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When replacing glass in interior door basic safety rules should be followed Interior doors are often decorated with inserts of various glasses. It looks very beautiful and stylish. But it happens that the glass breaks or is damaged in some other way, which leads to the need to replace it. Insert new material It’s quite possible to do it yourself, without resorting to the services of specialists. To do this, you need to have the necessary tools and follow safety precautions.

Options: how to replace glass in an interior door

When replacing broken glass, the question arises: what other materials can be used? Modern technologies Now they offer many options that you can use.

Before you buy new glass for an interior door, you should take measurements using a tape measure.

So, what can you replace a broken glass surface with:

  1. Organic glass - its main advantage is that it is very difficult to break. True, you can scratch it. But even in this case, the material simply becomes cloudy. If desired, you can cover the plexiglass with decorative film, which will not only perform an aesthetic function, but also protect the material from scratches.
  2. Decorative glass is one of the most expensive and stylish options. Its only drawback can be the problem of finding material with the desired pattern, otherwise all the glass will have to be replaced.
  3. Simple glass - everything is simple here. The required dimensions are taken, an order is made to a glazier, and then installation occurs.
  4. Plywood or fiberboard is a temporary, budget option. You can close the hole with a sheet of fiberboard folded in half, which is then covered with decorative film. But still, one cannot expect any special aesthetics or durability from such a replacement.

Using any of these options, you can safely replace the broken glass surface in an interior door.

Moreover, if desired, you can further darken the glass or glue any decorative inserts onto its surface.

Replacing glass in a door: preliminary stage

After you decide what material will be used to replace the glass, you can proceed directly to the process itself. There is nothing complicated here.

To make it more convenient to change the glass in the door, it can be removed from its hinges

However, before starting repairs, you should take some steps:

  1. Remove the door and place it on any flat surface. As a rule, to do this, it is enough to lift it a little and twist it, freeing it from the loops.
  2. Pull out the fragments if they still remain. This must be done very carefully and preferably wearing rubber gloves to avoid injury.
  3. Remove the gasket that contained the old glass, and also clean the door of putty or sealant.
  4. Clean the stock using sandpaper.
  5. Take measurements. If the glass is of the correct or fairly simple shape, then this will not be difficult to do.
  6. Order new glass from a glazier or cut it yourself.

You should know that the new glass should not be tightly inserted into the grooves. This means that when calculating dimensions it should be 15-20 mm smaller on all sides than the stock itself.

How to install glass in a door yourself

After all the necessary measurements have been made, the glass has been purchased or made to order, you can proceed directly to the installation itself.

You can cut an opening for glass in an interior door using an electric jigsaw

Installing a glass surface in an interior door looks like this:

  • Silicone sealant is applied around the entire perimeter of the hole;
  • The new glass is inserted into the gasket and placed in its place;
  • The sealant is applied again, only on the other side;
  • The glazing beads are screwed in, which should then be secured with special decorative nails;
  • Then you need to wait one or two hours until the sealant dries, after which you can hang the door in its place.

If the glass is very tight, do not use too much force to install it, otherwise you may damage it. In this case, it is better to trim the gasket slightly.

When inserting new glass, various sealants can only be used if permitted by the manufacturer. In other situations it is better to do without them.

Sometimes it happens that the type of door structure is a single piece made of glass and wood (for example, MDF) without the use of glazing beads or any other improvised means. What to do in this case? In this situation, in order to replace glass that has broken or been damaged in some other way, the doors can be completely disassembled.

To disassemble an interior door, you should use a screwdriver and other necessary tools

This is what the process looks like:

  1. First, the door leaf is examined for the presence of special plugs. It is they who often hide various fastening elements (usually self-tapping screws).
  2. Next, the structure can be removed from the door hinges and placed on the floor or other hard and flat surface.
  3. Then all the plugs found must be carefully pulled out and the fasteners unscrewed. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to do this on both sides.
  4. After the fasteners and plugs are removed, one of the door sides is removed, followed by the glass surface.
  5. Next, new glass is inserted, and then the process of assembling the structure in reverse order.

In case of any problems with the seals, you can apply a little soap solution to the edges of the glass and thus facilitate its entry.

