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Every owner of a private house or cottage wants his garden plot to be comfortable, functional, original and beautiful. To work with your own hands it was pleasant and comfortable, and the garden brought good harvests.

Lately everything more people strives to do on personal plot not only work area, but also a place to relax where you can connect with nature. Therefore, landscape design takes the direction of landscaping the site. The final stage of landscape gardening is the creation of flower beds.

Flower beds in any garden attract attention with bright and varied colors. If you choose the right flowers, they can please the eye from early spring to late autumn. The queen of flowers throughout the ages has been the rose. Its popularity is proven by the large number of myths about the origin of this flower. Confucius himself dedicated his works to the rose. Today, we will tell you how to create a garden on your site for our queen - a rose garden.

Rose is a light-loving and self-sufficient flower. And to produce the desired effect, you can plant only one species. But if you want to combine several varieties, then try to create a harmonious composition. Each variety should be represented by no more than 3-5 plants.

There are more than 15 thousand varieties of roses. Among their diversity, there are evergreen species that differ in height (from 10 cm to 5 m), in the way the stem grows (erect, climbing) and many other differences.

A well-groomed rose garden is the beauty and special highlight of the garden. And if a rose garden is made at the dacha with your own hands, then it is the pride of the owner and the admiration of neighbors and guests.

A beautiful rose garden is not just a decoration for your garden, it is a good mood.

A well-composed rose garden is a unity of aroma and color. You need to carefully consider the height of roses, the season and time of flowering. Harmoniously combine the shape and shades of buds and leaves, for example, as in the photo.

In order to properly plan a rose garden, you need to choose the right place, choose the appropriate varieties of roses, and most importantly, provide them with proper care.

You can place a rose garden either at the entrance or along the terrace. But you need to remember that it will always attract attention, so make sure in advance that your flower garden is located in a landscaped area of ​​the garden.

How to arrange a rose garden at your dacha with your own hands

If you decide to realize your creative potential and create a rose garden with your own hands, we suggest following these steps:

  • decide on a place
  • prepare the ground,
  • choose the right varieties of flowers,
  • directly landing.

Choosing a place for a rose garden

You should create a flower garden with your own hands on an area of ​​at least fifteen square meters. We have already noticed that roses are sun-loving flowers. Therefore, when choosing a location, make sure that, if possible, nothing obscures the future rose garden, and it is also advisable that there are no drafts.

When choosing a location, make sure that nothing obscures the future rose garden

It is imperative to develop a planting scheme in order to imagine in advance the appearance and color saturation of the rose garden.

Preparing the ground

Fertile, slightly acidic soil with good air and water permeability is excellent for roses. If your soil does not meet these indications, then you will have to first prepare it yourself. To do this, the soil is mixed with special mineral fertilizers or with peat, compost or humus.

Color selection

If you decide to make a rose garden with your own hands, then listen to the advice of a specialist and select roses that match the color scheme, but with different shapes flower and branches.

  • For example, cream flowers go well with red ones;
  • but do not plant red roses next to orange or pink ones;
  • It is better to plant red flowers in the same composition with blue or lilac;
  • Two-color roses are planted separately.

Some gardeners decide to choose types of roses from a catalog, plant them in the designated area and believe that a beautiful rose garden is ready. After which we can observe a flower garden in the form of a collection of different varieties of flowers, and not a full-fledged composition.

If you can afford a large rose garden area, then when choosing flowers, use species such as climbing roses or hybrid tea varieties in the flower garden. They reach one and a half meters in height, have large buds, which looks very impressive in a flower garden.

If you don’t have a lot of space on your site for a rose garden, then varieties of low species, for example, apricot, cameo border, ilsa, gelaxi and others, are better suited.

There is no need to make a rose garden only from roses. The rose garden can be harmoniously complemented with other plants that will only highlight the splendor of roses.

But you need to choose the right “neighbors” for the queen of flowers.

  1. Both decorative and deciduous shrubs (lilac, acacia) can be planted in the rose garden.
  2. Some types of perennial plants (lavender, speedwell, bellflower), cereals or bulbous plants will look interesting.
  3. Do not forget about evergreen coniferous plants that will delight the eye even in the winter season (juniper, mahonia).
  4. A rose with vines (clematis) will look beautiful.
  5. It is not recommended to plant bright annuals such as salvia and neranya with roses.

