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Xenophon Athos

Basic in the eleventh century,

Hegumen: Archimandrite. Alexy.

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Monastery of Xenophon(Greek Μονή Ξενοφώντος) is one of the Athos monasteries, occupying 16th place in the Svyatogorsk hierarchy. Located in the western part Kingdom of Athos.

The monastery was founded in the 10th century by the Greek nobleman Xenophon, from whose name it received its name. The cathedral church of the monastery is dedicated to St. George the Victorious (two buildings have survived - the old catholicon of the 16th century and the new one of the 19th century).

(Drawing by Grigorovich-Barsky)

According to tradition, this monastery was founded on Athos e in the 10th century Venerable Xenophonto m, from which it got its name. This saint commemorated in the life of the founder of the Lavra, Athanasius of Athos: he healed his brother Athanasius Theodore in Mylopotam. Legends identify this venerable saint with Senator Xenophon, who lived at the beginning of the 6th century, and say that he built the church of St. Demetrius.

Russian pilgrim-pedestrian Vasily (Grigorovich-Barsky) visited Lavra in 1744. Wanderer This is how he described what he saw:

In historical texts the monastery was mentioned for the first time during the years of the emperor. Nikephoros

III Votaniata. In one of the acts of the proto (1083) it is reported that the great Drungari arrived at the monastery (naval commander) Nikifor Stefan, who became a monk and abbot here, taking the name Simeo n, and took care of the reconstruction and expansion of the monastery, relying on his own funds and the help of the emperor. It is also known that at this time and later a number of farmsteads were transferred to the Xenophon Monastery on the territory of Athos and beyond. Thus, it can be assumed that the monastery as a whole flourished until the capture of Constantinople by the Turks and their final enslavement of Byzantium: in the Third Rule of the Holy Mountain it occupies eighth place in the hierarchy of monasteries.

The Xenophon Monastery is the first of the monasteries that, after the establishment of an idiorhythmic way of life throughout Athos, returned to a communal way of life in accordance with the charter of Patriarch Gabriel IV (1784). Important role In this change, the Kavsokalivsky hieromonk and the first abbot of the monastery Paisios from Mytilene played a role, who also reconstructed and expanded
monastery. In these actions, significant assistance was provided to him by the active sacristan Constantine and Archimandrite Zacharias, who made a trip around the city for this purpose. different countries and collected significant sum of money. At the beginning of the 19th century (1817), a significant part of the monastery, as well as many ancient documents, burned down as a result of a fire.

However, the monastery was soon restored and expanded, this time at the expense of former metropolitan Samakovsky Philotheus, who left his bishopric and spent the rest of his life as a monk at the Xenophon Monastery. His work was continued by the abbot of the monastery Nikephoros from Kima on Euboea.

The new cathedral was built in 1809-1819 at the expense of the aforementioned Philotheus and is located in the northern part of the monastery territory. This is a majestic and very spacious (the largest of the Greek cathedrals on Mount Athos) cathedral with a marble iconostasis, which stands out for its layout and the polychromy of the materials used.

The same can be said about the modern iconostasis of the Holy Meal. There are no frescoes in the cathedral, except for a few later ones in the profession and in the lithium vestibule, but there are two large and very valuable mosaic icons of Saints George and Demetrius.

In addition, in the right choir there is a row of icons of Prayer and the twelve apostles, which, in all likelihood, were previously in the iconostasis of some chapel and date back to the end of the 16th century. In addition to the new cathedral, the old one has also been preserved, which is located a few meters from the entrance to the monastery. Its narthex is connected to the western side of the cells and the refectory. Its remarkable frescoes were created by the Cretan painter Anthony (1544). After them, the frescoes of the lithium vestibule (1564), and finally the outer narthex (1637) were created.

On the right side of the altar there is a small chapel of St. Demetrius, which is considered to be the earliest building of the monastery. The carved wooden iconostasis of the temple dates back to the 17th century and is distinguished by the richness and elegance of its decor from plant motifs and arched frames of icons. The early time of creation of this iconostasis is evidenced, among other elements, by the schematic nature of the images and the almost relief-planar technique of its execution.

