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Many people put onions in jars of water so they can enjoy green arrows. However, a lot of dishes cannot fit on one window, and filling the entire space is inconvenient.

What to do if there is minimal space, but you want to get more harvest? There is an original way. You can grow onions on a windowsill in a plastic bottle, making a convenient and cute design out of it. What is needed for this?

Minimum conditions for growing onions in a bottle

Onions in a bottle are unpretentious to growing conditions. For normal growth, he only needs a lighted windowsill and the absence of sub-zero temperatures.

There is no need to feed the plant with fertilizers, because the bulb itself contains a sufficient supply of nutrients.

The onion is not at all picky about the composition of the earthen substrate. To grow it in plastic bottles, ordinary soil is most often used. Soil can be purchased at a gardening store or dug up in the garden.

However, in the latter case, the soil will have to be disinfected by calcining it.

You can plant onions in a bottle on a windowsill on a feather not only in the ground, there are alternative methods.

For example, you can use toilet paper or sawdust. But such a medium is much less nutritious than soil, although many home gardeners successfully use this method in practice.

The disadvantage of these materials is the possibility of mold formation. Another disadvantage of toilet paper is that it is not aesthetically pleasing, because everything is visible through the transparent bottle.

However, when the green feathers grow and rise up, they will hide the unsightly sight.

The next alternative to bottled earth is foam rubber, its advantage is that it does not mold, unlike sawdust and paper. It is cut into small pieces in random order and filled with it the space between the onions.

The advantage of this method is the moisture absorption and breathability of the foam material. Instead of soil, you can fill the container with onions with vermiculite or coconut substrate.

Onions on the windowsill can only be grown in those bottles that were used for storage food products and drinks. Chemical containers store toxic residues for a long time, so they are unsuitable in this case.

For forcing green onions, bottles with a volume of 3-6 liters are usually taken, although both 1.5-liter and 10-liter containers are quite suitable.

All onion care consists of watering and removing excess liquid from the pan. It is necessary to water not often, but with plenty of water.

Green onions can also be additionally sprayed with a spray bottle.

Remember! The less water the plant receives, the more bitter the feathers will taste.

For planting, choose small or medium-sized onions with a diameter of at least 3 cm; it is better not to take onion sets that are too small.

Of course, you can do without preparing the bulbs, but the result will not be so amazing.

In order for onion feathers to grow faster, first the bulbs should be soaked for at least 6 hours in warm water, it is advisable to lower the aquarium compressor spray into the bowl with liquid at the same moment.

This way the planting material will be saturated with oxygen and will germinate faster.

Before planting in bottles, the bulbs need to be cut off a little in the neck area, and this is a prerequisite, in contrast to soaking and saturation with air.

  • The neck of the bottle should be cut so that the onion fits easily inside.
  • Now let's take care of the holes on the side of the bottle, their diameter should be slightly smaller than the diameter of the bulbs, so you need to carefully measure everything. The holes are made in a checkerboard pattern, but do not start from the very bottom of the bottle, so that later after watering the accumulated liquid does not pour out through them. The holes are cut with nail scissors or burned with a hot iron object, but the latter option is unsafe for health.
  • Sometimes cutting holes in an empty bottle is quite difficult due to the fact that the plastic bends so much. For convenience, fill the container a third with water and take it out into the cold. When the liquid freezes, the bottle will be less susceptible to deformation.
  • Don't forget to make small holes in the bottom of the bottle to drain excess water. In addition, the container must be placed on a pallet (plate, container, etc.)

After preparing the bottle structure, we begin planting the onion. The whole process must be carried out by first covering the surface of the table with paper or cloth, since the combination of earth and water will certainly cause dirt.

We fill the soil up to the first level of the holes, compact it and place an onion next to each hole so that its cut looks out of the “window”.

Then you should fill the soil again to the next row of holes and put the onion, then the sequence is repeated.

When the bottle is filled with soil and there are no free holes left, we also plant the bulbs on top.

When the onion multi-story “house” is ready, we put it on a pallet and water it abundantly. We place the structure on a lighted window.

In just a week you will see the coveted green feathers, and a couple of weeks later the “house” with the onion will resemble a cactus. It will become not only a source of vitamins, but also a decorative element of the room.