You need to start decorating your rose garden by choosing the shape of the flower bed. We recommend arranging a flower garden in the shape of a rectangle, rather than an oval or circle. The boundaries of the flower bed are made using partitions, paving or borders. This fence serves another role - it hides the lower part of the stem, which does not always look elegant. Such a fence looks very interesting from low plants.

  1. A green or purple hedge (Santolina rosemary leaf, low-growing aster) will look good with a colorful flower garden.
  2. Silver-colored foliage (sage, woolly stachy) will suit a rose garden in bed colors.

It is natural that correct connection flowers have a positive effect on the lifespan of the rose and flowering to the full extent of its merits.

Planting roses correctly

When planting roses, you need to follow certain rules.

Experts recommend planting roses in the fall before frost. If the groundwater in your area runs deeper than one meter, then there will be no additional worries. Otherwise, you need to prepare drainage. To do this, you need to remove the top layer of soil, and gravel or expanded clay is poured in its place. After which the earth is poured again.

  1. If you purchased seedlings in a container and root system been in the ground all the time, then they are planted in a ready-made hole.
  2. The root system needs to be moistened, and the part of the bush that remains above the ground needs to be trimmed a little, leaving 2-3 of the strongest shoots without shoots and leaves.
  3. When planting in a hole, you need to hold the seedling vertically upward, making sure that the roots do not bend.
  4. The soil around the bush is crushed, loosened, watered well and piled up with sawdust to a height of 20 cm (for insulation in the winter).

Beautiful, well-groomed... In a word, not a garden, but a photo from a magazine. Do you dream about this? Select a corner for a rose garden on your property. Create it according to your own design, without involving a designer in the design. How to make a rose garden at the dacha with your own hands - read the article.

To create a perennial flower garden of roses that will delight you for many years, decide on a goal. Think about what you would like to see in this corner, what mood you want to be charged from it. Before you make a rose garden with your own hands, look at photos of different flower beds and choose the one that suits you. There are several types of design:

  • Romantic. This flower garden looks good near the gazebo. Consists of roses in delicate shades. In combination with tall plants, it creates an atmosphere of comfort and tranquility;

Romantic rose garden
  • Front. As the name suggests, these are festive compositions with bright, often contrasting colors. Greenery looks very elegant and advantageous here;

Ceremonial rose garden
  • Visible on one side. Suitable for small areas. As an option, place it near a wall or a fence. For example, place tall park roses in the background. Closer to the edges there are medium-sized climbing plants, in the foreground there are groundcovers;

Rosary visible from one side
  • Visible from different angles. Flowers for this rose garden should be planted from the center to the edges. The tallest plants will be inside; they need to be surrounded by medium-sized roses. The composition should be completed by low-growing varieties;

Rosary visible from different angles
  • Vertical. Climbing perennial varieties of roses will perfectly decorate an arch or gazebo, eventually completely covering them;

Vertical rose garden

Advice. Remember that roses cannot grow in the desired direction on their own. Do this manually, using supports and garters. Form the weave according to your idea.

  • Rose garden-rock garden. Ground cover varieties are used for it. They bloom profusely and are easy to care for. Roses of this type grow well, so they quickly create a fragrant, colorful carpet. A beautiful ensemble is obtained from a combination of roses and stones on an alpine hill;

Rose garden-rock garden
  • Mobile. The name speaks for itself: this is a mobile rose garden that can be arranged in containers and flowerpots. Looks harmonious along paths, at the entrance, best in a sunny place. For such a flower garden, choose low, abundantly flowering varieties of roses. After planting, provide drainage, do not forget about watering and fertilizing. For the winter, put the containers in a heated room.

Mobile rose garden

In addition, decide on the style of your future rose garden. IN modern design the most common:

Landscape rose garden

How to design a rosary

Having decided on the location, type and style of the rose garden, draw up a plan diagram. It will help you visualize the final version of the flower garden. To begin, mark on the diagram the boundaries of the future kingdom of roses. You can use borders or low-growing flowers for them.

