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Good morning, beloved Good night, beloved I miss my beloved Apologies to my beloved For the mood Love girlfriend

Your smile is like a dream
The figure is simply beautiful
The look is like a thousand lights,
What attracts more and more!

Your eyes are bottomless lakes,
And the hair falls like a wave...
Multi-colored patterns on the dress
Not one was left without sleep...

Cheerful, a little mischievous,
You don’t even know how beautiful you are...
Like an angel who flies in the clouds,
You are the embodiment of a true dream!

Ambitious and divine, magnificent and proud, kind and cheerful, wonderful and sincere. We can continue to compliment you ad infinitum, because so many of your virtues are hidden in every letter of the alphabet!

I will be terse, as usual,
You are the best of my personal life,
You are a ray of light in the gray colors of everyday life,
You are a dream girl, a mystery, a fairy tale!

Having met you on my way,
I can't find peace!
How can anyone pass you by?
I can't imagine!

You are brighter than a sunny day,
More gentle than the sea breeze.
“And there is nothing more beautiful for me,” -
Anyone will think!

Beauty and tenderness are not all your virtues. You have that zest that makes guys' hearts beat faster. You are mysterious and unique, the most desirable and beautiful!

You are so smart and so beautiful
The stars melt next to you,
And the sun shines in vain,
When your eyes shine.

Your beauty hurts my heart
It remains a thorn in my soul,
For this beauty, without a doubt,
I can handle any threat.

And your eyes are bright lakes
They call you to plunge headlong,
And if I just dream about you,
Then I wouldn't want to wake up.

God created you with great love - gifted you with a wealth of talents, awarded you with a non-girlish mind, calm, pure beauty, filled your heart with all-conquering kindness, filled your soul with amazing generosity and decorated it all with a fabulous diamond - a voice, the sound of which remains in memory as an echo of the sweetness experienced.

Clever, beautiful, sweet creature,
And the eyes are shining like bright stars!
To be a happy girl is your job
Enjoy the joy, let your dreams fly!

You are beautiful and just as tender,
Like spring blooming in May.
You are dressed smartly and tastefully,
Like the leaves of July summer.

Your curls are burning brightly,
Like leaves in mid-September.
Your inaccessibility drives you crazy,
Like a January blizzard-winter.

You have an unusual combination of opposite qualities: heat of heart and coldness of mind, tenderness of feelings and strength of character, the mischief of a child and the prudence of a wise man. You are made of contradictions, but how lucky!

I met beautiful girls more than once,
But you blew me away.
Divine such beautiful eyes
I haven't even seen it in pictures.

Like a daisy, snow-white and pure,
You look into my eyes with cornflowers,
More gorgeous than pink peony
And more tender than any bud of flowers.

And from the inside - you are also good:
The soul glows like the sun.
And that’s why they look after you -
After all, there is no more beautiful person in the world!

Your tenacity with which you pursue your goal is worthy of admiring applause. Your determination competes with your unearthly beauty and grace. You are magnificent and inimitable in everything!

Alina Ogonyok

If you want to achieve something from a woman, it is recommended to pay attention to the material in this article, since the most interesting solutions on how to flatter girls and how you can appease them and win them over.

Kind words to a woman of Balzac's age

The best compliment for a woman of Balzac's age is for a handsome young man to address her by her first name without a patronymic. But sometimes it will be appropriate to emphasize that, despite her age, a woman looks very good. This can be done delicately. For example: “you are wise beyond your years” or “there is so much unspent energy in your eyes.”

Compliments to a woman in short prose from an intelligent adult woman

You look gorgeous. I can envy you. You have an excellent sense of style.

Fans probably follow you in droves?

Your boyfriend will be very lucky to have such a beautiful and wise woman like you next to him.

Compliments to a woman director, teacher, colleague in words

You are an excellent organizer, able to control everything at once.

Thanks to your invaluable experience and unstoppable desire for development, we have such a strong and efficient team.

I would like to use you as an example.

People like you are worth their weight in gold today.
You are a professional in your field.
A talented person is talented in everything he undertakes.

You are successful not only because you are smart, but also because you are beautiful.

Compliments to women and girls to lift their spirits and get to know each other

Don't be sad - a smile lights up your face.
There is nothing more beautiful in the world than your smile.
I love it when your eyes shine with happiness.

You are the meaning of my life, my angel, my spirit.
You are the most beautiful and charming person I have ever met.
I've never met a more beautiful girl before.
A beautiful lady simply never has bad days.

Compliments to a girl about her beauty, short beautiful ones for her birthday

I am so amazing and irresistible that I bow to you.
Your eyes are much brighter than the sun, and your hair and hair are softer than silk.
Angelina Jolie, Marilyn Monroe or Madonna are nothing compared to you.
You are a star, capable of illuminating my whole world with your beauty.

Your eyes are like the whole world. They can tell you a lot.
Your beauty inspires me.
Beauty is a great gift that you possess.
You make me drunk without words.

You are the most beautiful birthday girl in the whole world.
You are the main decoration of today's holiday.
You are irresistible not only on your birthday, but at any moment in your life.

Compliments to a woman good morning, good night

A beautiful woman should have a happy morning.
Sweet dreams come only to sweet girls.
You are so tender in the morning.

I want to see your unearthly beauty before going to bed.
I love waking up to your sweet voice.
Falling asleep with thoughts of the beautiful diva in your face is much more pleasant.

I am incredibly lucky to wake up with such a bright and warm sun like you.
What a joy it is to wake up in the morning and know that my eyes will see your beauty.

Incredible facts

Anyone can tell a girl: “You are beautiful.”

Let's be honest - thiscompliment has become banal and uninteresting. It is unlikely that an attractive girl does not know about her physical advantages.

Therefore, it is logical that she wants to hear something unusual, unconventional and completely non-trivial.

So, what is pleasant for the fair sex to hear from their lover?

Beautiful compliments to a woman

1. You are strong

© LightFieldStudios/Getty Images

Every smart woman needs a guy who doesn't immediately notice her strength, because it's not in the physical aspect of it, but in the emotional and mental aspect.

She wants a partner who will appreciate her strong side, will respect her for it and will not be afraid that his partner is not a weak, insecure girl, but a true woman.

