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Drywall has become such a popular material that it is used everywhere in construction and renovation. Therefore, the questions of decor and surface design arise even at the design stage of the room, and the most common one is whether it is possible to paint drywall and what paint to choose? After all, paint is considered a durable and moisture resistant coating.

If you decide to do the painting of drywall with your own hands, get ready for several stages of work: preparing the work surface, choosing a coloring agent, painting. Each process should be taken as seriously as possible so that the work performed will bring the planned result.

Small details and corners can be painted with a brush, the rest of the surface with a roller or spray gun

Which paint is better: the pros and cons

Drywall paint is selected depending on the purpose and conditions for the further operation of the painted surface. The aesthetic side also plays an important role, because the design of the walls and ceiling is a significant part of the design. So, firstly, the paint can be selected according to its texture:

  1. Glossy is able to visually expand the space. She is easy to care for. But painting must be done very carefully, since the gloss is able to emphasize even the most minor surface errors.
  2. Matte is most suitable for the ceiling. She perfectly hides irregularities and defects, but caring for her is more problematic.
  3. Semi-gloss combines all the pros and cons of the two previous types of paint.

Coloring agents for plasterboard walls or ceilings differ in composition and type of base. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Given all the factors, you can easily decide which paint to paint the drywall surface in each case.

water emulsion

The best solution for drywall surfaces is water-based paint. Feature - it is produced mainly in white, but there are many special colors to give the desired shade.

Water emulsion has many advantages:

  • used for any surface;
  • environmentally friendly, as the basis is water;
  • allows you to create a matte and glossy surface;
  • has a relatively low cost;
  • with its help you can achieve different textures;
  • it is not necessary to use special solvents for dilution - just add water;
  • it is easy to apply and then wash off;
  • you can get a wide range of shades.

The disadvantages of water emulsion are not so many:

  • consumption is slightly higher than when using other types;
  • should not be used in rooms with high humidity.

Attention! This paint after staining and complete drying has a shade much lighter than the original. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a test: apply a little paint on drywall, wait 2-3 hours and you will see what tone you get in fact. Add color if necessary.

Oil and enamel

Enamel and oil paint are identical to each other. They create glossy surfaces. When they paint a plasterboard ceiling or walls, a specific film is created that protects against high humidity.


  • economical consumption;
  • moisture resistance;
  • resistance to mechanical stress and aggressive environment;
  • the lowest cost;
  • a wide range of shades.


  • the composition contains chemical components, which is why this paint can only be used in rooms with frequent ventilation;
  • fragility (after 2-3 years, peeling).


Acrylic substance belongs to the water-dispersion type. Feature - the maximum snow-white shade. Contains acrylic resins, so that the surface is not afraid of pigmentation. Painting drywall walls with acrylic is considered the best solution, just like water-based emulsion.

  • not afraid of moisture;
  • used for all types of premises;
  • durability and ease of care (can be washed with water);
  • the ability to make the surface glossy and matte;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • UV resistance;
  • tightening all the bumps and cracks.
  • the price is higher than that of a water emulsion;
  • the inability to create a textured pattern.


Alkyd paint for plasterboard ceilings and walls is not very suitable. It adheres better to wood and metal. It is permissible to use it only if you want to save money as much as possible.


  • formation of a protective film against moisture;
  • dries quickly;
  • UV and steam resistant;
  • the surface can be obtained both glossy and matte;
  • low cost.


  • fading;
  • health hazard during application, as it releases volatile compounds;
  • flammable.


Silicate dyes have a white tint and are mineral dyes. The basis is a silicate substance, also called liquid glass.


  • the strength of the formed surface;
  • vapor tightness;
  • durability.
  • harmfulness during staining;
  • the inability to hide defects and joints;
  • limitation of the range of shades, since alkaline pigments are used.

Important! If you used silicate, it will not be possible to repaint the surface with other types of paint in the future!

How to paint

Before you paint drywall, you need to prepare the surface, certain tools and materials.