To prevent different plants from interfering with each other, decide on the sizes and varieties. Look at photos of blooming roses and choose your favorite ones. Write down their names and label them with numbers on the diagram. Mark where you are going to allocate space for short people and where for tall people.

Layout of the rosary

Which corners will be occupied by perennial flowers, and where new bushes will need to be planted annually is another aspect of the plan. Mark on the diagram the areas where you want to plant certain groups of roses. Consider whether their color combination will be harmonious.

Advice. In order for groups of plants that are inharmonious in color to “coexist” in one rose garden, dilute them with varieties with white inflorescences. Do not combine warm shades (cream, orange) with cold shades (burgundy, cherry).

Before you make a rose garden with your own hands, decide where and what crops will be planted as background ones. Consider whether perennial shrubs or stone compositions fit into the ensemble you have created. Look at various photos with diagrams and draw up your plan on paper.

How to make a rose garden with your own hands. Instructions

  1. Prepare the area. It should be sunny, but not windy, free from debris and weeds. “Flower Queens” love well-drained soil, never clayey. The ideal option is to take care of the soil in advance, around mid-summer, in order to plant roses in the fall. To do this, dig up the soil (approximate depth is 60 cm), loosen the top layer and apply fertilizer. In 2-3 months you will get good soil suitable for roses.

    Garden tools for creating a rose garden with your own hands

  2. Make holes. Their depth is approximately 10 cm greater than the length of the roots (50-60 cm), width - from 25 cm to 1.5 m (depending on the variety). If the groundwater level in your area is more than 1 m, you can do without drainage. Otherwise, place small stones, gravel or expanded clay at the bottom of each hole, and sprinkle a little earth on top.

    Preparing holes for planting roses

  3. Prepare the seedlings. Cut the roots to a length of 30 cm, remove damaged ones. Shorten the part that remains above the ground to 2-3 strong shoots. There should be no leaves on the cuttings.

    Seedling prepared for planting in open ground

  4. Remove the bush from the container or pot and plant it after moistening it. This is necessary so that the earthen lump does not crumble. Depending on the growing conditions, seedlings are distinguished:
    • with a closed root system (initially, each sprout was planted in a separate container in which it grew);
    • with an open root system (such specimens grew in the field and were placed in containers immediately before sale).

    Diagram: the process of planting rose bushes

  5. Based on this, there are differences when landing. Bushes with a closed root system are simply lowered vertically into the hole and evenly covered with earth (to do this, they need to be shaken periodically). For seedlings of the second type, you should first make a small mound in the dug hole. A bush is placed on it and covered with earth. In both cases, make sure that the roots do not bend upward.
  6. After planting, compact the soil and loosen the top layer. Water the seedlings.

    Bush after planting in the ground

Rules for caring for a rose garden

Regardless of which rose garden you prefer (romantic or rock garden), do not forget to regularly water the bushes for 2 weeks after planting. For the winter, you need to cover the holes with earth (20-30 cm) or cover the shoots with sawdust and sand. To prevent the soil from drying out, mulch it.

Watering rose bushes

Apply organic matter or mineral fertilizers. Weed and prune roses in summer, spring, and after flowering. If you are grafting plants, remove any wild growth. Form bushes in a timely manner. For tall varieties, place supports.

Combinations of roses with other plants

If you decide not to create a rose garden exclusively with roses, think about the flowers that will grow next to them. After all, how successful the combination turns out to be will depend on general view your flower garden. Choose your shrub border carefully. It will hide their lower, non-flowering part. For example, for a rose garden in a romantic style, a green or silver frame made of boxwood or chistets is suitable.

Rose bushes next to other crops

For a vibrant rose garden, add greens, gold or purple to the border. Barberry, aster, and santolina are suitable for this. Good neighbors for the “queen of flowers”:

  • perennial plants - irises, carnations, periwinkle, primrose;
  • annuals - pansies, salvia, begonia, delphinia.

Advice. To protect against pests and diseases, it is worth planting marigolds, lavender or sage next to roses.

Roses look beautiful with plants that are not afraid of shade: hosta or heuchera. The climbers will be accompanied by clematis. Any ground cover plants are suitable for a rock garden. In combination with stones on a hill in a rose garden, ferns or conifers look advantageous.

