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Celebration Cathedral of Vladimir Saints celebrated in the Russian Orthodox Church on July 6 according to the new style.

History of the holiday
The Vladimir-Suzdal diocese is one of the oldest in the Russian Orthodox Church. The Christianization of these lands began soon after the Baptism of Rus', and ancient burials that archaeologists find indicate that the Slavs in those parts buried their dead according to Christian custom already in the 990s. However, the see in Vladimir arose somewhat later, in 1214, and the first bishop was St. Simon, invited by the Vladimir prince from the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. The Vladimir diocese was considered one of the largest and most significant on Russian soil: many churches and monasteries were built in it, and the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir for a long time was considered the main temple in Rus', since not only Vladimir, but also Moscow princes were married there. It was decorated with frescoes of St. Andrei Rublev, which have survived to this day. After the rise of Moscow, the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin, built on the model of the cathedral in Vladimir, began to be considered the main temple, which emphasized the special continuity between these ancient cities.
The number of saints of God who labored on the Vladimir land was very large, but a special day of remembrance in honor of the Vladimir saints was established not so long ago. In 1982, Archbishop Serapion (Fadeev) proposed celebrating the Council of Vladimir Saints on July 6 according to the new style (June 23 according to the old style). This date was not chosen by chance, since on this day the main shrine of the diocese, the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, is venerated, and the miraculous liberation of Moscow in 1480 is remembered through prayers before this miraculous image. Patriarch Pimen approved this initiative and in the same year 1982, the Council of Vladimir Saints began to be celebrated.

Saints commemorated on the day of the Council
The Council includes more than seventy saints of God, among whom are martyrs, saints, saints, noble princes, and also holy fools. The most famous saints associated with the land of Vladimir are St. Sergius of Radonezh, Holy Righteous Prince Alexander Nevsky, St. Ilya of Muromets, St. Mitrophan of Voronezh, St. Jonah of Moscow, Holy Righteous Juliana of Lazarevskaya, St. Euphrosyne of Suzdal and many others. Although not all of these saints lived in Vladimir and surrounding cities, many of them were born on Vladimir soil and therefore are also revered on this day. In addition to the ancient saints, the Council includes one priest, who testified to the truth of the faith of Christ during the years of godless persecution of the 20th century. This is Saint Athanasius (Kovrovsky), who occupied the Vladimir See for two years. After going through many years of confession in the camps, he returned to the Vladimir region, where he died in the village of Petushki.

Icon of the Cathedral of Vladimir Saints
The image of the Cathedral of Vladimir Saints is common for festive icons of this type. In the center is a large white temple, reminiscent in its outline of the Assumption Cathedral of Vladimir, as evidenced by the icon of the Dormition of the Mother of God located above. This holiday has always been especially revered and loved in Rus', and in honor of this day many temples and monasteries were consecrated. In addition, the residents of Vladimir have long believed that the Mother of God especially protects their city, as evidenced by numerous miracles and deliverances from troubles that occurred through prayers before the Vladimir Icon. The image of the temple on the icons of the Council of Saints reminds believers of the connection between the earthly and heavenly Churches, as well as the help and intercession of the saints of God for Christians who turn to them in prayer.

Troparion, tone 4:
Today the chosen city of the Most Holy Theotokos brightly flaunts / and with it all the ends of the land of Vladimir are triumphant, / the memory of the God-glorified great face of the saints, / in the labors of the Orthodox faith from ancient times in this inheritance pleased God, / and they cry out to them with love: / about admiration for Christ our God prayer books,/ crowned with bright crowns from Him,/ ask for peace and prosperity for your fatherland/ and great mercy for our souls.

Kontakion, tone 4:
Like the stars of the most radiant Church of Russia, / the confession of the Orthodox faith in that rose, / all the saints of the land of Vladimir: / God-wisdom saints and good-believing princes, / reverend fathers and mothers, / passion-bearers and righteous women, / earnestly pray to Christ God, / to grant remission of sins / through love honoring your holy memory.

We magnify you, / all the saints of the land of Vladimir, / and honor your holy memory, / for you pray for us / Christ our God.

