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The basis that makes the compatibility of the Dragon and the Cat (Rabbit) possible is the physical attraction of the partners. They can fall in love with each other at first sight, and one date is enough for them to start a romance, but, unfortunately, it is extremely rare that such affairs end in a serious relationship. Immediately, as the first impulses of passion begin to subside, the signs are faced with contradictions in their characters. Therefore, if a marriage union arises between them, it will always require colossal efforts on the part of both partners. Only the search for eternal compromises and maintaining mutual understanding will help this couple to be.

Dragon Character

To take a closer look at the compatibility of the Cat and the Dragon, you need to analyze their character traits separately. Dragons have always been natural leaders; they love to take initiative and have an optimistic outlook on the world. Such people always know what exactly they want to get from life. They love to learn new things and never stop at achieved goals. These are very decent and fair people who, under no circumstances, will take advantage of the weaknesses of others.

Therefore, when considering the compatibility of Cat and Dragon, it is worth considering that the second sign is well developed intellectually, he has a heightened sense of justice, he is ambitious and inquisitive, brave, wise, has a strong will and natural charm. But there are also negative sides to their character; sometimes Dragons have an arrogant and selfish disposition. Knowing the value of themselves and their time, they tend to despise idle and passive people. And their honesty and straightforwardness often lead to the fact that such people are drawn into their intrigues by other individuals.

Character of the Cat

To build compatibility between Cat and Dragon, it is very important to take into account the personal character traits of the first sign. These are very tactful and charming people, they quickly gain recognition and sympathy from society. The most important thing for Rabbits is to find harmony in everything. He will try as much as possible to protect himself from any unpleasant situations, perceiving only positive adventures.

These are ambitious people, but they achieve their goals exclusively in roundabout ways, trying to do it as simply and quickly as possible. Cats have very developed diplomatic abilities, they are tactful, selfish and polite. They often have modesty and kindness, but these people do not take risks and are even ready to sacrifice the interests of others in order to maintain personal peace. These are very superficial individuals, they rarely become sincerely attached to another person and practically do not value family and friends.

General compatibility of signs

From the very beginning of the relationship, the compatibility of the Cat and the Dragon looks very high. The love of these signs for adventure, noisy companies and fun creates the appearance that they have a lot in common. In addition, their intimate interests almost immediately seize common sense and attract these people to each other. At the beginning of such novels there is a lot of sensuality, emotion and passion. But things usually don’t come to marriage, since both begin to notice how different they are and break up before there is a desire to make everything official. Rabbits have a subtle mental organization, they refuse to let any negativity or risk into their lives, while Dragons live as if on a volcano, they are brave and fearless, ready to get involved in any adventurous business.

The only obstacles in the way of Dragons are their moral principles; they will never allow harm to other people. Cats, in turn, are simply not capable of being in a relationship where there is no stability, and Dragons become bored with people who are afraid to leave their comfort zone, avoid acute situations and are not ready to act until the opportune moment comes. Compatibility in the marriage of the Dragon and the Cat is quite likely if both partners put a lot of effort into it, including abandoning the idea of ​​​​remaking the person.

In such relationships, the Dragon should take the leading position, protecting the other half from troubles and instilling in him confidence in the future and his own strengths. At the same time, creating the rear, smoothing out conflict situations and analyzing the intrigues that certainly weave around the naive and straightforward representative of the fire sign will fall on the shoulders of the Cat.

Compatibility of a Dragon man and a Cat woman

Representatives of these signs often meet as a couple in an open relationship. This is due to the fact that both do not want to start a family, preferring love and passion to everyday life and everyday life. Since partners are attracted to each other, such an alliance can be very long. But as for marriage, it usually arises due to the influence of external factors. For example, strong pressure from relatives or for any other reasons that are completely independent of these representatives of the signs eastern calendar. If nothing puts pressure on them, then as soon as love and passion subside, they peacefully disperse in different directions.

Marriage between them

If it comes to starting a family, then the distribution of responsibilities in this couple is quite traditional. The husband is entrusted with earning money, and the wife is busy creating comfort in the house. But on the part of a man, interest in the family nest manifests itself less and less over the years; he prefers to lead a fairly active lifestyle and simply does not notice his wife’s efforts. In such a union, a woman may not worry about financial needs, because Dragons are very lucky in the business sphere. Also, she should not worry about her safety; her husband will always stand up for her, even if she has to fight with the whole world.

