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Sagittarius woman To begin with, the Sagittarius woman is a lover, like men, of “cutting the truth” (which ends in repentance and apologies). It would be much more pleasant for their companions to at least sometimes hear slightly embellished stories. After all, a guy who asks about the quality of a Sagittarius girl’s vacation will receive a full report in response, including a list of suitors and those with whom she flirted while vacationing. These are independent natures, as a rule, flying away early from their native nest. Forget about the commanding tone - you can only ask such ladies, otherwise you will run into a flash of anger from this hot-tempered woman. By the way, they cannot digest squishy creatures. Therefore, occasionally you can resort to this type of communication: “Just try to do this and I’ll break your neck!” – possible positive effect from such a request.

She can easily confuse you, although these are trifles - she is much more capable of confusing herself. And all because she often mistakes friendship for love and vice versa – love for friendship. It happens that she says something to her partner that entails an inevitable breakup, and then at night she drenches her pillow with tears, wondering: “Well, how is that?” Perhaps the man's resentment was caused by her refusal to accept him in the evening, because she is waiting for one man to talk, forgetting to mention absent-mindedly that the “man” is the husband of her older sister. Easily, thanks to this behavior, a label may appear on her: “a cold and heartless woman” (but she was born under the sun sign and cannot be cold). And as a result, she is an old maid.

But such a prospect does not scare Sagittarius women. They have more than enough interests, and regardless of the circumstances, these ladies are able to derive pleasure from life. Considering their neglect public opinion and fear of marriage, the conclusion suggests itself that romanticism and sentimentality “do not live” in them. Wrong conclusion. Usually sad movies make them cry, they revel in poetry, and it is quite possible that they carefully store the letters they receive from you, and also store tickets to the performance where you first met.

Among the actresses you can meet Sagittarius women; in general, they are lucky in show business. And when they get tired of the bright light of Jupiter, they nestle comfortably in the family nest. Being unimportant housewives, they strictly perform women's household duties, despite the fact that they sometimes get tired of it. Here you need to use the “recipe” with a Sagittarius employee, that is, they need to be given the opportunity to clear their head, and also be allowed to travel a little.

Ruled by the planet Jupiter, Sagittarius women are idealists. Naturally, you will not learn from her that she fell in love with your image from the cradle, then there was a series of mistakes - she mistook others for you. And then you appeared - she immediately recognized you and instantly offered you her heart and hand so that you could pave her way to the stars.

Sagittarians can hardly be considered hot parents. They are not very interested in little toddlers, although they meticulously adhere to all the rules of caring for newborns and, not very skillfully, but still cope with diapers and pacifiers. As children grow older, their interest in them also “grows.” And, as a rule, they become good friends with children. Having said goodbye to the initial sense of increased responsibility, mothers become kind older sisters, actively participating in children's fun and sometimes the house turns into a circus. Adoring such a mother, children do not fall asleep until they receive another fairy tale with a good ending from her.

Sagittarius man Without wanting to disappoint you, it should still be said that Sagittarius may have several (or rather many) oddities. He is the one who is able to race through city streets on a horse. In general, to win such a guy, you need some effort and manners. First, get him off his horse and away from the circus crowd. What he gravitates towards “cuts” his time for family life. It is quite possible to become infected with such unbridled enthusiasm and curiosity of Sagittarius. It happens that he goes beyond the boundaries in some of his business. You may feel yourself being thrown into the clouds and not being caught back due to his banal forgetfulness.

Sagittarius is usually surrounded by a crowd. Here's another obstacle for you - to get to him, you will have to work with your elbows. Pessimists have no way with him, because he is a huge optimist. His optimism is so optimistic that an insult from an enemy may not even bother him. There is danger in such optimism, since it is quite akin to blind faith. It seems like a good thing - blind faith, but because of his naive trust, he often ends up in a puddle.

