared one portion and put it in a bag.

You need to experiment with taste. Some people don’t like frozen cabbage, and some can’t stand defrosted fried carrots. Now, try it yourself, no one will tell you.

What's the best way to freeze cabbage rolls?

Please note that you need to add not half-cooked rice to the minced meat, as with regular recipe, because it will simply spread out. For this semi-finished product, pour boiling water over the rice and hold for about 10 minutes, then cool and mix with the meat.

Cabbage leaves must be blanched. Stuffed cabbage rolls store very well, but the taste, of course, is a little different from freshly prepared ones.

Stuffed peppers

Pepper from the freezer tastes good, but fresh is much better.

Dumplings, dumplings and chebureki

Of course, but be sure to freeze them on a plate first.

And only after their edges have become stronger and frozen, put them in a bag.

Otherwise, instead of dumplings, you will get a strange mixture of dough and minced meat, which will simply be impossible to cook.

6. Dough and baked goods

Well, a lot of housewives don’t know whether it’s possible to freeze dough or not.

Yes, absolutely nothing will happen to him. This also applies yeast dough both sand and puff pastry. In the supermarket it is sold in this form, by the way.

Are ready-made filled pies frozen?

Yes, pies tolerate freezing well. Either fried or baked. That is, the freezer will not affect the quality of the dough.

But as for the filling, there are different options. The meat preserves perfectly, but becomes a little drier. The rice filling will become excessively soft, but the cabbage filling will remain just as tasty.

Is it possible to freeze pancakes without filling?

Yes. After thawing, they will become a little drier and crumble slightly, but this does not affect the taste much.

And if you add filling to them and fry them, there will be no difference at all.

Are bread and rolls stored in the freezer?

Yes, sure. The only thing you need to take into account is that after defrosting, the bread goes stale much faster and you need to eat it as quickly as possible.

Is it possible to freeze a cake?

Cakes can be stored in the freezer; there will be no damage to the dough. But creams behave differently. Oil preserves just fine, but protein does not smell very pleasant after defrosting.

7. Freezing ready meals

Are boiled eggs frozen?

If you freeze them whole, you won't be able to eat them: the boiled protein takes on a disgusting taste.

But the yolks, surprisingly, do not spoil at all. Therefore, to freeze boiled eggs, you need to get rid of the protein shell and put the yolks in the chamber.

The question here is different: why?

Is it possible to freeze ready-made cutlets?

Fried cutlets tolerate freezing well and their taste after thawing differs little from ordinary ones. Of course, this will not be a freshly prepared dish, but still quite tasty.

What about sausage? You can: smoked, boiled, sausages, and small sausages. By the way, they are often frozen in the store.

Is smoked fish stored in the freezer?

It comes in cold and hot smoked varieties. Both can be frozen if there is any leftover after the holidays.

But it should be noted that cold smoked fish after defrosting has a better taste and consistency than hot smoked fish.

Should you freeze purees?

Mashed potatoes should be frozen only in the most extreme cases, since after defrosting the dish will not be the same at all. The most it can be used for is a casserole.

What soups can be frozen?

Kharcho behaves best when frozen, oddly enough, despite the presence of rice. But there it should be soft and boiled, therefore, its changed consistency does not affect the taste.

Why exactly kharcho? But because it does not contain boiled potatoes, which after freezing acquire a peculiar taste.

Is it possible to store pilaf in the freezer?

It is extremely undesirable to freeze pilaf, since the rice becomes watery and crumbly after defrosting.

In conclusion, I would like to say: a freezer is a convenient thing and you should not neglect this benefit of civilization.

How often do you come across natural cottage cheese, sour cream, or even milk from a domestic cow? Such products are rare today, and the price is steep! Alas, dairy products cannot be stored in the refrigerator for more than two days.

The freezer was an excellent solution for me personally. Is it possible to freeze cottage cheese, milk and sour cream? How long can they remain like this? And won’t they lose their valuable qualities from this? Now I will tell you everything in order.

Proper storage, freezing and thawing of dairy products

Let me start with the fact that it is not advisable to freeze store-bought cottage cheese packaged in packs. Manufacturers add some food additives, which allows the product not to spoil for a week or even two. But the longer the shelf life of the cottage cheese, the less useful it contains. The taste also leaves much to be desired. Well, if you also put it in the freezer for a month or two, then it’s unlikely that anything good will come out of it. Therefore, for freezing, it is better to take homemade fresh cottage cheese, ideally coarse-grained and not pasty.

