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Summary of an integrated lesson for children of the senior group

Theme "Winter"

Purpose of the lesson :

Develop the ability to perceive the characteristic features of winter through the integration of areas: cognition, communication, safety,

health, music, physical culture, artistic creativity.

Tasks :

Expand children's understanding of characteristic features winter.

Activate your vocabulary on the topic “Winter”.

To arouse in children an interest in experimentation, to be able to analyze, compare, and draw conclusions.

Develop motor activity and fine motor skills through playful motor tasks.

Develop creative imagination, artistic perception of children, the ability to see and feel the state of winter nature, expressing their impressions in children's creativity.

Materials and equipment :

Cups of water and snow according to the number of children, a dish with ice, napkins, spoons, jars of gouache, molds, rope loops, an interactive board, a cooler bag (for storing snow and ice), audio recordings: songs “Three White Horses”, games “Let's play snowballs”, melodies on the theme of winter at the teacher’s choice.

Progress of the lesson:

The song “Three White Horses” plays (music by U. Krylatov, lyrics by A. Derbenev). A little black girl comes in. (Children sit on chairs).

Lou: Oh, it's so cold. Where did I end up?

Educator: You are in the children's kindergarten. What's your name girl?

Lou: My name is Lou. I live in Africa and it is very hot here. I made a wish to find myself where it was cold. I closed my eyes and here I am. Three strange horses brought me to you.

Educator: Lou, you ended up in Siberia. And these horses are not simple, and their names are unusual. Guys, what horses are the songs about, what are their names? (December, January, February. These are the winter months.)

Educator: Correct. These are the winter months. What is the name of the first winter month? Second winter month? Third winter month? (Children's answers).

Educator: Lou, what do you think there is no winter without?

Guess the riddle:

Blanket white
Not made by hand.
It was not woven or cut -
It fell from the sky to the ground.

Lou: I don't know. Guys help me. (Children's answer). What is snow?

Children: Snow is frozen ice crystals.

(The teacher brings in a container of snow. Invites the children to go to the tables. Each child takes a glass of snow.

Lou: I wonder what will happen to snow if you pick it up?

Educator: We’ll check that now. Guys, take a little snow with a spoon and put it on your palm and we will observe.

(While the snow is melting, the teacher talks with the children).

Lou: Guys, tell me what kind of snow it is?

Educator: What does snow feel like? (Cold, soft.) What is the weight? (Light.) In what weather is the snow light, fluffy, dry, and easily crumbles? (In frosty weather). Why does the snow squeak underfoot in severe frost? (Because the rays of snowflakes break under your feet.) In what weather is snow sticky, heavy, wet, damp? (During the thaw).

Educator: Guys, while you were telling our guest about the snow, what happened to it?

Children: The snow melted and turned into water.

Lou: Why did this happen?

Children: The snow melts from the heat, but your palm is warm.

Educator: Guys, after playing with snow you should always wash your hands. Do you know why? (The snow is dirty.) You and I will wipe our hands with napkins. Guys, is your palm still as warm as before? (She became cold.)

Educator: That’s why you can’t keep your hands in the snow for a long time without mittens, so that you don’t get hypothermia and get sick. Is it possible to eat snow?

Educator: Let's warm our hands. We'll play with you now. The musical game “Let's play snowballs” is held. (The game is played on the carpet)

(Lou stands thoughtful)

Educator: Lou, what are you thinking about?

Lou: My friend also asked me a riddle and I couldn’t guess it. And now I think that the answer is related to winter?

Educator: Give the guys a riddle, they will help you.

(Lou asks a riddle).


Winter glass
It started flowing in the spring. (Ice).

Lou: I've never seen ice.

(The teacher brings in ice and snow. Invites the children to the tables. Some of the children stand to the right, some to the left of the table).

Educator: Guys, do you know what ice is formed from? (From frozen water). How is ice different from snow? (Ice is hard and snow is crumbly). Guys, we will also find out one difference. Take the picture and put those on my right under a glass of snow, those on my left under ice. Who can see the picture? What conclusion can be drawn? What kind of ice? (Ice is transparent, since the picture is visible, but snow is not).

Lou: I wonder what melts faster - snow or ice?

Educator: We’ll check now. Guys, put pieces of ice and a spoonful of snow in a glass of water. Guys, what do we see? (Ice and snow float in the water.) Does your Maxim swim? What about Polina? Lou, can you tell me why ice and snow float and don’t sink?