Surface preparation

  1. Applying sickle to the seams and subsequent filling with putty through the mesh cells with a spatula. Gypsum finishing or universal putty is used. Thanks to this reinforcement, cracks do not form at the joints.
  2. Puttying the heads of self-tapping screws using the "cross-wise" method. It is important to remove excess mixture. Another layer is applied longitudinally.
  3. Filling the entire surface to achieve a perfectly even shape. You can apply one thick layer or 2 thin ones. For beginners, it is better to use the second option.
  4. When the putty dries, it must be sanded over the entire area. To do this, use a grinder or a manual grater equipped with a grinding grid. Please note that when performing this work, the light should fall obliquely on the surface. This will make defects more visible. Grinding mesh should be #80 for the first sanding and #120 for the final sanding.
  5. Sweep the sanded surface or dust it with a vacuum cleaner.
  6. Apply primer.

The surface can be sanded with a hand grater or a special machine.

Attention! Thoroughly wash the tool and containers before each new batch of the mixture. The fact is that the dried solution crumbles and creates lumps that will subsequently remain on the drywall.

Painting tools

  1. The brush is designed for painting corners and hard-to-reach places.
  2. The surface of the drywall is covered with a roller. The size and pile of the roller should be medium.
  3. The spray gun can be used instead of a roller.
  4. The cuvette is used for filling with paint and rolling out the roller. It has a pallet for the mixture and a platform for rolling.

Painting technology

  1. Cover windows, openings, etc., so as not to stain with paint.
  2. Dilute the paint in a flask. Please note that if the room temperature is too high, you can add a little water (to the water-based emulsion), as the paint will dry out quickly.
  3. Dip the roller in the dye for a few minutes to fully impregnate the pile.
  4. Transfer the ink roller to the wavy area of ​​the cuvette and distribute the ink liquid evenly over the roller.
  5. Always start painting from the corners. In this case, a brush is used.
  6. And only after that the paint is applied to the entire surface by means of a roller or spray gun.

How to paint the ceiling and plasterboard walls correctly:

  1. When using water-based paint, 2 or 3 layers are applied. In the first case, horizontal lines are initially applied, and then vertical ones. In the second - layer 1 and 3 is applied vertically, and the second - horizontally.
  2. If oily substances are used, 3 layers must be done. First, zigzag lines with a paint roller, after which you need to make a thicker layer. Then the mixture is distributed evenly over the surface with a semi-dry tool.
  3. The paint is applied with an overlap (overlap width varies from 50 mm to 100).
  4. It is impossible for the joints of strokes to coincide.
  5. For even distribution, you need to roll the roller along one line 3-4 times.
  6. When the mortar is rolled out on the drywall, go over the painted area with a semi-dry roller. This will distribute the mixture as evenly as possible.
  7. If the paint has already set in some area, do not apply a new coat over it. Each subsequent layer should be applied only after the previous one has dried completely.
  8. If suddenly you find an area with a lot of mixture that has already set, do not try to distribute it. Wait until it dries completely, then gently scrape off with sandpaper and apply a new layer.
  9. When painting a two-level plasterboard ceiling, the protruding surfaces of the levels are painted over with a brush. But the best option will be the subsequent application of paint with a spray gun.

look step by step video how to seal joints and fasteners:

Surface putty master class:

Painting drywall?

Painting drywall (GKL) is not as simple as it seems to many.

Before painting drywall, it is necessary to prime the walls and level the seams with putty.

For painting to be perfect, the process must be taken carefully, with some basic knowledge. The technology of the process is simple.

However, this is the final step, which will give the perfect finished look. ceiling, walls or other gypsum board structures.

Preparation of drywall surfaces

The main difference between drywall constructions is a perfectly flat surface, so before painting, you need to properly repair all defects, seams between sheets, and self-tapping screws. We take ready-made putty for plasterboard (it is better to focus on the average price range) and two spatulas, while the width of one is 100 mm, and the second is 250 mm. In order for the work to be done to be of high quality, it is better to purchase additional devices before starting work: plastic reinforcement mesh, fine sandpaper and a special primer for drywall.

