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In everyday life, the words “dentist” and “dentist” are often used interchangeably to mean a medical professional who treats teeth. Are these words actually synonymous or are there differences between them? How do specialists differ, what specializations do health workers have in dentistry?

Dentist and stomatologist: what is the main difference?

A dentist is a doctor who has received a higher medical education at a university with a specialty in Dentistry. After completing general training, he chooses a specialization - therapeutic, surgical treatment, prosthetics.

The word “dentist” is rarely used in our country; most often this is the name given to foreign specialists involved in the treatment of oral diseases. In the Russian-speaking environment, it is synonymous with the concept of “dentist”.

Who is this? These are specialists with secondary specialized education who graduated from medical college and also have the right to treat teeth. In addition, they include dental technicians who make dentures. Thus, dentist and dentist are not exactly synonymous, but in some situations the words can be replaced.

What does a “dentist” do?

A dentist has the right to perform a limited list of tasks. He treats simple diseases, but if the solution to the problem with which the patient came is not within the scope of his competence, the specialist is obliged to redirect the patient to a doctor of the highest category with the appropriate specialization.

Professional tasks:

  • initial examination of the oral cavity, diagnosis;
  • filling shallow caries without complications;
  • treatment of gum diseases - stomatitis, gingivitis;
  • consultation on oral care, proper cleaning and nutrition.

A dentist does not have the right to treat pulpitis, correct a bite, or install implants. This profession has its drawbacks, such as lack of career growth. If a medical worker wants to become the head of a department or treat more complex diseases, he will need to graduate from medical school.

What are the specializations of a dentist?

After receiving a general education in the field of Dentistry, a graduate of a medical institute chooses a narrower specialization and enters a residency or internship. The following specializations in dentistry are distinguished:

Categories of doctors in dentistry

Specialists involved in oral cavity treatment must regularly improve their qualifications and undergo certification. Upon successful recertification, they increase their category, which is reflected in their wages.

The transition to a higher category is carried out only after successfully passing the certification. The rules for increase are enshrined in regulations approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

And so I decided to try another way to deal with it (I know it won’t help, but what if...). Actually, I had two choices: learn more about dental treatment and arouse my interest in dentistry. The first was dismissed immediately; even a schematic picture of a dental chair causes me to have an attack of panic, and knowing about the horrific details of this sacrament can incapacitate me for a long time. Therefore, I chose the second path and began to search in the depths of the World Wide Web for various interesting facts about dentistry. And so that this work would not go to waste, I compiled what I found into a short post.

Until the 19th century, as a rule, all dentistry came down to removing a diseased tooth. If in cities, for wealthy citizens, these services were provided by surgeons with all the corresponding “conveniences” of that time, then in the provinces everyone was doing this. Most often these were blacksmiths, they made their own tools and offered dental care to their neighbors. Needless to say, the procedure was not pleasant. Of course, at the beginning of the 18th century such complex procedures as prosthetics and the installation of fillings made of gold and porcelain appeared, but these services were for a very wealthy class.

It seems to me that in the 19th century, a particularly deplorable situation developed in Great Britain, where, thanks to the active conquest of territories producing sugar cane, sweets were popular in the country. And we all know from childhood that this negatively affects the condition of our teeth. But cocoa powder, which is part of chocolate, paradoxically, according to recent studies, on the contrary, prevents the formation of plaque and caries. In addition to sugar there were also bad habits, spoiling teeth - smoking. Before the advent of cigarettes, clay smoking pipes were used; smokers were accustomed to clenching them tightly with their teeth, which led to the appearance of large holes in the front teeth.

Foot-powered drills, which appeared in the second half of the 19th century, made the process of dental treatment more accessible to ordinary people, although it did not become more enjoyable. Yes, it was necessary to have sadistic tendencies in order to continue treatment, not paying attention to the poor patient's grimace of pain. Albert Southwick, the inventor of the eclectic chair, can talk as much as he wants in heaven about the fact that his invention had nothing to do with his profession as a dentist, in my opinion, there is still something in common in this... :-).