(Lou finds it difficult).

Educator: Guys, help. (Ice is lighter than water.)

Lou: Guys, how will you win in winter? (We go sledding, skiing, skating. We build snow forts, make snowmen).

Educator: Guys, now we will show you how you can relax in the winter. Go to the carpet.

Warm-up is carried out to the accompaniment of music.

It's winter outside our window. (Spread their arms to the sides.)

The houses became white. (They fold their arms over their heads in the form of a roof.)

It's snowing outside, (Raise and lower hands slowly.)

A street cleaner sweeps. (Swing with lowered straight arms left and right.)

We are sledding, (They squat, arms extended in front of them.)

We draw circles on the skating rink, (Place their hands behind their backs and turn in a circle.)

We run skis deftly, (Perform hand movements as when skiing.)

And we play snowballs. (Imitate throwing.)

Lou: Guys, what sounds can you use to reproduce the howling of the wind? (Vowel sounds).

Educator: That's right. You better listen. Katya sings the first sound, Fedya sings the second and further in the chain. (a-o-u-y-i-e-a –o).

Educator: But not only the wind can be heard in winter. We'll play with you now. As soon as you hear a sound that we can hear in winter, clap your hands. If we don’t hear him in winter, we stand quietly.

(The game is played on an interactive board.)

Lou: How fun and interesting your winter is!

Educator: But the birds are not having fun. Winter brought them a lot of trouble. Many had to fly to warmer climes. (Conversation on the interactive whiteboard.) Guys, let's choose the birds that flew to warmer climes. What do we call them? (Migratory). Why did they fly away? (There is no food; insects hid under the bark of trees, in the ground; there are no seeds; the rivers are frozen). Guys, what birds are left with us for the winter? What do we call them? (Wintering).

Guys, count how many birds winter here? How many flights? How many more migratory ones than wintering ones?

Lou: So that's why people hang bird feeders. They help birds survive the cold winter. What can you feed the birds? (Seeds, millet, tits love lard, bread crumbs.)

Educator: Guys, let's go back to the tables and see what happened with the snow and ice. What do you see in your cups? Which melted faster: snow or ice? (The snow and ice have melted, the snow has melted faster, and several pieces of ice are still floating on the surface of the water.) Guys, do you think the water in the cups, after we lowered the ice, remained at the same temperature? (Children offer answers.)

Educator: Let's check. Let's dip our index finger first into a glass without ice, and now into a glass with ice. How did you feel? (Where there was ice, the water is colder.) What conclusion can be drawn? (Ice cools water.) But people use this property of cooling liquids in everyday life. You can use pieces of ice to cool juice, tea, and coffee.

Lou: Can I talk about winter now?

The game “It happens, it doesn’t happen” is played. “

1. Winter has come. It's white all around. Snowdrops appeared under the trees.

2. The forest is quiet in winter. Only occasionally can you hear a woodpecker knocking its beak on a tree. He looks for worms under the bark.

3. In winter, birds are cold and hungry. The children help them. They pour bread crumbs, seeds into the feeders and pour juice.

4. Winter will pass, frosts and snowstorms will go away. And summer will come.

5. In winter, children ski, and in summer, on bicycles. (As the game progresses, children correct mistakes.)

Educator: Lou, don’t be upset. The guys and I wanted to make gifts for you - colored pieces of ice. Guys, does the water in your glasses have a color? (No.) What happens if we drop paint into a glass? (It will turn the same color as the paint.) Take the paint with a spoon and stir it into the water. What color did the water become?

Now we will pour the colored water from the cups into the molds. Pour carefully without splashing. Place part of the loop into the mold. Everything is ready. Now all we have to do is take the molds outside during our walk and leave them for a while and the frost will do its job. What will happen to the water? (It will freeze.) All we have to do is remove these pieces of ice from the molds and we can decorate trees and Christmas trees with them.

Lou: Thanks guys. I really liked it with you. I learned a lot about winter, it is a wonderful time of year.

Educator: Guys, what did you like most?

Galya Bzhasova
Lesson notes in senior group“Winter has finally come!”

Type of activity: gaming, productive, communicative, educational and research, musical and artistic, perception of fiction.


Clarify ideas about the first signs of winter, winter natural phenomena, changing days, snowfall, blizzards.

