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You have a dacha. You want to make it not only beautiful, but also convenient and comfortable for your family and friends to relax. And so that everything doesn’t cost too much. Don't know where to start? Barbecues and barbecues for a brick dacha, made with your own hands from a photo - an ideal start for arrangement summer cottage. We assure you that after reading this article and looking at the drawings, you will build an ideal barbecue on your site, on which you will then cook delicious and healthy food.

A step-by-step guide to preparing and building a DIY brick barbecue

Preliminary work (layout and drawings)

Before you build a brick grill, you need to carefully consider what it will be like. We recommend paying attention to the following points:

When you decide what kind of barbecue you want to make, make detailed drawings with exact dimensions. Thanks to them, you will not only be able to correctly build the structure itself, but also calculate the amount of materials needed.

Choosing a place for the barbecue

Brick barbecues can be located anywhere in the summer cottage - in the garden, in the gazebo, on the terrace - as long as it is convenient. But we advise you to consider the following recommendations:

  • The first and most important point is fire safety! Do not build garden barbecues near wooden buildings, dead trees or bushes.
  • There should not be a playground nearby.
  • Convenient if you bake and brick wall summer kitchens will be located nearby, so as not to have to run far for groceries and everything else.

If the project includes a sink, build a water supply nearby.

To ensure that the future roaster stands well and firmly for many years, make its base as reliable and stable as possible. The dimensions and strength of the foundation depend on the dimensions of the planned structure. In any case, the foundation should be larger in area than the barbecue by approximately 50 cm on each side.

After two weeks (if it’s hot, maybe less), when everything has hardened well, you can start building a barbecue with your own hands.

Choosing a brick for a barbecue

Here again we should remember about fire safety. If the barbecue is indoors, you should take a special fire-resistant fireclay brick, it contains a lot of clay, due to which it withstands well high temperatures and quickly warms up the room.

Types of bricks used to build barbecues

If the future construction is planned to be outdoors, then professionals do not recommend making everything from fireclay bricks, since they do not like moisture. It's better to take a full-bodied one ceramic brick M200 or facing. The interior of the firebox itself will be made of fireclay bricks.

Upon request, on final stage During the construction of a barbecue, its decorative finishing is done.

Preparing the solution

For cladding you need a cement-sand mixture, and for laying the stove itself, clay-sand with the addition of a small amount of cement for strength. You can take a ready-made mixture for stoves and prepare it according to the instructions.

To prepare your own clay solution, you will need:

  • red clay;
  • sand;
  • cement;
  • water.

The clay is filled with water and left for 5-6 days. Then it is thoroughly mixed, sand and cement are added little by little (a glass of cement 400 per bucket) and mixed again. The mixture is ready to use.

After the foundation hardens before construction, two layers of roofing felt must be placed on it for waterproofing. This is done so that the brick draws less moisture from the base, this will extend its service life.

Then we determine the position of the wall, apply the solution and begin to build a brick grill with our own hands.

Be sure to check everything with a level so that the masonry is even, as this will affect the quality of the stove in the future.

Laying a simple brick grill (arrangement)

To build such a barbecue, carefully consider the diagram according to which it is made step by step masonry, the so-called order.

The so-called half-brick masonry is performed: each odd row (1,3, etc.) begins with a whole, and each even row (2, 4, etc.) with a half. This is done for a bunch of bricks.

We lay a ceiling on top of the 4th row, on which dishes can then be placed.

On the 8th row you need to put 4 thick-walled corners, as shown in the figure. We lay the 9th row on the corners.

In the 10th row, all the beauty of this barbecue is “piano keys”. They can be cut with a grinder from white fireclay and red facing bricks.

The last 2 rows - and the grill is ready. Please note that in the 11th and 12th rows longitudinal halves of bricks are used.

The skewers and grill will then be placed on them.

View from all sides

This is what our brick piano grill looks like from different sides.

Option 1 - drawing with dimensions (click to enlarge)

Final result with dimensions.

Option 2, improved - drawing with dimensions (click to enlarge)

Another option for a barbecue piano. It is wider and the back wall is built from the very bottom. Watch the video for the laying process of this option.

This was the one that was easy to build on your own, even without experience in this field.

Do-it-yourself brick barbecue - step-by-step construction with real photos

Let's consider another option, more complex - how to make a brick barbecue with your own hands, which includes two lower compartments for firewood, dishes and other small items, a combustion chamber, a tabletop and a chimney at the top.

For the construction of the structure itself, in this case, they used facing bricks and refractory bricks for the inside of the furnace.

Initial stage of construction

We begin laying in the same way as described above. The lower part will be in the shape of the letter “W”, only the compartments will be different in width. The wider one for firewood will have a firebox and chimney above it. The second is for dishes and other accessories; there will be a table top at the top.

