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The ability to invigorate tea and coffee. Ways to raise the temperature with coffee.

Many people cannot decide in the morning where to start the day? Coffee drinkers prefer to start the day with a cup. fragrant coffee but still there are tea lovers. If you have not decided yet, and it seems to you that tea and coffee are not much different from each other, then read this article.

What is better invigorating: tea or coffee?

Many will answer that coffee, and they will be mistaken. The fact is that coffee contains caffeine, which gives energy. There is no this substance in tea, but there is another one that invigorates no worse.

Properties of black and green tea:

  • Black tea contains a lot of theine. This is also an invigorating substance, a bit like caffeine, only many times stronger. Accordingly, a cup of tea will cheer you up better than coffee.
  • Green tea contains tannin, which is many times stronger than theine and caffeine. Therefore, green tea is the leader among invigorating drinks.
  • White tea also contains many stimulants of the nervous system, but is much milder. This drink is considered royal.

There are many varieties of coffee. The most interesting thing is that taste qualities drink differ significantly depending on the area in which the tree grows.

  • Brazilian coffee can be considered the leader among coffee lovers. It is valued for the absence of impurities, rich and bitter taste.
  • Guatemala. This is not an ordinary drink, it has notes of spices and spices.
  • Ethiopia. The drink is unique, as it combines sourness with the aroma of wild berries.
  • Kenya. The popularity of the drink is due to strict legislation that regulates the quality of the product. The coffee is very aromatic with subtle notes of blackcurrant.
  • Colombia. Classic and very mild taste. This coffee pairs perfectly with milk.

Ways to make coffee to increase blood pressure:

  • Classical. Prepare ground coffee beans in a Turk. Be sure to add sugar. Brewed coffee with sugar very quickly improves tone.
  • Soluble. Instant coffee has many times more caffeine than brewed coffee, so drink a cup of the drink with milk or cream to raise your blood pressure.
  • With ginger. Prepare coffee and add ginger chips to it. So, you will not only increase the pressure, but also lose some weight.

Instant coffee is very high in caffeine. Some experts believe that there are many times more invigorating substances in it than in grains. But there are also controversies about this. One of the doctors said that the main caffeine is contained in the coffee shell, which is removed and processed to obtain drugs. The rest of the grains are ground and subjected to sublimation. Thus, a kind of concentrate is obtained.

Ideally, coffee is drunk to increase efficiency. But if after coffee you want to sleep, pay attention to the state of health.

Causes of sleepiness from coffee:

  • Adrenal dysfunction
  • Herpes virus during activation
  • Violation of the nervous system
  • Overwork or infection

This recipe will help raise the temperature for half an hour. It is not worth resorting to this method again, it is fraught with consequences.

Instructions for increasing body temperature with coffee:

  • Take 2-3 teaspoons of instant coffee and mix with a spoonful of honey
  • Try to eat pasta as soon as possible
  • Do not drink the mixture with water
  • After 30-40 minutes, the body temperature will rise

There is now a lot of information on the net regarding deaths after taking caffeine. And mostly teenagers or young people who took pure caffeine to cheer up died. One girl died from a dose of 480 mg of caffeine, which is equal to 6 cups of brewed coffee.

VIDEO: Death by coffee

But studies have disproved that such a small amount of caffeine is enough for lethal outcome. Scientists have found that theoretically, for death, you need to take about 10 g of caffeine, which is equal to 80 cups of aromatic drink. It is physically impossible to drink so many cups of coffee. Therefore, the fact that you can die from coffee is very doubtful.

In the absence of health problems, do not refuse a fragrant drink. Indulge yourself in the morning and enjoy the pleasant taste.

VIDEO: Coffee Facts

This article is kind of an inside look. I will start with a description positive effects of coffee I will continue by listing the facts about effects of caffeine on the body man and finish precautions when drinking coffee. The next morning, after reading this article, you will be faced withsomething more thanjust a cup of coffee.

The positive effects of coffee

Traditional medicine says that freshly brewed coffee is recommended for people who have had an infectious disease, and when poisoned.

Coffee eliminates fatigue and drowsiness, increases the level of vigilance and attentiveness. IN traditional medicine There is an opinion that coffee helps to endure hunger and thirst. I allow myself to disagree with this, because: what kind of dulling of hunger can we talk about when coffee irritates the gastric mucosa? This leads to the formation of gastric juice and, as a result, the appearance of appetite and cravings for food. Modern medicine confirms this.

headache and coffee

The appearance of a headache in a person is associated with blood pressure. However, headache can occur with both dilated and constricted cerebral vessels. In the first case, dilated vessels put pressure on neighboring nerves. In the second, the narrowed vessels disrupt the blood supply, which causes a headache.

Therefore, when they say that coffee can relieve headaches for a while, they mean people who have them with dilated vessels of the brain.

