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Most parents who send their child to preschool note the fact thatthe child in the garden is often sick. And sometimes one gets the impression that it’s easier to transfer the baby to home schooling than to send him to kindergarten and have to go on sick leave once a month. It’s good if there are grandparents who help a working mother. What if not? Persistent illnesses of the child in kindergarten become a truly painful topic for many parents.

Why does a child get sick in the garden?

Most often, parents blame kindergarten workers for their child’s constant colds. It seems to them that it is precisely because of the inattention and negligent attitude of the teachers that their little one is not dressed well enough, they are forced to stay in a group for a long time in a warm jacket, so that he has time to sweat, and then they take the poor thing out into a draft, force him to ride on a cold metal slide or play wet sand. There is undoubtedly some truth in this. But the opinion that a child in kindergarten is constantly sick due to inadequate care is rather erroneous.

The conditions of the kindergarten, of course, cannot be called hothouse, and it is almost impossible to keep track of 30 children in a group at the same time, but the teacher and nanny can still provide the children with normal care. And the cause of all diseases is most likely the many contacts between children in a group, through which respiratory infections and viruses are quickly transmitted from one child to another and quickly spread by airborne droplets.

Children's health in kindergarten

But how dangerous are kindergarten infections? Or maybe they are even useful? Don't be surprised, this is true. Let's reason together. We all know about chickenpox and rubella. Such infectious diseases pass quickly and relatively easily in young children, leaving behind lasting immunity for at least the next 10-15 years. But these same diseases can cause severe complications in the body of an adult. That is why our grandparents took their children to friends whose families had a child with rubella, so that their baby would suffer this infection as early as possible. Nowadays there are many vaccinations against various diseases, but no one has yet canceled the good old method of “contacting and getting over the disease,” and it is much easier to do this just in a kindergarten group.

As for other infections that cause acute respiratory infections in children. Then, after suffering an illness, the child also develops immunity to its pathogen, and purely theoretically, successfully passing illnesses strengthens the baby’s general immunity. Another thing is that there are a great many pathogens, and the child’s body can encounter a new type of virus every time. In this case, the immune system will no longer recognize the causative agent of the infection, allowing the disease to infect the baby’s body again and again, causing discomfort in the child and bringing a lot of worry to the parents.

But, despite this, it will still be better if the child suffers some infections in kindergarten, and already at school can resist at least some of them. After all, missing a week in kindergarten is easier than mastering the school curriculum on your own while on sick leave. Therefore, even if a child gets sick in kindergarten more often than at home, do not give up on kindergarten. Try to find a job with a flexible schedule, or, if possible, do not rush to go to work immediately after the end of maternity leave. Monitor your child's health. As soon as you notice the first signs of a cold or viral infection, leave your child at home and get treatment calmly. If you start treatment on time, you can do without strong drugs, use teas, baths, inhalations and other folk remedies.

Remember that autumn slush and spring thaw are the most dangerous periods when the incidence of viral infections increases. Therefore, be careful. Consult your pediatrician, he may prescribe for your child at this time extra vitamins to activate the immune system.

Strengthen your child's health all year round. Establish a balanced diet, try to choose the right clothes for the child according to the season so that he does not sweat or become hypothermic, and also be sure to practice. To do this, after a bath, pour cool water over your child, gradually reducing its temperature. Walk barefoot on grass and pebbles in the summer. Gargle with sea salt solution. All this will strengthen the child’s immunity and help him resist all viral diseases that he will certainly have to deal with in kindergarten.

If you just want to send your baby to kindergarten, start preparing for this in advance. You should not create too comfortable conditions for your child at home, protect him from any slightest draft and lay warm blankets wherever he sits. No one will do this in kindergarten, which means there is a high probability that the baby will quickly start to get sick. Don't overfeed your baby. Prepare healthy dishes, preferably similar to the kindergarten menu.