O citizens of Heavenly Jerusalem, all the saints, deeds of faith and piety and many miracles have shone in the land of Vladimir! Look upon us mercifully and raise us to the heavenly heights of those who are devoted to the earth. You are in heaven, but we are on earth below, being far removed from you not only by place, except by our sins and iniquities, but to you, as our kin, we resort and cry: instruct us to walk your path, enlighten and guide us, many sinners. . It is characteristic of you, saints, to have mercy and love for mankind: living on earth, you should not only care about your own salvation, but also about everyone who comes to you. For your instructions were the cane of a scribe, a cursive writer, who inscribes the words of life on the hearts of people named after Christ. It was not just physical illnesses that healed natural illnesses, but more than spiritual ones, the most graceful physicians appeared to nature, and your whole life was mirrored by all sorts of virtues. Coming today to the Throne of Unapproachable Light, see in it all our needs and petitions. You, together with the holy Angels, who rejoice over the one sinner who repents, take refuge and have much boldness towards the Lover of Mankind, God, do not stop crying out to the Lord for us, ask through your intercession from our All-Merciful Heavenly Father the peace of the Church of His Saints, under the sign of the Militant Cross, consent in faith and unity of wisdom, destruction of vanity and schism, affirmation and blessing in good deeds, healing for the sick, consolation for the sad, intercession for the offended, help for the needy, do not shame us, who flow to you with faith and love. Even though we are unworthy of so many of the glorious face of intercessors, you, imitators of God’s former love for mankind, will make us worthy by turning from evil deeds to good living. All of Russia, enlightened by God, filled with your glorious miracles and blessed with graces, confesses you to be its patrons and intercessors. Show us your ancient mercies, in whose image our fathers helped nature for good, and do not reject us, their children, with their feet walking towards you, the saints. We believe that you are present with us in spirit, and even more so with your incorruptible relics. God grant us this, like a priceless treasure. Before them, you, as living beings, fall down and pray, accept our prayers and offer them up on the altar of God’s mercy, so that we may receive grace and timely help for our needs. Do not cease to rule your spiritual flock with the rod of spiritual wisdom: help those who strive, raise up the weakened, hasten for us to bear the yoke of Christ in complacency and patience, and guide us all in peace and repentance to end our life and settle with hope in the blessed bosom of Abraham, where you joyfully After your labors and labors you now rest, glorifying God with all the saints, glorified in the Trinity, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Comforter Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Troparion of the Cathedral of Vladimir Saints
voice 4
Today the chosen city of the Most Holy Theotokos brightly flaunts / and with it all the ends of the land of Vladimir are triumphant, / the memory of the God-glorified great face of the saints, / in the labors of the Orthodox faith from ancient times in this inheritance pleased God, / and they cry out to them with love: / about admiration for Christ our God prayer books,/ crowned with bright crowns from Him,/ ask for peace and prosperity for your fatherland/ and great mercy for our souls.
Kontakion of the Cathedral of Vladimir Saints
voice 4
Like the stars of the most radiant Church of Russia, / the confession of the Orthodox faith in that rose, / all the saints of the land of Vladimir: / God-wisdom saints and good-believing princes, / reverend fathers and mothers, / passion-bearers and righteous women, / earnestly pray to Christ God, / to grant remission of sins / through love honoring your holy memory.
Prayer to the Vladimir saints
O citizens of Heavenly Jerusalem, all the saints, deeds of faith and piety and many miracles have shone in the land of Vladimir! Look upon us mercifully and raise us to the heavenly heights of those who are devoted to the earth. You are in heaven, but we are on earth below, being far removed from you not only by place, except by our sins and iniquities, but to you, as our kin, we resort and cry: instruct us to walk your path, enlighten and guide us, many sinners. . It is characteristic of you, saints, to have mercy and love for mankind: living on earth, you should not only care about your own salvation, but also about everyone who comes to you. For your instructions were the cane of a scribe, a cursive writer, who inscribes the words of life on the hearts of people named after Christ. It was not just physical illnesses that healed natural illnesses, but more than spiritual ones, the most graceful physicians appeared to nature, and your whole life was mirrored by all sorts of virtues. Coming today to the Throne of Unapproachable Light, see in it all our needs and petitions. You, together with the holy Angels, who rejoice over the one sinner who repents, take refuge and have much boldness towards the Lover of Mankind, God, do not stop crying out to the Lord for us, ask through your intercession from our All-Merciful Heavenly Father the peace of the Church of His Saints, under the sign of the Militant Cross, consent in faith and unity of wisdom, destruction of vanity and schism, affirmation and blessing in good deeds, healing for the sick, consolation for the sad, intercession for the offended, help for the needy, do not shame us, who flow to you with faith and love. Even though we are unworthy of so many of the glorious face of intercessors, you, imitators of God’s former love for mankind, will make us worthy by turning from evil deeds to good living. All of Russia, enlightened by God, filled with your glorious miracles and blessed with graces, confesses you to be its patrons and intercessors. Show us your ancient mercies, in whose image our fathers helped nature for good, and do not reject us, their children, with their feet walking towards you, the saints. We believe that you are present with us in spirit, and even more so with your incorruptible relics. God grant us this, like a priceless treasure. Before them, you, as living beings, fall down and pray, accept our prayers and offer them up on the altar of God’s mercy, so that we may receive grace and timely help for our needs. Do not cease to rule your spiritual flock with the rod of spiritual wisdom: help those who strive, raise up the weakened, hasten for us to bear the yoke of Christ in complacency and patience, and guide us all in peace and repentance to end our life and settle with hope in the blessed bosom of Abraham, where you joyfully After your labors and labors you now rest, glorifying God with all the saints, glorified in the Trinity, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Comforter Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Bishop of Vladimir († 1226)
- († 1275)
- Theodore († 1286)
- († 1295)
- († 1262)
- († 1373)
- († 1654)
- († 1703)
- († 1963)

