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Sunflower seeds- seeds of the plant of the same name in the Asteraceae family. They are used as a raw material for the preparation of sunflower oil, and also, when fried, are a consumer product. The most famous brands at the moment are “Seeds from Martin”, “Babkiny sunflower seeds”, “Plevoe Delo”, “Fishka”.

The calorie content of fried sunflower seeds per 100 grams ranges from 350 to 600 kcal

According to data from manufacturers of roasted sunflower seeds in Russia, 100 g of “Babkiny sunflower seeds” from Troll LLC contains 581 calories, 27 g of proteins, 8.5 g of carbohydrates, 49 g of fat, and “Seeds from Martin” from Martin LLC 578 calories, 20.7 g protein, 52.9 g fat, 5 g carbohydrates. The product also contains calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, selenium, tocopherol, folic acid, niacin and other biologically active substances.

Benefits and harms

The basis of sunflower seeds is dietary fiber, which stimulates the contraction of smooth muscles of the digestive tract and, accordingly, organ motility, improves the elimination of metabolic products, toxins, and heavy metal salts.

The product contains polyunsaturated fatty acids in large quantities. They regulate lipid metabolism in the human body, prevent an increase in the concentration of cholesterol and low-density lipoproteins in the blood, and reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis. This type of fat also promotes the synthesis of phospholipids necessary for the construction of the cell membrane.

Magnesium, together with B vitamins, reduces anxiety and inhibits excitability nervous system, restores tissue activity after the negative impact of a stressful situation.

Zinc and tocopherol (vitamin E) have a positive effect on the structure of hair and nails, increase the elasticity of the skin, and slow down the aging process and the appearance of wrinkles. Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant and protects the body from the onset of tumor development.

Calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D, through complex biochemical processes, regulate each other’s concentration in bone tissue, giving it density and resistance to external mechanical influences. Without these elements, in children, during the formation of the musculoskeletal system, a disease such as rickets appears, characterized by underdevelopment and deformation of bones.

Selenium performs many useful functions, the main ones being stimulation of the immune system, stabilization of metabolic processes, normalization of the release of hormones, in particular sex hormones. The trace element is also involved in the formation of red blood cells and the prevention of the development of malignant neoplasms.

Roasted sunflower seeds should not be eaten by people suffering from inflammatory diseases of the stomach and intestines, as coarse dietary fiber additionally irritates and injures the mucous membrane of the organs.

The most harmful component in seeds is cadmium. It accumulates in the product due to the proximity of fields with sunflowers to the highway. It is in the exhaust gases of a car that harmful chemical element. Cadmium is a heavy metal, its salts negatively affect the functioning of the liver, kidneys, and heart.

Calorie content of roasted sunflower seeds (per 100 grams):

Roasted Babkina sunflower seeds

Selected seeds from Martin

Roasted Kuban sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds Golden parrot

Seeds Kuban selected

Many people like to crack the seeds in the evening in front of the TV, or take them with them for a walk or in the car. On the one hand, such a habit may seem harmless, but on the other hand, regular consumption of seeds can be harmful. It is worth noting that everyone’s favorite fried ones retain much less nutrients than simply dried ones. What benefits and dangers they bring to the body and figure will be discussed in this article.

Calorie content of roasted seeds

Many people are sure that seeds are a light, almost imperceptible delicacy (after all, you can eat as many of them as you like at once, and you are unlikely to feel oversaturated!). Others simply don’t think about the nature of seeds or try not to think that they are the same product with their own composition and calories.

Like other seeds and nuts, sunflower seeds contain a lot of fat (more than 50 g per 100 g of product). That is why their calorie content per 100 g is 580 kcal in “raw” or dried form and about 700 kcal when fried.

Do roasted seeds make you fat?

Due to the fact that the calorie content of fried sunflower seeds is approximately 700 kcal, which is approximately half daily value slender girl, it is very easy to gain weight from using them. This is by no means a light and harmless product, but a source of a large amount of healthy fats and extra calories.