In addition to the two cathedrals, the monastery also has 19 chapels both on its territory and outside it in various exartimas. On the territory of the monastery there are the following 11 chapels, four of which are painted with frescoes and the others are not:

Saint Euphemia, Saints Unmercenary, Dormition of the Virgin Mary and Saint John the Evangelist, Saint Lazarus and Saint Demetrius in the old cathedral, as well as Saint Stephen, Presentation into the Temple Holy Mother of God, Holy Apostles, Saint Nektarios and Holy Trinity in different parts of the monastery. In addition, the monastery belongs to St. Andrew's Church in Kareya, which is his representative office.

As mentioned above, adjacent to the outer narthex of the old cathedral is the monastery refectory with frescoes, again from the 16th century (1575), which have been preserved with a number of later additions.

Finally, let's mention vial of water I am next to the new cathedral (1908), belfry (1814) and two towers - the Holy Apostles and St. Stephen.

From the ancient regalia of the monastery special attention deserve the two mosaic icons mentioned above in the cathedral, a small soapstone icon very rare of its kind (depicting the Transfiguration), part of the Life-Giving Tree, precious reliquaries with parts of the relics of many saints, sacred vestments, church utensils and some other items.

Particularly revered icons

Icon of the Mother of God Hodegetria (Guide)

The icon is located in the Cathedral Church, in the icon case to the left of the iconostasis. Initially, this icon was located in the Vatopedi monastery, and in 1730 the icon itself was miraculously transferred to the cathedral of the Xenophon monastery. The monks of the Vatopedi Monastery came for the icon to return it. However, the next day the icon returned to the Xenophon monastery. After this miracle, the monks of the Vatopedi monastery left the icon in the Xenophon monastery.

Icon of the Transfiguration of the Lord

A very rare icon of its kind from the 13th century, painted with wax paints on stearin.

Icon of St. George

The 11th century icon is located in the Cathedral Church, on the left side of the iconostasis. The back of the icon was burnt. According to legend, the iconoclasts threw this icon into the fire, but, fortunately, one Orthodox Christian saved it and threw it into the sea in order to extinguish the flames. By trade icon of God sailed to the Xenophon monastery. On the Saint’s chin one can see a wound inflicted by an iconoclast with a knife, and from which, according to legend, “pure blood flowed, as if from a living body.”

Icon of Saint Demetrius

The mosaic icon of the 19th century is located in the Cathedral Church, to the right of the iconostasis. It is assumed that the icon was previously part of one of the mosaics.

The cathedral church of the monastery of St. George was built in 1809-1819. with donations from the brethren of the Philotheus monastery and is the largest on Mount Athos, of course, it is the largest after the Cathedral of Thebaid.

The Xenophon Monastery belongs to Annunciation Skete - which formerly belonged to the Russian . , which is about 1 hour's walk to the east, on a green mountainside with magnificent view to the Gulf of Singit. This is Greek idiorhythmic monastery, founded in 1760 by Hieromonk Sylvester and monks Euphraim and Agapius. The monastery consists of a church (kyriakon) founded at the same time and 22 kalivas, most of which are now, unfortunately, empty: in total, only 7-8 monks live here. The monastery library contains only printed books, among which several paleotypes stand out.

Among the shrines of the monastery are parts of the relics of the Great Martyr Marina, Saint Modest, Jacob the Persian, Hieromartyr Charalampios, Great Martyr Panteleimon, Martyr Paraskeva

Today, the Xenophon Monastery occupies the sixteenth place in the Athos hierarchy of monasteries and is a cenobitic monastery. In total, the monastery has about 60 monks living on its territory and beyond.

The first of them, Ksenofsky, is five miles from Rusik. The ktitor, or founder of this monastery, was originally Xenophon, a famous Greek nobleman, who subsequently ended his life together with his children John and Arkady in the Lavra of St. Sava the Consecrated in Palestine, and its renewal (about 1545) is attributed to Duca and Radul, the Vlachian boyars.

Xenof at first remained under the jurisdiction of the Serbs, who inhabited it, but over time, under the cramped circumstances of the shocked East, they left their home, and the Greeks settled in their place, to whom it belongs. In addition to its shrines and ancient monuments, this monastery especially deserves attention because it is a communal one, although with some restrictions on the abbot's actions and orders.

