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Hedgehog in the fog, 04.04.04 08:48

naska, 04.04.04 18:22

I myself haven’t been to the dacha with my daughter yet (we’re only 7 months old), but I’m going to drill in the Ural taiga for a couple of months in mid-May, 2 thousand km from Moscow.
I think there is no need to take anything special, my list is this:
car seat (convenient for feeding and placing in the shade for sleeping, of course, in the car)
warm suit
cotton T-shirts, pants
summer suit (In general, mostly summer clothes + something warm)
diapers packs 3
first aid kit (required!)
cosmetics for children
towel, diaper
we want to buy a small inflatable pool and also take it with us
baby food

So don’t worry, take everything you need at home.
Good luck!:)

bistrinka, 04.04.04 20:43

We hung out at the dacha for almost the entire first summer (from 1 month to 3 months).
Apart from boobs, Katya didn’t need anything at all. and for the rest - naska wrote. I can also add - disposable diapers, a net and mosquito repellent (there are special ones that are safe for children). If the child is crawling, it may make sense to take a playpen or make some kind of pen.

mom Anya, 05.04.04 05:41

We were 5 months old the first summer. In addition to the above, we also had a stroller for sleeping outside and moving around in space, and I also learned and fell in love with a sling at the dacha. As for care products, I highly recommend stocking up on wet wipes - especially if it’s a chore to heat water at the dacha in order to wash it every time.

NatashaShka, 06.04.04 13:01

I also bought children’s water in bottles, bringing it from Moscow. I'm afraid to buy it from local stores.

mamaKaty, 09.04.04 11:28

The first summer we lived at the dacha, Katya was 1.5 months old. Everything was very wonderful! True, my milk began to disappear a little. My husband urgently had to bring the formula, but thank God he didn’t need it.
Take special. mosquito repellent for children. It's a terrible thing if you don't prepare. Mothercare sells bracelets for your arms that you can use from birth. Sellers say it helps, even big children buy it. A mosquito net for the stroller and also for the crib is a must.
We used sun cream.
They also brought water, although there is a well at the dacha, but I didn’t take the risk.
We drank smecta regularly - it’s impossible to achieve such sterility as at home.
I took the sterilizer.
Disposable diapers, so as not to constantly wash.
If you suck on a pacifier, take a few in reserve.
And so, I took everything I used at home.

Murka, 12.04.04 18:37

To all of the above I would like to add:
Heater to dry clothes when it's damp
Lots of different pants (street ones), I changed my child’s clothes 3-4 times a day, if it’s dirty
Don't forget the bath
The playpen was very useful for us - the mother is in the beds or peeling potatoes, and the child sits right there
But about sterility - I don’t agree that it is needed at all. I scalded my horns with boiling water until I was 2 months old, and as soon as my daughter started taking toys, I washed them with soap and rinsed them cold water. After all, it is not possible to wash all the toys all the time - after all, she puts everything in her mouth. Neither my son nor my daughter had any intestinal problems.

Katya K, 16.04.04 12:43

We have also spent two summers at the dacha, my Sashuna really likes it there.
Really a mosquito repellent + drinking water My baby drank much more in large bottles and juices at the dacha than in the city.

Katya K, 16.04.04 12:44

Yes, I also forgot, shelf-stable milk, baby milk, something like Bio Max baby milk, otherwise all milk, even in the refrigerator in the summer, spoils faster.

marunia, 19.04.04 11:00

We gathered for the whole May weekend at our relatives’ dacha, we’ll have some fresh air ourselves, and it’s like a rehearsal for our summer holiday.

I feel like I’ll have to take half the apartment with me
That is, we want to take a crib (we can’t do without it), a stroller, and children’s clothes and toys. Do you need a stroller?

And another question: when do mosquitoes appear and how to escape from them?
They'll eat such a sweet baby...

Well, I would like to know what other surprises there might be in nature.

Hedgehog in the fog, 21.04.04 12:14

Thanks, girls - we'll get ready. Maybe, who knows, the mosquito repellent in Mathercare is long-lasting, that is, how long will it last and will the child put this bracelet in his mouth?

NatashaShka, 25.04.04 15:17

marunia If I counted correctly, then Vanechka is 4 and a half months old now? Why then drag the crib to the dacha for a few days? He still fits in the stroller normally??? Seven-month-old Lyonchik and I went to a boarding house for five days and he slept peacefully in our stroller.
It’s still early for mosquitoes in the Moscow region, it’s still very cold at night!
Good luck with your dacha vacation!
Where are you going?

