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Summary of construction directly educational activities






"From birth to school" under. ed. Veraksa


Second junior group


Gaming, communicative, educational and research.

Main educational area

Speech development

Integrated educational areas



    Artistic word

Form of conduct



Introduce children to domestic animals and their cubs: cat, kitten; cow, calf; horse, foal; dog, puppy; pig, piglet; goat, kid. Learn to name and compare them by size.



Learn to listen carefully to the teacher, answer questions; - evoke an emotional response; - bring up careful attitude to animals.


Develop children's imagination, curiosity, memory and thinking; - raise speech activity children; - develop the ability to answer questions; - develop visual perception.


Teach children to distinguish between adult animals and their babies; - contribute to the development of sound expressiveness of speech: pronouncing onomatopoeia loudly, quietly, in a thin voice, etc.

Planned result

Listens with interest to the teacher’s story about forest inhabitants, answers simple questions;

masters the basic movements when performing the exercise “Little White Bunny Sits”, takes part in the game “Snowman for Friends”.





    Search and research

    Surprise moment




    Additional Reminder

    Artistic word

    Honorable mention

    Word game

Visual aids


    Toy puppy, pets

Organization of children

1. Semicircle

2. Loose on the mat

Individual work

Vocabulary work

Enrichment of vocabulary: big, small, kennel, shed, meows, bleats, moos, neighs.

Activation: song “Goat”, poem “Horse” by A. Barto

Preliminary work

    Working with children: reading stories, fairy tales and poems about pets.

    Looking at paintings “Pets”

    Preparation of didactic and handout material

    Works, artistic words, studying methodological literature, making slides

GCD structure

I Part: : Psychological mood, introductory, organizational moment

II Part: Surprise moment: slide animation “The cat is waiting for guests”

III Part: Game-conversation with slides “Cat”, “Dog”, “Pig”, “Goat”, “Cow”, “Horse”.

Song "Goat".

Poem "Horse" by A. Barto

Game "Who wants what"

IV Part: Didactic game: “Who is missing”

V Part: : Result: Children's statements. Self-esteem.

Summary of the open lesson in the second younger group"Pets"

Purpose of the lesson: development of all components of children’s oral speech, generalization of children’s knowledge about the life of domestic animals and their cubs.

Objectives: 1. Educational: - teach children to distinguish between adult animals and their young; - contribute to the development of sound expressiveness of speech: pronouncing onomatopoeia loudly, quietly, in a thin voice, etc.

2. Developmental: - develop the imagination, curiosity, memory and thinking of children; - increase children’s speech activity; - develop the ability to answer questions; - develop visual perception.

3. Educational: - teach to listen carefully to the teacher, answer questions; - evoke an emotional response; - cultivate a caring attitude towards animals.

Integration of educational areas: "Cognition" of domestic animals and their young.

“Communication” development of children’s coherent speech.

« Physical culture» motor activity of children in physical education.

Material: film projector, pet food basket, magic box, pet toys.

Preliminary work: reading stories, fairy tales and poems about pets, talking about animals, looking at illustrations on the topic: “Pets”, conducting didactic games “Whose children?”, “Who is this”, “Who is the odd one out”.

Progress of the lesson: 1. Organizational moment Children go into the hall and stand facing the screen. On the screen is the picture “The cat is waiting for guests.” -Guys, look who's waiting for us? (cat) -The cat’s name is Murka. Let's say hello to her. Hello, Murka.

Murka the cat invites us to visit to introduce us to his friends. -Do you want to meet her friends?

2. Surprise moment The kitten meows. “Meow-meow-meow” - Oh, who’s meowing? (kitten) -Where is he? -Let's call the kitten: “Kitty-kitty-kitty”

3. Main part: (A slide of a cat and a kitten appears on the screen) -Look, Murka has found her kitten. How smart she is! -Guys, look, Murka is big, and what about the kitten? - How does Murka meow? (loudly “Meow”) - How’s the kitten? -Who is the cat catching? Where does the cat live? - Murka invites us to meet the watchman. He walks around the yard, climbing into the kennel. He barks loudly and doesn’t let him into the house - Who is this? (slide of a dog with a puppy) -What kind of dog? -What kind of puppy? -How does the dog bark? -How does the puppy bark? - How does a dog help a person? -Where does the dog live? (in the kennel) - Let's move on. Instead of a nose - a snout, Instead of a tail - a hook. I love lying in a puddle. And grunt: “Oink-oink” (slide of a pig with piglets) -Who is this? -The pig grunts loudly: “Oink-oink” -And how does the piglet grunt? -Where does the pig live? (in the barn) - “Meh, meh, meh!” Who's bleating like that? (slide of a goat with a kid) - A large goat with a beard and horns. -What about the kid? (small, no horns in sight) - “Meh!” The goat calls the kid (pronounced bassistically, loudly) - “Me-e!” - the kid answers (pronounced thinner, quieter) - What does a person get from a goat? Let's sing a song to the goat and her little goat. “Goat” (Lithuanian song) I am the goat Me-ke-ke, (they walk in a circle, holding hands) I am walking in the meadow. Sharp horns, (show “horns”) Thin legs. (jump on two legs) Velvet ears. (make “ears” from the palms) Linen tongue (show the tongue with a “shovel”) Hemp tail (show the “tail” with your hand)