Decide at least once to try this experiment with onions and a bottle, you won’t regret it!

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Vegetable gardening on the windowsill is a favorite hobby of city housewives throughout the year. Modern craftsmen are improving technology, allowing them to cultivate popular vegetable crops. In a short review we will talk about how to grow onions in a plastic bottle.

Growing onions in a bottle is an easy way to get greens any time of year.

Features of cultivation

Sometimes substitutes are used instead of soil mixture - sawdust or toilet paper. They are very easy to use and do not stain everything around. But more attention is required when watering, since excess moisture will spoil the seed, and if there is a lack of water, there will be no full return. Remember: you cannot use sawdust filler for animal trays to plant onions. The products are treated with chemicals that will turn into the greens.

When is the best time to plant at home? Subject to the rules for growing leeks, a horizontal bed is cultivated throughout the year. The housewife does not need to worry about buying green onions - they will always be at hand. Sufficient light and regular watering are all requirements unpretentious plant. In winter, the bed develops on a bright windowsill, and in summer it is recommended to place it on a balcony or sunny loggia.

Green onions winter time it is quite expensive, and growing it yourself will not cause any trouble


How to make a structure for growing green onions at home? You will need:

  • clean plastic bottle (2 or 5 liters);
  • soil;
  • planting material;
  • water;
  • a sharp object for making holes.

Remember: use the container only after foods. Construction mixtures and fuels and lubricants are not completely washed out and are therefore unsuitable for growing green spices. Rinse and dry bottles thoroughly before use.

For planting onions, select small, elastic heads, without traces of rot and mold. Defects and pathogenic bacteria on a vegetable will infect the soil and destroy healthy specimens.

A special seeder is also used, but it quickly depletes and requires replacement. Large bulbs take up a lot of space in the container and are therefore not ergonomic.

Onion planted in a bottle


To plant onions in a bottle, you need to cut off the neck and use sharp scissors to make holes on the sides of the future bed. Professionals recommend soldering holes with a rounded hot object - an old soldering iron or a heated piece of metal. Remember: through gaps that are too large, heads of planting material will fall out and wet soil will seep through.

A simple technique will make the process of cutting holes easier. Pour water into the bottle, approximately 1/3 of its volume. Then place the container of water in the cold. After the water in it freezes, start cutting holes.

Preparing a bottle for planting onions is not difficult at all.

Pour nutritious soil into the bottom of the bottle up to the level of the lower holes, then begin to insert planting material into the holes. The growing point looks out - the bulbs act as plugs and do not allow the soil to fall out. Apply a layer of soil to the next level of holes, water and repeat the whole procedure all over again until the very top.

The resulting garden bed is placed on a tray or in a pot so that the liquid does not spill out and stain everything around it. Depending on the size of the container, an old bowl or small bucket will be suitable for this purpose. After watering, water should not be allowed to stagnate, so you should always pour it out.

Intensification of green growth will begin if there is enough sun. A bright window sill or balcony is a suitable place for cultivation. If all conditions have been met, then in a week the first green feathers will appear. Timely moistening will make the seasoning taste less spicy, so do not forget to water and spray the onions in the bottle.

Onion planting options

Pros and cons of the method

Growing herbs at home has been practiced for quite a long time and over the years has evolved from bulbs in jars to such complex structures that take up minimal space. A horizontal bed allows you to grow a lot of leeks in a small area. If you equip a useful sunny space on the windowsill and balcony, then this plantation will bring additional income to its owner.

This technique requires a minimum of investment, since plastic bottles are available in every apartment. Depending on the needs, containers of both 1.5 liters and 10 liters are used. When grown in soil, onions take a long time to shed feathers, unlike when cultivated in water. The appearance of the structure is more presentable than glass jars on the windowsill.

The disadvantages of the technique include the painstaking and careful process of making a container for growing greens at home. It is necessary to compare the dimensions of the planting material with the holes, and any mistake forces you to take a new container. Cutting holes is carried out with sharp objects, so remember the safety rules. The presence of a small diameter metal rod simplifies the procedure, but you can get burned.

The process of making the structure is very dirty, as it comes into contact with the ground and water. To avoid staining the window sill, monitor the liquid level in the drain pans. Watering is done slowly so that the soil has time to gradually become saturated.