How to properly change glass in an interior door (video)

Replacing glass in an interior door is not as difficult as you might think. This entire process can be done on your own if you have the time and tools. The main thing is to accurately take the required dimensions, remembering to be careful when working. When choosing a new glass surface, you need to take into account its properties and the overall design of the room so that everything looks beautiful and harmonious.

Interior door leaves with glass inserts different forms and sizes, a popular interior design option today. Sometimes the question may arise about how to replace the glass in an interior door with your own hands if it is damaged. You need to take this nuance seriously and carefully study the replacement procedure, otherwise the design will not have an attractive and aesthetic appearance.

Design and name of interior door elements

Inserting new glass into the opening will not be difficult if you prepare the necessary tools and materials for the mission and follow the step-by-step instructions.

To replace glass in a door structure with your own hands, you should stock up on the necessary tools and materials. These include:

This is a minimum set of tools and materials that should be on hand when replacing glass in interior doors yourself.

Types of glass

Today in the construction market there is not a single option for replacing glass in doorways. Before you decide on your own to replace the damaged glass in the door structure, you need to study some types of materials and bet on the one that best suits your wishes. You can pay attention to the following glass for doors:

In fact, each of the above types of glass is suitable for installation in interior doors. But it is worth familiarizing yourself with the features of each of them and betting on the one that is most suitable in all respects.

Regular glass

Among the advantages, the following facts can be noted:

  1. The cost of such glass is affordable to everyone.
  2. Installation does not require additional knowledge and equipment to cut the required part.

Among the shortcomings, we can name only one: ordinary glass requires additional finishing after installation, which means the purchase of additional materials.

Design of sliding doors with glass

Such glass is covered with a decorative film, which can be ordered or picked up in a store along with the main material.

In general, if you prepare all the necessary raw materials, then this option is quite worthy of attention.

Decorative glass

This type of material for work has the following advantages:

  • exquisite design solutions, among which everyone will find an option for themselves;
  • Installation is as simple as with conventional glass.

Among the disadvantages, the following facts can be noted:

Turning a blind eye to the shortcomings, this glass option for an interior door is worthy of attention.

Organic glass

The advantages are:

  • this type of insert into an interior door has high strength;
  • the cost of the material is average between ordinary glass and decorative glass.


Design options for doors with glass

Having thought about what pricing policy is suitable and what skills you have for installing glass in an interior door, you can bet on a certain option. After purchasing, you can begin the process of installing new glass to replace the damaged one.

Preparing for glass replacement

Step by step instructions:

Features of door analysis

When replacing glass in a door, remove the door from its hinges.

The process of removing doors from hinges

This will help ensure safety during the procedure. The structure should be placed on a flat surface to make it convenient to do the work. And the surface, in turn, should be covered with dense material that will protect flooring from damage. The door structure will have to be disassembled in any case. And this stage of work should be approached with caution and responsibility. Before you begin replacing the glass yourself, you need to measure the size of the glass.

The complexity of the process depends on how non-standard the shape of the glass is. When the stage of disassembling the doors and removing the old damaged glass has come to an end, you can proceed to further actions.

Preparing a place for glass

When the upper part of the door structure is removed, it is necessary to prepare the place where the glass will be placed. Before replacing glass in an interior door, you need to:

These actions will improve the quality of work on replacing damaged glass in the door leaf with a new one.

Glass installation

Once the canvas is ready, glass replacement can begin with confidence. Carrying out the main task is quite simple.

The main thing is to perform the procedure in the correct order and use high-quality accompanying materials.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Applying silicone (sealant) at all fastening points. The easiest way to do it correctly along the entire perimeter is to carry out the procedure using a construction gun, which will accurately distribute the sealant over the surface.

  2. Then you need to take a piece of glass previously adjusted to size and stretch a protective gasket over it.
  3. After which the glass is mounted into the structure of the prepared door base. Glass is the most fragile material among all that are used in the process of replacing a damaged structure. Therefore, you should not make any effort if the glass does not fit into the door grooves well. It would be better to cut the gasket or the glass itself, adjusting it to the desired size.
  4. When the glass is inserted into the opening, you need to apply silicone (sealant) again on the other side using a construction gun.
  5. Afterwards you need to fix the upper part of the door structure with beads. When working with glazing beads, you should act carefully; they should fit tightly to each other.
  6. The glazing beads are fixed by attaching decorative nails on top, which will give an aesthetic appearance to the structure and make the overall picture of the apartment’s interior doors look like new.
  7. When the nails are fixed, you should wait several hours so that the silicone sets well and does not become a cause of poor performance. door handles or didn't spoil it at all appearance drip structures. Indeed, in this case it will be difficult to change anything; you will have to start work on replacing the glass again or completely replace the door structure.
  8. After several hours have passed, you can begin a process such as installing the doors in their original place. You should first lubricate the moving structural elements, then fix the door in the opening.

