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In the summer, I try to freeze vegetables, berries, herbs, which is possible. Therefore, making a Mexican mixture from homemade products is not a problem for me. And cooking from your own blanks is much more pleasant, at least for me, and it's not scary to give to children. The main thing is to prepare the vegetable mixture for freezing. Mexican mix consists of corn, peas, bell peppers, asparagus beans, carrots. Blanching vegetables (other than peppers) for a few minutes destroys the enzymes that cause browning and quick spoilage of vegetables. Plus, they'll last better and last longer. Then the vegetables must be immediately cooled in ice water to stop the cooking process. So, we are preparing a Mexican mixture at home.

Cooking time: 0:15

Servings: 4

Calorie content: Low calorie

Complexity: Easily

To make your homemade Mexican mix, you will need:

  • green peas - 250 g
  • asparagus beans - 250 g
  • carrots - 250 g
  • corn - 250 g
  • bell pepper - 250 g
  • rice - 250 g
  • salt to taste
  • pepper - to taste
  • greens - at will and taste

How to make a Mexican mix at home

Peel the carrots, wash them, cut them into small cubes. Cut the beans into short sticks 3-4 cm long. Cut the bell peppers, washed and peeled from seeds, into small cubes. peel the corn, cut off the grains with a knife. Blanch the peas in boiling water for a couple of minutes. Throw in a colander, rinse with cold water. We repeat the same with carrots, beans, corn. Pepper is not blanched so as not to lose its taste and aroma.

Boil the rice as usual. Pour sunflower oil into the pan. Pour vegetables. We bring them to half-readiness, add rice. We mix. Salt and pepper to taste. You can add greens. Vegetables can be frozen without rice. It is very convenient. To do this, after sprinkling them with cold water, fold them individually into a container or bag and send them to the freezer for a few minutes. We take out the vegetables, folded separately, from the freezer. We mix them and pack them into bags in portions. We put it in the freezer for storage.

The mix of frozen Mexican vegetable mix sold in stores is generally the same. But when making frozen vegetables at home, why not experiment ?! So, when harvesting vegetables for the winter, you can add zucchini instead of asparagus beans.

The recipe for such a Mexican vegetable mixture with zucchini is simple to perform, and the time spent on its preparation is only about 30 minutes. Dishes from such bright frozen vegetables turn out to be very tasty, healthy and summer in appearance and taste. I invite everyone to use my experience in home freezing vegetables. A step-by-step recipe with a photo is at your service. Follow the recommendations and you will definitely get a healthy, beautiful and tasty frozen vegetable mixture for future use.

The mixture includes:

  • fresh corn,
  • young green peas,
  • red bell pepper,
  • crispy carrots,
  • young zucchini.

Note that the ratio of products is arbitrary.

How to freeze a vegetable mixture for the winter

Rinse vegetables, leave on a towel until completely dry. It is better to take young peas, the time of their ripening is June-July. Therefore, you need to take care of freezing peas in advance.

Free the raw young corn from leaves and hairs, cut off the grains with a sharp knife, set slightly at an angle.

Remove the seeds from the bell pepper and cut into small cubes.

Peel fresh crispy carrots and also cut into cubes of approximately the same size.

Young zucchini (including seeds and skin), also cut into cubes.

The skin of a more mature zucchini is hard and not very tasty, so if you have such a vegetable, then the skin will need to be removed and the seeds removed.

In a deep bowl, mix all the ingredients and pack into freezer bags.

Place the bags with the ready-made mix in the freezer in the quick-freeze mode. Note that if you use previously frozen green peas in the preparation of the mixture, add them immediately before sending the Mexican mixture of vegetables to the freezer. Remember not to allow it to defrost.

Such a vegetable mixture, frozen for future use, does not require defrosting before cooking.

Mexican vegetable mix frozen for the winter
Frozen Mexican Vegetable Blend for the Winter The composition of the store-bought frozen Mexican vegetable blend is generally the same. But, making frozen vegetables at home


Semi-finished products often help us out in cases when there is no time for cooking. On store shelves, you will find not only frozen cutlets or fish sticks, but also vegetable mixes. You can make a mixture of vegetables yourself, but it's much easier to buy a ready-made product. The Mexican Vegetable Blend is versatile as it can be paired with any meal.

How to make frozen Mexican mix: tips

The manufacturer indicates the preparation instructions on the packaging. If it does not contain the information you need, use our advice. You do not need to peel and cut vegetables, you just need to open the package and perform a couple of simple steps. When properly prepared, the mixture will retain its bright taste and beneficial properties.