*Svetik*, 26.04.04 10:20

It also seems to me that a stroller will be enough for you. Why a crib?
Regarding mosquitoes: I hasten to tell you, mosquitoes in the Moscow region are already flying around and even trying to bite. However, they are only active in the sun. So stock up on repellents and fumigator. It is not necessary to anoint the child himself; it is enough to anoint the clothes around the exposed parts of the body. I always carry a strategic supply of medications. For all occasions. “If you want peace, prepare for war...” My experience shows that if you take medicine, then everyone is healthy. But if you don’t take something, that’s it, snot, throat starts...

marunia, 26.04.04 13:58

NatashaShka, *Svetik*

Ivan sleeps in the stroller only if it moves

We are going to the Istra Reservoir, to visit my husband’s relatives.
As I imagine, it is near the water that there should be a lot of mosquitoes?

Mermaid, 30.04.04 23:57

The mosquitoes are already flying
I don’t know how such a tiny thing can fumigate. We have already installed mosquito nets on all openable windows (in Three Whales they are sold with Velcro, very easy to install, without any stupid slats), and Mothercare sells anti-mosquito bracelets for babies, I bought one to try, but I will try it, of course, after birth babies...

Pavlina, 01.05.04 00:05

Girls, fumigators up to two years of age are harmful to a child. They act on the brain
The doctors here have been buzzing all over us about this topic.

Liana, 16.05.04 09:17

My daughter is 3 months old, and I decided to go with her to the dacha, fortunately it’s not far from the city and at least we’ll have a break from our family. I immediately thought of the first aid kit. I asked my local doctor and she advised the following:
Nice - for fever, Ersefuril - for diarrhea, Bactisuptil - for tummy troubles. All!
I don’t know what kind of medicine this is. Depending on the temperature, it seems to me that it is better to light some candles. In general, no experience. I don’t know what will be useful. Can you recommend a sample list?

BC, 16.05.04 10:04

Aquamaris nasal drops are just a salty solution for rinsing

NatashaShka, 16.05.04 10:36

In my opinion, temperature control candles are really more effective and more convenient with such small children...
I take a whole cart of medicines to the dacha - I’m on the safe side!
Here is a sample list:
Candles for temperature
Drops in the nose (we use Nazivin - if the nose is stuffy and Solin - for rinsing, Solin = Aquamaris)
Smecta (for diarrhea)
Rehydron (for vomiting and diarrhea, to restore fluid balance in the body)
Cough syrup
Otipax ear drops
Be sure to have some kind of histamine - Suprastin or Fenkarol for children (this is for allergies)
Ointment "Rescuer" (for bruises, cuts, etc.)
Hydrogen peroxide, iodine, brilliant green
Bandage, plaster, cotton wool
Warming ointment, like "Doctor Mom" ​​or just "Zvezdochka" balm (it helps us with colds)
Ointment "Tetracycline" (if suddenly there is something with the eyes - in the countryside, after all, such a thing is earth, sand)
Calendula tincture (it disinfects, and older children can rinse their throats) For kids, you can replace it with chamomile (leaves or in the form of tea - it also helps with a sore throat)

If I remember anything else, I'll add it...
Have a successful holiday and, God grant, that you don’t need any of the medications!

Fibi, 02.06.04 14:54

We go to Lake Alakol in the summer, they also say mosquitoes there are the size of cranes. I heard that Mathercare has mosquito repellent bracelets for children. I don’t know if they are effective?!...

Ice, 28.07.04 00:11

The main thing is to take some brilliant green to the dacha, the children just love it, but my daughter doesn’t need anything, just give her a stick with some brilliant green, and she immediately forgets about everything and begins to heal not only herself, but everyone around her.

MAMATASHA, 28.07.04 11:12

Nice - on temperature

Nise is called or Nimesulide.

And Baktisubtil..

VESNA, 02.08.04 13:28

I took NIZ, smecta, rescuer, brilliant green, bandage, cotton wool, peroxide (based on the needs of 2 children, my daughter is 9 years old, my son is one year and five months old)

Nise was needed already on the second day (it’s good that the neighbor’s girl had him, so the very next day we brought the little one home and after the examination we went back to the dacha with Nise)

Zelenka also came into use immediately: devil: , in general, you won’t be bored

Of course, fresh air is wonderful, but I’m still somehow worried about the little one, by the way, last year, when he was 3-5 months old, I felt calmer, my milk, my stroller - it’s just beautiful.....