Dentists were expensive. Therefore, people, as a rule, still endured the pain until the tooth had to be removed. In England, poor people even had all their teeth removed at the age of 21, this was especially popular among women; if you do this before marriage, you can save your future husband’s money. In a time when marriages were more of a contract than a matter of passion, this was apparently a practical approach. By the way, false jaws at that time were a standard wedding gift.

Since dental services were painful and expensive, people tried to monitor their condition. Most of the procedures were very strange: from rubbing diseased gums with the tooth of a person who died a violent death (it’s strange that it was a violent death... I don’t even want to think about how the number of murders has jumped...), to instilling a decoction of an earthworm in wine into the ears (what is the logic here, I not clear). There was a hypothesis that holes in the teeth appear due to a toothworm that makes holes there; they tried to expel it in different ways, up to cauterization with iron. Maybe this inspired a connection with an earthworm... Along with such not very pleasant recipes, there were also quite harmless ones (though just as useless), for example, sitting with your mouth open under the moonlight, for some reason it was believed that it would cure ailments .

(Depiction of a toothworm, France, ivory, 1780)

Without a doubt, today's recommendations from dentists are based on scientific data, but I have noticed that every year they become stricter and stricter (I think that the news about cocoa powder is just a red herring intended to sweeten the bitter pill a little). Now tea, coffee, fruit juices, soda and energy drinks are recognized as enemies of teeth; even white wine, following red, has joined these ranks. And some studies contradict each other, for example, coffee spoils enamel and at the same time helps against caries... Apparently the only thing left to drink is water until scientists take it up.

And here is an example that even great minds can make mistakes: Aristotle, the son of a doctor and a scientist, absolutely sincerely believed that women have fewer teeth than men... His authority was so great that no one even thought about it and considered this fact faithful for many centuries.

We all know that an adult has 32 teeth, but this is not always the case. It happens that there are fewer teeth, but visually this is not even noticeable, only when counting does one begin to suspect some kind of trick... Remember the old Soviet film “Thirty Three”, where the hero Leonov had 33 teeth instead of 32? This, it turns out, also occurs, but “extra” teeth do not always grow, remaining forever in the gum and carefully keeping the secret of their existence.
Unfortunately, sometimes teeth can grow in the wrong place, for example, in the ovaries or testicles. This pathology is called teratoma (I decided not to add a picture - the brave ones will find it at the link), and consists in the formation of a tumor in the form of tissue atypical for this localization (most often it is teeth and hair). Fortunately, such tumors are usually easy to remove.

But to the question why people don’t grow new teeth to replace their fallen teeth, scientists give a not very rosy answer: our stem cells lay down 2 generations of teeth and stop functioning. In other words, at a very young age we receive a full set of teeth for the rest of our lives (you can find proof of this under the cut, but a careful picture may scare you...).

So, another set of teeth simply wouldn’t fit in our mouths :-)
There are cases when people grow new teeth at a very old age. The phenomenon is extremely rare, so it is difficult to study. As a rule, teeth grow that were originally in the jaw, but the teeth that erupted in childhood did not allow them to come out of the gums.

But don’t despair, scientists are already working on activating our dental stem cells, that is, people will have a chance to grow new generations of teeth, although we won’t see the results of this work very soon :-).


1. John Lennon's tooth.

The legendary musician's tooth was sold at auction in 2011 for $30,000.

Photo. John Lennon.

To date, Lennon's molar is considered the most expensive tooth in history. For a long time Isaac Newton's tooth retained the palm; at one time it cost about $4,000 in modern money. However, already in the 21st century, world auction houses were able to sell very expensive teeth of Napoleon, Elvis Presley, as well as Winston Churchill’s dental prosthesis.