Landscape composition with rose

Of course, designing a rosary requires a lot of work and considerable time. But the result is worth it. You will be reminded of this every year by the colorful blooms and aroma of the flower garden, lovingly created by your hands.

Roses are one of the most popular and beautiful shrubs; they bloom throughout the summer and late autumn, and in warm climates - almost all year round.

Creating your own rose garden may seem daunting to a novice gardener. look after garden rose not as difficult as you might think. Care consists of choosing the right roses for your area, organizing the location of the rose garden, proper planting, and taking the time to care for them regularly.

DIY rose garden in the country

it's a kind of flower bed, on which roses are planted, selected according to the colors and size of the bush to create a beautiful composition. To do this you need to work a little as a designer. First of all, choose the right place for the future rose garden. It must meet the following requirements:

After the area has been carved out, you can start planning and choosing bushes for the future rose garden.

Landscape design of a rose garden at the dacha

The decoration can be made ceremonial when harmoniously selected rose bushes are placed on a large area of ​​regular shape; vertical, if there is not enough space, part of the rose garden is transferred to supports where climbing roses are planted; in the form, then an artistic composition is created from roses, other flowers, herbs and stones.

To design a ceremonial rose garden, you must first draw a plan on paper and decide on the shape. It is preferable to choose a rectangular or square shape for a large area. Rose bushes on the plan should be placed so that they are all visible from different sides: plant the tallest plants in the middle, and along the edges miniature shrubs. If one side of the plot is adjacent to the wall of a house or a fence, you can plant climbing shrubs on that side and send them up, and plant bushes on the plot in descending order of growth.

When creating an unusual landscape design, you can plant bushes in waves, if the area allows, alternating low and tall shrubs.

If the landscape area for planting roses is small, place miniature bushes along the garden path, place simple arches at some distance from each other and plant climbing bushes near them, you will get a beautiful pink alley.

You can plant all the roses of the same color and make a monorose garden. Simple composition Pink roses make the perfect complement to a stone or marble entryway and simple white tea varieties give a striking effect on a dark red brick wall.

You can plant several flowers in groups, or mix roses different colors Not recommended for rose gardens.

Find successful color combinations This is probably the most difficult part of rose garden design. If you don't trust your taste, then don't plant yellow, orange, peach and pink roses next to each other. They go well together: purple, lilac with light yellow or orange, red of all shades with cream and white, pink with each other of all shades and white.

For a formal country rose garden, it is better to use only roses of different varieties, without mixing them with other flowers. If flowers are planted on an alpine hill, you can dilute them with other plants that will bloom, replacing each other along with roses all season. Suitable for planting: daylilies, delphinium, lavender, which can be added with perennial herbs in the form of ears.

There are three main groups of roses, each with a huge variety of shrub species. These groups classify roses based on plant history, growth, and propagation.

Roses are divided into:

The main types of roses: climbing, miniature, bush and tree. Each variety has different size and space requirements.

  1. Miniature roses. They grow to approximately 40-50cm in height, making them ideal for planting in containers or as indoor plants. The flowers are smaller. Also, miniature roses are ideal for those who want to experience the beauty and joy of flowers, but have limited garden space. This type of roses can be planted along garden paths or in a flowerpot. Popular varieties: Magic Carousel, Kri-Kri, Hummingbird, Jewel.
  2. Standard roses. This is the most numerous type of bush roses. They can stretch up to one and a half meters in a season. They are distinguished by a variety of shades and sizes of flowers. The flowering period of modern roses lasts throughout the entire season. Flowers can be either single or inflorescences. You should choose shrubs not only for beauty, but also for zoning. Popular varieties of spray roses: Bonica, Madame Isaac Pereire, Robin Hood, Berlin.
  3. Climbing roses. Bushes grow vertically on a trellis or along the ground without support. Growing several meters in height, they are excellent for landscaping, short spreading varieties can be used for ground cover and tall ones can be planted to decorate hedges and arches. The most popular varieties: Super Dorothy, Polka, Casino, Santana.
  4. Standard roses. This is not separate species, but simply a grafted bush onto a tree-like base. The result is a rosewood. Standard roses look unusually beautiful in the garden when creating compositions with other species. Standard varieties are a unique and interesting addition to any garden, but they require special care. These trees must be carefully covered in winter and trimmed correctly to create the desired shape. There are a lot of different varieties grafted onto the standard, you can always choose according to your taste.

