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Homemade cheese is very simple. My dear girls, be sure to try making this delicious and wonderful cheese made at home. 100 grams of regular cheese sold in stores contains more than 500 calories. The same homemade cheese yields much less, it is great for snacks, breakfasts, and is prepared very quickly and easily. The lower the % fat content of milk and kefir, the lower the calorie content of the cheese.

So, to make homemade cheese, we need:

  • Kefir 1% – 1 liter
  • Milk 1% - 1 liter
  • Eggs - 6 pieces
  • Salt - 3-4 level teaspoons
  • Greens (dill, or onion, or cilantro, whichever I like best; I always have frozen dill on hand)

How to make homemade cheese:

1. Pour kefir and milk into a saucepan and place on the stove to warm up.

2. Lightly beat the eggs with salt.

3. Kefir and milk have already warmed up (while the eggs and salt were being beaten), pour the egg mixture into it in a thin stream.

4. Bring to a boil, and cook the mixture, stirring for several minutes, until the whey separates.

5. Remove from heat, let cool for 2-3 minutes, add finely chopped herbs.

6. Pour the mixture into a colander lined with 2 layers of gauze. Flatten.

7. Twist the gauze well to drain the whey.

8. When the whey has drained, unwind the gauze, cover the cheese with the edge of the gauze and put it in the refrigerator. You can put a weight on cheesecloth, then the texture of the cheese will be denser. Usually, I don't do the load. The cheese can be eaten within a couple of hours. It turns out 450 grams of tasty, low-calorie cheese. Along with herbs, you can add garlic (1 clove), cumin (pinch), hot red pepper (1/3 teaspoon) to homemade cheese, then it will turn out with a peppercorn. Since my 2-year-old child enjoys eating this kind of cheese, I simply make it with herbs. In general, try different options and see which one you like best. Bon appetit!

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The cheese turns out tender and holds its shape well. It can be easily cut into thin slices. The recipe for making homemade cheese with herbs is simple, but both adults and children will like the taste. It can be eaten immediately after cooking, or can be used to prepare other dishes, such as salads.

To prepare cottage cheese with herbs at home, it is better to use the highest quality homemade products, but you can also use store-bought ones. But milk should have a short shelf life.

Prepare the necessary ingredients.

Break the chicken eggs into a bowl.

Add sour cream to them. Beat until smooth. You can use a mixer.

Add salt to milk and bring to a boil.

Stirring continuously, pour in the egg mixture in a thin stream.

In the very first minutes, flakes will begin to appear and the whey will begin to separate. Boil the mixture for 5 minutes over medium heat and remove from the stove.

Place the filter in the cheese mold.

Pour in the cheese mixture; most of the whey will disappear immediately. Add chopped herbs and stir.

Cover the top with a filter.

Leave the press for 8-10 hours.

If there is no special form, then you can use regular gauze. It needs to be folded in several layers and the cheese mass placed in the center. Tie and hang on a high ground to allow the whey to drain. And later, after 2-3 hours, put it under a press and leave for 8-10 hours. After which homemade cheese with herbs can be consumed.

Remove the cheese, place on a plate and serve.

If desired, you can coat it with antimicrobial cheese latex. But this is not necessary - I really wanted to surprise the guests not only with taste, but also with appearance. Although the cheese looks lovely even without latex. And he doesn’t need to ripen - he’s already ready.

Well, if you still decide, then cover the head of cheese with latex and dry it with a hairdryer, but always with a stream of cold air. And then apply a second coat.

Bon appetit. Cook with love.

One of my favorites is homemade cheese with herbs. I've eaten it so many times and didn't even know it could be cooked. In my opinion, this cheese cannot be compared with anything.

It's the most delicious thing I've ever eaten. Maybe someone tried this cheese at the market. I suggest you make delicious cheese with herbs prepared at home.


  • 1000ml kefir
    1000ml milk
    eggs 6 pcs.
    1 tbsp. salt
    2g ground red pepper
    a little spice to your taste and a clove of garlic
    add a little bit of greenery: dill, cilantro, green onions

Homemade cheese with herbs:

1. Take a saucepan and pour milk and kefir into it and set it to heat.

2. Beat eggs with salt.

3. Pour the beaten eggs into the already hot but not boiling mixture of kefir and milk.

4. Be sure to continuously stir our mixture while it boils and wait until it separates.

5. As soon as the mixture separates, remove it from the heat and let it cool slightly for a couple of minutes and add the chopped herbs and garlic.

6. We take a colander and put gauze on top, folded in several layers. Pour the milk mixture here and let the whey drain.

7. After this, we level the cheese, leave it in gauze and put it under pressure in the refrigerator overnight.

Bon appetit!

Curd cheese is a kind of paste that can be spread on sandwiches, used as a filling for tartlets, and used in sauces for various dishes. This product is becoming increasingly popular.

For variety, various ingredients are added to it: garlic, pickles, fresh herbs.


