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The stars and planets, although they are high above us, influence our lives so intensely, as if they were located nearby, as if at hand. The ancients saw this and reflected it in their observations. Knowledge grew and expanded, eventually receiving proper systematization and generalization in such a science as astrology.

Let's say you were born on September 27th. Your Zodiac symbol is Libra, in Latin the name is Libra. What is characteristic of him and, therefore, of you? Let's find out by looking at the horoscope. Astronomers note, firstly, that for people born on September 27, the Zodiac symbol represents stability and strength. Libra is that harmonious golden mean in relationships with people, in the approach to current situations, for which they are loved and appreciated by other signs. They are easy-going and kind with others, peaceful and even with their superiors and subordinates.

Secondly, almost everyone who belongs to Libra strives to gain new knowledge, grasps it almost on the fly, quickly assimilates it and puts it into practice. A very successful one, I must say, for those born on September 27, the Zodiac symbol! Only Virgos, Aquarius and Sagittarius are so lucky in terms of intelligence!

Thirdly, Libra people are always noticeable in the crowd. They are dressed fashionably and tastefully, but a little casually, as if they are challenging everything that is average, mundane, standard and monotonous. An unconscious craving for bohemia, artistry, subtle charm, “artistic disorder” in appearance and even from time to time in behavior is also inherent in those born on September 27th. The Zodiac symbol of these people turned out to be on top here too!

Let's talk about the strong field

Working on horoscopes, astronomers warn that Libra men and Libra women, although they generally belong to the same zodiac group, still differ in many respects. This is explained by the influence of Saturn and Venus, which have different effects on representatives of the opposite sex. Therefore, it is not only important what the Zodiac symbol is on September 27, but also about the guy or girl we are talking about.

Let's start with Libra men. Nature has endowed them with enormous charm, which from time to time turns into pretentiousness and posing. Alas, we all want to embellish ourselves from time to time! By nature, they are innovators who want not only to keep up with the times, but also to be at least one step ahead of them in their professional field. This approach to business is also typical for those born on September 27th. The Zodiac symbol (Libra man) is somewhat controversial. For example, now he is restrained and gallant, and half an hour later he gets involved in an obvious brawl. This does not contradict common system values. It’s just that this symbol itself is prone to oscillations and slight swings, like the pendulum of a clock. However, balance and sanity still prevail in critical situations. These representatives of the stronger sex are fascinating in conversation with ladies. They are uncomfortable with hard, frank sex, but are very impressed by light flirting and romantic relationships.

About lovely ladies

And again the date is September 27. The Zodiac symbol of the Libra woman is realized in such qualities as the ability to turn into a socialite and conquer others with greatness mixed with arrogance. They do not try to please, they behave naturally and independently, which, on the one hand, really conquers and evokes the respect of others, and on the other, they also have envy and indignation.

These ladies adore gallant gentlemen who are pleasant in everything, they are very emotional and sensitive, they love beautiful novels, which compensates for their some asexuality. Libra women make remarkable mothers, intelligent and diligent, gentle and able to evoke reciprocal feelings in their children. They are good wives, peace-loving and reasonable-minded. Conflicts in the family are clearly not their element. But they do not agree to completely come to terms with the shortcomings of their other half. Therefore, if they understand the futility of the relationship, they break it completely and completely. The main difficulty of living together with Libra women is that they always consider themselves to be right and are not ready to admit their mistakes, even obvious ones.

Bonds of Hymen

What can be said about the prospects for marriage for those born on September 27? The Zodiac symbol defines compatibility clearly and specifically. Libra develops successful, strong alliances with Sagittarius, Gemini and Aquarius. Families with Taurus, Leo, Virgo and Aries will turn out to be of average quality, so to speak. Stability and long-term stability are determined here in a 50/50 ratio and will require a long grind and serious work on oneself on the part of both partners. But with whom Libra shouldn’t even try to live together is with Libra, Cancer, Pisces and Capricorn themselves. Even if such families are created, they will not last long and will bring both sides a lot of pain and disappointment.

Sexual attraction

Not only the viability of the marital union, but also sexual compatibility symbols are calculated in astrology. These categories do not always coincide. For example, Libra will be comfortable together, their “bed partners” will be Cancer and Scorpio - the very ones with whom it is not recommended to build a serious relationship. At the same time, it turns out that Gemini and Sagittarius suit Libra in everything.