Strengthen knowledge about properties snow: white, cold, melts in warmth.

Show how snow turns into water, aim for long-term observation of the transformation of water into ice.

Practice composing skills complex sentences with oppositions.

Form an idea of ​​the need to dress warmly so as not to get sick.

Demonstration equipment: container with snow brought in advance, subject pictures "Cloth", magnetic board, pictures depicting winter.

Vocabulary work: winter, snowfall, blizzard, cold, frost. Freezing.

Progress of the lesson:

Mother! look from the window -

You know, yesterday it was not for nothing that there was a cat

I washed my nose:

There is no dirt, the whole yard is covered,

It has brightened, it has turned white -

Apparently there is frost.

Not prickly, light blue

Frost is hung along the branches -

Just take a look!

Like someone too shabby

Fresh, white, plump cotton wool

I removed all the bushes.

Now there will be no argument:

For the sled, and up the hill

Have fun running!

Really, mom? You won't refuse

And you yourself will probably say:

“Well, hurry up and go for a walk!”

Educator: Guys, what time of year is this poem talking about? (Children's answers).What words does the author use to talk about winter? What happens winter(Children's answers).What are the first signs of the coming winter that can be noted now? (Children's answers).

Educator: And now we’ll play with you.

Didactic game "Finish the sentence"

In autumn there is leaf fall, and in winter (snowfall)

It rains in autumn and in winter (snow)

It's hot in summer and winter (Cold)

In summer the trees are covered with leaves, and in winter (snow)

In winter you need to dress warmly to (not to get sick).

Physical education minute

It's frosty outside. Children clap their hands on their shoulders and

To keep the nose from freezing, they stomp their feet/

We need to stomp our feet

And clap your palms.

Snowflakes are falling from the sky, Children raise their hands above their heads and do

Like in a fairy tale picture. grasping movements, as if catching snowflakes.

We'll catch them with our hands

And we'll show mom at home.

And there are snowdrifts around, Stretching - arms to the sides.

The roads were covered with snow.

Do not get stuck in the field so that, Walk in place with high knees.

Raise your legs higher.

We walk, walk, walk Walking in place.

And we come to our house. The children take their seats.

4. Winter - winter

Educator: Guys, now I’ll read you a poem, and you listen and think about what happened when the children caught a snowflake in their hands "Snowball and Alyoshka";

Alyoshka from the street to home

I brought the first snow in my palm.

"Mother! - the boy shouted,

extended his little hand forward. –

I brought the snowball here." -

And he fell silent. One water

“Someone stole my snow,

He poured water into my palm!”

Leshka has his little sister here

shouted with a ringing laugh:

“I couldn’t guess it myself,

that your snowball has melted!”

Educator: What did Alyosha’s sister say? (Children's answers). Look what happened to the snow that we brought to the group(Offers to look at the melted snow).Do you think this water is clean? (Children's answers). What was the snow like when we brought it to group? (Children's answers).

Didactic game “What’s extra?”

Attach pictures of clothing items for different seasons to the board; children come up to the board one by one and remove unnecessary items, motivating their decisions.


What did we do today?

What did you like most (Children's answers).

Publications on the topic:

Summary of an integrated lesson for children with allergic dermatoses “Merry winter has come” Goal: Creating conditions for the development of communicative qualities of preschool children with allergic dermatoses. Educational objectives: Clarify.

Summary of an integrated lesson on native nature in the middle group “Winter has come” MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 57 combined type" Synopsis of an integrated lesson on native nature in middle group TOPIC: “I have arrived.

Summary of GCD in the junior group “Winter has come - winter has come - it brought snow with it!” Objectives: 1. To acquaint children with the characteristic signs of winter (it is cold in winter, it snows, with the properties of snow. 2. To develop cognitive interest.

Summary of educational activities for speech development with elements of experimentation in the senior group “Winter has come” Summary of GCD in the senior group for speech development. Educator: Podolyako I.N. Topic: “Winter has come (with elements of experimentation). Goal:.

Summary of an open lesson in the second junior group “Winter-winter has come to visit us” Komissarova Ekaterina Abstract open class in the second younger group on the topic: “Winter - winter has come to visit us” Purpose: Summarize.