The internal location, the temples themselves and the fraternal buildings are no different from other monasteries. What is remarkable here, by the way, in the main cathedral, dedicated to the name of the great saint George, is a marble iconostasis of excellent workmanship and polishing. The iconostasis of the Balaklia Church in Constantinople, in my and other comments, is much inferior to the local one in luxury, beauty and especially in the variety of its colors.

The Xenophian iconostasis is a rarity of its kind on Mount Athos and is highly valued. However, such iconostases on the Holy Mountain are extremely difficult in winter, because they have a harmful effect on the air, which, even with a marble platform and stone walls, breathes an unbearable, subtle and piercing cold, which results in colds and especially pain in the legs.

In the narthex of the local cathedral, I was struck and occupied my thoughts with its strange shapes by a beautiful crystal chandelier, the lamps of which were shaded by the semicircle of the Islamic moon. The acceptance of such things into the temple of the true God cannot be praised, especially on the Holy Mountain, and even more so since it is easy to find the same chandeliers with symbolic features of our Christian character for the decoration of churches in the East.

In terms of the economic part, Xenoph seems to have an advantage over all Athonite monasteries, because inside it there is a mill with a fast spring cutting through the entire monastery in the direction from the west to the winter east.

It is no less remarkable, on the one hand, because nearby on the western side flows a spring of healing water, which extremely cleanses the stomach and has a special effect on bile. The Greeks and Slavs call this water sour. In its very property it has more sweetness and some saltiness, rather than acidity. If you drink it as it is, that is, cold, its effect is insensitive; but when warmed quickly, it soon produces a beneficial effect.

Monastery of Xenophon

The Xenophon Monastery occupies sixteenth place in the hierarchy of Athonite monasteries. The monastery stands at the foot of a sloping hill descending to the sea, in the southern part of the peninsula - between Dochiar and the monastery of St. Panteleimon.

There are several versions regarding the time of Xenophon's founding. According to one of them, the first temple was erected on this site in 520 by Saint Xenophon, a rich and noble senator. He dedicated it to the holy martyr Demetrius.

According to another version, the monastery was founded in the 10th century by the Greek nobleman Xenophon, from whom it received its name. Subsequently, he took monastic vows in the monastery he created. He is mentioned in the life of the founder of the Great Lavra, Athanasius of Athos: he healed the brother of St. Athanasius, Theodore, from cancer in Mylopotam.

In historical texts, the monastery was mentioned for the first time during the years of Emperor Nikephoros III Botaniates. In one of the acts of the prot (1083), it is reported that the great drungari (naval commander) Nikifor, Stefan, arrived at the monastery, who became a monk and abbot here, taking the name Simeon. He took care of the reconstruction and expansion of the monastery, relying on his own funds and the assistance of the emperor. It is also known that at this time and later a number of farmsteads were transferred to the Xenophon Monastery on the territory of Athos and beyond.

In 1285 the monastery was ravaged by pirates and restored in 1545 by the Vlachian boyars Duca and Radul. In the Third Rule of the Holy Mountain it ranks eighth in the hierarchy of monasteries.

The Xenophon Monastery is the first of the monasteries that, after the establishment of an idiorhythmic way of life throughout Mount Athos, returned to a communal way of life in accordance with the charter of Patriarch Gabriel IV. This happened in 1784.

An important role in this change was played by the Kavsokaliv hieromonk and the first abbot of the monastery, Paisios from Mytilene, who reconstructed and expanded the monastery. In these actions, significant assistance was provided to him by the active sacristan Constantine and Archimandrite Zachary, who traveled to different countries for this purpose and collected a significant amount of money.

At the beginning of the 19th century, a significant part of the monastery, as well as many ancient documents, burned down as a result of a fire. However, the monastery was soon restored and expanded, this time at the expense of the former Metropolitan of Samakovo Philotheus, who left his bishopric and spent the rest of his life as a monk at the Xenophon Monastery. His work was continued by the abbot of the monastery Nikephoros from Kima on Euboea.