We make even seams between rows

To ensure that there is an identical and even seam between the bricks everywhere, a metal strip is used here when laying, the cross-section of which is square with a side of 12 mm. But we recommend taking something thinner - 5-10 mm will be enough. You also need to constantly control the level of verticality and horizontality of the masonry.

Brick laying process

The plank is placed on the edge, as shown in photo 4, then carefully covered with mortar. On the side where the bar was placed, we place the mixture equally with it, on the other side, a little more, in a slide. We lay the brick, hold it with one hand on the side of the plank, and lightly tap it with a hammer on the other side to level it. When the solution dries a little, remove the bar.

To make the laying process move faster, there must be several planks, since they are needed for each row.

Lay out the bottom part - the first 10 rows

According to this principle, 10 rows are laid out.

Preparing the base for the firebox and countertop

Next will be the firebox and countertop. On the 10th row we place reinforcement with a diameter of 12 mm. The distance between the rods is 70 mm. Formwork is placed between the reinforcement so that the mixture does not fall down when the seams between the bricks are filled.

Professional advice: it is better to take metal corners, as there is a possibility that the reinforcement will bend under the weight.

Lay out the brick and fill with mortar

Bricks are laid out at equal distances from each other over the entire area. Those that fall on previously erected walls are placed on the mortar, the rest are simply placed on the formwork. Then the gaps between the bricks and the surface are filled with mortar.

We form the combustion chamber and vault

After drying, the firebox is erected - 8 rows are laid out vertically. Next, the back part, which is located near the wall, is also erected, and the remaining three sides are narrowed upward by half a brick. So another 9 rows are laid out.

We are building a chimney

The next stage is the chimney. In this case, 20 rows are made of brick, and at the top there is a stainless exhaust pipe. A high chimney is needed so that the smoke does not disturb you or your neighbors, and the draft is better.

The last stage of construction - finishing the countertop and firebox

And the finishing touches - the countertop is tiled, and the inside of the firebox is covered with refractory bricks.

Final result

After a few days for complete drying, the barbecue is ready for use.

We recommend watching a video that shows the entire process of laying a garden brick oven.

Below in the gallery you can see more photos of barbecues and barbecues for your dacha made from brick with your own hands, and choose the one that is suitable in style, functionality and location specifically for your site.

In the gazebo On the terrace
With hob On the street With built-in smokehouse

Between grills and barbecues fundamental difference no, except that in the first one the food is cooked on skewers, and in the second one - on a grill. Both can be done on one structure, the construction of which will be discussed.

Often, a country barbecue is a simple outdoor building in the open air. A brick barbecue is a more complex device, which can be located in a summer kitchen, gazebo or outdoors, but it already has a chimney and, in most cases, a cover to protect from rain and snow.

A temporary brick cooking device is a great summer option.

If you do not plan to be at the dacha in winter, then a barbecue or grill made of brick without mortar is perfect for this purpose. In the spring it can be easily and quickly folded and disassembled for the winter.

Laying scheme without mortar

Here is the diagram and step by step instructions, which shows the manufacture of similar grills and barbecues made of brick.

If the barbecue is planned to be small (9-10 rows of bricks), you can simply level and compact the ground well. For larger structure It's better to pour the foundation.

We begin to lay out the bricks according to the same principle as in the previous versions, but in a circle and with gaps of approximately 50 mm.

We lay a steel sheet on top of the 5th row, which will serve as a tray for coal.

Add 2 more rows and install a cooking grate. Then 2 more rows for protection from the wind.

To build such a round barbecue, you will need a little more than 100 bricks.

This is one example of a temporary barbecue, you can change it at your own discretion. Or choose for yourself and build one of the options shown in the photo below.

It's good if personal plot There is a metal barbecue, but not only practicality is important for a person, they also want beauty. Functional and attractive appearance- This is a brick barbecue. There are simple models, the manufacture of which does not require special skills, and there are very complex structures - real brick complexes that only a professional can make. It is better not to take on the construction of such structures without experience, but anyone can try to build a simple brick grill or barbecue oven.

What is the difference between a grill, a fireplace, an oven and a barbecue?

Fireplaces, stoves and barbecues have a brick wall on the back of the brazier, which the grill does not have. It is necessary to retain heat and to reflect it onto frying food.

The design of a fireplace, stove and barbecue provides for the construction of a chimney, which allows heated air and smoke to be vented away from the cook; the grill does not have this element.

In fireplaces and stoves, the heat is located in the firebox; in the grill device there is a metal tray for this purpose.

The heat of a grill, fireplace and barbecue is retained only while the fuel is burning, and the stove can remain warm for a long time.