Libra is the 7th symbol of the zodiac circle, its element is Air, and the symbol is an inanimate object (the only one among the other symbols). In the distant times of early Christianity, the autumn equinox fell precisely during the period when this constellation reigned in the sky. That's why the symbol was named that way. According to other sources, the constellation itself reminded them in its outline of the silhouette of a judge's scales. The name probably influenced the character of the sign: balance and prudence are their main properties.

Often in controversial situations,born on September 27 in the Zodiac sign Libra men and women, without hesitation they take on resolving problems between people, trying to bring the dispute to a resolution with mutually acceptable results, although sometimes they are so carried away by this process that they are no longer able to stop.

You should more often pay attention to your critical statements addressed to your interlocutor; do not think that your wishes and advice, spoken from the heart, are always to the liking of everyone. Always take into account all the circumstances once you start giving advice, otherwise there is a chance that you will unwittingly make enemies for yourself.

Women and men born in the zodiac sign Libra on September 27thWhen engaging in professional activities, you should not attract unnecessary attention to yourself, not be distracted by trifles, but concentrate on the main thing, go towards the goal you have set for yourself, if you strive to achieve it.

Always try to be consistent in your life position, keep your life principles, if you are confident in them.

Fight your habit of making decisions slowly, as well as postponing things “for later.”

Remember also that a mistake you make in some matter is not a disaster, but just part of the game and there is no escape from it if you do something.

Zodiac sign compatibility September 27

Libra can have harmonious (positive, quite promising) relationships with: Leo, Aries, Sagittarius, Aquarius and Gemini.

Representatives of the sign Libra have troubled (average, ambiguous, but can work out) relationships: with Capricorn and Virgo.

The zodiac representatives of Libra have complex (strained with increased nervousness) relationships: with Cancer, Taurus and Scorpio.

Parents September 27 - Libra mom and dad

Parents born on September 27- are proud of their children, especially their talents and appearance. They are loyal and patient, instill in them a sense of duty and responsibility, and instill in them respect for people. They are taught that any conflicts can and should be resolved peacefully.

Libra parents raise their child in a democratic atmosphere of trust and mutual understanding; in rare cases they punish their child, and they try with all their might to build a trusting and even friendly relationship with him.

Child September 27 - children born of Libra

These children by nature have many talents, the most versatile abilities, and in a variety of fields of activity. They are purposeful, active, neat, and do not like dirt and sloppiness.

Children born in the sign of Libra on September 27They are open in communication, it is easy for parents to raise them, it is easy to be friends with them, they strive to maintain friendly relations with everyone. They love and respect their parents and try not to upset them again.

What do these people like and dislike?

- beautiful and exquisite things, antiques and old paintings, they love to read, especially romantic books, about adventures and science fiction, watch light comedies, and spend time in the company of their buddies and friends.

I don't like it...
- they do not like violence, rude and ill-mannered people, and being in the company of eccentric and overly ambitious people. They don’t like it when someone limits their personal freedom and imposes their opinion on them. They will also not tolerate being forced to do something hastily.

Woman and man of the Zodiac sign September 27

You are a friendly and artistic person. Honesty and integrity encourage you to share your opinions with others, and you can be a great friend and companion.

You were born on September 27, zodiac sign Libra. Ambition often forces you to look for new opportunities, and constant activity is required to implement your plans. Despite your inherent emotionality, you try to avoid extremes and are guided in your actions by rational arguments.

You are endowed with good taste, love luxury and beauty, and are able to appreciate colors, shapes and harmonies. You like to create a worthy image for yourself and, as a rule, you skillfully use your charm. Well-mannered and friendly, you fit seamlessly into any society.

Since you are naturally endowed with diplomatic skills, other people easily find a common language with you.

With your extraordinary intelligence, organizational skills and a certain amount of adventurism, you can quickly get rich.

But remember that you can develop your potential only by overcoming indecision and tightening self-discipline; otherwise, many of your abilities will remain unfulfilled.

You are an optimist by nature, but stubbornness often alienates you from loved ones and friends whom you truly love. However, if you overcome this internal resistance, your enthusiasm and fighting spirit will be appreciated.

Until the age of 25, your efforts are mainly aimed at strengthening social connections, developing creativity and enrichment. At 26, radical changes and a complete renewal of your emotional life await you.

The next period will begin around the age of 55: in all likelihood, you will become more cheerful and expansive and feel a surge of inspiration through new acquaintances, turning to religion, further education or travel.

Love born on September 27

You are endowed with undeniable charm and are able to make a strong and deep impression on people. You feel warmth, you are easy to like, and everyone around you is easy and at ease.

