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​Don't feed ANYTHING. . You'll suffer later. Let them grow as they grow. . You will feed it when you plant it in the ground. . Now push, they will stretch out..​

Rules for caring for peppers in a greenhouse

​ammonium nitrate (a tablespoon per bucket of water);​

​Vegetables are grown in open ground mainly through seedlings, but it is possible to sow seeds directly into the soil. However, with this growing method, the harvest is obtained 102 weeks later. The soil for peppers is prepared in the fall by loosening it to a depth of 30 cm. At the same time, the soil is fertilized with compost or manure immediately after harvesting. You can also use a mixture of humus and ash: add a glass of ash to 8-10 kg of finished compost.​

​At this time, the third feeding of the peppers is carried out. During fruiting, the plant is fertilized with a solution prepared in the following ratio: two teaspoons of superphosphate and potassium salt in ten liters of water. After thoroughly mixing, as with the first two feedings, the fertilizer is applied to the bush in the same quantity - a liter for each bush. If a gardener notices that this nightshade crop is beginning to grow poorly, then in this case it should be fed with urea in the proportion of thirty grams per bucket of water. The solution is thoroughly mixed and the plant is sprayed with it for a week.

​If plants are not growing well, foliar feeding will help stimulate growth and development processes. To do this, you need to dilute 1 teaspoon of urea in 10 liters of water.​

​40 g superphosphate​

The timing of the start of fertilizing depends on at what time and in what volume, how and with what, the ridge on which the pepper is planted was filled. If compost or humus was added to the soil in the fall, and in the spring, when digging, the soil was fertilized with mineral fertilizers, then less fertilizer is needed and fertilizing can be done a little later.​

How to feed weak pepper seedlings in a greenhouse?

​1st. spoon of superphosphate;

Dates for fertilizing weakened peppers in a greenhouse

Later they become discolored and become completely dry. The lack of this substance does not allow the fruit to ripen. A lack of magnesium leads to yellowing and wilting of leaves.

​It must be remembered that when peppers grow in a greenhouse, each substance of one group or another acts differently: for example, minerals promote good plant growth, and organic compounds have a positive effect on the quality and quantity of the crop. Bird droppings or liquid mullein can be used as feeding elements.​

How to fertilize pepper depending on its age?

​With the onset of the warm season, you can be outside more often, walk, relax and, of course, work. This applies mainly to dacha work, because it is outside the city that you have to devote a lot of time to such a process as planting various crops, processing them, watering them, and much more. Don’t forget about the need for timely feeding of greenhouse peppers and other crops, such as cucumbers, cabbage, tomatoes.​


​superphosphate (2 tablespoons per 10 liters of liquid);​

​In the spring, phosphorus or potassium fertilizers are applied to the soil at the rate of 30-40 grams per square meter. Phosphorus is necessary for plant growth and root system development. Nitrogen fertilizers are also used, they will require a smaller amount - 20-30 grams per square meter.​

​This product is known to everyone. Yeast is based on fungi rich in proteins, amino acids, organic iron and a wide variety of micro- and macroelements. But few people know that this is an excellent supplement for tomatoes and peppers. This product contains many substances that have a positive effect on the growth of vegetative mass. In addition, feeding peppers with yeast at the seedling stage increases the endurance of seedlings and accelerates root formation. Due to the fungi contained in them, the composition of the soil is reconstructed and the activity of many microorganisms is activated. As a result, it creates favorable environment so that plants begin to process organic matter faster.​

In the event that plants begin to shed flowers and ovaries, foliar feeding of peppers with a solution of boric acid (a solution of 1 teaspoon in 10 liters of water) can help. When fruits are poorly formed, you can spray with a solution of 1 hour. spoons of superphosphate in

Correct ratio of nutrients in fertilizers

​and ammonium nitrate, add 20 g of potassium sulfate, in 10 liters of warm and settled water.​

  • ​Peppers planted in small greenhouses can be fed somewhat less frequently -​
  • ​1 glass of wood ash;​
  • ​Sweet peppers are grown in a greenhouse or greenhouse. Peppers are planted in a greenhouse in late May - early June to avoid frost.
  • Before planting peppers in the ground, harden off the seedlings outdoors.

Spring feeding of greenhouse peppers

Before planting in open ground, peppers should be 75-85 days old.

Under no circumstances should manure be used as a good guarantee for late blight in the future. There are special complex fertilizers for tomatoes and peppers. I feed Kemira Lux. The result is always good with a harvest.​

​potassium sulfate (you will need 1-1.5 tablespoons per bucket).​​You should briefly mention the rules for planting sweet peppers. For this purpose, beds are used where cabbage, squash, peas or pumpkin were cultivated in the previous season. But it is not recommended to plant seedlings in places where tomatoes or potatoes grew, since these plants are sensitive to the same pests. It should also be taken into account that peppers do not like being next to cucumbers. Feeding peppers with yeast is very effective. The fertilizer is prepared in just a couple of minutes. To do this, ten grams of dry yeast are diluted in ten liters of water, five tablespoons of sugar and half a liter of wood ash and chicken droppings are added. The resulting solution is diluted again in a ratio of 1:10. Then the bushes are watered with it very carefully so as not to damage the roots.

Summer feeding of peppers in the greenhouse

​5 liters of water​

​Tip: a very good fertilizer, containing all the micro and macroelements necessary for plants, is the so-called “herbal tea”. Making it yourself is very simple: nettle, woodlice, dandelion, plantain or coltsfoot, that is, any weeds that you remove from your site are finely chopped or chopped.​

​once every 15-20 days​

​½ bucket of humus or compost (from last year).​

​In summer, peppers need alternative, either organic or mineral supplements. Mineral additions are carried out either at the root (watering) or on the foliage (spraying with a salt solution). Organic fertilizers are sometimes mixed with mineral fertilizers. In this case, you must take care not to exceed the norm of the elements of the solution, since their excess sometimes turns out to be more harmful to plants than a deficiency.​

Feeding peppers in a greenhouse: what, when and how

​These mixtures consist of the entire complex of nutrients necessary for the growth and development of pepper. Superphosphates can also be used in a mixture with potassium sulfate.​

​there is a special fertilizers for all crops. For each there are certain standards required. nutrients at home you can do the following from what you have at hand: 1. pour 3 liters of drunk tea hot water. 2. fill the shells of 10 eggs with 3 liters of hot water (leave 1 and 2 for a week). 3.Add half a teaspoon under each root of wood ash. 4. pour water from washed meat or fish. 5. if there are birds, then insist and dilute for 1:20. It seems like what immediately came to mind. I listed everything. good luck

​The prepared solutions are added to irrigation water at the rate of 1 liter of composition per 10 liters of liquid.​

It is necessary to take care of timely feeding of seedlings. Peppers are fertilized for the first time when the plant has two true leaves (but not earlier than 14 days after picking, if it was done). The optimal composition for seedlings is the following recipe. Dissolve 0.5 tsp in a liter of water. urea and 2.5 ml of sodium or potassium humate.​

Spring preparation of soil in a greenhouse

​You shouldn’t get too carried away with fertilizing yeast so as not to harm the plant. In order to have the best results, it is quite enough to carry out only two or three procedures for the entire season. A similar result can be obtained if you water peppers and tomatoes with regular beer. Many, of course, cannot afford to buy so much of this not-so-cheap drink, so gardeners most often use baker's yeast. The fertilizer from this product for tomatoes and peppers is a real biological growth stimulator, and a living one. The results of feeding can be seen within five to six days. The bushes literally begin to increase in size before our eyes, and the leaves on them become fleshy.​