The faithful

- († 1015)
- , Muromsky, prince, wonderworker († 1129)
- (XII century)
- († 1158)
- († 1165) - son led. book Andrey Yurievich Bogolyubsky.
- († 1174)
- († 1174) - son of Andrei Yuryevich Bogolyubsky. George is baptized. Memory 4 (17) July.
- († 1228)
- († 1238)
- († 1238)
- († 1238)
-, prince, son of the lord. book Georgy Vsevolodovich († 1238)
- († 1238)
- , baby, prince, martyr.(† 1238)
- , led. prince († 1246). Father St. Alexander Nevsky.
- (Yuryevsky), prince (†1252)
- († 1263)
- († 1269)
- († 1294)
- , Prince of Starodub († 1330). Commemoration June 21/July 4

- , princess, wife of St. Constantine of Murom († c. 1129)
- († 1228)
- , wife of blgv. book Georgy Vsevolodovich († 1238)
- Maria Vladimirskaya, princess, mc († 1238). Her origin is unknown. She is the wife of the noble prince martyr Mstislav, daughter-in-law of the Grand Duke of Vladimir Yuri II Vsevolodovich.
She died during the assault on Vladimir by the Tatars on February 7, 1238. M. V. Tolstoy about the tragedy of 1238: “On Meat Sunday, February 7, shortly after Matins, the Tatar offensive began. Vladyka Mitrofan, together with the grand ducal family and people, locked themselves in the Assumption Cathedral. Those gathered took monastic tonsure from Bishop Mitrofan, confessed, received Holy Communion and prepared for death. The Tatars took possession of the city and, coming to the temple in which Bishop Mitrofan and the people were, they broke down the church doors, laid fires around the temple and in the temple itself, and lit them. Then Bishop Mitrofan said: “Lord, stretch out Your invisible hand and receive the souls of Your servants in peace,” then he blessed everyone for their inevitable death. All those who were in the cathedral died from the smoke and swords of the enemy.” Feast of Saint Mary established June 23/July 6 in the Cathedral of Vladimir Saints.
- , princess, mts., daughter of blgv. book Georgy Vsevolodovich († 1238)
- , princess, mts., wife of blgv. book Vladimir Georgievich († 1238)
- Theodora (in the world Anastasia (Vassa)) of Nizhny Novgorod, princess, abbess, wife of the blessed. book Andrei Konstantinovich of Nizhny Novgorod († 1378). She was born in Tver in 1331 and named Vassa. Her father was a native of Kiev and was called, as the Book of Degrees testifies, Ivan Kiyasavsky, and her mother Anna. Theodora studied the Divine Scripture from infancy and destined herself for a monastic life, but her parents married her to Prince Andrei at the age of 12. Having lost her husband after a 13-year marriage, Vassa divided her estate as a beggar and took monastic vows with the name Theodora from Archimandrite Dionysius. She founded a nunnery in the city of Galich, known as Zachateisky, and was its abbess for 22 years, having 160 nuns under her command. St. Theodora ended her life in this monastery at the age of 48, in 1378. The Conception Monastery was abolished in 1764. The relics of the saint rest hidden in the Spassky Cathedral in Nizhny Novgorod. Memory - April 16, June 23/July 6 in the Cathedral of Vladimir Saints.
- , princess, daughter of St. Alexander Nevsky († XIII)
- († 1407)