Natalie and Yaroslavka, 12.05.05 14:36

Our son will be 3 months old in June and we are going to go with him to a dacha almost 200 km from St. Petersburg, near Pskov (a godforsaken village), but a nice house + fresh air. Warm your butt in the sun. My husband will take us to his mother-in-law’s dacha, and he will return home to Murmansk. We will be without him for a month, and, accordingly, without personal transport at our disposal. We must provide for everything. Of course, this is probably impossible, but still...What to take with you and in what quantity?
How can a baby contact the sun?
And what about mosquitoes and midges???? Is it possible to smear such a small thing with mosquito repellent cream (for children?) If so, what kind???
We are completely on GW. We will be there until August, up to 5 months. Is it worth thinking about some kind of complementary feeding (all sorts of juices). I don't want to

myryska, 12.05.05 16:36

We didn’t live in the village, but we often went to the dacha. Look at the list of things in similar threads, and I can add to this you can take a playpen, put an umbrella over it and the child calmly lies there... sits... crawls and plays. To heat water, if there is no stove, a large boiler is convenient. From mosquitoes: when you arrive, cover all the windows with netting and put tulle in the door opening so that you can keep the door open. On the stroller there is a net, he will sleep on the street in the stroller under the net. You can also stock up on Moskitol plates for children and turn on the fumigator at night. The edges of clothes can be smeared with a “star”. If bitten, apply either Fenistil gel or water and soda. Sometimes at 3, 6, 9 months. There are lactic crises; it may be useful to buy “lactogon” tea and “mlekoin” homeopathy at the pharmacy. As for complementary feeding, it’s better not to bother, now everyone recommends up to 6 months. Don’t introduce complementary foods, but for me it’s better to pick summer apples and scrape the puree straight from the tree. For purees, it is better to use a plastic grater to preserve vitamin C. It seems to me that if you need anything, you can always order it for people who go to the city to buy something. The main thing is to rethink everything in the first aid kit, but without the rest it will still grow.

Hedgehog in the fog, 13.05.05 17:33

I spent all last summer with my son at the dacha. He was six months old. Therefore, we had to introduce complementary foods at the dacha, but from our own beds. I think you don’t need to think about complementary foods - they advise keeping children up to six months only on breastfeeding. I advise you to take a small pool or bathtub with you to bathe fresh air, a gauze canopy for the bed against mosquitoes, last year I bought a mosquito bracelet from Mathercare, but it was not useful. But I don’t even know... I spread a large blanket on the lawn, put an umbrella and the child played and crawled on my street for half a day. Of course, you need to think about a first aid kit.

*Svetik*, 15.05.05 01:16

Be sure to take a medical card and insurance policy (TTT).
Establish connections with the public and find out the address of the nearest children's (adult) hospital and work schedule. Feed the non-drunken car enthusiast so that he is always on hand.

ZY And I smeared mosquito repellent cream (thermonuclear for adults) not on my skin, but on my clothes and stroller...

Vic@, 15.05.05 01:17


LM-49, 12.12.05 02:34

Mashenka, 14.12.05 16:40

Girls, don't think I'm crazy. It’s clearly not the season, but I’m on this topic. Moreover, my grandson (granddaughter) has not yet been born and I am already making fantastic plans to take him (her) to the dacha! I can't wait!!! And you know the saying, prepare the cart in winter! Let's continue this topic. I have a lot of questions. I want to solve them in advance. For example, mosquitoes in the country. I easily save myself with plates in the socket, and outside with ointments. How's that for a baby? I'm interested in everything, please tell me! The birth should be soon, by July Lala will be six months old.

There were nets on the windows and doors to keep mosquitoes away, that's all. We bought a “summer set” for the stroller - a light chintz top with an insect net; if you slept in the stroller, you put on the net. IMHO, the best remedy from bites - GV.
Why 49?

Of course, in the summer there is nothing for a child to do in the city. And if you have the opportunity to take it out to the dacha or to the village - wonderful. But the first summer in nature is always a challenge. After all, there are mosquitoes, flies, wasps and ticks. Your favorite pediatrician is not there. It's damp, unsterile, there are no suitable conditions, no large children's stores... In general, civilization is far away. So what to do? Don't go? Of course, go, just prepare thoroughly.

Where to look for Aibolit?

First of all, find out whether there is a children's clinic in your chosen dacha or rural area. Find out how to get there, calculate how long it will take. Talk to the medical staff, try to make inquiries about local pediatricians, find out what is needed for your baby to be registered. If you prefer to remain under the supervision of a city doctor, and the distance between him and your dacha allows this, be sure to contact him. Check his phone number and opening hours again, let him know that you are moving out of town, and ask if your child has received all the necessary vaccinations. Just in case, make sure that you can call an ambulance at any moment and it will get to you in a short time.