Barbecues and stoves combine the function of a heating device with cooking, a grill is necessary only for cooking, and a fireplace is exclusively a heating device.

What tools and materials will be needed to build a brick barbecue:

Preparing the mixture for masonry

For brick construction, you need to choose high-quality mortars. You can use 2 options for such solutions:

  • ready-made compositions (separate mixtures for walls and fireboxes);
  • clay mixed with clean sand.

Such compositions have their own disadvantages and advantages; they need to be understood in detail. Previously, only clay was used in the construction of furnaces, but it has a serious drawback. Heating structures built on clay mortar must be well protected from moisture. It cannot be used for laying bricks on a pipe; in such places, mixtures based on cement or lime are used. IN recent years Fire-resistant compounds have become available and are sold dry in hardware stores. They go to work after diluting with water.

Clay is the cheapest binder that is completely environmentally safe.

For masonry, you must choose dark red clay. The quality of raw materials and the finished mixture is checked as follows:

  1. You need to take 500 gr. clay, stir it with 200 ml of water so that it does not stick to your hands.
  2. A lump is made from this mass and thrown onto the floor or against the wall; if cracks appear on the lump, the clay is too greasy; if the lump immediately crumbles, there is too much sand in the solution; a good clay mixture for laying a stove should look like plasticine.
  3. Laying 1000 bricks will require approximately 50-70 liters of mixture. To increase the strength of the mixture, add 0.5 cups of table salt to each bucket of clay. To increase the strength of the masonry, in weakly heated areas of the structure, it is permissible to add no more than 500 grams of cement to the mixture. on a bucket of clay.
  4. The resulting mixture should look like thick homemade sour cream.
  5. Often, when building brick heating devices, various dry mixtures are used. Methods for their preparation and use are always indicated in the instructions.

Don’t forget that they sell formulations that are designed for different oven heating temperatures. There are mixtures intended only for laying fireboxes and there are simple compositions for constructing the walls of a fireplace or stove.

How many bricks do you need?

Before building a brick barbecue with your own hands, you need to calculate how much it will be needed. There are many programs designed for such calculations. You can roughly calculate the need using a pre-prepared barbecue drawing. Dimensions of standard brick:

  • length – 25 cm;
  • width – 12 cm;
  • height – 6.5 cm, together with the solution the height reaches 7 cm.

Taking into account the design and size of the brick, a calculation is made. Instead of a brick chimney, you can install a tin pipe. Before work, focusing on drawings and photographs of a brick barbecue, be sure to prepare layer-by-layer sketches of the masonry. In the figure there are 28 layers of brick, 18 rows of which are the distance to the pipe and 10 rows to the lattice of the structure. Make 18 drawings and schematically mark the sequence of brick laying on them. Do not forget that the bottom brick should always be overlapped by 2 bricks on top. Also, a brick lying longitudinally must be overlapped on top by 2 transverse bricks. You can see the finished oven in the photo of a brick barbecue.

You need to choose a convenient place to build a barbecue, and you need to consider:

  • the barbecue should be located no closer than 5 meters from the neighboring plot (better further);
  • the structure is built at the maximum distance from wooden buildings;
  • there should be no bushes or trees on the lawn near the barbecue;
  • it is necessary to be able to supply lighting and water to the barbecue;
  • It should be possible to build a canopy or gazebo.

Foundation structure

You immediately need to make markings for the foundation of the barbecue at the selected location; its dimensions must correspond to the order of the brick barbecue and take into account the masonry drawings. In addition, the dimensions depend on the layout of the site - whether there will be a gazebo being built nearby or whether a foundation needs to be made just for building a barbecue. It is best to use a slab base:

  1. Using pre-established markers, a pit is dug 40-50 cm deep.
  2. Fill it with a mixture of gravel and coarse sand to the soil level, compact it and install formwork 150 mm high on top.
  3. The reinforced frame is assembled into the assembled structure.
  4. A concrete solution is poured into the formwork and compacted well so that there is no air left in the body of the foundation.
  5. Use a level to check the level of the site.
  6. After this, everything is covered with damp burlap in order to increase the drying time and prevent cracking of the concrete.

The foundation will be completely ready in three days, then the formwork can be removed.

Construction of barbecue walls

To protect the foundation and bricks from moisture penetrating from the soil, the foundation walls must be treated with tar, and 2-3 layers of roofing material are laid on top of it. Mix the masonry mortar (recipe listed above). The first row of bricks is laid on roofing felt spread on the foundation. On rows 7 and 10, metal plates are inserted into the masonry. The sheets of metal should be narrower than the oven by ½ the length of the brick.

When laying bricks, be sure to take long breaks, which are necessary for the mortar to set, otherwise the tall structure may creep apart.