Why is it easier to end up in a puddle if he is in constant haste and running around with his eyes raised to the sky and looking for a high goal, which only those with courage are allowed to aim at? Sagittarius cannot be called a dreamer. His dreams always contain logic and curiosity - although they are somewhat impractical and unbridled. He, sensing the possibility of achieving some goal, paints it in all the bright colors born of his imagination. A person will inevitably emerge who does not approve of progressive ideas and makes attempts to trample them before they can justify themselves.

Thanks to his imagination, he can “get into” a lot of troubles, but fate always comes to his aid in a timely manner. His luck can sometimes seem unfair. Therefore, having such luck, after possible blows of fate, he leaves in the blink of an eye. This also applies to the love sphere. He has a negative attitude towards dishonesty and is therefore surrounded by many friends and well-wishers. In a person, first of all, he looks for true value. Of course, he has enemies, but in much smaller numbers than other signs.

People may be offended after hearing his remarks, but this quickly passes as they understand that there was no malice in his intentions. Sagittarius also has some sins - inattention and tactlessness. But! Never intentional cruelty! The directness of his speech is comparable to a symbolic arrow. He is able to say whatever he thinks. And he is able to pretend (if you have fallen in love with him) that he does not understand this. Also, at the first meeting, he may offend you, declaring with a frank look at you that you are the woman who deserves to become a mistress. And after you are ready to engage with him, he assumes an innocent expression with an explanation of what she meant by saying it. So, you will hear that in the Middle Ages a man was forced to marry a woman only from his circle, who could easily be ugly, and therefore they chose the very best as their mistresses. beautiful women. After this, you, realizing that you “caught” a kind of compliment on your beauty, will stop being offended.

An impression from a Sagittarius man is guaranteed. Will any of the men study history? You can conclude that you will become the companion of an intellectual. There was an error. You may become the mistress of an intellectual, although you are unlikely to understand this right away. He will run ahead at the speed of sound, and all you have to do is become a fallen woman. Naturally, this explanation will not suit every woman, but you can remain friends.

This is food for thought for you - do you understand the degree of danger of being near Sagittarius? The wolf is not visible in his naive smile. Sagittarius's love life is very superficial and he is honest at the same time. Did he say that you are a candidate for a wife? It was about a mistress. He is a lover of easy relationships.

His honesty. If you have already seen the frequent falsity of vows of love, then, most likely, you will like the frankness of Sagittarius. You will even listen to him talk about his ex-lovers without objection. Getting married while hiding his true feelings is not acceptable for him. There are times when he is forced to go to the registry office (as a rule, the proposal comes from a girl). But in this case, he will do everything possible to avoid this marriage. If she manages to catch him in time and he decides that since she suits him in one way, she can suit him in another, he will marry. This indicates another divorce as soon as possible.

Very often, women interpret Sagittarius’s attitude towards themselves incorrectly. They make their relationship seem more serious than it actually is. They dream of strong connections, while he dreams of an easy relationship, perhaps even platonic. But thanks to the aforementioned luck, he finds a way out of his predicament. His love for flirting cannot be denied, but sex is not all he thinks about. He thinks about diversity. Noticing that a woman is becoming attached to him, he can turn the relationship into a joke.

Most Sagittarians are accused of their sin - looking at any pretty girl. Which irritates him, since, in his opinion, this is his usual friendly attitude towards all people. If you are one of the smart women, then forget about jealousy and suspicion. He must be free to be near you. No unnecessary questions or threats that you will leave him. It’s better to imagine how happy he will be about this.

If you look at life with the same eyes as him, then you can count on him to put a wedding ring on your finger. With mutual honesty, flying kites together will be interesting. And there is no need to think about their fate after landing on the ground. That's right - give him everything he wants and be the person he sees you as. Let him guide your energy, fall in love with sports, conquer mountain peaks with him. Be generous and kind, don’t make trouble every evening, and at the same time hint well that you will not be at his complete disposal, that you are also a free spirit.