Caring for a rose garden in the country

After planting a rose cottage garden, a true gardener should not relax. At the beginning of summer, the planted bushes will delight you with a large number of lush colorful flowers and bright greenery. But in order to preserve the health and beauty of the bushes until autumn, even simple types need daily care.

Take the time to properly plan and prepare your rose garden, and it will reward you with rich, luxurious blooms year after year.

A lush rose garden is the dream of, if not everyone, then almost every gardener. Roses make the garden respectable and provide an opportunity to demonstrate your skills and hard work. Roses require a lot of care, and therefore they have become a kind of symbol of a good housewife, a cozy home, and a strong family. Rose garden in the country - 100 photos, how to make a rose garden, read our article.

A beautiful rose garden in the garden fills the soul with special feelings, and its creation, as a rule, becomes a kind of “milestone” in the comprehension of landscape art: you seem to feel that you are ripe for something significant. However, successful rose gardens are extremely rare in Russian gardens.

It's a pity to see solid and respectable effort put into creating an inexpressive composition. Most often in such cases, you note that the plants are healthy and well-groomed, which means that the garden owners do not spare time on it and have sufficient knowledge. But what is essentially missing is some small thing that would not be difficult for them to understand, especially since so much has already been done, and done successfully.

Rose gardens on a summer cottage

Sources of varietal planting material. First of all, you need to learn how to buy roses for a large rose garden. A lot depends on the choice of variety. More than 30 thousand varieties of roses, probably at least a thousand (no one counted) are available on our market annually.

The distinctive features of the variety are not only the shade and shape of the flowers, but also the timing of flowering, the size and shape of the bush, which is of great importance in design.

It is, of course, impossible to compare so many varieties with each other in order to make a choice. Therefore, rose breeders divide varieties into groups that include cultivars that are more or less similar in their growth patterns and flowering frequency.

Varieties of each group are suitable for specific roles in garden design. The labels on containers with plants in garden centers and markets do not always contain information about the height and shape of the bush; often there is not even an indication of which group the rose variety for decorating a rose garden belongs to.

Rose garden design

How to choose roses for a rosary

In order not to make a mistake in your choice, you need to find a way to purchase plants where there is sufficient information about them. There are several options here.

First: find a garden center that sells roses by pre-order through the catalogs of well-known nurseries. The usual procedure for purchasing roses in these cases is as follows: in the sales floor or office of the company you study catalogs, where, as a rule, there are detailed descriptions varieties.

Accepting orders begins in the fall and often ends by January, because... Soon the planting of the rose garden begins. By selecting necessary plants, you leave a request and make a deposit. Roses arrive according to your order in the spring, then you can pick them up and at the same time pay the rest of the amount.

The advantages of buying roses for a rose garden in a garden from a catalog are enormous: the goods come to you directly from the best suppliers, they are of good quality and are not re-graded.

Prices usually do not differ from the cost of roses of unknown origin on the collective farm market, since planting material goes across the border under your guarantee of purchase, and thus sellers will be able to avoid many unnecessary expenses.

And lastly: the choice of varieties is huge, while a limited number of the most popular varieties are purchased for free sale. In addition, in the fall you can calmly sort out the variety of roses available for purchase in the rose garden on your site, consult with the sellers, and for this you do not have to crowd around the counter, beckoning them with shouts, as often happens in the spring.

Calls for orders for roses and other plants from well-known nurseries are often published in the form of advertisements or appear in the sales areas of garden centers. You should look for them in the fall.

Purchasing roses for the rosary

The second way is to purchase plants from a specialized farm. In many regions, rose nurseries and farms are now developing, where roses are sold, propagated, among other things, under licenses from well-known breeders.

Most likely, to get to such a nursery, you will have to go a long way, so buying from a nursery is more suitable for those who need a large number of specimens at once.

The advantage of such a purchase is that rose growers in your region, most likely, have long figured out which varieties grow better in your conditions and are less sick. They will be happy to recommend you the best varieties for creating a rose garden and provide you with all the necessary information about them.