Life Safety Lessons

It is quite possible that you will have to provide first aid yourself. Therefore, collect in advance country first aid kit, which must contain:

  • cotton wool, bandage (sterile and non-sterile),
  • adhesive plaster (bactericidal and regular),
  • tweezers,
  • scissors - regular and children's with rounded tips,
  • a few safety pins,
  • children's thermometer,
  • warmer,
  • enema,
  • your usual (doctor prescribed and already tried) fever reducers, pain relievers, stomach and allergy medications.
  • In addition, the first aid kit should have a place for sunscreen and ointments for burns, both solar and household.
  • If your child suffers from some kind of chronic disease, then you need to stock up on all the medications he takes. Who knows if they will be sold at your local pharmacy.

This is important!

When going to the country, do not forget to take anti-allergy medications with you, even if no one in the family has previously been exposed to allergic reactions. Insect bites, the introduction of new foods to the diet, an unexpected reaction to the flowering of garden plants - all this, unfortunately, can provoke an allergy attack. We recommend you the drug Fenkarol. This is a universal allergy remedy for the whole family. The drug does not have a hypnotic effect, quickly relieves itching, is indicated for allergies to medications and has a dosage for children.

Now is the time to talk about bites, burns, splinters, contusions, bruises and other surprises that await a young summer resident.

A short first aid course reads:

● if a child has been stung by a bee, check to see if there is any sting left. If so, carefully remove it with tweezers. Place a cold, wet cloth or napkin on the stung area, and later try to remove the redness and itching around the bite with soda or a head cut in half onions. If an insect bite causes an allergic reaction in a baby: rash, difficulty breathing, tearfulness - you cannot hesitate for a second, you need to urgently call an ambulance, and before it arrives, give the little patient an antihistamine;

● if your baby has a splinter under the skin, remove it with disinfected tweezers. If it is stuck too deeply, use a calcined and cooled needle. Don’t forget to rinse thoroughly afterwards and lubricate the wound with a disinfectant solution;

● if sunburn occurs, depending on its severity, lubricate the affected areas of the skin with kefir or sour cream, moisten with cool water, give the baby a mild painkiller that does not contain aspirin, and if the temperature rises or chills, consult a doctor immediately. Inflamed skin can be lubricated with Panthenol ointment or after-sun creams; they also contain painkillers and soothing substances.

And about the sun. In order for it to bring only benefits to your little one, you need to “use it” correctly. After all, on the one hand, in direct sunlight, ultraviolet rays hit the skin, from which the body begins to produce vitamin D. And on the other hand, the same sunlight can cause burns, sunstroke and even skin cancer. Therefore, we must remember that:

● sunlight is most active between ten and fifteen o'clock. Forgot your watch at home? Take a look at your own shadow - if it is shorter than you, it means that the “dangerous” sun is shining and you urgently need to move into the shade;

● It is better for babies under six months not to be in direct sunlight at all. Let them sunbathe during those hours when it is less active and under the shade of trees, under an umbrella, awning or in a gazebo. And, of course, don't forget to use sunscreen. Moreover, its protection factor must be at least 15 units;

● in addition to the cream, your child’s sun protection equipment should include a light-colored Panama hat or a cap with a visor.

The lady was checking in...

Now about what you will have to take with you or buy as a country duplicate. We suggest making a list in advance.

As for large luggage, you can either carry it with you temporarily or, if funds allow, buy it. Another option is to rent one or from friends. It is unlikely that all this is available in a rented dacha. So, outside the city you may need: a stroller, a crib, a bathtub, a playpen, a changing table or rug, a high chair, a car child seat, a kangaroo backpack.

We must not forget about the things necessary for feeding: a breast pump, a sterilizer and bottle warmer, tea to increase lactation, a nursing bra and 1-2 bottles with spare nipples. If your little one has switched to solid food or is on mixed feeding, the number of different-sized bottles should be increased to 4-5 pieces. And to them add a sippy cup, a sippy cup, a thermos, a funnel and the dishes from which the baby is accustomed to eating “adult” food. Find out in advance where the nearest baby food stores are and what their range is. And, of course, don't forget a few bibs!

Next step: hygiene supplies. Soap, bath, shampoo, sponge, cleansing oil, wet wipes, powder, creams, cotton swabs, comb and hair brush. An oilcloth pad for the crib and a sufficient supply of diapers. In order not to be mistaken with the sizes, you can buy them “to grow.”

And toys: for active games, for the crib, for bathing.