2. You're smart

© Vitalliy/Getty Images

When a man notices a woman's intelligence, and not just the obvious, her beauty, it elevates him in the eyes of a woman.

After all, the fact that he looks at the girl’s mind characterizes him as a deep, intelligent and not superficial person.

It also means the guy is truly interested in her and not just looking for a one-night stand.

After all, beauty is a passing phenomenon, and if a woman is smart, she will be interesting even after 20 years.

Beautiful compliments to your beloved

3. You are funny and interesting

© Alliance Images

Most women appreciate such a compliment.

After all, if she makes a guy laugh, it means that both are on the same wavelength. Having a healthy sense of humor is one of the sexiest qualities and is absolutely essential in a committed relationship.

Unusual compliments

4. You are real

© Pixabay / Pexels

In a world full of falsehood and something artificial, it is so pleasant to discover naturalness and naturalness in a woman.

Every girl likes to hear that she is unique and stands out from the crowd. And when a guy notices this, it’s especially nice.

5. You captivate

© A75/Getty Images Pro

Such a compliment sounds better than simply saying: “You are beautiful” or “You are sexy.” Any representative of the fair sex will appreciate it.

A woman is much more pleased to hear a phrase less banal than a statement of the fact of her beauty.

Non-trivial compliments

6. You inspired me to do something.

© SE-Fotografie/Getty Images

Any girl is pleased to know that she inspires young man for something big.

Therefore, there is no better compliment than telling her that she inspires, that thanks to her, he becomes better and achieves success.

Even if her contribution to his success was not so significant physically or financially, her support and words of encouragement make the guy feel motivated and realize his dream.

Therefore, it is worth telling the girl about this.

The best compliments from a girl

7. You are incomparable (here it’s worth inserting the part of her body that excites you the most)

© bairachnyi

Of course, it's always nice to remind a girl that she is beautiful.

But if you simply say, “You are beautiful,” it may seem too trivial to her. However, if you note that part of the body that you especially like, she will certainly appreciate such a compliment.

Tell her that her hair is insanely soft, or her wrist is amazingly thin, or she has an unusual lip shape that drives you crazy.

The best compliments

8. I can be myself around you.

© StefanDahl

Perhaps this is one of the best compliments for any girl. Everyone wants to hear something like this.

After all, this means that he feels comfortable around her. He can trust her with his most intimate thoughts and deepest feelings.

Such a compliment is a sign of intimacy and trust.

Nice compliments

9. You are important to me

© nd3000 / Getty Images Pro

A guy who tells a girl that she is important to him is probably truly in love.

Being significant to someone is much more important than just being beautiful.

This means that the girl brings something very important to the young man's life, and he undoubtedly appreciates it.

The best compliments to a girl

10. I respect you


If a man respects a woman, it means that he values ​​her and will never cross an unacceptable line.

Generally, respect is the basis of something very strong.

Strong compliment

11. It is very important for me to listen to your opinion.

© Lunamarina

A guy who cares about his partner's opinion really values ​​and respects her.

Such a compliment suggests that he can trust the girl, share the most important things with her and wants to hear her opinion on this or that issue.

A phrase like this is a huge compliment; it can become a real incentive for a girl to continue to support her partner.

12. When I'm with you, I'm the most happy man in the world

© Eugenio Marongiu

If a young man says this to his girlfriend, it is worth a lot.

There are so many things in the world that make him happy, but if spending time with her makes him shiver with happiness... what more could he ask for?

This is such a wonderful compliment, because making someone happy is the greatest gift, and not everyone can do it.

13. I love your cute quirks

© Cheschhh/Getty Images

Some girls are embarrassed by their quirks, such as being absent-minded or obsessing over stupid things.

But when a man finds these oddities to be cute quirks, it's damn nice.

This means that he loves you completely, appreciates not only your advantages, but is also forgiving of your disadvantages.

This attitude speaks of a man’s true love.

14. You are an amazing friend!

© Nikolodion/Getty Images

Of course, such a compliment can be viewed in two ways.

On the one hand, no one wants to end up in the notorious friend zone.

However, if this is said by a man with whom the girl is already in a relationship, then this indicates that he sees her not only as a mistress or a potential future wife, but also sees her as his best friend.

15. You are the best girl anyone could ask for.

© Rido

Such a phrase will undoubtedly amuse the vanity of every girl. This is a real balm for her ego.

Everyone wants to hear that she is the best girl in the world anyone could wish for.

I want to be the best not only in the bedroom, but also in everyday life. So when a guy talks about it, he makes his woman happy.

This is one of those compliments that seems to say: “You suit me 100 percent.”

16. You are elegant and sophisticated

© alkir/Getty Images

Any woman can be fashionable and stylish if she has the means.

However, if a man tells his lover that she is elegant and sophisticated, it means that she stands out from others and has a certain class.

An innate sense of taste and elegance will elevate you in the eyes of your partner. He will be proud that such a woman is next to him.

There is no shame in introducing such a girl to friends or bringing her to a corporate event and introducing her to colleagues.

17. You make me the best person

© Syda Productions

When a man meets a woman who challenges him and shows him what true love is, she inspires him to become a better person.

Therefore, every woman is pleased to hear that she had such a huge positive impact on a person that he was able to change.

This actually means that she brought him to new level self-development.

If a girl receives such a compliment, she can be proud of herself. After all, she managed to do what others failed to do.

There are only three things that women need most in life: food, water, and compliments. You will read 100 compliments to a girl. Many of them are original, even unusual, about her beauty and eyes. Some are cool, funny and beautiful.

You can say these compliments to your beloved girl or older woman in your own words, without memorizing them. If you want to impress the lady of your heart, master the art of giving compliments. Which ones can you say and how can you make them beautiful to a girl? You will learn from this article.

The trick is to really impress the lady of your heart. So it's worth focusing on less obvious areas for praise. Compliments like: “The most beautiful girl in the world” are so formulaic that they are unlikely to impress a lady. You need to be a little creative.

So, after carefully researching many sites, we have compiled examples of some compliments that are not found on any blog. You can say them on a date or when getting to know each other, and some are ideal for sending via SMS.

