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A cough can occur not only with a cold. There are many other causes for this symptom. If the throat is not red and there is no runny nose, then the cough is due to the stomach. Some pathological processes in the digestive system are accompanied by such a symptom; in addition, the patient begins to get tired quickly and feels weak. You can get rid of the problem only by eliminating the underlying disease.

If you have a cough without any signs of a cold, the cause may be in your stomach.

With reflux, the functions of the gastric sphincters are disrupted. Because of this, irritation of the walls of the esophagus occurs with the remains of processed food and gastric juice. This can trigger the development of a cough.

It is important to know how to treat stomach cough. A gastroenterologist deals with this problem. He prescribes diagnostic tests and determines the course of treatment.

One of possible reasons stomach cough is dysbacteriosis

What diseases are accompanied by symptoms?

The development of this problem can be contributed to various factors. Children may suffer from this as a result of congenital abnormalities in the development of the digestive system. In adults, this symptom occurs quite often, since patients do not follow a diet and consume low-quality foods, which causes various disruptions in the digestive system. Stomach cough may occur with:

  • gastroesophageal reflux;
  • infectious pathologies;
  • gastritis in chronic form or with ulcerative lesions;
  • pathological processes in the rectum;
  • various liver diseases;
  • presence of a foreign object in the esophagus;
  • neoplasms.

It also occurs in various liver diseases

Symptoms of cough due to the stomach can be felt by those who abuse alcohol and cigarettes, as well as drugs.

Improper diet and lack of quality foods in the diet contribute to the development of pathological processes accompanied by such symptoms. This problem is not an independent disease. It is only a symptom of disorders in the digestive system. This type of cough manifests itself in the same way in all patients and is accompanied by severe pain and other signs of stomach diseases.

Who is facing the problem

A cough with a sore stomach most often bothers people over the age of 30. The problem also occurs in children, but rarely. This is due to the more efficient functioning of the young body. The risk group for developing this problem includes people with diseases of the stomach and digestive tract, those suffering from increased secretion, those who are obese, use alcohol and drugs, as well as experienced smokers. Cough with gastrointestinal disease, like the disease itself, significantly worsens the quality of life. Therefore, treatment is urgently needed.

Diseases of the stomach and digestive system can also cause coughing

How does a stomach cough manifest?

The symptoms of a stomach cough are different from a cough with colds, respiratory viral infections and allergic reactions. Main characteristic feature for this cough there is no relief after the use of mucolytic drugs. Cough associated with the stomach has different manifestations depending on the underlying disease:

Symptoms of cough due to stomach disease may worsen at night or when the patient assumes a horizontal position. The attacks are prolonged and painful, which leads to insomnia, which, in combination with the underlying disease, contributes to increased fatigue, malaise and general weakness.

Diagnostic methods

Since a cough due to stomach problems is often confused with a sign of a cold, most patients begin to self-treat with syrups, lozenges and other cough medicines. If this symptom does not subside within 5 days, you should consult a doctor and undergo an examination. Self-medication can lead to a worsening of the underlying disease, since syrups and other mucolytic drugs negatively affect the stomach. The sugar content in syrups creates favorable conditions for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms and increases the rate of spread of infection.

In this case, traditional lozenges and cough syrups will not help, do not self-medicate

The doctor will prescribe diagnostic tests that will identify the cause of the symptom. In most cases, fibrogastroduodenoscopy is prescribed (the procedure involves examining the stomach and esophagus using a special tube with a camera that is inserted inside), general blood and urine tests to assess the condition of the body, x-ray of the lungs to exclude pathologies of the respiratory system, ultrasound examination of organs abdominal cavity.

Consultation with several specialists may be necessary. If infectious processes are detected, an infectious disease specialist will be involved in treatment. In case of illness gastrointestinal tract A gastroenterologist can prescribe a suitable course of treatment.

How to treat cough from the stomach and esophagus can only be determined after receiving the results of all studies. Each case requires an individual approach.

Be sure to get examined by a gastroenterologist

Treatment methods

Symptoms and treatment of stomach cough may differ for all patients. Basically, the problem is eliminated with the help of medications, and folk remedies can be prescribed as an addition to this method.

