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Knowing how beneficial mint is, many try to always have it in stock. During the picking season, which usually occurs in early August, they go in search of fragrant leaves. Let’s assume that you have already collected the required amount of useful herb and brought it home. But do you know how to store mint? After all, it depends on the storage method whether the plant will retain its beneficial properties and original aroma. Let's look at the main storage methods.

Storing mint in the refrigerator

  • Rinse the branches thoroughly with cool water.
  • Wrap them in a damp towel.
  • Put it in the refrigerator.

By doing this, you can preserve the plant in its original form for 2–4 days. If you only need leaves without stems, you can do this:

  • Rinse the branches with cool water.
  • Carefully remove all leaves and dry slightly.
  • Place in a plastic container and seal tightly with a lid.

Of course, you cannot store mint in this way for the winter. This method will ensure freshness of the leaves for only 4-5 days.

How to dry a plant correctly

To provide yourself with mint throughout the winter, it is best to dry it. Wash the branches, tie them with a rope and hang them in a dry place where the sun's rays do not penetrate. After the grass is completely dry, chop it up and put it in a jar or linen bag for subsequent long-term storage. Dried mint is best added to tea; it also goes well with meat dishes and is good in baking and desserts.

Storing mint in the freezer

If you have not yet decided how to store mint, try using the freezer compartment of the refrigerator. There are two simple but effective ways preparations of fragrant grass for the winter:

  1. Rinse and lightly dry the plant, then put it in plastic and put it in the freezer.
  2. Freeze mint petals in ice cube trays. To do this, tear off the petals from the plant. Fill the ice trays with clean water. Place one or more mint petals into each well and place in the freezer.

Mint prepared in this way is used to make mojitos and other cooling drinks, and can be added to first courses and meat.

Growing mint at home

To always have fresh and fragrant herb in your house, and also to save yourself from the need to prepare it for the winter, try growing mint in an ordinary flower pot. Find something alive healthy plant, break off a small twig and place it in a glass of water.

After a short time, the plant will sprout several roots. Immediately after this, transplant it into the soil. Mint is quite unpretentious and does not require any special care. And what’s interesting: the more often, as needed, you pick off the leaves, the stronger the mint will bush.

Mint contains large number beneficial substances and essential oils. Due to its valuable qualities, this plant is widely used in medicine, cosmetology and cooking. Mint contains menthol, which gives it specific aroma.

This plant contains a number of vitamins (A, C, PP, B vitamins) and microelements (potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus). To preserve all the beneficial elements, it is very important to store mint properly.

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Storing mint

In order for the mint to preserve maximum quantity useful components, you need to store it in the following ways:

  • In the refrigerator in a regular plastic bag. This is the shortest storage method (up to five days);
  • Fresh greens can be wrapped in a damp cloth and stored in the refrigerator. This method is suitable for short-term storage;
  • Fresh chopped leaves and stems can be frozen. This method is suitable for long-term storage (up to several years);
  • The leaves and stems of the plant can be dried: put the grass in bulk or in bunches in a dry, dark place. After the mint has dried, it needs to be transferred to glass jar with a sealed lid. Thus, mint can be stored for a year.

Application of mint

The widest area of ​​application of mint is medicine. In this area, mint is used as:

  • Anti-inflammatory agent (a decoction is used internally for inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract);
  • Antispasmodic (for pain in the stomach and intestines, an infusion of the herb is used internally);
  • Painkiller for neurological pain (decoction is used);
  • Antiemetic and anti-nausea (juice or oil taken orally);
  • Choleretic agent (use infusion or decoction).

In cooking, mint is used:

  • For preparing light salads. Fresh leaves of the plant are used in such dishes.
  • As a seasoning for meat and fish dishes. Dried and fresh mint leaves are used;
  • In baking. Chopped leaves are added to the dough;
  • To prepare drinks: fresh leaves are added to cocktails or kvass, and a decoction is made from dried leaves;
  • In canning: mint components add a spicy aroma and contribute to better storage of canned food.

Usage cosmetics, which include mint, promotes:

  • Reducing inflammation on the skin;
  • Stabilization of sebum production;
  • Cooling and softening the skin;
  • Providing a bactericidal effect.

Mint is an aromatic plant used in various fields. These are cooking, medicine, cosmetology. The question of how to properly store mint occupies many people, since the natural growth period of the plant is short, and you want to preserve memories of summer throughout the year.

On winter evenings, it’s nice to pamper yourself with tea with the refreshing aroma of menthol, which is an expressive component of the plant with an additional tonic effect.

Having familiarized yourself with popular recipes for storing this green miracle, you can stock up on mint taste and smell for the year. You can use harvested greens:

  • for preparing and decorating various dishes;
  • for the purpose of refreshing and whitening facial skin (masks, lotions);
  • as a soothing drink (mojitos, cocktails with added mint flavor);
  • for baths and trays;
  • How medicine(infusions, decoctions).