  • It is important that there are no seeds or roots on the plants. All this green “porridge”, the weight of which should be about 6-7 kg, will be placed in a 100 liter barrel. 1 glass of any ash and a bucket of mullein are also placed there. Water is poured into the barrel, and then all its contents are thoroughly mixed.​
  • ​The mineral fertilizers listed above can be replaced with a complex mineral fertilizer, preferably a specialized one, adding approximately 1-2 tbsp. spoons for every m2. Before applying, carefully read the composition indicated on the package. If the fertilizer contains large number chlorine, it is better not to use it, since pepper does not tolerate this substance very well. (See Fertilizing tomatoes in a greenhouse)​

However, in greenhouse conditions it is correct to feed peppers with nutrients separately - organic and mineral. In addition, it is necessary from time to time to compensate for the lack of nitrogen in the soil, which is so necessary for fruit plants. For this, as already mentioned, manure or bird droppings are used. But you can use another method. It consists of decoctions of green fertilizers. In most cases, nettle is suitable for this.​

​If you notice that the pepper is growing quickly but does not bloom, you need to stop fertilizing the pepper in the greenhouse with nitrogen fertilizers. In this case, an aqueous solution with superphosphate is best. Fertilizing a second time is necessary in order to effectively fertilize the pepper bushes. According to this rule, fertilizer is prepared from urea (2 tsp) and superphosphate of the same amount, after which this mixture is diluted in 10 liters of water.​

Basic rules for feeding peppers

  1. ​First you need to comply with several important conditions. First of all, if you are planting peppers in the ground not in the house, but in a greenhouse or greenhouse, you need to check the soil. It should be soft, warm and fairly moist. Ideal peppers grow in the area where onions or carrots were grown last season, but it is necessary to avoid soil where tomatoes or potatoes were grown the day before, as they are exposed to peppers. harmful effects the same pests. Before planting seedlings in a greenhouse, you need to fertilize the soil using rotted manure or compost. This will be the first feeding of pepper in the greenhouse. If you cannot find this type of fertilizer, then in any specialized store you will definitely find something that will suit both your plot and the pepper.​​As for chemicals - KemiraLux, it dissolves well. Another barrel and 4 buckets - I use liquid fertilizer. In general, I try to do this less often. I sprinkle ash into the holes when planting. This is after planting in the ground. Seedlings at home - occasionally - maybe once or twice during the entire time of growing Kemira. Previously, I had Malyshok fertilizer - for seedlings. But I haven’t seen him for a long time. I grow it in purchased soil, maybe there is something useful there? The first feeding of sweet peppers is carried out 2 weeks after transplantation, and then this procedure is carried out regularly - 4-5 times a week.
  2. The second feeding of seedlings is done 10 days after the first application of fertilizers. The procedure is carried out when the plant has reached the phase of 5 true leaves. This time, 0.5 teaspoons of urea and 1 teaspoon are dissolved in a liter of water. potassium monophosphate. You can also use the following microfertilizers:
  3. ​It’s interesting, but plants grown in greenhouses need to be fertilized according to a separate scheme. The first feeding of pepper in the greenhouse is carried out two weeks after planting the seedlings in the ground. It is carried out with a solution of bird droppings or mullein mixed with water in a ratio of 1:15. Each bush is fertilized with the resulting mixture.
  4. ​Before you start spraying, the prepared solutions should be filtered and then sprayed with a spray bottle.​
  5. ​The resulting composition should sit for at least a week. The first feeding of tomatoes in a greenhouse, and any other crops, including peppers, is carried out at 1-2 liters per plant.​

​Let's take a closer look at how to feed peppers in a greenhouse. (See also: Feeding tomatoes)​

Organization of feeding during the season

When to feed?

​After the fertilizers have been applied, it is necessary to loosen or shallowly dig the ridge, then pour it with warm water and cover it with a clean transparent film. In this state, the prepared ridge is left for several days, until the time of planting.

​​​Plants in a greenhouse need feeding to a greater extent than in open ground. Timely fertilization of pepper with mineral supplements promotes normal growth and increased vegetable yield. During the growing season, the pepper should receive fertilizers containing: Fertilizer should be carried out a second time no earlier than 1.5-2 weeks after the pepper is planted in the greenhouse. And in the third - during the fruiting period. Also, do not forget about additional feeding of peppers in the greenhouse. So, if you notice that the plant needs feeding, be sure to provide backup fertilizer. This can be understood by the appearance of the stem and leaves of the pepper. For example, if the basal leaves turn purple, then the pepper needs phosphorus; nitrogen deficiency manifests itself in the plant acquiring a gray matte tint; if there is a lack of potassium, the leaves dry out and begin to curl.​

Water with melt water

First feeding

It is advisable to alternate fertilizers. Nitrogen fertilizers are used during growth before flowering and during fruit formation. Phosphorus fertilizers are necessary during fruiting. The lack of calcium in the soil can be compensated for with a 0.2% solution of calcium nitrate. This procedure is a good prevention of blossom end rot.

​Ideal;​​After flowering, the pepper is fertilized a second time in the greenhouse. For this, a mixture of mullein and water, supplemented with mineral fertilizers, is used. After the first crop has ripened and been harvested, the third stage of feeding is carried out. It is carried out according to the same scheme as the second. If the soil in the greenhouse is depleted, you can carry out a fourth fertilizing, for which a solution of superphosphate and mineral fertilizers is used. In order to protect the pepper in the greenhouse from pests such as spider mites and aphids, as well as increase the resistance of this crop to various diseases, It is recommended to periodically carry out foliar feeding of plants aqueous solution ash, which contains all the necessary elements.​​Two weeks after the first feeding, during the formation of ovaries and fruit development, the second feeding is carried out.​

Peppers are fed every two weeks. Dissolve organic and mineral substances in warm, settled water. Its temperature should be close to the temperature of the soil in the greenhouse (approximately

So, if thickets are constantly forming on your site or near it, you will not need to look for any alternative methods of fertilizing, much less buy something in the store. Just pick some herbs and brew it with boiling water.​ Nitrogen, which is important for pepper growth and fruit ripening;​Each of the above additives is necessary, but their action is aimed at one process - flowering, fruiting and plant growth.​

I water it with Agricola

To increase productivity and improve pollination of peppers, pollinating insects should be attracted to the land plot. To do this, during flowering, it is recommended to water the plant with a solution of sugar (100 grams) and boric acid (2 grams), which are dissolved in a liter of water.​


​Gardeners need to know what a certain fertilizer is for, what it does, and what can happen in case of an overdose. Do not overuse organic matter immediately before planting seedlings. It is better to apply a full dose of phosphorus and potassium minerals in the fall - before plowing, as well as during sowing.​

Second feeding

The homeland of pepper is America. There, even today in the regions you can find wild bushes of this crop, which grows exclusively in our gardens. This is a very heat-loving plant, but at the same time it is moisture-loving. Pepper is a typical representative of the nightshade family; it has a capricious character, so when growing it you must follow certain agrotechnical rules.​

Pepper seedlings are planted in a greenhouse when the plant height reaches ​+250С​ Peppers, like tomatoes and eggplants, belong to the nightshade family. All of these vegetable crops respond very well to mineral fertilizers applied to the soil, especially potassium and nitrogen, but peppers need them slightly higher than tomatoes. Pepper does not tolerate chlorine well; therefore, when fertilizing, you should use fertilizers with a minimum content of chlorine, or even better, without it at all.​

Foliar feeding

​calcium is necessary during pepper growth, fruit formation and ripening;​

In any case, it is necessary to monitor the development and condition of pepper when introducing organic fertilizers into the soil.