Drug therapy

The doctor determines how to treat stomach cough immediately after confirming the diagnosis. Drug therapy is mainly carried out with the help of prokinetics, which increase the tone of the esophageal sphincter. Such drugs include Motilium, Motilak. To neutralize increased acidity antacids should be taken. With the help of antisecretory agents, excessive production of gastric juice is suppressed.

The duration of treatment depends on the stage of development and type of disease. To improve the condition of severely ill patients, it may be necessary to prescribe all medications and use them for several months.

Very often in this case a drug such as Motilium is prescribed.

Folk remedies

Even before the invention of medicines, people knew how to treat coughs from the stomach folk remedies. They are still used now, but to avoid side effects and complications, their use should be agreed with your doctor.

To soothe a dry and itchy cough, mix olive oil with honey and take a teaspoon three times a day before meals. To eliminate coughing attacks from high acidity, use potato juice. The remedy is taken on an empty stomach, half a glass.

Decoctions of plantain, licorice, sage, and medicinal chamomile have enveloping properties, so they can be used to make you feel better.

A decoction of sage can help relieve the condition.

Flax seeds can heal damaged mucous membranes of the esophagus and stomach. Boil a spoonful of seeds in water, leave to stand and consume 100 grams 30 minutes before meals. The duration of the course should not be more than a week.

To improve the functioning of the digestive system, use mumiyo - the tablet is dissolved in warm milk and drunk on an empty stomach.

Symptoms and treatment with folk remedies for stomach cough should be carried out taking into account contraindications. Such medicine should not be used for oncological diseases of the digestive system, allergies, chronic diseases stomach, during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Traditional medicine not suitable for treating children under 2 years of age.

It is very important to avoid fried and fatty foods.

After the doctor determines how to treat stomach cough, he provides the patient with a list of basic recommendations. The patient should exclude junk food, eat often but in small portions, eat enough vegetables and fruits, do not lie down for half an hour after eating, stop drinking alcohol and smoking, healthy image life.

From this video you can learn what a stomach cough is and what its treatment is:

Cough is a normal, completely physiological reaction of the human body to the entry of various foreign objects into the lower respiratory structures. The larger the object, the stronger the cough reflex.

In all cases, a cough is rather a benefit, since it allows you to get rid of foreign objects, it could be sputum, etc. However, if the reflex process lasts more than a few days or appears regularly, this is a reason to think about its “physiology.” One of the forms of the pathological reflex is gastric.

Stomach cough occurs in response to the penetration of aspiration contents into the lower respiratory tract, primarily gastric juice and food particles. The causes of this cough are multiple. What do you need to know about the described adverse process?

In total, there are two main mechanisms for the formation of the above process.

The first concerns the occurrence of regular reflux after eating. Simply put, the patient begins to regurgitate pieces of food, due to the weakness of the gastric sphincter, this happens often.

Food particles penetrate into the lower respiratory tract, provoking the work of the ciliated epithelium (special ciliated cells, which the trachea is especially rich in). The result is a clogging, paroxysmal cough.

The second mechanism is similar to the first with one exception. Belching is possible not only with food, but also with gastric juice. This also happens in the context of reflux esophagitis.

Hydrochloric acid, which is the basis of the composition of gastric juice, acts as an irritant on the upper respiratory tract and oropharynx. Even if there is no deeper penetration of the substance, the cough will be intense. The patient experiences a tickling sensation and wants to cough up imaginary pathological contents.

Non-infectious causes of the development of pathological reflex process

Cough due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract occurs in almost 30% of all cases of visiting a pulmonologist. In fact, the problem often has a gastroenterological profile. Under what pathologies is the formation of such a reflex possible?

The first and most common pathological condition is the physiological weakness of the gastric sphincter. The sphincter is a small muscular ring located at the border of the lower esophagus as it passes into the hollow organ itself (stomach).

Such a process cannot always be called pathogenic. Thus, most often in adult patients, stomach cough occurs, which develops at night, while sleeping on the left side.