Summary of a literacy lesson in the preparatory group “Winter has come to us” Progress of the lesson: 1. Org. moment. Reading a poem about winter (“Letter” by I. Pivovarov). One letter came to us. There was a strange It. Instead of stamps.

Summary of an integrated lesson on the formation of a holistic picture of the world in older children on the topic:"Zimushka - winter."

Educator: Efimova Alla Ivanovna


Expand children's understanding of the characteristic signs of winter and winter phenomena in nature.

Expand and activate the vocabulary on the topic “Zimushka - winter”, develop coherent speech.

Develop an aesthetic perception of the winter landscape.

To develop children's creative imagination, artistic perception, the ability to see and feel the state of winter nature, expressing their impressions in children's creativity and experimentation.

Preliminary work: conversation with children, collecting snow for an experiment.

Materials and equipment:

Audio recording of the song “Three White Horses”, moving games, cut snowflakes, a snowflake with riddles, an easel with illustrations of winter landscapes, pictures, cups, gauze.

Progress of the lesson:

Playback It's getting cold.

The water turned into ice.

Long gray bunny,

The bunny turned white.

The bear stopped roaring.

A bear hibernated in the forest.

Who can say, who knows when this happens? (children's answers: in winter)

Playback Well done, right. You probably already guessed that today we will talk about winter, about winter phenomena. But first, tell me, what signs of winter do you know? (children’s answers: it’s snowing, it’s cold, water freezes on rivers, lakes, seas, people wear fur coats, felt boots, it’s frosty).

Playback Everything is correct.

And now, I’ll turn on the music, and you listen carefully, there are hidden answers to my questions.

The song “Three White Horses” plays (music by U. Krylatov, lyrics by A. Derbenev).

Playback Guys, what horses are the songs about, what are their names? (Children's answers:)

Playback: Correct. These are the winter months. What is the name of the first winter month? Second winter month? Third winter month? (Children's answers).

Playback The winter months have prepared interesting questions, tasks, and games for us. Are you ready, let's begin!

Playback I have a snowflake in my hands, and the first task is written on it.

Winter has come to us again.

Snow white, like chalk,

I managed to whitewash the houses, all the trees and paths,

And he’s knocking on our window!

Put on a fur coat, a hat,

Get your skis and sleds,

Run to meet winter,

Invite all the guys to play!

What can we play in winter, what winter games and entertainment do you know? (children's answers)

There are illustrations attached to the easel (skis, skates, etc.), let us make sentences based on these pictures.

Play: Let's play with you too. Let's stand one after another and go: skiing, skating, making snowballs, sledding.

Rec.: The first month of winter is December. In the old days this month was called like this: lute, jelly, stuzhailo. They say that December is the beginning of winter.

Guess the riddle:

Decorated by a sorcerer

The windows are all in people's houses.

Whose patterns? - Here's a question.

I drew them... (frost)

Playback That's right, guys, it's frosty.

Physical education minute:

Let the bitter frost sting our cheeks and nose. (rub)

We love to play in the snow. We love skiing and skating. (simulated movements)

Hey winter, spin around and make friends with the children. (spinning)

We really, really like winter beauty. (clap your hands)

Playback The second month of winter is January. People call January Prosinets. This month the sun is shining more often and the blue sky is peeking through.

Game: “Say a word.” I will read the beginning of the sentence to you, and you must tell me the ending. There will be small hints on the screen (slides)

Quietly, quietly, as in a dream, it falls to the ground... (snow).

Silvery fluffs keep sliding from the sky... (snowflakes).

A little white... (snowball) fell on the village, on the meadow.

Everyone is running a race, everyone wants to play ... (snowballs).

It’s like…(snowman) dressed up in a white down jacket.

Nearby is a snow figure, this is a girl - ... (snow maiden).

Playback Last month winter - February. In February, winter meets spring. In the old days, February was called wind blower, blizzard, bokogrey. Such different names. What would that mean? How do you understand the words - wind blower, blizzard, bokogray. (Children's answers)

Wind blower – because strong winds blow in February. Blizzard - because in February there are often blizzards. And Bokogrey - because spring is already close and the sun is getting warmer and warmer. And also, perhaps, because when there is a wind or a blizzard outside, everyone sits at home and warms their sides by the stove.

Vosp.: February has prepared a task for us. During a snowstorm, the wind broke and scattered snowflakes. You need to collect them. (Slide).