​I feed Uniflor growth in the Seed House, they advised 1 cap per liter of settled water, but Kemira is also good

During fruiting, additional wood ash is added to the soil (2 cups per square meter). ​Aquadon-micro.​ Nitrogen fertilizers have an excellent effect on the number of ovaries, as well as on the size of the fruit. But excessive feeding of pepper with them leads to a delay in ripening, as well as to a decrease in the plant’s immunity to certain diseases. At the same time, the lack of nitrogen, in turn, affects the loss of fertility of peppers and even suppression of the plant.

​This method is the only one. To begin with, the seeds, prepared in advance, are planted in the ground. You only need to take fresh planting material. Gardeners need to correctly calculate the time of planting seedlings in the ground and plant the seeds fifty or sixty days before. It must be remembered that this is a rather responsible process on which the future harvest depends. Seeds can be placed in trays or pots, which should then be moved to a warm place.​

​If the first feeding of pepper in the greenhouse was carried out with mineral fertilizers, then the second should contain organic substances. To do this, you can dilute 1 glass of urea, ½ bucket of any bird droppings, 1 bucket of last year’s manure in a 100 liter barrel. All components are filled with water and left to infuse for 5-7 days. Then it is used at the rate of 5-6 liters of solution for every 1 m2.​

Feeding peppers in open ground

​15-25 cm​

Growing from seedlings

Feeding seedlings

Potassium is used for plant grafting and fruit formation;

After landing in an open area

​Organic fertilizers should be used no matter what condition the soil is in or how well the pepper is growing. Such feeding will not harm, but it will not be superfluous either. To strengthen seedlings in the greenhouse, try saturating the air with carbon. To do this, it is best to install a tank for digesting manure in the greenhouse and fill it half with fresh manure and half with settled warm water. Fertilizing peppers at the seedling stage allows you to create strong shoots, which are subsequently much easier to adapt to the future environment.​

Saltpeter - 1 matchbox per 10 liters of water

During the tying period

Advice: if you were unable to fertilize the plant as often as indicated above, fertilize the peppers in the open ground at least 2 times. Once 10-12 days after planting, organic fertilizers (manure, bird droppings) are used. The organic solution can be replaced with ready-made Signor Tomato fertilizer; for this, 1 tablespoon of the dry mixture is dissolved in a liter of water. Water the beds at the rate of 1 liter per plant. The second fertilizing is carried out using nitrogen fertilizer, which is applied to the soil 12 days after the first fertilizing.

After fruit ripening

​The application of microfertilizers is carried out in accordance with the instructions. Next time, you can feed the peppers using special fertilizers for seedlings, for example, water-soluble Fertika fertilizer is used.​


​If the soil contains the required amount of phosphorus, the speed of fruit ripening increases, and the roots become strong. Whereas the lack of this substance leads to the leaves turning purple. Feeding peppers with potassium has a positive effect on the brightness of the color of the fruit, and a deficiency leads to reddening of the bushes. In turn, a lack of magnesium can result in curling or yellowing of the foliage.​

​Before sowing, planting material should be prepared in advance: for this it must be placed in a specially prepared dressing. This is a one percent solution of manganese. The seeds are left in it for fifteen minutes, then washed and wrapped in a wet cloth for three days.

If you notice the fragility of the stems or shoots of peppers, as well as rich dark green leaves, indicating an excess amount of nitrogen in the soil, you can feed the plants by dissolving 1 teaspoon of potassium sulfate and 1 tbsp. spoon of superphosphate

Fertilizing peppers in greenhouses

​, it has at least 8 true leaves and buds are already being formed. Thus, in approximately

​Before fertilizing, each plant must be watered with warm water, and only then fertilized.​

​The composition of mineral fertilizers applied to the soil strongly depends on both the variety of planted seedlings and its age, weather conditions and the size and number of formed ovaries.​

Phosphorus is also important for fruiting.

​In this case, you can use phosphorus and nitrogen. Phosphorus fertilizer promotes the growth and strengthening of roots, and nitrogen stimulates the construction of green mass of the plant. Organic fertilizers for weak seedlings (so as not to burn them with manure) can be made from tree ash or nettles. All fertilizers must be introduced carefully, since pepper does not tolerate frequent, and, most importantly, abundant fertilizing.

You need to know this

Fertilizer for peppers - which fertilizer to choose?

Advice: root feeding should be alternated with non-root feeding. If you fertilize sweet peppers irregularly, then the procedure is carried out at least 2 times. The second feeding is carried out a couple of weeks before planting the seedlings in the ground.

Pepper care

​Before you start introducing fertilizers, it is better to conduct a soil analysis. This is necessary to determine the additives that the plant needs. Feeding peppers, including at the seedling stage, is important for obtaining a good harvest of these vegetables. The standardized introduction of fertilizers is very important - according to the scheme, so as not to overfeed the crop.​

​When the seedlings are grown, they need feeding. For this representative of the nightshade family, this procedure is needed every ten days. In total, feeding peppers at the seedling stage is carried out two or three times. The first time it is done when two leaves appear on the planting material. At the same time, if picking was carried out before, then fertilizing should be given after fifteen days, but not earlier. Feeding peppers at the seedling stage is done with mineral fertilizers or compost. You need to know that this plant does not tolerate fresh manure very well. On the sixtieth day, the seedlings are planted in the ground. The ideal time for planting is the beginning of June, when the danger of frost is practically eliminated.​

​in 10 liters of water​

​14-15 days​

Fertilizers for seedlings

​After fertilizing has been carried out, the soil around each plant needs to be loosened shallowly, if it is not mulched.​

​You should understand the purpose for which certain mineral fertilizers are applied. So for normal growth and development, from the time the first sprouts appear until the beginning of fruit formation, pepper needs phosphorus fertilizers. During the entire period of growth, development and fruiting, pepper needs nitrogen and calcium. During the period when plants are actively forming ovaries, in order for them to develop normally, it is necessary to feed the plants with potassium fertilizers.​

  • ​Planting peppers in the ground is best done only in the southern regions; for other cases you will need a greenhouse.​
  • I don't feed anything. And so it grows. You'll really be tormented later. As soon as it starts to grow, it’s too early to plant. Here are the problems....​

​Sweet peppers are also susceptible to attack by aphids. You can get rid of harmful insects using tobacco infusion. To prepare it you will need 300 grams of tobacco crumbs, it should be mixed in 10 liters of water and left for 3 days. Water the grown plant with the product.

Mineral fertilizers can be replaced with organic ones - mullein diluted with water in a ratio of 1:4 or chicken manure (1 part manure to 10 parts water).

​Pepper, which is properly cared for and fed on time, will definitely reward the gardener with good growth and, most importantly, healthy and juicy fruits.​

​Feeding of pepper in the soil will be required throughout the entire period of growth of this crop, right up to the appearance of the first fruits on the bush and until they are fully ripened. It is carried out in several stages in an open area in the garden.

Fertilizing in open ground

After transplanting the peppers to a permanent place, the plants begin to bloom.