Having snacked on seeds, you are unlikely to refuse dinner, which means that in addition to your diet you are adding extra ones, which cannot but affect your figure. This is especially true for those who can easily eat a glass of this delicacy at one time (this is approximately 200 g, i.e. 1400 kcal - which is approximately equal to the daily caloric intake for a girl).

Roasted seeds while dieting

Knowing how many calories (700 kcal) are in fried seeds, you should limit the consumption of this product during the period of weight loss. This is a rather heavy product, and it cannot be arbitrarily added to any diet, especially a low-calorie diet, where the choice of dishes and portion sizes are sharply limited.

The most difficult thing will be for those who have already formed the habit of constantly cracking seeds. In the first days, or even weeks, it will be difficult because your hands are not busy, but you can always unlearn in the name of a slender figure. The main thing is to take this issue seriously and not give yourself any concessions.

What are the benefits of roasted seeds?

The seeds contain many useful substances. And if you do not have problems with excess weight, sometimes they can be included in your diet, but in limited quantities - no more than 20 pieces per day. At the same time, you can already note their positive effect on the body:

  • improvement appearance skin and complexion;
  • enriching the body with vitamins A, E, and D;
  • protect the heart and blood vessels;
  • improve vision;
  • reduce stress levels;
  • strengthen hair and nails;
  • help maintain youth;
  • help overcome insomnia.

It is worth noting that these positive properties are more pronounced in fresh seeds, or at least dried ones - but not fried. During heat treatment, this product is deprived of most of its benefits, and all that's left are the extra calories.

Harm of seeds

Sunflower is an unpretentious, and therefore very common plant in the world. Its homeland is considered to be Central Mexico; there are references to the use of the crop in the economy of the Indian tribes of Northern and South America more than two thousand years ago.

Despite the fact that annual sunflower is a foreign crop for Russia, it is our country that currently produces it the most. Along with Argentina and Ukraine, Russia exports tons of valuable products abroad, although back in the Soviet Union these raw materials were imported from abroad for the needs of the food industry.

Product Features

Sunflower seeds are popular among people as an independent product. In the diet it is used separately, as a snack. It is customary to eat “seeds” after meals and “husk” them during rest. The popularization of the product is facilitated by its “lightness”, the ability to keep your hands busy for a long time, as well as its valuable composition. It is widely believed that sunflower seeds are incredibly beneficial.

Composition of seeds. How many nutrients are there in families?

This opinion is justified, since the seeds contain many valuable and necessary elements for humans. Almost eighty percent of each sunflower seed consists of fat, of which only twenty percent is saturated.

There is no cholesterol in the product at all, so its use does not affect the health of blood vessels and the circulatory system. But there is an abundance of other components, each of which plays a significant role in the metabolic processes of our body.

  • Vitamin E. Contained in linenolic and oleic unsaturated fatty acids in fruits. One hundred grams of product accounts for more than one hundred and thirty percent of the daily requirement of tocopherol, which a person should consume to maintain the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, clarity of thought and beauty of the skin.
  • B vitamins. The product contains from thirty-five to seventy percent daily norm vitamins B3, B5, B6. Our body needs them for the correct functioning of the nervous system and normalization of sleep. The condition of the skin also depends on the consumption of these vitamins. Their deficiency is manifested by dandruff and rashes on the face.
  • Phosphorus, selenium. Their daily requirement in one hundred grams of product exceeds one hundred percent. Microelements ensure bone strength and are one of the most important components of healthy and youthful skin.
  • Magnesium, potassium, zinc. The main components of the functioning of the circulatory system are contained in up to forty percent of the daily intake. Magnesium and potassium are vital for the heart, and zinc takes care of strong immunity, beautiful skin and hair.

The composition of sunflower seeds is a storehouse of components for beauty and youth. One hundred grams of the product contains everything necessary to maintain the tone and vitality of the skin, hair, heart and blood vessels. This composition determines the beneficial properties of sunflower seeds. In addition, the seeds contain plant fiber, which improves intestinal function.