Cultivation in toilet paper and sawdust, but such mixtures are less nutritious and quickly deplete the bulbs.

Growing greens in an apartment is a great way to provide your family with vitamins at minimal financial cost. By following our recommendations, you will create not only a modern bow design, but also an excellent decorative element.

And we will go the other way... Or - how to save space on the kitchen windowsill by growing onions in a plastic bottle.

For most people, the first consciously grown plant is a bulb planted in a jar or glass. Still kitchen window sills grandmothers and mothers are decorated with a variety of dishes - cut glasses, mayonnaise jars, containers and trays for various foods, in which bulbs of different sizes and varieties flaunt, stretching their bright green feathers towards the light. The picture is certainly pastoral and touching, but... It’s the 21st century. The progress of mankind is advancing by leaps and bounds, and after it, the ever-present ingenuity of the Russian man, which brought him to the idea of ​​green onions in a bottle, hurries at a vigorous trot.

Neither a German, nor a Dutchman, nor a Czech or a Frenchman would have ever guessed how to make good use of an absolutely wasteful, disposable material - an empty plastic bottle. And all because they have containers for collecting plastic waste on the streets. But with us they don’t. And it would be a shame to throw it away.

Fast, clean, safe...

The topic of our conversation today will be growing onions in a bottle. It is not known who first thought of making a miniature vertical garden bed out of a plastic bottle and in what city. But the idea turned out to be so attractive and tempting that there are a huge number of followers of growing onions in plastic bottles.

Let's start with the material needed to make a mini garden bed. This is, of course, a plastic bottle with a volume of at least 1.5 liters, preferably without transverse reinforcing profiles on the surface. The best option For planting large bulbs, you will need a five-liter plastic drinking water bottle.

Preparing a bottle for planting bulbs involves making holes in the wall of the vessel approximately corresponding to the diameter of the planting material. Since growing onions on window sills is the prerogative of mainly representatives of the older generation, then the advice that is replete with the Internet is, accordingly, lame.

Someone advises cutting with scissors - this is not a task for the faint of heart. Someone, having cut a couple of holes with nail scissors, hotly poked the bottle with a hot poker - a hole appeared. Since then, the advice has been wandering around the expanses of the RuNet: to melt holes with a hot metal rod. People! Never do this!

The harmless plastic used to make bottles is intended only for cold products. When heated to the melting point or above the combustion temperature, it releases deadly phosgene and dioxin! After making twenty holes in this way, you can get poisoned.

It is much easier to pour water into a bottle, lower five or six pieces of polymer packaging cord and close the lid and place it in the refrigerator freezer or in the cold until completely frozen.

Frozen water will prevent the bottle from deforming during operation, and the ropes inside will prevent the ice from crumbling into small crumbs. Next, take an electric drill (screwdriver) with a wood drill bit (or a similar bit) with a diameter slightly smaller than the size of the bulbs and calmly drill the required number of holes in a checkerboard pattern. Fast, clean, environmentally friendly. After this, place the bottle in the bath or sink under warm water so that the ice melts faster. The container for planting is ready.

Preparing the soil... Is it necessary?

Many enthusiasts of forcing green onions in a bottle at home cannot resist burying the bulb in the ground. To do this, it is advised to gradually fill the bottle with the neck cut off with earth, gradually inserting the onions into the holes so that their upper part protrudes outward and further, sprinkle the earth layer by layer and completely fill the bottle with onions and earth.

There is no practical need to use soil to grow onions.

A bulb - even a small sample d-3-4 cm, contains a sufficient amount of nutrients to, in the presence of moisture, ensure the growth of a feather 20-25 cm long. Therefore, as a filler, instead of soil, we recommend using not toilet paper or sawdust - they contain mold will certainly grow, and ordinary foam rubber, cut into small pieces of arbitrary shape: approximately 2x2 cm. Use this to fill the voids between the bulbs.

The advantage of foam rubber is that it is a very moisture-absorbing material and at the same time breathable. The onions in the bottle will be constantly moisturized and will be able to breathe easily.

One watering per week is enough so that the crop is ready for harvest 20-25 days after planting.

Instead of foam rubber, you can use coconut substrate (4 kg briquette - 86 rubles), perlite or vermiculite (3 kg bag - 70 to 550 rubles) to fill the gaps between the bulbs.