Murka the cat says that she loves milk very much. So that we are healthy, the mottled one will give us milk... (cow) - The cow is big, and what about the calf? - The cow has horns, she can butt. -Does the calf have horns? (no horns, not grown yet) - The cow moos loudly, protractedly: “Mmu-oo-oo-oo” - How does the calf moo? -Repeat after me: “Mmu-u-u-u, milk for someone.”

Slide of a horse with a foal. -The horse has strong, slender legs, a thick lush mane, and a fluffy tail. -How does a horse neigh? (“I-go-go”) - How does the foal answer her? (Ee-e-e-o)

Physical education minute: - Guys, let's play the game "Horses" - I love my horse, (Stroking the head of an imaginary horse with my palm) I will comb its fur smoothly (then along the right and left hand) I will smooth its tail with a comb (by tail) And I will go on horseback to visit. (running in a circle, raising your knees high) “Ee-go-go, e-go-go!” We'll ride far. “Trrrrr! Stop!” I'll tell the horse and stop him. (stop)

Slide with all the animals and their babies. -Guys, look how many friends our cat Murka has. - Who is this? - They are all pets. Who cares for pets?

4 . There's a knock on the door. -Someone is knocking. Look, a puppy came to us with a “magic box”. Guys, the puppy told me in my ear that the box contains pet toys. They need to be fed, but he doesn’t know who to give what to and asks you and me to help him. Shall we help you guys? - Well done, fed the animals. The puppy wants to play with you. Shall we play guys? Game: “Who’s missing?”

5. Final part: Well done, guys, you met the friends of the cat Murka, they told me everything correctly. We helped the puppy feed the pets, he is so happy and says thank you to us. You did very well. Let's say goodbye to the puppy and the cat "Murka".

Municipal budget preschool educational institution“General developmental kindergarten No. 3 “Cheburashka” Menzelinsky municipal district

Abstractopen class

in the second junior group on the topic:


Educator: A.M. Ismagilova

Menzelinsk - January 28, 2015


“Moo-moo-moo! - the cow moos. - Walk in a circle, making “horns” from your index fingers.

I gore Katya and Vova. -Turn in a circle, make two turns left and right.

Don't you drink milk? -Hands on the belt, making an angry face.

Run far away!” -Scatter throughout the group.

(N. Nishcheva)


Boo-boo, Two jumps.

I'm horned. "Horns" made from fingers.

Boo-boo, Two jumps.

I'm tailed. “Tail” from the hand - behind the back.

Boo-boo, Two jumps.

I have big ears. “Ears” made from palms.

Boo-boo, Two jumps.

Very scary “horns” made from fingers.

Boo-boo, Two jumps.

I'll scare you. They stomp.

Boo-boo, Two jumps.

I'll gore you. "They butt heads."

(A. Vvedensky)

Sections: Working with preschoolers

  • Introduce children to Russian folklore;
  • Encourage children to communicate and develop speech;
  • Consolidate knowledge about the sun (what is it for? what is it like?);
  • Continue to introduce the unconventional way of drawing with your palm.
  • Develop aesthetic feelings for nature, teach to see its beauty.
  • Develop color perception and hand-eye coordination.
  • To encourage in children the desire to finish what they start.

Equipment: sheets of blue paper (50x50 cm), gouache (yellow, red), saucers (for drawing with the palm of your hand), napkins, illustrations and sketches depicting the sun.

Preliminary work:

  1. Walking around the kindergarten area in order to observe the sun (during walks, the teacher teaches children to peer into phenomena, compare them, see what is common and distinctive, and with questions encourages them to find their own words and expressions to describe what they see);
  2. Telling the fairy tale “Visiting the Sun”;
  3. Examining the sun in illustrations, clarifying the shape and color of the sun;
  4. Learning songs and nursery rhymes about the sun;
  5. Guessing riddles about natural phenomena.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational part.

Educator: Guys, listen to a very interesting riddle and tell me what it says:

It warms the whole world.
And he doesn’t know fatigue.
Smiling at the window
And everyone calls him...

Children: The sun.

Educator: That's right, it's the sun. It wakes up before everyone else, washes itself from the cloud and rises high into the sky to do “good deeds.” And what “good deeds” does the sun do? (Children's answers.)