However, such a rich composition also has a downside. A high concentration of fats in a product invariably affects the condition of the body, and does not always change it for the better.

  • Fat is the easiest to digest by the body. If our body has to work hard to process protein, that is, spend energy on digestion, then fats are absorbed almost independently. This makes them the main easy source of energy, and when there is nowhere to spend it - the basis for the formation of fatty “deposits”. Consisting of eighty percent fat, the seeds quickly transform into fatty tissue when eaten in the evening on the couch.
  • The seeds are high in calories. The calorie content of the product is extremely high. It is five hundred and eighty calories per hundred grams. For comparison, a similar “dose” of calories is contained in a serving pork kebab, and in a bar of chocolate the calorie level is two times lower than in a glass of “semok”. That is why the product should be used with extreme caution, since in addition to the obvious benefits, it contributes to the formation of excess weight.
  • Harmful components. In 2010, activists from the consumer protection society “Public Control” conducted a study of the composition of packaged sunflower seeds offered for sale on the Russian market. The most popular product brands were researched. In each of them, an excess of a dangerous component - cadmium - was detected. This substance penetrates into products from soil and water, and enters the human body unchanged. Cadmium accumulates in tissues and causes pathological processes. At high intake levels of 0.6 milligrams per day, it is life-threatening. In the middle of the last century, cases of fatal cadmium poisoning were recorded in Japan. A consumption rate of up to 0.07 milligrams per day is considered relatively safe. In the tested samples of seeds, the content of a dangerous component was recorded within 0.02 milligrams per hundred grams of product. Active and passive smoking increases the daily “dose” of cadmium. By smoking a pack of cigarettes, a person receives an additional 0.02 milligrams of a dangerous substance.
  • Danger to tooth enamel. The harm of sunflower seeds consists of an intense mechanical effect on white teeth, which causes damage to tooth enamel. Regular exposure to husks promotes the formation of cracks and intensive destruction of dental tissues, creating conditions for the development of carious formations. Chewing on them is harmful.

It is also important to consider that the composition of the product is not stable and depends on the duration of storage and the characteristics of heat treatment. Roasted sunflower seeds lose the bulk of their beneficial components and serve only as sources of “empty” calories.

Rules for using sunflower seeds

Let's look at the main misconceptions that accompany the use of sunflower seeds.

  • If you have high cholesterol, the product is prohibited. Sunflower seeds have nothing to do with cholesterol levels, since they do not contain this harmful component at all. You can use it even with atherosclerosis.
  • At diabetes mellitus You can’t husk the seeds. Seeds do not have a direct effect on blood sugar levels, therefore, in case of diabetes, their consumption is not prohibited. But it is important to take into account the high calorie content of the product, which can lead to additional weight gain when insulin-dependent diabetes second type.
  • The product is dangerous for pregnant women. Another myth. The composition of the seeds does not have a negative impact on the health of mother and baby. The main limitation is caloric content. The rule: better often and little by little, applies here to the fullest.
  • At breastfeeding may interfere with the baby's digestion. There is a rule for consuming all foods without exception during breastfeeding. If you ate them during pregnancy, the baby's body is already familiar with them, and they can be considered relatively safe. But a nursing mother should monitor the baby’s reaction. If everything is fine with your tummy, there are no allergic manifestations, you can eat any product, including seeds. It is only important to observe moderation, since even the safest food components, but eaten in large quantities, can cause negative reactions in the child’s digestion.
  • For children, consumption is fraught with appendicitis. Neither for men, nor for women, nor for children has the relationship of sunflower seeds with inflammation of the cecum been proven, and the product does not affect the liver. It is impossible to “eat” appendicitis with seeds. The main thing is not to overuse the product at night.
  • When losing weight, eating seeds is prohibited. Why? Despite the fact that sunflower seeds are an extremely high-calorie product, they can be consumed as part of a diet. They compensate for the lack of fat, which is necessarily formed during a diet with an abundance of protein foods and vegetables.

