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Diana Melisson is a young fashion model from St. Petersburg, which has won the popularity of the active publication of erotic photos in social networks. Ideal body proportions, liberty and photogenicity predicted her success in underwear advertising. To evaluate its bright appearance to advertisers helped a professional photographer Alexander Mavrin, known as Mavrin, who came up with a pseudonym for a future model.

Childhood and education

Anna Volkova - according to the main version, this is the real name of the girl. Diana herself insists that the name did not change, mentions the surname of the scribe and the Ukrainian-Azerbaijani origin of the parents: Alimhan and Larisa. Later, the father left the family. All the rest of the information relating to her people, the girl holds in secret, and therefore a little know about her childhood

Diana was born in Gatchina on January 13, 1993. He studied at the local school number 4. As a child, he received a spinal injury.

Having received a certificate, a beginner model entered the economist manager to St. Petersburg University of Technology and Design. She explained his decision in one of the rare interviews with the need to have a diploma of higher education "for a tick." Study at the university coincided with the flourishing of the model career.

Model Career Diana Melisson

Removal from professional photographers di, Prothege Maurine, started at 18 years old. The start of the model career was 2012 and the first photo session for the promotion of Pavel Durov - a billionaire entrepreneur, the creator social network "In contact with". Fasting on the page of former general director VK, beautiful methive in the street-sports SWAG style with motors of erotica in record short time Collected one and a half million subscribers in Instagram.

Several Russian agencies were immediately interested in her snapshots, but Melisson did not associate itself with long-term contracts. Periodically, she participated in advertising linen and clothing Black Star Raper Timati and Cosmetics Shop "RIV GOSH".

Famous photographers Irina Novikova, Olga Sheiko, Murbo Dagldiyan, Klipmeaker Alexander Tikhomirov collaborated in Studios. Using demand in modeling business and growing opportunities, Diana Melisson is looking for itself in different fields of activity.


Instagram subscribers Diana Melisson rated the help of the model assembly for the treatment of a 4-year-old boy Stas in Turkey. Taking advantage of its popularity, together with the Ukrainian journalist and TV presenter Dmitry Komarov, in just three days the girl gathered a large amount for a difficult operation and conducted Stas to Istanbul.

Actor career

Raising success in the model business gave the girl the opportunity to try himself in acting skills. In 2016, Pavel Romanov invited Diana to the role in the horror movie "Dizlike". The girl played one of the eight bloggers pursued by advertising agents. Despite the participation of Diana and other popular youtube bloggers, the film failed at the box office and was ruthlessly rising critics.

Before that, the photo model could be seen in the clips of Russian performers: Bi-2, Irakli, Antanta, IMAL.

Diana Melisson in Irakli and Nel clip ("I like it")


Soon the frank photo sessions became little to meet the ambitions of a talented personality. As an amateur of different directions and a connoisseur of modern music, in 2016 Diana Melisson debuted as a DJ. Dj Diana Melison Sets in TRANCE style had a great success in different cities.

Personal life Diana Melisson

The most loud novel of the sexy di lasted about 8 months with Egor Bulakin - a famous rapper under the pseudonym Kreed. According to fans, idylls ended after the treason of Creum with a colleague on stage - singer Nyusha.

The fans of Diana laid out a photo of the girl on whom she was captured with Gregory Mamurin - the author of scandalous rollers on Youtube and the grandson of the billionaire Igor Neklyudova. Walking girls with Gregory, like meeting with actor Stas Schmelev, remained without comment.

Diana Melisson now

In 2017, Diana could be the face of the American Guess clothing brand in Russia, which was previously represented by celebrities as Claudia Schiffer and Anna Nicole Smith. But in March, the company disruled from cooperation, presumably due to a porn scandal with erotic video Diana and her friend of Irina Drait, which appeared on the network in 2011.

Short hair, miniature earrings, wedding ring on a nameless finger, which too heavy cargo reminded itself, - such a princess Diana appeared before people. In her gait, light stiffness was always felt, in gestures - a timidity, in the eyes - sadness. She was burdened with her title, her marriage, her fate - but it was called "princess of human hearts", and Lady Di carefully tried to meet this status. He probably was dear to her much more than the title of "Princess Wales".

Kings can marry love - at least Diana and Charles were really happy and in love with each other.

He was an enviable fiance if not for the whole world, then for the UK - for sure. And Diana - even in her and flowed blue blood - was so simple as her rhythm of life allowed. It is known that she managed to work as a cleaner, nanny and educators in children's garden.