Blessed ones, holy fools for Christ's sake

Parthenius of Suzdal († second half of the 16th century) - polemicist writer, resident of Suzdal; lived in the first floor. XVI century Two of his works are known: “The Canon of St. Archangel Michael" and "Message to the Unknown against the Luthors." P.'s first work is in the library of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, in the canons of the 17th century, No. 280, 284, 287 and 293, and in the “Followed Psalter” of the same century, between the canons of the Suzdal saints, written by the hagiographer monk Gregory of Suzdal. The “Message,” which is an example of the original Russian polemic against the Lutherans, is placed in one of the handwritten collections (No. 423) of the library of I.N. Tsarsky, which became part of the count's library. It testifies to the author’s deep knowledge of Holy Scripture and contains a refutation, on the basis of the Gospel and the Apostles, of the main points of Lutheran teaching and can now serve as a weapon against Stundism. Memory June 23/July 6.
- , Fool for Christ's sake, miracle worker, blessed (†1622). Memory on July 22, October 2 and in the Cathedral of Vladimir Saints.
- Evdokia of Suzdal, Fool for Christ's Sake (†1776). She lived in Suzdal in the 18th century. She acted like a fool for Christ in Suzdal for 50 years. She died on December 22, 1776. The tomb of Blessed Evdokia is located near the cathedral in the city of Suzdal.

Council of New Martyrs and Confessors of the Land of Vladimir
By blessing His Holiness Patriarch The Council of New Martyrs and Confessors of the Land of Vladimir was established by Kirill of Moscow and All Rus'. The date of celebration has been determined as September 18/October 1, the day of remembrance of the Scheme. Konstantin Tverdislov.
- Hieromartyr (1892 - † December 26/January 8, 1938) - archpriest.
- Prisp. . † January 28 (February 10). Suzdal Spaso-Evfimievsky Monastery, Church of the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God, Church of St. John Chrysostom.
- . † 4(17) February. Cathedral of the Intercession of the Mother of God, Melenki, Vladimir region; Temple of the Jerusalem Icon of the Mother of God, p. Vospushka Petushinsky district, Vladimir region.
- . † February 18 (March 3). Smolenskaya Zosimova hermitage in the Aleksandrovsky district.
- . † March 21 (April 3). Nativity Church in the village. Lezhnevo, Kovrov district, Vladimir province (now the village of Lezhnevo in the Ivanovo region).
- . † March 23 (April 5). Mother of God-Rozhdestvenskaya St. Lucian's men's hermitage in the village of Lukyantsevo, Aleksandrovsky district.
- . † May 28 (June 10). Church of the Nativity of the Mother of God, village of Makhra, Alexandrovsky district.
- (Morzhov). † May 28 (June 10). Svyato-Smolenskaya Zosimova hermitage, Aleksandrovsky district, Vladimir region.
- (Lebedev). † August 30 (September 12). Smolenskaya Zosimova hermitage in the Aleksandrovsky district.
- . † August 30 (September 12). Temple of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, p. Narma, Gus-Khrustalny (Kurlovsky) district, Vladimir region; Church of the Nativity of Christ, p. Zakolpie Gus-Khrustalny district; Temple of Paraskeva Pyatnitsa, p. Velikodvorye (Friday) Gus-Khrustalny district.
- Shchmch. . † September 2 (15). Bishop Vyaznikovsky, vicar of the Vladimir diocese.
- . † September 10(23). Alexandrov, Yuryev-Polsky, Vladimir region.
- . † September 12 (25). Church of the Presentation Holy Mother of God to the Temple, p. Aleksino Kolchuginsky district (Yuryevsky district) Vladimir region.
- (Blagonadezhdin). † September 18 (October 1). With. Chekovo (part of the Nebylovsky rural settlement, Yuryev-Polsky district).
- Hieromartyr (1881-† September 18/October 1, 1937) - cleric of the Vyaznikovsky St. Kazan Cathedral. Born in the city of Gorokhovets.
- (1885-1937). † 03 (16) November.
- . † November 14 (27). Temple s. Gavriltsevo (or the village of Golenishchevo) Yuryev-Polsky district.
- . † November 14(27). Temple of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, p. Sedikovo, Voznesenskaya volost, Kovrovsky district, Vladimir province; Church of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God, p. Ivanovo Petushinsky district, Vladimir region.
- . † November 19 (December 2). Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, p. Gruzdeevo Yuzhsky district, Ivanovo region.
- (Mochalov). † November 22 (December 5). Smolenskaya Zosimova hermitage in the Aleksandrovsky district.
- . † November 27 (December 10). Uspensky cathedral Vladimir. Vladimir and Suzdal diocese (ruling bishop).
- . † December 3 (16). Church of the Holy Trinity, village. Dolgopolye (Pavlovskaya Pustosh) Alexandrovsky district, Vladimir region.
- . † December 3 (16). Lived in the village of Churilovo, Yuryev-Polsky district. Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the village. Lykovo, Yuryev-Polsky district.