Preparation of planting material

Housewives who grow onions on their windowsills do not think about preparing planting material. They stick the first onion they come across into the water and it grows on its own.

People who grow green onions on an industrial scale must prepare the bulbs before forcing the green feathers.

The preparation process is not complicated or time-consuming. Selected bulbs, usually a sample d-3-5 cm, are soaked for 6-12 hours in water at a temperature of 25-30 C. In this case, intensive aeration is carried out. The process is called sparging. Promotes the “awakening” of the bulbs and faster feather growth. At home, it is enough to stir the onions in the container several times during bubbling, or lower the sprayer of a compressor for aquariums into it (if you have one). The bubbling onion is cut off from the neck side so that it is visible green dot sprout. The onions are ready for forcing.

Planting care

Maintenance as such is not required, with the exception of regular watering - rarely, but plentifully! While forcing the feathers, you can feed the onions with a solution of mineral fertilizers. But this is not for everybody. Green onions grown in a plastic bottle on the windowsill are an extremely environmentally friendly product. There is no need to spoil it with any fertilizers or fertilizing. The only problem with environmental friendliness may arise when growing onions in the kitchen of big fried lovers. Vapors from frying oil evaporating from the frying pan settle on the onion feathers and are actively absorbed by plants, saturating them with carcinogens. The concentrations are insignificant, but for suspicious natures it is a reason to think.


Forcing greens at home, be it onions, parsley, dill, lettuce or basil, is traditional for the vast majority of cooks around the world. Purchased greens are expensive in winter, and their origin and degree of saturation with nitrogen fertilizers are unknown. Growing it yourself is a cheap business. A few plastic bottles are enough to always have aromatic, rich in vitamins greens are a wonderful addition and decoration to any dish.

If you don’t have a summer house, you can set up a vegetable garden in your own apartment.

It’s worth knowing how to grow onions on a windowsill.

Getting tasty green feathers is quite easy. The plant is unpretentious, so you can cope with it even without special skills.

How to choose bulbs

The advantages of growing onions on a windowsill at home are beyond doubt. You can enjoy this healthy vegetable even in winter, when the body especially needs vitamins. You can be sure that the product has not been treated with harmful chemicals. Moreover, if you want to do delicious salad, no need to run to the store. Onions are always at hand.

You can grow green onions on a windowsill in soil or in water. The methods are equivalent; they do not affect the speed of harvesting and its quantity. Therefore, you need to choose the one that you like best.

You should start with selecting and preparing the bulbs. Most often grown onions. But other varieties are also suitable for home use: onion sets, chives, leeks. Moreover, sets or chives can be grown from seeds, if there is such a desire.

It is best to use already sprouted bulbs to obtain feathers. That is, it is easier to do forcing from around January, when the vegetable comes out of dormancy.

But even until this time you should not deny yourself this source of vitamins. You just need to follow some rules:

  • Choose small bulbs.
  • In autumn, they should be placed in a cool place, such as a refrigerator. This will speed up germination.
  • If there are no sprouts yet, then the top of the bulb should be cut off. This procedure is not carried out with those that have already hatched.
  • Some time before planting, the onions should be placed in a place with high humidity. It is necessary to start planting when the beginnings of roots are visible in the lower part.
  • Before planting, the bulbs should be kept for 12 hours in warm water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  • The bulbs must be healthy, strong, without damage or signs of rot. Depending on the quality, they are able to produce feathers 2-3 times, so that the harvest grown with their own hands will last for a long time.

Growing methods

For planting, it is recommended to select bulbs of almost the same size. If you have questions about growing green onions on a windowsill, then you should familiarize yourself with the principles of the two main methods of this process - planting in soil and in water.

In the ground

Growing onions in the ground is not that difficult. The plant is quite undemanding to the soil, since the main supply of nutrients is contained in the bulb itself. It is advisable to use soil with neutral acidity, it is recommended to ensure good drainage. The container must have holes so that water can drain freely, and a tray where it will be collected. The capacity must be selected high enough. If there is not enough soil, the roots will push the bulb to the surface.

The optimal time for planting is January. To determine whether the bulbs are ready for forcing, you can place one of them in a container of water. If the roots begin to actively grow, then it’s time to start growing.