Putty should be applied in a thin layer on all irregularities and defects, while the reinforcement tape is embedded in the putty layer that covers the recess. To achieve a smooth surface, correctly apply one layer after another (let the layer dry before applying the next one). A portable lamp allows you to see all the bumps. At the end of the surface preparation, we go through all the puttied places with fine sandpaper. It is very important not to get carried away here (you can wipe it to the GKL). The next step is the primer.

By means of a primer, we adhere the paint to the surface and protect the drywall. Primer treatment should take place in two layers (let the layer dry before applying the next one). Now paint drywall. The choice of paint and tools has great importance, therefore, before work, we study the characteristics. It is necessary to know the properties of paints: when dry, water-based paint brightens by several tones, while enamel and oil, on the contrary, darken. Water-based emulsion, due to its haze, allows you to hide the mistakes made in surface preparation, while glossy ones, on the contrary, demonstrate them.

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How to paint drywall?

You can use any paint, but you do not need to save on quality for the following reasons:

  • the structure and saturation of cheap paint is worse than that of an expensive one, therefore, instead of 2-3 layers, you will have to apply 4 (and this is also a large expenditure of effort and labor - the technology is violated);
  • cheap paint lays down unevenly, disfiguring the surface, and high-quality paint evenly (in this case, the previous layer should be slightly wet - this allows the layers to “mix” without forming “landslides and avalanches”);
  • cheap paint is easily rubbed off and, as a result, it cannot be washed.

Water-based paint Water-based paint is currently very popular. The surface after its application becomes matte and velvety. The paint has White color, therefore, a color of the required shade is added to it. The color range of colors is huge, which gives great opportunities to designer imagination - the coloring of plasterboard walls can be very diverse. The content of color in the paint should not be more than 5%. The characteristics of the paint make the process much easier, so even a beginner can handle it. Washes off well with water.

Among the disadvantages of water-based paint are high consumption and the inability to use in rooms with high humidity (moisture-resistant ones have already appeared: they can be used, but you should not risk it). Oil paints and enamel The painted surface has a glossy appearance, while the paint consumption is much more economical than when using a water-based emulsion. These paints are not afraid of moisture or dampness, but they chemical composition allows you to use them only in a ventilated area, so it is better to paint drywall water-based paint.

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Tools for the job

To paint the surface you need:

  • roller;
  • ditch;
  • tassel;
  • spray gun.

The corners are painted over with a brush or a special corner roller. A roller is used to cover a large surface. It consists of a fur coat and a byugel. The pile on the fur coat should be medium: a short pile leaves bald patches on the wall, and a long one, gaining paint, becomes heavier over time. A fur coat with a pile for oil paints and enamel should not deteriorate from solvents, and foam rubber coats can be taken for water-based paint. The clasp must be strong and reliable (optimally - 18-25 cm). In order not to use a stepladder, manufacturers add a telescopic pipe to the roller.

For primer or glue, it is more convenient to use a large roller (200-250 mm), and for painting - a medium-sized roller. Before work, the roller must be impregnated with the paint that you are going to use. For impregnation, the roller is rolled out in a special tray called a cuvette. It is a pallet with a recess and a platform for rolling. The roller is dipped into a recess and rolled out over the site until it is completely evenly impregnated. Instead of a roller, you can use a spray gun, but it requires certain skills and knowledge. Brushes are needed only to paint corners and hard-to-reach places, so you can use a thin flute brush 5-10 cm wide.

Painting drywall without putty is not the best solution

For everyone who decides to independently level the walls and ceilings with drywall, and chooses as finishing paint, after installation, the question arises: is it necessary to putty drywall before painting? Why do this if the surface is already perfectly flat?
Those who have already encountered such repairs do not ask such questions, because they know that it is necessary! After reading this article, you will understand why.