However, it was these two who were destined to fall in front of each other. The parents of Charles, Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip, were looking for his son a suitable candidate. Diana perfectly approached the role of the Wales Princess - brought up, with a good heart, restrained.

On February 6, 1981, Prince Charles made Diana proposal, and from now on it turned out to be in the spotlight. The newly-made princess shy reporters - hid from them, felt not in his plate at solemn receptions. From nature modest, she did not like to feel special - but it was just that the whole world considered her.

For the first time when she was invited to receive to the Queen Elizabeth, Diana, instead of the last lush dresses, I took only a modest evening. The royal yard snapped by its compliments - everyone appreciated the sophistication of the new Princess Wales. Only then, 300 identical blouses will appear in her wardrobe (the favorite part of the lady di wardrobe), the Dior bags, to which she fifth weakness and shoes. The latter differed non-standardity - the princess had the 42th foot size.

On July 29, 1981, the "Wedding of the Century" thundered. Diana Spencer (which in a few hours will become Diana, Princess Wales) went to the altar of the Cathedral of St. Paul. Seven hundred fifty million viewers witnessed how the fairy tale was born. Diana walked not just towards the future husband - she left all his quiet past behind her shoulders and voluntarily took a new life.

However, the marriage was unhappy. Diana and Prince Charles were too different. The prince was needed strong, a strong hand, which would guide him - and Diana could not boast of confidence in herself and chain the grip. However, even on her background, the prince looked inappropriately. In his words, "I am here to keep bouquets,", although they have been told by a joking tone, heard offense. He was only a background when Diana caught all attention to himself.

Marriage Diana and Charles was doomed to failure. He was shrouded with treason, distrust, misunderstanding spouses. Diana escaped from her husband to constantly changing new cavaliers - but none of them was able to make her happy.

Prince Charles found a consolation in the arms of Camilla Parker-Bowles - a purposeful woman who was very distinguished by its character from the fine nature of Diana. She shook the prince with compliments and did not require a response. The permanent meeting of the prince with Camilla was not secret - Diana looked at the treason of her husband through his fingers, although jealousy burned inside it. Soon Princess Wales will give an interview for BBC. Looking at the camera, Diana will summarize: "In this marriage there were always three - and this is too much."

It was a public recognition in the discretion of marriage - the news that crushed the whole world. After that, Prince Charles and Princess Diana officially divorced. This event hit the charlza's reputation, but did not affect Diana, the world continued to love her.

However, in the summer of 1997, the Princess was photographed with her new beloved - Dodi al-Fame, the son of the Egyptian billionaire Mohammed al-Faid, who is the owner of the Harrods supermarket empire. For the public, this connection was unthinkable. However, Diana and Dodi demonstrated devotional love to each other.
In the summer of 1997, Diana was in Monaco (they say that she visited Grace Kelly's grace). She was already going to return to London, as Dodi offered her to go to Paris. On August 31, 1997, Diana and her beloved went to the Paris Hotel Ritz for dinner. Driving along the alma tunnel, they hit the car accident, where they died with their driver.

Princess Diana did not just loved. She was considered a real Ikina style. Hairdressers came out to make the hairstyle "like Lady Di", the girls diligently screwed eyelashes and chose wide pants, blazers, dresses and, of course, white blouses.

Princess Diana, 1989

Nothing human is alone princesses: Beauty Diana, like most of us, experienced certain complexes about appearance. While the world admired her beauty, Lady Di secretly suffered from his own imperfections.

In 1990, the famous artist Israel Zogaru was instructed to write a portrait of Diana for the Royal Gusar Regiment, whose patron was the princess. It was not easy for the master: Diana, it and the matter intervened in his work, asking for the artist to smooth out certain physiological flaws that were so frustrated in themselves. What was the princess worried? And, most importantly, how did she cope with it?

Diana and artist Israel Zogar and the result of their joint creativity, 1990

Diana and her big nose

"In her face and body, indeed, there were many flaws," recalls a 72-year-old artist. - And in humorial, but persistent form, she asked me to make corrections and improve the portrait. Especially it concerned her nose. "

Nose from Diana really was outstanding. However, the paradox was that few people paid attention until she was alive.



And only now, looking at the archival photos, people begin slightly more critical and soberly assess "the most beautiful woman His time. " Diana's nose skillfully compensated by the tilt of the head and a short bulk haircut (branded hairstyle was only slightly modified during the life of the princess, but remained, in general, the same).