But there is also a negative side: the woman will worry a lot, since her husband will constantly find himself in risky situations, which is completely contrary to her desire to find harmony. In turn, the Dragon will never find a fighting friend in his wife. In addition, both have a tendency to try to change their partners to suit themselves, which can also negatively affect the relationship. Therefore, for this couple to have a chance of success, both must accept each other for who they are and love, even if their interests and outlook on life differ radically.

Cat Man and Dragon Woman: Compatibility in Love

Such a couple can form very quickly at some social event; as soon as they see each other, emotions, coupled with passion, will make both of them dizzy. But such relationships are only possible if they are free and no one is trying to build a real family. But if they decide to get married, it will not end well. A woman in this union will not want to sit still, she will always strive for new goals, take risks and radically change her whole life, demanding the same from her other half.

While it is much easier for a man to spend his evenings at home, build his career systematically and without risk, without exposing his life to unnecessary stress and danger. A relationship with such an active lady will begin to tire him very quickly. Therefore, only sincere love can save this marriage. The struggle for leadership in this couple is pointless, the Dragon will always win, but the woman in this case should be wise and hide from her husband the fact who actually dominates their union. It is also worth listening to the advice of your spouse - this will help her avoid many mistakes in life. At the same time, a woman will be able to push her husband to new achievements, the main thing is to do it gently and not be too demanding of him.

Compatibility in friendship

A long friendship in this couple simply will not work out because of how different their views on the world and life are. In addition, the passion that inevitably arises sooner or later between representatives of these signs can interfere. But in the business sphere this is a very good union. Dragons are excellent leaders and entrepreneurs, while Cats perform their duties well and are able to smooth out the straightforwardness of the former with the help of diplomatic skills.

Interaction of planets

Only by understanding which planets influence a person can one determine the exact and detailed compatibility of the Dragon and the Cat. Scorpio, Capricorn or any other zodiac sign also plays an important role in how the fate of a woman or man in this union will turn out.

It is very important to know in which signs Venus and Mars are located for a man, as well as the Moon and Sun for a woman. After all, it is these planets that are responsible for choosing partners, the first planets relate to what the representatives of the signs like, the second, respectively, to the one with whom they are ready to spend their whole lives.

Vika Di

At first glance, these signs are completely opposite to each other. The calm, delicate Rabbit strives for stability and does not like risk, while the Dragon, on the contrary, is used to living as if on a volcano; courage and fearlessness sometimes push him to adventures that are unacceptable to the Rabbit. The rabbit tries to avoid dangerous situations, and a determined Dragon may simply become bored next to him.

In their relationships, they are capable of mutual understanding, but only if they give up trying to remake each other’s characters. The dragon strives for dominance, the Rabbit does not have any special ambitions, so the Dragon will most likely take the leadership position in this pair. He will provide the Rabbit with protection, help him gain confidence in his own abilities, while the Rabbit will smooth out conflicts and provide the Dragon with a reliable rear.

However You shouldn’t count on an idyllic relationship: Feelings between these signs can quickly change from passion to cooling, and then quarrels and scandals are inevitable.

Compatibility horoscope for Rabbit (Cat) and Dragon in love according to the eastern horoscope

A love relationship between the Rabbit and the Dragon can flare up suddenly due to strong sensual attraction, but this romance has little chance of developing into a long-term relationship - after the wave of passion subsides, contradictions in characters and opposites in aspirations begin to manifest themselves clearly.

Rabbits are wonderful partners, loyal and romantic.

Rabbits are wonderful partners, loyal and romantic. The main thing for them is trust, tenderness and confidence in reciprocity. If doubts arise about their partner’s feelings, they do not enter into a fight for his heart, but simply move away. They are attracted not by stormy passions, but by deep, sincere and stable feelings, so their romance with the Dragon is doomed almost from the very beginning, since it is stability in feelings that the Dragon lacks.

The Dragon has enormous charm, so the Dragon girl is always surrounded by fans, and the Dragon guy is irresistible to women and uses all the crushing power of his influence to win his next victim.