Physiologically, the human body is designed in such a way that lying on the left side weakens the sphincter. As a result, reflux (reflux of aspiration contents) and intense cough are possible.

The night reflex prevents you from getting a good night's sleep, causing a feeling of weakness and constant drowsiness. Frequent night awakenings and insomnia. But this is the least of the problems.

This phenomenon may end fatal during the formation of primary asphyxia. A person can simply choke during sleep.

Gastritis with high acidity

It is a common cause of the manifestation in question. The disease is an inflammation of the mucous membrane (epithelium) of the stomach.

The result is a whole complex of pathological manifestations:

  • Abdominal pain localized in the epigastric region. They are characterized by medium intensity, aching or drawing in nature, dagger-like discomfort is possible (somewhat less common). The pain intensifies after eating and subsides in the second half of the day.
  • Discomfort in the pit of the stomach. A well-known sucking sensation, as if hungry.
  • Heartburn. It is a burning sensation localized in the chest and epigastric region. May spread to the throat, partially the oral cavity.
  • Belching sour. Sour belching or a similar phenomenon with a taste of rotten eggs.
  • Gastritis with low acidity is rarely accompanied by a cough.


Aka reflux esophagitis. He is an absolute record holder in the development of a pathological reflex process of the type in question.

It often lasts for years without visible symptoms, manifesting itself as a cough and minimal symptoms. A person may suffer from GERD, cough and not know why.

However, if you listen to your own body, you can detect the following signs:

  • Belching of air after eating.
  • Feeling of heaviness in the stomach after eating. It is possible to regurgitate food, especially if the food was fatty or difficult to digest.
  • Heartburn.
  • Feeling nauseous.
  • Vomit.
  • Attacks of hiccups.

In severe cases, all symptoms occur simultaneously and are intense.

Intestinal dysbiosis

Indirectly causes the development of pathological processes in the digestive tract and, as a result, a persistent painful cough is formed.

Peptic ulcer

It is a product of the evolution of gastritis and reflux esophagitis. It represents areas of destruction of the mucous membrane of the gastric structures under the influence of highly acidic gastric juice.

Areas of ulceration form on the epithelium. The disease is accompanied severe cough, pain in the stomach before eating, intense heartburn, belching. Further development of the disease with the formation of perforation of the gastric wall is possible.

Worm infestations

They act in two ways. On the one hand, the stomach and esophagus are irritated by toxins that are actively synthesized by pathological organisms.

On the other hand, these toxins cause hypersensitization ( increased sensitivity to allergens) of the body and, as a result, the formation of a severe allergic reaction that affects the lower and upper respiratory tract.

Other reasons

  • Food poisoning of etiology.
  • Entry of a foreign body into the esophagus.
  • Pathological processes in the liver.
  • Stomach cough is often a symptom of sleep apnea.

This is the main list of non-infectious pathologies of the stomach that cause the development of the cough reflex.

Infectious causes and their symptoms

There are two infections that can affect the gastrointestinal tract and create a persistent cough reflex. These are adenoviruses and rotaviruses.

Getting into digestive system, they actively use the cytological apparatus of cells and affect the stomach, small intestine (initial and middle sections of the gastrointestinal tract).

The result is the development of infectious gastritis or gastroenteritis. Cough in such conditions is only one of many symptoms.

As follows from medical data and descriptions of the patients’ condition, the reflex is dry or, somewhat less commonly, wet in nature. Intensifies after eating, at night. Described as "agonizing" and "clogging".

Symptoms of stomach cough of this etiology are multiple and include, in addition to the reflex itself:

  • Pain in the epigastric region, in the epigastric region.
  • Stool disorders (constipation, diarrhea and their alternations).
  • Nausea.
  • Vomit.
  • Hiccups.
  • Heartburn.
  • Headaches, feelings of weakness, drowsiness and other conditions that indicate intoxication of the body.
  • Regurgitation of food.

Infectious forms of lesions are much less common, but are, on average, more severe. However, they are easier to cure than gastroenterological pathologies.