It is believed that seeds can be eaten at any age, since the unsaturated fatty acids contained in them are equally beneficial for both young and old people. However, doctors do not recommend eating seeds for older people and those who suffer from joint diseases. An excess of unsaturated fatty acids in the diet causes even greater inflammation of the joint tissues.


To ensure that the benefits of sunflower seeds are fully realized, follow the basic rules for choosing a product.

  • Only in the peel. Peeled yards are safe for tooth enamel, but have no practical value for the body. In contact with air, the fats in their composition quickly oxidize and lose useful qualities. Buy sunflower seeds only in their shells.
  • New harvest. Look at the packaging date of the product. The time for collecting seeds is September-October. The kernels packaged in the fall contain significantly more valuable components than those packaged in the spring. When stored, the oils in them become rancid; in addition, at high levels of humidity, the raw materials become rotten and acquire an unpleasant taste.
  • Not fried, not salted seeds. There is nothing useful in fried kernels except vegetable fiber. It is not wise to use them as a source of vitamins and minerals. Salt does not affect the composition of the product, but does not benefit the body either. Excessive levels of salt in the diet cause swelling and prevent weight loss. It is useful to eat in its pure form.

Unfortunately, the selection of quality products in supermarkets is limited. Sunflower seeds are available for sale in packages, fried and with salt. Avoid buying them, preferring a natural product. You can find one at grocery markets. Seeds are sold by weight from large bags, in bulk.

Norms and preparation

Previously, in dietetics, the daily intake of sunflower seeds was determined to be twenty to thirty grams per day. However, according to scientists, this measure is outdated. Specialists of Kuban State Technological University M.V. Stepuro and V.G. Lobanov in 2008 conducted a study of raw materials on the main indicators of quality and composition.

Scientists noted that in recent years Most varieties of annual sunflower have been replaced in the fields by hybrids. The advantage of the latter is its high resistance to diseases and negative natural factors. They are also attractive for the production of vegetable oil, since they have an increased fruit share and increased fat content. Thus, the share of lipids in high-oil varieties, as hybrids are called, increased from thirty-seven to fifty-two percent.

An increase in the fat content of a product should be taken into account when consuming it. The safe consumption rate should be reduced from thirty to fifteen to twenty grams. You need to eat a small amount of seeds so that there is benefit and not harm.

You should also prepare the product correctly.

  • Rinse the seeds. Grown in the field, they were stored for some time on a current, poured into bags, and transported to the place of sale. They cannot be absolutely pure. Before cooking, rinse them in running water. It is convenient to do this in a sieve or colander.
  • Cook without oil. Roast the seeds on vegetable oil- no matter what it is butter with fat homemade sour cream. Also, do not add salt during cooking.
  • Don't fry. The best way preserve valuable substances - slightly dry the product. It is convenient to do this in the oven or microwave oven. Reduce cooking time to a minimum.

Do not husk the seeds with your teeth. After all, everyone wants to have a beautiful smile. It is impossible to restore tooth enamel, sooner or later, but you will have to seek expensive dental care for dentures. Remove the husks with your hands, loosening the grains with your thumb and forefinger.

The habit of shelling seeds can cause difficulties in obtaining a visa to a country where a fingerprint scan is required for registration. Skin growths form on the fingertips, which deform and smooth out the natural pattern.


Sunflower raw materials have critically low resistance to external conditions. At elevated temperature it can spoil literally within a few hours. Normal temperature storage for it is no more than ten degrees Celsius with a seed moisture level of up to twenty percent.

Therefore, it is necessary to store the seeds in the refrigerator. They tolerate temperatures from zero to eight degrees well. Such conditions block oxidative processes, maintaining a high level of quality of oilseeds.

Seeds are a unique product. They have high nutritional value. According to this indicator, seeds are ahead of products such as eggs and meat. Our body easily absorbs seeds, as they contain protein and polyunsaturated fatty acids, as well as a large amount of vitamins and minerals.