    The process of installing a door on hinges

Watch the video: replacing broken glass on an interior door.

Replacing damaged glass with your own hands is easy. The main thing is to take a responsible approach to the process of selecting materials and the actual installation of glass in the opening of the door structure.

Replacing glass in an interior door is not considered a particularly difficult task, but it must be done accurately and carefully. The fragile insert requires skills in handling the material and the appropriate tools, so it is better to order cutting from specialists. Trade construction organizations provide such services directly when purchasing glass decor.

Glass inserts are most often replaced for the following reasons:

  1. Broken glass must be removed, even if it did not fall out. A sudden movement when closing the door will result in possible personal injury.
  2. Aging of decorative inserts affects their appearance and also often leads to replacement.
  3. Installing glass doors in your living room is an easy way to freshen up your interior. The repair option only includes replacing the glass in the panel or changing the size of the frame.
  4. The glass insert may be accidentally stained or scratched. You can replace the glass if it's easier than cleaning it up.

Preliminary stage

To repair a damaged door with a glass panel, you need to carry out preparatory work. Before installing a new insert:

  • remove protruding fragments from the frame (most often they are easy to remove with a little effort);
  • remove the fabric from the loops and lay it on a flat surface;
  • inspect the door and try to determine how the insert is installed;
  • If the glass is not broken, then dismantle it.

In old apartments, glass was inserted into the door frame using putty. To repair interior doors and replace broken glass, you need to use a knife or screwdriver to pry off the bead holding the insert. After this, pull out the nails with pliers, remove the glass part and clean the opening from any remaining paint and putty.

To work, you need to prepare the following tools:

  1. glass cutter;
  2. hammer;
  3. small nails;
  4. silicone sealant.

Often the glazing beads also need to be replaced. You can buy them at a hardware store, in the lumber department.


Door glazing is done using different types material:

  • transparent - often complemented by pasting with decorative films with patterns imitating stained glass;
  • matte - rarely requires additional finishing;
  • with a pattern, corrugated and stained glass are decorative species glass, it is better to entrust cutting them to specialists;
  • tinted or mirrored.

Material selection

Frosted or corrugated glass is used where a view of the room from the outside is undesirable: in the bathroom, bathroom, bedroom. These types of material have a greater thickness than transparent window glass: it reaches 4-6 mm. A home craftsman will not always be able to handle cutting on his own. Therefore, after dismantling the old glass, it is recommended to take the dimensions of the opening for insertion and order a replacement from the workshop of a construction company.

For the living room, decorative glass for doors is more often selected: with an engraved pattern, made using complex technology and surface treatment with a sandblasting unit, stained glass, consisting of colored pieces connected together. If desired, you can use both corrugated and frosted glass if the interior design is not particularly luxurious or is made in a minimalist style.

Both transparent and any other can be installed in the kitchen. A budget option is a simple window glass covered with film, or decorative curtains on a glazed structure.

Options for replacement

If it is not possible to quickly insert decorative glass into doors instead of broken glass, there is an option to replace it with other materials. For temporary insertion you can use:

  1. plywood or fiberboard covered with a film that matches the veneered surface of the canvas;
  2. plexiglass (monolithic polycarbonate);
  3. window glass covered with stained glass film.

These materials are not the best decor for a door, so in the future you will have to make repairs again and insert new glass into the opening.

How to replace glass in an interior door

In economy class doors, the insert is removed and installed from above, through a special groove. The seal is silicone sealant: do not forget to thoroughly clean the frame from any remaining residue. Before replacing a glass part, you need to find out its dimensions.

The glass in inexpensive models has a rectangular shape, so it is enough to determine the dimensions of the opening for the glass in width and length. When taking measurements, it is important not to forget about the allowances that are needed to secure the insert in the grooves. Measuring the allowance is simple: slide the ruler into the groove. Add the resulting value to the length and width of the opening.