Remember this brand view of Diana? At first she tilted her head down and in the side, and from there he raised his eyes on the interlocutor (or the camera). Dicky Arabiter, the former Prest Secretary of the Queen from 1988 to 2000, recalled that this posture Diana developed specifically: the most photographed woman in the world wanted her pictures to be successful, whoever they were made.

"Diana was not beautiful. She was attractive. She had a somewhat big nose, but she knew her best aid and photographers did not have a chance to look at her from a different angle, "said Artist.

Figure Plovcihi

Trainer Diana on Fitness Carolan Brown remembered how the princess complained to her figure. "I have a binding binding and big shoulders that I do not like," Diana often repeated.



Frank discontent Diana began to express already in the 90s - the change of major fashion guidelines led to the fact that Lady Di was not too format against the background of subtitle supermodels of the new generation. Trying to overcome this complex Diana went to the gym. What, however, led to the fact that her already not too feminine figure was further disgraced.


1994 (in the famous "Vesti's dress"

High growth

You, by the way, do you know what growth was the princess Diana? 5 feet 11 inches, which corresponds to 180 cm 3 mm. She was above most women and one height with most men of their surroundings. And it forced her nervous.

"She was not seductive, she had a body of an athlete, while she was slightly", "Tomasz Starzewski recalls, a designer who sewed for Lady Di outfits since 1990 and before her death. Her doctor of holistic medicine Nick Joshi adds to it that Diana suffered from the reversal of the spine. "It was noticeable when she moved, because she always went snagged. - recalls the doctor. "The problem was aggravated by the fact that she was shy of her high growth." According to Nika Joshi, he unsuccessfully tried to convince Diana to straighten up and proudly "carry" his 180 cm growth in life, without suturing and not lowering the head to seem lower.

Diana and Charles were one growth - 180 cm

Diana Francis Spencer, her Highness of Princess Wales, was born on July 1, 1961 in the County of Norfolk in the English aristocratic family. Her father John Spencer, the carrier of the title of the Viscount Eltorpa, took place from the ancient kind of Spencer-cheeks, the carriers of the royal blood who came from Charles the second, glorified as the "cheerful king." Carl had 14 recognized extramarital sons who received the title, a large number of Unrecognized children and not a single heir born in official marriage. However, thanks to this king, the list of aristocratic families of England was noticeably replenished.

The dynasty to which Princess Diana belonged can be proud of such famous sons as Sir and the Duke of Malboro. Spencers family owned by Spencer House, located in the Westminster quarter in the center of London. Mother Diana Francis Stand Kidd also comes from the aristocratic race. Grandmother Diana on the motherboard was the Freillina Queen Elizabeth Bowl Lyon.

The biography of the future princess was also out of complaints. Initial education The future princess Diana received in Sandringem, where her childhood passed. The first teacher of Lady Di became Gertrud Allen, a governess, who had previously trained mother's mother. Further education Diana received Silfield in a private school, and later he studied at Ridlesworth Hall. As a child, the nature of the future princess was not difficult, but she was always stubborn enough.

According to the memories of teachers, the girl read well and drawn, devoting his drawings to mom and dad. Diana's parents divorced when she was 8 years old, which became a strong shock for the child. As a result of the braco-separation process, Diana remained with his father, and the mother went to Scotland, where he lived with her new husband.

The next place of study of the future princess Wales is becoming a privileged school for West Hill girls in the County County. Here Diana did not show herself as a zealous student, and the music and dances were enthusiastic, and, according to rumors, in the youth Lady Di did not give an accurate science, and she even failed exams several times.

In 1977, Diana and Prince Charles were acquainted in Eltorpe, however, at that time, future spouses did not pay serious attention to each other. In the same year, Diana for a short time studying in Switzerland, but returns home due to severe longing in his homeland. After graduation, Diana began working with a nanny and educators in kindergarten in the prestigious area of \u200b\u200bLondon Knightsbridge.

Prince Charles and Wedding

In 1980, Diana again falls into the circle of communication of Prince Charles. Hosting the life of the heir to the throne at that time was a serious reason for the concern of his parents. Queen Elizavet was particularly worried about the connection of the Son with, a notable married lady, the relationship with which the prince did not even try to hide. In the current situation, Diana Spencer candidacy for the role of Princess was gladly approved by the royal family, Charles and, for some rumors, even Camille Parker Bowl.

