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Groove blocks are a building material that is used for the installation of interior partitions. They are produced from gypsum during low-temperature processing of natural gypsum, therefore their second name is gypsum boards. This building material is characterized by high dimensional accuracy.

Types of tongue-and-groove blocks

There are ordinary and moisture resistant gypsum boards. The gypsum board groove can have a trapezoidal or rectangular shape. There are full-bodied and hollow gypsum boards. For the construction of walls inside rooms with dry or normal humidity conditions (apartments, hotels, offices, schools, industrial buildings), ordinary gypsum boards are used, and for rooms with high humidity, moisture-resistant gypsum boards are used. The composition of moisture-resistant gypsum boards includes hydrophobic additives.

Gypsum boards are a very cost-effective building material. And thanks to the high quality of their front surface, there is no need to spend a lot of money on finishing work. A gypsum board wall can be wallpapered, painted or tiled with ceramic tiles.

Plasterboard installation is very simple and easy. And due to the low price, the use of gypsum boards gives a significant advantage over the construction of interior walls made of bricks in apartments or cottages. Another advantage of gypsum boards is their resistance to fire.

How to mount tongue-and-groove blocks

To build one square meter partitions, you will need 5.5 gypsum blocks and about 1.5 kg of glue. In order to enhance sound insulation in the place where the partition adjoins the wall, use a cork gasket. If there are no strict requirements for sound insulation, then the blocks can be mounted to the enclosing structures directly on the adhesive solution.

First, the surface on which the partition of tongue-and-groove blocks will be built is cleaned of dust and dirt. It is built before the installation of a clean floor. Then markup is done - using a cord or laser level. Marks are transferred to the walls with a plumb line. In the event that the floor is uneven, a leveling layer must be applied. Laying can be done no earlier than in a day.

Before starting installation, it is necessary to prepare an adhesive solution, which was advised by the manufacturer of gypsum boards (usually it is quite affordable). To do this, the dry mixture must be poured into a bucket with the required amount of water. Then mix thoroughly and leave for 2-3 minutes. It must be taken into account that the viability of the composition is only 1 hour, and the consumption of glue per 1 m2 of masonry is only 1.5 kg.

Foreman's advice: When mixing glue, use only a clean container and clean cold water.

In order for the blocks in the masonry to interlock better, they must be laid with the groove up. To do this, the comb is removed from the tongue-and-groove blocks of the lowest row of masonry. The laying of the first row is done according to the level and carefully aligned in one plane. When laying the next rows, the adhesive is applied and distributed over the grooves of the already laid row. The vertical seam of each tongue-and-groove masonry block must also be filled with adhesive. The thickness of the seams should not exceed 2 mm. During installation, the gypsum blocks in the masonry are settled with a rubber mallet. Laying is done in a run - at least a third of the length. Additional elements are easily obtained using a hand plate. The elements of the last row of masonry are sawn at an angle so that there are no voids between the partition and the ceiling.

Foreman's advice: if there are potholes on the tongue-and-groove blocks, then they need to be filled with putty.

If it is necessary to make an opening in the partition, the width of which does not exceed 800 mm, and above which there is only one row of masonry, then it is not necessary to install a jumper. In this case, it will be enough to install and leave a support in the opening until the glue dries.

If the width of the opening exceeds 800 mm, then a metal or wooden jumper must be installed above the opening. To give the outer corners of the structure additional rigidity, you need to strengthen them metal profile. Internal corners can be reinforced with reinforcing tape.

Installation of gypsum boards can be carried out not only by a professional, but also by a novice builder. At the same time, an experienced worker can make 20 m2 of wall per shift.

Foreman's advice: when fastening objects that exert a slight load (mirrors or bookshelves) to a wall of tongue-and-groove blocks, wedging corrosion-resistant dowels can be used. When installing hanging cabinets or sanitary ware, corrosion-resistant bolts must be used that penetrate the wall through.

Gypsum boards are an affordable, profitable building material for building walls indoors. To build a wall of gypsum boards, you do not need special knowledge, you just need to watch a detailed video of laying gypsum blocks.