(Children are divided into subgroups of 2-3 people and collect cut snowflakes)

Have I prepared riddles about winter for you?

It's getting colder every day,

The sun is getting weaker and weaker,

Snow is everywhere, like a fringe, -

So, it has come to us... (winter)

What kind of miracle blanket is this?

At night everything suddenly became white.

No roads or rivers to be seen -

They were covered by fluffy... (snow)

The sorcerer froze

And lakes and streams.

I breathed cold, and now -

Not water in the stream, but... (ice)

There is only one fun in winter,

Everyone needs accuracy and dexterity in it.

What do you call “shells”?

What are you making and throwing at your friends? (snowballs)

Playback Guys, tell me what we make snowballs from? (answers) Vosk.: What does snow feel like? (Cold, soft.) What is the weight? (Light.) In what weather is the snow light, fluffy, dry, and easily crumbles? (In frosty weather). Why does the snow squeak underfoot in severe frost? (Because the rays of snowflakes break under your feet.) In what weather is snow sticky, heavy, wet, damp? (During the thaw).

Vosp.: Guys, what will happen to the snow if you bring it into the warmth? (children’s answers). In the previous lesson, we already talked about what happens to the snow? Answer me this question: is the snow clean or dirty? (children’s answers). Let’s take a look and draw conclusions.

Playback Now let's do an experiment with snow. Come here everyone. Yesterday I collected snow on the street and brought it to the group. What do you think happened to the snow? (children's answers). Is the melt water clean or dirty? (children's answers). Let's check it out. I have melt water in my cups, and the other cups have gauze on them. Take each a glass of water and pour it into the cup through the gauze. Please note what kind of water and gauze we have. (children's answers).

Playback Guys, tell me, can you eat snow, as many of you like to do? (children’s answers). Why? (children’s answers).

Playback Our lesson has come to an end, tell us what you liked about the lesson today (children’s answers), what we talked about today (children’s answers), what you learned new (children’s answers) and what conclusions can be drawn after today’s lesson (children’s answers ).

Playback Thank you all, well done everyone.

Valentina Sinogach
Summary of educational lesson in the senior group “Winter-Winter”

Program content.

Form complete sentences in speech and use word endings correctly. Activate vocabulary(sample). Clarify children’s understanding of the characteristic signs of winter (lots of snow, cold, fluffy snow). Expand and generalize children's knowledge about seasonal changes in nature and the life of birds in winter. Cultivate interest and aesthetic attitude towards nature.

Integration of educational areas:

"Cognition"- (Ecology) - Expand and deepen knowledge - develop observation and curiosity

"Socialization"- Enrich ways of playful collaboration with peers.

"Fiction"- develop artistic perception, emotional responsiveness.

"Safety"- establish the rules of safe play.

"Music"- creating a positive emotional mood.

"Health"- development of motor activity.

Preliminary work: watching the snow on a walk, making a bird feeder at home. Looking at illustrations about winter, learning poems, riddles, games with children, drawing favorite characters, drawing “Winter”, making crafts from natural materials, watching presentations “Phenomena of Nature”. Listening to musical works by P. I. Tchaikovsky.


Illustrations depicting winter, pictures of wintering birds, a cheerful melody, leaves for drawing, watercolors.

Educational resources: Program “From birth to school” by N. E. Veraksa, Lexical topics on the development of children’s speech by L. N. Arefiev.

GCD move.

Guessing the riddle

Like across the sky from the north

A gray swan swam

The well-fed swan swam.

Threw down, poured

There are little lakes in the fields.

White fluff and feathers (Snow cloud)

That's right guys! (Show natural phenomena in the form of a presentation)

Educator: let's remember what time of year it is now? What month is it? Do you guys like winter? (I listen to the children's answers.) Showing a slide from the presentation winter nature.

Winter is a wonderful time of year, isn't it guys?

Educator: Freshly fallen snow makes the whole world around us festive: white paths, Christmas trees sprinkled with snow, benches. Let's take the snow in our hands and take a look. what will happen to him, what kind of snow? (children put forward their hypotheses) Now the guys propose

game "Snowball"

We dance with snowballs (perform the movements according to the text)

Look at us all.

So let's stomp our feet!

One-two, one-two, one-two!

Now let's put down the snowballs

We're here for the snowman.

And now you can clap your hands

It's easy for us to clap.

Rise carefully

Don't forget to take a snowball.