Diagnostic measures

Determining the source of the problem is quite difficult. It is necessary to carry out a differential diagnosis with dozens of pulmonary diseases, as well as to distinguish some conditions from others within the framework of gastroenterology.

At the initial consultation, it is important to clearly and unambiguously talk about your own complaints; the doctor collects an anamnesis and examines the family history of illnesses. You need to get as much information as possible.

The following studies are shown below:

  • X-ray of the chest organs.
  • Bronchoscopy.
  • General blood test.
  • Biochemical study of venous blood.

If the results of such examinations do not show any abnormalities, you need to visit a gastroenterologist. The study of the patient’s gastroenterological status includes the following procedures:

  • FGDS.
  • Analysis of gastric juice.
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs.

With a high degree of probability, changes in the nature of the gastrointestinal tract activity will be detected.

For adeno and enterovirus infections, in addition to the classic signs of enterocolitis and dyspeptic symptoms (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain), respiratory syndrome may develop. It is characterized by coughing and even breathing problems. This clinical picture is explained by damage to the trachea and bronchi.

Cough in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, in esophageal disease, is associated with a malfunction in the normal functioning of the esophagogastric sphincter (a muscle ring that regulates the passage of food from the esophagus to the stomach). As a result of disruptions in its functioning, acidic gastric juice irritates the esophageal mucosa. Clinically, this is manifested by heartburn, a sore throat, and wheezing. At night, breathing may stop - apnea.

Respiratory disorders (respiratory syndrome) due to infection with worms and dysbacteriosis, including cough, are formed against the background of sensitization, that is, based on malfunctions of the immune system.

Cough itself is a painful symptom, so symptomatic therapy is quite well developed. It is mainly aimed at thinning sputum (mucolytics) and expanding the lumen of the bronchi (bronchodilators). There are also combinations of drugs of these two directions.

Effective, pathogenetic treatment of respiratory syndrome is possible only by eliminating its cause. That is, the underlying disease needs to be treated.

Cough due to gastrointestinal diseases or other pathologies is not a harmless symptom. Prolonged breathing disorder accompanied by cough can not only worsen the quality of life, but also lead to serious complications.

The Stolitsa Medical Center and experienced specialists will help you get examined to identify the real causes of your cough and will conduct effective treatment.

In the event that breathing and cough disorders do not go away when taking conventional medications that thin the mucus and dilate the bronchi, it is worth conducting an examination to identify disorders of the gastrointestinal tract as the main (pathogenetic) cause of the disease.

The examination includes blood tests (clinical and biochemical), a general urine test, and stool tests to detect worms and to clarify the composition of the intestinal bacterial flora. To complete information about the patient’s condition, it is necessary to carry out a number of functional diagnostic techniques, for example, echoscopy of the digestive organs (liver, gallbladder, pancreas). An assessment of the condition of the intestinal tube, including, for example, fibrogastroduodenoscopy, is also relevant. If gastrointestinal pathology is detected, consultation with a gastroenterologist is necessary; if a viral infection is suspected, consultation with an infectious disease specialist.

Naturally, all these additional examinations in the field of gastroenterological pathology should be carried out when the usual causes of cough are excluded. The most reasonable way to diagnose common causes of respiratory pathology is fluoroscopy of the lungs and mediastinal organs.

What is meant by the term “stomach cough”? Quite often, people encounter such a cough, but few people know about the reasons for its appearance, and perhaps they don’t even realize that a seemingly ordinary cough can become a sign.

Such a symptom can appear at any time, in the absence of a sore throat or cold, disrupting the normal functioning of the body. At the same time, phlegm is released, there is a feeling of dryness, and the cough intensifies at night. Nausea, heartburn, dryness, difficulty breathing, but no cold are symptoms of a stomach cough.

Immediate consultation with a doctor is the correct action if you notice signs of such a cough. The specialist will order tests and prescribe a treatment plan. If you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner and the prescribed treatment is not followed, complications may arise, the result of which will be negative.

Stomach cough occurs with food poisoning.

Conditions that provoke the appearance of stomach cough can be varied.