The tongue-and-groove plate is a gypsum rectangle with grooves and ridges around the perimeter. The advantages of a PGP partition compared to a brick partition are the quick installation that does not require the skill of a bricklayer. The vertical surface of the wall, thanks to the grooves / ridges, will be almost perfect, excluding subsequent plastering. There is also no need to mix a large volume of masonry mortar. For an average partition of 20 squares, one bag of Knauf gypsum mixture is enough. So let's get started.

Marking the first row of an interior partition made of PGP

The most time-consuming is the breakdown of the dimensions of the future partition, the marking of the openings and the scrupulous alignment of the first row, taking into account the horizontal and vertical.

First, prepare all the plates for the first row. We lay out the blocks on a dry one along the entire length of the future wall, check the dimensions, draw a single common line at the base of the plates along the length with a marker, use a laser level.

The slab is placed with the comb up, respectively, the groove in the lower part of the slab is cut down with a pick to the base, then it is polished with a planer for stability.

The part of the plates marked with a dotted line is removed.

Partition masonry

If the floor surface is not even or there is no floor screed at all, it is more advisable to level the first row by installing blocks on cement-sand mortar, since the gypsum mixture sets quickly. It is better to knead the gypsum mixture (glue) in small quantities for a maximum of 5-10 boards.

The consistency of the glue, like thick sour cream, is applied with a spatula in a thin layer (no more than 5 mm) along the vertical and horizontal edges of the plate with a quick movement, wiping the glue towards itself with the flat of the spatula. We seal the seams by gently tapping the plate with a rubber mallet. We seal the seams with squeezed glue and cover up minor chips and cracks.

If we start laying the partition with a whole slab, then the next half will go to dressing the seams.

Be sure to fasten it with self-tapping screws to the outer wall through a row and connect the partition of the tongue-and-groove plates with galvanized mounting corners.

The corner is placed for rigidity along the edge of the plate, sinking into the groove with a chisel or a hacksaw. We fix the corner with the next row.
Do not forget to control the verticality and horizon of each slab with a level, correcting the slab or upsetting it, if necessary, using a bar and a rubber mallet.

Gypsum slabs are malleable and are sawn with an ordinary hacksaw when halves, quarters, pieces are needed for doorways, corners or lighthouses.

Work with a hacksaw will be enough, therefore, in order not to bother yourself with endless sawing, I advise you to make a 1.5-2 cm file on both sides. Put the plate with a file on the edge of a stack of plates or a goat, and lifting it up, holding it, release it without effort. The fracture, if necessary, is polished with a planer.

As the partition is erected, instead of a lintel, we block the doorway with a bar with a thickness close to the width of the plate. We fasten the bar to the GWP with self-tapping screws obliquely.

Door opening device

Depending on the size of the door and the spread of the corners, it is not always possible to make an opening from HWP. Sometimes it is necessary to use other materials to adjust the size of the doorway without compromising the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

In this case, a brick was used, installed "on the butt" on a cement mortar. The ends of each brick are tied with a large nail driven into the slab and fixed with the next brick. Additional rigidity of the structure will be given by the subsequent puttying of the partition with a fiberglass mesh.

Above the jumper, to facilitate the construction, a plasterboard finish will go.

To facilitate the process of arranging the opening, and if the door can be positioned arbitrarily, then we build a solid wall, and subsequently, after a day or two, we cut the opening with a reciprocating jigsaw, focusing on the dressing seams.

We complete the construction of the partition from the tongue-and-groove plates with the last row under the ceiling. We cut the blocks of the last row along 1-1.5 cm less than the required height for foaming with mounting foam.


On the Internet, opinions on GWP partitions are divided. In my opinion, the benefit for the customer is obvious. Subject to the accuracy of the breakdown of the first row, the presence of one's own desire, patience and a partner, a partition made of tongue-and-groove plates with one's own hands can be erected quickly without much effort.

The installation of tongue-and-groove plates for the installation of partitions has its advantages. This material has a convenient configuration, relatively light weight, which greatly simplifies the installation work. Also, the plates are equipped with a special lock, which ensures their secure fastening.

Important! The arrangement of interior partitions with the help of tongue-and-groove plates occurs very quickly (almost in a matter of hours). To achieve such a speed of installation, you need to have a lot of experience and perfect knowledge of technology.