A wonderful host, you love to receive guests and have many friends.

However, you are in constant need of love and worship. You dream of a partner who could give you a reciprocal feeling.

You are attracted to strong and decisive people, but beware of dependence on such partners. In addition, you have a happy opportunity to combine love and business.

Ideal partner for the zodiac sign September 27

If you are looking for love, reliability, dreaming of an ideal marriage, pay attention to partners who were born on the following days.

Love and friendship : 2, 3, 6, 9, 10, 11 21, 27, 31 numbers of the winter month of January; 1, 4, 7, 8, 9, 25, 29 numbers of the winter month of February; 2, 5, 7, 17, 23, 27 dates of the spring month of March; 3, 5, 10, 15, 21 dates of the spring month of April; 1, 2, 3, 13, 19, 23, 30 dates of the spring month of May; 1, 11, 17, 21, 28 dates of the summer month of June ; 9, 15, 19, 26, 28 dates of the summer month of July ; 7, 13, 17, 24, 27 dates of the summer month of August ; 1, 5, 11, 15, 22, 25 dates of the autumn month of September; 3, 9, 13, 20, 23, 30 dates of the autumn month of October; 1, 7, 11, 18, 21, 25, 30 dates of the autumn month of November; 5, 9, 16, 19, 22, 28 numbers of the winter month of December.

This day brings to the world people who are friendly and receptive to the mood of those around them, who do their best to prevent conflicts, but are always in the forefront of fighters for injustice. Those born on September 27 under the zodiac sign Libra have a rather complex character; their inner world is inaccessible to understanding and seems very mysterious. At the same time, their external self-sufficiency often hides doubts, fears and fear of failure of the intended goal.

According to the horoscope, birthday people of this date are distinguished by perseverance, developed intelligence, a penchant for risk and healthy adventurism. Such qualities make their life bright and rich, but it constantly alternates between successes and failures, ups and downs. Those born on September 27 often have various complexes that disrupt the harmony of their nature and prevent them from building life according to their plans. Fate gives them the opportunity to choose their path. Depending on the predominance of positive or negative energy, their life path will be filled, respectively, with goodness and prosperity or misfortune and disappointment.

Representatives of this zodiac sign and date are multifaceted natures who know how to sincerely express their feelings. They are endowed with many positive qualities, but often cannot fully demonstrate them due to existing complexes, primarily expressed in low self-esteem and self-doubt. They often set quite difficult goals for themselves, and when they realize the impossibility of achieving them, they lose heart, realize their own helplessness, completely lose self-confidence and fall into severe depression.

These people are too demanding of themselves, constantly developing and improving in order to reach a certain level. But at the same time, they often set the bar too high, a sense of responsibility does not allow them to be lowered, and they do not have the strength to exceed their own capabilities. This situation keeps them in constant voltage and interferes with the implementation of many projects.

But most of those born on September twenty-seventh are not used to giving up quickly. Even when failures undermine their confidence, they may temporarily isolate themselves from society and indulge in melancholy, but after a while they return to normal and take on the task with determination. It is during periods of such manifestation of determination and faith that these Libras appear ambitious and assertive. But in reality, they do not get rid of the insecurity complex, so they again cannot reveal their capabilities. And this movement up and down can continue until they solve the problem on a psychological level.

Relationships with others.

According to the horoscope, Libras who celebrate their birthday on September 27 are open and moderately emotional people who easily make contact and make new acquaintances. Sensing the moods of others, they try to avoid communicating with rude, ill-mannered or cynical individuals.

Many of the representatives of this zodiac sign and date love to observe and study the behavior of others, acquiring new knowledge in psychology. They are endowed with the unique ability to quickly adapt to new life situations and easily integrate into unfamiliar company. At the same time, their presence usually goes unnoticed, which gives them an excellent opportunity to conduct their research, observing facial expressions, gestures and their correspondence to verbal expressions. Such observation, and especially the conclusions drawn on its basis, make the birthday people of this day invulnerable to liars, whose deception they see from the first word.

Representatives of this birthday are very indecisive in personal relationships, rarely take the first step, although they may suffer from unrequited feelings for a long time. Therefore, they need an assertive and confident partner who can solve everything for two. IN family life These Libras become too scrupulous about the arrangement of everyday life and do not tolerate disorder in the house. Cleanliness around is their sore spot. Therefore, one of the reasons for divorce may be the lack of housekeeping in the spouse. But parents born on September 27 easily find a common language with their children and show care and tenderness when raising them. They are also generous with money, spending it with pleasure to surround their family with comfort.