Age period after 35 years, overweight, hobby bad habits– factors that provoke the development of stomach cough.

If this sign is found in a child, then an urgent examination is necessary to prescribe treatment.

Characteristic symptoms

Stomach cough expresses itself in different ways, the differences are based on the main reason for its appearance. But the characteristic features will not allow this cough to be confused with a cold, ARVI or sore throat. All remedies for a common cough will not be effective when applied to a stomach cough. Signs accompanying stomach cough:

When lying down, the cough worsens, often at night. The patient finds it difficult to breathe and loses sleep. This causes lack of sleep, the person becomes irritable, weak, and an underlying illness develops.

Diagnostic methods

Abdominal ultrasound is a method for diagnosing this disease.

When self-medicating the first signs, the patient defines his condition as a cold or ARVI, and begins to take cough medicine, syrups, and lozenges.

If the cough lasts more than 5 days, the symptom becomes protracted, you should consult a doctor.

Not only can you not cure a cough on your own, but it can also make the situation worse; cough medications, sweet syrups, and lozenges increase the risk of developing the disease. Sugar in syrups will become favorable environment for bacterial reproduction and development.

The most important goal of a specialist is to identify the cause of the disease. Diagnostic methods prescribed by doctors have different forms:

  1. Fibrogastroscopy or fibrogastroduodenoscopy: a general examination of the stomach and esophagus, the procedure is unpleasant, but very effective.
  2. Blood and urine analysis: study of the general condition of the body necessary for diagnosis.
  3. X-ray of the lungs: exclusion or identification of lung pathologies to determine the cause of cough.

The patient is referred to various specialists. It is important to go through all the necessary procedures, because correct work stomach helps restore and normal activity of the whole body. If microbes are detected or obvious signs of infection, they are referred to an infectious disease specialist.

He conducts a detailed study of the tests, prescribes additional procedures, makes a decision on treatment, supplements or changes its content. A visit to a gastroenterologist is prescribed in case of disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. The specialist is obliged to carefully study the patient’s data and give an opinion in accordance with the individual characteristics of the body.

Treatment is determined by the attending physician only after receiving all the tests and conducting a detailed study.

Therapeutic measures

Diet is the key to getting rid of stomach diseases.

Stomach cough requires complex treatment. First of all, it is necessary to find out the underlying disease.

Without a full examination, this is impossible; self-treatment can lead to disruption of the functioning of the stomach organs and a deterioration in the body’s condition.

Compliance is the key to getting rid of not only coughs, but also stomach diseases. The diet should be enriched with vegetables, lean meats and fish.

Special treatment is prescribed against the development of microbes. An individual diagnosis of the patient’s general condition is carried out, on the basis of which cough medications are prescribed. But most often, only after completely getting rid of the stomach disease can you forget about such a cough. The therapy uses phlegm thinners to improve breathing.

It is often used as an addition to the prescribed treatment, without worsening it. Their use should be under the supervision of a physician. The recipes are quite different, Olive oil and honey is good for gastritis. Honey envelops the walls of the stomach, soothing and normalizing the functioning of organs. The product is stored in the refrigerator, taken 1 tsp before meals.

Also, if you dilute mumiyo crumbs in warm milk and take them 2 times a day before meals, you can get rid of a cough. Milk itself contains many useful substances, and it is effective in treating stomach diseases. large quantity milk.

Consuming on an empty stomach will good remedy not only for coughs, but also to reduce acidity. Many freshly squeezed vegetable juices help with stomach diseases.
Everyone knows that herbs are a cure for many diseases.

Most funds traditional treatment include herbal tinctures and decoctions. In the fight against the disease in question, you can also use herbs. Decoctions of licorice, chamomile, and sage will help in the treatment of stomach cough. They have an enveloping effect and muffle coughs.

If a symptom such as stomach cough appears, it is important to promptly consult a doctor and start treatment. The ease of this sign should not be neglected. Development and negative impact on the entire body can lead to negative consequences. Therefore, the main measure would be to contact a qualified doctor, undergo a full examination and receive quality treatment.

Watch the video about stomach cough:

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