It is advisable to cut the glass as accurately as possible so that it fits easily into the mounting gaps. Before installing glass in the interior door, fill the grooves with sealant.

Doors of a more complex design will have to be disassembled to replace the glass. To do this, you need to find bolts on the sides, closed with special decorative plugs. By unscrewing the bolts, you can remove part of the blade and remove the insert. Take measurements taking into account allowances.

When inserting glass into a kitchen door with a panel, the master must find dowels in the upper and lower parts of the panel. They need to be removed and 1 side of the frame removed. Pull the glass panel out of the groove, take measurements and cut out a replacement part. Reassemble the structure in reverse order. Place the dowels on glue.

How to insert rectangular glass

Rectangular inserts can be found in interior or kitchen doors of old apartments, and in expensive products in new buildings. Inserting glass into an old-style door is easy:

  • after dismantling the bead and cleaning the recesses, measure the opening taking into account the groove;
  • cut a rectangle to size and insert it into the opening, applying a little sealant there;
  • install the glazing bead in place and secure with nails.

Inexpensive plastic, laminated and veneered products come with inserts on fastenings with glazing beads. In such a case, repairs are carried out as indicated for old-style doors, removing the strips around the perimeter of the opening on only one side of the door. It is advisable to save the nails that secure the glazing bead and use them when installing the planks in place. To prevent rattling of the newly inserted glass, before the procedure, silicone sealant should be applied to the recess between the blade and the slats.

Options for doors with complex designs sometimes include permanent fastenings: a groove with hidden wedges. Such a product will have to be taken to a workshop for a proprietary replacement: it is impossible to do this with your own hands. According to user reviews, repairing a complex structure with hidden fixation is more expensive than purchasing another door, so it makes sense to find out the details from a sales consultant in advance.

Installing custom forms yourself

Manufacturers produce unusual door models with glass of complex shapes. They are beautiful, but repairing them will not be possible without the help of a specialist. When replacing glass in an interior door with your own hands, you need to start by inspecting the fastening of the insert: if it is too complicated, then you should immediately call a specialist to your home. But if there are removable elements, as a rule, you can replace the insert yourself:

  1. Remove the door from its hinges and place it on a piece of cardboard. Its size should be sufficient to completely close the opening.
  2. Outline the outline of the opening as accurately as possible, do not forget to take into account allowances for installation.
  3. The template must be cut out and fitted into the opening. It must fit exactly the size of the frame.
  4. The template for glass with complex shapes must be taken to a cutting workshop.
  5. All that remains is to insert the finished parts into the grooves coated with sealant and secure with decorative overlays.

In sliding structures

A sliding door can consist of a large glass panel and a thin frame around the perimeter or look like a swing door: with inserts in wood or plastic panel. In any case, the canvas must be removed from the awnings and laid on the floor. To remove a heavy object from the profile grooves, you will need an assistant to slide the sashes.

If the door consists of a frame and glass, you will need to disassemble it completely. You can find bolts on the edge of the framing structure and remove them. The edge of the glass is protected by a silicone seal, which must be removed and stored if it is not damaged. If the integrity of the material is compromised, it must be ordered together with the glass door.

Take measurements along the length and width of the canvas. It does not shatter into fragments, but only becomes covered with cracks, so the task is easy to cope with. When ordering glass from a workshop, you need to clarify that you need material with a protective film (or triplex, as for car windows). After receiving the ordered product, all that remains is to insert it into the frame, first putting the seal on the edges. When installing, cut the silicone tape so that it is 5 mm smaller than the glass on each side.

When installing a glass element between MDF panels, the canvas is assembled on a horizontal surface. To install glass, overlays that are attached to nails are most often used. When installing the insert and driving small fasteners into a wooden door, you need to act carefully so as not to break the glass: one wrong move will lead to repeated repairs. Raise the assembled canvas and install it in the profile runners for sliding door.

The most fragile element in the entire interior of a house is glass, especially if it is an integral part of modern interior doors. Repairs associated with its replacement are not particularly difficult, but require some knowledge. Anyone can replace such a broken element with their own hands, taking into account the recommendations of specialists.