Despite the fact that the mixture is called Mexican, it does not contain spices, so you can add your favorite seasonings in the right amount yourself. The composition contains vegetables such as green beans, carrots, sweet peppers, peas, corn and onions. The composition of the mixture is universal, it cannot be productively changed.

How to make frozen Mexican mix? There are several ways to prepare it, which we will discuss below. You can simply stew it and serve it with meat, fish or potatoes, porridge.

Vegetable stew. If you do not have time to prepare any dishes, simply put out the mixture and serve with whatever your heart desires. Pour some water into the pan, add a couple of spoons vegetable oil and salt. Add frozen vegetables, add your favorite spices and cover. Simmer over medium heat for about 10 minutes.

Fragrant soup. Such a dish perfectly satiates and reduces the feeling of hunger; it can be consumed even by those on a diet. You can cook both vegetable soup and meat soup, add a couple of potatoes if desired. Cut the meat into small pieces and fry it until golden brown for 10-15 minutes. Then put it in a saucepan, pour in the right amount of water and cook until tender. Add the Mexican mixture and cook the soup for another 10 minutes. Add your favorite spices and garnish with fresh herbs.

Bright and tasty omelet... First you need to boil the vegetables, then drain the water from them. Preheat a frying pan, add vegetable oil and add vegetables, cover them with the egg and milk mixture and cook the omelet as usual. Add shredded cheese if desired.

With rice- even men will like this dish, it is very satisfying and nutritious. For 500 grams of vegetable mixture, you will need about 120 grams of rice. We also recommend adding a couple of cloves of minced garlic. Cook rice according to the usual scheme until cooked, do the same with vegetables. Preheat a frying pan and add vegetable oil, add chopped garlic and fry it for a minute. Then add vegetables and rice, add salt and other seasonings. Grill over medium heat for about 5-7 minutes, remove and serve.

For kids

If you are unsure of what to feed your baby, use a ready-made vegetable mixture. Such a dish will delight you not only with its beautiful and rich color, but also with great benefits. We advise you to cook tender mashed potatoes from vegetables, for this you need to boil them until tender. Then drain the water and use a blender to chop the vegetables to a puree consistency.

If you do not have time to stand at the stove for hours, but at the same time you want to maintain your health and a beautiful figure, we recommend that you always have a universal Mexican mixture on hand. It can be used to make both a light soup and a vegetable stew with meat, as well as an omelet for breakfast.

How to make frozen Mexican vegetable mixture
How to cook frozen Mexican vegetable mixture Semi-finished products often help us out in cases when there is no time for cooking. On store shelves, you will find not only frozen


It often happens that there is no time at all to cook dinner, and the household is already knocking spoons on the table. Then frozen vegetable semi-finished products can come to the rescue. They are useful and do not require any special skills from the chef. Observance of proportions is also not necessary. Great option- prepare frozen Mexican mix. It is rich in vitamins, tasty and is liked by children for its beautiful, bright appearance.

Selection and preparation of products

If the mixture is purchased at a store, then it is important to choose the right one. When a product is sold by weight, you can control the color of vegetables and their condition. There should be no ice on the product.

The composition of the package with the Mexican mixture must be constant: green beans, corn, peas, onions, carrots and bell peppers. Many people think: since Mexico, then this is the use of hot pepper and piquant spices. But there is nothing like this in a frozen semi-finished product. During the cooking process, you can add seasonings and salt yourself to taste.

You do not need to defrost the Mexican mixture. You can immediately start cooking. But if defrosting does occur, then the product must be prepared immediately. Do not re-send the mixture to the freezer. Therefore, it is convenient to store it in separate small packages.

Another option is to make the Mexican mixture yourself and freeze it properly. To do this, you need to select fresh vegetables, peel and wash them. Cut into small pieces. Add beans, corn and peas. Stir and place in serving containers. Sign the date and send to the freezer.