How to increase the shelf life of cottage cheese

Frozen milk cubes are good as a facial toner.

Yes, the shelf life of cottage cheese in the refrigerator can be extended from two days to a maximum of five. To do this, you need to remember a few simple recommendations:

Rule 1. Do not leave loose cottage cheese in a plastic bag, otherwise it will become dry.

It is better to place it in food foil or a fabric bag, soaked in cold boiled water and squeezed out thoroughly.

Rule 2. If the product is lumpy, crumble it thoroughly before putting it in the refrigerator.

If this is not done, the cold will not reach the inner layers of the product, and they will quickly deteriorate.

Rule 3. Do not place cottage cheese in foil or a bag directly on the shelf.

Additionally, put it in a plastic container, enamel, glass or ceramic container.

Place a piece of sugar on the bottom. Cover the top loosely with the lid.

Rule 4. The shelf life of cottage cheese in the refrigerator largely depends on the correctly selected zone.

Therefore, choose the zone with the lowest temperature - from 0 to +2 ºC.


Storing cottage cheese, milk and sour cream in the freezer

A true rustic product - with a grainy texture!

If you follow all the rules and nuances of keeping dairy products in the freezer, you can extend their shelf life to 2 months! At the same time useful qualities won't go anywhere. However, the curd mass may become somewhat drier after defrosting.

How to do it right:

Cottage cheese. For cottage cheese perfect solution– plastic food container. Line it with a paper towel. Crumble the product with your own hands and place it on top. Do not fill the container to the very top, leave 2 cm.

Make sure there is no moisture on the sides of the container, then seal it with a lid and place it in the freezer.

There is another option - to make packages with cottage cheese from foil or fabric. They will be set very quickly by frost, but after defrosting the texture of the product will noticeably deteriorate.

Do not store frozen cottage cheese in plastic bags! This gives it a musty smell and an unappetizing gray color.

To quickly freeze the product, set it to -35 ºС. After 4–6 hours, adjust to -18 degrees – no more.

If you freeze cottage cheese very slowly and at a low temperature, for example -6 ºC, its taste will sharply deteriorate.

Milk. Is it possible to freeze milk in the freezer? Yes, both goat and cow milk are perfectly preserved there for 1–2 months.

Suitable container - plastic bottle or a glass jar with a tight lid.

Cow's milk can be placed in the freezer either raw or cooled, boiled.

But goat milk should be frozen only in its raw form!

The optimal temperature is from -20 ºC to -25 ºC. More high temperature extends the period of freezing in the freezer, which leads to the loss of beneficial microelements and vitamins.

Sour cream. How to store sour cream in the freezer? There is no need to be clever here.

Its thick structure is very well suited for this task.

It is advisable to place the sour cream in a glass or ceramic container with an airtight lid. In this form it can lie for up to six months.

The temperature for freezing and further storage, as in the case of milk, is from -20 ºC to -25 ºC.

  • After defrosting, such a product can be eaten without heat treatment. It can be stored in the freezer for up to 2 months. Pasty store-bought cottage cheese is unlikely to work for this method!
  • Pack the entire kilogram of cottage cheese (or how much you have) into small portions - this will make it easier to defrost and eat at a time.
  • Label each container when you freeze it. This will help you keep track of how much you can store and when it's time to throw the product away.
  • You cannot freeze and defrost milk several times!
  • Thawed dairy product should be consumed within 48 hours. An exception may be sour cream.

Cottage cheese pancakes can also be frozen for a long time


How to properly defrost dairy products

It is best to defrost cottage cheese by placing it in cheesecloth.

How to defrost cottage cheese from the freezer? This process has a great impact on the quality of the product, so it is better to follow simple rules. By the way, they also apply to milk and sour cream:

  • If you are defrosting cottage cheese for casseroles, cheesecakes and other baked goods, you can leave it to thaw for 2-3 hours at room temperature, then drain the water.
  • If the cottage cheese will be consumed raw, then slow defrosting is required. Leave the product on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for approximately 10–12 hours. After the time has passed, drain off the excess liquid.
  • It is better to thaw milk and sour cream on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.
  • After freezing and defrosting, eat other types of cottage cheese (that is, not grains) only as part of various dishes, that is, after heat treatment.
  • Is it possible to eat defrosted cottage cheese if you think it is about to start spoiling? Personally, in such cases I don’t eat it raw, but I use it for making casseroles and cheesecakes with peace of mind.

Frozen butter with herbs - a great solution for sauces and sandwiches!