  • ​It is necessary to alternate fertilizing with organic and mineral fertilizers.​
  • So, if the weather outside is cloudy and not very sunny for quite a long time, then you need to increase the amount of potassium fertilizers by about 20%. In case of constant sunny weather, reduce the amount of potassium fertilizers by 20%.​
  • ​Healthy plants form a large number of ovaries, which ensures balanced, regular fertilization of the pepper at the beginning of its growth. In the spring, you must definitely feed the pepper with mineral supplements. Some gardeners use wood ash as their first fertilizer. In order to avoid the most common diseases of this crop (blackleg), when watering the plants should be treated with a solution of black tea (1 cup loose leaf tea for 3 liters of hot water).​

During seedling growth, pepper feeding is also carried out in 3 stages. The first feeding is done after 1-2 leaves appear. Fertilize the plants with the following composition: add 1 g of potassium, 0.5 g of ammonium nitrate and 3 g of superphosphate to 1 liter of water. The second stage of fertilization should be carried out within 2 weeks after the first. In this case, the dose of fertilizer should be doubled. The third time this process is carried out when the plant stem has become significantly stronger and its color has become brighter. This time the concentration of potassium fertilizers increases and amounts to 8 g per 1 liter of water. Feeding should always occur in the first half of the day. After each feeding, the seedlings are watered with clean water, and plaque is washed off the leaves if anything gets on them during feeding.​

I grow seedlings in purchased soil (for tomatoes and peppers) and never feed them with anything. When planted in the ground, such seedlings are not “lazy” and obtain food from the ground. The soil in the garden and in the greenhouses is good, the seedlings are accepted and grow well.​

Dandelion infusion protects against aphids and spider mites. 300 grams of grass or 200 grams of plant roots are stirred in warm water and left for 3 hours. The infusion is used immediately after preparation; it is used to irrigate peppers after the buds open and during the flowering period.​

​If the described conditions are met, the seedlings will develop richly colored leaves and well-developed root system. Determining the time for planting peppers is quite simple: the plant is ready to move into the soil if it has 7-12 true leaves, as well as small buds. The height of the stems must be at least 20 cm.​

​Pepper, a plant from the nightshade family, is one of the most favorite vegetables in our kitchen. About 20 varieties of nightshade are known, of which paprika is the most popular.

The first feeding of pepper is done fifteen to twenty days after planting seedlings on the site. During this time, the seedlings already have time to take root and grow stronger, and therefore are ready to accept and assimilate fertilizers. The first feeding of pepper is a mixture of five grams of superphosphate and ten grams of urea. They are diluted in a bucket of water and mixed thoroughly. After this, the resulting solution is poured under the seedlings. Each bush will need about a liter of this fertilizer. In this case, you need to be very careful that the solution does not get on the leaves.

Protection from diseases

​During the entire period of growth and development of peppers, plants need calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium, as well as trace elements such as iodine, molybdenum, zinc, boron, manganese.​

It is at this time that the first feeding of peppers in the greenhouse is carried out. You can use a solution of any bird droppings in water in a ratio of 1:15, which has been infused for at least 5 days, or liquid mullein in a ratio of 1:10, which has been infused for a week.​

Any fertilizing should be done only on moist soil. Therefore, a couple of days before feeding, the plants need to be properly watered.

​Before you start planting pepper seedlings in the beds, they need to be specially prepared and fertilized. The following fertilizers must be added to the greenhouse soil per 1 m2:​

It is necessary to add calcium in the first feeding. The absence of this element leads to rotting of the sprouts and the fall of the ovary.​

Can you tell me what to feed pepper and tomato seedlings?

Tatiana Tsivilskaya


​Why feed them anything now, the main thing is that you need to dive them, then they will grow without feeding, the main thing is that the soil in which you plant them is good. Even when I plant them outside, I don’t feed them with anything, only when planting, I make sure to sprinkle humus into each hole. If you feed them, they only grow tops, and there are few tomatoes on the bush. And there’s no need for extra nitrates.​

Zhanna Ivanova

​As a preventative measure against viral infection a simple remedy is used - skim milk, which is used to treat plants during the growing season, especially in the first half.​


​Transplanted sweet peppers also need fertilizer. Good food during the flowering period there is an organic solution. 1 kilogram of manure or 0.5 kg of bird droppings is soaked in a bucket of water for 5 days. It will be great if you add 2 tablespoons of potassium monophosphate or special fertilizer “Sudarushka for peppers” to the solution.​


​Despite the fact that pepper is quite finicky to care for, you still shouldn’t give up growing a healthy vegetable. Sweet peppers do not tolerate excessive watering, but are also sensitive to lack of water. This is a heat-loving culture that loves good lighting. Vegetables like regular loosening of the soil, which is carried out after each irrigation, as soon as the soil is dry enough. However, it is not necessary to loosen the soil too deeply; a depth of 6-8 cm is sufficient. The procedure should be carried out carefully, since peppers have a superficial root system.​

Aliya F

The next stage is feeding the pepper during flowering. It should be carried out during the period when the buds are set and ripen. At this time, the plant greatly needs a nutrient such as potassium. Therefore, you need to dilute one teaspoon of potassium in a bucket of water, add the same amount of urea and twenty grams of superphosphate. The solution needs to be mixed thoroughly. One liter of the resulting fertilizer is poured under each bush. Experts recommend adding a substance such as superphosphate only if the soil is deprived of phosphorus.​

eagle owl

​A good way to bring all these necessary and important substances to the plant is foliar feeding, in other words, spraying the entire plant with a fertilizer solution.​


​In the event that there are no organic fertilizers, then you can dissolve

Natalia Usacheva

​Important: do not give peppers excess nitrogen fertilizers, as this will lead to the plants growing a large amount of green mass, to the detriment of fruit set and development.​

Galina Kapskaya

​1 hour spoon of potassium sulfate;

Evgenia Taratutina

​Then the growth of the stem due to calcium deficiency stops, and distinctive burns of a mustard, rusty hue appear at the ends of the leaf blades.​

Natalia Zakharova

​Despite the fact that there is a traditional set of feeding peppers in a greenhouse, the composition of nutrients included in a particular portion largely depends on the age of the plant you are going to feed. Well, we should not forget that different varieties, the number of sprouts and weather also significantly affect this process. So, in order to keep pepper in the desired condition in constant cloudy weather, it is necessary to increase the dosage of potassium fertilizers by approximately 20-25% relative to those recommended under normal conditions. In sunny weather, the dose of potassium is reduced by the same percentage.​

How to feed peppers after planting in the ground The best peppers for open ground

When to feed pepper seedlings

The homeland of pepper is America. There, even today in the regions you can find wild bushes of this crop, which grows exclusively in our gardens. This is a very heat-loving plant, but at the same time it is moisture-loving. Pepper is a typical representative of the nightshade family; it has a capricious character, so when growing it you must follow certain agrotechnical rules.

Growing from seedlings

This method is the only one. To begin with, the seeds, prepared in advance, are planted in the ground. You only need to take fresh planting material. Gardeners need to correctly calculate the time of planting seedlings in the ground and plant the seeds fifty or sixty days before. It must be remembered that this is a rather responsible process on which the future harvest depends. Seeds can be placed in trays or pots, which should then be moved to a warm place.

Before sowing, planting material should be prepared in advance: for this it must be placed in a specially prepared dressing. This is a one percent solution of manganese. The seeds are left in it for fifteen minutes, then washed and wrapped in a wet cloth for three days.

Feeding seedlings

When the seedlings are grown, they need feeding. For this representative of the nightshade family, this procedure is needed every ten days. In total, feeding peppers at the seedling stage is carried out two or three times. The first time it is done when two leaves appear on the planting material. At the same time, if picking was carried out before, then fertilizing should be given after fifteen days, but not earlier. Feeding peppers at the seedling stage is done with mineral fertilizers or compost. You need to know that this plant does not tolerate fresh manure very well. On the sixtieth day, the seedlings are planted in the ground. The ideal time for planting is the beginning of June, when the danger of frost is practically eliminated.

After landing in an open area

Fertilizing pepper in the ground will be required throughout the entire period of growth of this crop, right up to the appearance of the first fruits on the bush and until they are fully ripened. It is carried out in several stages in an open area in the garden.

The first feeding of pepper is done fifteen to twenty days after planting seedlings on the site. During this time, the seedlings already have time to take root and grow stronger, and therefore are ready to accept and assimilate fertilizers. The first feeding of pepper is a mixture of five grams of superphosphate and ten grams of urea. They are diluted in a bucket of water and mixed thoroughly. After this, the resulting solution is poured under the seedlings. Each bush will need about a liter of this fertilizer. In this case, you need to be very careful that the solution does not get on the leaves.