List of compliments for a girl

  • I was lucky enough to find the treasure I had dreamed of all my life. The understanding of this came to me when I saw you.
  • How do you always manage to impress others with how cool you look?
  • I am 100% sure that my life would have no meaning without you.
  • You are the reason why I am still alive. After all, thanks to you, I have a reason to enjoy life.
  • Do you know why they consider me happy man? Because I have an understanding wife, kind and devoted.
  • I speak of myself as the luckiest man, since I was lucky enough to meet such a charming and attractive woman. (We recommend reading the article about female attractiveness through the eyes of modern men).
  • You have an amazing ability to make me forget about my problems when we are together.
  • I never even dreamed of such a wife. My dreams turned out to be insignificant compared to reality.
  • The smile on your face looks so cute when you laugh.
  • You understand me so well, it’s as if you read my thoughts.
  • Just spending time with a smart, intelligent girl already brings unforgettable moments of joy.
  • You are a great conversationalist. When I communicate with you, I don’t even notice how time flies.
  • I have never met a woman who was as caring as you.
  • I really want to make you laugh all the time. After all, when you laugh, my heart skips a beat with joy.

Compliments about a girl's eyes

  • I need guidelines, because I am lost in your extraordinary eyes. I have never seen such beautiful eyes with so much light in them. I would watch and watch all night long.
  • Most people like to watch Olympic Games, because they only happen once every 4 years, but meeting a girl with such eyes only happens once in a lifetime.
  • Is there an airport nearby or does it just make my heart fly when I see eyes like that?
  • Your blue eyes are like the ocean, and I'm like a man drowning in it.
  • I’m afraid that one day I’ll simply go blind, because I can’t take my eyes off your brown eyes while you’re with me.
  • Your eyes are so expressive and beautiful that I don’t have the strength to take my eyes off them.
  • Many people have beautiful eyes/lips/teeth/hair, but yours is dearer, sweeter, more beautiful to me.
  • You have such beautiful eyes that I’m afraid to drown in their beauty.
  • The look in your eyes makes me forget where I was going and what I wanted to do.

Compliments to a girl about her beauty

  • I was so enchanted by your beauty that I hit the wall. So now you have to take out insurance. (You will love this collection of quotes and aphorisms about female beauty).
  • If thousands of artists worked for a thousand years, they would hardly be able to create a work of art that surpasses the depth of your feminine beauty.

  • If being beautiful is considered a crime, then you will be declared guilty.
  • Believe me, there is no such word in the dictionary that can convey all your inherent beauty.
  • My eyes darkened from the bright light of your beauty.
  • Perfectionists need to look at your beauty to get inspired.
  • Do you know what makes you special? Even as you get older, you do not lose your beauty. She becomes special, feminine. (Find out the secret of true femininity).
  • Your extraordinary beauty makes me feel on top of the world.
  • No camera can convey all the beauty that belongs to you. A photograph will only convey external beauty, but your inner beauty is beyond any admiration.
  • Looking at your beauty, it’s even difficult for me to imagine what a perfect woman was once like in heaven.

Beautiful compliments to a girl

  • I'm not drunk, just intoxicated by you.
  • My breathing is synonymous with my love for you, and my love for you will fade only when I stop breathing.
  • Your figure deserves the attention of the best artists.
  • Everyone knows about your kindness. She's like a big gulp fresh air in this polluted world.
  • I was simply blown away when I saw you. Everything I once dreamed of is now right in front of me.
  • You look amazing! Right down the spine, at the back of my head, I feel the envious glances of men on me.
  • I’ve never seen someone’s eyebrows like yours, that could highlight their eyes so beautifully that it’s impossible to even look at them enough.
  • Please don't stop smiling. After all, your smile makes even a frosty day warm for me.
  • It seems to me that your smile can even illuminate the bottom of the ocean.
  • I'm at a loss on how to compliment a girl when there are no suitable words in the language to describe your kindness.
  • You don't need makeup, rather, on the contrary, makeup needs you.
  • Your graceful walk and movements contribute to the beauty of the Universe.
  • How are you spring flower: cheerful and well-groomed. (We recommend reading how to look expensive and well-groomed every day).
  • Your voice makes me fall in love with you again and again.
  • I like and am pleased that you understand my thoughts before I voice them.
  • If I only had your last kiss left, I would save it so that someday I could touch your lips again.
  • Your voice is more pleasant to me than all my favorite songs combined.
  • When I see you my heart is ready to jump out. And all because of your beautiful smile (beautiful face).

Cool compliments to a girl

  • You could be called a professional thief because you manage to steal all men's hearts.
  • Sorry, I think I dropped my jaw when I saw you.

  • Your lips are a magnet for me, to which I am strongly drawn.
  • Someone should call the police because you stole my heart.
  • Sorry if I got stuck. It's not a virus, I was just struck by your beautiful face.
  • I’ve never been able to speak a foreign language, but when I see you, my voice makes strange sounds that I don’t understand, as if I’m a foreigner.
  • Your teeth are so beautiful and white that any dentist would show them to others as an example.
  • If the stars fell every time I remember your smile, the sky would soon be empty.
  • If you were the tears in my eyes, I would avoid crying for fear of losing even a small part of you.
  • Your beautiful, alluring lips make my heart do somersaults.
  • Even tulips in the garden or roses in the park will not be better than your lips and tender words.
  • Your love for me is like waves in the sea: sometimes calm, and sometimes stormy, but, most importantly, it exists.

Compliments to your girlfriend

  • I really like your freckles. They look so cute on you.
  • Only with you I can be myself, real, without pretense.
  • I've learned so much from you. For example, patience, calmness, modesty.
  • You have such alluringly beautiful hair. You want to constantly stroke them and finger them in your hands.
  • Your cooking ability reminds me of my mother. You even managed to surpass her in preparing many dishes.
  • I'm fascinated by your romantic makeup.