Fresh mortar sags, the seams between the rows of bricks dry out and become smaller, for this reason deviations from the project are possible. It takes 2-3 days for the walls to shrink; this is affected by the ambient temperature. Self-build allows for breaks in work - this is a significant advantage over using hired builders who try to completely complete the project as quickly as possible.

Using a saw or grinder, cut off 1/2 half of the brick so that a sheet of metal can be placed in the groove made. We raise the walls further, laying bricks according to the drawings. On the 15th row, it is necessary to lay out the arch; for this, semicircular wooden templates are used. A pattern of the required curvature is made from plywood, a cutting line is marked along it with a pencil and cut out with a jigsaw. Prepare the second board in the same way. To strengthen the vault template, another board is inserted between the boards and everything is connected. The ready-made template can be used. It is placed between the walls of the firebox, and the laying of bricks begins, connecting them with mortar.

The middle brick of the vault should be located exactly in the center of the firebox opening.

For laying the firebox and barbecue pipe, it is necessary to use heat-resistant bricks.

The pipe begins to be laid from the 18th row; to reduce the width of the hole in each row of masonry, ¼ of the width of the brick is removed. Thus, 28 rows of masonry are laid out. Instead of a brick vault, you can prepare a metal box and install it into the masonry.

What you need to pay attention to:

  1. When using a barbecue on your site, you must not violate fire safety rules, otherwise your vacation may be ruined.
  2. Do not light a barbecue with gasoline or kerosene; use special compounds for this purpose;
  3. You should not soak coals or firewood with ignition compounds; they should only be sprinkled on top of the kindling;
  4. Don’t forget that quality fuel means good rest and delicious food. For this reason, worry about dry firewood in advance. Experts advise using birch coals, which make food aromatic and tasty.

White clinker brick barbecue - video

Step-by-step instructions for building a brick barbecue

Masonry drawings for arranging a brick barbecue are specific plans or diagrams created specifically for convenience in the process of assembling the structure. For any arrangement, a general plan drawing is required to familiarize yourself with the dimensions of the barbecue and calculate the amount of material for it.

The basis, naturally, for monolithic foundation, without a reinforced base, a serious structure cannot be erected. It is also important, before working with rows, to place several layers of insulation on the already dried foundation to avoid moisture build-up.

We work in order

We start from the first row, where it is important to maintain the level. We are talking about floor level if construction is above the natural horizon. It is most convenient to align the cord along the planes and only then use a trowel, applying cement or clay mortar to the base.

The simplest arrangement of a brick barbecue

If the first row is usually just a plane made of brick, then further it can be more complicated, because some barbecue designs are built with a cauldron or an additional oven.

An example of arranging a barbecue with a cauldron or outdoor oven

Description of the masonry

From the sixth we move on to the butts (transverse masonry). It should turn out that the brick rests on the ledges on each side (plane). They are necessary for the arrangement of the grille and its correct location in the future.

Continue the next 3-4 rows of half a brick, maintaining the original thickness. And from the tenth row it is necessary to repeat the order of the barbecue oven, with the expectation of repeating the transverse laying for the grates.

Although brick protrusions can be bypassed by replacing them with steel corners or other fasteners. It is important that this point is thought out at the time of laying outdoor barbecues, then you can do it yourself reliably, taking into account the space for a smokehouse or additional compartments.

Corner option More often they try to make it like an extension, when the main stove is simply placed on the foundation, and a barbecue or a place to fire a cauldron is laid out separately on the corner. Everything is simple here: we put the wall at the height of the working plane, ending the last row with bonded masonry. A support for a stone countertop, for example, is placed in a similar way. But such material is not always affordable; it is often replaced with wood covered with tiles.

Variants of orders and schemes

Diagram for a barbecue or fireplace stove

Setting up a grill hearth similar to a barbecue for a gazebo

How it works in practice

The order is not difficult to imagine in diagrams created for construction literature. But in reality everything looks much more interesting.

Start work like this

This is the base and space for fuel. Then you need to raise small walls, create spaces for the door and ash pan

After this, you need to arrange the overlap of the lower tier using three rows of bricks. Then it will be possible to set up a barbecue next to the firebox, just under the ash pan.

Let's just say that, having completed this work, the first cycle is downloaded. You can start creating the structure from the top, where there will be protrusions or rods.

The most important point when studying the order, you need to use a refractory type of brick, which cannot be laid on ordinary clay.

You need to purchase a heat-resistant solution or special clay.

The plan also includes a chimney installation on almost every brick BBQ project. But it is advisable to do it after the finished structure has completely dried. The way out of the situation when there is no time and excess material is to construct a frame from reinforcement and boards. It turns out to be a kind of formwork into which concrete is poured. It's cheaper and faster.