As for John Lennon, the auction organizers initially expected to earn about $10,000, but the final sale amount exceeded all expectations and amounted to $32,000. It is noteworthy that the artifact did not go to the new owner in at its best– it is literally eaten away by caries. At one time, the legendary performer realized that it was unlikely to be possible to cure a bad tooth, so he pulled it out himself, and then gave it to his maid as a souvenir for her daughter, who was a devoted fan of The Beatles. Subsequently, John Lennon's tooth wandered from one owner to another until it was bought by Canadian dentist Michael Zook for the above amount. It was he who at one time acquired Elvis Presley’s tooth in a similar way, and in general collected a fairly large collection, including the teeth of many exotic animals.

As Michael himself stated, when he learned that this lot would be at auction, money no longer mattered to him. But what is much more interesting is not how he decided to spend such a sum, but the purpose for which the Canadian acquired the tooth of the great musician. It turns out that Michael Zook seriously expects that, as science advances, he will be able to copy Lennon's DNA using Lennon's molar and then clone John.

Indeed, human quirks know no bounds!

2. Stars with a gap between the teeth.

Why don’t stars with a gap between their teeth want to get rid of it once and for all?

Stars with gaps in their teeth have been popular at all times, they have never been ashamed of their flaw and even managed to turn it into a fashion trend. We present to your attention the most famous celebrities with a gap between their front teeth, who are immensely proud of them.

Photo. Actress Brigitte Bardot.

The legislator of this strange fashion is considered to be the recognized sex symbol of the 50s, the famous actress Brigitte Bardot, who, by the way, now lives in a villa in Saint-Tropez along with several hundred animals. This seductive woman captivated everyone not only with her rounded shape and revealing outfits, but also with a sensual smile, the invariable attribute of which was a small gap between her front teeth.

Photo. Actress Vanessa Paradis.

Vanessa Paradis is another French woman with a gap between her teeth who has driven hundreds of men crazy. Unlike most of her colleagues, she never thought about orthodontic treatment and considered her smile a gift from God. The actress has repeatedly said that diastema, the scientific name for the gap between the teeth, makes it special and brings happiness, and that with its help it is convenient to drink through a straw.

Photo. Elton John.

Sir Elton John's army of fans grew even larger after he announced that he was not going to change anything about his appearance, including removing his diastema.

Photo. Madonna.

The most famous American woman with a diastema can be called Madonna. Despite the fact that the singer’s teeth had undergone aesthetic correction more than once, she flatly refused to remove the diastema. Moreover, the star caused a real scandal when the publishers of one popular magazine “covered up” her gap in one of the photographs.

Photo. Willem Dafoe.

If we were giving out an award for the most outstanding gap in the teeth, Willem Dafoe would certainly receive it. Firstly, he is not the only one - the actor has rather sparse teeth, which gives his already unusual and somewhat frightening image a special piquancy. And secondly, the actor is so proud of them that he even starred in a short film, known in Russia as “The Gap.” The author of this unusual picture was our young director Grigory Dobrygin. The film is entirely devoted to Defoe's teeth, or rather the spaces between them.

3. Monuments dedicated to dentists.

The owner of one of the clinics in the Ukrainian city of Vinnitsa built a sculpture of a dentist in the courtyard of his institution. The iron doctor has a toothbrush in his hands, and dental instruments are located in his chest pocket. Next to the sculpture is a chair and an ancient drill that was used to treat teeth many decades ago. The sculpture in Vinnitsa became very famous, attracting many tourists and city residents.

Photo. Monument to a dentist in the city of Vinnitsa.

A monument to a pediatric dentist was erected in Tyumen. It is located at the children's department of dental clinic No. 3. The sculpture represents the image of a slender, long-haired young man with a wide smile, holding a huge tooth in one hand, and behind his back there are equally sized forceps. Despite the grotesque depiction of the tooth extraction procedure, children are simply delighted with the bronze doctor. Many even have a peculiar ritual - to touch the monument or rub the tooth in its hand so that the treatment is successful.