Now all that’s left is to throw a couple of your things into the free space. And put everything you might need on the road in a separate bag, which you will always have at hand: a bottle of water, some baby food, your favorite toy, change diapers and wet wipes.

Have a nice summer!

1. First of all, you need to do a general cleaning of the entire house. Over the winter, a lot of dust has accumulated in it. And for a child, cleanliness is important at the dacha.

2. Conduct an inspection of the premises from the point of view of the baby’s safety. And to do this, try to look at the world through the eyes of a little researcher who cares about everything and ensure the safety of the child. Cover the sockets with plugs and hide the electrical wires. Store needles and other small items in locked drawers. Check if there are any objects in the rooms that can be easily thrown off by pulling on the edge.

3. Furniture in the country house is often old, so test it for durability. Will the bookcase tip over? Does the chair sway when you climb on it?

4. We prevent emergency situations. If you have stairs to the second floor, basement or attic, cover them with protective grilles or special barrier doors that your child cannot climb over. If the house has a fireplace or stove, make sure that the baby does not get burned by grabbing the hot grate or door with the handle. Gas cylinders, if there are any in the kitchen, must be closed in special iron “cages”.

5. To ensure the safety of your child, be sure to keep an up-to-date fire extinguisher in your home.

6. Designate a special place where all necessary first aid medications will be stored: bandage, cotton wool, cotton swabs, sterile wipes, wound disinfectants, brilliant green (preferably in the form of felt-tip pens), thermometer. Before leaving for the country, consult your pediatrician about what medicines should be included in a children's first aid kit and how to use them if necessary.

7. If a child at the dacha actively crawls and begins to walk, the dacha area also needs to be thoroughly inspected. Carefully look around the yard and think about how to ensure safety for the child. Check to see if there is any construction or other debris, wire, or glass on the site that could injure your baby while crawling.

8. Check the deadbolts. Train yourself not to leave sheds, garages, outdoor showers, toilets and all those places open where a little person has nothing to do alone. The gate leading to the street must also be closed in such a way that the child cannot get out of the yard on his own. Pay special attention to the cellar, well or borehole, and large water storage tanks, if there are any on the site. All these dangerous places should always be closed and inaccessible to children in the country.

9. Place all dacha equipment in a locked room immediately after use. An infant at the dacha can be seriously injured by grabbing a sharp scythe, hoe or shovel with his hand, or by knocking the tool over himself.

10. If you have a dog at your dacha, this can become an additional danger. Therefore, when the baby is walking in the yard, the dog must be securely locked.

11. Usually a lot of different chemicals are stored at the dacha, intended for fertilizing plants, fighting insects, weeds, etc. Conduct an audit of these supplies and put everything in one place, which should also be carefully closed.

12. You should not plant plants that are dangerous for children in your summer cottage. A little natural scientist, eager to try everything by the tooth, may inadvertently put the stem in his mouth. poisonous plant. This is, for example, castor oil, popularly called “palm” and grown in many summer cottages as an ornamental plant. Also among the dangerous plants for children are oleander, lily of the valley, wisteria, and dope. There are also many poisonous weeds. These are hellebore, hogweed, spurge, etc. Some garden plants produce a lot of pollen, which is a strong allergen. It is also better to avoid them, especially if the baby is prone to allergic reactions. These are, for example, asters, chrysanthemums, marigolds, daisies, marigolds, lilacs.

13. Find a suitable place in the yard where the baby will be comfortable to sleep during the day. It should be quiet, calm, windless there. And always in the shade of trees or a canopy. Just never leave your little summer resident to sleep or play under the fruit trees! Fruits falling from a branch can injure or frighten a baby.

14. Perhaps, more often than not, it is difficulties with hygiene that scare mothers away from traveling to the country with their baby. Indeed, not everyone can boast of dacha conditions that are close to city ones, with a comfortable bathroom and hot water at any time of the day or night. But this is not a problem either! Heating water for a small baby bath once a day is not that difficult. And to have warm water for washing at hand throughout the day, you will need a large thermos. In the morning we heat up the water, pour it into a thermos - and the strategic reserve is ready!

15. If you don’t have a boiler at your dacha, use small portable water heaters that do not require any special pipes or complex installation. Water is poured into such a heater manually through a hole at the top. After heating, it flows out through the tap below. This simple design will provide you with warm water around the clock for bathing your baby and other household needs.