Modern interiors have a beautiful appearance. But if the glass element of their decor is broken, you should know how to properly replace it without the involvement of specialists. So, we’ll look at how to change it with your own hands and what you need to consider next.

In general, replacing glass on doors is not particularly difficult, but only if some nuances and advice from experienced craftsmen. After all, one wrong move, and your work will be nullified.

Modern production provides the market with a wide variety of glass doors

Types of glass used for doors

Before embarking on such an important issue as replacing broken glass, it is worth studying the most profitable options that modern industry provides us with today in the manufacture of interior doors:

  • Decorative glass. This type of glass not only fits beautifully into any interior, but will also make it richer and more luxurious. But when replacing a broken element, you may encounter one problem - choosing the right glass inserts with a similar pattern, similar to those on other doors in the apartment. That is why, in one case, broken glass can lead to the replacement of all the panels in the apartment. And this is a rather expensive option, because the cost of 1 sq.m. decorative glass - from a thousand rubles.
  • Ordinary glass. An ideal alternative to decorative glass, but requires additional processing. Ordinary glass is treated with special decorative films, which give it an expensive look. Replacing such glass is several times cheaper than the first option.

Regular glass: the cheapest replacement option

  • Plexiglas. Unlike the two previous options, this type of glazing of interior doors is not fragile, but is subject to scratches, as a result of which it begins to become cloudy and takes on an unsightly appearance. It can also be covered with decorative film, which will not only give the material a more beautiful appearance, but also protect it from scratches.

Attention! The most expensive option is decorative glass. Replacing it is a rather expensive option, because the cost of 1 sq.m. decorative glass - from a thousand rubles.

A simple option for replacing glass on interior doors

Regardless of what type of glass is installed in the interior doors, if necessary, it will need to be replaced with a new one. The simplest option is installation using glazing beads or, as people say, quarters, although this is not entirely correct. If this is exactly the option you have, then replacing the glass will be quite simple:

  1. Using a chisel, pull out the glazing beads.
  2. When the nails appear, use pliers to remove the elements one by one, while supporting the broken glass.
  3. Measure the parameters and go to a glass workshop.
  4. Install the purchased decor and secure it with glazing beads.
  5. If we are talking about ordinary glass, then before installing it in place, it should be covered with decorative film.

Fastening glass to doors with glazing beads

The solution to the problem is simple and anyone can cope with it on their own, without the involvement of specialists.

Advice. It is necessary to remove glazing beads very carefully so as not to damage the door leaf with nails.

A difficult option for replacing broken glass on doors

There is an option for making doors that visually look like one integral piece, which consists of wood and glass. There are no glazing beads in this case. Therefore, glass replacement takes place according to a different scheme - here you will have to disassemble the door into “planks”. How to properly replace glass on the following structures:

  1. Carefully inspect the door structure. Under the plugs there should be fastening elements - confirmants or self-tapping screws.
  2. Remove the canvas and place it on the floor.
  3. Remove the plugs and unscrew the fasteners on one side.
  4. Remove the side panel and remove the broken glass.
  5. Install new glass and reassemble the door in reverse order.

Advice. To avoid glass rattling after installation, experts recommend lubricating its edges with a soap solution before installation.

Replacing glass that is not fastened with glazing beads, but is part of a solid door leaf, is a much more labor-intensive process

Regardless of the method of installing glass in interior doors and the type of glass, the procedure for replacing it must be approached responsibly. The slightest incorrect movement can lead not only to incorrect installation, but also damage to the door leaf itself.

Video: Replacing broken glass on an interior door

The most fragile elements in any interior are those containing glass components in their design. Broken souvenirs or dishes are always regrettable, but if the fragile decor on the door is damaged, then repair work cannot be avoided.

Quick replacement of glass in an interior door can be carried out by trained professionals, however, with some skill, attentiveness and accuracy, this operation can be performed without outside help. This will require a small set of tools and a sufficient amount of time.

Application of transparent decor

Beautiful door glazing simultaneously performs several functions:

  • is a decoration of the room;
  • visually increases the interior space of the room;
  • lets in more natural luminous flux;
  • in some cases, it allows you to save expensive materials from which the door is made.

The physical characteristics of this fragile material are such that in some situations, glass for interior doors can break from an unexpected sharp blow. By nature, it will not be possible to put the fragments back together, so replacement will have to be carried out.