Remember the simple rules for freezing and thawing dairy products to preserve their freshness and taste. The pleasant milky smell and snow-white color of the cottage cheese after defrosting indicates that all conditions were met - the product retained its taste and healthy qualities.

Let's take a step-by-step look at which products can be frozen in which freezers and how long they can be stored.
It all depends on what kind of freezer you have.

Double-chamber refrigerators with a large bottom freezer usually have a capacity of up to 100 liters and a freezing temperature (-12 - 24 degrees).

You can freeze any food in this freezer. We will describe how and in what quantities below.

Freezing greens and herbs - You can freeze cilantro, dill, parsley, lettuce, chron leaves, basil, mint for tea, lemon balm. All these herbs can be frozen and stored for 9 months at a temperature of at least (-15) degrees. Typically, freezing of herbs and greens is carried out in the summer-autumn period, since at this time of year the greens and herbs have maximum beneficial value.

How to freeze - greens and herbs must be thoroughly washed under running water to remove sand and soil, allowed to dry, cut and placed in small portions in plastic freezer bags and put these bags in the freezer.

What dairy products can be frozen -fermented milk products in the form of yoghurt, fermented baked milk or sour cream, we do not recommend freezing since after freezing, a significant part of the beneficial bacteria in these products die and the entire nutritional meaning of these products is lost.

You can freeze cottage cheese or cheese; the shelf life of frozen cottage cheese is 120 days.

You can freeze milk of any fat content without losing its nutritional value.

To freeze milk, it must be poured into PET bottles up to 70% of the bottle's volume. The average shelf life of frozen milk is 3 months. After defrosting, it is quite suitable for eating raw.

What vegetables can you freeze? Almost all vegetables can be frozen. Once again we would like to draw your attention to the fact that freezing can be done at a temperature of no less than (-12) degrees. We list the main vegetables that are served frozen: zucchini, eggplant, bell pepper, hot pepper, green peas, many types of mushrooms.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that vegetables that contain a large amount of water are frozen in the form of puree.

What fruits can be frozen - I would like to highlight berries from fruits because it is very cost-effective and beneficial to freeze berries! And these are: strawberries, blackberries, lingonberries, raspberries, etc.

You can also freeze fruit juices, fruit concentrates and purees, smoothies.

We couldn’t ignore meat products either. As you know from everyday experience, almost all meat products can be frozen, and the lower the temperature, the longer the shelf life. This is where we want to end the article and recommend that you familiarize yourself with the video material on this topic!

Video - how to freeze food

Recipe for making ice cream at home.

First recipe
-2 cups cream
-1 cup of powdered sugar (I didn’t have any sugar at home)
-1 can of condensed milk
-4 Eggs
-Juice of 2 lemons (not available - added juice of 2 tangerines)
— Zest of the same lemons
while writing this recipe, it just hit me - for a full portion you needed 2 lemon juice, and I put the juice of 2 tangerines in half - now I understand why it’s a little watery
Heat the cream slightly (I heated it in the microwave), beat it with the yolks, add sugar, condensed milk, lemon juice, zest, and after that the whites, whipped into a stiff foam. - into the mold / molds in the refrigerator.
I left half as is, and added a few strawberries to half - it turned out cool. I liked it
Now for the ice cream - it seems that it should be very sweet, but due to the tangerines / lemons there is sourness, the condensed milk is felt at the very end, when the ice cream has already been swallowed - I liked this ice cream and out of the four types that I made for the first time, I give this one 3 points

Second recipe
-7 yolks
-150g cane sugar (I don’t have it, I used regular sugar)
-1 Liter of cream 33%
- 3 tbsp coffee
beat the yolks with sugar, bring the cream to a boil, but do not boil, brew sooo strong coffee, add to the cream, gradually add whipped yolks in portions. Bring the mixture to a boil over very low heat, stirring constantly, and remove from heat as soon as it thickens. You can do this in the microwave - tighten the dishes cling film, and heat in the microwave.
then pour into a plastic container and freeze, but constantly stir the ice cream with a spoon
again, out of four points, this ice cream only took 2 from me
By the way, I thought it was too much coffee

Third recipe

225g black sugar
-1 Liter of cream 33%
-7 yolks
-150g powdered sugar or sugar
-100ml whiskey (added some skate)
-A few drops of vanilla essence (added dry vanillin)
add vanilla essence to the cream and heat.

beat the yolks with powdered sugar in a water bath, melt the chocolate (I did this in the microwave), add whiskey to the chocolate. Mix warm cream with cream, put on fire, and heat well, stirring constantly (I had to pour it into another container several times, otherwise it would burn), heat until it thickens, add chocolate, stir, pour into container (I froze in a deep plate to freeze- also stirring)
I liked it the most - I give it 4 points or even 5. The taste of chocolate is very good, the ice cream has a pleasant taste that remains on the tongue for some time.