  • How do you manage to have such beautiful hair to look so wonderful?
  • I am blessed by your presence. This is the best I've ever had.
  • I get pleasant shivers down my spine when I think about your smile.
  • After I saw you, I feel an inexplicable desire to impress you in order to keep you forever. (Find out 10 best advice How can a guy get a girl to like him?
  • Your fingers are so tender when you touch me that they take away any pain.
  • The only difference between exceptional and amazing is the kindness that comes from you.
  • I have a problem coming up with compliments to a girl about her beauty in my own words so that they are worthy enough for you.
  • Thanks to your character, I am able to become a better person than I can be.
  • I'm completely disarmed by your wit.
  • Honestly, in this dress (skirt, style, outfit) you look much more feminine and attractive than any movie star.
  • I love falling asleep in your arms and waking up next to you. It makes my day better.
  • You have an amazing sense of humor.
  • I like that you can’t be called a “dummy” (stupid) girl, but on the contrary, someone who knows her worth.
  • What I like most about you is your kindness in dealing with other people.
  • Most of all, I appreciate your willingness to obey me as the head of the family, even if you don’t always like the decisions I make.
  • How do you manage to be so caring, loving, selfless and energetic at the same time?
  • Time becomes non-existent for me when we communicate with you. (Read how to communicate correctly with women).
  • My best decision was the decision to marry you.
  • Your lips are so full and juicy, yet they look so seductive.
  • Your smile gives me the confidence to make things impossible for me possible.
  • This dress shows off your figure so amazingly.
  • Talking with you is a pleasure. You always manage to maintain the topic of any conversation. (Girls will be interested to know what would be the right thing to talk about with men)
  • I can hardly take my eyes off your figure. Believe me, she is perfect for me.
  • I know this job (task) was very difficult for you, but I was impressed by the way you handled it.
  • How did you manage to cook this dish so perfectly (deliciously, surprisingly)? Keep up the good work.
  • This dress color matches the color of your eyes amazingly.
  • This style of clothing emphasizes your figure so clearly (excellently, well).
  • I love listening to you say “darling, darling” to me.
  • I would rather not live than live without your love.
  • If love and beauty became known to me, it was thanks to you.
  • Do you know what I like most about you? Your intelligence, the ability to understand a man and the ability to maintain and conduct a pleasant conversation.

What compliments can you say to a girl?

About how beautiful she looks. How can you not appreciate the effort she put into looking good. Women like it when they appreciate the way they look, even if they are well over 40 years old. Compliments like these let you know that their efforts were not in vain and are appreciated.

Written. Love stories or poems were written by people who wanted to tell about their love for their lover. A lady will like it if you try to express your admiration for her in poetic form. You can send SMS compliments to a girl that are in tune with the guy’s feelings. By reading them, she will know what the guy thinks about her.

For her skills. Women are so accustomed to being complimented mainly on their appearance that it sometimes becomes unusual for them to hear praise or admiration for their skills. So next time, think about how to express your admiration or gratitude for women's work. Show that you appreciate the lady of your heart for her skills.

Her femininity. Pay attention to her kindness, ability to present herself, and choose a suitable outfit with taste. Highlight in a special column gait, grace, caring for others, maternal feelings, feminine qualities, as well as the correct attitude towards the dominance of men.

One of the best opportunities is to compliment the girl in your own words. When they just talk about a girl’s eyes, hair, lips, face, skin, smile. When a man pays attention to a woman’s voice, the aroma of her perfume, also, not forgetting about her figure. It is difficult for any woman to forget words that include these aspects.

Avoid giving compliments of a sexual nature or with hidden subtext, especially when meeting. For example, “you look so sexy or I’m fascinated by your breasts.” Such compliments are suitable for married couples, those who are very close to each other. But it’s not a fact that the girl you recently met will like them.

Spontaneous. Are some of the best compliments. Think about what feelings you get when you see the woman you like or love most? What impressed you? Say it simply, in your own words. Think not about how to say, but what to say. Remember, as long as these words are not associated with sexual connotations, they will look truthful, sincere and beautiful.

Look video what compliments should you avoid when talking to a girl.

What is important to remember when giving compliments

  • We must remember about sincerity. If a girl truly sees the sincerity in your eyes, she will appreciate the compliment. Because insincerity irritates, making you feel uncomfortable. It feels like the guy is just trying to get her. Therefore, give compliments only when you feel the urge to give them. This will help you be sincere.
  • It's best to give a girl compliments when she least expects them. At the same time, be honest and speak with feeling, a sincere smile on your face. It is also important not to overuse compliments so as not to give the impression of insincerity or flattery. Therefore, moderation must be observed in everything.
  • If suddenly a compliment offends a woman in any way, you need to immediately apologize, saying that you didn’t mean to offend or upset her.
  • Try to be careful with your words. Otherwise, the compliment will turn into a comment. It is important to weigh your words according to compliments and say them with the most appropriate intonation. Be careful as you are dealing with a tender heart!
  • Different women like to hear different things from a man. Some people like it when a man talks about her beauty. While others want to hear admiration for their femininity, virtues, or the fact that she is the best wife. Therefore, avoid giving the same compliment over and over again, as this causes distrust in the words spoken.
  • Of course there's nothing wrong with saying short compliments girl, the typical ones that all men use. For example, that she is beautiful, slim, gorgeous, but this does not separate you from the rest of the guys. Therefore, try to surprise your partner at least sometimes by telling her something unusual. Capable of touching a woman’s heart and raising you to heights in her eyes.

Let's sum it up

The given compliment is not only good way get someone's attention. This is also the simplest way make someone feel good. Plus, it doesn't cost a penny and doesn't require too much effort to say.

Try to give the girl “not hackneyed” compliments, but come up with something unusual and original. What distinguishes her from the rest of the fairer sex. It’s good to evaluate her physical merits, but it’s even better to evaluate her intelligence, qualities, and character. After all, women love such compliments much more than men.

How did you like these 100 compliments for a girl? Believe me, after hearing them, the lady will be flattered and fascinated by you, since it is unlikely that anyone has spoken such words to her.

Best regards, Andronik Oleg/Anna

Compliments to women

Always tell a woman that she is not like others if you want to get from her what you get from others.

W. Lewis, artist and writer

For a smart woman, compliments from men serve to evaluate these men, for a stupid woman - for her self-esteem.

Alexander Kumor

In this section we will talk mainly about compliments from men. Since it is from them that women hear compliments more often, these are the traditions and norms of etiquette.

The art of compliment is not so difficult task for a man who loves or respects a woman.