During the tying period

The next stage is feeding the pepper during flowering. It should be carried out during the period when the buds are set and ripen. At this time, the plant greatly needs a nutrient such as potassium. Therefore, you need to dilute one teaspoon of potassium in a bucket of water, add the same amount of urea and twenty grams of superphosphate. The solution needs to be mixed thoroughly. One liter of the resulting fertilizer is poured under each bush. Experts recommend adding a substance such as superphosphate only if the soil is deprived of phosphorus.

After fruit ripening

At this time, the third feeding of the peppers is carried out. During fruiting, the plant is fertilized with a solution prepared in the following ratio: two teaspoons of superphosphate and potassium salt in ten liters of water. After thoroughly mixing, as with the first two feedings, the fertilizer is applied to the bush in the same quantity - a liter for each bush. If a gardener notices that this nightshade crop is beginning to grow poorly, then in this case it should be fed with urea in the proportion of thirty grams per bucket of water. The solution is thoroughly mixed and the plant is sprayed with it for a week.


This product is known to everyone. Yeast is based on fungi rich in proteins, amino acids, organic iron and a wide variety of micro- and macroelements. But few people know that this is an excellent supplement for tomatoes and peppers. This product contains many substances that have a positive effect on the growth of vegetative mass. In addition, feeding peppers with yeast at the seedling stage increases the endurance of seedlings and accelerates root formation. Due to the fungi contained in them, the composition of the soil is reconstructed and the activity of many microorganisms is activated. As a result, it creates a favorable environment for plants to begin to process organic matter faster.

Feeding peppers with yeast is very effective. The fertilizer is prepared in just a couple of minutes. To do this, ten grams of dry yeast are diluted in ten liters of water, five tablespoons of sugar and half a liter of wood ash and chicken droppings are added. The resulting solution is diluted again in a ratio of 1:10. Then the bushes are watered with it very carefully so as not to damage the roots.

You shouldn’t get too carried away with fertilizing yeast so as not to harm the plant. In order to have the best results, it is quite enough to carry out only two or three procedures for the entire season. A similar result can be obtained if you water peppers and tomatoes with regular beer. Many, of course, cannot afford to buy so much of this not-so-cheap drink, so gardeners most often use baker's yeast. The fertilizer from this product for tomatoes and peppers is a real biological growth stimulator, and a living one. The results of feeding can be seen within five to six days. The bushes literally begin to increase in size before our eyes, and the leaves on them become fleshy.

Fertilizing peppers in greenhouses

It’s interesting, but plants grown in greenhouses need to be fertilized according to a separate scheme. The first feeding of pepper in the greenhouse is carried out two weeks after planting the seedlings in the ground. It is carried out with a solution of bird droppings or mullein mixed with water in a ratio of 1:15. Each bush is fertilized with the resulting mixture.

After flowering, the peppers are fertilized a second time in the greenhouse. For this, a mixture of mullein and water, supplemented with mineral fertilizers, is used. After the first crop has ripened and been harvested, the third stage of feeding is carried out. It is carried out according to the same scheme as the second. If the soil in the greenhouse is depleted, you can carry out a fourth feeding, for which a solution of superphosphate and mineral fertilizers is used.

Gardeners need to know what a certain fertilizer is for, what it does, and what can happen if there is an overdose. Do not overuse organic matter immediately before planting seedlings. It is better to apply a full dose of phosphorus and potassium minerals in the fall - before plowing, as well as during sowing.

Nitrogen fertilizers have an excellent effect on the number of ovaries, as well as on the size of the fruit. But excessive feeding of pepper with them leads to a delay in ripening, as well as to a decrease in the plant’s immunity to certain diseases. At the same time, the lack of nitrogen, in turn, affects the loss of fertility of peppers and even the inhibition of the plant.

If the soil contains the required amount of phosphorus, the speed of fruit ripening increases, and the roots become strong. Whereas the lack of this substance leads to the leaves turning purple. Feeding peppers with potassium has a positive effect on the brightness of the color of the fruit, and a deficiency leads to reddening of the bushes. In turn, a lack of magnesium can result in curling or yellowing of the foliage.

You need to know this

Before you start introducing fertilizers, it is better to conduct a soil test. This is necessary to determine the additives that the plant needs. Feeding peppers, including at the seedling stage, is important for obtaining a good harvest of these vegetables. The standardized introduction of fertilizers is very important - according to the scheme, so as not to overfeed the crop.

Peppers that are properly cared for and fed on time will definitely reward the gardener with good growth and, most importantly, healthy and juicy fruits.

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​Do not feed with anything; the peppers will not absorb your feeding in 2 days. When planting, put a little humus, ash, and ammophosphate in the hole. This will feed them for a long time.

​I add humus when planting and that’s all --- this is enough for a good harvest and eliminates the hassle of feeding for the whole season. , I water it a couple of times a week generously --- it’s hot in the summer, from the beginning of August, when the heat starts to subside, I water it less, but I don’t stop. even before September, because if you stop watering the same tomatoes, then sudden rain can cause them all to crack (you can’t have them either empty or thick). We water the cucumbers every day, in the hottest weather - both in the morning and in the evening (and with cold water)

Until the seedlings take root, do not feed! This is two weeks after landing. And then watch how the plants develop; perhaps what you put in the hole before planting will be enough for them to flower.

​Feeding should not be repeated a second time; if there is a need for it, then do it. It is better to carry it out three days before planting the seedlings in the garden. For 10 liters of water, approximately 50 g of superphosphate and 20-30 g of potassium salt (potassium sulfate). After such feeding, your pepper will grow fruitfully in open ground and give you a wonderful harvest.​

​The topic of this article will be quite useful and interesting, since we will talk about feeding a fruit such as pepper - very healthy and tasty. I think the topic is interesting, so we’ll look at when and how to feed pepper seedlings, and also look at the main aspects of feeding.​

​Second feeding. While the first buds are being formed and the fruits are ripening,

​Preparing the soil for seedlings. Prepare the soil for growing sweet pepper seedlings in advance, as it needs fertilizing. Most varieties of this plant are quite demanding on the composition of the planting soil. You can buy a ready-made special mixture in the store, but it is easy to prepare it yourself. As practice shows, good results are obtained by mixing the following components: soil from the garden (25-30%), peat or humus (30-50%) and the same amount of sand.​

You will need

  1. - Urea;
  2. - A mixture of garden soil, peat (humus) and sand;
  3. From the first days, it is better to water the seedlings not with water, but with a weak solution of any fertilizer containing a large amount of potassium. This is not always a fertilizer for seedlings; for example, you can use Uniflor Bud. The solution can stand indefinitely. First, pour a teaspoon of fertilizer under each plant once every two days, then gradually increase the amount, but the soil should remain moderately dry. You can also use AVA fertilizer. The feeding scheme is the same. You can also use mineral fertilizers - ash and azophosphate, but it is not recommended to use organic compounds and, especially, manure: the above-ground part of the plant will develop too actively, and the root system will remain weak, which will not increase the yield, but will add problems. We figured out how to feed pepper seedlings in the first days. Next, let's look at the features of picking.​
  4. ​Sweet or, as they also say, bell pepper belongs to the nightshade crops. Its homeland is Mexico and Guatemala. It is drought tolerant and likes loamy soils and average watering. Pepper seedlings are grown quite easily at home. You just need to know a few features and rules.​
  5. ​Plant in humus and that’s it, and fertilize in the middle or even at the beginning of June, water the weeds with water, that’s it! I plant them close)​
  6. After planting in the ground, after two weeks, I spray the tomatoes with a solution of boric acid and iodine (for 10 liters of water - 3 drops of iodine and boric acid on the tip of a knife). After the ovaries appear, I repeat this foliar feeding. My mother-in-law always did this, and her tomatoes were excellent in any weather, and that’s what I always do. I don’t fertilize at the roots, but always mulch with grass, which I water with Baikal EM-1. For cucumbers there is always a bucket of green fertilizer, I add Baikal and water it. Peppers grow among tomatoes, so the feeding is the same as for tomatoes - green grass in the form of mulch, spilled by Lake Baikal. I don’t use any chemicals in my garden.​
  7. ​There is humus in the garden bed and then I start mowing the grass and put it in a barrel. Everyone loves green fertilizer.
  8. I don't feed it. At least until fruiting. I add fertilizers when planting in the planting hole. Watering mode. Cucumbers every other day depending on the air temperature. The hotter it is, the more often. Peppers 1-2 times a week. Tomatoes less often, but plentifully. Planted seedlings once a week. Adults in the fruiting stage once every 10-12 days.​