The choice at specialized farms is usually large, but it is better to check by phone how many varieties of the groups you are interested in are available for sale, so as not to travel in vain. The widest assortment is usually presented in the spring; make your first call as early as possible, back in March, to find out what time for shopping is most profitable from this point of view, because each nursery has its own rules. See a selection of photos of a rose garden in the country:

Roses from garden centers

The third option for purchasing roses is suitable for those who do not require roses in large quantities. For example, you already have a rose garden in your garden, and you want to add a few new items to it. In this case, a productive solution would be to study publications in magazines, buying issues that contain articles about rose varieties.

As a rule, the authors of publications highlight the most worthy ones, in their opinion, and describe their properties in detail. If this or that rose interests you, you can search for it in garden centers by name, and then the lack of complete information on the label will not worry you: you already know everything you need about the variety.

Rosary - planting schemes

Rose garden layout. The composition of a regular rose garden consists of flower beds, ridges, which may have an edging of trimmed bushes or other border plants (only barberry is not suitable: it has too powerful roots that will take a lot of nutrition from the roses).

To complicate the spatial structure, you can add arches that are entwined, use standard roses that look good in the centers of flower beds or on the sides of a path in the form of an alley. Roses look good against the backdrop of trimmed hedges, which can be used to mark the outer boundaries of the composition.

In the landscape rose garden, groups and mixborders are arranged with a predominance of roses in the assortment. Good companions for roses in a blooming rose garden:

  • sage,
  • thyme,
  • agastache,
  • ornamental cereals,
  • catnip,
  • lavender.

They are planted so as to envelop the lower part of large rose bushes: it usually does not look very attractive.

Choose the sunniest place for a beautiful rose garden; if the soil in the garden is heavy, it is advisable to provide drainage. The soil for planting roses must be well filled with manure humus (up to half the volume of soil), it is advisable to add superphosphate and wood ash.

The best period for carrying out work is from the moment when the soil warms up to 8-10 C (usually hyacinths bloom at this time) until May 20. Planting roses for a rosary and, in particular, further caring for them have their own characteristics. So, if you decide to add a rose garden to your garden, you will need to have a guide on how to grow this crop on hand.

It's hard to imagine country house or a dacha without colorful fragrant flower beds, because they are the ones who create unique coziness on the site and are a bright accent of the backyard landscape. Among all the variety of flowers, the central place in this kingdom is, of course, given to roses. Every housewife strives to create a luxurious rose garden with her own hands in the area near her house. And contrary to the belief that growing roses is not an easy task, spectacular flower beds with these exquisite flowers can be found in front of every house.

The rose garden is a perennial flower garden, and with proper care it can delight the owners of the property and their guests for several years. Therefore, the choice of style and design of a flower bed should be approached seriously and carefully. In modern landscape design, two main styles of arranging a rose flower garden predominate:

  1. Landscape rose garden. This style is characterized by the absence of a strict order of planting. A flower garden can have any size and shape, and consist of roses of various varieties and colors. Such a rose garden looks impressive in the garden, near a pond, in the front part of the site.

Having decided on the style, you need to think about what the rose flower garden will look like and in what form it would be best to arrange it. There are several types of rosaries:

A rose garden in a country house can also be planted in a free manner - this will only emphasize the naturalness of the garden space. A single rose bush will also look good if it is lush and blooms profusely, and the shade of its flowers matches the overall style of the landscape.

Demonstrative video with examples and practical advice on creating a flower bed.

Making a diagram

Creating a rose garden begins with drawing up a visual diagram that details the location of each bush. To make such a plan, you must first explore the territory of the site and choose a place for arranging a flower garden.

Roses are light-loving plants, and this must be taken into account when developing a schematic plan. For a rose garden, you should choose an open area with plenty of sunlight, but protected from drafts and winds. Ideal option There will be an area where the sun shines in the first half of the day, and in the late afternoon the plants find themselves in partial shade.

After determining the location, a diagram is drawn up. The easiest way is to do this on paper and then transfer it to a real site. Before drawing up a plan, you need to select the varieties of roses you like, and mark them on the sheet with circles with numbers, indicating the place for low-growing and tall species, so that they do not obscure each other. If the flowerbed will be supplemented with other flowers, this must also be indicated in the plan.