When you arrive, inspect the conditions in the group, gym and hallways. Find out if children are taken to any activities through cold passages, see where they walk and in what conditions they sleep. Talk to the manager and head nurse. Tell us about everyone possible problems health problems that may arise in the baby. It is especially important to mention allergies to eliminate the possibility of your child coming into contact with an allergen. Don't forget to talk to your teacher in person. Tell us about your wishes regarding the baby’s nutrition and clothing during walks. All this will help you avoid frequent illnesses and preserve only the most pleasant memories of kindergarten.

When sending their baby to kindergarten for the first time, almost all parents are faced with the same problem: the child begins to get sick more often. How can you ensure the good health of children in kindergarten and avoid frequent colds or infectious diseases? Useful tips exists in the Land of Soviets. The poor health of children in kindergarten has always been a big problem. When a child enters kindergarten for the first time, he finds himself in a rather aggressive viral-microbial environment, because in the group there may be children with colds, runny nose, etc. And therefore, in kindergarten, a child is often at risk of disease. To improve the health of children in kindergarten, you need to follow a few fairly simple rules. To begin with, if your child is just about to enter kindergarten, you need to start strengthening his immunity. So, you need to let your child go for a walk fresh air, ensure that the child’s daily diet contains all essential vitamins And minerals. The child does not need to create “greenhouse conditions”, trying in every possible way to protect him from the slightest influence environment. This means that there is no need to overly wrap up the child during walks, and there is no need to create “sterile cleanliness” in the house. It is better to give the child more contact with other children (this is also useful in terms of social development), and regularly carry out hardening procedures. The health of children in kindergarten depends not only on the state of immunity, but, it turns out, also on how psychologically comfortable the children are within the walls of the preschool institution. If a child goes to kindergarten in tears, if he can’t get used to the group, then this will not have the best effect on his health. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the child’s adaptation in kindergarten. You need to try to choose a garden that your child would like. You also need to prepare your child for his first trip to kindergarten: tell him how fun he can have there, how he can play with other children. To be completely sure that the health of children in kindergarten will not deteriorate, it is best to undergo a medical examination with your child before entering kindergarten. During the examination, the doctor will determine whether the child is healthy and whether he has signs of any incipient disease. If a child’s immunity is weakened after an illness, then it is better to wait until the immunity is stronger and only then take the child to kindergarten. Often the health of children in kindergarten suffers because parents bring a known sick child to the group. This behavior of parents risks infecting other children in the group and complicating the course of their own child’s disease. If possible, a sick child should be left at home. True, it’s also not worth playing it safe by keeping your child at home for 3-4 weeks at the slightest suspicion of a cold. The fact is that during this time new viruses and microbes will appear in the children's team, and therefore the child runs the risk of getting sick again immediately after the first visit to the kindergarten.

The health of children in kindergarten is the responsibility of both kindergarten staff and parents.Together we need to try to create all the conditions for children to develop properly and healthy.

Health group is a set of vital indicators of the physical and psychological state of children, which is used to assess the health of children from birth to the age of 17 years, predict changes in the state of children's health and exclude risk factors. The information is entered into the child’s medical record so that any health worker has the necessary information without specifying the diagnosis.

Children's health groups: tables and characteristics

Parents are often wary of this practice, considering distribution to be a form of discrimination, but specialists, knowing the child’s health group, can provide timely assistance to the child if necessary.

The distribution of children in preschool educational institutions into health groups is necessary in order to:

  • the optimal level of physical activity was selected for children;
  • during the stay in kindergarten, the individual characteristics of the body were taken into account;
  • The child was given a suitable daily routine and menu.

Health groups in preschool educational institutions

The distribution of children into health groups occurs based on the results of an examination conducted by specialized specialists (dentist, otolaryngologist, neurologist, cardiologist, ophthalmologist and surgeon), and a comprehensive conclusion from a pediatrician. If specialists deem it necessary, additional examinations, clinical studies are carried out, and the child undergoes tests.