Canonized new martyrs and confessors who labored on the Vladimir land
Hieromartyr (1867-1918)
Hieromartyr (1863 - 1918) - archpriest.
Hieromartyr (1876 - 1938) – priest, teacher at the Gorodishchevo school at the Usad station.
The Hieromartyr (1873 - 1938) was born in the village of Babaevo, Vladimir province, into the family of a psalm-reader.
Hieromartyr (1885-1938), archpriest. Born in the Nikolo-Pesyansky churchyard, Vladimir district.
Hieromartyr (1877–1938) - archpriest. Born in Vladimir district.
Hieromartyr (1876 - 1918) - rector of the Church of Elijah the Prophet in the village of Urjar, dean of the churches of the Urjar district of the Turkestan diocese. Born into the family of a priest in the village of Judina, Aleksandrovsky district.
Hieromartyr (1872 - 1922) – priest of the Holy Cross Church in the village. Palekh. Born in the village of Parmos, Sudogodsky district.
Hieromartyr (1860 - 1938) - priest of the Nikolopensky churchyard, Vyaznikovsky district.
Hieromartyr (1867-1922) - priest of the Shuya Resurrection Cathedral. Born in the village of Kartmazovo, Sudogodsky district.
. † December 13(26).
Sschmch. . † March 12 (25).
Sschmch. Jacob (Yakov) Zyablitsky. † January 26 (February 8).
. † December 25 (January 7).
Prpmch. Mauritius Poletaev. † September 21 (October 04).
Sschmch. Nikolay Aristov. † May 28 (June 10).
Sschmch. Nikolai Vostorgov. † January 19 (February 1).
Sschmch. Nikita Delectorsky. † November 6 (19).
Sschmch. Pavel Uspensky. † January 17 (30).
Sschmch. Peter Belyaev. † June 4 (17).
Sschmch. Peter Zyablitsky. † January 26 (February 8).
Mch. Peter Yazykov. † April 27 (May 10).
Sschmch. Seraphim Zvezdinsky. † August 13 (26).
Sschmch. Sergius Rodakovsky. † April 8(21).
Sschmch. Sergius Florinsky. † December 17(30).
Sschmch. Simeon Kulyamin. † February 15(28).
Prmch. Feofan Grafov. † March 5 (18).
Sschmch. Feodor Dorofeev. † December 27 (January 9).

Troparion to the Cathedral of Vladimir Saints

Voice 4
Today the chosen city of the Most Holy Theotokos brightly flaunts and with it all the ends of the land of Vladimir are triumphant, commemorating the God-glorified great face of the saints, in the labors of the Orthodox faith from ancient times in this inheritance pleasing God, and they cry out to them with love: oh, the prayer books that adore Christ God, the crowns of the most luminous Crowned from Him, seek peace and prosperity for your fatherland and great mercy for our souls.