On store shelves you can find a huge variety of curd cheeses with herbs. But you cannot be one hundred percent sure of the naturalness and freshness of these products. To get homemade delicious cottage cheese, you won’t need a lot of time and money. The most ordinary housewife can easily carry out the algorithm of actions necessary to create this product, without having the talent of a chef. A big advantage of making it yourself is the ability to adjust the calorie content of the cheese and add seasonings to taste.

Since the product is based on cream or milk, it includes a large amount of phosphorus and calcium. Moreover, it contains virtually no lactose. This is especially important for people with lactose intolerance. Curd cheese is a high-protein product. Per 100 g there are about 11 grams of protein, 9 grams of fat and 5.5 grams of carbohydrates. Calorie content may vary depending on the original ingredients (from 144 kilocalories to 347 kilocalories per 100 grams).

Classic recipe

The simplest recipe for making cottage cheese with herbs can be considered a method of creating a paste from three components: cottage cheese, herbs and salt. It is very easy to prepare this dish at home. The composition includes a pack of cottage cheese, one hundred grams of greens and salt to taste.

It is necessary to finely chop the greens and beat all the ingredients in a blender to obtain a homogeneous airy consistency. For those who like it spicy, you can add a couple of chopped garlic cloves.

This paste can be stored in the refrigerator for up to five days.

How to prepare a product from kefir?

You can make real cheese at home from kefir or fermented baked milk. You'll have to work a little, but the gorgeous result is worth it. To create homemade cheese, you need to purchase two liters of your favorite fermented milk product (kefir or fermented baked milk). The choice of base also depends on the desired end result. Ryazhenka makes the cheese more tender and sweeter.

Preparation includes several stages.

  • The purchased fermented milk drink should be poured into a saucepan and placed on low heat.
  • After boiling, you can see how the whey is separated and flakes of the future product are formed. There is no need to stir anything.

  • After the process of separating the fractions is completed, you need to take a double folded gauze and strain the kefir substance through it. Do not throw away the drained whey. This liquid can later be used to make pancakes and okroshka.
  • Squeeze the gauze well using a spoon. When you finally strain the cottage cheese, you can add finely chopped parsley and dill to it.
  • Then you need to form a tight knot with curd cheese and place it in a container of approximately the same volume. You should put something heavy on top to press the mass overnight.
  • Ready cheese should be stored in the refrigerator.

Recipe with cucumbers

Curd cheese with cucumbers is very popular. Its spicy taste is liked by many gourmets. Instead of buying an expensive ready-made product, flavored with preservatives, you can prepare it yourself.


  • a pack of cottage cheese – 180 grams;
  • sour cream 25% fat – 50 grams;
  • 2 pickled cucumbers;
  • a little dill, spices and salt to taste.

To make the cheese as airy as possible, you need to rub it through a sieve.

Then add sour cream and mix thoroughly. Cucumbers can be cut into small cubes or grated. Chopped vegetables and herbs with seasonings are added to the prepared mass and mixed. The product is ready. It can be spread on sandwiches and fried breads, and also used as a sauce for meat or poultry.

How to prepare a product from milk?

Making curd cheese from milk is not difficult. To bring this recipe to life, you will need a liter of milk, a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, 2 tablespoons of butter, 1 teaspoon of dried herbs, salt and pepper to taste.

After the milk boils, all other ingredients are added to it. The milk coagulates into flakes. The resulting mass should be wrapped in gauze and the serum should be allowed to drain. After removing excess liquid, as in other recipes, you need to put the mass under a press. It is advisable that the load be about 10 kilograms, then the curd cheese with herbs will be as dense as possible. After standing under pressure for a day, the product will be ready.

Recipe with eggs

This amazingly delicious option is very easy to prepare. You need to rub half a kilogram of cottage cheese through a sieve with two lightly beaten eggs, one teaspoon of soda and dried herbs.

Cook this mixture over low heat, stirring continuously. Processed cheese will be ready in 15-20 minutes.

Once the product has cooled, it can be eaten with bread or tartlets.

Recipe for making soft cream

This delicious recipe gives the cheese a special tenderness and pleasant taste. Two liters of fresh cream must be left at room temperature until it sours. After this, you need to strain the resulting mass through cheesecloth, add dried or fresh herbs and salt to taste. The cheese should be left under pressure for three hours.

The variety of homemade recipes allows you to enrich the daily menu of any person. You need very little money and time to surprise your loved ones with a wonderful healthy and natural dish - cottage cheese with herbs.

Recipe for cottage cheese with mushrooms in the video below.

For breakfast you always want to cook something light, simple, but at the same time tasty, and so that the cooking process does not take a lot of time. There is a solution - cottage cheese with herbs at home; such a savory snack is prepared quickly and perfectly complements the composition of all kinds of dishes. The taste of the curd delicacy can always be diversified by adding a certain set of spices and spicy herbs; with such a dish, breakfast will definitely become royal.