Photo. Monument to a dentist in the city of Tyumen.

Unusual monuments - a monument to a tooth in the city of Chita.

4. Day of love for teeth.

China recently held an annual holiday dedicated to the nation's dental health.

China is not only the homeland of the greatest scientific discoveries and philosophical teachings. One of the most unusual and useful holidays on the planet also takes place here. Every year on September 20, millions of Chinese celebrate “Love Your Teeth Day.” Moreover, the holiday has national status - at one time it was initiated by the government itself.

Regarding all Chinese history This holiday is very young - it was first celebrated on September 20, 1989. Then only a few million residents of the Middle Kingdom took part in it. However, a few years later it was actively celebrated by more than 600 million Chinese. Interestingly, “Tooth Love Day” is held under a new motto every year. Correct technique using a toothbrush, a balanced diet is the key to oral health, the role of a beautiful smile - these and other topics have become the main topics over the years. In addition to the usual folk festivities and banner demonstrations, the holiday also has specific benefits. It is on these days that many open lectures take place, and some public and private clinics conduct free consultations on issues of dental health of the population.

The relevance of such a step on the part of the government is very high. Although many Chinese tend to behave healthy image life, among the poor segments of the population living in the province, diseases of teeth and gums are very common. This is especially true for the elderly population. Almost 90% of people of retirement age in China have caries, and 7% of this number do not have a single remaining tooth.

5. Japanese dentists have found the reason for patients' fear.

An unusual experiment was conducted by scientists from the Japanese Dental Association. Doctors invited 34 people with various dental diseases, aged from 19 to 49 years.

None of the patients were offered free treatment; they were asked to fill out questionnaires with simple questions. Such as: is there any fear when they hear the drill, and do they have inner anxiety during treatment.

Based on the completed questionnaires, all patients were divided into 2 fear groups: slight fear and panic. Each volunteer was then placed in an MRI machine and asked to relax. While scanning a person, scientists moved dental instruments around him, turning the drill on and off, and monitored the condition of the instruments and the patient.

As a result, they received a comprehensive result - a proof. At a dentist's appointment, the patient is not afraid of the drill itself or the process of drilling the tooth, but is afraid of the very sound that the drill makes. Only the group with panic fear from the sounds of a fast-moving instrument activated areas in the cerebral cortex responsible for emotions and behavioral functions.

The solution to reducing patient fear is to reduce the noise level produced by drills. In addition, scientists recommended that dentists conduct reassuring conversations with patients.

6. American designers have created an Internet toothbrush.

On January 5, 2014, the American “Kulibins” showed the public the first toothbrush that can connect to the Internet, transmitting data about the condition of the teeth and the quality of their cleaning. At the international exhibition on January 5, 2014ConsumerElectronics ShowUS inventors have discovered a new product "Smart" brush. Initially the project was French.

This miracle of technology has specific sensors that “understand” the quality of cleaning teeth from tartar and plaque. At the end of cleaning, the collected information is sent via Bluetooth to the owner’s smartphone, on which a special application is installed. Based on this data, a person will be able to analyze his work on oral hygiene and identify those places that he “didn’t clean” or “didn’t reach.”

According to statements, the cost of this brush, depending on the modification, will range from 100 to 200 US dollars. The designers just need to tweak the tool a little to make it more convenient and comfortable to use.

7. The golden toothbrush was invented in Russia!

The golden toothbrush was invented in Russia. A patent for a self-disinfecting toothbrush, which also has medicinal properties, was recently received by a Russian inventor from Rospatent. Regular use of such a brush protects not only from various diseases of the teeth and oral cavity, but also from acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and many other diseases, strengthening the immune system.

According to the inventor of the brush, Evgeniy Rodimin, healing properties The miracle brush is given by noble metals - gold and silver, or rather, silver ions, which are released when it is immersed in water. The invention is based on a discovery that is still almost unknown to the scientific community. The fact is that silver, which is constantly in contact with gold, after immersion in water, releases ions much more actively than under normal conditions.