Frozen Mexican Mix Dishes

The Mexican mix may well be a stand-alone dish. It is also used as a side dish, an addition to casseroles, soups and salads. For example, from a Mexican mixture you can make:

  • Vegetable side dish. The mixture is sent to the pan without preliminary defrosting and fried with a small amount of vegetable oil for 2 minutes. Spices and salt are added as desired. Then you need to pour some water and simmer under the lid for a couple of minutes. A great addition to meat or fish is ready!
  • Vegetable omelet. Based on the Mexican mixture, you can prepare a delicious and hearty breakfast by adding a couple of eggs. First, oil is heated in a pan, vegetables are added, fried, salted and seasoned. Cook for 2 minutes under the lid. Then you need to beat the eggs with milk and pour the semi-finished product with this mixture. Put out until the dish is completely cooked.
  • Soup. While the potatoes are boiling in the pot, you can prepare the mixture. It is heated in oil with onions and mushrooms. Then all the ingredients are mixed and cooked until cooked. Spices, bay leaves, salt are added. This is the base for the soup; any cereals and meat can be an addition.
  • Pizza. It is necessary to bring the Mexican mixture to readiness in a pan. Take a ready-made pizza crust or make your own dough. Grease the layer with sauce or tomato paste, put vegetables, salt. Top with mugs of tomatoes, grated cheese. You can cook in the microwave or oven until the cheese melts. This type of pizza is vegetarian. You can also diversify the recipe by adding meat or ham.
  • Salad. The frozen mixture just needs to be boiled in salted water. Sue, refuel olive oil, add fresh herbs. The original salad will be a great addition to meat dishes.

Pros and Cons of Mexican Blend

As with any dish, the ready-made frozen Mexican concoction has its positive and negative qualities.

Pros of using a Mexican blend:

  • quick cooking,
  • simplicity,
  • profitability,
  • does not require defrosting,
  • the use of various techniques and recipes,
  • the use of products,
  • great taste and aroma.

The calorie content of the product is very low. By itself, it is considered dietary. The mixture has many useful substances, saturates the body with vitamins and minerals. Thanks to fast and correct freezing, all the benefits of natural ingredients are preserved.

The only drawback of this product is that it belongs to the category of instant semi-finished products. Dishes based on the Mexican mixture are simple, rather difficult, almost impossible to make something delicious out of it. But then at any time you can get a pack of vegetables and quickly feed the whole family.

Methods for making Mexican mix

Various methods of processing the product make it possible to obtain dishes that are original in taste. The mixture can be fried in a pan, boiled or stewed, using the baking method in pots. It's even easier to cook a semi-finished product using a multicooker or microwave.

In a frying pan

The easiest way to feed your family a delicious dinner is to cook vegetables in a skillet. To do this, you just need to pour a little vegetable oil and fry the mixture under the lid for 5 minutes. You can add water or broth. Other ingredients are also welcome to make the dish more interesting.

In a multicooker

It takes more time to prepare the mixture in a multicooker than in a microwave or a frying pan, but the advantage of the method is that you do not need constant control over the process. The technique will turn itself off at a certain moment.

Basic recipe for making Mexican mix in a slow cooker:

  1. Set the machine to the "Baking" mode.
  2. Fry the onion and garlic in a bowl in butter.
  3. After 5 minutes, add the mixture and sour cream.
  4. Simmer under the lid for an hour on the "Extinguishing" mode.

In the microwave

Easier and more difficult to imagine. Without preliminary preparation, the mixture is placed in a glass dish and sent to the microwave for 5 minutes at high power. You can add spices, a little water or broth. Serve with boiled rice, any kind of meat or fish.

The good thing about this method is that it does not require the use of oil. The dish turns out to be dietary and healthy. A great option for preparing a children's lunch. The finished mixture can be grinded in a blender and fed to the crumbs.

The frozen mixture is poured into a special dish for the oven. Heat-resistant glass or clay pots can be used. Water is poured, covered with a lid. It is cooked for 20 minutes at 180g. C.

How to make frozen Mexican mix
It often happens that there is no time at all to cook dinner, and the household is already knocking spoons on the table. Then frozen vegetable semi-finished products can come to the rescue. They are useful and do not require any special skills from the chef. Observance of proportions is also not necessary. A great option is to make a frozen Mexican concoction. It is rich in vitamins, delicious and enjoyable

Would you like to have your favorite summer dishes on your table all year round? Then be sure to prepare vegetable semi-finished products for the winter. When frozen properly, vegetables will retain their fresh flavor and vitamins. Plus you can save a lot of money.

In high season, you can freeze vegetables of almost all varieties and types for the winter. Moreover, you can harvest bell peppers, asparagus and green peas either individually or in a mixture. For example, you can freeze a Mexican mix at home for the winter. You will be completely confident in the quality of vegetables, which you yourself will select and pack. At the same time, you will save money and will be able to regulate the quantity and composition of the finished product yourself.