To prevent mint from losing its qualities, it should be harvested for future use, following simple recommendations.

Features of mint storage

  1. The plant has its most beneficial properties at the end of June - beginning of July, that is, during the period of active flowering, so harvesting for future use must be planned for this period.
  2. Young stems with an abundance of aromatic leaves, which contain a high concentration of essential oils, are suitable for storage.
  3. It is recommended to collect mint after the dew disappears, but no later than 11 a.m.

Only mint collected during the specified period of time will delight you with its minty taste and delicious smell. The most successful storage methods include drying the plant or freezing it.

You can harvest mint with whole sprigs or individual leaves.

Preparation of raw materials

Collected plants need careful preparation before storing them in any way you like. The algorithm for preparing raw materials is almost the same for all recipes.

To get a good result you need:

  • sort through the stems with leaves, removing dry fragments, weeds, accidentally ingested debris and insects;
  • rinse the plants under running water and drain in a colander;
  • spread on a towel and wait until excess moisture is removed;

If only the leaves are to be stored, they must be removed from the stems. Do it better with your hands without using metal objects - pruning shears, scissors, knife. This will prevent the possibility of an oxidative process that provokes early spoilage of products.

How to store fresh mint

Collected mint quickly withers, as a result of which it loses not only its original freshness, but also useful qualities.

Refrigerated storage - best option, which allows you to keep the product fresh for a week.

Having prepared the emerald greens in the manner described above, they keep them in the refrigerator using simple tricks:

  1. Place the plant stems in a jar of water. By changing the water daily, you can keep the greens fresh for up to 10 days.
  2. Place a bunch of mint in a plastic container with a tight lid that does not allow air to enter. Duration of use is 5-7 days.
  3. Spread the stems in a thin layer on a damp cloth and roll it into a roll. Shelf life - 3-4 days.

These recipes allow you to briefly prolong the good state of mint. However, it quickly loses color saturation. In addition, other products have the ability to absorb odors released by the plant.

Drying mint

An old proven method of storing plants is drying. Its use allows you to save everything taste qualities, color and menthol smell. There are several drying options:

  • natural - in a well-ventilated place;
  • using a microwave oven;
  • drying in the oven.

Drying in the oven and microwave reduces the preparation time, however, as a result of heat treatment, the product loses a significant amount beneficial properties, essential oils with this treatment they simply disappear.

Natural air drying allows you to get a truly amazing result, provided that all the requirements of the preparatory stage described above are met.

The remaining steps will not take much time:

  • it is necessary to collect mint in small bunches;
  • tie the lower part of the stems tightly with strong thread or twine;
  • hang bouquets of mint with the inflorescences down so that all the substances are concentrated in the leaf area.

The room should be well ventilated without direct sunlight on the plant.

After the stems and leaves have completely dried, the resulting raw materials must be placed in a dry glass container (preferably dark in color), tightly closed and placed in a dark place.

This preparation can be stored for more than a year without losing its properties. Tea, meat dishes, dessert are the main uses of dried mint.

Freezing a plant

You can prepare mint for the winter using the freezer. When frozen, mint, as when dried, retains all its qualities for 7-8 months.

Whole leaves

Well-prepared greens are placed in a plastic bag with a sealed clasp.

If it is desirable to freeze only the leaves, they must first be removed from the stem by hand.

An important requirement: there should be no moisture on the leaves, and air should be removed from the bag using a cocktail straw.

Whole branches

Freezing leaves and stems is suitable for decorating holiday dishes. This mint is also used to prepare infusions and decoctions used for cosmetic and medicinal purposes.

The branches of the plant are placed in a plastic bag, from which the air is removed. Then the bag is tightly rolled into a tight tube and sent to the freezer.

Finely chopped

Convenient packaging of products is more suitable for preparing first courses.

The greens are pre-chopped with a knife or in a blender, placed in small containers and frozen.

The disadvantage of this method is that it is difficult to separate the required amount of product.

In ice cubes

The most convenient option for freezing mint is in special molds designed for freezing ice. Candy boxes are also used for this purpose.

The advantage of the method is portion packaging.

Aromatic mint can quickly lift our spirits and give us strength for new achievements. And after harvesting this fragrant herb, you always want to stock it for the whole season. If you approach the issue of storing mint wisely, then nothing is impossible. Of course, storing mint is not limited to just the refrigerator - the bright leaves can always be dried or frozen. And it can be easily grown even in an ordinary city apartment!

When to collect mint?

Regardless of the chosen method of storing mint, it must be collected at the end of June or at the beginning of July, that is, at the height of flowering. At this time, the aromatic herb has the highest concentration of essential oils.