In their work, the birthday people of this day are very hardworking, ready to devote all their time and energy to their work, showing high professionalism. Often such an all-consuming passion for work contributes to the further development of an insecurity complex, since it leads to disappointment even with minor failures in activity. Many representatives of the date in the professional sphere can be content with the minimum - it is enough for them to have a stable job in order to realize their abilities and receive appropriate remuneration for this.

In their free time from work, people born on this day are usually interested in something mysterious or unusual. This hobby helps them escape from reality, especially during periods of melancholy. In addition, it is this hobby that greatly contributes to their recovery from stress and emotional tension.

Most people born on this day care about their health, are interested in issues of a healthy lifestyle, rational diets, and physical exercise. At the slightest ailment, they turn to doctors and never neglect their recommendations. Unfortunately, all these activities only help maintain physical health, while the psychological state of these Libras is often critical. Getting rid of complexes and associated stress, breakdowns and depression is possible only with the help of specialists.

Tips for a better life

Try to get rid of complexes that disrupt the harmony of your nature and prevent you from building a life according to your own plans. Increase your self-esteem and confidence. Don't set yourself unattainable goals to avoid feeling helpless and losing self-confidence.

Be less demanding of yourself. Set a realistic bar or lower one that you cannot cross due to a lack of your own strength. Raise your level gradually to avoid disappointment.

Be more decisive in personal relationships, learn to open up to your loved one. Don't be afraid to take the first step. Make fewer demands on your spouse regarding the arrangement of life and order in the house.

When taking care of your physical health, do not forget to pay attention to your psychological state. Do not bring the situation to a critical level, prevent the development of nervous breakdowns and depression. If necessary, consult a specialist; do not self-medicate.

The stars and planets, although they are high above us, influence our lives so actively, as if they were located nearby, as if at hand. The ancients noticed this and reflected it in their observations. Knowledge grew and expanded, eventually receiving proper systematization and generalization in such a science as astrology.

Libra - general characteristics

Let's say you were born on September 27th. Your Zodiac sign is Libra, in Latin the name is Libra. What is characteristic of him and, therefore, of you? Let's find out by looking at the horoscope. Astrologers note, firstly, that for people born on September 27, the zodiac sign personifies stability and strength. Libra is that harmonious golden mean in relationships with people, in the approach to life situations, for which they are loved and appreciated by other signs. They are easy-going and kind to others, friendly and even with their superiors and subordinates.

Secondly, almost everyone who belongs to Libra strives to acquire new knowledge, grasps it almost on the fly, quickly assimilates it and puts it into practice. Very successful, I must say, for those born on the 27th Zodiac! Only Virgos, Aquarius and Sagittarius are so lucky in terms of intelligence!

Thirdly, Libra people are always noticeable in the crowd. They are dressed fashionably and tastefully, but a little casually, as if they are challenging everything that is average, mundane, standard and monotonous. An unconscious craving for bohemia, artistry, subtle charm, “artistic disorder” in appearance and even sometimes in behavior is also inherent in those born on September 27th. The zodiac sign of these people turned out to be on top here too!

Let's talk about the strong field

When working on horoscopes, astrologers warn that even though they generally belong to the same zodiac group, they still differ in many respects. This is explained by the influence of Saturn and Venus, which have different effects on representatives of the opposite sex. Therefore, it is not only important what zodiac sign is on September 27, but also what kind of guy or girl we are talking about.

Let's start with Libra men. Nature has endowed them with great charm, which sometimes turns into pretentiousness and posing. Alas, we all sometimes want to embellish ourselves! By nature, they are innovators who want not only to keep up with the times, but also to be at least one step ahead of them in their professional field. This approach to business is also typical for those born on September 27th. The zodiac sign (Libra man) is somewhat contradictory. For example, now he is restrained and gallant, but half an hour later he gets involved in a banal brawl. This does not contradict the general value system. It’s just that this sign itself is prone to fluctuations and slight swings, like the pendulum of a clock. However, balance and sanity still prevail in critical situations. These representatives of the stronger sex are interesting in communicating with women. They are uncomfortable with rough, frank sex, but are very impressed by light flirting and romantic relationships.

About lovely ladies

And again the date is September 27. The zodiac sign of the Libra woman is realized in such qualities as the ability to turn into a socialite and conquer others with greatness mixed with arrogance. They do not try to please, they behave naturally and independently, which, on the one hand, really conquers and evokes the respect of others, and on the other, they also have envy and indignation.