In order for vegetables to retain their original appearance and all vitamins, and not turn into a block of ice, you need to properly process them before freezing. The Mexican mix includes bell peppers, carrots, peas, asparagus and corn. All vegetables, except for pepper, must be blanched, that is, immersed in boiling water for a few minutes, and then quickly cooled in ice water to stop the cooking process. Blanching will destroy the enzymes that cause browning and quick spoilage of vegetables. They will last better and last longer.


  • green peas 200 g
  • asparagus beans 200 g
  • carrots 200 g
  • corn 200 g
  • bell pepper 200 g

How to make a Mexican mix for the winter

  1. Hull the green peas from the pods. Then put it in boiling water for 2 minutes.

  2. We put the blanched peas in a colander and immediately pour over it with ice water to stop the cooking process. Then pour the peas onto a piece of soft cotton fabric and blot them from moisture.

  3. Place the green peas in a freezer container or bag. We send it to the freezer - while we are preparing the remaining vegetables, it will have time to freeze slightly.

  4. Cut the young asparagus beans into small 3-4 cm segments.

  5. Blanch the asparagus in boiling water for 2 minutes, then pour over it with cold running water. Then we dry it and also place it in a container and place it in the freezer.

  6. Peel the carrots, rinse and cut into small cubes.

  7. Blanch the carrots in boiling water for 2 minutes, then cool them in ice water, dry them with a towel and place them in a container or bag for freezing.

  8. We hull the sugar maize or cut the grains with a knife along the cob.

  9. Blanch the corn kernels in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, then pour over with cold water, dry and send to the freezer.

  10. We wash the bell pepper, dry it, remove the stalk and seeds. You do not need to blanch it, otherwise it will lose its taste qualities... Cut the pepper into small cubes.

  11. Combine and mix peppers, carrots, asparagus, peas and corn.

The homemade Mexican mixture is ready and will be a great base for all kinds of stews, lecho or soup. We divide the mixture into portions, pack it into containers and send it to the freezer for storage for the winter.

The recipe for the dish with a photo, see below.

I propose to cook a delicious tender risotto with vegetables in mexican... Why Mexican? Because I used frozen vegetables called Mexican Blend to prepare this dish. It contains green beans, corn, peas and bell peppers.

Risotto with vegetables is vegetarian dish so it can be consumed in fasting.

Mexican Mixed Vegetable Risotto Recipe

To make Mexican risotto, we need:

  • 2 cups rice
  • 800 ml vegetable or mushroom broth;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • frozen vegetable mix Mexican;
  • a bunch of dill.

First you need to wash, peel and chop the onions, carrots, and peppers. Peel the garlic, crush with a knife and chop, fry in a pan with butter over low heat, add the onion, fry until soft, then put the carrots and bell peppers. Fry fresh vegetables together for 3 minutes, add frozen vegetables, mix. After a minute, add 200 ml of broth, mix and close the lid.

Rinse and dry the rice. Put the rice on top of the vegetables and fill with the rest of the broth. Simmer over medium heat until the broth is absorbed, about 20 minutes. To taste the rice, if it is almost ready (al dente stage, when the rice inside is a little raw), then turn off the heat and leave our risotto with vegetables stand for 5 minutes.

Meanwhile, rinse and chop the dill. For more creamy taste you can add hard cheese grated on a fine grater to risotto. Open the lid, add salt to taste, dill, cheese if desired, mix. Close the lid again.

After 2 minutes, the vegetable risotto can be served. Very delicate taste, and by the way, without extra calories! And for those who love meat dishes, I recommend cooking!

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Mexican mix is ​​a mix of vegetables, usually frozen. You can easily find assorted packaged assortments and by weight in a more or less large supermarket. But it's not just a bunch of any chopped vegetables. The basic composition of a Mexican mixture is always the same, and if it includes unregulated additives (for example, rice), this nuance is always indicated on the package.

It is not always safe for people with celiac disease to buy frozen vegetable mixes. But the Mexican mixture in the summer-autumn period can always be prepared by yourself! Several mix packages will help you out in cold weather more than once, especially if you are in a hurry. Such a semi-finished product amazingly quickly and amazingly easily turns into very tasty dish... Let's take a look at how you can make a frozen Mexican mix at home.

Mexican mix: how to make a semi-finished product for freezing at home

To prepare such a Mexican mixture, it will take about 30 minutes. Mix output - about 2 kg.