Cold storage

This method is suitable if there is not much mint and it needs to be stored for a short time. The juicy green branches are thoroughly washed with clean cool water, after which they are wrapped in a damp towel and put in the refrigerator. Mint usually retains its original appearance for two to four days.

However, you can save mint leaves without stems. To do this, tiny leaves are torn off well-washed branches and lightly dried. And when the leaves dry a little, they are transferred to durable plastic containers with airtight lids. This method allows you to keep the leaves fresh for four to five days.

If you want to prepare mint for future use for the winter, then it is better to pay attention to other ways of storing it.

Freezer storage

There are several different ways you can store mint in the freezer. In the first case, washed and dried branches are wrapped in plastic and placed in the freezer. Or you can carefully put them in containers.

In the second case, mint petals are frozen in ice cube trays. Ice molds are filled with clean water, then several pre-prepared mint petals are placed in each compartment and the containers are transferred to the freezer. Frozen mint in molds is suitable for making excellent cooling drinks, including mojitos. It can also be added to meat or first courses.

To freeze mint in the third way, the branches with leaves are cut into strips, placed in containers, hermetically sealed and sent to the freezer.

Drying mint

A great way to provide yourself with fragrant seasoning throughout the winter. True, only mature mint with a high content of essential oils is suitable for drying. Thoroughly washed mint branches are tied with a rope and hung in a dry place inaccessible to sunlight.

When the mint is completely dry, it is crushed and placed in linen bags or jars - in such containers it can be stored for a very long time. And it is usually stored in dark and dry places, located as far as possible from any heat sources.

You can use dried mint for anything - it is added not only to tea, but also to desserts and baked goods. In addition, it goes perfectly with meat dishes.

How to provide yourself with mint?

Not everyone is the happy owner of their own garden, and fresh mint is not always available for sale. How can this be? It's very simple - you can try growing it at home! Moreover, this can be done in an ordinary flower pot! True, you first need to break off a small twig from a healthy bush and place it in a glass of water. And as soon as the mint sprouts tiny roots, it is immediately transplanted into the ground.

Mint is incredibly unpretentious and does not require any special care. It also has one very interesting feature: the more often you pick off its leaves, the more fragrant mint will bush!

Mint is a healthy spice that adds a refreshing, cool note to a variety of dishes and drinks. Unfortunately, like other greens, it is not stored fresh after cutting for long, but its shelf life can be significantly extended if you know certain tricks. Keeping the spice fresh for the winter is difficult; most often it is stored dried, but then dishes with it turn out less aromatic and rich. How long does mint last in the refrigerator and freezer? What ways can you keep it fresh for a long time? ABOUT in various ways storage and nuances - later in the article.

  1. The plant accumulates the maximum amount of useful components at the beginning of summer. This is the period when it blooms. The natural process indicates the need for harvesting for later storage.
  2. For long-term storage, choose young plants with densely planted leaves. They contain the maximum amount of essential oils.
  3. You need to cut mint and lemon balm in the morning, after the dew has disappeared.

Before storing, you need to prepare the raw materials:

  1. Sort the stems, remove dry leaves, remove other herbs and other debris.
  2. Rinse the plant under running water and shake off the water.
  3. Place on newspapers or paper towels and leave until moisture has completely evaporated from the surface of the leaves.

Attention! If only leaves are used to create the blank, they need to be separated from the stems. It is better to work with your hands; contact with a metal tool accelerates the deterioration of the product.

How to keep mint fresh

Mint leaves have delicate outer tissue, so they quickly wither after picking. The branches retain their turgor for no more than 2-3 hours after cutting, but knowing certain secrets, the duration of fresh storage without freezing can be significantly increased.

There are several simple methods:

  1. Picked mint is stored at room temperature in a container with clean water (like a bouquet). In this case, the stem is first cut obliquely with a sharp knife, and the leaves are cut off at the base to prevent rotting. The water should be changed every day. A simple method allows you to extend the freshness of the plant for 3-5 days (depending on the quality of the raw materials); if the mint has been without water for a long time, its freshness period will decrease to 2 days.
  2. Mint is washed under cold water and dry on a paper towel. The plant is placed in a sealed plastic container and placed in a cool place; contact with sunlight must be avoided. The maximum duration of freshness is 4 days.

You can preserve the juiciness of mint leaves for 10 days or more by storing it in the refrigerator. In this case, attention is paid to the original quality of the raw materials; damaged branches are not suitable for long-term storage. The spread of rot and other lesions can cause the entire stock to be lost. The branches are placed in a plastic container or wrapped in a paper towel and stored in the vegetable compartment.

If mint, after harvesting, cannot be immediately placed in a container with water, it is recommended to wrap the stems in a damp cloth and place them in a plastic bag. Then the plant will not begin to wither immediately.