Kontakion of the Cathedral of Vladimir Saints

Voice 4
Like the stars of the most radiant Church of Russia, / the confession of the Orthodox faith in that rose, / all the saints of the land of Vladimir: / God-wisdom saints and good-believing princes, / reverend fathers and mothers, / passion-bearers and righteous women, / earnestly pray to Christ God, / to grant remission of sins / through love honoring your holy memory.

Prayer to the Vladimir saints

O citizens of Heavenly Jerusalem, all the saints, deeds of faith and piety and many miracles have shone in the land of Vladimir! Look upon us mercifully and raise us to the heavenly heights of those who are devoted to the earth. You are in heaven, but we are on earth below, being far removed from you not only by place, except by our sins and iniquities, but to you, as our kin, we resort and cry: instruct us to walk your path, enlighten and guide us, many sinners. . It is characteristic of you, saints, to have mercy and love for mankind: living on earth, you should not only care about your own salvation, but also about everyone who comes to you. For your instructions were the cane of a scribe, a cursive writer, who inscribes the words of life on the hearts of people named after Christ. It was not just physical illnesses that healed natural illnesses, but more than spiritual ones, the most graceful physicians appeared to nature, and your whole life was mirrored by all sorts of virtues. Coming today to the Throne of Unapproachable Light, see in it all our needs and petitions. You, together with the holy Angels, who rejoice over the one sinner who repents, take refuge and have much boldness towards the Lover of Mankind, God, do not stop crying out to the Lord for us, ask through your intercession from our All-Merciful Heavenly Father the peace of the Church of His Saints, under the sign of the Militant Cross, consent in faith and unity of wisdom, destruction of vanity and schism, affirmation and blessing in good deeds, healing for the sick, consolation for the sad, intercession for the offended, help for the needy, do not shame us, who flow to you with faith and love. Even though we are unworthy of so many of the glorious face of intercessors, you, imitators of God’s former love for mankind, will make us worthy through turning from evil deeds to good living. All of Russia, enlightened by God, filled with your glorious miracles and blessed with graces, confesses you to be its patrons and intercessors. Show us your ancient mercies, in whose image our fathers helped nature for good, and do not reject us, their children, with their feet walking towards you, the saints. We believe that you are present with us in spirit, and even more so with your incorruptible relics. God grant us this, like a priceless treasure. Before them, you, as living beings, fall down and pray, accept our prayers and offer them up on the altar of God’s mercy, so that we may receive grace and timely help for our needs. Do not cease to rule your spiritual flock with the rod of spiritual wisdom: help those who strive, raise up the weakened, hasten for us to bear the yoke of Christ in complacency and patience, and guide us all in peace and repentance to end our life and settle with hope in the blessed bosom of Abraham, where you joyfully After your labors and labors you now rest, glorifying God with all the saints, glorified in the Trinity, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Comforter Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
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Orthodox calendar

Mch. Emiliana (363). Mch. Jacinthos of Amastrida (IV).

St. John the Long-Suffering, Pechersk, in the Near Caves (1160). St. Pamva, the hermit of Pechersk, in the Far Caves (XIII). St. Pamva of the hermit (IV).

1 Cor., 137 ch., vii, 12–24. Matthew, 60 readings, XIV, 35 – XV, 11, and for Thursday: 1 Cor., 138 readings, VII, 24–35. Matthew, 61 readings, XV, 12–21.

We congratulate the birthday people on Angel Day!

Icon of the day

Venerable Pamva of Pechersk, recluse, hieromonk

Reverend Pamva lived in the 13th century. He was a hieromonk of the Kiev-Pechersk monastery.

During the siege of the monastery by the Tatars, the monks sent Saint Pamva for food. No matter how great the danger, the saint humbly undertook to fulfill his obedience, but the Tatars captured him and tortured him for refusing to renounce the Christian faith.

He told them: “Your gods are cursed, but I believe in Christ, the True God, Who created heaven and earth. He is the Lord, the only True, Almighty, He will deliver me from your hands through the prayers of the saints of Pechersk.”

And, indeed, the monk was subsequently miraculously saved from his tormentors: he was raptured by the Angels and transferred to his cell in the Kiev-Pechersk monastery.

Until his blessed death, Saint Pamva lived in seclusion, where he peacefully reposed before God in 1241. The relics of the saint rest in the Far (Feodosiev) caves.