The peculiarity of the bulbs is that after planting they do not increase in size, but, on the contrary, dry out. Therefore, they can be placed next to each other. They plant onions at home like this: first, a small layer of drainage, then a layer of soil at least 10 cm deep. There is no need to bury the bulbs completely in the ground; it is enough to do this by a third.

Immediately after planting, it is not recommended to place the onion on the window. It is better to choose a shaded corner, this will allow the root system to form successfully. After a few days, the containers need to be moved to a well-lit place. The plant should now receive enough sunlight. In winter it is necessary to use additional sources light: lamps daylight or special lamps sold in gardening stores.

You also need to take care of the temperature. Onions are quite cold-resistant, but can hardly tolerate heat. At temperatures above 30 degrees, the bulbs will not produce feathers. The optimal climate is 20-23 degrees. In winter, you need to monitor whether it is too hot on the windowsill due to the operation of the batteries. In summer, check whether the containers are overheated in the sun. To avoid this, it is recommended to wrap the containers in foil.

Onion feathers on a windowsill, the cultivation of which requires minimal care, will be juicy and tasty only if the plant receives enough moisture. It is better to water not too often, but abundantly. It is also allowed to spray the greens with water from a spray bottle, but no drops should remain on the bulb itself.

In a plastic bottle

Home-grown onions are a pleasant addition to your daily diet. But there is not always enough space on the windowsill to place the required number of trays with sprouts. A regular plastic bottle with a volume of 5 liters or even more will help save space.

Onions in a bottle are planted this way:

  • Several rows of holes are made in the bottle. They should be slightly smaller than the onions so that they do not fall out. At the same time, you should not make the first row right near the bottom, otherwise water will flow out.
  • The bottle must be placed vertically. Fill the soil prepared in advance up to the first holes. Place the bulbs in the holes and cover with soil to the level of the next row. And repeat this several times until the bottle is completely filled. Now the plants need to be watered.
  • The soil can be universal, and it is also possible to use its substitutes. For example, mineral wool. You just need to remember that all manipulations with it should be carried out with gloves, since this substance has an aggressive effect on the skin. Other materials that can retain moisture, such as sawdust and vermiculite, will also work.

Plants in a bottle on the windowsill grow well and produce a bountiful harvest.

In a greenhouse from a bottle

An ordinary 5 liter bottle can be adapted into a mini greenhouse. It is necessary to cut off the folding cover vertically, in most of plant the seeds.

In the package

You can use the method of growing in a bag.

In the water

If you have a problem with how to grow green onions on windowsills in winter, then you should pay attention to a method that does not use soil, but only water. Many people remember this method from childhood: an onion is placed in a jar of water, and after a few days it produces tasty feathers. However, even in this case you need to know some nuances.

To ensure that fresh onions are always on the table, they should be planted in batches at intervals of a week.

The main feature is that the bulb cannot be completely immersed in water, it will simply begin to rot. Only the small part on which the roots are located should come into contact with the liquid. To achieve this, you can take a very large bulb or a small jar into which the planting material will not fall. It is also possible to make a hole in the lid.

It cannot be said that a string of cans on the windowsill looks very aesthetically pleasing, and besides, the water in them becomes cloudy. It is more convenient to grow onions in winter in special containers; you can make them yourself. These containers include a water tray and a lid with holes. You need to put bulbs in them.

In such a design, it is important not to forget to change the water regularly. It can be tap water, but it must first be allowed to settle. Even better is to use an aquarium aerator.

How to Grow Chives

In addition to the usual onions, you can start growing chives on the windowsill. This plant has an unusual taste. It can be propagated vegetatively or using seeds, with the second method being preferable. They do it this way:

  • Soak the seeds before planting.
  • Place a layer of drainage in the pot, then add soil. Chives do not have a developed root system, so the container may not be too deep.
  • Next, you need to make shallow grooves and fill them with planting material.
  • In order for the harvest to be rich, you need to take care of the planted seeds: water them, mulch them with peat, and fertilizing is also possible.

ChivesIf you are interested in how to grow chives, then you should know that this plant is a perennial. It will produce a harvest in the second year, and in the first winter it will stand on the windowsill as an unusual decoration.