Attention! When stored in the refrigerator, mint should be “isolated” from other foods because it has a rich aroma that can spread to other foods stored in the refrigerator.

If mint needs to be kept fresh for about 10-14 days, the best solution is to store it in the refrigerator. If the conditions are met, the spice will retain its smell and taste. Appearance may be slightly altered because the leaves darken quickly after harvest.

Freezer storage

For long-term storage, mint should be frozen. To do this, the spice must be properly prepared:

  • the raw materials are washed under running water;
  • lay out on newspapers or paper towels and wait until the moisture is completely removed;
  • If you plan to freeze only the leaves, you need to remove them from the stem.

It must be remembered that mint, like any greens that have been frozen, should not be subjected to it again after thawing. Periodic temperature changes during storage will inevitably lead to loss of taste and aroma, then you won’t be able to please your loved ones with mint tea in the winter.

Freezing mint leaves

Leaves should be removed from the stem by hand, without using metal scissors or pruners. There should be no traces of moisture on their surface. The raw materials are placed in a thick plastic bag equipped with a zip fastener. If there is no special bag for freezing, the air from the package must be removed using a straw. Mint leaves frozen using this method in compliance with all conditions retain their taste and beneficial qualities for 1 year.

Freezing whole branches

Raw materials are used to create various dishes and cocktails, prepare medicinal decoctions and infusions used for cosmetic purposes. To ensure freezing, washed and dried raw materials are packaged in ordinary plastic bags, placing 3-5 branches in each. Freezing in large portions is pointless; the required amount of frozen mint will be difficult to separate. Packets of mint are rolled into a tight tube and placed against the back wall of the freezer, in the compartment with vegetables and fruits.

Freezing leaves in ice cubes

The advantage of this method is the portioned packaging of greens. Mint is frozen in ice cube trays or candy boxes. The cooking process is as follows:

  • 2-3 washed mint leaves are placed in each compartment of the mold;
  • add water, filling it completely;
  • place in the freezer for 3-4 minutes.

It is not necessary to store the product directly in ice trays. You can remove the cubes after freezing and place them in a plastic container so as not to occupy the mold.

There are enough ways to ensure mint is frozen for the winter, so the housewife can choose the optimal method at her discretion. If fresh mint is used for cooking, consider freezing the leaves and whole branches. If the main purpose is making cocktails and using them in cosmetology, the method of freezing in cubes is convenient. You can make the preparation in several versions, in small portions.

Dried mint

Most often, mint is dried for long-term storage. The optimal collection time is July-August. At this time, the leaves retain essential oils in maximum concentration, so the pleasant menthol smell, if dried raw materials are properly stored, lasts for several years.

  • the branches are washed and slightly dried;
  • collected in bundles of 10-15 pieces. and hung or laid out in a dry, dark place (contact with sunlight should be excluded);
  • after complete drying, remove leaves and inflorescences from the branches;
  • the raw materials are ground in a mortar or crushed by hand.

You need to store mint in linen bags or jars with a lid. Spice is added to ready meals: soups, roasts, pilaf. In this form, it is stored for 1-2 years, but if the expiration date has expired, you should not throw it away. You can prepare a decoction based on it for taking baths.

Attention! Do not dry mint in the oven or microwave.

Is it possible to store lemon balm in the refrigerator and freeze it for the winter?

Melissa - fragrant medicinal plant, common in middle lane Russia. When a few leaves are added to ordinary tea, it becomes medicinal: it normalizes work nervous system and stabilizes blood pressure. But, you can use such a decoction only in the summer, to keep the plant fresh for a long time quite difficult.

Homemade lemon balm, collected from summer cottage retains its freshness for about 7-10 days. The concentration of beneficial properties is constantly decreasing. To preserve lemon balm for a week, it should be placed in a vessel with water immediately after collection. The container is sent to the refrigerator. It is not recommended to freeze plant stems. Under the influence of low temperatures, the bulk of the beneficial properties are destroyed, therefore the optimal solution to ensure long-term storage is drying.

The best method for long-term storage

The simplest, most convenient way to store mint for a long time is in dried form. But, if you plan to use mint to create cocktails, drinks or any savory dishes, it is better to freeze it fresh. The best method is freezing in ice cubes. A lot of useful properties are partially lost in any long-term storage option.

The maximum duration for storing mint in the refrigerator is no more than 2 weeks, but it must be taken into account that the plant will gradually lose some of its beneficial properties. Freezing the plant allows you to preserve its benefits and freshness throughout the year. There are several ways to provide it: mint is frozen with leaves and stems, as well as in ice cubes. With so many options, choosing the one that suits you is very easy. It is much more difficult to ensure long-term storage of another aromatic herb– lemon balm. It retains its freshness in the refrigerator for no more than 10 days, and cannot be frozen. The optimal solution is to dry the raw materials for the winter.


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