  • Pepper is a moisture-loving plant, but still water it once a week, with warm water - I think we don’t need to list all the specific points, but let’s go straight to feeding the pepper. If you decide to feed, this is very good, the pepper will thank you, since it really needs it.​
  • ​pepper​
  • ​Fertilizing the soil during digging. Many successful summer residents apply mineral fertilizers such as superphosphate and potassium sulfate during the autumn or early spring digging of the beds. It is enough to take them at the rate of 30 g per square meter and add them to the soil to a depth of about 10 cm.​
  • - potassium sulfate;
  • - Superphosphate; When picking peppers, the main task is not to damage the root system and plant them at the same depth. If you accidentally bury the plant, the stem may rot. Carefully remove the plant, being careful not to damage it. Just as carefully, place it in the depression made, without bending or breaking off the thin roots. You cannot shorten the central part of the root system, otherwise the plant will either die or be weak and bear little fruit. Now let’s talk about how to feed pepper seedlings after picking - use the same preparations, just increase their quantity, but the soil should remain moderately dry. To grow pepper seedlings, its seeds will need to be “awakened” - they do not germinate well, so they require some processing. For better swelling, use hot water (50-53°C). Pour water into a thermos, pour pepper seeds into it and leave them for about 20 minutes, then take them out, wrap them in a damp cloth, and leave them in the refrigerator for two hours. Make a solution of one of the growth stimulants: Epin-Extra, Novosil, Energen or any other, put the seeds in it for 20 minutes. Now you can sow.​
  • ​Into the hole: a handful (or more) of humus, a tablespoon of ash, 1 tablet of gliocladin (for diseases), spill the hole with a weak (pinkish) solution of potassium permanganate.​

How to feed pepper seedlings and when exactly is the best time to do it?

​Compost soil for everyone. Water as it dries. Fertilizing - infusion nettles as it ferments. One ladle per bucket. Both flowers and vegetables.​

​I fertilize the soil with ash before planting, water it and plant it out a week later. I water tomatoes once a month, peppers and cucumbers often, as they dry out.

I usually sprinkle humus into the soil for the first time. And after a week or two, fermented grass or mullein infusion.​

So, you don’t need to fertilize often, once or twice is enough. In principle, even after the first time you can see the result and if you want to do the same, but later. To the question of how to feed pepper seedlings, the answer is simple - this is the most useful and sought-after component - urea and superphosphate.​

​will especially need potassium. Plant growers usually feed the plant during the period of its rapid flowering: a matchbox of superphosphate and a teaspoon of potassium sulfate are dissolved in a bucket of water. Treat the beds with this solution in the same way as when you first fertilized. Keep in mind that superphosphate is only needed on soils poor in phosphorus!​

Good afternoon What do you feed after planting in the ground: a) tomatoes, b) cucumbers, c) peppers. And what is the watering regime?


​Preparing for planting. A couple of weeks before transplanting pepper seedlings into open ground, it is necessary to prepare the garden beds in advance and fertilize them with rotted manure (about 5 kg per square meter). A couple of weeks before planting seedlings, it is also recommended to lightly fertilize the planting soil with nitrogen (ammonium nitrate), since the plant will need this mineral fertilizer even before it begins to flower. Calculate 10 g of product per square meter of area.​


​- water;​

Violetta Davydova

​- Rotted manure;​


​Pepper seedlings are planted in open ground only in the southern regions, but in the majority they grow either in greenhouses or greenhouses. Before transplanting, water the seedlings well, make holes in the soil large enough so that a clod of earth with a plant can easily fit there (this is how it is better to replant peppers so as not to damage the root system). In each hole, place a teaspoon of fertilizer that does not contain chlorine (it does not tolerate it), fill the hole full with water. As soon as it is absorbed, transfer the seedlings along with the lump and compact the soil around them. There is no need to water the first week - the plant takes root. As soon as the first new leaf appears, you can fertilize it with potassium fertilizer that does not contain chlorine. You can use a mixture of the fertilizers that were used when growing seedlings, but you need to add urea, superphosphate or azophosphate. It’s clear how to feed pepper seedlings. Now let’s talk about how often this should be done: once every 10-14 days. If you do not fertilize or over-moisten the soil, the seedlings may turn yellow. To restore it you will need considerable effort. In this case, the answer to the question: “Why do pepper seedlings turn yellow?” unambiguous - due to violation of growing conditions. If you do everything right, you will get a good harvest.​

Tatyana B

​Fill the container for seedlings halfway with soil, compact it, spread the seeds every 2 centimeters, pour another 5 centimeters of soil on top and compact it again. The pepper seeds should be at a depth of 3-4 centimeters. The thing is that when picking, the seedlings cannot be buried - the stem may rot, so we immediately lay out the seeds to a greater depth. Cover the container with glass or film and place it in a warm place. When the first shoots appear, place them under a lamp daylight. As soon as the cotyledon leaves open, we begin feeding.


It will be possible to feed only two weeks after planting.


​If it’s not too much trouble, go to the “beekeeping and plant growing” website; it tells you everything about tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers, how to plant and how to water.​


Two weeks after planting, I water with mullein or horse manure (usually horse manure)

Valentina Vasilyeva (Zharova)

​nothing) so far they are growing. I water every day in dry and hot weather, and if it rains, then less.

Irina Shabalina

​Do the first feeding two weeks after 2-3 leaves appear - for 10 liters of water there are approximately 5-7 g of urea and 30 g of superphosphate. All the necessary fertilizers can be purchased in specialized stores or directly in your garden (humus, urea, compost or manure - you don’t need to buy this).​

Veronica Schneider

​Third feeding. It is done after the fruits on the first branch of the bush have fully ripened. At this time, phosphorus and potassium are added again (two teaspoons of each per bucket).

Elena Ivanova

​First feeding. After planting pepper seedlings in garden beds or in a greenhouse, allow them to take root and strengthen for 2-3 weeks. Only after this can you “feed” the plant with superphosphate and urea. Take only 5 g of the first fertilizer, twice as much of the second, and mix the components thoroughly in a ten-liter bucket of water. Pour a liter of the prepared mixture under each pepper bush.​


​- a matchbox, a teaspoon, scales and a 10-liter bucket for proper dosing of fertilizers.​

How to feed the peppers before planting in the ground (in a couple of days)?

Irina Vladimirovna

​- Ammonium nitrate;​

Tatiana Pavlova

​Many varieties of sweet peppers have long taken root in middle lane. Under its conditions, these plants reproduce only with the help of seedlings and subsequent planting in greenhouses or open ground. Experienced gardeners have learned to grow large harvests of this healthy and tasty vegetable on their plots. In many ways, the success of dacha work depends on proper feeding of peppers with various organic and mineral fertilizers. It is carried out in several stages.