The Xenophon Monastery is unique in that it has two cathedral churches: this is not found in any other monastery of the Holy Mountain. The first cathedral church was erected by the Monk Xenophon. The narthex of this cathedral is connected to the western side of the cells and the refectory.

On the right side of the altar of the earlier cathedral church there is a small chapel of Demetrius of Thessaloniki, considered the oldest building of the monastery. Part of the ancient wooden iconostasis has also been preserved. The early time of creation of this iconostasis is evidenced, among other elements, by the schematic nature of the images and the almost relief-planar technique of its execution.

The 14th century frescoes were created by the Cretan painter Anthony (1544). After them, frescoes of the lithium vestibule (1564), and finally, of the outer narthex (1637) were created.

The new cathedral, dedicated to the Holy Great Martyr George, was built in 1819 with donations from the brethren of the Philotheus monastery. This is the largest temple on Mount Athos, with a beautifully designed iconostasis made of colored marble.

There are no frescoes in the cathedral, except for a few later ones in the professis (altar) and in the lithium vestibule, but there are two large and very valuable mosaic icons of Saints George and Demetrius. In addition, in the right choir there is a row of icons of Prayer and the twelve apostles, which, in all likelihood, were previously in the iconostasis of some chapel and date back to the end of the 16th century.

In addition to the two cathedrals, the monastery also has 19 chapels, both on its territory and outside it. On the territory of the monastery there are the following 11 chapels, four of which are painted with frescoes, and the others are not: St. Euphemia, the holy unmercenaries, the Dormition of the Virgin Mary and St. John the Theologian, St. Lazarus and St. Demetrius in the old cathedral, as well as St. Stephen, the Entry into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary , the Holy Apostles, Saint Nektarios and the Holy Trinity in different parts of the monastery. In addition, the monastery owns the cell of St. Andrew in Kareya, which is its representative office.

The Xenophon Monastery belongs to the Annunciation Monastery, which is located to the east, on a green mountain slope with a magnificent view of the Singitsky Bay. This is an idiorhythmic monastery, founded in 1760 by Hieromonk Sylvester and monks Euphraim and Agapius. The monastery consists of a church founded at the same time and twenty-two kalivas, most of which are currently empty.

Also worthy of mention are the phial of the blessing of water next to the new cathedral (1908), the belfry (1814) and the two towers of the Holy Apostles and St. Stephen.

Among the shrines located in Xenophon are several miraculous icons. The most revered icon of the Mother of God is Hodegetria of Xenophus. Initially, this icon was in the cathedral church of another Svyatogorsk monastery - in Vatopedi and stood there at the column of the left choir. In 1730, with the doors locked, the holy image suddenly disappeared not only from the temple, but also from the monastery itself. Soon the Vatopedi brethren learned that the icon was in Xenophon. Several fathers were immediately sent there to transfer the holy image to Vatopedi. Despite the strict precautions taken by the monks, the Mother of God was again pleased to miraculously transfer Her icon to Xenophon. After this, the Vatopedians no longer dared to resist the clear will of the Queen of Heaven.

Another miraculous image is that of the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious. This 11th century icon is located in the cathedral church, on the left side of the iconostasis. The back of the icon was burnt. According to legend, the iconoclasts threw this icon into the fire, but one Orthodox Christian saved it and threw it into the sea in order to extinguish the flame. By God's providence, the icon sailed to the Xenophon monastery. A wound inflicted with a knife is visible on the saint’s chin, from which, according to legend, “pure blood flowed, as if from a living body.”

The icon of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica is a mosaic image of the 10th century, located in the cathedral church, to the right of the iconostasis.

Also kept in Xenophon is an icon of the Transfiguration of the Lord, from the 13th century, painted with wax paints on stearin.

Particles of the relics are stored in the Xenophon: the Prophet and the Baptist of the Lord John, the Holy Apostles of Andrei, Barnabas and Philip, the First Martyr Archidacon Stefan, the Great Martyrs of George the Victorious and Dimitry Solunsky, the Great Martyr Panteleimon, the Holy Vasily the Great, Gregory of the Theologian and Ioanna Griga Riya Palamas, John of the Gracious , Photius, Patriarch of Constantinople; Hieromartyrs Charalampios, Euphemia, Akakios and Ignatius the God-Bearer, martyrs Theodore Tiron and Tryphon, Great Martyr Marina, Martyrs Agathias and Paraskeva, Saints Modest and James the Persian. Also in Xenophon is kept a part of the Life-Giving Tree.