100 grams of sunflower seeds contain:

  • proteins 23 grams;
  • carbohydrates 19 grams;
  • fat 50 grams.

The seeds also contain fiber necessary for our body. In 100 gr. There are more than 10 grams of its product.

The main benefit of sunflower seeds is their high content of vitamin E, this microelement is known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Vitamin E plays an important role for the beauty and health of nails, hair and skin.

Eating seeds has a beneficial effect on nervous health, since this product is also high in magnesium. The process of cracking seeds itself is an excellent way to relieve stress and irritation.

However, despite the undoubted benefits, seeds should be consumed with caution. The point is that this the product has a high calorie content.

100 grams of sunflower seeds contain 570 kcal.

Thus, half a glass of seeds can be equivalent to a chocolate bar.

Seeds have a detrimental effect on the condition of tooth enamel, irritate the mucous membrane of the throat A. Abuse of seeds can cause liver and kidney diseases.

However, when frying most beneficial properties is lost and calorie content increases. This occurs due to the evaporation of moisture from the seeds.

Roasted sunflower seeds contain 620 kcal per 100 grams.

To get all the benefits from seeds and not harm the body, It is enough to consume 50 grams of this product per day.

Calorie content of peeled seeds

The shell on the seeds serves as a kind of packaging for the product. Nature made sure that the seeds could store all trace elements for a long time. The purified product loses some of them.

But the calorie content of the product remains unchanged: peeled seeds contain more than 570 kcal per 100 grams.

If you eat seeds that have been peeled in advance, there is a risk of going overboard with calories, since this product is eaten in larger quantities than seeds that need to be peeled yourself.

Sunflower seeds "From Martin"

Some time ago, grandmothers sold fried seeds. They measured them out with cut glasses and poured them into newspaper bags. Today you can buy seeds at any grocery store or supermarket. Manufacturers pack them in bright bags, the seeds are sorted by size, and salt and other flavoring additives are often added to them.

Sunflower seeds "Ot Martin" have the same calorie content as other types of sunflower seeds.

Let us remind you that 100 grams contain about 570 kcal.

Adding salt has no effect on this value.

By purchasing seeds in factory packaging, you can easily control the number of calories consumed, since the manufacturer indicates the calorie content and weight of the product.

How many calories are in pumpkin seeds?

People eat more than just sunflower seeds. Pumpkin seeds are also a favorite delicacy for many. This product is also extremely beneficial for our body.

In addition to protein and vitamins, pumpkin seeds contain essential microelements.

A handful of these seeds can replenish your zinc supply and lift your mood.

Pumpkin seeds serve as an excellent anthelmintic.

100 grams of pumpkin seeds have the following nutritional value:

  • proteins 24.5 grams;
  • fat 46 grams;
  • carbohydrates 5 grams.

Pumpkin seeds are also high in calories.

By consuming 100 grams of pumpkin seeds, you will get 556 kcal.

Pumpkin seeds should be consumed raw, only in this case will benefit from them be obtained. When frying, most of the beneficial properties are irretrievably lost.

The seeds are used in cooking and medicinal nutrition. The most popular are sunflower and pumpkin seeds. Sesame, flax and watermelon seeds can also be used in the diet. In terms of their calorie content, these products are practically in no way inferior to nuts, and if consumed incorrectly, they can cause the appearance of excess weight. Therefore, before you start consuming them, you should find out about their calorie content and beneficial properties.

Useful properties and calorie content of sunflower seeds

100 grams of sunflower seeds contain about 578 calories. When eaten raw, they taste very similar to peanuts. They contain many vitamins and minerals that have a beneficial effect on digestion and heart function. In terms of vitamin D content, sunflower seeds are in no way inferior to cod liver.