The memory of the Monk Pamva is also celebrated on August 28/September 10 - the day of joint remembrance of the venerable fathers who rest in the Far Caves.

Troparion to Saint Pamva, the recluse of Pechersk, in the Far Caves

By unslothful obedience/ and rejection of your own will/ having firmly restrained yourself,/ you went to suffer torment and wounds for Christ God,/ from the Ungodly, most honorably Father Pamvo, having been married,// about our souls.

Translation: By diligent obedience and rejection of your will, having firmly curbed yourself, you doomed yourself to torment and wounds for Christ God, from Him especially, Father Pambo, revered by all, was crowned, pray for our souls.

Kontakion to Saint Pamva, the recluse of Pechersk, in the Far Caves

Monastic obedience stained with the blood of torment,/ we please you kindly,/ Reverend Martyr Pamvo,/ and, worshiping with honorable relics, we faithfully pray // praying to the Lord unceasingly for all of us.

Translation: The monastic obedience of the one stained with martyr’s blood, we glorify you with love, Venerable Martyr Pamvo, and, venerating the venerated relics, we pray with faith: “Pray to the Lord without ceasing for all of us.”

Reading the Gospel with the Church

The Holy Church reads the Gospel of Matthew. Chapter XIV, 35 - XV, 11.


35 The inhabitants of that place, recognizing Him, sent to the whole surrounding area and brought to Him all the sick, 36 and they asked Him just to touch the hem of His garment; and those who touched were healed.


1 Then the Jerusalem scribes and Pharisees come to Jesus and say: 2 Why do Your disciples transgress the tradition of the elders? for they do not wash their hands when they eat bread.

3 He answered and said to them: Why do you also transgress the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition?

4 For God commanded: honor your father and mother; and: He who curses his father or mother shall die by death.

5 And you say: if anyone says to father or mother: gift to God what you would use from me, 6 he may not honor his father or his mother; Thus you have made void the commandment of God by your tradition.

7 Hypocrites! Isaiah prophesied well about you, saying: 8 These people draw near to Me with their lips, and honor Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me; 9 but in vain they worship Me, teaching doctrines the commandments of men.

10 And calling the people, he said to them: listen and understand!

11 It is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth defiles a person.

(Matt. 14, 35 – 15, 11)

Cartoon calendar

Orthodox educational courses

FAMILY, LOVE AND LOYALTY: A Word on the Day of Remembrance of the Righteous Princes Peter and Fevronia

IN This Sunday we remember not only the Resurrection of Christ, but also a wonderful holiday is celebrated in our Fatherland - the All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, as it is called. It is very gratifying that such holidays dedicated to family, this greatest value, this greatest manifestation of love, are being established in our country. And what is even more gratifying is that they are established on the basis of the memories of the saints. On this day they celebrate the memory of Saints Peter and Fevronia, who are rightfully considered the patrons of family life.

(MP3 file. Duration 12:27 min. Size 11.40 Mb)

Hieromonk Nikon (Parimanchuk)

Preparation for the Sacrament of Holy Baptism

IN section " Preparation for Baptism" site "Sunday school: on-line courses " Archpriest Andrei Fedosov, head of the department of education and catechesis of the Kinel Diocese, information has been collected that will be useful to those who are going to receive Baptism themselves, or want to baptize their child or become a godparent.

R This section consists of five cataclysmic conversations in which the content of Orthodox dogma within the framework of the Creed is revealed, the sequence and meaning of the rites performed at Baptism are explained, and answers to common questions related to this Sacrament are given. Each conversation is accompanied additional materials, links to sources, recommended literature and Internet resources.

ABOUT course conversations are presented in the form of texts, audio files and videos.

Course topics:

    • Conversation No. 1 Preliminary concepts
    • Conversation No. 2 Sacred Bible story
    • Conversation No. 3 Church of Christ
    • Conversation No. 4 Christian morality
    • Conversation No. 5 The Sacrament of Holy Baptism