The group is determined on the basis of the Assessment Rules and the Instructions for Comprehensive Health Assessment, which were approved by the Ministry of Health. It is advisable to go through placement immediately after the birth of the baby, but more often parents find out the health category of their baby when submitting documents to kindergarten.

Giving children to preschool institutions, parents are concerned not only with nutritional issues, but also with concern for their health in kindergarten. It is a rare child who goes through the period of adaptation without suffering from various types of diseases. However, in general, a lot of work is being done in kindergartens aimed at maximum prevention from various ailments.


For example, every morning children begin with morning exercises in kindergarten. In winter, it is held in the assembly hall, and in summer, young athletes actively exercise on the street. The entire process is controlled by a physical education teacher or choreographer, depending on the focus of the institution. Correct skills are formed from an early age, smoothly turning into a stable habit, strengthening the health of children from an early age.

Between classes and lunchtime, the kids go for a walk to play various outdoor games and get some fresh air. Depending on the temperature, the optimal time to stay outside is selected, taking into account wind speed, humidity level and other indicators. In addition, activities such as dancing, gymnastics or rhythmics in kindergarten have a beneficial effect on the general physical fitness and development of children.


The developed diet has a beneficial effect on the immune system of any person. Correct diet, fractional consumption and maximum useful vitamins– the key to excellent digestion, excellent well-being and healthy image life. A properly balanced diet is the start of good eating habits, which form further nutrition and maintenance of essential microelements in the body. The kindergarten menu includes not only healthy soups, cereals and meat, but also fruits, vegetables, dairy products and more.

Ventilation. Hardening.

Many groups organize a health day in kindergarten, involving not only children, but also parents. Special attention is devoted to hardening, where experienced specialists talk about the methods, methods and possibilities of this procedure. The teachers supervise the daily washing of the feet after a walk, maintaining the cool temperature of the water. An important positive factor is the ventilation of rooms, especially the bedroom. In the summer, when most gardens are closed for repairs or vacations, children simply need to be taken out of the dusty city to the sea, to the countryside, or to grandma's in the village. It is important to undergo a restorative wellness massage from a qualified professional as needed.


Just as the theater begins with a hanger, so every visit to your favorite band begins with washing your hands before breakfast. This skill must be practiced until it becomes automatic so that children continue to carefully monitor the cleanliness of their hands. It is noteworthy that hands are washed not only after going outside and using the toilet, but also simply before eating any food. It’s worth telling the kids how many germs accumulate on their hands and what diseases dirty fingers and nails can cause. Many teachers note that finger exercises can also be done while washing hands and playing with water, which allows you to combine several useful things at the same time. It would also be a good idea to pay attention to handkerchiefs - you should use only disposable products.

Remember, you can only visit kindergarten after illness if you have a medical certificate!

Learn to give gifts

Explain that congratulations are a sign of love and respect. If a child cannot overcome embarrassment when he finds himself in an unusual role, turn the presentation of a gift into a carnival show. Transformation often helps children overcome shyness.

Let's dream about what your ideal kindergarten would be like? Something like a hybrid of a children's club with a development center and a restaurant healthy eating? Or is it most important to you to have kind and loving educators who know your child’s entire history before he’s born? Or do you want the garden to be surrounded by greenery, and the outdoor playground to be covered with rubber, like in Germany? Remember, in order for you to always have a healthy child, the kindergarten should facilitate this, and not hinder it.

A good kindergarten, like a theater, begins with a hanger, that is, with a locker room

The inventor of the kindergarten system was Friedrich August Wilhelm Fröbel, a student of Pestalozzi. The fact that each child should have his own locker is already an axiom, but what parents can pay attention to is the presence of drying cabinets for outerwear and a special closet for street toys. Already in the locker room, a good teacher will meticulously ask you about how the child slept at night, whether he was cheerful at breakfast at home - nothing personal, just the health of children in kindergarten is put in first place, you know that it is better to notice the first symptoms of the disease earlier, so that neutralize bacilli.