Nowadays, about sixty people work in the monastery itself and in the territories belonging to it.

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Xenophon stands at the foot of the hill on the shore between Dochiar and the Russian St. Panteleimon Monastery.
According to legend, on the site of the monastery in 520, Saint Xenophon built a temple dedicated to Saint Demetrius.
Connected with the history of the founding of the monastery is another saint who lived in the 10th century - the Monk Xenophon, about whom in the life of the founder of the Lavra Athanasius of Athos it is said that he healed Athanasius' brother Theodore in Mylopotam.
The monastery was first mentioned in texts during the reign of Emperor Nikephoros III Botaniates. The monastery as a whole flourished until the capture of Constantinople by the Turks and their final enslavement of Byzantium.

The subsequent history of the monastery is not particularly different from the history of other Athos monasteries. Here, too, there was destruction as a result of pirate raids and subsequent reconstruction with the support mainly of Byzantine emperors, and from the 16th century, the rulers of the Danube principalities and other persons.

Xenophon was the first of the monasteries, after the establishment of an idiorhythmic way of life throughout Athos, to return to communal life in accordance with the charter of Patriarch Gabriel IV (1784).

At the beginning of the 19th century (1817), a significant part of the monastery, as well as many ancient documents, burned down as a result of a fire. However, it was soon restored and even expanded with the help of the former Metropolitan of Samakovo Philotheus, who left his bishopric and spent the rest of his life as a monk in the Xenophon monastery.
The new cathedral was built in 1819. This is the largest of the Greek cathedrals on Mount Athos. Here are two large and very valuable mosaic icons of Saints George and Demetrius.

In addition to two cathedrals, the monastery also has 19 chapels. There are 11 chapels on the territory of the monastery, the rest are outside. The monastery owns the cell of St. Andrew in Kareya and the monastery of the Most Holy Theotokos, founded in 1760 by Hieromonk Sylvester and monks Euphraim and Agapius.

The monastery houses two miraculous icons- Mother of God and Saint George. Here are also the relics of the Holy Great Martyr George, the Apostles Barnabas and Philip, Saint Stephen, the Holy Great Martyr Theodore Tiron, Saint Arcadius (son of the founder), Saint John Chrysostom, Saint Marina and Saint Modest.

Today, about 60 monks live in the monastery and its territories.

On level ground by the sea is the Xenophon Monastery. According to legend, it was founded by the Monk Xenophon Xylogliptiko in 520. Historical data indicate that the monastery was founded again by Saint Xenophon, but in the 10th century. King Vasileos Voulgaroktonos annexed the monastery of Ieromnimonos (Vorvorou) to it. Admiral (Drungurios) Simeon, who with his three followers: Eusebius, Candide and Hilarion monasticated in the monastery, restored it at his own expense with the participation of Nikephoros Votaniati.

In 1808, Philotheus of Lesbia, the former bishop of Samakovia, monasticated here, as well as Archimandrites Peisios and Zacharios, who, with their donations, built the Cathedral Church of the monastery and dedicated it to St. George. Construction took 10 years. In 1817, the monastery burned down and was again restored by its abbot Philotheus. In 1885, pirates and Latin supporters of unification again destroyed the monastery. The wall painting of the Cathedral Church was painted by Anthony, an artist of the Cretan school (1544). New Cathedral Church has a marble iconostasis, wide and majestic.

IN library The monastery houses 300 manuscripts, 8 of which are parchment codices from the 12th-14th centuries, 2 parchment scrolls with a total length of 16,161 meters and 3,500 printed publications. Among the shrines of the monastery is an icon of the Transfiguration of the Lord, made of wax, measuring 0.18x0.15 (its carved part is 0.13x0.95 m); 2 mosaic icons of the 10th-11th centuries of St. George and St. Demetrius, measuring 1.20 x 0.52 m and the miraculous icons of St. George and the Mother of God, also called "Guidebook". It is located in the Cathedral Church, on the column on the left side. The monastery also contains: the Wood of Vanity, the right hand of St. Marina, part of the relics of St. George, the right hand of St. Cyric, part of the face of St. Stephen, the face of St. Tryphon, the mandibles of the Holy Apostles Barnabas and Philip, etc. The monastery owns a cell in Karyes (representative office) and one Skete (of the Evangelists) with 27 Kalivas.