The cost of building walls from tongue-and-groove slabs at San Sanych

If you are looking for masters for installing walls from tongue-and-groove blocks, pay attention to our company. We have been working in Moscow for a long time and have received many positive reviews. This happened due to a responsible approach to the performance of all operations. We carefully listen to the wishes of the customer and fulfill them in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documentation. Delivery building materials only trusted companies that provide the best quality at a low price are engaged directly on the object. The cost of installation work will definitely pleasantly surprise you. Prices mainly depend on the amount of labor and materials used.

Preparatory stage

Preparing the premises for the installation of tongue-and-groove blocks is as follows:

  • the floor and walls in the places where the future partitions fit must be perfectly even. Otherwise, the desired quality cannot be achieved;
  • all existing irregularities are eliminated by pouring the screed, grinding. Also, without fail, cracks are closed on the base;
  • the surface of the walls, ceiling and floor is primed;
  • markings are applied that reflect the location of the future wall.

Block stacking

Before installing the first row of plates that are intended for this, cut off the legs. This will ensure that they are firmly attached to the floor. To fix the tongue-and-groove plates, a special adhesive composition is used. It is applied to all their ends in order to securely fasten them together. Also, a special lock is used for this, which implies the presence of grooves on the surface of the blocks. After installing the first row, it is fixed to the wall and to the floor with dowels. Further installation continues in the same way.

Many types of construction work can be significantly accelerated without loss of quality if modern technologies are used.

The construction of interior partitions using tongue-and-groove blocks as the main material can significantly reduce time costs. And in recalculation of the cost per 1 m2, construction work will cost less than ordinary brickwork.

What are tongue-and-groove blocks

Tongue-and-groove slabs are made from gypsum or a silicate mixture. Along the edges of the blocks there are grooves and protrusions for a more durable connection of the material to each other. The comb of the block can have a rectangular or trapezoidal shape.

In both versions, the groove is sufficiently securely fixed in the recess and does not allow the material to move.

Plates can have a solid construction or with cavities inside. Hollow blocks have a lower mass, have increased heat and sound insulation, but in terms of mechanical strength, such products are significantly inferior to full-bodied products.

For the manufacture of partitions, both options can be used, but if massive shelves are planned to be installed on the wall of this material, it is recommended to purchase full-bodied slabs.

Advantages of tongue-and-groove blocks

Like any building material, tongue-and-groove blocks have pros and cons.

The positive characteristics of this material include:

  • fire safety;
  • vapor permeability;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • profitability;
  • does not require plastering;
  • light weight.

The tongue-and-groove partitions do not ignite even when exposed to high temperature, and when heated, they do not emit toxic or foul-smelling substances. Thanks to these qualities, the material can be used without any restrictions for the construction of partitions for kitchens, rooms with installed heating equipment, including fireplaces and stoves.

The structure of the material does not prevent the penetration of steam, so partitions can be equipped with tight-closing doors. At the same time, no violations in the microclimate of the room will be observed.

Due to the relatively low weight, the structure does not require additional strengthening of the base for the partition. Therefore, in comparison with solid, tongue-and-groove blocks are the preferred material for the construction of dividing structures in multi-storey buildings.

Material disadvantages

The disadvantages are:

  1. The need to perfectly level the floor under the partition before starting installation work.
  2. To obtain a more durable structure, it is required to install blocks in 2 rows.
  3. In a room with high humidity, more expensive stoves are required.
  4. During operation, it generates a large number of dust and small waste.
  5. In direct contact with liquid, the plate quickly gets wet.

These are the main disadvantages that can arise when building walls from tongue-and-groove blocks.

If you want to quickly make a partition, the main purpose of which will be the physical delimitation of the space of the room. That application of this material is the most optimal, despite some imperfection of the building material.

Types of GWP

The tongue-and-groove partitions can be made of the following types of material.

Gypsum boards

Gypsum tongue-and-groove blocks, the price of which is always distinguished by its democratic nature, without compromising the quality of the product, allow you to carry out construction work as quickly as possible.

The tongue-and-groove comb, the dimensions of which are: height 50 cm, length 66.7 cm and thickness 8 cm, is enough to purchase in the amount of 2 to 3 dozen blocks for the manufacture of standard interior partitions.

Gypsum is an environmentally friendly material, so for people who care about their health, the use of building materials from this raw material is the best option for building walls in a residential area. Gypsum tongue-and-groove slabs are made by casting with the use of plasticizing additives, which are necessary to improve the strength of the product.