Hard homemade cheese with herbs and olives

The cheese that we will prepare at home is called “French”. Outwardly, it looks like a store-bought one; only one thing distinguishes it from a store-bought one - the high quality of the product. The dish contains exclusively natural ingredients, which makes it not only safe, but also healthy.


  • Eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • Cottage cheese – 1 kg;
  • Greens (dill inflorescences, parsley leaves);
  • Soda – 1 tsp;
  • Milk – 1 l;
  • Olives – 50 g;
  • Butter – 100 g;
  • Olives – 50 g.

Making cottage cheese with herbs

As for the amount of butter, you decide how much to put, everything will depend on the consistency of the product you want. If you need a cheese mass with a dense consistency, then you need to take about 200 g of butter, but if you want a softer cheese, then 100 g is enough.

We take the cottage cheese out of the refrigerator, transfer it to a saucepan with the heated oil mixture, then knead it thoroughly with a fork so that the whole mass is evenly mixed.

Place the container with the contents in a water bath, wait until the water boils, then begin stirring the curd cheese with a wooden spoon.

If you want to get cheese with a consistency similar to processed cheese, then boil the contents of the pan for no longer than 5 minutes. If, on the contrary, you want a solid mass, then keep the pan on the fire for 20-30 minutes from the moment the curd mass boils. Stir the product periodically.

While the cheese is cooking, cover a deep bowl (or any other tall dish) with cling film and grease its top layer with vegetable oil.

Before wrapping the finished homemade cheese with herbs in film, add olives and whole olives to it (spread the fruits evenly).

Important! Please note that the cheese cools quickly, so do not miss the moment - have time to put the filling into the still warm mass.

When the cheese is filled with black olives, place it on greased cling film, completely wrap the product in it, and put it in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

Make sure that during the process of laying the cheese mass on the film, there are no voids along the edges of the dishes where it is spread.

Every other day you can try delicious curd cheese with herbs. It is not customary to salt this type of cheese, since the product receives the required amount of salt through the filling - canned black olives.

You can serve homemade French cheese elegantly - the way real French people do it - with wine, or you can put a fresh aromatic piece of cottage cheese and milk on toast and serve with your favorite hot tea.

Of course, such curd cheese with herbs at home will require some tinkering, but it will turn out to be very unusual, delicate in taste, and besides, the cheese head will be quite large. So, after fiddling around for a couple of hours, you can make cheese at home for many days to come. In the morning you will still have a hearty breakfast for a long time.

Curd cheese with garlic, herbs and cumin


  • Kefir 2.5% – 500 ml + -
  • Ground red hot pepper- 1 pinch + -
  • Cumin - 1 pinch + -
  • — 500 ml + -
  • - 1 bunch + -
  • — 3 pcs. + -
  • 1-2 tsp. (depend on your taste) + -
  • - 1-3 cloves + -

How to make cheese with herbs at home

If you prefer spicy dishes, then we offer you a step-by-step recipe for making cheese with garlic, chili pepper and cumin.

This savory product is prepared from kefir and milk (from which cottage cheese is ultimately obtained) with the addition of spicy spices. Despite the pungent taste, homemade cheese is very delicate, so it literally melts in your mouth.

  1. Pour kefir and milk into the pan, then heat (but do not boil) the mixture over moderate/medium heat. Gradually, during the heating process, the mass will begin to curl.
  2. Beat eggs with salt.
  3. Pour the beaten egg mixture into the kefir-milk mass in a thin stream, stirring the contents constantly.
  4. Cook the cheese for 10 minutes over medium heat until the whey is completely separated from the curd.
  5. Finely chop the greens.
  6. Remove the pan from the stove, cool the contents a little, then mix it with cumin, herbs, ground pepper, and pressed garlic.
  7. Line a colander with 4-layer gauze and place the resulting mass on it. Leave the product for a while so that the water completely drains from it.
  8. We hang the gauze with curd cheese so that all the excess liquid comes out, then squeeze the product a little with our hands.

We transfer the squeezed cheese into a bowl or a special container, put pressure on top of it, and put it in the refrigerator overnight. The next day, homemade savory cheese is ready to eat.

How to make liquid curd cheese

If you don’t have time to prepare such hard cheeses on weekdays, then try making liquid curd cheese with herbs. To prepare a delicious product you will need 2 natural yoghurts (without flavoring), salt and herbs to taste.

Making liquid cheese will be easy:

  1. Salt the yogurt to taste, then transfer the salty mass into a colander lined with gauze, put the product in the refrigerator for a day.
  2. Within a day, the liquid will come out of the cheese and you can add finely chopped herbs to it. Mix all the ingredients and the curd cheese is ready.

Serve delicious homemade liquid cheese with toast and vegetables. Believe me, your whole family will appreciate the unusual taste of the product.

As you can see, there are many ways to make cottage cheese with herbs at home. You can add any spices and herbs to the appetizer: from spicy to more delicate.

Always focus on your taste, and the cheese will adapt to your preferences in any case. After all, his task is to make your breakfast unforgettable.

Happy cooking!


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