These ladies adore gentlemen who are gallant and pleasant in all respects, they are very emotional and sensitive, they love beautiful novels, which compensates for their some asexuality. Libra women make wonderful mothers, intelligent and caring, gentle and able to evoke reciprocal feelings in their children. They are good wives, peace-loving and sensible. Conflicts in the family are clearly not their element. But they do not agree to completely come to terms with the shortcomings of their significant other. Therefore, if they understand the futility of a relationship, they break it off completely and irrevocably. The main difficulty of living together with Libra women is that they always consider themselves to be right and are not ready to admit their mistakes, even obvious ones.

Bonds of Hymen

What can be said about the prospects for marriage for those born on September 27? The zodiac sign determines compatibility clearly and specifically. Libra develops successful, strong alliances with Sagittarius, Gemini and Aquarius. Families with Taurus, Leo, Virgo and Aries will turn out to be of average quality, so to speak. Stability and long-term stability are determined here in a 50/50 ratio and will require a long grind and serious work on oneself on the part of both partners. But with whom Libra shouldn’t even try to live together is with Libra, Cancer, Pisces and Capricorn themselves. Even if such families are created, they will not last long and will bring both sides a lot of pain and disappointment.

Sexual attraction

Not only the viability of a marriage, but also the sexual compatibility of signs is calculated in astrology. These categories do not always coincide. For example, Libra will be comfortable with each other, their “bed partners” will be Cancer and Scorpio - the very ones with whom it is not recommended to build a serious relationship. At the same time, it turns out that Gemini and Sagittarius are suitable for Libra in all respects.


Libra is the 7th sign, its element is Air, and its symbol is an inanimate object (the only one among the other signs). In the distant times of early Christianity, it fell precisely during the period when this constellation reigned in the sky. That's why the sign was named that way. According to other sources, the constellation itself reminded them in its outline of the silhouette of a judge's scales. The name probably influenced the character of the sign: balance and prudence are their main qualities.

Zodiac sign Scales September 27 tirelessly interested in life's paradoxes and anomalies. Upon superficial acquaintance, it seems that he is a completely ordinary person. But with each passing day, new facets open up, behind which numerous weaknesses are hidden.

Character traits

Usually a person September 27 behaves in an organized manner and does everything clearly, especially if he knows that he is being watched. But at the same time, he is tormented by doubts that are not reflected in his appearance. The reason is inflated expectations and demands, which zodiac sign sets himself, or the essence is in the eternal search for perfection, turning him into a martyr who fails to achieve his goal. He is advised to lower his standards and criteria in order to correspond to reality and not push himself into limits. Then the state of joy knocks on his door much more often.

He vacillates between failure and success. The inferiority complex received in childhood wanders with him at all ages and forces him to dare to heroic achievements. Unfortunately, he doesn’t believe in himself so much that he initially sets himself up to lose, which is what ultimately happens. After a crushing blow, he retreats into the shadows and licks his wounds for so long that they forget about him. And suddenly he rushes into battle again, making another desperate attempt. Therefore, no matter how hard you try, it’s impossible to characterize him as ambitious.

He gets used to hiding his emotions, and not because he wants to, he just doesn’t see any other way out. He is incredibly sensitive, so it is necessary that he be provided with a quiet and comfortable room in which he can calmly work and improve. But he often finds himself in a place where there is no leniency towards other people’s needs, so his request will simply be ignored and forced to function in a general way. Because of this, he will begin to doubt the correctness of his career choice. And even if he loves his job and has prospects, he may not be able to stand it and leave. Depression and sadness are nothing new to him. At such moments, it is important to have a best friend or beloved partner nearby who will reassure and support. This is a multifaceted nature that knows how to respond with gratitude. Composure manifests itself in the professional field when you need to quickly respond to an unpredictable situation. The main thing is that this quality does not extend to private life.

September 27 – Zodiac Sign

Libra man – born on September 27

The guys who appeared on September 27 can boast of sociability, friendliness, aesthetics and the ability to lead people. Such men should be perceived as the most faithful and devoted partners. Without pressure or imposing their opinion, they know how to create a cozy atmosphere and harmonious relationships. Literally devoid of conflict, they love to have fun and receive guests. In communication, they prove themselves to be excellent interlocutors, distinguished by their friendliness and friendliness.