Now we can dance,

Dance and stand in a circle.

Did you like the game?

Educator: Let's look into a bucket of snow

Educator: Where is the snow, guys? (Children tell what happened to the snow). Do you think it’s possible to eat snow?

Examine the water in the bucket.

Do you guys know poems about winter?

Children read poems about winter.

Educator: Well done guys. I suggest you play.

Game: “Finish the sentence”

Educator: Guys, listen carefully and complete the sentence.

In winter, rivers and lakes are covered with smooth, transparent (ice)

The earth was covered with white, fluffy (snow)

Children made a big snowy woman

In winter, children love to go sledding, skiing, skating.

In winter, the bunny changes his fur coat to what color (white)

What animals hibernate (bear, hedgehog,)

In winter, birds (bullfinches, titmice, sparrows, magpies) fly to the feeder

Well done guys!

Do you like to solve riddles?


1. Guess who

Gray-haired housewife?

Will shake the feather dusters -

Above the world of fluff! (Winter)

2. He entered - no one saw

He said no one heard

He blew through the windows and disappeared,

And a forest grew on the windows. (freezing)

3,On the roof of the hut

White pillows lay down.

Only the sun will burn -

The fluff will flow like water. (snow).

Educator: I offer educational game "I know"

Everyone stand in a circle, the teacher in the center with the ball. I will throw you a ball, for example, I say animals, the child who catches the ball names 3 animals. ,birds,plants. You liked the game.

Listening to an excerpt from P. I. Tchaikovsky’s “On the Troika”

Guys, now I suggest you draw winter. Children paint with paints.

Educator: What wonderful pictures you got.

In the evening, be sure to show your drawings to your parents and tell them what you especially liked about the lesson.

Bottom line.

Guys, what time of year were we talking about?

What did you like most?

Who learned something new for themselves?

You guys are great!

You know a lot of poems about winter, played games, drew a winter picture

And now it’s time to go for a walk and get new impressions of winter.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of educational activities in the senior group “Winter-Winter” Program objectives: Summarize and systematize children’s knowledge about winter, clarify the signs of winter. Strengthen children's ability to answer questions.

Software tasks:

1. Educational:

  • Maintain interest in the phenomena of living and inanimate nature.
  • Learn to use the acquired knowledge in games and drawing.
  • Enrich children's vocabulary with figurative words and expressions (snowflake: beautiful, white, extraordinary, fragile, fluffy, sparkling, magical, transparent, mysterious).
  • Involve children in speech and play interaction.

2. Developmental:

3. Educational:

  • Cultivate respect for each other and mutual assistance.

Materials, equipment:

Snowflakes, cut pictures, easel, drawing paper, watercolor, brushes "squirrel" No. 4, cotton swabs, sippy cup, oilcloth, napkin, soundtrack. Casket (surprise moment).

Progress of the lesson:

Tchaikovsky's music from the suite sounds "Seasons" .

Educator: Hello, our dear guests! We are glad to see you all. Let's say hello to each other and say loudly: "Good morning!" .

1. Greeting:

Good morning to the sun and birds,

Good morning to smiling faces,

And everyone becomes kind and trusting

Let Good morning lasts until the evening!


Callous weather,

Snow is a mess,

It's that time of year

We are calling...

Children: Winter.

Educator: That's right, well done! (Music plays quietly).

White, white, snowy,

Letters fly through the window,

Spinning - quiet, gentle,

And they melt, melt, melt...

2. Surprise moment.

Look what a big snowflake came to visit us! It is not simple - magical! Let's take a look at it.

This is the same letter from Zimushka-Zima. Now I will read it to you:

“Hello, guys!

I heard that you are cheerful, inquisitive and resourceful. I wanted to check if you know the nature of your native land and if you like winter.

I am sending you my fluffy snowflake. She will bring you interesting tasks, and you will show off your prowess and resourcefulness. You will find all the tasks in my magic chest. And a path of fluffy snowflakes will show you the way to it.”

Educator: We will be happy to play snowflake games. Guys, do you see the magic path?

Children: Here it is. Let's go on our journey. (We walk along the path).

3. Physical education minute: “I’m not afraid of frost” .

I'm not afraid of the cold, let's walk

I will become close friends with him. clap your hands

The frost will approach me, sit down

Touches hand, touches nose, shows hand, nose

So we shouldn’t yawn, let’s clap our hands

Jump, run and walk. jumping and walking.