Technical points

A simple do-it-yourself brick structure is sometimes placed on a poured foundation slab, but does not use mortar. This approach is optimal for those who are not confident in their abilities, want to save money, or simply test a country version of a barbecue or barbecue.

It will come out quite original, and the order is the same, only this can be disassembled if necessary, enlarged in size, or even assembled into stacks of bricks

There is only one minus - the lack of good protection from the wind, because there is no usual arch. And if the structure is not assembled under a canopy, then the heat from the coal will have to be protected during the rainy season.

A barbecue without a solution, a smokehouse and a cauldron can be assembled by eye, but they always try to calculate their actions in advance, calculating similar plans or drawings on paper


Simple ovens barbecues and barbecues made of bricks are not built without several procedures that have been tested in practice. Yes, you can build for luck if you have extra money. But main mistake in this case, the problem is that nothing can be changed without damaging the stove. Therefore, before planting on the solution, they try to measure each row dry, correcting the defects, working on inaccuracies.

What could be more wonderful than a holiday with family or friends? fresh air. A pleasant pastime is most often complemented by a picnic with cooking meat or fish. To do this, when traveling, they use various folding devices such as a prefabricated barbecue or grill. If you are the owner of a country plot, then once built, a barbecue oven will become the very place around which you can gather with loved ones for a delicious lunch and pleasant conversations. Despite its apparent complexity, a brick barbecue can be easily built with your own hands. Photos of existing structures, drawings and layout diagrams, tips and recommendations from experienced stove makers will greatly facilitate the work.

Features and benefits of barbecue

A barbecue built with your own hands will become not only a functional addition, but also a real decoration of a suburban area.

A barbecue oven is far superior in functionality to other designs designed for outdoor cooking. A brick barbecue allows you to cook shish kebab or steak, bake fish or vegetables, smoke fish and meat products, cook first and second courses, dry fruits or mushrooms and much more.

Being to some extent a symbiosis of a barbecue, grill, smokehouse and grate, the barbecue also has features that make this design unique and effective:

  1. The structure has a back wall, which allows you to evenly distribute the temperature throughout the entire internal volume and retain heat.
  2. Using a chimney allows you to create draft and remove smoke from the cooking area.
  3. Fuel combustion occurs in the firebox, and not in a metal pan, as, for example, in a barbecue or grill. This makes the structure safer and more durable.
  4. Heat in a barbecue oven is spent more efficiently, since even after cooking, the bricks of the structure maintain a high temperature.

A huge advantage of the design is that the barbecue allows you not only to cook food, but also to heat the room. This can be a real godsend for closed or semi-open gazebos, allowing you to relax in comfort not only in the summer, but also in the off-season.


There are many garden barbecue stoves, among which there are several types of designs that have the following features:

  • an enlarged open-type firebox (it is used as a garden or gazebo fireplace) and a built-in grate or spit;
  • a heat chamber like a Russian oven, for cooking pies, pastries, etc.;
  • barbecue area or stationary structure for preparing barbecue;
  • niche for a cauldron;
  • smoke chamber for producing home-made smoked meats;
  • hob.

Truly universal structures are barbecue complexes, which are multifunctional structures that include all the above-mentioned additions.

Photo gallery: design options

Barbecue oven equipped with a smoking chamber One of the most popular designs is a barbecue with a firebox, which in shape and functionality resembles a regular fireplace. Multifunctional barbecue oven with hob and smokehouse. Real summer kitchen, isn't it? Barbecue combined with a Russian oven Barbecue with grill and niche for cauldron

Design of a garden barbecue oven

The simplest barbecue oven is a brick structure half a brick thick, laid in the shape of the letter U. The height of the structure can be from 1 meter or more. Of course, the larger the stove, the stronger the concrete base on which it is installed should be.

Design of a simple barbecue oven

Scheme of a simple garden stove with a grate

At a level of about 70 - 75 cm from the floor, protrusions are made of bricks laid across the masonry in the side walls of the structure. During operation, a tray rests on these protrusions, in which charcoal or firewood is burned. At a distance of 10, 15, 20, 25 cm from the brick ledges, guides are built into the side walls of the barbecue. Thanks to the ability to adjust the height of the food rack to the desired height, you can choose the optimal temperature regime.

The side and rear walls of the stove perform both windproof and heat-accumulating functions. It must be said that in more complex designs, the barbecue working chamber has a vaulted shape and a narrow smoke channel, which improve the efficiency of the stove and increase its efficiency.

The combustion zone is made of fireclay refractory bricks, which are laid on a mortar of heat-resistant cement and river sand. In some cases, a clay-sand composition is used, adjusting the mass fractions of the components depending on the fat content of the clay. The walls of the structure are erected from red facing bricks using ordinary cement-sand mortar.