When drawing up a schematic plan, remember that bright shades should be alternated with white and pastels - this technique allows you to create a harmonious composition. Roses are favorably set off by bright greenery, so evergreen mini-shrubs, ferns, or decorative low-growing conifers can be planted along the edge of the rose garden. After putting it on paper, you can begin to realize your dream in real space. First you need to determine the boundaries of the rose garden and install a border, and then mark the location of each bush. Next, holes are dug at the right place in which the roses will be planted.

Choosing varieties

When choosing a variety, you need to take into account not only the beauty of roses, but also external factors: climatic conditions, soil characteristics, size of the flower garden. There are quite a lot of varieties of roses, but in order to arrange a rose garden at your dacha with your own hands, you need to select species that can grow in certain climatic latitudes:

  • tea hybrids - they have the most perfect and beautiful flowers, but they are very heat-loving and often freeze, despite low pruning and shelter;
  • “floribunda” roses – distinguished by multiple lush inflorescences, quite frost-resistant, bloom for a long time and continuously, but bloom in different times, which makes it necessary to remove faded inflorescences that spoil the aesthetic appearance of the rose garden;
  • climbing - depending on the variety, these roses can have large or very small inflorescences, but small roses are used more often to decorate arches, since their stems are more flexible, and the flowers look more neat;
  • “scrub” roses are low, profusely flowering bushes that are completely inflexible - they are difficult to wrap around a support, in addition, you need to constantly monitor them and direct the branches horizontally, since only in this position the bush produces additional shoots and blooms well;
  • standard - these roses in the form of a small tree, due to their size and bright large flowers, are often used as a tapeworm - a plant that creates an accent in the composition; they can also be planted singly on lawns;
  • ground cover - the high decorative properties of this variety (they can have the shape of a ball or cover the soil in the form of a carpet) allow roses to be used to decorate a wide variety of flower beds, in addition, they can be easily covered for the winter.

Soil and planting

It is advisable to plant roses in the fall, and prepare the soil for the rose garden in mid-summer. The site is prepared for spring planting in the fall. To do this, you need to dig the soil deeply, add a drainage component (sand, peat) and add fertilizers (humus, compost). Roses love loose, well-drained soil. The ideal option would be sandy loam soil with an acidity level of 5-6 pH.

  • first you need to make holes to a depth that is 10 cm greater than the length of the rose roots (approximately 50-60 cm);
  • if groundwater is close to the soil surface, it is necessary to lay a layer of drainage (expanded clay) on the bottom of the holes and sprinkle it with earth;
  • Now we moisten the roots of the seedlings and remove them together with the soil from the container (pot);
  • It is recommended to cut roots that are too long to a length of 30 cm; you also need to completely remove leaves from the shoots;
  • then we place the seedling in the hole strictly vertically, and begin to cover it with soil, periodically shaking the plant so that the soil is distributed evenly and the roots do not bend;
  • when the roots are covered, the soil should be compacted a little, watered, and then the top layer should be loosened again;
  • Finally, around the bush you need to make a mound of sawdust or peat 15-20 cm high.

Rose garden care

Caring for roses during the warm period does not present any difficulties and consists of:

  • in timely watering - so that the soil retains moisture longer, it is mulched with any organic materials;
  • weeding, loosening the soil and hilling bushes as necessary;
  • pruning of excess shoots - pruning is done in spring and summer after flowering is completed;
  • in regular fertilizing - organic matter (humus, compost, peat) at the rate of 10 kg/sq. m are introduced in the spring, and potassium is 20 g/sq.m. m and phosphorus 70 g/sq. m in August – September.

It is much more difficult to maintain rose plantings in winter, since the flowers are very heat-loving and often get sick. The main preparation for winter is covering the roses. To do this, the bushes need to be trimmed, hilled, and covered with any covering organic matter (sawdust, leaves, straw). And cover the top with additional material protecting from frost: film, roofing felt, spunbond.

It is also important not to freeze the bushes in the spring. An indicator that roses can be freed from shelter is complete thawing of the soil. It is better to open the bushes on a cloudy day or in the evening, since during the winter they have become unaccustomed to light, and the bright sun will be additional stress for them.

Video “How to create a unique rose garden”

Informational video with examples, answers to many questions and recommendations for gardeners.


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