It’s not difficult to figure out how to plant onions on greens on the windowsill. A little patience and a minimum of effort, and as a result you will be able to enjoy homemade onions. In an urban environment, a vegetable you grow yourself will be a source of pride when it comes time to harvest. In addition, it will help maintain health.

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I take a regular 5 liter water bottle. I cut off its top with ordinary scissors or a knife, whichever is more convenient. I take out old pliers, since they can turn black due to fire, a self-tapping screw and begin to burn holes in the “bottle” using a gas burner, heating the screw.
I left about 5 cm untouched at the bottom - water will accumulate there. I make holes in rows, leaving one strip between the rows (my bottle has convex “stripes”).

And so on all 4 sides. I ended up with 104 holes made in random order. Since I will be planting small onion sets, the distance between the holes is appropriate. If you plant large onions, we will make holes less often, but this is understandable.
Just a little work and everything will be ready for planting.
We take our onion, 5 liters of soil and begin planting.
To make our onion germinate faster, I cut off its dry tops. I pour the soil up to the first row of holes, filling 5 cm. I spill it well, it will settle a little, and now I begin to carefully place the onion on the side and combine the cut off tops with the holes.
And so on, row after row, not forgetting to shed the soil well. A layer of soil, then a row of onions.
All our roots will grow into the middle and beyond.
Don't forget to decorate the top beautifully. 300 grams of my small onion ran out and I added a large onion, it turned out beautifully.
It takes up very little space and grows on all sides.

Kira Stoletova

Greens - important element nutrition of every person, and we try to consume it in large quantities, because it contains many useful substances and vitamins that are so necessary for our body. But precisely at the time when our body needs vitamins most, there is snow outside. IN modern world It’s easy to solve the problem by simply going to the supermarket, where the shelves are full of fresh vegetables and herbs all year round. But there is another way available to everyone: growing onions at home in a simple bottle. Onions in a plastic bottle are a great way out.

Preparatory stage

With the arrival of the first cold days, it makes sense to plant onions. The first green harvest on the windowsill will delight the eye and decorate the gray, dull landscape outside the window. Often in the spring, a vegetable sprouts greens on its own, so why not plant it? That's when the idea of ​​growing onions in a bottle comes to mind.

The method is simple. The main thing is to prepare a container (it must be plastic) for planting, and an island of summer will appear at home. You can plant onions in a 5 liter bottle or a 2 liter bottle. It all depends on how many seeds there are. The places where the seedling will be located are marked on the bottle. It is advisable to do this in a checkerboard pattern. Each hole on a plastic bottle is tried on and cut smaller than the size of the head itself. If you make a cut at the top, you can plant there too.

You can only grow onions in a plastic bottle in prepared soil. It’s easy to buy ready-made in a specialty store, but it’s also easy to make the mixture yourself at home. To do this, mix soil, peat and humus. When filling the container, compact it thoroughly, otherwise the earth will spill out into the holes. There is a second way - growing on toilet paper. First you need to wet the paper well, squeeze it out and put it in a container so that it fills the entire void. Don't forget about regular watering.


We continue to figure out how to plant onions in a 5 liter bottle. Planting requires care and caution. If the plant already has a feather, then you should try not to break it off. It is important to ensure that the top of the head sticks out, then the greens can grow easily and quickly. In the first days, water will be washed away from watering, so it is advisable to put something under the container with the vegetable. It is important to water the onion in a bottle on the windowsill often, but do not overwater it.

The basic rules for growing are as follows.

  1. The selection of planting material should be of medium size: a large one is inconvenient to plant and will not fit even in a five-liter bottle, and small heads will not be able to stop soil from spilling out of the holes.
  2. It is important to remember that this is a sun- and heat-loving plant, so you can grow onions in a bottle on a southern or eastern windowsill, otherwise the cultivation will not bring the desired results. In extreme cases, the greens will grow slowly and sparsely.
  3. Green onions in a plastic bottle will grow faster if the sprouts are planted slightly protruding from the holes.
  4. Each next layer should be planted at a distance of no less than 3 cm from the previous one.
  5. Before planting, it is important to soak the heads in water, where they will sprout roots. Better yet, germinate them. This way the green harvest will appear on the table faster.