People with low blood pressure feel the greatest tonic effect on themselves. However, do not forget that this effect is short-lived.You will learn more about why this happens and how coffee affects blood pressure in 4 minutes.

How coffee affects sleep

As with headaches, people are divided into two categories: those for whom coffee relieves drowsiness and those for whom it acts as a sleeping pill. It would seem that the same product affects a person in different ways. Pavlov's conclusions will help to understand the essence of such a dual effect. His research has shown that caffeine has different effects depending on type of nervous system and hence the dose .

Type of nervous system. For the normal functioning of the human cerebral cortex, the processes of excitation and inhibition must be in balance and function. A therapeutic dose of caffeine is able to equalize these two processes to normal. With a strong type of nervous system, caffeine increases the processes of excitation: hence insomnia occurs. With a weak type - caffeine lowers this process, which is why the efficiency of cells drops sharply and coffee acts as a sleeping pill.

Experiments on dogs with a weak type of nervous system have shown that exposure to caffeine in excess of the norm does not increase the efficiency of the cerebral cortex, but, on the contrary, weakens it. There is a process of inhibition, which can also occur with imbalance, despite the strong type of the nervous system.

Efficiency and amount of coffee:

- a small dose of caffeine can increase the number of conditioned reflexes;
- equalization phase: with an increase in the dose of caffeine, the reaction of the body, both to strong and weak stimuli, becomes the same;

- paradoxical phase: excessive consumption of caffeine leads to the fact that strong stimuli do not cause a strong reaction. In this case, the body becomes more sensitive to weak stimuli.

Despite the lightning-fast effect of caffeine, its duration is not so high, as it leads to a rapid depletion of nerve cells. It's like you have to run 5 kilometers, but you decide to take the pace at which you usually run short distances. As a result, you get tired too quickly. spent all their energy at the beginning of the race.

Caffeine-- a tool that tries to find the remaining energy in the body and convert them into a very efficient mechanism. But as soon as these reserves run out, the braking process starts.

Process depletion of nerve cells comes faster with a strong and prolonged load in a weak type of nervous system.

caffeine and blood pressure

On this occasion, there are different points of view, where they say that caffeine constricts blood vessels, and some argue the opposite.In fact, to opheine - constricts blood vessels, and such alkaloids as theobromine, theophylline and vitamin PP (also found in coffee) -- dilate blood vessels.

Namely, due to vasoconstriction, in hypotensive patients (people with low blood pressure), blood pressure rises, and after 15-20 minutes they feel an improvement. But after the end of the effect of coffee, people with low blood pressure become sharply worse.

Caffeine, coffee is like a burning match --
fasttones up, but also quickly goes out
After a short-term tonic effect (15-40 minutes),a person has a general malaise and internal fatigue.This is due to the fact that caffeine antagonists come into play: theobromine, theophylline and vitamin PP. These substances dilate blood vessels, which leads to a decrease in blood pressure.This situation forces the person to drink another cup of coffee, because he thinks that one cup was not enough for the effect of cheerfulness to kick in.

Autumn is a time when you constantly want to sleep. At the same time, you need to have time to do everything - work, study, go to the "rocking chair" or go shopping. Therefore, to wake ourselves up, we drink coffee.

About how caffeine affects the body, why instant coffee is not as invigorating as natural coffee, and whether it is possible to drink energy drinks with alcohol, we talked with Stanislav Tyazhelnikov, Ph.D.

Myth 1: coffee and energy drinks invigorate

Caffeine, like some other drugs, is a psychostimulant. They act on nervous system, and her states can be divided into "eat and sleep" and "fight or flight." The first is when we sit at home and are not busy with anything, when the digestive system is working normally, and so on. The second is when the body conducts a rapid reaction. At this point, blood flows from the stomach to the gastrointestinal tract to the muscles. And so caffeine affects the “fight or flight” system, accelerating the processes in our body.

But still, the impact of coffee and energy drinks on the body is very individual and depends on the initial parameters of the person who consumes them. For someone, caffeine can narrow the vessels of the brain (and then, for example, some types of headaches can go away), while for someone it can expand them (and then the opposite effect occurs). Someone wants to go to the toilet after coffee, but someone (most often the one who drinks coffee for a long time, and the body has already adapted) does not.

Myth 2: Instant coffee is not as invigorating as real coffee.

Everything depends on the quality. Plain varieties of instant coffee also contain caffeine (how much it is there depends on the manufacturer), but in them the digestibility of caffeine is lower than in varieties of natural grain coffee. So, it invigorates less.