Educator: Yes, guys, that’s right, the sun illuminates the earth, warms everyone, it has many “good deeds”: warm the earth, illuminate it with bright light, and wake everyone up with its gentle rays. But sometimes, guys, it happens that the sun doesn’t come out into the sky much and doesn’t give us its warmth. What time of year do you think this happens? (Children's answers.)

Educator: Guys, is it a sunny day now? (Children's answers.)

Educator: Let’s make today sunny together! Do you agree?

Children: Yes!

Educator: And we will draw the sun not with pencils or brushes, but with the help of our palm. To make the sun look like a real one, let's remember what it is like. What does it look like? (Children's answers.)

Educator: What figure does the sun remind us of? (Children's answers.)

Educator: What color is the sun? ( Children's answers.)

Educator: That's right, children. Now we'll play.

Finger gymnastics “Give us warmth, sunshine.”

We extended our palms
And they looked at the sun. (Children stretch their palms forward and rhythmically turn them up and down.)
Give us warmth, sunshine,
So that there is strength. (They make a movement with their fingers, as if beckoning to them.)
Our fingers are tiny
They don't want to wait a minute (They rhythmically bend and straighten their fingers.)
Knock-knock, with hammers, (They bend over and alternately rhythmically knock on their knees with their fists.)
Clap - clap, with little paws, (They slap their knees rhythmically.)
Jump - jump like bunnies,
Jumping on the lawn. (They tap their knees with bent fingers.)

2. Practical part.

The teacher shows how to create an image. If there are difficulties, the teacher shows how to create an image individually.

As the children work, cheerful music is played to the tune of the Russian folk song “Shine, shine, sun.”


Bucket sunshine!
Come up quickly
Light up - warm up
Calves and lambs
More little guys.

3. Final part.

Educator: Let's remember what we did? (Children's answers.)

The teacher and the children review the resulting work.

Educator: Let's enjoy the sun and play game “Sun and Cloud”.

(Children's drawings are used,to the music and the words of the teacher “The sun is shining,” the children clap their hands; to the word “cloud” - children squat down and make a “house” over their heads.)

Educator: Our lesson is over, you can rest.


1. Introduce children to a new fairy tale, help understand the content.

2. Activate children’s speech with adjectives - synonyms, verbs.

3. To develop children's expressiveness of speech and interest in artistic creativity.


Toys chicken, hen, rooster, cat, frog

Basket with silhouettes of eggs

Yellow gouache, brushes

Video presentation based on the fairy tale “Chicken” by K. Chukovsky

The teacher removes the scarf from the toys. And he takes out a toy chicken from the basket.

-Who is this, guys?

- chick.

- Let's take a look at it, guys. Look what color the chicken is?

- yellow

- Touch it, what is it like?

- fluffy, soft.

- Look, the chicken has eyes.

- What does a chicken need eyes for?

- to watch.

- Look, the chicken has a beak.

- What does a chicken need a beak for?

- beak to... eat

— What does the chicken eat?

- bugs, grains, worms.

— Guys, who knows the name of the chicken’s mother?


- How does the chicken speak?

- co-co-co

How does the chicken respond to its mother chicken?


The teacher distributes clothespins.

Let's play, guys.

Finger game with clothespin:

The chicken moved its beak,

children press the clothespin (open and close)
The chicken found the grains.

the guys show a pen with open fingers
The chicken pecked the grains,

children pinch each finger in turn with a clothespin
The chicken screamed loudly “pee-pee-pee!”

They open the clothespin and say pee-pee-pee.

- Guys, let's turn into little chickens, and I'll be a mother chicken.

Children stand up and, at the request of the teacher, imitate the movements:

- chickens can run, the chickens ran...

- Ay, well done... let's wave our wings, like this.

Chickens can jump, like that.

- look at the grains, let’s peck at the grains and drink some water, like this.

Well done chickens, very obedient children, run to your chairs.

And today we still have guests. Want to know who?

Let's guess the riddles:

He sits with his eyes bulging,
qua-qua says.
She loves to live alone in the swamp,
She catches mosquitoes. ( frog)

“Ko-ko-ko! Where, where, where!” —
We hear it on the street.
Calls all the chickens
Ryabenka...( Hen)

A bird walks around the yard
and shouts ku-ku-re-ku!
There is a comb on the top of the head,
Who is this? ( Cockerel)

Loves fish and sour cream,

And he sings “meow” so sweetly.
Beware, mouse race!
Went out hunting...( cat)

The teacher puts out toys after solving each riddle.
- They came to us from interesting tale. Do you want to listen to it?

- Let's sit down and listen to a fairy tale.

Children watch a video presentation based on K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Chicken”

— Guys, who is this fairy tale about?

( about a little chicken.)