Do not become an obstacle to the implementation of his ideas. Find something to do while he is busy launching his arrows into invisible distances. And then it may well be that one evening you will hear from him that you possess almost all the qualities that he would like to see in a woman. And if he has reached such a state, then you will declare frankly that you also see in him everything that should be in a man and that the time has come to decide something. At the same time, note the strength of your love, which is enough to go to the registry office, but with the condition - you should still have a certain freedom, which he should not prevent you from using. And also ask when the stork plans to fly to you.

After the wedding, you will see that there are no troubles with his relatives. This sign is indifferent to family relationships. The theory that relatives who do not deserve love should be loved is alien to them. Keep your suitcase ready as there are plenty of trips ahead. Do something while allowing him to be free. If you decide to hold him back, you will lose the door that he will break down. He will always report his wrong actions. Get used to his frankness and repeat to yourself about his still strong love for you, instead of collecting rumors. Treat human emotions with practicality. And you will be surprised by the power of love growing on honest soil.

Because of his passion for sports, watching sports programs together is quite possible. If you love people and are charming enough, you can count on going out into society under his auspices. Your talents are a reason for him to be proud of you - try to have them. Develop yourself, read, be ready to fight for his cause. Some extravagance may appear in him.

These are risk takers. By the way, thanks to this, they are generous in your spending. You need to get used to possible painful and tactless criticism addressed to you. His love for children grows as they grow older. He loves to play sports and go hiking with them. Boys are closer to him than girls. And he is more of a friend to his children than a father. His actions are not always wise, because he thinks with his mind and heart. Stumbled - fell - got up - trying to start all over again - such is his life. You received a great gift from him - honest love, for this you should forgive him almost everything.

“Then it doesn’t matter where you go,” said the Cat.
... “If only I could get somewhere,” Alice explained.
“You’ll definitely end up somewhere,” said the Cat. - You just need to walk long enough.

You won't always like what she says. Sometimes she can say things that will make the hair on your head stand on end. But, seeing the effect produced, she will immediately try to smooth everything over with a cheerful joke or a kiss.

Although she is extravagant, and you can see her wearing rose-colored glasses decorated with green butterflies, she does not look at the world through rose-colored glasses. That is why her views may seem too harsh.

The Sagittarius woman is so truthful that sometimes you want her to lie at least a little. After all, not everyone and not always want to hear the naked truth, and for many, flattery is much more pleasant.

The Sagittarius woman is very independent, indifferent to family ties and prefers to live alone. Perhaps this is explained by an excessive love of travel and lack of habit of being at home.

If you want her to do something for you, don't order her, but ask her. Even as a child, she did not allow her mother to boss her around, so do you really think that she will allow this to you? You can't count on it. Sagittarius will never give up their freedom, their individuality, or their habits.

Deep down, the Sagittarius woman is a trusting child. Her worldview and views are so pure that anyone can deceive her. Such a statement may seem strange, because Sagittarius is very smart and logical. But in this case we are not talking about the mind at all, but about the heart. And these are completely different things. The Sagittarius mind is able to solve any, most difficult task. But her heart is absolutely defenseless, which is why she often has to suffer greatly.

Sagittarius's frankness and truthfulness sometimes backfire on her. Sagittarius' words and actions are in full accordance with her thoughts and feelings. Such directness leads to misunderstandings, quarrels and ultimately to broken lives. But the Sagittarius spirit remains invincible. Pride and optimism allow Sagittarius to overcome the crisis and come out of even a very difficult situation with honor. A Sagittarius' heart may bleed, but you will never know it because she will joke and laugh even more than at other times. But at night the pillow will be wet from tears. But no one will see this, and therefore those around her will think that everything is fine with her as usual.

Now let's talk about the Sagittarius wife. She, like the Sagittarius man, does not have a particular inclination towards marriage, so you will have to lay out a lot of bait to lure her to visit.

First, she may not want to quit her job. There is no need to persuade her. She will still do it her way. Wait until time and circumstances play in your favor. For example, Sagittarius may simply get bored with work, or it will prevent her from accompanying you to the place of your new assignment, and she will not like this either (remember her ineradicable passion for travel). In short, you never know the reasons. If you are patient, you will surely win this round.