The composition of the Mexican mix:

corn - 500 grams,

bulgarian pepper - 500 grams,

green peas - 500 grams,

carrots - 500 grams,

green beans - 500 grams.

How to make frozen Mexican mix (working order)

All vegetables should be washed well and allowed to air dry.

Cut the corn kernels off the cob with a sharp knife.

For green beans, cut off the ends on both sides. Cut each pod into three parts; the slices should be oblique.

Peel and dice the bell pepper. For the Mexican mixture, the pepper should be bright, preferably red. Then the result will be bright and beautiful.

Peas ripen much earlier than other vegetables, we advise you to take care of them in advance, peel and freeze them in June, and add frozen peas to the mixture.

Peel the carrots and cut into small cubes.

Place prepared food in a deep bowl.


Divide the ready-made Mexican mixture into bags for freezing (in no case in ordinary bags for food products, otherwise the contents of the freezer will acquire bad smell) and send to the freezer.

If possible, select the coldest setting for freezing. The production uses "shock freezing", which allows you to preserve the beneficial substances contained in fresh vegetables to the maximum.

Mexican mix: recipes

The easiest way is to make a Mexican stew. To do this, heat a little butter in a frying pan (butter or vegetable - at your discretion), pour out the contents of the bag (the mixture does not need preliminary defrosting) and, stirring with a spatula, fry for several minutes. Then add a little water, salt and add other spices to your liking, cover the pan with a lid and leave to simmer until tender.

But if you have a little time in stock and you want a more interesting option, we offer you other recipes for making a Mexican mixture.

There are no fundamental differences between preparing a mixture in a multicooker and cooking over a fire. But we will tell you delicious recipe side dish.

It will require 400 g of frozen Mexican mixture, 1 onion, 2 cloves of garlic, 150 ml of low-fat sour cream - can be replaced with unsweetened yogurt. Salt and spices to taste.

Add spices to sour cream or yogurt, mix. Finely chop the onion and garlic. Fry onions and garlic in a multicooker in the "baking" mode for 4-5 minutes, then add vegetables and sour cream to the multicooker bowl; stir and leave on the "quenching" mode for one hour.

Mexican chicken mix

To prepare the Mexican mixture with chicken, you will need 400 g of the vegetable mixture, chilled medium-sized gutted chicken, 1 onion, 1 tbsp. butter, 1 tbsp. chopped parsley, 1 tbsp. chopped dill, a quarter cup of any broth; salt and spices.

Melt butter in a frying pan, add chopped onion, lightly fry. Put the chicken into pieces and fry them on all sides. Pour in the broth, season with salt, cover and simmer over medium heat until the chicken is tender. Add frozen vegetables and simmer for another 10-15 minutes. Sprinkle with fresh herbs before serving.

Mexican Blend Soup

This simple nutritious soup with Mexican blend is not only tasty and healthy, but also very easy to make. To prepare the soup according to our recipe, you will need 200 g of a Mexican mixture, 300 g of a chicken soup set, 4-5 medium-sized potato tubers, a piece of butter, fresh herbs and salt to taste.

Pour the chicken set with water (2-2.5 liters) and cook over medium heat for about half an hour, not forgetting to skim off the foam. After this time, cut the potatoes into small cubes and add to the broth. Salt. To catch another quarter of an hour and slowly chop the onion finely. Then add the Mexican mixture to the soup, add the onion and cook for another 10 minutes. Add butter at the end of cooking.

Pour the soup into bowls, and generously pour chopped fresh herbs into each bowl.

Rice with Mexican Blend: Recipe

The Mexican mix is ​​perfect for preparing ornate rice with vegetables. It will take 0.5 tbsp. rice for 400 g of vegetable mixture (standard volume of frozen vegetables in bags), as well as 1-2 cloves of garlic, salt and your favorite spices.

Rinse the rice; then soak for one and a half to two hours. Drain the water; put the pan on the fire and pour boiling water over the wet rice with constant stirring. Season with salt and cook over low heat, then rinse under cold water and leave to drain in a colander.

Heat oil in a frying pan (butter or vegetable - to your taste), add finely chopped garlic. Add frozen vegetables and fry over high heat with constant stirring for one to two minutes. Then reduce heat, cover vegetables and simmer for a few minutes. When the vegetables are half-cooked, add rice, add spices, mix and keep under a lid on low heat for another couple of minutes.

Valenti and Eva Casio specially for the site of gluten free recipes

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    Cool. That is very delicious?

    To answer


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