Arriving at kindergarten, before eating and after walking, the child washes his hands with soap

This is also an axiom that both you and educators need to not only know, but also put into practice, because frequent washing hands - this is the simplest prevention of ARVI. In the washroom, the little ones must have an adult washbasin, a children's bathtub, a heated towel rail, a potty cabinet and a potty drain. In groups for children under two years old, children's sinks are installed at a height of 30-40 cm from the floor and a children's toilet, which children gradually learn to use. The potty cabinet is still in place. In the middle and older groups, in the washroom there is already full set children's toilets (if possible, separately for boys and girls) and washbasins (at least 4 pieces). To help children get used to hygiene, educators can hang up special hint cards that show the entire sequence of proper hand washing. Or play Moidodyr.

From the washroom the child enters the group

And here the most important requirement is safety: if there is furniture, then according to height, in order to keep the spine healthy; if there are toys, then those that cannot be hurt. Toys are washed daily at the end of the day, and in the nursery - 2 times a day. Doll clothes are washed with baby soap when dirty and ironed.

The next place your child encounters is the bedroom

A child can come to kindergarten with a runny nose, but not with a fever. According to the new requirements, there must be fixed beds in the bedroom, but if the kindergarten was built a certain number of years ago, then it is allowed to use cots, and only with a hard bottom. Both in the group and in the bedroom the rooms are ventilated daily. Through ventilation is done for 10 minutes every 1.5 hours. And even when the children are in a group and it’s warm outside, you can leave the windows open.

Children play in kindergarten for at least 4-4.5 hours a day, before lunch and after bedtime. In winter, you can go for a walk with a small group even at a temperature of -15 degrees, only the walk in this case will be a little shorter. And children 5-7 years old can play in the fresh air and at a temperature of -20 degrees.

In the spring, all playgrounds undergo a complete change of sand. And the sandbox, while there are no children on the playground, is covered with a lid, film, awning or any other material.

Prevention of ARVI

In the fall, with the onset of the flu season, health in the kindergarten is maintained through timely prevention of viral infections.

What does it mean?

When wet cleaning in the bedroom and group, add to water essential oils coniferous trees.

In the morning in the locker room and in the afternoon in the bedroom, turn on the bactericidal quartz lamp(but only in those rooms where there are no plants or animals).

After meals, give children an infusion of medicinal herbs for rinsing.

St. John's wort and chamomile, calendula and eucalyptus have a strong antibacterial effect. Infusions and decoctions are usually prepared centrally and distributed among groups in carafes, at the rate of 30 g of infusion per child.

Both in kindergarten and at home, the child must use disposable handkerchiefs.

At home, you can also use a special medicinal drug, Children's Anaferon, as a preventive measure for ARVI. If the child is small and just starting to go to kindergarten, or is often sick, then it is recommended to take Anaferon for three months, 1 tablet per day, preferably in the morning, 15-30 minutes before breakfast.

We talked about the most general requirements, which must be observed in any garden - municipal, private, departmental.

Healthy kindergarten in numbers

  • The kindergarten accepts children aged from 2 months to 7 years.
  • The distance from the kindergarten building to the nearest road must be at least 25 m.
  • The area of ​​the groups is calculated according to the principle - 7.2 square meters. m for 1 child in a nursery, 9 sq. m - in older groups.
  • Maximum quantity There are 350 children in the kindergarten.
  • In winter, the temperature in the group should be no lower than 22 degrees, and the humidity should be no less than 40%.
  • The ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates should be 1:1:4, respectively.
  • You should walk at least 4-4.5 hours a day.
  • The weight of toys for children under 3 years old cannot exceed 100 g, for children under 7 years old – 400 g.

How many children can there be in a group?

  • From 2 months to 1 year - up to 10 people;
  • from 1 year to 3 years - up to 15 people;
  • in a mixed age group, from 2 months to 3 years - 8 people;
  • from 3 to 7 years - no more than 30 people (optimal - 15 people);
  • in a mixed age group, from 3 to 7 years - up to 10 people;


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