Fourth recipe
-2 Eggs
-5 tbsp. powdered sugar (I added sugar)
- 2 tbsp. cocoa
-100ml cream
-1 packet of vanillin
1 tbsp raisins - I didn’t add them
steam the raisins, dry them, beat the whites, make eggnog from the yolks, the cream should be cold, pour it into a deep bowl and beat until it becomes cream, gradually adding powdered sugar and vanilla. carefully add eggnog to whipped cream
add raisins.
mix everything and freeze
this ice cream took last place for me,
I often mixed all types of ice cream

Littleone 2006-2009 > Hobbies and interests > Cooking > Can you make kebabs from defrosted meat?

View full version: Can I make kebabs from defrosted meat?

Right now I’m arguing with my husband:005:
Is it possible? Isn't it dangerous? Tasty?
We have a LARGE piece of meat (we bought it in Vyritsa, at the market, from trusted people), but it is FROZEN. And tomorrow to the dacha. Wanted kebabs... Should I buy them in Okey?

But there is quality of meat:001:
What to do:016:

26-12-2008, 00:54

why not:016:
We also sometimes made it from frozen meat (neck) in the summer at the dacha ;). Defrost it, cut it into pieces, marinate it and put it on a kebab: 028: . It turned out very tasty: 019:
True, I like it better from the steamed version, but of course it depends on the meat, it even happened that the frozen one turned out softer than the steamed one 😉

Is it possible? Isn't it dangerous?

and what is the danger then???:027:

Valerian Megerich

26-12-2008, 09:53

It's better refrigerated.
But you can also make it from frozen. It is better to defrost in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf. A day or two.

26-12-2008, 10:58

It seems to me better from frozen, but proven :)
Than from some unknown (maybe thawed a hundred times) from OK.

I agree :)

I make it from both frozen and chilled.
I just use different marinades.
Lately I’ve been marinating frozen meat in ayran, onion and pepper mixture.
Chilled - in pomegranate juice and a little time.
Everything turns out very tasty:019:

We also regularly make frozen necks, no problems :)
defrost, marinate and fry :)

Of course you can, personally I didn’t feel any difference at all!!!;)
And in the summer at the dacha, I even put the ready-made kebab in the marinade in the freezer (we bought a lot, there was simply nowhere to put it), after some time I defrosted it and made it into skewers... :019: as if it was supposed to be that way...:004:

Yes, easily. Just defrost thoroughly

I always buy tenderloin for use and store it in the freezer, because... we often spontaneously decide to go and fry meat in nature... it always turns out tasty and juicy (even when I’m in a hurry and defrost it in warm water, it still turns out)

26-12-2008, 22:17

Of course you can

Alice Through the Looking Glass

26-12-2008, 22:54

It seems to me better from frozen, but proven :)
Than from some unknown (maybe thawed a hundred times) from OK.

Thank you very much everyone for your answers:flower::flower::flower:
The kebabs turned out great. delicious!!!:019:

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Home » Articles » Blast freezing of puff pastries as a business

Blast freezing of puff pastries as a business

Puff pastry can be frozen for up to one year without loss of taste, nutritional properties and violations of volumetric texture. Domestic consumers trust this semi-finished product. Housewives willingly resort to his help, saving their time, effort and significantly speeding up the process of home baking. Positive market dynamics create good conditions for startups in this area.

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According to the degree of readiness and the intended method of sales, shock freezing of puff pastry and products made from it is divided into 4 subgroups:

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What READY meals can be frozen?


I freeze pancakes with cottage cheese. For freezing, I don’t specifically fry the pancakes until golden brown, but until pale yellow.

Then I wrap the filling and freeze it. It’s also very good to freeze stuffed peppers with filling, then you just need to boil or bake them. More dumplings and dumplings. Sometimes when I buy a lot of cottage cheese, I also freeze it, but then use it only for filling. The only thing is that I don’t overuse frozen dishes, since their quality still decreases when frozen. And it’s not so difficult for me to cook something tasty for dinner. Frozen meals come as an addition or as a lifesaver. But I don’t store anything in the refrigerator for more than two months, except for frozen greens and berries (I can store them for six months). I have a friend who freezes everything because she works late and doesn’t have time to cook. She can freeze soup and fried chicken. By the way, she taught me how to freeze dishes.