There is a strong opinion that women love with their ears. Indeed, it is very important for a woman hear from a man confirmation of his best feelings and intentions. It is simply vital for a woman to hear kind words, to know that she is beautiful, desired and loved. A man who knows how to compliment ladies compares favorably with those who are deprived of such abilities. Therefore, it is worth thinking about ensuring that the art of compliment takes its rightful place in a gentleman’s set.

Women, as a rule, justify men's inability to give compliments. She believes that simply no one taught them this. Women are especially impressed by compliments from shy fans, even if this shyness is somewhat exaggerated: “I want so badly to say how wonderful you are, but I’m so embarrassed that I can hardly find the right words.”

The mistake and problem of most men is that they know how and prefer to express feelings only with specific actions: “If I married you, what else can I say, everything should be clear.” But she doesn’t understand! Because actions are the road to a woman’s mind, and compliments are the road to her heart. And a woman more often listens to her heart.

Women, first of all, need to hear that they are loved. This can be expressed in many words: “I love your voice!”, “I remembered you”, “I missed you!”.

The fact that women “grow wings” from compliments is long overdue for men to learn. Husbands who do not skimp on words of admiration and encouragement for their wives know how this affects reciprocity. Unfortunately, purely logically, it is difficult for men to understand women who every day crave to hear assurances many times that they are beautiful, smart, loved and... cook deliciously. The strong half only has to recognize such a need as a fact and take it on faith.

A woman is not at all deceived about her strengths and weaknesses. She knows them much better than a man.

A woman is generally more perceptive, and it is difficult to deceive her in anything. Besides the compliments. The woman swallows this bait without looking. And without thinking. And not even wanting to think.

Compliments are not the way to a woman's mind, but the way to her heart. The way to a woman’s heart lies through care, affection and tender words. Do not skimp on compliments and attention to women.

A kind word makes the look of a vixen-secretary kinder, a warm word warms the face of a haughty conductor, and a kind word makes the vocabulary of a plague-saleswoman more affectionate. Don’t be afraid to overdo it with compliments - there are never enough of them - this applies to both men and women. Tell the ugly girl: “You are beautiful!” – and she’ll fall for it. Tell the silly girl: “You are smart!” – and she will willingly accept it. Tell the hysterical woman: “You have an angelic character!” - and she will bloom with happiness. In general, there are no restrictions here. Women will appreciate compliments aimed at everything: her dress and taste, some details - women especially appreciate this - and most importantly, at their individual traits.

A woman really needs to hear flattering words about herself. And I don’t want to think how sincere and truthful they are; the main thing is to hear them, to bathe in their gentle sounds as often as possible. They will replace love too. No one can resist a compliment. Any inferiority complex she may have will be destroyed as soon as the woman hears sweet speeches. And then - you want happiness, recognition of your merits, love so much that you have no desire to think about the truthfulness of generous words.

This need is inherent in a woman until old age. Here is a revealing story of one smart, emotional woman - a writer with a difficult fate, who was not loved, not caressed, not admired. I will give her confession. “Why are we women so susceptible to compliments? Why do we lose our vigilance? Why can’t we objectively assess the situation? Why, seeing and understanding everything, do we turn a blind eye to their shortcomings? Why do we love with our ears? I will offer an answer: every woman has accumulated unclaimed tenderness. Tenderness that has nowhere to go - the children and grandchildren have grown up, the husband has grown old and tired, but there is still a lot of unspent tenderness and love. Where should I put it? You can’t take it to the grave with you.”

Here's a story for you.

At the 90th (!) anniversary of People’s Artist A. A. Yablochkina, one admirer told her:

-You look wonderful.

“You flatter me, dear,” answered Alexandra Alexandrovna, “how can a woman look good at 70(!) years old?”

Many women tend to determine their worth by the attention of men. One woman was very depressed about her obesity, but one day her lover said that "loves every gram of her body"– and no more complexes!

But even compliments from someone other than her own child delight a woman’s heart. Perhaps every woman would be pleased to hear these words spoken by a six-year-old girl to her teacher: “Galina Vasilievna! You look so much like a princess today..."

All women need compliments. But we will start with the category that is most deprived of compliments - wives. From which they suffer, and then their unlucky husbands, and the family as a whole.

Your wife. Care Guide

Some men believe that complimenting their wife is “not a royal thing.” It’s easier for them to dig up the garden than to address her as “dear.” But showering other women with compliments from head to toe is as easy as shelling pears! Wives and brides react to this in different ways: they “blow their lips”, stage scenes of jealousy: “Aha! He praised her, but you will never say a kind word to me! What was your deal with her? Confess quickly!” But for a man to say a compliment to another woman is a non-binding step, a tribute to tradition and etiquette. But to give a compliment to your wife is a wild fear of opening up, showing weakness and being defeated, of being “under your thumb.” Although in the company, while his wife is not around, he can call her the most beautiful, smart, kind, etc.

If husbands passionately desire the support of their wives, delicious breakfasts, lunches and dinners, high-quality intimate relationships, a wonderful atmosphere in the house, and all this with love and with all their hearts, they themselves must not skimp on investing their souls in satisfying the emotional needs of their companions. Compare: if you have a nice car that you love, and you want it to serve you for a long time, what do you do? You take care of it so that there is not a scratch. You know all his needs very well. And if suddenly, on the road, you hear some barely perceptible uncharacteristic knocking in the car’s interior, what will be your reaction? Solve the problem immediately under the hood or at a service station. But if you think carefully, the role of a wife for a husband cannot be compared with the most expensive foreign car.

Any woman is powerless before a quality compliment. Smart husbands know this feminine weakness and often exploit it. Sometimes, under exceptional circumstances, even for selfish purposes. And not very smart people devote their whole lives to fighting. For example, with his own wife for power in his home. Not realizing that if you give your wife compliments more often, she herself will gladly give up this power. Agree, it’s much easier to “ask for time off” to go fishing with friends by telling your wife the day before that “Of all the wives of my friends, only you, dear, truly understand men and share their interests. If only you knew how jealous all my friends are of me!” While shaking your license in the style of “Freedom for men!”, you will hear a counter demarche: “Then I’ll go to the nightclub too!” And after giving a compliment, you might even receive a carefully collected package of food for the whole company: “You’ll always be hungry there!”... Your husband’s fishing friends will be jealous!