Features of care

Onions in a plastic bottle on your windowsill can please you with a generous and juicy harvest, but for this you need to take into account the specifics of care at home. First of all, regular watering is required. It is better to do this not at the edges, but in the center of the container, otherwise the ground will become moldy and the roots may rot. Watering is carried out in the morning, this is reflected in both the taste and smell of the feathers. The soil should not be allowed to dry out.

Before a green harvest appears, you constantly need to loosen and fertilize the soil. The fertilizer is suitable both dry and in the form of a solution. Growing will speed up if you add nutrients such as potassium, magnesium, nitrate or nitrogen fertilizer to the ground.

The plant does not require special care. It is unpretentious, but in this way it is possible to ensure constant greenery in the family’s diet. It is interesting to observe the very moment of forcing green onions in a bottle. Already on the third day, you can notice the first green sprout on some heads, but by the seventh day, most of the plants will begin to actively grow and produce feathers, only a few of them “will not hatch.” By the 11th day, the first test harvest can already be harvested from some. They grow for 2 weeks and already receive a sufficient harvest to prepare an appetizing salad. There is a possibility that some will never germinate, but the rest will continue to produce new feathers for a long time.

Growing onions in a plastic bottle using forcing is quite simple to observe: if it is not possible to place a large container, then the alternative is a smaller plant, for example, in a liter container, where the sets are planted. The procedure for planting and care is no different, but the compact design will suit everyone.


People have long wanted to have greens on the windowsill, but if previously they were grown in jars and bulky boxes, now they are growing onions in a plastic bottle. This bed impresses with its compactness and simplicity of design. This method is suitable for any housewife, because it requires a minimum of effort and financial investment, especially since it looks more attractive in such a container than in a jar.

Without greens, any dish seems dull and unappetizing, but in winter, high-quality fresh parsley or dill is difficult to find. Twigs and leaves quickly turn yellow, and even with good aroma appearance none. Therefore, we decided to tell you how to grow green onions in a plastic bottle. From the photo you will understand everything, but if you have any questions, you can watch the video.

A little preparation, following some simple rules, and in just 3-5 days beautiful greenery will grow on your windowsill, which will delight you with its productivity and juiciness for a long time.

The method of growing green onions in a plastic bottle or jar, described below, is also interesting because it will help save space, which means you can place much more planting material on one windowsill.

So, we will need:

  • empty five liter plastic bottle,
  • scissors,
  • soil mixture for seedlings,
  • onion heads.

Sequence of actions:

1. We need to make a container for growing onions from a five-liter plastic bottle, but it will not be quite ordinary. Starting from the bottom of the bottle, cut out round holes on the bottle.

2. The holes do not necessarily have to be the same; later onions will be inserted into them, and they are also of different sizes.

3. The holes need to be cut to the point where the bottle begins to narrow. At this point we begin to cut off the top of the bottle along the circumference to create an open container.

4. Now we begin to fill the container with soil mixture for seedlings. Universal soil for plants and flowers, which can be found in any store, is also suitable for this. We spread the soil up to the first holes, pressing it down lightly.

5. Then we select the appropriate size bulbs and insert them into the holes. If the bulbs are slightly unsuitable, for example too large, then you can adjust the holes to the desired size using scissors.

6. When the bulbs of the lower tier are inserted, pour in the next part of the soil mixture, press down, and then water it a little.

7. We continue the actions described in paragraphs 6 and 7 until we reach the very top of the container.

8. The top of the container, filled with soil, will also serve as a place to plant onions. We place several bulbs there and water them thoroughly.

9. Place our unusual container on the windowsill and be patient. Although you won't have to wait long. Within 1-2 days the bulbs will take root and the first sprouts will appear on them.

10. And already on the 4-5th day juicy greens will appear, not yet large size, but already suitable for consumption. On day 7, the onion pyramid will turn green abundantly, the main thing now is not to let the soil dry out, so we will water it about every other day.

11. You will be surprised how quickly green onions grow on the windowsill in a plastic bottle, so think in advance about how you will use it. For example, I not only use fresh greens, but also freeze them for future use. Remember that the natural taste and aroma of green onions grown with your own hands on the windowsill cannot be compared with what is offered in the store. Happy planting and excellent harvest!


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