Often the barbecue design is supplemented with comfortable work surfaces, a Russian oven, a sink, various niches and shelves. This makes the oven more functional and easy to use.

Preparatory stage

At the preparatory stage, they select a place for future construction, determine the design and size of the barbecue, and also stock up necessary tool and materials.

Deciding on a place for a garden stove and its design

When choosing the design, size and location for a barbecue, several rules are followed:

  • the distance from the structure to the house should not be large, since during the cooking process you will have to go back and forth repeatedly;
  • there should be no trees or bushes near the fireplace;
  • during construction, the wind rose is taken into account - smoke from the barbecue should not go towards the house;
  • the design and style of the structure must match the style of the estate and favorably emphasize its strengths;
  • in a small area the stove will look harmonious large size with optimally located work areas;
  • A large barbecue requires the construction of a solid foundation.

In addition, it is necessary to foresee how protection from rain will be provided, to consider the design of additional elements such as a grill, smokehouse, work surface with a sink, etc.

Drawings and dimensions of the future furnace

Since each site has its own unique landscape and layout features, you will most likely determine the dimensions and appearance of the barbecue yourself. However, when developing a scheme, it should be taken into account that the height at which the grille is located should ensure convenience and safety. For people of average height, the grill and tabletop are located at the level of the ninth or tenth row of bricks. Otherwise, you will have to constantly bend over, or, even worse, be dangerously close to the fire. The pallet or grate is installed on metal rods placed between bricks or rested on protrusions in the masonry. It is better if all additional equipment is removable. In the future, this will make it easier to care for, and in addition, the grates, grill and tray can be removed for the winter so that the metal does not become rusty.

Drawing of a barbecue with orders

Drawings of barbecue arrangements

In your work, you can use drawings of a barbecue oven with dimensions of 1500x7500 mm. Taking them as a basis and adding the necessary work surfaces, you will get a functional structure that will meet all your needs. If necessary, the dimensions can be changed while maintaining the proportions of the main parts. Don't forget to include space for fuel in your design. In addition, we remind you that the grill is installed at a height of about 70 cm, and the oven is located 10 cm lower.

Materials and tools

During the construction process, you will need two types of bricks - fireclay, which is used to lay out the firebox, and facing. For masonry, it will be necessary to prepare two types of mortar - clay for the combustion zone and sand-cement for the furnace body. During the work process, you can also use ready-made building mixtures. In addition to brick, clay, sand and cement, you will need:

  • gravel or small crushed stone - for the foundation;
  • rod or reinforcing mesh - for concrete reinforcement;
  • boards for formwork;
  • sheet metal - the size of a barbecue;
  • firebox and ash doors;
  • grate;
  • stove with burners;
  • smoke duct door;
  • steel corners or reinforcement for floors;
  • plywood 20 mm thick - for making an arched frame;
  • roofing felt;
  • concrete mixer;
  • grinder with circles for stone and metal;
  • mason's and rubber hammer;
  • trowel;
  • plumb line and bubble level;
  • shovels (scoop and bayonet);
  • tampers;
  • buckets;
  • cord and pegs.

After everything is ready, we begin marking and building the foundation.

Step-by-step instructions for building a barbecue

Building a brick barbecue oven with your own hands is best done in stages, proceeding to the next step of the plan only after the previous stage has been completely completed. This will allow you to do the work efficiently and without errors.

Arrangement of formwork and installation of armored belt

During construction, the structure should not get wet, so a canopy is installed over the structure or the masonry is covered with plastic film.

  • The vaulted ceilings of the niches are laid out starting from the 9th row of bricks.

    The 9th row is completed by installing lintels under the vaulted ceilings of the niches

  • The 10th and 11th rows form the ceiling and pedestal.

    After laying the 10th and 11th rows, install jumpers under the tabletop

  • The 12th row is performed continuously. This is a tabletop. To highlight it against the background of the masonry and make the structure more convenient, a quarter-brick release is made at this level.

    12th row. Starting from the tabletop, the combustion zone is laid out with refractory bricks

  • From rows 13 to 15 the firebox is laid out.

    Rows 16 - 24 form the combustion chamber

  • To ensure a smooth narrowing of the firebox arch, each top row is shifted relative to the bottom by ½ brick.

    Barbecue pipe narrowing

  • The chimney is driven to the required height, ending it with a so-called cap - a ¼ protrusion of the masonry. In this case, they only use sand-cement mortar. To prevent precipitation from entering the structure, a metal cap is subsequently installed on the chimney.

To decorate the surface of the stove during the construction process, masonry seams are embroidered. In addition, if desired, the structure can be plastered and painted to match other structures located on the garden plot.