The romance between the Dragon and the Rabbit arises on the basis of mutual sensual attraction

Their sex is simply great, but when it loses its novelty, the Dragon quite easily breaks up with his partner, because the main thing for him is independence. That's why Dragons often remain bachelors, preferring to have easy connections that do not commit to anything, rather than a stable family, which is the goal of Rabbits.

Marriage compatibility of couples born in the years of the Rabbit (Cat) and the Dragon

Rabbit and Dragon quite rarely get married even after a passionate affair, usually not too long. Having realized how much their life aspirations differ, such a couple most often breaks up, but if they do get married, it will be difficult for both parties, since they will have to constantly look for a compromise.

The Rabbit's wife falls recklessly in love with the Dragon and is ready to endure a lot. With her tenderness, affection and calmness, she will be able to extinguish the excessive fire of the Dragon; it also gives her more self-confidence, helps her to liberate herself and express her sexuality. Thus, mutual influence will benefit both of them.

The Dragon wife is characterized by impulsiveness and spontaneity in her actions, and the Rabbit husband in such a family ensures the stability of the relationship. It is important that their basis is not just physical attraction, but desire to create a real family, where both parties would try to understand and support each other, surround each other with warmth and homeliness.

Friendship between Rabbit and Dragon according to the Chinese calendar

If the guy is a Dragon and the girl is a Rabbit (Hare), then they are unlikely to be able to be friends for a really long time, their positions in life are too different. The same applies to the tandem of the guy Rabbit (Hare) and the girl Dragon. However, their business cooperation can be quite successful, since the compatibility in the work of the Rabbit and the Dragon is quite high: the Dragon is an ambitious, active and enterprising leader, the Rabbit is a conscientious performer, well versed in commerce and finance, and his diplomacy smoothes out the harshness of the Dragon.

Compatibility of a Rabbit man (Cat) and a Dragon woman

If he is a Cat, she is a Dragon, then they can immediately feel mutual attraction. The Rabbit will be attracted by her brightness, and the Dragon will be attracted by his intelligence and breadth of outlook, but sex will still be dominant in their relationship.

The Rabbit man and the Dragon woman value their freedom, so their romance is unlikely to develop into marriage when it loses the charm of novelty. If this does happen, then without patience and mutual concessions it will not be easy to build relationships in the family.

Dragon Woman is active and is ready to take risks, sometimes her hyperactivity tires her husband Rabbit, who prefers home comfort, quiet career advancement and business without risk. Attempts by partners to change each other's nature are most often doomed to failure.

The only thing that can save their marriage is strong love and the ability to reckon with each other

The Dragon Woman, being a leader, should not humiliate the Rabbit, but listen to his advice and stimulate him to new achievements.

Compatibility of a Rabbit (Cat) woman and a Dragon man

If she is a Cat, he is a Dragon, then their relationship is usually limited to a passionate romance, and when the passion passes, they part peacefully. They enter into marriage mainly under the pressure of external circumstances., and if they don’t try to change each other, then their family may well become viable.

If she is a Cat, he is a Dragon, then their relationship is usually limited to a passionate romance

For their family characterized by a traditional distribution of activities: he provides for the family and leads an active life, she provides home comfort. The cautious Rabbit will never accompany the dashing Dragon in his risky adventures, and the Dragon will not endure the quiet life that the Rabbit loves so much. If they manage to come to terms with this, then such an alliance may have good prospects.

13 February 2018, 17:55

If you believe Chinese horoscope, then the Dragon (man) and Rabbit (woman) are quite capable of building a strong and harmonious relationship. In this case, the Dragon receives tenderness and care from his chosen one, and the Rabbit girl receives the security she so needs. Simply put, behind the wide and incredibly beautiful wings of the Dragon, she will feel like behind a stone wall. And this is exactly what she needs for complete happiness!

So, what is the compatibility of a Dragon man and a Rabbit woman in family ties, love and intimate relationships? And what can you advise such a couple? Let's take a closer look.

Dragon man and Rabbit woman (Cat): general compatibility

Such a union is considered quite successful, because both partners will be able to satisfy absolutely all their needs in it. Dragons are attracted to Rabbit women by their education, breadth of outlook and awareness in almost all areas of knowledge. On the other hand, Rabbit ladies like Dragon gentlemen for their masculinity, courage, strength and beauty - both external and internal.