​How to feed pepper seedlings​

Nikolay Panov

​I would feed it later, after disembarkation.​

Lyudmila Petrenko

​Feeding - after planting, a few days later - planting at a distance of 30 cm.​

Alla Lebedeva

​When planting cucumbers, I always make a large hole and fill it with manure. When I plant seedlings of peppers and tomatoes, I fill the entire ridge with humus, and good fertile soil in each hole. and that’s all, then I just water it during the season and don’t do any more fertilizing. I water the cucumbers every day or every other day. peppers twice a week, and tomatoes only once a week (they don’t like flooding)​

Not every gardener manages to get good pepper seedlings. Well, many people only dream about an adult, developed plant that produces large, tasty harvests. The reason is that pepper needs special conditions for growth and care, an obligatory part of which is feeding. If you do not fertilize it, it begins to slow down its growth, stretch out and not grow as a beautiful bush, get sick, and reduce the yield or quality of the fruit. How to feed peppers and how to do it correctly can be read below in the article.

How often do you fertilize peppers?

California miracle pepper

Before feeding peppers with one fertilizer or another, you need to figure out how often you need to do it. The intensity of fertilizing is influenced by many factors (variety, climate, place of cultivation, quantity and type of pepper), but mainly you need to pay attention to the quality of the soil. Pepper loves nutritious soil, but in empty soil it does not develop at all. Therefore, you need to plant seeds or ready-made seedlings only in fertilized soil and feed it as the crop grows, and, that is, consumes nutrients from the soil.

If we talk about normal soil, then pepper needs about 5 feedings over the entire development period. The first is carried out after picking the seedlings into separate cups (2-3 leaves). A day before planting seedlings in a permanent place in open or closed ground, you also need to fertilize them to strengthen the seedlings. When the seedlings take root in a new place (2 weeks after planting), you can fertilize them. The next fertilizer is applied already during the flowering period, and then during the beginning of fruiting (fruit formation). After the fruits begin to grow and take on color, fertilizing is carried out only as a last resort, for example, if the plant is withering or developing poorly. Do not forget that any fertilizing at this time can negatively affect the quality, taste and even color of the crop.


It is very easy to determine whether the pepper was fertilized correctly. If the plant has new, green leaves, then everything is done without errors, but if the development has not changed, the leaves do not grow, the color fades, then, most likely, something was done incorrectly.

How to feed peppers to grow?

Also check out these articles

Types of fertilizer for peppers

If the pepper grows poorly or does not develop properly, you need to apply appropriate fertilizer. Sluggish leaves, dull color of the bush, thin stem, weakness of the branches indicate a lack of calcium, nitrogen, boron, phosphorus, iron, zinc, manganese, copper and some other elements. How to feed peppers to restore their appearance and speed up growth?

  • Eggshells are most often placed in the ground when planting a plant, but an infusion can also be made. To do this, take the crushed shells of 2-3 eggs, fill them with 3 liters of water and leave them in a dark place for 3-4 days. Then it is used to water young and mature bushes. This product has especially proven itself when growing seedlings.
  • An infusion of herbs contains an abundance of various elements. It will be useful for the growth and development of the plant, and will also significantly increase productivity. To prepare the drug, you need to grind the leaves of plantain, coltsfoot, dandelion, nettle, woodlice and add water in a ratio of 1:5. Infuse the product for a week, and then use a liter for each bush.


Peppers are usually fertilized in the morning or evening, when the sun is not shining too brightly, it is not hot outside, and there is no rain.

  • In order for young seedlings to develop quickly, you need to add a handful of ash to each hole when planting in a permanent place.
  • Yeast promotes the growth of root and green mass, increases productivity, so you should not neglect this fertilizer, especially since it is natural and harmless. 1 kg of wet yeast is infused in 5 liters of water all day (preferably in a dark, warm place). Then 2-3 tablespoons of ash are added to the solution and used for watering.

Yeast fertilizer is useful, but it is used only in combination with ash, since the yeast itself leaches potassium from the soil.

For active plant growth, mineral fertilizers can also be used. During the first feeding, it is worth providing the plant with an abundance of potassium and nitrogen, using, for example, Kemira-Lux, Kristalon or GUMI Kuznetsova according to the instructions. If you wish, you can make fertilizer yourself. For a bucket of water, take 3 tablespoons of superphosphate, 3 teaspoons of potassium sulfate, 2 teaspoons of ammonium nitrate. During the second feeding, the same products are used, but the concentration is doubled.

How to feed peppers for a good harvest?

Pepper harvest

A large harvest of pepper can only be obtained by applying timely, good fertilizing. You can make them yourself or use store-bought ones. So, what to feed peppers with? Many gardeners prefer to use traditional methods. They include green infusions, decoctions, as well as fertilizers made from organic “garbage”, such as banana peels, vegetable peelings, eggshells, ashes and similar components.

  • The peel of 2-3 bananas is crushed and infused in water for 3 days. After this, the infusion is filtered and watered over the peppers. Banana peel contains a lot of potassium, so it is extremely necessary in the spring, during the period of plant growth and during fruiting, so that the pepper has a beautiful, even, rich color.
  • During the flowering season, it won’t hurt to feed the peppers with bird droppings or humus. But using them in their pure form is dangerous, so a solution is prepared. Chicken manure is mixed with water in a ratio of 1:10, and humus is 1:5 and then used for irrigation. But you can use either humus or droppings at a time; combining them is not recommended.


Pepper loves ash very much. This is not only an affordable, but also a very useful fertilizer that has a positive effect on the plant throughout its growing season. But fresh manure can harm peppers.

  • The excellent taste of the fruits and their abundance will be provided to the gardener by feeding with ash during the fruiting period of the pepper. Take 2 liters of hot water per tablespoon of clean wood ash. After the mixture has been left for a day, shake it well and use it for watering.
  • You can increase the yield and taste of peppers with iodine fertilizer. Take no more than 2 drops of iodine and 100 ml of whey per liter of water. After thorough mixing, you can use the solution for its intended purpose.

If you don’t want to use natural fertilizers, you can use them as fertilizers and minerals. To increase productivity, the preparations “Agricola”, “Uniflor-rost”, “Gomelskoe”, “Nitroammofoska” and the like are usually used. All of them are bred according to the instructions.

How to choose fertilizer?

Pepper feeding

If a gardener does not have time to prepare fertilizers, dilute them, measure them and maintain the correct proportions, he simply purchases complex fertilizers for peppers: “Ideal”, “Kemira-Lux”, “Aquadon-micro”, “Orton-Fe”. They provide the plant with a minimum or maximum of useful substances (depending on the type and concentration), and fully justify their use. Pepper grows well, produces a harvest, and becomes more resistant to diseases and growing conditions.

You should only purchase complex fertilizers, minerals or other ready-made fertilizers, even if they are organic, from trusted sellers or specialized stores.

Choice mineral preparation should be based on the characteristics of pepper planting (greenhouse, open ground), crop problems (no harvest, weak shoots, loss of color, etc.) and other similar points. Therefore, before purchasing and before feeding the pepper, you need to carefully study the composition so that it does not turn out that the substance does not contain the elements necessary for the plant.

It’s easier with organic fertilizers - they can be made from grass and foods stored in the refrigerator. As for humus, compost, manure and even wood ash, it is advisable to buy them from large farms with a good reputation. After all, bad manure, like other fertilizers, can be infected with pests, diseases, or be of poor quality.

Pepper bed

Even fertilizing when growing peppers does not always give good results if done incorrectly. How to feed peppers was described above, and now it’s worth understanding the peculiarities of the procedure.