After milk, perhaps the most common dairy product on store shelves is sour cream. Every family's refrigerator is sure to have a jar of this thick white treat. Fat content, nutritional and taste properties are highly valued not only in cooking, but also in folk medicine.

Should sour cream be frozen?

Stores offer a huge range of fermented milk products. Every housewife worries about how long the purchased product will be stored. What if you bought more delicious sour cream than you expected and failed to eat it with your household on time?

This is where the question arises: how to preserve the product for longer than a couple of days? And is it possible to freeze a dairy product? The answer is yes. But it is worth remembering that after defrosting the sour cream, it will lose its consistency and some of its taste.

This product, of course, cannot be added to soup or salad. But it is suitable for making confectionery products.

As we have already found out, sour cream can be exposed to low temperatures. But you must follow the rules for freezing these products. It's very simple: use this method to store tasty, nutritious and healthy treats.

Freeze sour cream for 2-3 months

It's about homemade sour cream. It is this that you should give preference to if you decide to freeze it (and if possible, it is better in any case to eat it rather than “store-bought”).

Having a high fat content, when defrosted, it loses its taste and beneficial qualities least of all. First you need to thoroughly beat the sour cream with a whisk. This will avoid loss of fluid and fat. It is necessary to freeze in glass or ceramic containers.

What to do if you bought sour cream in a store? Can it be frozen? And again the answer is yes. It is also necessary to carry out the whisking procedure and freeze in a glass (ceramic) container.

Attention! If you decide to stock up on sour cream until better times, then store it in a closed container. Do not print and freeze immediately. It would be good if you put a sticker on the packaging with the date the sour cream was placed in the freezer.

How to defrost?

It should also be transferred correctly from a frozen state to a “normal” state. It is important to consider several points:

  • Transfer the frozen product to the refrigerator compartment and let it thaw a little.
  • Add a small amount of flour or starch. This will return the sour cream to homogeneity.
  • Beat the sour cream with a blender.

Remember! Do not defrost sour cream at room temperature. This will lead to rapid proliferation of bacteria.

Freezing sour cream is easy, but after thawing it will become crumbly and separate. Repeated freezing is not allowed!

The use of frozen sour cream in cooking

It was mentioned above that after defrosting a fermented milk product, its properties are lost. Therefore, it is not advisable to add it to soup or salads. We advise you to use sour cream to prepare various sauces and creams. You can also bake delicious pies and cupcakes.

In an effort to preserve the freshness of food, many housewives freeze it for several days or even weeks in order to prepare it later. But it is strictly not recommended to store some food in the freezer for a long time, since sub-zero temperatures negatively affect its taste and reduce it to nothing. beneficial properties.

Let's look at what foods can be frozen and how to do it correctly, and which ones should not be sent to the freezer.

20 foods that should not be frozen

What should not be frozen:

  1. Canned food. There is no need to freeze because they will not spoil at room temperature. In the freezer, on the contrary, cans will swell and their contents will no longer be edible.
  2. Eggs. This applies to both boiled and raw eggs in a shell. After sub-zero temperatures, the product will lose its taste and acquire an unpleasant aroma.
  3. Meat that has previously been defrosted. If re-frozen, it will not only lose its taste, but also become a source of many pathogenic bacteria.
  4. Tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage. These vegetables contain a large amount of water, so after freezing they will lose their original taste and aroma.
  5. Strawberry, watermelon. Such berries will also spoil after prolonged sub-zero temperatures.
  6. Yogurt, kefir, sour cream. These fermented milk products can spoil even in the freezer and become a source of intestinal infections.
  7. Boiled pasta. Once frozen, finished pasta is not suitable for consumption.
  8. Sauces with high flour content. The consistency of the product will deteriorate at sub-zero temperatures.
  9. Soft cheeses. After defrosting, pathogenic bacteria may begin to multiply in them.
  10. Melted ice cream. Such a product will not only lose its taste, but can also cause food poisoning.
  11. Bean coffee. After thawing, it can no longer be brewed, since the drink will not have its characteristic aroma.
  12. Mayonnaise. In the future, it cannot be used for cooking, because the consistency will be loose and not thick enough.
  13. Crackers. It is not advisable to freeze such flour products, as their texture will become too soft, and therefore the products will be unsuitable for consumption.
  14. Reheated dishes. The steam that comes from hot food will spoil other foods in the freezer.
  15. Honey. The product will quickly become sugary and lose its beneficial properties.
  16. Onions and garlic. Firstly, they will become soft and unfit for consumption, and secondly, frost kills the vitamins contained in them.
  17. Chocolate. An ice coating forms on it, which when melted will spoil the product.
  18. Spices. In the cold they will lose their flavor.
  19. Ginger root. All the beneficial properties that made the plant so popular disappear at sub-zero temperatures.
  20. Products in unsealed packaging. The food you put in the freezer must be sealed in thick plastic containers, otherwise the food will not only spoil quickly, but will also transfer its odors to each other.