Greek Skete of the Xenophon Monastery. Northeast of the Xenophon monastery, at a distance of 1 hour’s walk from it, the Greek Skete of the monastery is located. It was founded in 1766 by Hieromonk Sylvester and elders Ephraim and Agapius. The Skete Temple is dedicated to the Intercession of the Virgin Mary and was built in 1766 by the founders of the Skete. In 1901, the fathers of the Skete were able to demolish the rotten nave, thanks to a gift of 100 Turkish liras from the very rich Russian monk Ioannikios, who monasticized in the Skete of Sergius. He promised to give another 400 lire to the monastery, but demanded in exchange that his name be written down in the temple along with the names of its founders. Because of this, the fathers of Skete refused his gifts and built the temple with contributions from donors, working personally on the construction. The icons of the Skete temple - Saints George and Demetrius, were painted in 1757 by Constantine and Athanasius from the city of Koritsa.

The monastery library contains 360 manuscripts and the same number of printed publications. The Skete contains the relics of many saints: St. Ambrose, Bishop of Milan, St. Marina, St. Modestus, Cyprian, Cosmas and the Holy Fathers Sin and Raytho, the blood of St. Demetrius, etc.

See also:

The Holy Mountain is the only monastic republic in the world, an autonomous region, politically belonging to the Greek Republic, and in church terms to the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. Nez

The Russian on Mount Athos monastery of St. Panteleimon is located in the southwestern part of the Holy Mountain, between the port of Daphnia and the monastery of Xenophon. Built near the shore of a picturesque bay, it has

Since ancient times, the Russian monastery of St. Panteleimon on Mount Athos had monastic hermitages and cells belonging to it on the Holy Mountain, where Russian monks labored. The most famous, preserved to this day

In a forest valley on the north-eastern side of Saint Athos, 45 meters from the sea at an altitude of 50 meters, the Holy Monastery of Hilandar is located. It was founded by the Serbian kings Racko and Stefan I Nemanja (he

At the top of one of the mountains of Athos, at an altitude of 160 meters, south of the gorge, 1 hour walk from the sea, there is the Holy Monastery of Zograf. It is a 3.5 hour walk from the monastery to Karyes. The monastery was founded in the 10th century

Basic in the eleventh century,
patronal feast day April 23/May 6, in St. St. George the Victorious.
Hegumen: Archimandrite. Alexy.

The Xenophon Monastery (Greek: Μονή Ξενοφώντος) is one of the Athos monasteries, occupying 16th place in the Svyatogorsk hierarchy. Located in the western part of the Kingdom of Athos.

The monastery was founded in the 10th century by the Greek nobleman Xenophon, from whose name it received its name. The cathedral church of the monastery is dedicated to St. George the Victorious (two buildings have survived - the old catholicon of the 16th century and the new one of the 19th century).

According to tradition, this monastery was founded on Mount Athos in the 10th century by the Venerable Xenophon, from whom it received its name. This saint is mentioned in the life of the founder of the Lavra, Athanasius of Athos: he healed Athanasius’s brother Theodore in Mylopotam. Legends identify this venerable saint with Senator Xenophon, who lived at the beginning of the 6th century, and say that he built the church of St. Demetrius.

In historical texts the monastery was mentioned for the first time during the years of Emperor Nicephorus