Libra woman – born on September 27

The characteristics of the girls who appeared on September 27 include delicacy, charm and aesthetics. This young lady always attracts with her wisdom and thriftiness. They seem to be completely flexible and always make concessions. But this is just a façade, because Libra knows how to correct the development of events in the right direction. They can be a little intrusive in relationships, but this is good advice. They prefer to control everything and are able to calculate the likelihood of risk and failure.

Birthday September 27

Representatives of September 27 are distinguished by resourcefulness and mystery, so they are drawn to everything non-standard and secret. Libras are inquisitive, endowed with a high level of intelligence and are accustomed to facing paradoxes. If they are able to set priorities correctly, they will achieve a lot along the way. They doom themselves to failure if they want to use others for their own purposes. They seem confident, but always remain vulnerable in nature. People think that Libra acts clearly, but the zodiac constantly experiences doubts.

Those born on September 27 are determined to achieve the ideal, so they put forward inflated demands on themselves. They may find themselves in a depressed state if they fail to implement their idea. They easily take on the role of martyr or hero. Libra should respond to their weaknesses with more leniency, but this is impossible. They dream of performing heroic deeds, but from childhood they are burdened by an inferiority complex. Many ideas remain unrealized due to suspiciousness and doubt in one’s own abilities. Despite falls, the sign knows how to pick itself up and fight again.

Those born on September 27 tend to restrain their emotions and love to be alone. They want a completely different life, but they succumb to the dictates of fate. They dream of working calmly, but they often encounter categorical people who do not forgive mistakes and failures. All this leads to a state of eternal doubt in Libra, who gives up and does not climb up. But the zodiac is still distinguished by its inner strength. In moments of sadness and depression, do not be afraid to ask your loved ones for help.

These are multifaceted individuals who know how to express their gratitude to others. They function well in extreme conditions due to their own composure. But in personal life this becomes more of a hindrance. They will find themselves in architecture, engineering or as a designer. A high level of intelligence and resourcefulness make it easy to find a way out of the most confusing situation. Career growth is possible only if you overcome complexes. September 27 people are incredibly productive and prefer to work separately from the team. They are pleasant, responsive and generous in communication.

Love and compatibility

This is a romantic idealist. It seems that those born on September 27 know how to guess the desires of their other half. But it is important not to forget that relationships are about equality. Therefore, you must both receive love and give it.

Libra should expect a wonderful union from a meeting with Aquarius or Gemini. There is excellent mutual understanding between these signs. There are also similarities in outlook on life and temperaments. Such a connection promises to be strong and long-lasting. You can expect an emotional outburst and novelty from a relationship with Scorpio. But it will be more of a short-term affair. Things are much worse in combination with Cancer, Pisces and Virgo. Cancer will find it difficult to fit into the harmony of Libra, and Virgo will feel irritated all the time because there is no understanding between them. Pisces are simply not suitable, since the zodiac will demand too much, and Pisces does not like boundaries.

Work and career

Libras are sensitive to changes in someone else's mood. They know how to remain sociable, friendly and benevolent. In conversation they show tact and politeness. They are ready to make compromise decisions, but are categorical in matters of injustice. They react sharply to manifestations of rudeness, but due to good manners they do not respond with rudeness. Their emotionality is never excessive. Easily meet new people. Because of their ability to observe other people's behavior, they become excellent psychologists.

These are versatile personalities, so Libra is interested in everything. However, they try to stay away from routine tasks and monotonous processes. These are innovators and researchers, driven by a thirst to learn everything new. They love nature and often choose a profession related to ecology. Successful career paths will be those of biologist, anthropologist, geologist or oceanographer.

Health and illness

They do not focus on their health, but also listen to the opinions of specialists. They prefer moderate physical activity to maintain their tone. The greatest threat for representatives of September 27 hangs over the reproductive system and kidneys. Preventive examinations are required.

Fate and luck

September 27 gives us strong-willed, decisive and ambitious individuals. Desires emerge from the chain of choices. If you give love and happiness to this world, then fate creates wonderful conditions for you. But those who decide to lean towards the dark side will be forced to suffer.

Libras have to suffer from frequent mood swings. You can't change this, but you can learn to prevent depression. Don’t get lost in your own thoughts and turn to your loved ones in time for support. Believe in your own talents and don't be afraid to make mistakes. Happiness will come as soon as you allow yourself to accept the universal gifts.

Famous personalities

Today we congratulate Alexander Novin, Alexander Galybin (actors), Ani Lorak, Avril Lavigne, Mitt Loaf (singers), Francesco Totti (football player) and Askold Zapashny (trainer).


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