In the Dragon man, all the self-sufficiency and brutality of the male character is very clearly manifested

All Dragons, as a rule, are a little rude and callous. The presence of a sophisticated Rabbit girl in the lives of such people will smooth out all the sharp, uneven corners and roughness in their difficult character. With such a partner, the “fire-breather” will immediately turn into a real aristocrat with good taste and excellent manners.

The joint cooperation of this couple promises to be long and quite fruitful, family life - prosperous and happy. After all, both Dragons and Rabbits have one unique ability - they can not notice and ignore the negative character traits of their partner. Of course, such seemingly ideal relationships have their own nuances and negative aspects. We will tell you about them further.

Dragon Man: bright and attractive

Dragon men have enormous creative potential. These are creative, talented and very bright individuals. Often outstanding. At the same time, they are characterized by great natural magnetism, which simply cannot fail to be noticed by representatives of the opposite sex.

Dragons (men) are generally masculine and brave. And this helps them achieve a lot in life and career. However, there are also negative traits in their character. These include excessive aggressiveness, impulsiveness and lack of restraint. Because of these qualities, Dragons often make serious mistakes, although they are able to correct them immediately.

Most often, Dragons prefer quiet and “homey” women, without any special ambitions. Therefore, a lady who dreams of pleasing the Dragon needs only to show gentleness, calmness and modesty. By the way, the Rabbit woman has all these qualities.

Rabbit (Cat) Woman: sophisticated and “homely”

A gentle and sensitive woman Rabbit (Cat) is the center of everyone's attention

Rabbits (or Cats) are polite and very sophisticated natures. They easily master all manners of etiquette and know how to behave in polite society. Moreover, they often become the center of everyone’s attention. Of course, such a woman will become a worthy adornment to any man. What can we say about the vain and slightly arrogant Dragons.

Among the negative traits, it is very difficult for Rabbit girls to concentrate on any one activity for a long time. Therefore, they grab onto several things at once, without really finishing any of them. As a rule, they study any question superficially, but at the same time they manage to give the impression of knowledgeable and extremely knowledgeable young ladies.

What do Dragons and Rabbits have in common? Both of them love communication, noisy “parties” and fun holidays. As a rule, that's where they find each other.

Dragon man and Rabbit woman (Cat): compatibility in love

The Rabbit Woman feels and understands people very well. And she will happily pass on these empathic abilities to her chosen one - the Dragon. He, in turn, is able to make his partner truly happy. The Dragon man for the Rabbit woman is exactly that hot spark that she so lacked in her quiet and measured life.

In their intimate life, these two people will always have both frantic passion and tender sensuality. In bed, neither the Dragon nor the Rabbit can be called selfish. They feel desires perfectly and happily make all their partner’s sexual dreams come true.

The romance between a Dragon man and a Rabbit woman can be felt even in everyday little things

Dragons and Colic are similar in one more aspect: they both enjoy sensual caresses. In other words, intimacy itself is beautiful for them. That's why sexual relations between such partners will be very bright and intense. In addition, such couples always give birth to very beautiful and happy children, which is also good news.

Dragon Man and Rabbit Woman (Cat): Marriage Compatibility

Women-Cats, as a rule, become caring mothers, loving wives and excellent housewives. There are, of course, exceptions. But more often than not, they cope well with all the chores around the house, have various culinary talents and know how to find a common language with children. Ideal wives!

The Rabbit woman prefers a quiet and calm life near the “family hearth.” But her Dragon husband is almost always busy outside the home. His task is to provide financial support for the family. And he copes with it as well as possible. Neither the wife nor the children of such a man will need anything.

At the same time, the Rabbit woman is quite ready to come to terms with this situation. She will always eagerly await her husband from work, a long business trip or protracted business negotiations. And it is precisely this trait that helps preserve such a family. After all, it is very important for a Dragon man to know that he is loved and welcomed at home.

But there is also a danger here. If the Rabbit woman gets completely bogged down in household chores, then she will become boring and insipid for her man. And the Dragon, without much thought, will rush to look for thrills on the side.