  1. Foliar feeding for peppers is never used! All fertilizers are poured directly under the bush. And if drops get on the leaves, you need to rinse them with clean water. Because it is very harmful to the plant.
  2. It is necessary to plant sprouts in a permanent place only in nutritious, fertilized soil, otherwise even good seedlings will quickly wither.
  3. Solutions and infusions are always made using warm, not cold water. Sometimes you need hot water, but only in certain recipes.
  4. If there is not enough sun, peppers are provided with additional fertilizers with an abundance of potassium (ash, banana peels). This is especially true for greenhouse varieties.

Finally, I would like to note that when growing peppers you need to be very careful. The plant reacts very sharply to a lack of elements: it worsens its appearance, reduces productivity, and leaves become dull or change color. And if such signs appear, you cannot postpone feeding. It is worth remembering that timely application of fertilizers to the bushes can not only increase the yield or improve the taste of the fruit, but also save the life of the plant, which will die in a matter of days due to a lack of vital elements.

Kira Stoletova

Pepper seedlings must be planted in soft and mineral-rich soil, but after 10 days the fertile soil is noticeably depleted, because the bushes absorb all its strength. In order for the plants to continue to develop correctly and stably, it is necessary to fertilize the peppers after planting.

  • In what cases is fertilizing applied?

    Fertilizing peppers after planting should be carried out in a timely manner and with strict dosing of fertilizers. And lack minerals, and their excess leads to negative consequences.

    The choice of mineral fertilizers depends on the plants’ need for them. It is easy to determine which microelements are in insufficient quantities in the soil. To do this, you need to carefully examine the seedlings on the site.

    • If the upper leaves are covered with reddish veins, and the lower ones become limp and yellow, the plant is lacking phosphorus.
    • If a lot of dry leaves appear on the bushes, curling into tubes and falling off, potassium fertilizers are added to the soil. Also an indicator of a lack of the named microelement is the forcing of small and very light shoots in place of fallen leaves.
    • Thin and gray inside leaves on seedlings indicate that the plant needs to be fertilized with nitrogen fertilizers. The lack of this substance also leads to the fact that seedlings cannot develop a sufficient root system.

    You should not apply mineral fertilizers unnecessarily: this will create powerful bushes with luxurious foliage, but with a complete absence of ovaries. The reason for this is excess nitrogen.

    Application of fertilizers at different periods

    Regardless of the place where seedlings are grown, it should be remembered that fertilizing the soil various types minerals need to be alternated. Some gardeners prefer to use complex formulations.

    Seedlings need to be fed several times a season. Application of any fertilizers after planting is carried out only after they have taken root, and all subsequent ones - as needed.


    Peppers should be fed 10-14 days after planting. Time depends on appearance plants. Unrooted seedlings should not be fertilized, because their weak root system dies from an excess of substances. Then, instead of the expected benefit, irreparable harm will be caused to the plants.

    The main fertilizer during the formation of the bush is urea and sodium humate. Nutrient liquid is prepared from:

    • 10 liters of water;
    • 25 ml of liquid humate or 2 tbsp. l. powder;
    • 5 tsp. urea.

    The last of these substances take a long time to dissolve, so they should be filled with a small amount of water and left for about night.

    Flowering and fruiting

    Particular attention is paid to feeding seedlings during the period of fruiting and ovary formation. To attract bees, plants are treated with the following composition:

    • 10 liters of cold water;
    • 20 g boric acid;
    • 1 kg granulated sugar.

    The bulk components are dissolved in water, and the resulting liquid is applied from a spray bottle under the root of the plant and on its trunk. There is no need to be afraid that pests will gather on the pepper: boric acid will scare them away. This substance also acts as a growth activator, because boron is not contained in all complex fertilizers.

    During the period of active fruiting, plants must be watered with organic fertilizers. An infusion of bird droppings or cow manure is effective.

    Nutrient mass is prepared from 1 kg organic matter and 10 liters of water. The infusion time for the mixture is 48 hours. After this time, fertilizing is carried out. To do this, 1 liter of infusion is dissolved in 10 liters of clean, non-chlorinated water and the seedlings are watered with this liquid at the rate of 500 ml for each bush. After applying the fertilizer, the bed is watered abundantly.

    If growth slows down

    It happens that plants need fertilizers at the moment when the first ovary has formed. Sometimes it happens that with favorable external signs The buds fall off, and the plants themselves slow down. In such situations, nitrogen fertilizers should be used. These substances are added every 10 days until the first ovaries form.

    As soon as the plants form fruits, gardeners often notice a stop in growth and the absence of new shoots. To avoid this and preserve the pods, complex mineral fertilizers with phosphorus are added to the soil. This element also helps resist crown drying out. The frequency of application of multicomplex fertilizer is not limited, and the frequency is 14 days.

    Differences in feeding

    Feeding greenhouse peppers and plants in open ground has a number of fundamental differences. They relate to a greater extent to the frequency and frequency of application of minerals and organic matter. Nutrient mixtures for plants in greenhouses do not differ in composition from substances used in ordinary beds.

    In the greenhouse

    Before planting peppers in a permanent place, the soil in the greenhouse is fertilized with nitrogen. The best option is compost or well-rotted cow manure. The rate of application of the substance is 10 kg per 1 sq. m. If nightshades previously grew on the site, potassium fertilizers should be added along with nitrogen fertilizers.

    • After the seedlings are established, they must be fertilized. Usually this is done for the first time 2 weeks after planting. After applying fertilizers, be sure to water the area, and the next day loosen it, ensuring air access to the roots.
    • You can feed the peppers a second time after planting them in the ground about a month after the first application of fertilizers. Usually during this period the plants actively produce buds; on some early varieties and hybrids the first ovary is even visible.
    • The third time you should feed the pepper after planting the seedlings is at the moment of fruit formation. At the choice of the gardener, treatment can be either root or foliar. There are also no uniform recommendations for the use of this or that fertilizer. You need to choose nutrient mixtures depending on the plant’s need for them.

    In the open ground

    In open ground, peppers receive more minerals because rainwater falls on them. At the same time, natural watering can harm plants, because often the sun comes out immediately after rain, and the leaves of peppers get burned. Only plants with developed foliage can withstand external influences. To do this, there must be enough potassium in the soil.

    • The beds for seedlings are prepared at least 2 weeks before planting. The best fertilizer for this is potassium-phosphorus mixtures. They are applied at the rate of 50 g per 1 sq. m. Plants that fall into fertile soil will receive the first dose of nutrients.
    • The second feeding of pepper after planting seedlings in open ground is carried out no earlier than 2 weeks after the first. During this time, the plants will grow a lot, but will not yet form flowers.
    • The third time the seedlings are fertilized during the budding period. All subsequent applications of mineral fertilizers are carried out as necessary.

    Mineral fertilizers

    Feeding peppers enhances plant growth and is used to prevent a number of diseases:

    • To prevent root rot, dry wood ash is added under the pepper bushes at the rate of 1 kg per 5 sq. m. m.
    • To control pests and as mulch, dry leaves of ordinary black tea are used. As an ovary growth enhancer, it is recommended to dissolve 300 ml of strong tea leaves in 10 liters of cold water, and then spray the plants with this solution. It is advisable to feed the seedlings in the evening or at any time of the day in cloudy weather.
    • To combat blossom end rot, it is recommended to use a 0.2% solution of calcium nitrate. The nutrient is applied at the rate of 500 ml for each bush.

    Feeding sweet and hot peppers in the greenhouse and open ground with green fertilizer from nettles

    How to form peppers in open ground, care, cultivation, watering, feeding pepper seedlings. Video

    Sweet pepper. What to feed the peppers with?


    Correct and timely application of fertilizers to the soil helps plants form healthy bushes and also establish maximum quantity fruits Strong seedlings are resistant to diseases and can resist pests. Fertilized plants always produce a rich harvest, and their fruits are sure to be massive and thick-walled.


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