Educator: Oh, what is this? This is Zimushka-Winter's magical chest! (chest, open it). Look: how many snowflakes there are, and there are tasks for you on them. Oh yes Zimushka-Winter! What a clever idea!

4. Target setting:

1). Here's the first task:

  • I'll ask you questions now

It's not easy to answer them!

Listen carefully:

Snow on the fields

Ice on the rivers.

The wind is blowing.

When does this happen? (winter)

What did winter bring with it?

Educator: Yes, winter brought a lot of snow clouds and covered everything around with snow.

Why does nature need snow in winter?

What is snow made of?

Who suffers the most from the vagaries of winter?

Without what will trees die in winter?

What does a squirrel eat in the winter forest?

Educator: Well done, guys. We completed the task. Come in and sit on the chairs.

2). Educator: Various miracles happen in winter! And in Zimushka-Winter’s chest there is the next task. You must guess riddles about winter and animals. Who knows them more? Listen carefully. (For every riddle I hang the answer on the easel).

This winter mistress,

Everyone is afraid, even the bunny.

Only April is not afraid,

Snowy white... (Blizzard)

Not a lamb or a cat,

Wears a fur coat all year round.

Gray fur coat - for summer,

For winter - a different color. (Hare)

Educator: why does a hare change its coat in winter?

Children: So that the hare is not visible in the snow.

Listen to the next riddle.

The owner of the forest,

Wakes up in the spring.

And in winter, under the blizzard howl,

He sleeps in a snow hut. (Bear)

Educator: Why does the bear sleep in winter?

Children: Because in winter there are no berries, plants, or insects that the bear eats.

I wasn't raised

Made from snow,

Instead of a nose cleverly,

Inserted a carrot. (Snowman)

They fall from the sky in winter,

And they circle above the ground,

Light fluffs,

White... (Snowflakes)

3). Educator: What great fellows you are! You completed this task too. Let's see what else is in the chest? Stand around.

These are snowflakes! Look at the pattern of snowflakes and describe them. What are they?

(Children take turns picking up a snowflake, passing it to each other, describing it).

Children: Beautiful, white, fluffy, sparkling, magical, transparent, extraordinary, fragile, mysterious.

Educator: We described a snowflake with you! How many wonderful words you mentioned!

What do snowflakes look like?

If you catch a snowflake and look at it carefully, you will see how beautiful it is. Snowflakes look like they are made of thin lace, with fragile rays and petals, looking like fabulous winter flowers. The poet put your words together and came up with this poem:

Beautiful, shiny,

Mysterious you!

Fly, our snowflake,

Magical beauty!

4). Educator: And in the magic chest is the following task from Zimushka-Winter. Guys, these pictures fell apart. (I pour out pieces of cut pictures onto the table). Let's collect them! (Children are divided into subgroups).

a) D/i: "Collect a picture" .

The game is played at tables, standing. Each child has his own picture, not similar to each other. To the music, children post their picture. Whoever copes first helps the other.

b) D/i: "Find a Pair" .

5). Well done guys, you did a good job with these tasks too. Where is our magic chest? Here's the next task. And now, Zimushka-Winter asks you to help her, because she has a lot of worries before the New Year. It is necessary to cover the trees with snow so that the roots do not freeze and they do not die. Fill up the bear's den so that he sleeps peacefully all winter. And he asked you to cover the Christmas tree with snow. We will try to create magic. For a short time we will turn into little wizards.

5. Drawing goal:

Take your seats and we will begin our magic.

(We draw snowflakes in small groups. One group draws with brushes, the second group draws with cotton swabs (technique "poke" ) .

6. Finger gymnastics "Snowball"

One, two, three, four Bend your fingers starting with the thumb

You and I made a snowball

Round, strong, very smooth Stroke hands

And not at all sweet with everything Threaten with your dress


Two - catch

Three - will drop and break

7. Summing up:

Well, little wizards, look at the work everyone has done together. Take your snowflakes and let's cover our Christmas tree with a blanket of snow. Look how smart and beautiful she is, and now she will be warm. So we helped Zimushka-Winter, covered the roots of the Christmas tree so that it could survive the winter and continue to delight us in the spring.

So why do we need snow in winter?

Completed by: Mitrofanyuk L.V.


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