The prince invited Diana at the beginning to the royal yacht, after which the invitation was received to the castle of Balmoral for dating the royal family. Charles made a proposal in Windsor Castle, but the fact of the engagement spent some time secret. The official announcement took place on February 24, 1981. The symbol of this event was the famous Ring of Princess Diana - a precious sapphire surrounded by fourteen diamonds.

Lady Di has become the first Englishman over the past 300 years, which married the heir to the throne.

The wedding of Prince Charles and Diana Spencer became the most expensive wedding ceremony in the history of Great Britain. The celebration took place in the Cathedral of St. Paul in London on July 29, 1981. The wedding ceremony was preceded by the main fare on the streets of London, a carriage with members of the royal family, the March of the Commonwealth regiments and the "glass carriage", in which Diana arrived and her father.

Prince Charles was dressed in the front form of the fleet commander of Her Majesty. On Diana there was a dress with an 8-meter loop cost of 9000 pounds, developed by young English designers Elizabeth and David Emanuel. The design of the dress was stored in the strictest mystery from the public and the press, the dress was taken to the palace in a sealed envelope. The head of the future princess decorated the family relic - Tiara.

The wedding Diana and Charles was called a "fabulous wedding" and "Wedding of the Century". According to experts, the audience audience, which ensured the broadcast of celebrations live on the main world television channels, amounted to more than 750 million people. After the solemn lunch in the Buckingham Palace, the couple went on the royal train to the Manor Broadlands, and then flew to Gibraltar, from where Charles and Princess Diana began a cruise on the Mediterranean Sea. At the end of the cruise, another reception in Scotland was given, where the press representatives received permission to photograph newlyweds.

Wedding celebrations cost taxpayers almost three million pounds.


The personal life of the crowned family was not so fabulous and soon attracted the attention of the public to several scandals, in which, as presses claims, various lovers and mistresses constantly appeared. According to rumors, at the time of the proposal of the hands from Charles Diana, it was aware of his relationship with Camille Parker Bowl. Subsequently, the princess became more difficult to restrain the jealousy and protect the reputation of the family, since Prince Charles not only did not interrupt the extramarital connection, but also discovered her. The situation was complicated by the fact that in the person who adopted the Son's side in this conflict, Princess Diana received an influential opponent.

In 1990, the delicate position was no longer possible to hide, and this situation was widely publicized. During this period, Princess Diana is also recognized in his connections with a coach on horseback riding James Hewitt.

In 1995, according to rumors, Diana met his true love. Having visited a friend in the hospital, the princess accidentally met with the cardiac surgery Hasnat Khan. The feelings were mutual, but the constant attention of the public from which the couple even escaped to the homeland of Khan, to Pakistan, and the active condemnation of the parents of Khan, as his role actually the lover of the princess and the freedom-loving views of the woman herself, did not give the novel to develop and possibly deprived Chance on the happiness of two really lovers people.

At the insistence of the Queen Elizabeth Charles and Diana officially divorced in 1996, four years after the actual decay of their family. In marriage with Prince Charles, two sons were born: Wales and Wales.

After a divorce Diana, according to journalists, it starts relations with a film generator, the son of the Egyptian billionaire Dodi al-Fame. Officially, this connection was not confirmed by anyone from the close friends of the princess, and in the book written by the butler Diana, the fact of their relationship is directly denied.


On August 31, 1997, Princess Diana crashed in a car accident. During the visit of Diana to Paris, the car, in the cabin, in addition to the princess itself, there were Dodi al-Fayed, Trevor Rice's body junction and the driver of Henri Paul, driving in the tunnel under the Alma Bridge, faced concrete support. The driver and predominant al-Faid died instantly at the scene. Princess Diana died two hours later in Salpetner Hospital. The bodyguard of the princess survived, but he received heavy injuries of the head, as a result of which he remembers anything about the moment of the accident itself.

Broken Car Princess Diana

The death of Princess Diana became a shock not only for residents of Great Britain, but also for the whole world. In France, in the elementary memorial, Diana, the mourners turned the Paris copy of the torch of the Freedom Statue. The funeral princess took place on September 6. Lady Di's grave is located on a secluded island in Eltorp's estate (Family Manor Spencers) in Northamptonshire.

Among the causes of the car accident call many factors, starting with the version according to which the Princess car tried to break away from the car with the paparazzi, and ending with the version relatively. Until now, there are many rumors and theories about the causes of death with their favorite princesses.