16. Dacha – perfect place in order to harden the baby. To do this, buy a children's pool. It is good for both playing and hardening. If your baby is already sitting confidently, buy a small, shallow children's inflatable pool for him. To prevent the water from being too cold, place the children's pool at the dacha in the sun and cover it with a dark oilcloth on top. In such a kind of “greenhouse” the water will warm up very quickly, and the baby will be able to splash around for fun. Just don’t forget that the water needs to be changed every 2 days, and the children’s inflatable pool itself must be washed thoroughly. Otherwise, the water will stagnate, and it may harbor bacteria that are unsafe for the baby’s health.

It is important to remember the most important safety rule when swimming and playing in water: never, under any circumstances, leave your baby unattended!

17. If the weather permits, let the baby spend time outdoors most of day. In the conditions of a country holiday, organizing this is not at all difficult! The main thing is that where the small summer resident is located, there are no drafts or open sun. Babies' skin is very delicate, it is better for the baby to be in the lacy shade of trees, and if the day is very sunny and hot, then it is advisable to use children's sunscreen. Read the instructions carefully - not just any cream, even for children, is suitable for babies.

18. Indispensable at the dacha. If you have such a rug, take it to the dacha. Place a large blanket somewhere in the garden or other shaded area and a rug over it. Let the baby crawl to his heart's content. This way he will have a larger base for the game. If the child is already actively crawling, you need to carefully monitor him. After all, outside the prepared area there are so many interesting temptations that you want to try: blades of grass, lumps of earth, etc.

19. If the need for a home can be disputed, then for a dacha this device is almost irreplaceable. Especially if the baby has already reached the age of an inquisitive crawler. Unlike the rug, the baby will not crawl out of the playpen and will be safe here, and this is very important for country life. Thanks to the playpen, you will have the opportunity, if necessary, to leave your baby for a while without fear that he will get to some unsafe object.

20. Even if there is a large canopy in the yard under which the child can walk, a large beach umbrella will also not be superfluous. With its help, you can create shade for your baby almost anywhere on a hot day. summer cottage. If you need to do some work in the garden, you can organize a shaded place for your baby nearby: it’s comfortable for the baby and you’re at peace!

21. One of the biggest troubles for a child at the dacha is dangerous insects: flies, mosquitoes, bees, midges. Children's delicate skin is very susceptible to their bites, so we will try to protect the baby from them as much as possible. First of all, we will make sure that dangerous insects for children cannot get into the house. To do this, be sure to install mosquito nets on windows and doors. But no matter how you defend yourself, mosquitoes and flies will still find loopholes. Control flies with aerosol insecticides in a home where there are small child, not recommended. Therefore, we will resort to the old fashioned methods - a fly swatter and adhesive tape suspended from the ceiling and chandelier. It is imperative to destroy flies and other dangerous insects for children! First of all, they spread intestinal infections, and, secondly, they will wake up the sleeping baby with an annoying buzzing and crawling over the body.

Mosquitoes can also cause a lot of trouble. To combat them, use special insecticides. Most aerosols and creams are not suitable for infants; they can be used for children from 2–3 years old. But there are products specifically designed for very young children, so before purchasing, be sure to find out at what age the repellent can be used.

You can also find mosquito repellent bracelets impregnated with essential oils, repelling mosquitoes. This product can be used for babies up to one year old. But if your baby is prone to allergic reactions, use the bracelet with caution. You can also find special fumigators (for example, based on chamomile) that are harmless to babies. However, it is best not to leave the heater on all night. Treat the room before bed while your baby is breathing in the evening air, then ventilate the house and only then put your baby to bed.

The arsenal of modern anti-mosquito agents also includes special ultrasonic devices. They operate over a long distance and are able to repel bloodsuckers throughout the entire territory of the summer cottage. If you put your baby to sleep outside during the day, have a large piece of gauze or mosquito net ready to cover the crib or stroller and protect the baby from annoying insects.

And carefully check roofs and attics for wasp and hornet nests. If uninvited “guests” show up, you will certainly have to get rid of them. Stinging insect bites are dangerous for children due to the possibility of an allergic reaction. And they are simply very painful for the baby.


But no matter how carefully you pay attention to preparing the dacha for the baby’s arrival, it is important not to forget the very first, most important safety rule: never leave the little dacha resident unattended for a minute! You can go away for a short time only if the baby is in the playpen. And the rest of the time the little nimble needs an eye and an eye! If you approach the organization of your child’s holiday at the dacha thoughtfully, if you do not neglect the basic safety rules, the dacha will certainly become a source of pleasant impressions for you and your child, an opportunity to improve your health and a place where you will definitely want to come next summer!