Sometimes it seems to you that she is somewhat harsh, but this is only an appearance. She's so damn sentimental. Sagittarius will cry over melodrama and read poetry with eyes full of tears. She will keep all the notes and letters she receives from you, the faded rose from the bouquet you bought on your engagement day, and the ticket to the hockey game where you first met.

As for her talents as a housewife, the situation is worse. Sagittarians do not like cleaning, washing and other tedious household chores, although they try to keep the house relatively clean. And with what pleasure she would prefer to have a maid! If you have such an opportunity, give her (and yourself) such a gift. You, she, and the house will all benefit from this. Cooking also does not bring her great delight.

This is definitely not her favorite activity. Even if she manages to muster up the strength to cook for you on weekdays, on weekends she will prefer to go to a restaurant or visit.

Sagittarius is rarely in a bad mood. When offended, she can become quite sarcastic. But Sagittarius does not hold grudges and forgets the insult faster than you could notice it. Men of a melancholic nature are not suitable for Sagittarius. Dejection and pessimism can make her sick.

The children of Sagittarius adore her, since her home is mostly sounds like a circus. Cheerfulness, laughter and overflowing optimism are an excellent environment for raising children. Add to this honesty, courage and intelligence. The only thing that will be lacking is discipline.

Your Sagittarius wife loves to receive and entertain guests, and she does it better than other zodiac signs, including Leo. And her kindness, cordiality and friendliness are so endearing that people feel unusually comfortable.

Sagittarius is an incorrigible idealist. And you realize this when one fine day she confesses to you that she has been looking for you all her life, since childhood, and is happy that she finally found you.

I don't want to disappoint you, but Sagittarius can have a lot of quirks. It is he who can jump on a horse and rush through the city, defending...

He can be won over with certain efforts and manners. First of all, he must be forced off his horse and taken away from the circus crowd. All that he stands for leaves him little time for family life. Sagittarius's unbridled enthusiasm and curiosity are contagious. Sometimes he can cross boundaries in his various affairs. You may feel thrown into the air and not caught back: he simply forgot to do it.

This person is almost always surrounded by a crowd. Another obstacle for you, you will have to always push them aside to get closer to him. But don't be pessimistic, because this man is a huge optimist. He is such an optimist that he may not be offended by insults from his enemies. This type of optimism can be dangerous because... this word can be synonymous with blind faith. Blind faith is good, but he trusts with such naivety that very often he falls into a puddle.

It is very easy to fall into a puddle when you are always in a hurry and running, looking at the sky in search of such a high goal, which those who have the courage must aim for. But in the strict sense of the word, Sagittarius is not a dreamer. His dreams are always accompanied by logic and curiosity. In Sagittarius they are perhaps somewhat impractical, somewhat unbridled. As soon as he feels that there is some possibility of achieving a goal, he gives this goal all the bright colors of which his imagination is capable. But there are always people who do not approve of progressive ideas and try to trample them before they justify themselves.

His imagination can cause him a lot of trouble, but fate always helps him in time. He's so lucky that it doesn't even seem fair. And, naturally, with such luck, he quickly recovers from blows of fate, if they do happen. This also applies to love. He does not like dishonesty and that is why he is surrounded by many friends and well-wishers. He always looks for the true value in a person. This is not to say that he has no enemies at all, but there are much fewer of them than other signs.

People who listened to his remarks may be offended, but as a rule, they quickly move away, because... understand that his intentions are good-natured. The sin of Sagittarius is his tactlessness and inattention, but never deliberate cruelty. His speech is as direct as a symbolic arrow. He can say whatever he thinks, but if you're in love with him, he can pretend he doesn't understand it. But you may be offended by the behavior of Sagittarius when he sees you for the first time, looks at you openly and says that you are the kind of woman who can easily be chosen as his mistress. And when you are ready to engage with him, he puts on an innocent look on his face and explains to you what he meant by saying that. He will say that in the Middle Ages they married a woman close in origin, and the wife could turn out to be ugly, so men always chose only very beautiful women as their mistresses. Hearing this, you will feel that this is a kind of compliment to your beauty and will not be offended.