In general, the portrait of such a married couple is as follows: the Dragon man is the full-fledged head of the family and leader, and the Rabbit woman obeys and fulfills all his wishes. At the same time, she fully accepts this arrangement and is ready to sacrifice almost everything for the sake of her chosen one. She devotes almost all her time to her husband and children, creating and maintaining comfort and beauty in the house. However, a real hurricane of disagreement often rages in her inner world. Unfortunately, the Dragon man cannot always understand the full depth of her thoughts and experiences.

Despite everything, the marriage of the Dragon and the Rabbit (Cat) may well become long and happy. Of course, rainbow and carefree family life It’s stupid to expect: there will be quarrels, conflicts, and disappointments. But if such a married couple learns to make concessions and compromises, then all problems can be solved.

Dragon and Rabbit: possible relationship problems

Despite the relatively good compatibility Dragon and Rabbit, this pair may have its own problems and disagreements. Therefore, you will have to work hard on relationships.

First of all, it is worth noting that the Rabbit woman is not as “domestic” as it might seem at first glance. She is quite willful and freedom-loving. And when the Dragon man is too busy with his career, politics or public affairs, the relationship in this couple can go into a dead end, and subsequently break completely.

Very often, any disagreement in such a family is aggravated by the fact that Dragons themselves are very impulsive and unpredictable. It is difficult to predict exactly how such a man will react to a particular situation. Therefore, it is very important for the Rabbit woman to learn to avoid dangers and put out all family conflicts in a timely manner. Innate flexibility and wisdom will only help her in this.

Matching the characters of a Dragon man and a Rabbit woman is a long and difficult process, but if mutual understanding is found, then it will last a lifetime

If fate brought a Rabbit woman together with a Dragon man, then it is important for her to understand one thing: her chosen one is unlikely to be changed. Therefore, it must be accepted exactly as it is. And as gratitude, the Dragon will teach his life partner to treat everything more simply and not take negativity to heart.

In general, the longer the Dragon and Rabbit live together, the better they will understand each other. Time can solve all family problems in this couple. Eventually, they will fully adjust and begin to influence each other positively.

No matter how good the horoscope compatibility is, problems may arise in the life of any couple that need to be resolved immediately. Ignoring problems and difficulties in the family, as a rule, does not lead to anything good.

Only mutual concessions can create a strong alliance from the Dragon and the Rabbit

In a married couple of Dragon and Rabbit (Cat), it is very important for partners to learn to make certain compromises. They need to talk to each other as often as possible, try to understand and accept their partner (or partner) with all his “cockroaches”. The strength and durability of the marriage will depend on this.

Despite the enormous differences between these signs, there is still much in common between them. So, both the Dragon and the Rabbit greatly value trust family relationships. Closeness and trust are extremely important and necessary things for them. It is important for the Rabbit woman to understand that she is the only one and loved by her husband.

One effective “recipe” will help to avoid unnecessary conflicts in this married couple: any disagreements should be discussed in advance, without bringing them to the “scandalous” phase. A clear distribution of responsibilities in the family is another useful option. We should not forget about romance and unpredictability, so that routine and clearly planned life does not bore both partners. The Dragon man should also remember that his fragile chosen one needs constant protection and increased attention.

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Compatibility between Dragon and Rabbit is based on a strong physical attraction. These signs may fall in love with each other at the first meeting, but they rarely develop long-term relationships. Contradictions in characters come to the fore as soon as passion subsides. Marriage between such people is complex and requires great effort to find compromise and mutual understanding.

Compatibility of Dragon and Rabbit

Characters of signs

The compatibility horoscope of the Dragon and Rabbit signs largely depends on the characteristics of their characters. What traits did the stars and eastern astrology reward them with?

Dragon Character

A born leader, activist and optimist are the main characteristics of the Dragon. This sign knows what it wants from life, burns with a thirst for knowledge, and does not stop there. He is fair, deeply decent, and will never take advantage of another person’s weakness. Here are the main features of the Dragon, according to the Chinese horoscope:

Dragons can be overly selfish and arrogant. They know their worth and despise passive and idle people. Dragons often become victims of intrigue because of their honesty and straightforwardness.