A significant disadvantage of gypsum tongue-and-groove blocks is the ability to absorb moisture upon contact with a liquid.

If you need to make a partition in the bathroom or separate the kitchen from the living space, then you should purchase special moisture-resistant gypsum boards. This type of tongue-and-groove blocks is made with the addition of cement and blast-furnace slag, which can significantly reduce the hygroscopicity of the gypsum product.

Gypsum boards have good thermal insulation and allow you to protect the room from extraneous sounds with a factor of up to 40 dB. Such positive qualities are especially well manifested when using gypsum hollow blocks. Plates of this design not only have good sound and heat insulating qualities, but also have less weight, which makes the installation of partitions easier.

Silicate tongue-and-groove slabs

Silicate blocks, in comparison with gypsum material, have greater strength and have less water absorption. In terms of thermal insulation and sound absorption, such products are inferior to gypsum boards, but if you need to install massive shelves on the partition, then it is better to choose silicate blocks.

The tongue-and-groove slabs of this type are made from a mixture of quartz sand and lime. To mix the mixture, ordinary water is used.

The solution thus obtained is placed in an autoclave chamber for pressing and curing under high temperature. In this way, a very durable building material with a thickness of 8-10 cm is formed, which can be successfully used for construction.

Despite the high density of the material, silicate tongue-and-groove boards are a "breathing" material, which allows for a comfortable microclimate in the room.

Manufacturers and prices

In order to purchase gypsum or silicate tongue-and-groove blocks for partitions of good quality, it is recommended to choose products from well-known manufacturers.

Knauf materials meet high safety and quality requirements, so if you decide to make a partition from tongue-and-groove blocks, you should choose this particular manufacturer. Knauf 667x500x100 in Leroy Merlin, the price in the middle range of which does not exceed 250 rubles, is ideal solution for the construction of interior partitions.

The moisture-resistant material of this company will cost only 20% more than a conventional block, but the purchase of this type of plate is absolutely necessary when building walls in a wet room.

Good characteristics are distinguished not only by tongue-and-groove blocks for partitions of imported production. Domestic manufacturers have also established the production of high-quality building materials of the highest quality.

The Russian company "Volma" produces a huge range of quality products, including tongue-and-groove blocks. Moisture-resistant Volma 667x500x80, the price of which is significantly lower than imported counterparts, allows you to make a partition in the bathroom that is resistant to moisture.

At a low cost, Volma building materials are distinguished by high strength and workmanship. With proper installation, the use of this material allows you to get a high-quality surface that will not require major repairs for a long time.

You can compare GWP Knauf prices:

  • full-bodied moisture resistant 667x500x80 mm - 252 rubles;
  • full-bodied 667x500x80 mm - 197 rubles;
  • full-bodied moisture resistant 667x500x100 mm - 293 rubles;
  • full-bodied 667x500x100 mm - 235 rubles.
  • hollow moisture resistant 667x500x80 mm - 202 rubles;
  • full-bodied 667x500x80 mm - 190 rubles;
  • full-bodied moisture resistant 667x500x100 mm - 266 rubles;
  • full-bodied 667x500x100 mm - 233 rubles.

Mounting Features

When building partitions, it is important not only to purchase quality material, but also to carry out the correct installation of the blocks.

To carry out installation work, it is necessary to prepare the following materials and tools:

  • Sand-cement mortar.
  • Grooved slabs.
  • Glue.
  • Mounting brackets.
  • Gypsum solution.
  • Sealant.
  • Primer.
  • Dowels and screws.
  • Building level.
  • Putty knife.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Hacksaw.
  • Rubber mallet.

Installation work is carried out in the following sequence:

1. Foundation preparation

The base under the tongue-and-groove slabs must be perfectly flat. Small cracks and irregularities on the surface can be repaired with cement mortar, the sags can be removed with a spatula. With significant curvature, it will be necessary to level the base with a concrete screed.

The walls and ceiling at the point of connection with the blocks, if necessary, also need to be repaired, and after the mortar has dried, apply a primer layer.

2. Installation of the first row

The first row of blocks should be installed as evenly as possible to ensure the vertical position of the partition. For this purpose, it is necessary to install a cord between the walls at a height of 25-30 cm.