20 foods that can be frozen

What foods can be frozen:

  1. Dough. If you still have some dough left after making the flour goodies, you can freeze it on parchment paper and use it later.
  2. Chips. They must be frozen in the same packaging in which they were sold so that the product does not lose its taste.
  3. Hard cheese. After thawing, it will not spoil, and it will be easier to cut.
  4. Fruits and berries with low water content - bananas, pears, raspberries and others. IN winter time years, you can make an assortment of vitamins from pieces of these products, since they do not lose their beneficial properties when frozen.
  5. Pancakes with filling. You can prepare a tray of pancakes in advance and then fry them as needed without even defrosting, or reheat them in microwave oven.
  6. Meat in marinade. It can be stored in the freezer for several months in a row. The main thing is to cook it immediately after defrosting.
  7. Curd casseroles. It will be enough to heat the product in the oven or microwave, after which it can be eaten.
  8. Cooked rice In the future, it can be used as a side dish by frying it in a frying pan.
  9. Pie. On a weekend day, you can make more pie and store the remaining pieces in the freezer and reheat in the microwave if necessary.
  10. Herbs. They can be frozen either fresh or dried, and added to soups and broths throughout the year.
  11. Milk. It should be stored in a bottle that is not completely filled with liquid, since the volume of liquid increases when frozen.
  12. Juices. Drinks will not lose their taste and aroma at sub-zero temperatures, but it is also worth remembering that you need to pour the liquid into a large bottle.
  13. Chopped vegetables. Pre-prepared peppers or eggplant from the freezer will help you prepare soup and other dishes as quickly as possible.
  14. Lemons or oranges. These fruits can be cut into slices and saved for making desserts.
  15. Bread. It can be stored in the freezer for no more than a week. After seven days it will be unfit for consumption.
  16. Tomato paste. The finished product can be poured into a bag to store liquid, and later used for making soups.
  17. Mashed potatoes. There is no need to throw away the leftovers of this dish - it can be stored in the freezer for 1-2 months.
  18. Fish sticks. They can be stored at sub-zero temperatures for quite a long time. After defrosting, fry them on sunflower oil and serve.
  19. Waffles. To make them crispy again after defrosting, just reheat them in the oven or microwave.
  20. Fried pies. They can be stored at sub-zero temperatures for no more than a month - after that they lose their taste properties.

How to freeze food correctly: useful tips

Before putting food in the freezer, you need to prepare it, because incorrect actions on your part can lead to rapid spoilage of food.

Here are some tips for freezing various foods:

  • Before freezing, it is better to cut meat and fish into large pieces - after defrosting they will be easier to cook, but as for fish - after freezing it will be much more difficult to cut up its carcass.
  • Before freezing, the meat must be washed and then dried with a towel.
  • Before freezing, mushrooms, vegetables and fruits should also be thoroughly rinsed under running water and then dried on a kitchen towel.
  • Products should be packaged in airtight containers or bags to prevent them from spoiling in the same freezer.
  • In bottles containing juice, milk or other liquid, leave about three-quarters of the space free.
  • The finished dough must be frozen on parchment paper, as it may stick to the bag.
  • Vegetables should be cut into pieces immediately - in the future you can instantly use them to prepare various dishes without waiting for defrosting.
  • Fresh herbs are especially important in winter. How to freeze it? Chop your favorite dill, parsley and other herbs, distribute into ice cube trays and fill with water - such cubes will be convenient to take out for adding, for example, to soups.
  • Hard cheese needs to be cut and placed in a container, adding a little starch between the slices so that they do not stick together.
  • Ready-made baby puree should not be frozen in glass jars– it’s better to pour it into a small plastic container and close it with an airtight lid.

This is how you can easily prepare your favorite products at any time of the year. With proper preparation and freezing, you can keep your food fresh without spoiling it.


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