Drywall is a sheet material, the basis of which is a gypsum board, pasted over on both sides with paper. It is she who becomes the basis for the subsequent finishing.
If you handle the sheets carefully, without disturbing the coating, then the surface really remains smooth, even, which at first glance does not require additional leveling with putty.

But the need for its use from this point of view is caused not by the presence of irregularities, but by the properties of the material itself:

  • It absorbs moisture well. And since most modern paints used for interior decoration are water-based, there is a high probability of gypsum swelling and sheet deformation. Especially when painting in several layers.
  • Dries unevenly. Because of what, the paint may lie unevenly, stained.
  • High absorbency also affects paint consumption - to obtain the desired texture and even color, you will have to apply more layers than on a non-absorbent surface.

These shortcomings could be put up with when finishing non-front rooms and using budget paint, the price of which will not hit your pocket. But pay attention to the method of installing drywall, in which attachment points and joints between sheets are visible on its surface. They obviously will not hide under a layer of paint, and the room will look unpresentable.

Therefore, answering the question of whether it is necessary to putty drywall before painting, we can say: at a minimum, this must be done at the joints of the sheets and their attachment to the frame.

Drywall preparation technology for painting

If you want the finish made by your hands to be perfect - it looks aesthetically pleasing, does not crumble, does not become stained and lasts a long time - you will have to clearly follow the production technology.
For drywall, it is standard. It doesn't matter if you wallpaper or paint it, there is only one instruction.

Puttying seams

If you decide to get by with a minimum of costs and at your own peril and risk putty only the joints, then at least do it right. So that after some time cracks do not appear at the place of the seams, they must be strengthened with a reinforcing serpentine tape. Before gluing it, treat all joints with a deep penetration primer.
The tape is applied to the joint and sealed with putty so that it is completely covered with mortar. Using a wide spatula, the putty mortar must be “stretched” flush with the drywall surface so that there are no recesses or bulges left.

Such a surface can already be painted, but it will take a lot of paint for an even color.

After the putty has completely dried, the seams are sanded with sandpaper or an abrasive mesh (see How to sand the walls after puttying and how to do it right). Do not forget to smear the solution and the caps of the screws.

Advice. Before puttying, check if the fastener caps protrude above the surface. To do this, run along all attachment points with a spatula blade pressed to the plane - it should not “stumble” on obstacles.


This is followed by priming the entire surface. It is easy to do it yourself, the main thing is not to leave untreated places. In case of refusal of continuous puttying, it is necessary to primer twice in order to minimize the absorbency of drywall.
In addition, do not forget that it is different for paper and putty, which processed the seams. If the surface is not well primed, the paint will absorb and dry unevenly.
It is unlikely that you dream of spotty-striped walls or ceilings, so we repeat once again: before painting drywall without putty, it must be carefully treated with a deep penetration primer.

Note. Allow each coat to dry for the time recommended by the manufacturer before applying a second coat or painting.

Solid putty

Many inexperienced finishers refuse to putty the entire surface of the walls or ceiling for the sole reason that they are not confident in their abilities. The fact that they can do this work with their own hands. But you should not be afraid - puttying drywall is not difficult.
It will take only one thin layer, and if something does not work the first time, then it can always be corrected by applying another one.

Advice. If this is your first time undertaking such work, we recommend using ready-made putty. It has an optimal consistency, easy to apply and smooth.

The process looks like this:

  • After the primer has dried (see Primer before puttying the walls - is it needed), it should not take long for dust to settle on the walls again;
  • The solution is prepared in small portions, for about 30-40 minutes of work, otherwise it will begin to harden;
  • Putty is collected with a small spatula and transferred to a wide worker (30-40 cm), evenly distributing over its entire width;
  • Puttying is done with sweeping cross movements, starting from any of the upper corners. In this case, the spatula should be held at an angle of 20-30 degrees to the wall and try not to change the pressure;
  • The layer should be thin, no more than 1-2 mm, without sagging and deep marks from the edge of the spatula;

Photo of the main process

  • First, the main plane is puttied, then the corners are removed;
  • The putty must be allowed to dry, and then the surface should be sanded with a special grater, highlighting yourself with a flashlight or spotlight. This is the most important stage, the purpose of which is to eliminate all minor defects;
  • Grinding removes bumps and sagging, but if cavities are found on the surface, they can be filled with putty pointwise, and after drying, sanded again;

The surface to be painted must be perfectly flat.