- remember what the chicken was like?

(small, yellow, fluffy)

Who loved chicken the most?

(mother chicken)

- Tell me, what kind of chicken was your mother?

(big, kind)

— how did the hen take care of the chicken?

fed worms

- Who came into the yard one day? Who drove away the mother hen?


What was the cat like?

big, angry, scary

- Who was sitting on the fence, who did the chicken really like?


Tell me, what was the rooster like?

big, beautiful, loud

-What did the rooster crow? How did you shout?

(loudly, ku-ka-re-ku! Am I not a daredevil?)

Let's turn into cockerels.

The children get up, walk like cockerels, waving their winged arms.

Let's shout loudly: ku-ka-re-ku! Am I not a daredevil?

Children portray a cockerel together and individually.

- What did he squeak? chick? How?

Let's try to squeak like a chicken

- Who laughed at chicken?


Let's turn into frogs.

Children stand up, pretend to be frogs, jump, and croak.

Tell me, what was the frog like?

-green, cheerful, large-mouthed.

What did the frog say? How?

- the frog laughed and said cheerfully: Ha-ha-ha! Ha ha ha! You're a long way from being a rooster!

Children repeat the words of the frog in chorus and individually.

- Who took pity on the chicken?

-Mom, chicken.

- hug yourself like a mother.

Better than mom, better than mom

There is no one in the world!

— Did you like the fairy tale?

- Look how many eggs the mother hen laid!

Show the children a basket with white eggs (made of paper).

- Let us help new chickens hatch!

- In the evening you will give your chicken to your mother and tell your mother the fairy tale you heard today.

Nomination: integrated lesson in the second junior group according to the Federal State Educational Standard.

Position: teacher
Place of work: MADOU "Kindergarten No. 65"
Location: Syktyvkar, Komi Republic

The material offered in this section is a generalization of the experience of a teacher working with children of the fourth year of life.

Lesson notes are built on the basis of active practical activities and extensive use of visual material.

The main direction in organizing classes is the development of sensory and general intellectual abilities in gaming activities. Children's goal is to play, not to learn.

The teacher engages children in meaningful activities based on children’s experience. educational games, game exercises, tasks, situations, practical actions.

All lesson notes for children of the fourth year of life are built taking into account the methods of forming elementary mathematical concepts by A.M. Leushina and A.A. Joiner. In this methodology, much attention is paid not only to the education of preschoolers, but also to the improvement of children's cognitive activity and general mental development.

The main tasks of mathematical development of children of the fourth year of life are:

Mastering the properties of objects and relationships between them;

Development of independent cognition;

Development of cognitive and speech skills.

Demonstration and handout materials for classes are objects from the surrounding reality, illustrations, this is didactic material already available at the preschool educational institution, both factory-produced and home-made.

During classes, the teacher must always take into account the real capabilities of each child, and also implement individual work with children. The teacher’s task is to support the desire for independence and help each child notice the growth of their achievements.

The teacher must always create a situation of community and co-creation. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the visual-effective, visual-figurative nature of children’s thinking.

Classes are held once a week, with the exception of pre-school holidays: the last week of December and the first week of January.

To ensure strong mathematical knowledge and skills, do not limit yourself to just studying. Create game mathematical situations in different types children's activities.

If a program task is difficult for children to master, organize an exercise game and a situation with this task before class. By doing this, you will prepare your child to master the program material.

The given lesson notes should not be strictly copied for working with children. A necessary condition for ensuring success in work is the teacher’s creative attitude to classes: varying game exercises and tasks, repeating material in one form or another, individualizing requirements for children.

We hope that these materials will help you in working with children to develop their mathematical abilities.

Tasks of mathematical development of children of the fourth year of life


Form ideas about:

The length of two items: short, long;

The height of two objects: high, low;

Size of two items: large, small;

Geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle.

Give an idea of ​​what geometric shapes may have different shapes, color, size.


1. Learn to determine the relationships of objects by:

Length: longer - shorter;

Height: higher - lower;

Size: more - less.

2. Learn to determine the relationships of objects by quantity, establishing equality and inequality of objects.

3. Give an idea about:

Spatial relationships: above - below, above - below, in front - behind, right - left, side by side, in a row, one after another;

Temporal relationships: first - then, morning - evening, day - night.

4. Give an initial idea of ​​the seasons. Saving quantity

Give an idea that the number of objects (3) does not change due to their different arrangement.

Speech skills

Use words from special terminology in speech: “size”, “color”, “shape”, etc.;

Use phrases: “same”, “not like this”;

Name, based on comparison, what is different and the same in objects and geometric figures;

Understand and use words in speech - names of size, shape;

Name words in speech that characterize quantitative, spatial, and temporal relationships;

Answer questions, explaining the course of practical action.

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