Features of operation

In order for your barbecue oven to serve properly and delight you for many years, you should take care of it regularly. Each time after use, the grill is thoroughly cleaned of food residues, otherwise during subsequent cooking, fumes and dirt will fall on fresh food. You can start washing barbecue parts only after the stove has completely cooled down. By the way, it is the barbecue grill that is most susceptible to destruction, so it must be kept clean and dry.

The surface of the combustion chamber is washed away from burning as it becomes dirty, and the chimney is cleaned of soot at the beginning of each season.

When operating a barbecue, you should follow a few simple rules:

  • During the cold season or after rain, you should not immediately fire up the barbecue at full power, as a sharp temperature change will lead to cracks. It's better to dry it internal surfaces oven for 20 - 25 minutes with a low flame. In addition, if there is no cap above the chimney, then water and snow must be removed from the firebox;
  • To light a barbecue, use special liquids, charcoal and a device called a starter (a special container for fuel and charcoal). It is prohibited to use gasoline, kerosene and other fuels and lubricants;
  • Do not cover the barbecue with a lid within 15 minutes after ignition. Otherwise, the formation of flammable gas is possible, which, after removing the lid and sudden access to oxygen, can ignite with a flash and pop;
  • The taste of barbecued food is directly related to the quality of the fuel. It is no secret that in this case the best option is the wood of fruit trees;
  • The fireplace should be cleaned of burnt fuel residues after each cooking;
  • When using a barbecue, you should strictly adhere to safety regulations, constantly monitoring the intensity of combustion and using protective gloves.

Treat your barbecue oven with care and it will reward you with long-lasting, impeccable service and delicious, nutritious meals.

Video: DIY brick barbecue

By allocating a few days and a certain amount of money to build a stationary brick barbecue, you will get a unique structure on your site that will become the center of gatherings with friends and relatives. In addition to the fact that a garden stove will give you the opportunity to please your loved ones delicious dishes, you will also gain invaluable experience that can raise your own self-esteem and increase your authority among colleagues and acquaintances.

Do you like kebabs? And who doesn’t love them! No decent picnic is complete without that steel box with legs and holes for the wind. Despite the quite obvious advantages, this small grill also has disadvantages. Remember how you have to stand in front of him in death, fan the fire and breathe in the acrid smoke. It’s another matter if the grill is made of brick with your own hands. Cooking meat over a fire turns into an interesting, exciting and completely uncomplicated process. In addition, street barbecues made of bricks can be beneficial and unusual for almost anyone.

About what design models there are, what it looks like to lay out a barbecue from various types bricks, we will tell you right now.

Outdoor grills: options

How does a barbecue built right in the yard differ from metal products? If we talk about the design itself, it is fundamentally the same. You are dealing with a fireproof platform. It is equipped with sides and raised on special supports-legs.

Here are the three main differences:

  1. Since a brick grill has a higher grilling area, its volume is larger and cooking is much more convenient.
  2. A stationary barbecue allows you to establish smoke removal. Consequently, acrid smoke will never corrode the eyes of you and your guests. It does not depend on the direction of the wind and always goes in one direction.
  3. In terms of decorative properties, the homemade brick version is much better than the portable one. It looks great and can become the main object of a recreation area.

Drawings of homemade brick barbecues are quite varied. However, you can do without them if you plan to build the most ordinary structure. You don't even have to use the solution! Concrete a flat area in a convenient place on the site, and then lay bricks on top. Work carefully to form the walls and legs.

Leave small mini gaps between the bricks. They are necessary for high-quality ventilation, while the sides can protect the burning flame from gusts of wind and extinction. As soon as the “legs” are finished, cover them with a slab (you can use a homemade one) made of reliable, fire-resistant concrete. The final stage of laying the barbecue will be the construction of walls. At this point, the outdoor brick grill with your own hands is ready - you can start loading the kebabs.

It is worth noting that the difference between a barbecue and a barbecue is insignificant. Moreover, these types of barbecues have a lot in common. It’s just that when frying meat on a barbecue, a special grill is used; in the grill, instead of it, the meat is threaded onto steel skewers. Replace the skewers with a grill and you can invite your friends over for select steaks for dinner.

Of course, a basic garden grill has its drawbacks, and one of them is the complete absence of a roof and a special smoke collector. That is, you are unlikely to be able to cook barbecue in rainy weather. For this reason, the construction of a brick barbecue in most cases comes down to the construction of a pipe and a light canopy. The functional qualities of the hearth are significantly improved, and a rich field for decoration opens up.

If you are a jack of all trades at heart, but certainly not a decorator, include in the masonry drawings a floor plan with a conventional arched vault and the installation of a small pipe. The design will work much better. Neither a sudden summer thunderstorm nor a sharp autumn wind will be able to prevent you from implementing your plans. And the beautiful one above the facade will provide additional protection for the chef from heavy rain.