Although in Russia no one is still making brushes that release silver ions, overseas toothbrush manufacturers have been using the properties of ions to disinfect water and strengthen the immune system for several years. Novelty Russian invention the fact is that, thanks to gold plating, the brush releases 600 times (!) more silver ions than “foreign” analogues.

Accordingly, both the healing effect and the speed of self-disinfection of the Russian brush exceed the best foreign indicators. It is also important that if the brush is ever introduced into production, it will be much cheaper than less efficient imported ones. Currently, the author has somewhat modernized his invention and will soon receive a second patent.

8.Teeth as a musical instrument.

The story of how “tapping” melodies on your teeth became a whole musical trend.

“Zubariki” is the art of melodiously tapping your fingers on the tops of your front teeth. This term appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century on the territory of Tsarist Russia, however, masters of “tooth music” existed before. Usually, the nails of the four fingers of both hands are used to produce sound, but various techniques are common among craftsmen, so the number of fingers involved is not decisive. Much more important is the ability to control your lips and correctly change the position of your tongue, because, in fact, the sound from a click on any of the teeth will be approximately the same, and a meaningful melody arises due to the acoustic properties of the oral cavity. With the right approach, a musician can produce sounds reminiscent of playing a xylophone.

In Russia, “Zubariks” were a constant source of entertainment in the street and criminal environment. The film “Republic of SHKID” brought her the greatest fame, where the characters were very good at musical playing on their teeth. However, fans of this style are found all over the world: on You Tube there are many videos in which people demonstrate their musical abilities in this way, and sometimes there are real nuggets among them. Be that as it may, do not rush to look for a new use for your teeth, because from a medical point of view such an activity is harmful for them. Constant mechanical impact often causes damage to the enamel and chips, so we advise you to master more familiar and safe musical instruments.

Principles of patient management at the MediLine clinic

Advanced technologies and high-quality equipment

MediLine opened in 2008. And from the first day of work, we maintain a high level of service and implement innovative technologies to increase treatment accuracy. Our specialists are trained in new techniques, adopting the experience of Russian and foreign colleagues in order to use all new ideas to improve the condition of patients. You can find out more about the life and development of the clinic in the “News and Events” section.

Of course, in Ulyanovsk there are multidisciplinary dentists with a wide range of services, it’s hard to surprise with this now. However, not every clinic can boast the latest equipment as in "MediLine". Right on the website you can see what our dentistry looks like. Each page is illustrated with live photographs taken in MediLine. See more photos of our specialists, interior and equipment in the “Photo Gallery” section.

Attentive attitude

For many clinics, the phrase “individual approach” is just a line in the “advantages” section. For us, this is main principle work.

We are always waiting for you to visit, come to MediLine to meet your dentist. Our clinic is located next to Ulyanovsky Avenue (New City), at st. 40th anniversary of the Victory, 9.

We work seven days a week

We are happy to welcome you at any time! Our clinic is open every day, even on weekends and holidays. You can make an appointment at any time, when you especially need help. In addition, you can bring your child to the MediLine dentistry in New Town. Our administrators will greet you with joy, and after the examination the doctors will offer best option treatment and provide qualified assistance.

Are you looking for attentive attention from specialists, high quality treatment and impeccable service? All this is in MediLine. Come to our clinic, we will help you find an attractive smile and improve your health.

MediLine has a VIP department for the most demanding patients. Here, only dentists of the highest category and heads of departments provide treatment. Each such patient undergoing long-term treatment of teeth and gums is cared for by his personal manager. He reminds you of your appointment, organizes consultations with several specialists and accompanies you throughout the entire treatment period. During treatment at the clinic, the manager is in touch with you without weekends and holidays, so you can always count on special attention to any of your questions.


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