    • Frequently Asked Questions
    • Orthodox calendar

Reading the lives of saints by Dmitry of Rostov for every day

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    N There is no doubt that such a connecting force is Orthodoxy, but not in the form in which it came to Rus' from Byzantium, but in the form in which it acquired on Russian soil, taking into account national, political and socio-economic characteristics Ancient Rus'. Byzantine Orthodoxy came to Rus', having already formed a pantheon of Christian saints, for example, such as Nicholas the Wonderworker, John the Baptist and others, deeply revered to this day. By the 11th century, Christianity in Rus' was only taking its first steps and for many ordinary people of that time was not yet a source of faith. After all, in order to recognize the holiness of the visiting saints, it was necessary to believe very deeply, to be imbued with the spirit of the Orthodox faith. It’s a completely different matter when before your eyes there is an example in the person of your own, Russian person, sometimes even a commoner, performing holy asceticism. This is where the most skeptical person towards Christianity will come to believe. Thus, by the end of the 11th century, the Russian pantheon of saints began to form, revered to this day on a par with general Christian saints.

Russia is famous for its holy fathers who listen and hear our requests and pleas. And our Vladimir land is rich in holy places and in almost every city you can turn to a “local” saint with prayer. Here are just some of the saints you can worship in your small homeland.


The holy relics of the holy confessor Athanasius, Bishop of Kovrov, rest in the Mother of God Nativity Monastery in Vladimir at 68 B. Moskovskaya Street.


The holy relics of St. John, the first bishop of Suzdal and Nizhny Novgorod, rest in the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the city of Suzdal. By the way, numerous healings were witnessed at his tomb.

The holy relics of St. Euthymius of Suzdal, the founder of the Transfiguration Euthymius Monastery, rest in the Tsarevo-Konstantinovskaya Church in the city of Suzdal. Here are also A in Suzdal convent- the holy relics of St. Sophia of Suzdal, in the world - Grand Duchess Solomonia Saburova, wife of Grand Duke Vasily III.


The holy relics of the blessed Prince Constantine, his sons Mikhail and Theodore (XI-XII), and his wife Irina are in the Annunciation Cathedral in the city of Murom. The holy princes lived in the 11th-12th centuries and worked hard to spread Orthodoxy among the pagans.

The holy relics of righteous Juliana Lazarevskaya rest in the Nikolaberezhnaya Church in the city of Murom. The feat of life of holy righteous Juliana is a feat of love. During the famine years (1601-1602) under Tsar Boris, the saint sold all her property and set her peasants free. Some of the most faithful remained and collected quinoa and tree bark for their mistress, from which she baked bread, fed herself with her children and servants, and fed visiting beggars. The righteous one died on January 10, 1604. And 10 years later, while arranging a grave for her son George, they accidentally unearthed her grave, full of myrrh.

Who became famous for their piety and mercy, rest in the Trinity Monastery in the city of Murom.


Holy relics venerable elder Alexy rests in the Smolensk-Zosimova Hermitage, in the Aleksandrovsky district. In the city itself, in the Assumption Convent, the relics of St. Cornelius are kept. And in Strunino - not far from Alexandrov - in the Nativity of the Virgin Lucian Hermitage there are the relics of St. Lucian.


The holy relics of the Monk Roman of Kirzhach, a disciple of the founder of the monastery, St. Sergius, are in the Holy Annunciation Convent of the city of Kirzhach.


The holy relics of the Monk Demetrius, the Pereslavl wonderworker, rest in Yuryev-Polsky in a shrine in front of the royal doors of the Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the convent in the name of St. Nicholas. In the same city in the Holy Dormition Cosmin monastery there are the relics of the Venerable Cosmas of Yakhromsky, and in the Church of the Intercession - the relics of the blessed Prince Gabriel.

Myrrh-streaming icons

There are also myrrh-streaming icons in the Vladimir region: one of them, the icon of the Mother of God “Inexhaustible Chalice,” is located in the church of the Great Martyr Panteleimon in the village of Gorodishchi, Vladimir diocese. The flow of myrrh occurred on June 7, 1996, during the consecration of a new church in honor of the Great Martyr Panteleimon.

Holy springs

There are also several famous holy springs on the territory of the Vladimir diocese. In Vladimir - the saint (or the source of the holy prince Alexander Nevsky) on the street of the 50th anniversary of October (in the ravine). There is also a holy spring on the territory of the Holy Bogolyubsky Monastery, which flowed in 1992. There is also a source in the St. Nicholas Volosovsky convent in the village of Volosovo, Sobinsky district, as well as in Lakinsk in the Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God and in the village of Novoe, Yuryev-Polsky district.


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