The report of Scotland-Yard, published in ten years, confirmed the fact that was discovered during the investigation of the twofold excess of the speed, permissible to move on the road section under the Alma Bridge, as well as the fact of the presence of alcohol in the driver's blood, which exceeded the permissible norm three times.


Princess Diana used sincere love of the inhabitants of Great Britain, gentlely called her lady di. The princess was engaged in a lot of charity, sacrificing significant funds in various funds, was an activist movement, who watched the ban of anti-personnel mines, provided people to material and moral aid.

Hire dedicated her memory to the song "Candle in the Wind", and the song "Privacy", in which not only expressed sorrow along the princess, but also reasoned about the burden of constant attention and gossip, which perhaps it is indirectly guilty of Lady Death.

10 years after the death, a film was filmed dedicated to the last clock of the princess. She is devoted to songs, "Depeche Mode" and "Aquarium". In her honor, postage stamps are produced in many countries of the world.

According to the BBC survey, Princess Diana is one of the most popular persons in Britain's history, ahead of this rating of other English monarchs.


  • Royal Family Order Queen Elizabeth II
  • Big Cross Orden Crown
  • Order of virtue of a special class
Princess Diana

Full name: Diana Francis Spencer (Lady Diana Spencer / Diana, Princess Wales / Princess Diana Spencer Windsor)

Date of birth: July 01, 1961 (Norfolk, England, United Kingdom)
Date of death: August 31, 1997 (Paris, France)
Nickname: People's Princess, Lady Di, Queen of Hearts, Rose of the World
Height: 178 cm
Spouse: Prince Charles (July 29, 1981 - August 28, 1996)
Children: Prince William (r. June 21, 1982) and Prince Harry (r. September 15, 1984)

Royal Swash ...

In 1977, when Diana turned 16 years old, the Queen of England Elizabeth II brought it with the heir of the British throne, Prince Charles Welly. Normal, in general, History: The parents of the princes always care about the child's passion to be from a suitable family and had an impeccable reputation. Diana was just like this: a girl from the famous Spencers, whose long-distance relatives are at least five presides of the United States, including George Bush. Also, the relationship with her is Jonathan Swift, Charles Darwin and Liya Hollywood Cowboy John Wayne ... Prince Charles courted for difficult Diana four years and in 1981 made her an offer.

Short happiness.

Who would say then the princess that at the time of her acquaintance with Charles for seven years has consisted of a love connection with Camille Parker Bowl - married womanwhich Charles has doubled the proposal twice. Who would give her the words of the future mother-in-law, Prince Edinburgh, who spoke Charles: "If you don't marry now, everyone around will take you for a homosexual!" And as it is a pity that at that time she was not aware of the Council of Camillas to her beloved: "Marry Diana. She is quiet, you will not have problems with her ... "Prince followed the advice of his mistress, but he was not going to break the relationship with her. Diana learns about all this a little later. In the meantime, she writes from a wedding trip to her friend: "Never was so happy! We laugh all the time, pierce each other. I madly like to care for him. Charles is the best that ever happened to me! " In 1981 and 1984, Diana gives birth to Charles heirs - Princes William and Harry. It seems to have a prosperous family. And only close to Lady Di know that it suffers from boulims and hysterical seizures, the cause of which is the behavior of a husband. Almost immediately after the wedding trip, he renewed meetings with Camilla, which Princess Wales find many evidence - from nominal gifts to records in the reception book. "Creepy jealousy is all that I remember about that time," said Diana later.


Sometimes Charles sat down in the car and left for the whole evening, not to speaking his wife a word. Diana guess where he rides. The public will also recognize all the details only in October 2003 - from the Book of "Royal Service", written by Paul Barrell, Diana Poleela, and earlier - Queen's Lake. "I saw the opposite side of the life of Lady Di," he says not without reason. For example, in the book, the floor remembers how one day after the next absence of Charles Diana arranged a scandal. She tried to find out from the butler, where her husband went. Charles, in turn, on arrival home pounced on Barrell with fists, accusing him to disclose secrets: "On debt service, you must lie on the prince's face!" At that time, Diana is taking two suicide attempts (one of them - being pregnant William). A few years later, Lady Dee will make a sensational statement: "I was desperately unhappy, and for any person, except Charles, it was obvious. I needed medical care - I was in such a depression! Trying to cut the veins with a knife, I worn hands and chest. But even this did not make any impressions for Charles. "

Mr. Tampucks.