With the onset of warm days, many mothers begin to think about where to spend the summer with their baby. A cottage or house in the village is an ideal place for a mother and child to relax. Fresh air, quality products and fresh milk, what could be better? The only question that arises is, what to take with you to the dacha so that the little summer resident can relax comfortably? It’s better to take care of the list of things your child needs in advance. Perhaps at first this list will be quite small. Don’t rush, leave the piece of paper in a visible place: over the next few days you will catch yourself thinking more than once that you forgot to add this or that thing to it! Involve dad in the discussion of the list.

Many modern young parents begin traveling with their children literally immediately after birth, even taking them on hikes and camping trips. Indeed, while the child is very small and sleeps with his parents, and the mother is breastfeeding, he needs practically nothing. Let's take it sling and off we go!

If you have several children of different ages, and there is a lot to do at the dacha, you will have to take care additional things, including ensuring the child’s safety, because many adventures can await a little explorer at the dacha.

So first, think about first aid kit . Wherever you go, to the sea, to the village or on a hike, a first aid kit should be with you. In a children's first aid kit you need to put:

Antipyretic drugs (focus on the age of the children; you may need more than one drug, suppositories or syrup);
- antiallergic medications should always be on hand in case of an unexpected insect bite;
- antidiarrheals;
- thermometer;
- antiseptics: iodine, brilliant green, bandage, plasters, hydrogen peroxide, cotton wool;
- chamomile and calendula for skin troubles;
- baby hygiene products: cream, oil, sunscreen, wet wipes;
- children's mosquito repellents.

Now let's think about comfort . For sleep and rest, a child under one year may need:

- stroller (for moving or sleeping outdoors);
- playpen If you are often busy in the garden, your baby will be able to play safely nearby for a while;
- a high chair (if you are traveling for a short time, you can simply sit the baby on your lap);
- baby food, warmer, sterilizer if necessary, blender;
- drinking water of good quality;
- disposable diapers;
- favorite toys.

An older baby will be able to do without a high chair, playpen and stroller, but will definitely require sandbox play set, various toys, tricycle and inflatable pool . Ideally, there will be a special place on the site for children's games, where there will be clean sand, a small inflatable pool and a swing.

Don't forget about washing powder, bath and baby bathing products . It is better to take more clothes: it is possible that you will have to change them several times a day, because there are so many interesting things to do at the dacha.

In addition, it would be useful to take care about water quality , especially if you don't take water with you from the city. Take a small filter and a thermos so that your child always has access to warm water.

In an unheated dacha you will need and heater , because the air temperature at night can drop significantly, and the weather, especially in May, is very changeable.

In general, creating comfortable conditions for a country holiday with a baby is not so difficult. Take care of the necessary things in advance, and then the summer months will become a real adventure for your child, and outdoor recreation will bring joy to the whole family!

A trip to the country with a child is not only an upcoming pleasant pastime, but also a lot of hassle associated with arranging comfort for the little one away from the city.

It is quite difficult to provide a list of necessary things for a trip. Therefore, it is better to make a list in advance of what can be useful for a comfortable stay and be useful for the health of a small summer resident.


Warm or cold?

Clothes for the dacha should be comfortable and simple, preferably not containing synthetic fabrics, not easily stained colors, but also not dark - because... dark shades are “attracted” by the sun. Country clothes for children should be inexpensive. It is worth choosing a wardrobe in which the child can frolic to his heart’s content in the fresh air, dig in the ground, crawl through the grass and not cause mental trauma to the mother by the memory of the cost of the damaged item. Warm things should be at hand even in the case of an excellent sunny forecast; it is better for things to lie untouched than not to be at hand at the right time.


3. Panama hats and caps (2-3 preferably with ties and not dark colors)

4. Socks (10 pairs)

5. Panties (larger)

6. Tights (2-3 pieces)

7. Pants (Jeans) (1-2, 3 pieces possible)

8. Sweatshirt (Sweater) (2 pcs)

10. Sweatshirts with sleeves (5 pieces for the evening)

11. Sundresses


1. Sandals or shoes

2. Rubber boots or sneakers or boots (in case of bad weather)


Take care, God protects!

Outside the city, especially in the evenings, there are always a lot of insects - buzzing, squeaking, preventing you from sleeping and biting. It is especially bad when they bite a child - he may have an allergic reaction. A gauze cover for the stroller and a net for the window in the house will come in handy.A child's first aid kit should contain remedies for wounds, bites, antipyretics and antihistamines. (if the baby’s age is approaching six months, do not forget painkillers for teeth rubberization)


Be sure to have with you your child’s medical insurance policy and a telephone number where you can contact the nearest medical facility in case of trouble in the baby’s health. Going to the dacha long term, show your baby to the pediatrician in advance. Discuss with him the child’s nutritional habits and do not forget to inquire about the timing of the next preventive vaccinations.