Useful elements in the composition improve vision and cleanse the blood. The seeds also help the body absorb calcium. Their use has a good effect on the condition of the skin: it becomes stronger and more elastic. However, with such a high calorie content, this product is harmful for people prone to obesity. This applies mainly to fried seeds, whose calorie content is 622 kcal. This is comparable to the calorie content of hazelnuts.

Sunflower seeds cannot be classified as dietary products. You can consume no more than 40 grams of seeds per day. If you exceed the norm, there is a risk of excess weight.

However, in some cases they can be beneficial for weight loss. A small amount of them can suppress the feeling of hunger and give the body the necessary minerals and vitamins for malnutrition. Also, some dishes, such as porridge, salads or vegetable stews, can be sprinkled with seeds. Calorie content and usefulness will immediately increase.

Pumpkin seeds are a storehouse of microelements and vitamins. Round pumpkin seeds are considered the most useful. They have a lot of protein, copper, iron, fiber, zinc and other elements. Pumpkin seeds are in second place after oysters in terms of zinc content. They contain vitamins of groups A, PP, E and B.

Unlike sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds are slightly lower in calories. 100 grams contain 556 kcal. The calorie content of fried seeds is 600 kcal. Pumpkin seeds are recommended to be consumed dried. This product keeps greatest number useful substances. But you shouldn’t get carried away with them, as this can lead to excess weight gain. Pumpkin seeds, whose calorie content is similar to that of nuts, can contribute to weight gain.

It is recommended to consume pumpkin seeds to quickly get rid of acne on your face. Thus, with acne, the level of zinc in the body, which is contained in large quantities in seeds, decreases in the body. That is why they are recommended for use for skin problems.

Watermelon seeds

Despite the fact that these seeds are not so often used, they are in no way inferior in their usefulness to pumpkin seeds. They contain many amino acids, protein and other substances important for humans. Like pumpkin seeds, they contain dietary fiber. 100 grams of watermelon seeds contain 557 kcal.

Watermelon seeds regulate glucose levels. They are useful for men's health and help normalize blood pressure. A large amount of protein improves the growth of muscle tissue. The presence of antioxidants slows down the aging process and restores cells. Niacin contained in the composition improves the functioning of the nervous system. Vitamins B 1 and B 2 improve food absorption.

If you have diseases of the stomach, liver or kidneys, it is not recommended to consume the seeds. They are also prohibited for sore throat, as they can increase inflammation of the nasopharynx.

Flax seeds contain fatty acids, lignite, macroelements, as well as phytoestrogens, which have beneficial effects on health. In total, it contains about 20 amino acids and proteins. There are approximately 40 types of fatty acids. 100 grams of flax seeds contain 534 kcal. This is significantly less than the energy value of other types of seeds.

The calorie content of flax seeds is quite high, but like sunflower seeds, they can be used during a diet to reduce hunger. To do this, they are ground and consumed before meals, one tablespoon twice a day. This method will be especially effective if you wash down the seeds with kefir.

Unlike other types of seeds, flaxseeds cannot be dried or fried. Before you start using it, it is recommended to chop them thoroughly. They can also be added to salads.

Antioxidants remove toxins from the body and reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. The seeds are used in the treatment of intestinal diseases. They are used to strengthen the immune system and reduce pain in joint diseases. Despite the many beneficial properties, before including them in therapeutic nutrition, it is recommended to consult a doctor, as they have a number of contraindications.

Sesame seeds

Sesame contains many amino acids, vitamins and mineral compounds. In medicine, sesame seeds are considered to be the strongest antioxidant, since they contain sesamin. It is recommended for use for the prevention of cancer.

Crushed sesame seeds can be added to cereals, buns and yoghurts. The seeds are sprinkled on confectionery and baked goods. Sesame goes well with salads, fish and vegetables. These seeds have a calorie content of 565 kcal per 100 g.


Seeds are a natural source of vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances. They can be used for weight loss and to normalize metabolism in the body. When dialing muscle mass It is also recommended to eat seeds, which are quite high in calories. However, overweight people should not abuse them, since excessive use of such a product can cause extra pounds.


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