As for the relations of Diana with Charles, the turning point for them was 1992. During visits to India and Korea, the pair is honored from the journalists of the epithet "sullen". They almost do not look at each other, and the world takes pleasure a photo on which Lady Dee is sitting on a bench near the Taj Mahal Mausoleum. Upon returning spouses to London, Prime Minister John Major officially announces the cessation of a prince and princess. At the same time, they are not bred. But a year later, a noble family shakes a terrible scandal who makes a hardest blow to his reputation. The record of the six-minute telephone conversation between Charles and Camilla, during which lovers are exchanged phrases: "I would like to live in your pants ..." - "Are you going to turn into my panties?" - "If you're lucky, I would prefer to become a tampon." In England, after this, Prince Charles give nicknamed Mr. Tampucks. Never another rating of the popularity of a member of the British Royal Family did not fall so low. Charles needed something to do something. And then he declares the whole world that he was wrong with his wife and that during all these years she loved another woman - Camille Parker Bowl. In all his history, England did not hear such recognition from the Augusts. Diana also opposes the public confession in the television program "Panorama". She said by her phrase "In this marriage we were three," the prince and princess of Wales were due under the relations of Prince and Princess. Divorce is inevitable ...

In marriage with Charles We were three
So everyone was slightly closed.

"People want to see a fabulous princess, which has a property to turn everything into gold. And few understand that the person from whom they are waiting for a miracle, constantly cins themselves for inconsistency in this image. " These words of Princess Diana said in the Kensington Palace in 1991. But only after her death, from the moment of which almost 10 years have passed, the world realized that she meant under the "inconsistency". Lady Di was remembered to us always smiling, a happy woman, and meanwhile her personal life was a real hell, and none of her men - starting with Prince Charles and ending with "one famous English writer" - and did not give her real love ...

Letter of death.

Unhappy Diana remained to live a little over a year. Paul Barrell argues that he has its letter dated October 1996. Princess allegedly writes: "I entered into the most terrible phase of my life. All anything can happen now. For example, brake malfunction in my car, an accident and death. This will allow Charles to marry Camilla. "
At the same time, Lady Di, along with children, agrees to accept the invitation of the Egyptian billionaire Mohammed al-Fijed to watch his French villa. There she meets his son's yes. Enchanted by his belugmentation and generosity, she ties with him a close relationship. In August 1997, she arrived at the same villa already without children. From there, Dodi suddenly breaks down in Paris, Diana follows him. After a day, it was not ... the details of the last 24 hours of her life are well known. They have so many strange coincidences and accidents that the versions about the causes of Diana's death are still growing like mushrooms after the rain. The French authorities accused all the paparazzi, on the motorcycles pursuing a car with Diana and Dodi, the British stated that the driver of which alcohol was allegedly discovered in the blood, and the luckless Mohammed al-Faid, who lost his son in his catastrophe, is confident that the accident was adjusted royal family.

Mother Teresa -

spiritual mentor Princess Diana.

Over the years, the princess went in search of the spiritual meaning of life and charitable things ... It was founded in the country and around the world hundreds of funds for children and patients, homeless and lepers ... She chose a spiritual mentor - Mother Teresu and went Next to her, following her philosophy of help: "Do not allow at least one unhappy after meeting with you!". Hundreds of children called her their angel keeper. She supported and found the projects of opening oncological centers for incurable patients in all countries of the world, including in Russia ... few people remember her visit to Moscow in 95. She took one of the Moscow children's hospitals under his patronage ... After the death of the princess, the head physician of this hospital, could not remember the Lady Di without tears ... We still don't believe in her death he said ... "Light Princess" called Her former Ambassador of the USSR in United Kingdom A. Aadamishin, personally acquainted with her ...
The whole world knows the history of the friendship of Princess Wales with a little girl named Daniela. Friendship hug was hundreds of times imprisoned by photographers around the world. But it was still preferred to write more about the outfits and jewels of the princess, and not about her hearts and souls for everyone ... About the girl with a sick heart, sitting on his knees from the princess, preferred not to remember. About the dresses sold at auction, the income from which completely went to the needs of patients and weak - too. By the way about dresses ... In the last pictures, shortly before the death, the princess in the same evening open velvet dress, as on the day of his thirty years, there are only diadems on the head ... Photos were made at different times and different masters .. . Who noticed this detail?

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