By the way, in Latin America, many drink instant coffee, however, it is of very good quality. It has the right balance of acids and bitterness. But if you drink low-quality instant coffee, acids can cause exacerbations of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Myth 3: Espresso has more caffeine than cappuccino

We can drink 200 grams of coffee or dilute the same 200 grams of coffee with milk. We can brew 30 ml of espresso from one shot of ground coffee or 200 ml of Americano from the same shot. No difference. The question is that the acids will dilute, the taste will change. For example, a glass of water in restaurants is brought to an americano - this is done either in order to wash down the bitterness, or to clean the oral cavity.

Myth 4: Coffee and energy drinks are addictive

All substances are addictive. You can become addicted to coffee and energy drinks, but they will not cause a hard serious addiction, like drugs, for example. And, of course, it all depends on the person - there are those who are more prone to addiction, and those who are less.

Myth 5: Coffee and energy drinks can trigger a nervous breakdown.

Here it is necessary to distinguish doses. If a person drinks a lot of coffee and is already in a state of tension, a nervous breakdown, stress may occur, which in turn can lead to the depletion of the body's resources and its exhaustion, weakness, and decreased immunity.

But if you love coffee and don't abuse it, nothing will happen. There are many countries where this drink is drunk constantly.

Myth 6: Energy drinks should not be taken with alcohol.

If we drink a lot of alcohol, then sooner or later we will strongly want to sleep. And if at the same time we also use energy drinks, then we simply deceive our body. We stimulate the nervous system when, on the contrary, it needs to calm down. At the same time, energy drinks affect the liver, like alcohol. As a result, we get a severe hangover and depletion of body reserves.

In addition, carbonated drinks (of which energy drinks are sometimes) increase the absorption of alcohol in gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, a person gets drunk faster.

Myth 7: Coffee helps you lose weight

If you are just starting to drink coffee, your appetite really decreases. But if you have been constantly drinking this drink for six months, it does not affect weight loss in any way. You will not achieve a serious effect.

- It is often said that green coffee helps to lose weight.

Serious scientific studies on the effect of coffee on the process of weight loss have not been conducted. There is some insufficiently verified evidence that chlorogenic acid, which is found in large quantities in green coffee beans, together with caffeine, can reduce appetite and stimulate the destruction of fat cells. Significant weight loss can be achieved by taking green coffee drinks along with a fairly strict low-calorie diet, which in itself can give excellent results. Also, do not forget about physical activity. Green coffee in this case is only an aid.

The diuretic effect of coffee is beneficial for people with certain medical conditions. of cardio-vascular system- it leads to the removal of excess fluid from the body. For weight loss, green coffee will only help remove excess fluid, but not fat.

A photo: Timofey Kalmakov

Can't imagine a morning without a cup of strong coffee and a day without a slightly energizing latte? You are not alone in your desire to get a tasty and fragrant portion of energy. But what to do if more coffee does not invigorate?

Sometimes fans of this drink realize that coffee does not work, does not stimulate as it used to. “Strengthening” coffee by increasing the number of cups drunk is not only a very dubious decision from the point of view of health, but also ineffective: with such tactics, even a double espresso will not work very soon.

Fortunately, there are several effective ways enhance caffeine, "disperse" its effect. So, what can you do when your favorite coffee does not invigorate or, on the contrary, inappropriately relaxes?

1. Before drinking a cup of coffee in the morning, wait 15 minutes

Many people wander into the kitchen to make a drink before they even open their eyes. But if you want to enhance the effect of coffee in order to wake up faster, it is better, on the contrary, to wait about a quarter of an hour. This way you will give your body time to wake up naturally, and as a result, you will need less caffeine, which will also work harder.

2. Pause

Before reaching the desired effect after the first cup, reach immediately after another, wait at least 1.5 hours. Why is it so important? It will take about 1 hour for caffeine to really work, and 90 minutes to wait for the maximum effect of its action. Do not drink another cup until you feel aroused after the previous one. It is better to be patient and wait for the effect of coffee for a while.

3. Don't go overboard with quantity

200mg of caffeine is a classic cup of coffee and just enough to keep the body stimulated for about 2 hours. Only after this time has elapsed you may begin to feel the decrease in the effect of caffeine. So do not rush to pour liters into yourself in record time.

4. Save strong espresso for special occasions

When you drink tea, coffee or even water at the same time, your brain starts to get used to it and adapt. What does this mean in practice? If you drink espresso every morning, your brain gets used to it and waits for this “event” every day. Therefore, after some time, coffee does not work, does not invigorate, you stop feeling the energy of caffeine, and it takes much more than before. It is difficult to change the morning schedule, but you can enhance the effect of strong coffee by drinking it when your body really needs an injection of vigor.

5. Limit Drinking on Weekends

This mobilizes your body to deal with low energy levels on its own, without stimulants. Of course, we all know how good a morning cup of coffee is, drunk on a day off without haste, with feeling, really, with arrangement, and even with some goodies. But if you don’t want coffee to let you down in difficult times without providing the expected effect, then at least on the weekends you should replace it with a grain drink or strong tea that contains invigorating theine. Thanks to this abstinence, when you drink a cup on Monday, you will immediately feel a stronger, really invigorating effect of coffee - and you will be ready for active work!