First aid kit:

4. Zelenka

5. Peroxide

6. Plaster

7. Activated carbon

8. Bepontin

9. Nurafen (Children)

10. Insect bite cream

11. Cream after insect bites

12. Sunscreen

13. Panthenol for children (burn cream)



To prevent your baby from getting bored at the dacha, you need to think in advance what games (according to the baby’s age) and entertainment will be appropriate at the dacha.

Desirable toys that parents do not usually allow to use at home will come in very handy at the dacha - a water gun, soap bubbles, a ball, badminton, etc.

Take into account the child’s character traits when planning his leisure time. Does he like to draw? Don't forget paints and paper! For active people, take a ball and a bike for walking. Toys will not only entertain you, but will also help you feel more confident in an unfamiliar environment.


2. Water pistols

3. Soap bubbles

4. Sandbox set (Bucket, scoop, molds, sieve, etc.)

5. Favorite doll (old doll stroller)

6. A book with fairy tales

7. Toy drawing tablet


1. Inflatable pool

2. Armbands (or other inflatable attributes)

4. Bicycle


Hygiene products

Hygiene products are products that help keep our body clean and healthy. The list of products can be continued endlessly: soap, shampoos, toothpastes, lotions, bubble baths, wipes, etc. “Children’s” hygiene products can be divided into the following groups: bathing products, oral care products, skin care products, and topical cleansing products. If you are going to the country for a couple of days, then the list of what you need can be significantly shorter, and vice versa, if you are going on a long trip, then try to plan everything in advance... You can buy a 2 in 1 foam shampoo so as not to carry a bunch of tubes with you.

Hygiene products:

1. Toothpaste (children)

2. Liquid soap (for children)

3. Shampoo - foam (for children)

4. Wet wipes (for children)

5. Paper tissues

7. Disposable diapers (for sleep)

8. Toothbrush

9. Moisturizer


It may also be useful:


Water filter




So, the first aid kit is assembled. What other guarantees of child safety should you pay attention to while staying at the dacha?

1. The next potential risk is a pond! Not only a river or pond, but also any pool, water tank, etc. The baby can only swim in the presence of adults. Find a way to control your child who is asking to run to the river. Even the best swimming boys get lost in extreme situations and cannot come to the rescue. Make sure the water is clean and the bottom and currents are safe.

2.Country tools and fertilizers must be kept out of reach. Get used to cleaning out equipment and sprayers with different products, be it a bug repellent or a tomato fertilizer. The times of natural fertilizers are becoming a thing of the past; even safe cosmetics now have to be looked for, let alone garden chemicals.

3.Fire. Be careful when lighting a fire or other activities with fire. Remember the expression: matches are not a toy for children? Soldering irons left by dad, magnifying glasses and lighters are also not suitable for entertainment.

4. Animals. Dogs, cats and guinea pigs are, of course, man's friends. But only if you know them personally, as they say, from a young age. Neighborhood or stray animals may pose a threat. What to do with the kitten brought by your child is your personal choice, but do not forget about the consequences of poor hygiene in the form of helminths, rabies and fleas.

5. beds. “Granddaughter, eat a berry from the garden!” grandmothers like to say. And some granddaughters themselves put everything in their mouths, watching their mother eat something green. Be careful! For you, this is dill and arugula - two different plants, but for a child they are no different from other herbs, including weeds and poisonous ones.

It’s interesting that the most common advice given by experienced summer house mothers is: don’t forget wet wipes! Maybe the creator should be given a special parental award for this invention?


Food for the road

When going out of town, be sure to think about your child’s nutrition. If the baby is on breastfeeding, then the problem is solved: in mother’s breast the milk is always fresh and warm. Whereas for a formula-fed baby, you need to stock up on enough milk formula (also take care of a supply for emergencies). For babies receiving complementary foods: vegetable puree, cereal, juice, it is advisable to take them with them. It will be more convenient and hygienic to use ready-made baby food in jars and instant cereals. Don't forget that if you decide to introduce a new product into your child's diet, do it gradually, starting with small portions. Don’t rush to give your baby everything that grows in your dacha: berries such as wild strawberries can cause allergies in a child, even if this has never been observed before. But for a nursing mother, fresh fruits and vegetables straight from the garden are very useful, but with the same amendments.

And don’t forget your camera, because during your vacation at the dacha there will be many amazing and exciting moments that you will want to capture))

If anyone has any ideas about what's missing, I'll definitely take it into account!


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