Sagittarius will impress you. Well, what other man would spend time studying history? You may decide that you will become the wife of an intellectual. But here you will make a mistake, you may be the mistress of an intellectual, you may not understand it right away. He is moving forward quickly and you will become a fallen woman. Of course, not every woman will accept such an explanation, but they may well remain friends.

All this should make you think about how dangerous you might be with a Sagittarius. His naive grin makes him look completely different from a wolf. Sagittarius has a very superficial love life, but at the same time he is very honest. After all, he never told you that you were suitable to be his wife. He said in "mistresses". He needs an easy relationship.

Let's get back to his honesty. If you already know how often vows of love turn out to be false, then you might like Sagittarius's frankness. You won't even object to his stories about former lovers. He will never marry, hiding his true feelings from you. Sometimes, of course, it happens that he is forced to marry. But in such cases, the proposal usually comes from the girl. In this case, he will do everything to avoid this marriage. If she manages to catch him in time, he may decide that if she is suitable for him in one way, she can be suitable for the rest. He's getting married. And thus we can assume that another divorce will soon be brewing.

Women often misunderstand the Sagittarius man's attitude towards them. They think their relationship is more serious than it really is. They hope that he wants strong connections, while he only wants an easy relationship, maybe even platonic. His luck usually helps him get out of difficult situations. There's no denying that he loves to flirt, but he's after more than just sex. He needs variety. If he sees that a woman is starting to get attached to him, he can turn everything into a joke.

Most Sagittarians are accused of having their eyes on any pretty woman. These accusations irritate Sagittarius, because... he believes that he is just being friendly to everyone. If your head is designed for more than just wearing curlers, don't be jealous or suspicious. Give him freedom if you want to keep him near you. Don't ask him unnecessary questions, don't scare him into leaving him. Just imagine what a relief this will be for him.

If you accept life the same way he does, then you can expect to become his wife. If you are honest with each other, flying kites together is a lot of fun. And why think about what will happen to them when they fall to the ground. No, you have to give this man whatever he wants, be who he wants you to be. Let him guide your energy, love sports, go hiking with him. Be generous, kind, don’t make scandals for him every evening, but also let him understand that he cannot completely control you, that you are also a free spirit.

Don't stop him from implementing his ideas. Do something else while he shoots his arrows into invisible distances. And perhaps then he will tell you one evening that you have almost everything that he would like to see in a woman. And since he has come to this, tell him also frankly that he is also suitable for you and that it is time to decide something. Note at the same time that you love him so much that you consider it possible to marry him, provided that he does not prevent you from enjoying a certain freedom. And also say that you are very curious about what will happen when children appear.

After you get married, you will see that you will not have any trouble with his relatives. Sagittarians are surprisingly indifferent to family relationships. And they do not accept the theory that one should love one's relatives even if they do not deserve love. Your suitcase should always be ready, because... you will have to travel with it a lot. Find all sorts of things to do and give him the opportunity to be free. If you hold him back, he may break down the door. When he does wrong, he will always tell you so. Practice listening to his honesty and convince yourself that he still loves you, instead of listening to rumors. Be as practical as he is with human emotions. And you will be surprised how strong love can be when it grows on honest soil.

Since he loves sports, you might watch sports programs on television together. He can introduce you to society if you are charming enough and like people. He will be proud of your talents, so try to have them. Read, be prepared to defend his causes. He can be a little extravagant.

Sagittarians love to take risks. But it makes him generous with your spending. You can hear criticism from him that is sometimes painful and tactless. You have to get used to this. He loves children more when they are older. He goes hiking with them and plays sports with them. He is closer to boys, but gentle with girls. He is more of a friend to the children than a father. Sagittarius thinks with both the mind and the heart. And that is not why he will always act wisely. He stumbles and falls, gets up and tries to start all over again. But you will forgive him almost everything, because he gave you a great gift - honest love.