What to praise in a woman? All!

- The ability to love.

– Femininity. Elegance.

- Beauty, attractiveness.

- Kindness, intelligence, wisdom.

– Intuition.

– Aesthetic taste.

– The ability to hold a family on your fragile shoulders.

– Selfless devotion to family, homeliness, practicality.

– A woman’s ability to understand the state of mind of another person.

– Emotionality.

– Purely feminine virtues – meekness, caring, a sense of responsibility towards family and children, the unnoticed everyday heroism of endless household chores...

For women, what is often more important is not What said, but How said, that is, a personal attitude towards her. Women are different and unique, therefore the compliments they receive should be different, personal for each one.

Don't repeat common mistakes

1. You should be especially careful when speaking about appearance ladies. Here, most men often make the same mistake. The words “How beautiful you are today!” In general, it’s difficult to call it a compliment. In response, she involuntarily asked the question: “What, you won’t say this about me on other days?”

2. Another unforgivable mistake - praise clothes and not its owner. It’s better to give compliments about a person’s inner qualities; appearance needs to be played up very subtly. Let's say a man says with admiration: “What is your beautiful dress! It would be more correct to say: “This outfit suits you so well!”, “You are so beautiful in this dress.” A win-win option would be compliments about her taste and preferences, for example “You always dress so elegantly.”

3. Compliment one lady in the presence of another should be done very carefully. After all, this can worsen the mood of the latter and the attitude of the witness of the compliment towards its author (and can also cause jealousy towards the one to whom the compliment is addressed). In the event of their rivalry, it is better not to take risks.

4. Don't talk to a woman about her age. Be tactful. For example, never say to a woman “Grandma”, say: “Madam”, “Madam”, “Dear lady”... Here is an example of how you cannot joke with a woman about her age. The man says: “Once I met at a party an old friend of mine, a blossoming woman whom I had known since childhood, kissed her hand and said: “Hello, old lady.” I, in the simplicity of my soul, only meant that we had known each other for a long time and recent years We didn’t see each other for fifteen, but she was offended and didn’t talk to me anymore. This unpleasant incident taught me a lot. Women really perceive their age very acutely as a threat to their physical attractiveness.”

5. The main thing is don't resort to flattery. Let me remind you that flattery differs from a compliment by the presence of a very strong exaggeration, bordering on untruth. Avoid the words “You are the most...”. This is how a compliment turns into flattery. Telling a girl that she is beautiful is true, but telling her that she is “the most beautiful” is flattery.

6. Try to be as much as possible sincere and honest, Believe me, it's noticeable.

7. Both at a party and at home, a hostess is a must praise for her art, otherwise a scene similar to the one described below may occur.

One day the hostess put hay on the dining table. The household was indignant, and she said: “How could I know that you would pay attention to this, I have been feeding you for twenty years, and you have never said whether you like what I cooked.”

Let me give you another unfortunate case that I read about on the Internet.

My friend and his father and I spent a long time repairing the car. They came from the garage tired, excited, and hungry. My friend's mother invited us to the already set table. On the table there was a tureen, bread, pies... The hostess poured the soup and went into the kitchen. When she returned, we had already dealt with delicious soup. And suddenly she burst into tears. Not understanding what was the matter, we began to reassure her that the soup was wonderful... But it turned out that it was not a soup, but a broth, and it should have been eaten with meat pies, but we ate the broth with bread. She tried so hard, spent a lot of time on these pies, but we didn’t appreciate it.

Some tips for a beginner

1. On what topic should I give a compliment? If a girl, woman has changed her hairstyle or there have been other changes in appearance, you just need to react to it. If you notice that she came in a new dress, praise this dress. If you don't really like the dress, just say: “You have a new dress today.” Think about how much work it took a woman to sew or buy a new dress, and it’s a shame if no one even noticed it. The same goes for shoes, a hat, and jewelry. (In general, telling a woman that you like her outfit isThis is not a lie, this is self-preservation.)

Usually a woman focuses attention on some detail, her strengths, try to identify them and give a compliment about it. If you notice several of these traits, you can give a double compliment: “Your eyelashes are so long that you can’t see your beautiful eyes.”

Find something wonderful (curly hair, small ears, delicate chin, earrings...) and admire it. But if you think that a woman is not beautiful enough to compliment her, what should you do? Tell her that she is pretty (feminine, attractive, sexy, etc.). You will see that your compliments will make her prettier! Don't believe me? Try it and you will see that this is true. It is not so much the circumstances that are important as their perception and attitude towards them. And you yourself will look at this woman with different eyes.

It is considered good form to talk about your feelings, then it will never sound like flattery. For example, instead of praising “you cook deliciously,” it’s better to say a compliment “I am delighted with your dish!” Better yet: “Can I have some more?”(By the way, this is the author’s favorite compliment of the book; it works great!)

2. "Searching for the highlight." This type of compliment is based on the fact that when dressing and putting on makeup before leaving the house, a girl or woman tries to emphasize at least one detail in her appearance that is of great importance to her, since, in her opinion, this detail speaks about her originality and uniqueness, distinguishes it from others. It is advisable to notice this detail and inform the woman about your find with an enthusiastic intonation. She will be flattered if you have definitely discovered her “zest”, especially if the latter is not very noticeable. After all, this is largely the result of her work aimed at being liked. Hearing an appropriate compliment, she receives a well-deserved payment for her work and feels that her efforts were not in vain.

If you hit the mark, you will rise in her eyes to a person with whom it is at least pleasant at least talk. The main thing is not to make mistakes. Therefore, use this type of compliment only when you are at least 90% sure that your assessment is correct. Very often the “highlight” lies in the combination of colors. For example, matching the color of nails with the color of a dress, or combining the color of eyes (mascara) with lipstick, or a smooth transition of colors from a skirt to a blouse, etc.

3. "Attractive force." This type of compliment involves suggesting to the lady that she attracts men. This can be communicated to her directly or indirectly. Directly: “You have an attractive force that made it impossible for anyone to pass by and not talk to you.” Or indirectly: “Your hair is so beautiful (arms, eyes, neck, etc.). You are so beautiful that I even forgot where I was going.” Naturally, it is necessary to support your words with appropriate intonation and facial expressions.