  • Before painting, the puttied surface is primed again.

This is very short description, you will find more details in the articles on this topic. It is important for us to answer the question of whether it is possible to paint drywall without putty.


Based on the foregoing, we conclude: drywall before painting can not be completely puttied, covering only the joints, but it’s not a fact that the end result will suit you. Therefore, it is better to follow the technology.
Not sure you can handle it? Call on the help of professionals. But if you want to try it yourself, watch the video in this article, it will help you do everything correctly and efficiently.

One of the advantages of drywall sheets (GKL) is their flat surface, which is very convenient for further processing, for example, if painting is planned. This contributes to a significant reduction in the duration of work and reduces their cost.

Determine the desired type and color. Large stores have modern equipment that allows you to make any shade, so there should be no problems. Types of paint: oil, enamel, acrylic or water-based. Oil and enamels are used in rooms with high humidity.

But drywall is unsuitable for direct contact with water, so in such cases it is rarely used, giving preference to other coatings (tiles, plastic). In addition, these types of paints are highly toxic. Water-based and acrylic paints are almost non-toxic, dry in one day. So the choice of acrylic or water-based paint, glossy or matte, is optimal for drywall.

To paint the walls, give preference to matte, and glossy is suitable for the ceiling. Glossy paint is demanding on the evenness of the surface, because when light is reflected, curved areas are visible.

Preparing for painting

First of all, vacate the room, cover the windows and doors with film or paper (this is done to prevent paint, small particles from grinding). To reach the ceiling and upper sections of the walls, a stepladder is useful.

Scaffolding is being prepared to work with the ceiling

Use gloves at all stages, and when sanding and painting, use a mask and special glasses.

Preparation for work:

  • Priming - the primer is applied with a roller, for better contact with the paint, the putty is also covered with a layer of primer. It is not advisable to paint directly drywall sheets without priming, as they are unevenly impregnated with paint, stains will appear. For priming drywall, a deep penetration primer is not needed, a universal primer is suitable. Enough two layers of soil, the second is applied after the first has dried.
  • Putty joints and seams. The locations of the screws are also puttied. To do this, use a wide spatula and reinforcing tape.
  • Sanding with fine sandpaper, for the final leveling of drywall, is very important when painting the ceiling, and when using glossy paints. After grinding, settled dust is removed with a soft brush or cloth.

Painting tools

Before starting work, it is important to choose the right tools. Store paint is thick, to stir it, you will need a drill mixer, dilute the paint with a little water if necessary. In open flat areas, it is convenient to use a roller.

Note! A fluffy roller applies a layer of paint evenly, while a lint-free roller leaves poorly painted areas. Long pile gives a pronounced texture, short - flat surface(suitable for painting the ceiling with glossy paint).

In addition to the roller, buy a suitable container for filling paint, it will allow you to evenly wet the roller. Get an elongated handle to the roller, it is adapted for painting the ceiling. It is extremely inconvenient to paint over corners and uneven areas with a roller, so you need a brush.

Paint application technique

If the preparatory work is done correctly, half the work is already done. Consumption of water-based paint is reduced on a flat, well-primed surface, and application is better.

Basic rule for layering

Rules for working with water-based paint:

  • You can not tint where it has already dried.
  • First of all, you mark the areas of future coloring by painting along their perimeter with a brush. Only then grab the roller
  • Usually up to three layers are applied, with the next layer applied across the previous one. This is done to achieve uniform coloring. Drying time is indicated on the package and does not exceed a day.
  • The walls are painted from top to bottom, thanks to this method, the previously painted area does not spoil with streaks.