III Votaniata. In one of the acts of the prot (1083), it is reported that the great drungari (naval commander) Nikifor Stefan arrived at the monastery, who became a monk and abbot here, taking the name Simeon, and took care of the reconstruction and expansion of the monastery, relying on his own funds and the help of the emperor. It is also known that at this time and later a number of farmsteads were transferred to the Xenophon Monastery on the territory of Athos and beyond. Thus, it can be assumed that the monastery as a whole flourished until the capture of Constantinople by the Turks and their final enslavement of Byzantium: in the Third Rule of the Holy Mountain it occupies eighth place in the hierarchy of monasteries.
The Xenophon Monastery is the first of the monasteries that, after the establishment of an idiorhythmic way of life throughout Athos, returned to a communal way of life in accordance with the charter of Patriarch Gabriel IV (1784). An important role in this change was played by the Kavsokaliv hieromonk and the first abbot of the monastery, Paisios from Mytilene, who also reconstructed and expanded
monastery. In these actions, significant assistance was provided to him by the active sacristan Constantine and Archimandrite Zachary, who traveled to different countries for this purpose and collected a significant amount of money. At the beginning of the 19th century (1817), a significant part of the monastery, as well as many ancient documents, burned down as a result of a fire.
However, the monastery was soon restored and expanded, this time at the expense of the former Metropolitan of Samakovo Philotheus, who left his bishopric and spent the rest of his life as a monk at the Xenophon Monastery. His work was continued by the abbot of the monastery Nikephoros from Kima on Euboea.
The new cathedral was built in 1809-1819 at the expense of the aforementioned Philotheus and is located in the northern part of the monastery territory. This is a majestic and very spacious (the largest of the Greek cathedrals on Mount Athos) cathedral with a marble iconostasis, which stands out for its layout and the polychromy of the materials used.
The same can be said about the modern iconostasis of the Holy Meal. There are no frescoes in the cathedral, except for a few later ones in the profession and in the lithium vestibule, but there are two large and very valuable mosaic icons of Saints George and Demetrius.
In addition, in the right choir there is a row of icons of Prayer and the twelve apostles, which, in all likelihood, were previously in the iconostasis of some chapel and date back to the end of the 16th century. In addition to the new cathedral, the old one has also been preserved, which is located a few meters from the entrance to the monastery. Its narthex is connected to the western side of the cells and the refectory. Its remarkable frescoes were created by the Cretan painter Anthony (1544). After them, the frescoes of the lithium vestibule (1564), and finally the outer narthex (1637) were created.
On the right side of the altar there is a small chapel of St. Demetrius, which is considered the earliest building of the monastery. The carved wooden iconostasis of the temple dates back to the 17th century and is distinguished by the richness and elegance of its decor from plant motifs and arched frames of icons. The early time of creation of this iconostasis is evidenced, among other elements, by the schematic nature of the images and the almost relief-planar technique of its execution.
In addition to the two cathedrals, the monastery also has 19 chapels both on its territory and outside it in various exartimas. On the territory of the monastery there are the following 11 chapels, four of which are painted with frescoes and the others are not:
Saint Euphemia, Saints Unmercenary, Dormition of the Theotokos and Saint John the Theologian, Saint Lazarus and Saint Demetrius in the old cathedral, as well as Saint Stephen, the Entry into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Holy Apostles, Saint Nektarios and the Holy Trinity in different parts of the monastery. In addition, the monastery owns the cell of St. Andrew in Kareya, which is its representative office.
As mentioned above, adjacent to the outer narthex of the old cathedral is the monastery refectory with frescoes, again from the 16th century (1575), which have been preserved with a number of later additions.
Finally, let us mention the vial of the blessing of water next to the new cathedral (1908), the belfry (1814) and two towers - the Holy Apostles and St. Stephen.

Of the ancient regalia of the monastery, special attention should be paid to the two mosaic icons in the cathedral mentioned above, a small steatite icon very rare of its kind (depicting the Transfiguration), part of the Life-Giving Tree, precious reliquaries with parts of the relics of many saints, sacred vestments, church utensils and some other items .

Particularly revered icons:

Icon of the Mother of God Hodegetria (Guide)

The icon is located in the Cathedral Church, in the icon case to the left of the iconostasis. Initially, this icon was located in the Vatopedi monastery, and in 1730 the icon itself was miraculously transferred to the cathedral of the Xenophon monastery. The monks of the Vatopedi Monastery came for the icon to return it. However, the next day the icon returned to the Xenophon monastery. After this miracle, the monks of the Vatopedi monastery left the icon in the Xenophon monastery.

Icon of the Transfiguration of the Lord
A very rare icon of its kind from the 13th century, painted with wax paints on stearin.