4. "Complete surprise." You are supposed to show your admiration for a detail of her appearance, but she either simply does not expect such admiration, or is embarrassed by this particular detail. The girl will be motivated by both interest in further communication on the proposed topic (after all, you are discussing the person most dear to her - namely her), and the opportunity to learn something new about her merits, and maybe even get rid of her own complexes. For example, you can tell a girl who is worried about wearing glasses that she seems to read a lot and therefore might be interesting to talk to.

5. Praise the virtues you have acquired. The compliment about her eyes is not best choice. A girl, a woman, already knows everything about her physical advantages. And you will simply be the first five hundred to squeeze out a routine compliment. In the case of a beautiful girl who knows she is attractive, complimenting her appearance is more likely to cause irritation than a positive reaction. Beautiful eyes are not her personal merit! This is how nature created her. Praise natural abilities - it means that you have not seen its acquired advantages. When giving a compliment, it is better to focus on what she has achieved through hard work. Praise not the hair, but the hairstyle. Or: “Surely many men come to the gym to admire you.” Such a phrase will convince the girl that it was not in vain that she spent her evenings in the fitness center and not in a cafe.

Note the subtle sense of style (a win-win compliment, because every young lady considers herself an expert in this). As soon as you tell a girl that she is amazing at choosing scarves to match her lipstick, the thought of shopping together and buying laces that highlight the color of your eyes will immediately flash through her mind. And the more similar images appear in her head, the better. Possible train of thought: “He sees me as a person, not just a sex object. This means that after we end up in bed, he will not change his phone number and will not urgently leave for Nepal.”

6. Don't be trivial. Reaction speed and attention to detail are the basis nice compliment. Words should not look homemade. The timbre of her voice, the touching habit of straightening her bangs, the ability to beautifully set the table, etc. - all this deserves no less close attention than the girl’s legs. The task is to find those little things that no one thought to note before you. The more a compliment takes into account the characteristics of a particular girl, the more valuable it is. Possible train of thought: “He really likes me for who I am.” The last thing she wants to hear is words that you may have already said to someone else before her.

7. Contact often by name(if this is desirable, then by patronymic) and it is obligatory look into her eyes.

Nonverbal cues are just as important as words. A direct, open look will help you establish the necessary contact. The girl should feel that at the moment your thoughts are occupied only with her. Whatever you say while sitting half-turned will have no effect.

8. Don't repeat yourself. Fortunately, girls and women themselves give you the chance to invent a new compliment every time. All these experiments with haircuts, new blouses and bras happen, essentially, in order to be noticed and appreciated, that is, for the sake of a compliment. Possible train of thought: “He is so attentive to me! Let me let him take a closer look at me.” But by stubbornly ignoring all the girl’s innovations, you will gradually turn in her eyes into an insensitive blockhead on whom she almost wasted her best years.

9. Compare carefully. Even if the number of her advantages is off the charts, do not turn the compliment into a Georgian toast for half an hour, during which the girl will have time to safely take a nap. But don’t even think about taking the path that most men consider the easiest. We mean the way of comparison. Even if the girl is the spitting image of Monica Bellucci, don’t tell her about it. Firstly, again, there is a great risk of becoming in her eyes “another one” who noticed this. Secondly, you can never predict how a girl will react to such a compliment. What if she thinks Monica is vulgar? If you really can’t resist comparison, make it inverse. “I wonder if anyone told Monica Bellucci that she looks like you?” With this unexpected move, you put the girl above the object of comparison, and this cannot be unpleasant. But you need to be one hundred percent sure of your compliment. The main thing in the art of a compliment is still sincerity. Therefore, in particular, you should not compare a girl with some Scarlett Johansson if you can hardly imagine what this same Scarlett looks like, but just remember that she seems like nothing. Possible train of thought: “I always knew that I could outshine this cow on the screen! Oh my God, it’s great that he understood this!”

11. Look for common ground. Every girl knows: her favorite films, books, music are an ideal test for compatibility. If you both read Akunin and simultaneously quote “Operation Y”, finding other points of contact will not be difficult. In general, getting to the bottom of the truth can be difficult. To show off, a girl can wear Bach’s “best of” in her player, although only the soundtrack to a cartoon about a baby mammoth really touches her. By understanding the young lady's little weaknesses, you will touch the most tender strings of her soul.

12. Admire her loved ones. The approval of friends and relatives will always be received with a bang. Even after a short conversation with a girl, you will probably know that her mother allowed her everything as a child. “Your mother showed a rare teaching talent by raising such a miracle as you!” And when it comes to a personal meeting with her mother, don’t skimp on enthusiastic remarks. It is your mother who will be able to influence the development of your novel. Possible train of thought: “Mom probably won’t mind if I stay overnight with him.”

13. Be touched. It may also happen that when looking at a girl, nothing witty or elegant comes to mind. In order not to remain silent, turning into a handful of ashes under the expectant gaze of the young lady, use the female compliment template. Be touched! All these wonderfully meaningless phrases from the series will fit here “When you wrinkle your nose like that, it just drives me crazy.” However, this method should not be abused, otherwise the girl will quickly diagnose you with “developmental delay.” Possible train of thought: “God, how cute he is! I just want to hug him to my chest!”

14. Do it first. The phrase “You are the first girl who...” works flawlessly on any object of the fairer sex. And it doesn’t matter how you finish the sentence. Let it be at least “... eats sushi with his hands!” Fifteen letters, placed in the correct order, will stun her more than a Rammstein concert. Becoming the first for a man at least in something is a serious bid for victory.

According to women's folk superstition, access to your heart is guaranteed only to the one who struck you more than others. A compliment about the first girl is heavy artillery. He cannot leave the girl indifferent. Each of them wants to be remembered for a long time, and even better forever. Possible train of thought: "Ithe one and only one he had been looking for all his life! Soon he will make me a duplicate of the keys to his apartment.”