Rabbit character

The tactful and charming Rabbit quickly wins the sympathy of those around him. His main goal in life is to achieve harmony. This sign tries to protect itself from troubles and seeks exclusively positive impressions. He has developed ambitions, but the Rabbit prefers to achieve goals in roundabout ways, with the least expenditure of effort. Here are the features of the sign, according to the eastern horoscope:

Rabbits do not like to take risks, but for the sake of personal peace of mind they are ready to sacrifice the interests of others. They are quite superficial, rarely become sincerely attached to people, and value family little.

General compatibility of signs

At first glance, it seems that there is a lot in common between the Dragon and the Rabbit. Both love adventures, noisy companies, and fun. There is a strong sexual attraction between representatives of these signs. They can fall in love with each other very quickly. Their romance will be filled with sensuality and passion. But very soon the Cat and the Dragon will see how different they are, which is why marriages between them are rare. Partners break up before they have time to formalize the relationship.

The rabbit strives for harmony; he has a fine mental organization. This sign tries not to let negativity into their life and does not like to take risks. The dragon lives all the time, as if on a volcano. He is brave, fearless, and embarks on any adventure. There are no barriers for him, except for clear moral principles that do not allow harm to other people. A cat cannot endure an existence in which there is no stability. The dragon becomes bored with a person who is afraid of everything, avoids acute situations, and prefers to wait for the right moment.

Signs can improve compatibility in marriage, relationships and friendship. To do this, they must agree on spheres of influence and stop changing each other. The Dragon will most likely take the leadership position. He will be able to protect the Rabbit from troubles, instill in him confidence in his own abilities and in the future. The Cat will provide a reliable rear, smooth out conflicts, and help the naive and straightforward Dragon unravel the intrigues of attackers.

Compatibility of Dragon Man and Rabbit Woman

An open relationship often develops between a Dragon man and a Rabbit woman. Neither of them seeks to start a family, both prefer to live with love and passion. The signs have a strong attraction, so their union without obligations can last a very long time. A couple gets married due to external circumstances, pressure from relatives or for another reason beyond their control. Otherwise, their love ends, and they calmly scatter in different directions.

In the family, the Dragon man and the Rabbit woman traditionally distribute responsibilities. The husband earns money, and the wife takes care of comfort. True, a man rarely takes advantage of the care of his soul mate. He leads an active life, rarely looks into the house and even less often appreciates the efforts of his wife. But she may not be at all afraid that the family will remain broke. Dragons are always lucky. In addition, he is ready to fight with the whole world to protect his soul mate, and will never let anyone offend him.

Rabbits are completely risk averse. The woman realizes that her husband is constantly walking on the edge of a knife. This state makes her worry, lose the peace of mind that Cats strive for so much. The Dragon and the Rabbit quickly lose their compatibility in love if they try to change each other. A wife will never be able to tie her husband to the house and make him more careful. A man will not see his girlfriend as a comrade on risky adventures. If both understand and accept this, the prospects for such an alliance will be quite good.

Compatibility of Dragon woman and Rabbit man

A Dragon woman and a Rabbit man can meet at a party or social event. A guy will be attracted to a bright girl who is always the center of attention. She will be delighted by his intelligence and deep knowledge. Both signs are sexually attracted to each other, so they will start an affair very quickly. But neither one nor the other is in a hurry to tie themselves to family ties. Most likely there will be free love between them, which will never develop into marriage. At one point, the vector of the relationship will change, and the partners will separate forever.

Eastern horoscope of compatibility of Zodiac Signs by �

Characteristics of the sign – Rabbit (Cat). The Rabbit sign is �

According to Eastern horoscope we all bear names alive

If a miracle happens, the Cat man and the Dragon woman get married, they will have to be extremely patient. Building family relationships will not be so easy. An active woman always strives to move forward, she takes risks, radically changes her life and expects the same from her partner. A calm man prefers to stay at home, get promoted and do business without risk. Living next to his hyperactive wife tires him. Partners try to change each other, but most likely fail.

Combine this different people Only strong love can. She will help them resolve all differences. Husband and wife should not fight for leadership, the Dragon will win anyway. But a wise woman will never humiliate her man and show who the real head of the family is. A girl should listen to the guy’s advice, he will save her from many stupid things, but the wife will push her husband to new achievements and open up new prospects for him. The Cat and the Dragon will improve their compatibility if they take advantage of each other’s strengths and pay less attention to each other’s shortcomings.


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