With the fact that coffee does not invigorate, many are faced in practice. In search of an answer, what to do, they increase the "dosage" - and thereby only exacerbate the problem. If coffee does not act on the body, as before, you need to be patient - this will bring the best results.

My last cup of coffee was accompanied by a strong heartbeat and trembling in my hands. It was both scary and very funny at the same time. It seems like I’m sitting in a cafe, drinking coffee on a date, and my heart is pounding in my ears and everything falls out of my hands. When I stopped trembling, along with this trembling, the desire to indulge in coffee disappeared. For several years I have not taken a single sip of this drink and have never missed it. I love its smell and wouldn't mind a coffee-scented perfume, but as a drink, coffee is too strong and a completely unnecessary stimulant for me.

Olya Malysheva

With coffee, it is important to understand how this drink affects you and whether it is worth it. Coffee invigorates, stimulates, relieves drowsiness and often helps those who have severely low blood pressure. True, this effect is short-term, and when it disappears, a second and then a third cup is needed. Dependence is gradually formed when, without morning coffee, the head either hurts or “does not work well”.

Perhaps it would be more correct to sell coffee in pharmacies and write out strictly according to the prescription, because the dosage and the reaction of a particular organism are important here. A burst of vigor is often followed by irritability and increased anxiety, and in the long run - depletion of nerve cells and a problem with the adrenal glands.

Like alcohol, coffee dehydrates and acidifies the body. Regular consumption of coffee interferes with the absorption and washes out calcium, magnesium, potassium and other trace elements from the body. By dehydrating, coffee can dull the feeling of thirst, so you should always drink one or two glasses of water for every cup of coffee. The love of coffee is also bad for stomach health and can lead to gastritis.

There is also another side. There are interviews with some centenarians who started every morning with a cup of coffee and so got to their centenary. Coffee can also improve memory and concentration due to the effects of caffeine. In some cases, coffee works as an analgesic, relieving headaches. And good coffee has a whole collection of antioxidants.

Coffee does not strike me as the worst of modern evils. I am sure that those who drink a cup of coffee every day, eat in moderation and enjoy life, will live longer and happier than those who suffer from loneliness and overeating every day, even if they fill their stomach from morning to evening with only healthy and natural products. There is a general picture - a state of balance or imbalance, in which a cup of coffee may not be the decisive factor.

Coffee + sandwich

The less heavy foods (meat, refined flour products, refined grains and fried foods) in the diet, and the more fresh vegetables and fruits, the more clearly the effects of caffeine are felt. At the same time, the more heavy foods are consumed, the more often there is a need for stimulants such as coffee or alcohol in order to “cheer up” after a hearty, “soporific” dinner. Often, those who change their usual hearty breakfast for a smoothie or a portion of fruit notice that after a couple of days the habit of drinking coffee in the morning, which was usually washed down with porridge or a sandwich, simply disappears.

coffee substitute

The role of coffee in the morning for me is exercise, yoga, or jumping on a trampoline to the music. When exercises accelerate the blood well, there is a surge of vigor without any energy drinks and further side effects. You become your own energy. And you can recharge from yourself at any time.

My second replacement for a cup of coffee is daily freshly squeezed juice from vegetables and herbs. Or a green smoothie with chlorophyll instead of caffeine. Unlike coffee, juices and smoothies are not addictive, there are no withdrawal symptoms, headaches and loss of energy when you are left without a juicer or blender for a couple of days. No juice - okay, smoothies. No, and smoothies - okay, you can just eat fresh fruits or vegetables.

If coffee has become a habit that you want to get rid of, this will also help:

  • Hot water with lemon and ginger- it will invigorate and help improve digestion, but without the caffeine effects.
  • Freshly squeezed juices from vegetables and herbs. Take celery, cucumbers, parsley, add an apple, carrot or ginger and you will get a great invigorating cocktail with a generous set of vitamins and minerals.
  • chicory drink Suitable for those who love coffee for its taste and aroma. Chicory is similar to coffee, but it doesn't contain an ounce of caffeine. If you like coffee with milk, add some almond or hazelnut nut milk to your chicory drink.
  • Green tea can help you get out of caffeine addiction. It contains caffeine, but in smaller amounts. Even better, choose a decaffeinated herbal tea, such as rooibos or a mix of spices and herbs.
  • Hot drinks with cocoa perfectly saturate and also stimulate, but much softer than coffee. Use natural cocoa, without added sugar and milk powder.

Photos: Salatshop, Theron Humphrey, Lorenzo Agius, Audrey Hepburn & Mel Ferrer, Salatshop.


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