Types of glass in the interior

There are several types of glass used in doors. Not all of them behave the same after damage. Let's consider the types of material:

  • Decorative glass. One of the most expensive options, which is a true decoration not only of the door, but of the entire room. In most cases, such expensive material is made as a set for all internal doors. Simply replacing such glass in an interior door will be problematic, because it will start to stand out from the overall set. The amount per 1 m2 often exceeds $20.

Decorative glazing

  • Ordinary glass. The classic version with a decorative film sticker will cost much less to replace. It is enough to buy separately a glass plate of the same size and a self-adhesive film.

A more dangerous but inexpensive option

  • Plexiglas (monolithic polycarbonate). This material does not have the problems of traditional glass, as it is not subject to destruction from impacts. In fact, it is plastic that can also be used in doors. Such glass in interior doors can also be covered with decorative film, since in its pure form they are easily subject to mechanical damage (scratches).

It does not break, but it is easy to damage - scratch, break off a small fragment from the edge, etc.

You can temporarily close the opening when interior doors are being repaired and broken glass is being replaced with something opaque to ensure a closed space in the room.

VIDEO: Instructions for replacing glass in a door leaf

Preliminary replacement operations

In order for the replacement of glass in interior doors to take place in comfortable conditions, it is necessary to get rid of its remains on the floor, and only then proceed with subsequent dismantling using improvised means.

For the classic design with glazing beads, you will need a screwdriver and a hammer, which we use to loosen the fastening in order to remove the pieces that have not fallen out. The operation must be carried out with gloves to avoid damaging your hands. Removal begins with the top fragments, which are placed in a prepared container with thick paper at the bottom. Next move on to the lower residues. In addition to using gloves, you must wear shoes with thick soles.

Works with wooden frames

Usually replacing broken glass in an interior wooden door begins with loosening the top, side and bottom beads. Everything is done in exactly this sequence. After removing the remains, we dismantle all the glazing beads.

If necessary, possible damaged wooden areas are painted. Other cosmetic repairs are also carried out.

If you take fitting measurements for new glass yourself, be sure to leave a technological gap of 1.5-2.0 mm on all sides so that the glass sits in place without tension. It is more problematic with curly shapes. For such an operation, it is advisable to invite glaziers personally.

Use a metal ruler to cut

If there are sealing elements left in the grooves, for example, remains of silicone putty, then it must be removed by scraping it off with a knife or screwdriver. If new glazing beads are intended to be used, they are painted in the color scheme of the door separately from the door leaf. They are then allowed to dry for some time. Glass brought into the house from the cold must be left for some time so that its temperature becomes equal to room temperature and it is not too fragile to work with.

When glass cutting is carried out at home, the existing workpiece must be washed with soapy water, holding it with a cotton rag. It is advisable to remove the door from its hinges to make it more comfortable to estimate, take measurements and try on the finished product.

During installation, the ends of the insert must be treated with sealant to prevent the material from drying out and glass falling out during operation.

After inserting the new glass plate, we install glazing beads and secure them with small nails. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the fragile surface again. The beads at the ends are also pre-treated with silicone.

It is necessary to hold the glass on both sides until the glazing beads are secured

It is dangerous to place glass in a door that is suspended, as the glass may fall out of the loose cavity.

Extreme options

Some door designs make it difficult to replace the glass in the door yourself. These doors do not have glazing beads in them. traditional form. You will have to completely disassemble the entire mechanism to get to the very essence. The beginning is carried out by searching for the plugs behind which the fastener heads are hidden.

The procedure is performed with the door removed from its hinges and laid out on a flat horizontal surface. To dismantle the remaining glass, you need to get rid of one of the side panels. When installing new glass in such a structure, it is worth treating the ends of the sheet with soap slurry. This will eliminate possible rattling of the glass in the door. Complete assembly is carried out in the reverse order of disassembly.

When replacing triplex, household tools and technologies are indispensable. Such glass is usually installed exclusively in industrial environments.

Triplex - all fragments remain on film

For reference. Triplex is a multilayer glass in which the layers are glued together under high pressure with a special polymer film. By analogy with car glass, it does not fall out when damaged, but remains inside.

VIDEO: Replacing broken glass on an interior door


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