After painting, the identification of minor defects is inevitable - spots, unevenly dyed areas, visible in bright light. They are painted over when they dry, the excess paint is cleaned off with sandpaper.

Painting the ceiling and walls in the apartment is a pleasant creative activity. And painting drywall walls is a double pleasure. GKL is an ideal coating for the use of modern water-based coloring compounds. As a result of the use of water-based, acrylic, latex and other paints, an excellent quality and decorative finish is obtained.

In order for this type of finish to pass correctly, it is necessary to observe the main technological points. They consist in the choice of paint, the performance of preparatory and basic work.

What kind of paint covers drywall well

The range of modern paints is distinguished by a variety of color shades and component composition. For painting plasterboard walls and ceilings, which are half paper, it is recommended to use water-based products.

These include:

  • water emulsions;
  • water-dispersion;
  • acrylic;
  • latex and other compounds.

Their main feature and advantage lies in the ability to dry quickly, emit almost no smell, lie flat on the surface and cover it without streaks and errors.

In order not to complicate life by choosing a color, designers recommend purchasing white paint and color schemes. In this case, you can create shades with your own hands that are pleasing to the eye, personal feelings and ideally fit the interior.

Despite the smooth, even surface of drywall sheets, minor defects can occur during installation, which are difficult to hide behind plaster. When choosing a color coating, it is important to take this point into account and buy matte paint. It, unlike glossy, perfectly masks minor flaws.

Preparing drywall for painting

When installing drywall sheets, joints and recesses are formed from screwing in self-tapping screws. They need to be disguised. To do this, use putty or plaster, prepared from a dry mix or ready-made.

  • First, the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls is covered with a primer.
  • Then close up the joints between the sheets. Apply a thin layer of the prepared composition. A special mesh tape is applied on top. It reinforces the seam and prevents further cracks from forming. Particular care should be taken to plaster the junction of the wall and ceiling, trying to maintain the perfect angle.
  • Next, using a wide spatula, an even thin layer covers the entire area of ​​the plasterboard sheets to be painted. This is necessary to hide the places of their attachment to concrete or wooden surfaces.
  • At the end, the primer is used again. She and the plaster will not allow the paint to soak into the cardboard base.

Important! At the stage of preparing drywall sheets for painting, plaster is used. When choosing a tinted paint, they check how it will lie on this coating. To do this, a small fragment of a plastered cardboard surface is coated with a pigment composition. After 2-3 days, it will become clear what color the walls in the room will be with this composition option.

Coloring process

Painting walls and ceilings from GKL can be done with various devices: a roller, brush or spray gun. Each master who performs repairs with his own hands chooses the most convenient way for himself.

  • When painting the walls with a roller, take a tool with a medium terry pile and a wide brush with soft bristles. With its help, the corners and hard-to-reach areas of the room are covered with a colored composition, for example, behind a heating radiator. In order not to stain the ceiling, masking tape is glued over it and freely driven with a brush. At the end, the protection is carefully removed.
  • After painting difficult areas with a brush, they take a roller in their hands. It is dipped into a tray of paint and rolled over the ribbed surface several times to remove excess liquid. Painting starts from the window at the height of the middle of the wall. The paint is applied linearly: first, one strip is rolled from top to bottom to a uniform layer, then the roller is wetted and the next strip is painted, slightly overlapping the first. It is important to achieve the same layer and the same texture. It is advisable to periodically step aside and see if the paint has evenly laid down.

Most modern paints have excellent hiding power, so one staining is enough for drywall sheets to acquire the desired color.

  • Do-it-yourself wall painting with an airbrush allows you to achieve the most even coverage. During its operation, the composition is applied by spraying. This is a very handy and efficient device. When using it, an excellent result is obtained. In the process of staining, they are driven at a short distance from the surface, gradually covering the entire area to be painted. The disadvantage of using a spray gun is that it creates a lot of spray that spreads to other surfaces.


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