I don’t want to disappoint you right away, but Sagittarians are elusive people (both literally and figuratively).

To begin with, Sagittarius is always busy with some kind of business. He either saves someone from trouble, or is in a hurry somewhere, and if he suddenly stands still, then he is certainly not alone, but among the crowd, telling funny stories. Therefore, you need to either run very fast or be able to work with your elbows in order to get close to Sagittarius.

The main quality of Sagittarius is invincible, ineradicable optimism, which stems from the fact that fate too often gives him gifts.

If he goes with a prospecting party in search of gold, he may not find it, but in passing he will discover a uranium deposit. Hundreds of times you might see something shiny on the sidewalk, lean over and discover that it was nothing more than a chewing gum wrapper, while he might come across a diamond ring accidentally dropped by a taxi passenger. Such luck cannot but lead to optimism.

Scorpio has a lot of friends and acquaintances and almost no enemies. This fact also cannot but reflect on his cheerful and happy nature.

And now we come to the problem of love. Women often tend to misunderstand the true attitude of Sagittarius, taking it for something more serious. Sagittarians are very flighty and amorous. But this does not mean that he is in love for life. More often than not, it’s just a little indulgence. And if the object of his passion, without understanding his true intentions, wants to cling to him, he will either run away so quickly that she won’t even have time to blink an eye, or he will turn everything into a joke.

But if you are a smart girl whose head exists not only to wear a hat, and if you still want to get him into your network, then I can give you some recommendations on this matter.

Don't be jealous and suspicious. Let him walk on a long leash. Don't ask where he's been, don't throw tantrums, don't whine or threaten to leave him. Give him complete freedom, try to look at the world through his eyes and accept his rules of the game.

Try to be what he wants you to be. Stay active. Love sports. Go hiking with him. Get a dog (preferably a big one). Be generous, relaxed and enthusiastic. Let him know that the same spirit of freedom lives in you as in him. Convince him that besides him, you have many other interests in life. Believe me, once he is convinced of this, he will soon tell you that this is exactly the kind of woman he needs. Here you should warm it up a little more. Tell him that you are also not averse to joining your life with him if he continues to undertake not to infringe on your freedom. Otherwise, unfortunately, you will have to part ways. It would be nice here (you will, of course, have to organize this in advance) if at that moment a phone call came from one of your fans. Right before Sagittarius's eyes, arrange a date with him. Then, after hanging up the phone and smiling sweetly at your Sagittarius, tell him that no matter what, you will remain friends.

I assure you, soon after this you will become his wife.

Sagittarius, a small lover and admirer of family ties, will not burden you with his relatives, and in return, do not torment him with your relatives.

Having become the wife of a Sagittarius, adhere to the same policy that brought you to the crown. Allow him to spend as many evenings outside the house as he wants. Don't question where he was. If it sometimes starts to boil, let it release steam. Don't listen to gossip, but believe his words.

Sagittarius is a passionate fan, so you will have to watch sports programs on TV with him. If you are pleasant in appearance and have a cheerful disposition, he will invite you to go visit him.

If you have any talents, you can safely demonstrate them to him. This will appeal to him very much. Once you become his wife, don’t give up your books. Sagittarius does not like women with whom there is nothing to talk about. Get ready for the fact that he may criticize you, sometimes not very tactfully. But what can you do, these are the rules of the game.

Sagittarius is almost not interested in small children, but as they grow up, he will pay more and more attention to them. Perhaps, sons are still closer to him, although he will be especially gentle with daughters. Sagittarius enjoys playing sports with children and taking long walks with them. There is only one thing he is always strict about: they should never tell a lie.

As for your behavior after the birth of children, you must firmly remember: as soon as he invites you with him, you should hand over the children to the nanny and go on a hike with him or wherever he invites you.

If you always adhere to the scheme that I have drawn for you, your success in life with Sagittarius is completely guaranteed.


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