If you provide cavities on the sides in the brick barbecue design, you can hide dishes and other accessories at any time. Add a metal door and you will have a real barbecue oven in your yard. The heat in it will be enough to cook kebabs and even a few first courses.

It is still impossible to call this structure eternal and 100% reliable. If the brick for a long time is in the open air, it gets wet and damp. Consequently, sudden temperature changes can lead first to small cracks and then to more serious damage. Having decided to lay a brick barbecue with your own hands, it would not be superfluous to include the construction of a canopy in the masonry scheme. It will help protect the hearth from the serious vagaries of Mother Nature. Haven't had time to get your own gazebo yet, but are you just thinking about it? No problem - you can combine projects in the same complex.

The options discussed above perfectly convince us that making your own barbecue complex is not so difficult. Perhaps the most critical stage is a well-built vault with a brick chimney. However, you can simplify your task and replace it with a good steel smoke collector. Find a good tinsmith and order him a smoke collector, taking the dimensions from the finished drawing.

Before starting construction, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with general recommendations on the construction of a structure for the most delicious home-cooked meat:

  • Choose a location, taking into account parameters such as wind direction, openness or closedness of the area, and landscape. If the area is characterized by a fairly strong slope of the terrain, it makes sense to think about moving the barbecue to another place.
  • Laying a brick grill is unacceptable next to flammable objects: dry trees, bushes, straw. On the other hand, the structure should be located close to the intended recreation area. Ideally, the grill should become an extension of your gazebo.
  • When planning to fold the grill, be sure to think about the height. There is one simple but very effective rule: the height of the frying area should be equal to the distance from the surface of the ground to your wrist.
  • Remember that the firebox should not be longer than 100 cm. Even these dimensions are quite enough to feed a decent company of ten people with kebabs in just one stash. As for the width, it should not exceed 62 cm, but also not be less than 47 cm. This is the length of small and large skewers.
  • If we translate the above recommendations into a “brick” format, we get the following masonry dimensions - four bricks by two. In accordance with them, other dimensions of the complex are selected: smoke umbrella, foundation width, etc. On average, for the simplest barbecue we recommend stocking up on 250-300 bricks.

Do-it-yourself grill: step-by-step instructions

The answer to the question “How to build a brick grill with your own hands?” hidden... in the foundation. This is where it all begins. Try not to get carried away and not make the foundation deep enough. It must be moderately strong, able to withstand the weight of the brick without subsidence.

As soon as the contours are marked, we remove the soil to a depth of 20 centimeters and fill the resulting pit with concrete. To strengthen the base, you can “drown” a couple of iron rods with a diameter of up to 12 mm or a steel mesh in the concrete mixture. Waterproofing is always carried out, and a screed is poured over it for leveling. Finishing touch- place on top ceramic tiles or bricks in one layer.

By the way, even when pouring, we advise you to provide a lighting scheme. You will need to take an electrical cable and then concrete it into the base. The contacts are brought to the surface, and lighting is connected to them. The work is simple, but it makes the fireplace comfortable to use.

Let's build further! Simple masonry should begin with the construction of supporting walls. Two of them will be lateral, one more rear. Do you prefer a pass-through design? In this case, you can do without the back wall. We use a traditional solution, which includes cement and sand (1:3). If you leave two cavities in the support part, you can store the dishes in the grill and use it for frying from time to time.

Barbecue option with chimney and firewood compartment

After the walls are laid out, they are covered with a slab. The best option– OSB concrete slab. It is placed below in such a way that removal of the formwork after setting is quick and trouble-free. We install a square frame made from edged boards along the top. Prepare dense polyethylene and, laying it on a concrete slab, fill it with a solution 1 to 2 cm thick. Lay four reinforcing bars with a diameter of no more than 1.4 cm, fill the formwork with crushed stone no more than one centimeter in diameter.

From 14 to 22 row yellow places for laying fireclay bricks have been identified

When the slab hardens, the masonry is carried out in the same order. To make removing coals easier, do not forget to install a spacious steel box. Both stainless steel and galvanized versions are suitable. The final touch to a simple brick barbecue is a galvanized umbrella - an analogue of a hood. This is a profitable solution for those who do not want to waste time and effort on laying a brick vaulted pipe. To ensure reliable fastening, use self-tapping screws for metal surfaces. A couple of corners are placed in the seams - our improvised hood will be attached to them.

This concludes our step-by-step instructions. We know how much you love kebabs and other dishes on fire. Therefore, we advise you not to put off building your own outdoor grill for too long. Guests will enthusiastically taste the meat cooked on such a grill and praise the owner as a true jack of all trades.


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