Icon of St. George
The 11th century icon is located in the Cathedral Church, on the left side of the iconostasis. The back of the icon was burnt. According to legend, the iconoclasts threw this icon into the fire, but, fortunately, one Orthodox Christian saved it and threw it into the sea in order to extinguish the flames. By God's providence, the icon sailed to the Xenophon monastery. On the Saint’s chin one can see a wound inflicted by an iconoclast with a knife, and from which, according to legend, “pure blood flowed, as if from a living body.”

Icon of Saint Demetrius
The mosaic icon of the 19th century is located in the Cathedral Church, to the right of the iconostasis. It is assumed that the icon was previously part of one of the mosaics.

The cathedral church of the monastery of St. George was built in 1809-1819. on donations from the brethren of the Philotheus monastery and is the largest on Mount Athos, of course, it is the largest after the Council of Thebaid.

The Xenophon Monastery owns the Annunciation Skete - which formerly belonged to the Russian Monastery, which is located about 1 hour's walk to the east, on a green mountainside with a magnificent view of the Singitsky Bay. This is a Greek idiorhythmic monastery, founded in 1760 by Hieromonk Sylvester and monks Euphraim and Agapius. The monastery consists of a church (kyriakon) founded at the same time and 22 kalivas, most of which are now, unfortunately, empty: in total, only 7-8 monks live here. The monastery library contains only printed books, among which several paleotypes stand out.

Among the shrines of the monastery are parts of the relics of the Great Martyr Marina, Saint Modest, Jacob the Persian, Hieromartyr Charalampios, Great Martyr Panteleimon, Martyr Paraskeva

Today, the Xenophon Monastery occupies the sixteenth place in the Athos hierarchy of monasteries and is a cenobitic monastery. In total, the monastery has about 60 monks living on its territory and beyond.

Hieroschim. Sergiy Vesnin. Letters from the Saint. 1847, Mount Athos. Russian monastery

The first of them, Ksenofsky, is five miles from Rusik. The ktitor, or founder of this monastery, was originally Xenophon, a famous Greek nobleman, who subsequently ended his life together with his children John and Arkady in the Lavra of St. Sava the Consecrated in Palestine, and its renewal (about 1545) is attributed to Duca and Radul, the Vlachian boyars.
Xenof at first remained under the jurisdiction of the Serbs, who inhabited it, but over time, under the cramped circumstances of the shocked East, they left their home, and the Greeks settled in their place, to whom it belongs. In addition to its shrines and ancient monuments, this monastery especially deserves attention because it is a communal one, although with some restrictions on the abbot's actions and orders.
The internal location, the temples themselves and the fraternal buildings are no different from other monasteries. What is remarkable here, by the way, in the main cathedral, dedicated to the name of the great saint George, is a marble iconostasis of excellent workmanship and polishing. The iconostasis of the Balaklia Church in Constantinople, in my and other comments, is much inferior to the local one in luxury, beauty and especially in the variety of its colors.
The Xenophian iconostasis is a rarity of its kind on Mount Athos and is highly valued. However, such iconostases on the Holy Mountain are extremely difficult in winter, because they have a harmful effect on the air, which, even with a marble platform and stone walls, breathes an unbearable, subtle and piercing cold, which results in colds and especially pain in the legs.
In the narthex of the local cathedral, I was struck and occupied my thoughts with its strange shapes by a beautiful crystal chandelier, the lamps of which were shaded by the semicircle of the Islamic moon. The acceptance of such things into the temple of the true God cannot be praised, especially on the Holy Mountain, and even more so since it is easy to find the same chandeliers with symbolic features of our Christian character for the decoration of churches in the East.
In terms of the economic part, Xenoph seems to have an advantage over all Athonite monasteries, because inside it there is a mill with a fast spring cutting through the entire monastery in the direction from the west to the winter east.
It is no less remarkable, on the one hand, because nearby on the western side flows a spring of healing water, which extremely cleanses the stomach and has a special effect on bile. The Greeks and Slavs call this water sour. In its very property it has more sweetness and some saltiness, rather than acidity. If you drink it as it is, that is, cold, its effect is insensitive; but when warmed quickly, it soon produces a beneficial effect.


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