The first row is installed on a special sealant, which is preliminarily glued to the surface of the base. The installation of the first row should be carried out using a level and special brackets for more reliable fastening of the plates to the wall.

3. Installing the next rows

Subsequent rows are set with offset seams. To ensure greater strength, it is recommended to install rows in increments of 0.5 block lengths. The slabs of subsequent rows are also attached to the wall with brackets.

For reliable fixation of the plates, glue is used, which is applied at the junction of materials. Each next row should be installed only after the adhesive of the previous row has set.

4. Installation of the last row

Between the last row and the ceiling, it is necessary to leave a technological gap of about 2 cm. And to ensure reliable fixation, attach the plates to the ceiling with brackets and anchor bolts. When the plates are fixed in this way, the gap between the wall and the ceiling is sealed with mounting foam.


The construction of partitions from tongue-and-groove slabs saves a lot of time, and given the small thickness of the slab, such redevelopment will not “eat up” too much area of ​​the room.

Therefore, if you need to quickly build an additional wall, then the best option will be the application of technology using these building materials.

It's time for the walls to be erected. Let's start laying the first row. This will require prepared plates, with a cut spike. Installation of a tongue-and-groove plate with a groove up or a tongue up is not fundamental, but installation with a groove up is recommended, in this case it is more convenient to apply a binder solution to the end of the plate, and a high-quality mortar layer is obtained, which ensures a strong connection between the tongue-and-groove plates.

The prepared adhesive solution is applied to an elastic tape or to the floor surface, if the installation of partitions is carried out without a noise-insulating gasket. The recommended length of the applied mortar (A) with a plate length of 667 mm can be 680 ... 700 mm. When starting laying the corner of the partition made of PGP (node ​​No. 1), the binder solution is applied immediately under the installation of two slabs (B and C).

Installation procedure for partition corner plates:

  • Plate installation (B). The plate is oriented according to the markings and the metrostat. The adjustment of the plate, as well as its horizontal alignment, is carried out by tapping on its end with a rubber mallet, as shown in footnote 1.
  • Installing the plate (B) with the cut tenon. A binder solution is applied to the end of the slab, with which it will adjoin the slab (B), the slab is put in place and the plates are tightly connected to each other (footnote 2). All directions of blows with a rubber hammer are indicated by arrows.

After the plates are installed, remove the excess binder solution and proceed to the device of the nodal connection of the plates at the place where the partitions are separated (node ​​No. 2).

The connection of gypsum tongue-and-groove plates in the place of the perpendicular connection of the partitions can be carried out as follows. From the corner of the partition (plate B), measure the distance for the device of the doorway, for example, 900 mm wide and install the plate (G) after cutting the spike with a hacksaw.

After that, a solution is applied to the end of the plate and the plate is installed (D). The installation of these plates is carried out according to the marking and, in addition to controlling the horizontal and vertical installation of the plates, it is necessary to control the internal angle of the connection of these plates, which should be equal to 90 °.

There is another way of perpendicular connection of partitions from PGP - without serial dressing. With this method of perpendicular connection of partitions, partitions (A) are first erected, separating the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bathroom (if we take the example considered in our case), and only after that a partition (B) is erected dividing the bathroom into two separate rooms. This partition is already fastened without bandaging the rows, by end connection through a binder solution (C) and additional fastening with steel corners (D) to the wall of the main partition.

Now you need to install the plates of the lower row of the partition, which is adjacent to one of the walls of the house. To do this, first install a slab (G), which is directly adjacent to the surface of the load-bearing wall of the house. The installation of the plate can be carried out both with a groove to the wall, and with the end where the spike was. A solution is applied to the end of the plate and pressed with this end against the wall of the house, sealing the connection by tapping the end of the plate with a rubber mallet:

After the plate is installed and leveled, it is fixed to the wall using a steel angle (rigid connection). How to fix the slab to the wall is shown in footnote 3. Throughout the entire work on the installation of the lower row of partitions, it is necessary to control the horizontality and verticality of the row of GWP using the building level.

After that, the laying of the plates of the first row is continued to the place of the device of the second doorway. If a doorway with a width of 900 mm is required, and when installing the last slab (З), the distance between it and the slab (E) is less than necessary, then in this case the slab (З) is cut, but it is not recommended to leave a trim for installation in place of the doorway less than 250 mm.


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