15. Compare her to her mother. Clarification: with his mother. This is generally a forbidden technique, but it works flawlessly. At any stage of the relationship. With any girl. Keep in mind, even students at the Institute of Robotics have heard a lot about the psychological cult of the mother and the Oedipus complex. Girls know that because of their mother, even very independent guys can drop everything and rush to the other end of the city. If you dare to "You look so much like my mom"- it means they are serious and capable of deep feelings. It’s not a fact that she will have the opportunity to look at least at a photo of your mother to notice a dozen or two differences. But in any case, the girl will be sure that by agreeing to move from the restaurant to a more secluded place, she is making a giant leap towards the registry office. Possible train of thought: “We’ll go to Bali for our honeymoon.”

16. For anyone who wants to learn how to automatically express their admiration for ladies, we can recommend the following exercise: watch women on TV and try to find what you really like in their appearance, then say out loud words of admiration to them. This exercise will help you develop your powers of observation and learn how to choose the right words and give compliments, thanks to which you will be able to win the favor and sympathy of any woman.

17. You can use it for compliments. a collection of affectionate words men to their beloved women, girls, daughters.

Pampered girl


Bottomless eyes

Insanely good

Little squirrel






My Divine




















The only one



Pearl of the Heart


my life

funny girl




















My beauty














little fox








My love



My dream

Nice one


I feel warm with you









My fluffy cloud




Lakes of your eyes


















Naughty girl

My little chick



Joy to the eye

The joy of my soul





Little Mermaid




Little lynx

The light of my soul

Light of eyes





my heart





Snow Maiden









My happiness



Tiger Cub































As you can see, the number of affectionate addresses and epithets is so large that it is not difficult to select those that are suitable in any specific case.

18. If a man likes a charming person and he knows in advance that she will be present at the party, then it’s a good idea to collect information about her preliminary information. And use it, for example, like this: “When I look into your eyes, I feel that behind them lies a great talent as an artist (the extraordinary mind of a poet).”(Naturally, such a compliment is appropriate if intelligence “reported” such abilities.)

19. Woman's answers “Oh, you flatter me!” to a compliment, although they are probably fair in essence, they should be hotly contested by a man. "It's just a compliment!" - the girl will say flirtatiously, confident that what was said is true, but passionately wants her words to be refuted.

How to properly accept compliments

Unfortunately, not all women respond adequately to compliments and respond to them correctly. I often heard how ladies, in response to exclamations of admiration (for example, “How beautiful you are!”) They say only a short: “I know.” Or, say, a man asks a compliment question to the object of his adoration: “Has anyone told you that you look like an angel?” And the answer is: “They said it more than once, my ears are already withering.” Agree, such statements will instantly cool the ardor of fans. (True, if a woman wants to “send off” an annoying boyfriend, then this technique is quite appropriate.)

Such an attitude of a woman compliments are devalued and put the well-wisher in an awkward position. Someone says: "You look great." And he hears: “And I feel so ugly today.” Or someone notes how beautifully a woman is dressed, and she says: “Yes, this is an old thing, I’ve been wearing it for several years.” Colleague says: “You made a great presentation today.” And the speaker: “Yes, I just combined a couple of texts from the Internet in five minutes.” Such responses instantly destroy positive energy and discourage the author of the compliment. A person feels stupid because he praised something that is not at all worthy of a compliment. This completely invalidates a person's judgment. You won't hear more compliments from him!

By the way, such answers are for many one of the reasons for their reluctance to give compliments.

Dear women! Even a not very elegant compliment can give you a smile and a good mood. Please accept it with warmth, sincere gratitude and dignity! Rejoice and return this small charge of positive energy to the one who gave it to you!

Examples of compliments to a girl or woman for all kinds of occasions

If you find it difficult to come up with a compliment, then perhaps you will be inspired by the blanks below. They cover different situations and degrees of intimacy with the recipient of the compliment. Many of them are imperfect, but they can awaken the imagination and thereby help the reader learn how to write compliments himself.

So here are some examples.

“It’s still good that we’re having such a short date—more than twenty minutes of happiness a day is bad for your health.”

– If you print out all the compliments that you deserve, then Russia will be left without a forest.

- The smell of your hair drives me crazy.

– Your figure definitely needs reliable security.

“Your eyes are like beautiful diamonds in the rays of the moonlight.”

-Your eyes shine like stars.

“I feel like I’m going crazy from your smile!”

“I put off getting to know you the way one saves the best wine in a collection.”

- When I saw you, I forgot where I was going.

– You are like a bright star in the night sky.

– You are like a bouquet of spring flowers.

– Your smile is so sincere and charming that I am ready to admire it forever.

– When I look at you, I forget about all my problems, thank you for existing.

“Your skin is so soft, it’s so nice to touch it.”

– You cook even better than my grandmother!

– Your earrings are as sparkling as your smile.

– What modeling agency do you represent?

– You look incredible in this elegant suit!

– I can’t take my eyes off you, you’re so good!

- To a wife like you, I would fly on wings!

– Are your ideal shapes from your mother?

-You are not like everyone else, you have own opinion!

– I wish many girls to become as beautiful and smart as you!

– Every day you are more and more beautiful and sweeter.

– You look great, as always.

– You are elegant, as always!

– You are like no one else, exceptionally beautiful woman.

– You have an incomparable, charming smile.

– You are getting prettier by leaps and bounds.

– In every outfit you wear, you are irresistible and unique!

– You will decorate any reception and any company with your unique charm.

– Your new hairstyle suits you very well.

– I always admire you, there is always something new in you.

– If you come to the holiday, you will be the most beautiful there!

– Your intelligence and charm constantly attract me to you.

– You have wonderful, charming, lively eyes, there is some kind of mystery in them.

“Your eyes are so deep and beautiful, I drown in them.”

– Your brown (green, black, etc.) eyes will drive me crazy!

– Your blue eyes are like the sky.

– Your golden hair is like the sun!

“Your black eyes burn right through me!”

– Your gray eyes are an eternal mystery.

– You are so young and bright!

“You melted my heart with your warmth.”

– You are the most romantic and dreamy person I have ever seen!

- Your blouse sets off your eyes so much...

– When you smile, the room becomes bright.

- Many girls envy you.

– When you put your hair in a bun, you can better see how beautiful your face is.

- “You have a kind heart under a beautiful chest” (Janusz Leon Wisniewski).

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